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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1S91 V t t ' 4 1 ' (Chicago and Erie R. R. (t.nto Chicago A Atlantic H'y. . In Connection with the - Erie Railway KUHMH Tim ONIiY LINK IIKTH'KKN Chicago and New York Under Ono MiiiiiiKCiiient. SOLID TRAINS. The Thronuli Traltn nt tlil l',1,0,,;ftv7,n1,i1'1" cnpi and Now York nro run M. 'hih nvoldlUK nnnoynnco nnd 0011 ft isloii of cluuiKtiiK enw or iiUmIhb connection. Vestibule Limited Service VoRtlbuW Limited TrMiiH. eonMtlui? of " bow Hiiiokum mm ':1co,,r.,,??tv:ul1 K 1'ullman UIiiIiir anil Hlco ii Cum (hentod by Menm, United by giM lover thin I.tno Every Day In the Year. Pullman Service to Boston. A Pullman lluflut Nlceplnir Our to nml from II0M011 dally via tliU route. This litlioONM.Y MNB Uunnlmr I'ullmiin Cars between Chicago nml Hoston. BUCKEYE ROUTE ToColuriibiu,:Ohlo,nud AMhlaiul, ICy. Pullman Sleeping Car between Chicago ami niiovo Polntt ilolly. Trains Arrlvo and J.eavt. Dearborn Htatlon, For further Information, call on tho neatest Uallroad Ticket Agent, or address W 0 Blneanon, K M Tucker, : D I RoberU, Oen. Pass. Aut. Oen.Mgr. A.a.P.ARl. Now York. Cleveland. Chicago 'Santa Fe Route ! )Atchison,Topeka&"Santa FeR.R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. 'Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dallv Train Service Between rKansasClt and 1'UEIJLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas City nnd Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple. San Antonio, I Iouston, and all Principal Polnte In 'lexas. "The Onlv Line Running Through the OKLA'IIOMA COUNTRY. The Onlv Direct Line to the Texao Pan Handle. For Mnps and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address S. M. OSGOOD, Gen'l Ag't E. L. PALMER. Traveling Agent, 1308 Farnam St., FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -T0- Atchlfcon, Leavenworth, St. Joseph.kansas City, St. Louis and all Points South, East and Weot. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Paihons "Wichita, Hutchinson and all pilncipal points In Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Spilngs of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars on all trains. J, E. R. MILLAR, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Ticket Agt Gen'l Agsnl Cor. O and :2th Street. HIIOCK. lllieilllll. "I lii'lli'l'ii iininii'ii:ii . The largo piopoiilou "f Ills to which Indies nnd inlxxi's uru liable In the direct result of 11 disordered or Irroutilur menstruation. Sup pressloiiN eontlnui'd u'Milt In blond poisoning und milt-k ennsuinptlon. -' puuknuu orll for 15. Went dlieet on leeelpt of 111 leu. Hold In Lincoln h II. W Itinwu, druggitt. LINCOLN '<?lJ& AND INiTITlTK OK rEMUMIIlr, Shorthand, niul TyuirritliiK. U tho I hi! ami InrKct Cullrtsu III I ho MYit on htiUnt III iIU'inhimv liml yi'ar. hiult-nu prvpnre.1 .or Imiliit' In from .llou month.. KxiM'rlt'iioM fueulty I'lnuinnl Initrmilon, Beautiful llluitriitiilcitnlisdii. isilli-Kit Journal, ami "wlintiu of 'iunuiihl, wnt frcohyuililriHiIng ULUIUtlUOK A UOOSK, Lincoln, Neb SlT- 111 H II3R Ladle l'c Dr. l. Dili'' J'eilodlial Pills from Purl, r'rnnee. 1 hut positively ro Hove hii)irt'KloiiM, miiuthly deiiuigementi and Irrcguliiillli'x l-mimmI by cold, weiiUneMi, f - m7 f3wea? 33 uJV. IT IC . Livolv, : Nebraska. Capital, $250,000 Ojicrit niul Director): John l. Wright. Pros. T. P.. Sunders, V.-P- .1. II. MeCluy, Cmhler. A H Itnyinond, II P l.uu, Thus Cochran K It, Clin Wot, V I, Hhelilon. General Banking Business Transacted. Accounts Solicited, HsttiMitM l)c(, to, 1SS6. German National Bank, i.iixcoi.x, xnn. 1 f.'-a ( ri Capital Paid up, $100,000.00 Surplus . . . 25,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues letters ofuiedlt,drawdriifts on nil parts of the world. Foreign collections a specialty. 