Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 06, 1891, Image 1
rws wnirs"-1 3iJ0-':'0'0'c,T5rAr "A'P6Pi!UR PAPER 'OFM9PERN "TIMES " Vol. o No. 20 IvINCOUN, NRHWASKA, SATUKDAY, JUN1C O, IfcJOl. F'WICIC FlVlfi OlfiNTH f HRt! I picked up h newspaper tlio other tiny, glanced nt it casually, mid there, In tliu mld dlo of the pngo win tho nninu of nn old news paper acquaintance. Onu of tlio peculiar things lit tlio experience of u mini w ho Iiiik been in tlio business n long w lillo Is tlio rcu il ness with which his eye will catch t'niuilliir words or tinmes In a nowspoiHT. It Is no rnro nrt for nn exchange editor to glvo ouo glnnco down u column mid in tlmt In let look cntch all that ho is seeking. Ills right becomes so trnlned tlmt in looking nt tlio whole pngo in 0.10 glnneo familiar words seem to stand cut ns though prlntel in red. If ho weie looking for Items on tlio now trndo nioveineut between Noith and Soutli America he would prolmbly use the words "Blnlno" und "reciprocity" ns tlio guldo ninrks, and his cducnttd eyes could linnlly bo mndo to stumble over thoso word?, so to (peak. Hut this is digressing. The nniuo Hint cnught my cyo wns that of Clnrencu P. Dresser, and the Item announced thnt ho was dead. The only interest which Couiimi readers limy havo in this geiitlo man lies in the fact that ho wns the news paper man who led Vnnderbllt a few years ago to make the remark, "Tlio public bo damned," which provoked so much adverse criticism that tlio millionaire railroad king denied it. Vanderbllt and n party of ofll clals wvro making u tour of their lines in a special car, and they had taken extra palus to keep repoiteisut n distance. There wns considerable disturbance in railroad circles at tlio time, and the king's opinions mid plans were eagerly sought for, but the mm lb'. fcuud them not at least not until Chicago was reached. If I remember rightly, Di esser wns on the city pi ess association. At any rnto ho got another leportcr mid very curly in the morning started east on the Michigan Central. They had to ride on n freight train and they were soon begrimed with dutt and soot. Thuygotolf ut n station wlure they expected Vanderbllt's train would stop for orders and, assuming tbo air of brake men, pumped tlio operator for the time of ar rival. Vanderbllt had tried to keep tils movements secret from the press, but the operator gave up tlio desired information. The reporters had tlmo to get breakfust and clean up. When the special arrived they found their way to Mr. Vanderbllt's presence barred by u dusky porter at tlio door of the car. They told him tlio magnate had asked them to meet him at that station on railroad business, and after some argument ho relent ed enough to let them crowd by him. When the enterprising reporters reached Vanderbllt they told him who they were. Tlio audacityof tlio proceeding seemed to mollify him. lie had nothing to say for pub lication, he assured them, but talked along on matters just, the same. Dresser looked like un innocent boy of eighteen, and ho had all tlio assurance that a boy of that age ever possessed. Heled Vauderbiltou in tbo con versation while the other scribbler got buck of tbo railroad tuler and took notes in short hand. If I remember rightly the railroads had agreed to tuko oil a number of fust trains between New Yoik mid Chlcugo In order to reduce expenses. Di ester innocently asked some question ubout the rights of the public in the matter of fast service. "The public be dumnedl" said Mr. Vandeibilt. "It doesn't make good the loss on these trains. We run rullioad? to muke dividends." 'Hie railroad king little krew pf what a trap the boyish youngster hud set for him. The scribes rode in to Chlcugo with him and found the rest of tlio press gang uwultiug their an lvul, but these got no Intel view. Borne of the papers supplied by Dresser und his mate tut out the "public be damned" ex pression. Dresser niuuo quite a record tor himself in his short raieer, but there Is no room for it heie. Kulllco it to say that some time after this exploit ho wus in new York, called on Vuudcrbllt und sent in bis curd. The king would not see him. While in the city tlio other day President Cnblo of tlio Rock Island left the nssurnuco thnt his toad would do something for Lin coln. He suy b it w ill unite w it It the. Mil" mi keo in building u bridge across tlio Big Mud dy at Omahu. Tlio campaign also contem plates the extension of the lino ftoiu this city southwest either to Fairbury or Nelson. Uf course this has been surmised for some time, but it is a satisfaction to know tlmt tlio old cials of tlio roud havo reached tlio point of doing something. In railroad construction it is often a long load between planning and execution. It was stated tlio other day thnt tlio mem bership of tlio church of the Holy Trinity bad been doubled during the past year. Anyone who lins lieen brought much In contact with the rector, Rev. John Hewitt, must conclude thnt he, with his on I and energy, Is the prime factor in this prospeiity. In looking over tlio journal of lastycur'sdlocesun coun cil of the Episcopal chinch I wus impressed with the fact Hint Mr. Hewitt wns a pilmo factor In encouraging the idea of un Episco palian school for boys and in securing its lo cation ut Lincoln. And in reading further I wns.liiipiessed with tho thought, lie was also the initiative and tlio directing power which secured this year's meeting of the council for tho Capital City, tho first time it lias been held outsldo of Omnliu. I didn't know the secret of his power and inlliieiice, but a few days ngo I saw him out nt a bull gnuie. Ho was In a group of his parishioners, ami he seemed to be enjoying the (port ns heartily as any of them. 1 am told that Mr. Hewitt oo occasionally nt the theuter when u high class enteitalnnicnt is announced. These things strike me us so wholly innocent and rational that I havo often wondeiid that clergyman did not pursue the com so Mr. Hewitt seems to hnvo adopted, No wonder that this Epis copalian rector, who glvi'H innocent vent to ivcL'Lx. jViii. . - .fem.v.A..' y , the human nature which he lias in common with tlio lost of mankind, Is brought Into a fellowship with his pal'Mioneis that gles him such n strong hold on their hearts and on their purses. For, after nil, tlio lust measure of your inllueiico ovi r n mini Is the I dullness with which you can nmko him oHn his pm so. And that Is a pretty luipoit unt thing In church wink, too, Sometime ngo I hud occasion to summon a noted physician who hud said cheering words for the children of consumptive parents. The w odd ut large bus held tho lugubrious view Hint such people were foredoomed to disease and curly death, but he showed by statistics Hint this was not true. Ho ndvlscd people not to walk in tho shadow of dentil be cause nt a family taint, but to bo cheerful, tuko good euro of themselves and bulltu the disease. Another noted physician in tho east has volunteered this Information which Is valuable because of Ita simplicity and its helpful encouragement for humanity: the victims of the disease uro notoriously recruit ed most largely from the Ill-fed mid over worked classes, even more so perhaps than from those who mny have some hereditary tendaucy to it. Those who are constitution ally free from tho hereditary tnlut, and who nro the most robust. If allowed to run down In bodily vigor are more apt to die consiuni tivcfl than persons whoso parents have died of phthisis, but who are well fed and tako good euro of themselves. A variety of food Is nec essary to prevent depletion. A dog fed on one kind of food o.. : bread and water on ly does not live more than fit ty days. Rab bits and guinea pigs fed on any one kind of the following substances wheat, oaU, bar ley, cabbage, or carrots die of Inanition