0,fAers tiirf Diicrtors. IIKItMAN II. HOIIABKItO, President. C. C. MUNSON, Vice President. JOSIiril IIUK1IM Kit, Cashier. O.J. WILCOX, Assistant Cushion 0. K. MOSTOOMKHY. ALKX. HALTKIl K. A. HOKIIMKIt. II. J. IIIlOTIIKItroX WALTKIt J. IIAUUIH. J. A. IIUDKLMON REMOVAL Lincoln Shirt Factory To 1402 O Street. In Its new locution this establishment will have letter facilities tliini ever Tor turning out llrst-elnss work, and 1111 Increased lino of Q outs' Furnishing Goods will always be on kale. To our business has been added u LADIES' TAILORING DEPARTMENT In which garments of all kinds will bo tnnilo to order and anything from tho smallest un dergarment to tho finest Dress or Cloak will bo skillfully executed and made on short notice. In this department wu uinuloy one oft holiest cutters and litters In the country and satisfaction Is guaranteed In every par ticular. Our factory will hereafter bo known as tho Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co. A. ICatzenstetn, Hr., Manager. Call and seo us. Cor. 1 llli and O Hts SMALL & WALLACE Steam Laundry SUPERIOR H Custom Work. We are especially well prepared to laun dry, Lace Curtains, Ladies Garments, Fine Publics Etc, having special methods for doing this work not only satisfactory in appearance, hut without injury to garments ns well. Gutliann's Shirts, Gillars ani Ciffs, and all kinds of Fine Statch work beautiful done up. Give us a trial. PHOTOGRAPHER 1 Fine Ilust Cabinets M per doen. Hpeclal rates to students. Call niul seo our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open from 10 a. 111. to p. in. Hundnys. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Ollice: 239 South Eleventh St. MeMurtry Block. Oflke Phone 561. Residence Phone 56J. LINCOLN, NEB. A 15 Gent Shave FOR 10 CENTS -AT SAM WESTERFIELD'S, BURR : BLOCK. HK EWB :'7I giH mm ,; 6gP&a&C UUNU lit AND FABLES. Till: PlilM)Ni:tt AMI Till' JAII.IMI. Once upon 11 Time it .lallerulio luul u Thief In his keeping as n Prlsjinor tinder ?fUtelico tlecided to Appeitl to Ills Honor Instead of icrc Ising such close, Vlglliiiico. Ho thereforu said to liltui "If you will glvo mo your Word of Honor not to c.scnpt) I Hi let J (ill go tiliwati'lied." "How thick nro tho wnllsr" asked tliu prisoner In reply. "Why, only about eight Inches, and tho Brick aru very poor at that." "Then you nmy xufuly coiilldo In my Honor and secure n full ulglit'it sleep." On tlio very uoxt morning, However, the Janitor visited tho Prisoner's cull to tl ml that ho had dug n Hole through tliu Wnll mil tuailii his Escape. Meeting him In Cuiiadii 11 fow dnjH later he began to Up braid tliu man with Ills Total Want of Hon sruttil (Iralltude, and aildedt "It was very Foolish In niu to uxpect you would keep your word. A Thief cniinot hiivu 11 Coiiseloiicul" "Oh, us to that, inyilciir Sir," replied tho (Escaped, "you nro as much to lllatuo as I 1111. Had you put mu on my Honor wlth 3tit staling tliu Thickness of tliu Walls I lliotllil linvu believed Escape Impossible, mid Hindu no KlTorl." Moral It was u Missouri Fanner who Advertised that lie, luul Hidden Ills Money hi 11 Corn Crib, nml Warned nil Persons to keep nway from tliu sumo. l.ossiiuxt Night, $oTiO; noeluw. TIIK MUM! ANII TIIK I'I'.AS.VNT. Out) tlity it Mule, who was drawing n earl nliing tliu I HkIi way, suddenly ciiinu to u stop .mil began Lamenting his hard Fate. "How now, you Iugralel" shouted tho Peasant In reply. "Aro you not Wull Fed and IiOilged, and do you over Work on Sun days?" "But behold the Muddy Hlghwayl My strength is Taxed to tliu Utmost to pull my 1 Load.'" I "Hut, owing to this siimu Condition of tho Highway, I huveonlypiit on OIK) pounds. If theru was no Mud I'd Load you with tit least 11 Thousand." Moral Tho Man who has u Boll now and then perhaps csciihs a Broken Neck. M. ( Now York World. Why Shu Huld It. "Papal" That was all she said. Her voice lingered lovingly over tho syllables of tliu endearing title. "Papal" Her great, tender heart was In tho llipild tones that rippled from her lovely lips, ami in tho soft eyes that beamed upon him with luelTable tenderness. "Papa!" Theru lie sat 11 Kenlal, tioblu hearted old man, proud of his family name, proud of his Irreproacliabtu ancestry, proud of his position In society, prouder than nil uf tho lcuutlful daughter whosu In oath stirred tho silvery locks that shaded his venerable brow as she hung over him. "Papal" Shu was a large, full grown, mature woman of forty-ono Hummers and 11 very backward spring, and she called him papa for the reason, perhaps, that she had for gotten theru was any such uood old word us father in tho Eugllsh language. Chi cago Tribune. Au Uiuutlifuctory Work. M Sculptor Why do yon object to bust of your husband, madam? Widow It doesn't scum natural, "You have admitted that it looks him." "Yes, tho features aro nil rluht: this like but there's no use talking, that statue will never remind mu of my dear dead and gone husband in tliu world. It's too quiet. My husband had St. Vitus dance." New York Weekly. Tin, Candid I.lttlv Hoy. "Now, little boy, what is tho meaning of tho word hypocrisy?" asked a Tuxns Sun day school teacher of her favorite pupil. "I can't explain what it U, but I know just tlio same." "Givo mo an example of hypocrisy." "When a fellow says ho loves his Sunday school teacher that's hypocrisy." Texas Sift lugs. Likely. Biiggs That was n terrible thing about Wangle, wasn't It? While his wlfo wua talking to tliu dressmaker hu committed suicide In tliu next room. OrlgKs Phew! Have they found out tliu cause? Brings It is suppoicd that hu overheard what the dressmaker said. Cloak Review. An i:urly Start An old beggar, sitting near n church door, had a board suspended from his neck Inscribed, "Blind from my birth." Another bet-gar, reading the Inscription is ho passed, was heard to remark: "Ebbenel There's a chap who started young in business!" II MotidoUmoristleo. Nothing to Wear. "Nothing to wear, my darling, nothing at nil to uear" ThUlsthu song shu slugs to lihuaud fill him with despair. When he goes out to toll each day and earns their dally bread, Bhu hangs around Ids weary neck until these words aru said. And when hu comes homo lato at ulglit sho sits iiuin the stair. And warbles nut, "You know, dear John. I limeu't a thing to wear. I'lio polnnalnu I had List ear, I toll you Is a sight; My old black grenadine Is worso; it makes mo took n fright: My black silk Is mi shiny, and I feel so mortl- lied; And thou, for summer, I must hno something hi white Im-sIiIu." Ami mi slio sings her little song throughout tho l!olmgdu -"Nothing to wear, my darling, nothing to wear, I hllj." And John is at tho oillco, and liU face U blanched with fear, llccaiisohotunniit pay for all tlio things sho got last year Tom Mas'Min In Cloak Itovtew, A Iti-iiinrknlili' Olio ironic. Iist Decetnls'r, whllo piloting somo logs, n Maine lumberman lost, his watch overboard near tlioinouthof tho Penobscot river Ho located I ho spot by landmark on tho hank, and Intended to dredge for it tliu next day, but tliu river from over unit ho luul to wall till tho Ico broke tip, Ho was so forltinatu as to Mint tho watch when hu dredued for It last week, When brought, to tho surface It was still ticking, and only n few minutes Imlilml time, Tho owner explains this soinowliut startling fact by stating that the watch lay 011 the bed of tho river In such a position that tliu ebb and How of tliu tldu lias wound It tip every day. Wu runiembor reading In our geog raphy that the tides down east wero very remarkable; now wo know It. Life. A Straight Tip, "Is your sistor In tho house, Miss Doro thy?" "Yes, she Is, and If ynit'ro coming often you'd better hurry up and propose, 'cuiisu I've noticed witli all the others when It goes on so long It tiuver comes to any-tlilng."-Llfo. I.lfn Too Sliott. "Is Mr. Shykes at liniuur" Inrjulred n caller at 11 liousu in tliu suburbs yesterday morning. "No, sir," said Mrs. Shykes, "Ho is in tho city." "Can you tell me wheru I will Ihj likely to dud him? My business with him Is somuwhat urgent." "Yes, sir. You will find I1I111 In tho city at No. hhtnkcty-suvuu Dearborn street." An hour later tliu man who had Impor tant business with Mr. Shykes found him self In front of No. blankety-sevuii Dear born street. Tho building was one of tliu tiuw 'steuu story cloud piercers that lino that highway of commerce. Hu looked half way to tliu top, took 11 rust, ami then lifted his gaze to the last row of windows. "How many rooms are there in this building?" hu ttsked of 11 man who was whittling 11 stick In tliu doorway. "I (lunno 'Bout 500, I guesi," wns tho reply. Tho man In search of Mr. Shykes assist ed his weary gaze down to earth again, shook his head dismally, nnd turned away. "Life is too shortl" he said. Chicago Tribune. Long TI1110 Getting Hack. The following dlaloguo took placo be tween two old