in fifteen dnys, while If they uro fed on the sumo substances in succession they sutler no illelTect. Good and varied food istlierefoio ouo of tho best sufegunids against tuberi'ii losls. If there uienuy ladles in Lincoln who In tend to go nbiond this summer they will do well to study up n little on the beauties of the new tnrllf luw. A decision by secretary Foster, for example, may serve ns a warning to the ladles against the danger of taking any sewing woik or fancy emlnoldcry with them for tho purpose of lllliug up spare tlmo on ship board or during rainy dnys abroad. A Philadelphia lady recently went to Euro'K) taking with her ten dollies of domestic man ufacture. These sho embroidered while away, and when she brought them back the customs officers called for the payment of duties on them. An appeal was taken to the treasury department at Washington, and Secretary Foster replied that tlio dollies had been advanced in value by the embroidery, but as they wero not works of art they could not be admittod free of duty. Tho Commencement exorcises nt tho Stnto University during the week havo boon large ly nttended and full of Interest. Tlio studio reception occured in tho art rooms Wediies. day, tho Union society had their exhibition Thursday evening in the chapel, and lust night was the flnnl studio reception In the urt department, while In the Chapel, the showing made by tho Dellan society, following is Hie program for tlio balance of the exercises: Saturduy (todny), 0 n. in. and S p. in. Competitive pib) drills (Campus), 8 p. in. Pnlladlnn society exhibition, (Cliupel). June 7th, 10:30 a. m. Baccalaureate ser mon by Rev. H. 8. Wauunmaker, (Opera House). Juno 8th, 8 p. in. Commencement concert (Chapel). JuuoUth,t:''i0ii. in. Class day exercises, (Chapel). Juno 0th, 2 p. in. Annual meeting of tho legeuts (Regents hall) June Uth, 4 p. in. Aluinut reunion (Chapel) June 10th, 10 a. in. Commencement exer cises, Professor Jnmes 11 Cunlleld, Univer sity orutor, (0)eru House). Kverylioily Knows. That nt this season the blood Is tilled with Im purities, the accumulation of months of close confinement lu ooriy ventilated stores, workshop mid tenements. All those Impur ities mid every truce of scrofula, salt rheum, or other diseases may bo exielled by taking Hoods Sursnparilla, the best blood purlller ever pioduced. It Is the only medicine of which "109 doses ouo dollar" Is true. A lleuiitlful Ciuyon, Artist Huikett keeps on adding to his al ready magnificent reputation. He is just completing a beautiful largo cinyon 44x1X1 for Mr. und Mrs. N. C. Abbott mid it cer tainly is an elegant work of nrt. The scene is laid out of doors with foliage us a buck ground mid their sou Charlie ieoslng on the side of a large, rustic urm-cliulr. At his side on the chair is the lads favorite dog looking as natural as life Itself It is the largest eraypu ever done in Lincoln and it's equal in workmanship bus nevyr been seen here. It is a credit to Mr. llurkett und something that will always adorn the hand some apartments of Mr. und Mis. Abbott. It Is un elegant likeness of Muster Churles und one of which the owners limy well feel proud. Kuoohulln Ilnuingnrtiner & Co. celebrated wool chnllies uiid'French sutluos ut low prices this week at J. W. WlNUKIl & Co. 1109 O street. Wanted To hear from young Indies who will got up clubs for the Ludles Homo Jour nal, among their friends. Trial subscrip tions two mouths for fifty cents, are wautod for the 1,000 prize. The contest closes July 1st. Only four weeks more. Fifteen cents can lie reserved for overy fifty. Ellnboth C. Morrell, 1011 Farnuui street, Omaha. Have you seen the beautiful lino of photo graphs of America's grcntest stage celebrities nt TilK Couhiku ofllcei Tho lino embrace nil tho leading mid most prominent artists nud ut o the work of Fulk of Union Square New York, undoubtedly the llnest photo grapher lu the country. Cull lu nud see them. At present tlieio is ipilto un Interesting ills cusslon In professional elides regarding the pi nbleiu, "should nctois inurry" which bus liccomo somen hut of a ilvul to the query "is marriage u fulluiet' Two letteis on this subject have recently been published In eastern uieis, one by Ron Hand mid tho other by Robert Mautell and below we give the opinion of both: My candid opinion is that actors should not marry. The singe Is un exacting mis tress, mid any actor whose one aim Is to win fume mid fortune In ills lino is mine likely to succeed us u bachelor than us a benedict. Theie ale cases of course, where uetors hnvo Im'iioIUciI by the matrimonial stugo. A wise und loving wife is a great stimulus to a mini In any profession. Hut if actors will marry, I do nut believe they will Ibid wedlock whol ly satisfactory unless they piny in tho snino company witli their wives. Separation Is fa tal to the happiness of mi actor's man led. life. MmingeiH, however prefer not to huvu husband und wlfo In the sumo company. They hnvo found thnt If trouble arises on ac count of tho wife, tho husband always takes her part, and vho veisa; and sometimes a company bus been seilously crippled by the summary exit of the couple. After nil, It Is my firm opinion, based upon yenruof obor vat Ion; thnt actors can succeed better single than man led. Roha Rand. Should actors mnrrj J Why, certainly, If they can get any decent sort of a worn nt to marry them. Marriage I certainly believe in, but more so divorce. I think profession als should nhwijs many in profctslou, mid If they don't llvo happily together why, th. husband should get hfs wlfo mi engagement in Hun Fruucisco mid one for himself in New York. However, I think it lsn very delicate subject to dl-cuvi, and 1 am of the opinion that you could del ivo better Information on tho man lage question by Inquiring into the lives of individuals outside of the theatrical profession, lor 1 think there Isuioro uiihappl ness outside uf It than In it. ltUUEItT Mantem.. runkos only attraction this week wns Mestnyer-Vuughn's "Grab Ung" company, and it proved a good curd. The enjoyment wni for but two nights, Thursday mid Fri day evenings, but ou both occasions there wts small audiences. Mr. Mestuyer upeurs to usual advantage ami also does the amiable Theresa Vaughn, and during the entire evening these two favorites kept the house in laughter und merriment. Several clever Bpociultiog nre Introduced and the musical sclectures are fully up to the stand anil there being several excellent voices in tho com pauy. The piece Is n sttlre bordering close on to reality, illustrating a locality where strongest prohibition Is lu force. TIIKATHICAl. TALK. "Blue Jeans" has mndo a hit In Chicago. The theatrical sensou is now virtually nt mi end. "Nlobo" is to hnvo Its first metroiolitnii production nt the Bijou Theatre, August ill. "The Patrol" is said to hnvo made a failure nt Chicago, lu spite of an excellent company, Lillian Russell will mu-t probably slug lu "Ln Cfgule," when she goes abroad this sum mer. Bronsou Howard s said to have lost over $12,000 in backing II irry Loo's lute ventures in London. It has now been dell.iit.dy unuiig-d tlm t Mrs. W. J. Florence, will rotur.i to America and the stage in TW. It is sild that Lottu will appear in Califoi -nla mid Mexico during the summer and then make a tour of the world. The excavation for the now Lansing Thei. tre is about completed und cous'iuctlou will immediately Viegin. Nelll Burgess' great New Yoik success which had u run of over two years nt the Union Square theatre will ha one of the few Juno attractions ut Funkes. It will be seen on the fifteenth. Next season in addition to her usual Shakespearean repertoire Mine, Modjesku will present several now plays Including a Ger man historical drama entitle I "The Mnglo Mask." Thnt taint of St-rofiiln lu your nlood can bo wholly eradicated by Ayer's Snrsapirllhi. Henry Hiirphnm the iopular harness maker hns left Twelfth street to locate on Eleventh near 1' street opposite th.i Capital hotel. There with luci eased facilities und moie cen tral location Mr, Hiirphuiu's business will undoubtedly Increase, Kor anything hi the harness line Harphmtt is bound to lend und if nt anytime you want anything in his Hue don't forget to give him u cull. Bicycles uf all kinds and nil makes skill fully repaired on short notice. Wrenches, oil cans, tires nud other supplies always tor sale nt George & Fishette, 1412 O street. See the flue displ ty of Gold mid Ilnus Cnges, Water Coolers und Filters nud Iasuis mil Refrigerator. Tho largest und most complete stock of House Furnishing goods in tho city nt Budge & Morris. Up The IIiiiUoii lly l)a)llht. Tills Is the season of Hie year when the av erage person figures on n vacation trip and ns usual most of tlio throng will move east ton seashore resort; to the old home, to the moun tains or some ot her favoilto spot. In making your nrruiigeiuents the trip would not be complete without u tide ou the noted Hudson river between New York und Albany. We hnvo nil reud more or less of this Iteautiful water ride, the cl isslo scenery and tho histor ic spots along the I onto und whut more de- .! W A M Ilglitful shoit tilp could lie inndel There is no HinoKe or dust, no tossing about In a nnr low mid lift times crowded cur; no heat or tlhdcis. In fuel tho flip Is one of tmnlloyisl pleasures, nlVoidliig excellent recreation A find concert Is given on Hie bouts, Gol, Hdins lliooklyii theutio orchcsltu lendeilng n delightful pi ogiuni dally, lu tho lostau- runt MliuptnoilH meals nre served or icficsh- mniits ipny bo hud at any lime, while Hie promenades on cither deck me nil Hint mor tal could nk. It Is a trip tlmt you should not neglectlaklng when going east. The'lhy Line bouts leave Desbroxsos street wharf, Now Yoik, 8:10 a M., un hunt Albany OiKI P.M., ictuiiilng leave Albany ut 8:!K) a.m. reaching Now Yoik nt six o'clock. Bo wise lu time. You hnvu ton many gray hahs for one so young looking. Use Hull's llulr llenower, the best piepnrutloii out to euro them. Tiy l. lluw Three Were .Made One. A Cannibal Mnld mid her Hottentot Dtado Thoy met In n rooky doflloj A gay engle plume was his only costumo, The lady wns wrapt In n smile. Together thoy strolled, and his passion ho told In pleading mid tremulous lone, While softly they trod on tho blossom strewn soil, And spooned in tho twilight nlono. Then sweetly sho sighed as sho shyly ropllod, With tender mid fulr llko mean; Sho murmured tho word, when n war whoop wus heard A rival had hurst nn tho scono. A snvngo Zulu to the trystlng place drew, Demanding his Cannibal bride; But tho Hottentot said, w lib a toss of his head, "I'll hnvo thy degenerate hide!" Tho Hottentot Hew nt tho snviiKO Zulu, Tho Zulu ho wont for tho Illade, And fiercely they vied In their strength and their Pilde. And, fought for tho Cannibal Mold. - Sho perched on a stone, with a shapely shin bono Clasped tight In her tnperlng arms. And watched tho blood fly with n lovo lnden cyo Whllo tho warriors fought tot her charms. When fiercer thoy fouitut and tho ringing blows cnuuht With thrust and with parry and punch, Sho said, with a smllo, "In u very short whllo I will have those two fellows for lunch." Tho purplo blood Hows from tho Hottentot's nose, Tho Zulu Is struck by tho Blade; Then each ot thorn sighed, a gnsplng-ho died, And looked on tho Cannibal Muld. mnnci j- , . ; Sho mnilo n nlco stew of tho snvngo Zulu, And scrambled tho Hottentot's brains Twusn dainty menu when the cooking was through. Anil sho dined on her lovers' remains. Tho snviiKO .iilu and tho Hottentot, too, Hoth sleep ln n Cannibal tomb; The three wero mndo one, and tho story Is dono Tho maiden strolled off In tho Kloom. -Kdnard II. I'eplo lu Life. Tin lint Sprlnirsnr llukotii. Them springs are rapidly Ix-cumlng famous) on account of the wonderful curative proer tiesof Hie uateiv.and the inuny inurvelous cures wh eh have been ell'ected by the Ither mul baths. The town nud springs in e lellghtfully situ ated In ii picturesque valley lu the .Black Hills country, abounding in beautiful seen I effects, nud a au nltitil lo of 11,100 feet nbovo the sen level; thus Insililng u pun atmos phere and exhilarating climate, absolutely free fiom inalirlii, Under the eutei prising mid progressive management of tlio Hot Hpiiugs coiupiuy ninny desirable liupioveinenU have U-eu mnde; among the number the election of n commodious hath house fitted up with nil modern conveniences for tlio comfort of guests. New hotels have been built nud coin foi tably furnished throughout, conducted in llrsb-clnss style nud at reasonable rates. Those w ho prefer stopping ut a pi I v.ite house will find many desirable boarding places where good accommodations nro furnished nt moderate prices, Tlio suiierior dully service now n Horded by tho Burlington Route to Hot Springs, with tin ough sleejilug cur accommodations from Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora and Grand Island, makes the hip an easy mid enjoyable one; und for the IxMictlt of nil who desire to test the elllcaey of the waters, round trip tickets nt redueesl intes, good for ninety dnys nre now ou sale nt nil ollices of the Burlington Route. For pamphlet, descriptive of the springs, mid full iufoi mutton us to lutes, time, etc., npply to nny agent of the company, or to J. Fuamjjs, Gen't IWr.S; Tk't Agt., dunlin, Neb. K ''"' a 4 Z JA Nfi iH J&r jVlftI'AT S& JH H 1 . m ?7 Satui day's game wns Htuffords, mid If there eer uns a biiltle of pltcheis It wns in this game. Both Hlulhiid mid K'eefe pitched excellent bull, und neither had much advan tage over the other! but a lucky smashing hit by the fonuer In the last lulling turned defeat Into victory. It was u very close slune, und until Stuliord distinguished him self, It looked very niueli as though it wns Denver's iluy. After HtnlTonl, whusu wink ut (ho Imtwiuonly equalled by his work lu the box, I), Howe cairhsl oir the most honor on our side of the game, The wore wus three to two, mid It wus the most exciting and closely contest) d gnino over seen nt Lincoln. Tho enthusiasm on the I. hith Innings knew no lioui.ds, emblem, yells, huts und whistles tilled the air. There was no cuithly reason why Denver should base won Hiiudny's game, but such wast lie case. Our bos sickened on Satur tiny h defeat, weio Ifstlrtw mid sleepy. The other fellows weie spry nud they got then. The score wns seven to six. Toiniiey wns sick mid l'nttoti pliyed nt mcond. It wus n new pcslHoii for lilin and he mnde some ex eumblo eirois, The attendance was nearly .1,1100. Thottuy-nt-huiucri hnvn't had very much opportunity to get acquainted with Mr O'Dny's line work. He wns on deck Monday nud gave mi exhibition thnt wns entirely sutlsfnctoiy. Denver succeeded with consid erable dilllciilty In getting five hits nir his pretty dellveiy. Wo got 15 oir Kennedy. Tourney, llurkett, the two Rowes, HtalToril mid Raymond mude five plajs, but It wns a one-sided iill'nlr, Denver scoi lug 1 toourO. Roach hud u little the best of Founder in the game Wednesday nfteriioon, stilklug out nine men nud allowing no one to take his base on bulls. Htulloril, us usual, covered himself with glory by u wonderful throw from o en ter field to the homo pinto, putting out Ills man. It wiw'nl n very brilliant gnme, though, mid Lincoln got there by u small majority ft to I. lutheiiiiiHilnuiiigRoiich, fo. low lug the example of Htulford. succeed ed iustriklllK out three men In one. two. three -islordeToiuiiey w imn't lu good health and waooi mi juw oest. uurkett piayeil witli his customary effectiveness. itft HPOHTINQ KOTCH.M, - Go out to see the game today. Yesterday's ralu spoiled the game. Omnhn is with us let tho fun proceed. My, but wouttlieie be a turnout tomor row, If the weather is on It's good behavior. Rogeisnnd Wiliou uro lulmltablo back stops. Bets are about even ou Hie Lincoln Oma hu series. Nine men struck out is Roach's record in Wednesday's game, DuvoRowe Is benilng tho season's strain cosily. Hispluyhns only Increased hh pop ularity . Keefo, Denver's fnvorlto twliler left Lin coln lu h)shcssoii of tlio resH!ctful coimldoiu- tiou or Lincoln raus. It Is very seldom Hint even the best pitch ers run stilko tin ee men out in one Inning. Htulford did It lu Tuesdny's gnme nt acritl cul time, too. The attendance during the Lincoln Kansas series averaged about ftOO. Why Is it Hint the cople wont turn out) Denver only took one game: but the inouu tnlneeisput upa veiy pielty game of bull. They may not show to the best adviintnge witli Lincoln: but they nre all right. Ktiiironl is tho biggest jiet of .them nil. Hlsnppnrancoiilwnys waring up tho funs. It will be a long time before eople will for get his biillimit playing In Tuesday's game. I'enplo lire beginning to wonder If Flniin gun Intel ds to Join the Lincoln club. FIniiu gnu Is nil right, but the club loes not need him very badly. Oiunhogssnw Hint our Ixijh who nttended lnt Snturduj's game had n good time in spite of the defeat of the Lincoln club. Home thing lu the climate made them feel exceed ingly happy anil well contenttd. GKOI.OOIHTH HaVK DkCIDEII tho earth's enrth's crust to lie over 100 miles thick. Tills Is nltout Hie thtckness of tho mini's head w bo bu)s his railroad tickets by wmio Inferior mid 'oorly iqulppod line, when he could get a ticket by tho "Burlington" ut tho same rate Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by the French dry cleaning process, only 15 cts. nt Lincoln Hteuni Dye w oiks, 110.1 O street. Tho best domestic conl In the market for $4.40 delivered. Be sure to try Eastern Wy oming nut for sulu exclusively by Geo. A. llaymer, IBM O. Our work spenks for itself. It needs no brngor bluster, simply your own opinion will testify to its merits. Tlie Htudio I.o Grniideison the ground lloor. centrally lo catid mid a beautiful place. Cull and see us at 124 south Twelfth street. Dr. C. F. Ladd, dentist, HO") O street. Telephone 15.1. Otllco hours ln. m. to 5 p. m Buy a little gem jiocket snvlngs linnk at J. B. Trickey & Co's for 21 cents. Its tlio popu lar fad of tlo lny. . Ciislimitu l'urk Special Trains. Until further notice, B. it M. trains will ruu ns follows between Lincoln und Cuh mull paik. Wftlnesritiy Ix'uve Lincoln ";: i-m, mid return fiom Ciishmnu ut 11 p-m. SatunltiiiH Lenve Lincoln ut 2:.'W i-m nnd return from Cmhmau nt S im. .S'liiiifd's-U'iive Lincoln nt 10:J0 a-ii, 2:30 p-ji, UjliO !- nud 5:110 p-m; returning from Ciishuiuu nt 11 A-M, II p-.m, ft p-ji nud I) I'-M, nud 8:1111 p-m. Regtilnr tialu No. 71 leaving Lincoln nt 1:20 I'M dully except Sunday wlllnUo stop at Cusliman, Ignoring tleketK, loutid trip rate of Ift cents will apply to nil, Dr. U. F. IiuM, dentist, 1105 O street. Telephone 15.'!, Olllce hours, On, in toft p. in, Coal of every sle fiom the best mines III Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado mid Wyoming for sale by (teo.-A. llaymer. Telephone IIIH). Olllce 111) I O sheet. Hen our beautiful Individual Ice cream moulds lief ore oi deling elsewheio. "Tho Finest" I2JS0O sheet. Bo sure and try eastern Wyoming Nut coal. Best in the mat ket, price $1,10 deliv ered by Goo. A. Riiyiuer. Telephone !I!KJ, I!! 10 street. Hilk grcnadhus mid drniieiy nets lu n girut variety nt J. W. WlNOIill & Co. 1 Km O sheet For chamois skins for cm rlngo use call on Henry lliirphain, 112 north Eleventh street, opioslte Capital Hotel. Iluliy Is Hick, expression of a Tho woeful expression of a Dcs Moines teamster's countenance showi if his deep anx iety was not entirely without cause, when ho enquired of a druggist of tho Maine city what was best to give a baby for a cold. It wns not necessary for him to say more, his coun tenance showed thnt the ct of the family, if not the Idol of his life wns in distress, "Wo glye our baby Chamberlain's Cough Remedy" was the druggists answer. "I don't like to give the baby such strong medicine," said tho teamster. "You know John Oleson. of the Wntters-Tnlbot Printing Co., don't youf" en ipilusl the druggist. "Ills baby when eigh teen months old, got hold of a bottle of Chum bcrliilu's Cough Remedy and drunk the wholo of It. Of com so It mnde tho baby vomit very freely but did not injure it In the least, mid what is more, It wind the baby's cold. It Is not necessary to glvo poisons to euro u, cold or forcioup either." The teamster alrendy knew tho value ot tho Remedy, hav ing used it himself, and wan now satisfied that there was no danger in giving it even to Wedding Invitations, either printed or en graved In tho finest style of the nrt at The Couhiku olllce. Correct forms and best quality ot stock guaranteed. Samples cheer fullr shown , "Tho Finest" Ice cream i lors are now oieii and you nro Invited to call. 12:10 0 sti eet. Commutation tickets at Brown's restau rants (good at either place), llvo dollars for four dollnrs. This mnkes prices lower than any other place lu the city when the pi Ices charged on bill of fare Is considered. Buy coal mined neur your home. Newcas tle Nut Is conceded by all Hint havo used It to bo the liest for kitchen use. Price 1. 40 de livered. Hold only by Geo. A. Ruyiner. Tel ephone .'190. U O street. Hnvo you Ik en to tho now hnlr dressing pnrlors of the Thornburn Bisters nt 1213 O street. . Oris wold's seed stole is headquarters for Overy seed for the lawn mid garden. For harness cull on Henry Haipham, 142 north Eleieiith street, opposite Capital Hotel, Dr.C. F. Ladd, dentist, 1105 O street Telephone 1MI. Olllce hours U a. in. to 5 p. in. Voiillillene I'liroprmi I'tM-e l'repiirlliin, ladles, if you want most elegant fncoprep nrntlon, try this one. It is put o us spring water; no lead, sediment or other injurious substances. It makes your skin soft, fresh, and clear, reiuovts tan, blotches, dlscolora tlous, und Impnits a s?arly complexion. If your face Is not whut you desire it, try "Yoiithllene". 1 guarantee it to glvo perfect satisfaction. I hnvo sought for n prepara tion that will muke complexions fresh nud young looking uiul uowi nnve round it, re tailed nt two dollars or three for five. I liuvo secured tho ngeney for this trusty article. J. 11. llAllt.KV. Druggist, I incolii, Neb. Coal of every sle from the U-st mines in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Mlvomi, Colora do und Wyoming for sale by Geo. A. llay mer. Telephone :?M. Olll IBM O street. I'ju unit Kitr surgeon, Dr. W. L. Da) ton, oculist uiul utirist, 1 20: 1 O stieet, teleplfotie '!", Lincoln, Nebr. Wiik.v Giunt Saiii, "We will fight It out on this line If it takes till summer," he probn blyiefoied to Hie "Burlington," ns every b sly knows It is Hie only "line" worth fight ing for lu this part of the country. IliilliiiUtoii lliiiile The Oiilhii; m-iiiu Is Untwine '" People have nlieaily iH'gnii planning their summer trips, mid we would suggest that you jiost yourselves regnnling the wonderful trout fishing in Estes park, Col. The health giving bnths und quiet rest of Dakotn Hot Springs, tho hunting nnd iMilng of Wyom ing or the fashionable delights or Manltou. The Burlington will tnke you to imv of them speedily und without fatigue. There nro many other places in which you can swiul the heated term, nnd the ngent ut the 11. it; M. depot or city cllli-e can tell you all nlwut them. Cull and get a book ot summer tours mid look it out. You will find it full of good things und valuable hints. A. C. ZlLJIKIl, C ity Passenger Agent. New stjles of invitation just In nt Tub Couhiku olllce. . rfto.yil l 1 il I I