colored folks on tho street: "Atlanta's got rapid transit now sure." "What do you mean do dummy kynrar" "No, I doesn't mean 110 dummy." "You mus' be talkiu' 'bout do 'lectrla lino, den." "No, I Isn't neither." "Well, I gives It up. What you tnlkln' 'bout?" "Cm tnlkln' 'bout dat p.iytrol waggln, 'causa It takes you furdcr In ten minutes dan you'll git back from In six mouths." Atlanta Journal. II Knew Mt'ttcr. Purveyor What Is this I hear? Going to compound with your creditors? A pretty state of thlngsl Murcliant Now, pray bu calm, you shall lose nothing by mu. I can only give my other creditors 'M pur cent., but you shall have your goods returned they nro still Intact. "What! Myuoods? What aro you think ing of? Not for .Joseph! I Insist upon buy ing uy 30 per cent. Berner Zeltung. A lllmippollltlliont. "So you linvo been abroad?" "Yes." "Did you visit Paris?" "Yes, but wo stopped only ono day there. Wo went there to improve ourselves in tho French language, and wero awfully disap pointed." "How so?" "Why they don't speak the French there at all like we do." New York Press. Tim hiinie Thing. Edith You can't Inuiginu how Mr. Bui finch complimented your singing. Ethul-DId he, though? Edith Yes, he wild 'twas simply hear enly. Ethel-Uenily? Edith Well, just tlio same thins. He I said 'twas simply unearthly. Boston Cou rier. Sllfn. Klngley (visiting Bingo) I llko to come over to your house (pull') because I always (pulT) feel such absolute freedom about fcmokiiig. My wife (pulT) makes such 11 fuss about It, I don't suppo-o it makes tlieslightestdlireretice to your wife, does It? Bingo (placidly) No; not so long (puff) ns I have 11 guest. Harper's Bazar. Klsiuiit. "Do you see that pale young man calling out 'Caslil' at the ribbon counter?" "Yes." "Fate's awful funny sometimes. Ten years ago, when we were boys together, his one ambition was to Ih a mighty hunter and catch mountain lions with a lasso." New York Recorder A Model Servant. "What Is your pleasure, sir?" "I want to see the B.iron de Veaumlnct." "What Is Itnliout?" "There's a bill" "Hu left yesterday for the country." "Which I have to pay him." "But lie lias come back this morning." Petit Nonl. Too I'ntlclng. -How came you to Judge- enter the house? "But just think, your honorl Two o'clock at night, no policeman within a half a mile, an open window on the first storyl Why, you would have climbed In yourself!" Fllegundo Blatter. Plain. Mrs. Youngwlfe (to pretty applicant) No, I don't think you will do. Applicant But I am able to cook In the liesl style. Mrs. Yotiiigwlfo I guess I know my business I advertised for h plain cook. Harper's Bazar "' .s-N'-V ll QO YOU WANT to reach steady u and liberal purchasers in this part of the Country? Uf E HAVE advertising " sale at reasonable, not "cheap," rates. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSlTlMiVBOOKSELLEk The Choicest line of Perfume.'.-. D. M. Fen) V Finest Flower iincJ Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh Street. SIDEWALK AND BUILDING HBKnHH Most Popular Resort in the City. Odell's New Dining Hall, S.J. ODELL, I'lioi'iitinoii. -o 152.S O STREET. o Meals 25 cts. $4.50 per Week. flHKIIIIIIllBiBf Tin; i)im:cr i.ini: ro Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Ai d all points Kast and South, Denver and the Pacific Coast, AI.M)TO Deadwoo., Load City, the Gelobrated Hot Springs of Dakota Ami all point In tin- lllaeU 1IIIN, THROUGH VESTIBULE TRAINS DAILY IUmVKKN DENVER, OMAHA CHICAGO Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. Reclininir Chair Cars, Seats Free. Famous Burlington Dining Cars. Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Yienna, Paris, London, Havre, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin, Londonderry end all European Points. canim:stih: kkacih:i y tiik BTJSi-jinsro-Tonsr eotjte Allt conueethMltli till tlit o A.C. .IKMKIt, City I'm.. A!t.,:iliiioln. tiif ' I r-WHSI this, " WSSS SPACE: w ill 1 11 1 WW11" S ll I lffl,"",,-M laia space for -AND- VITRIFIED PAVERS BRICK I'A.BOGKSTAFP Nebraska's Leading Hotel. THE HURRAY Cor. lltli nnd Harney Hts., or-irL. .t X73BS. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modern Improvements and Conveniences. B. BILLOWAY, Pto-rletor. 1KA Prlailpal Olerk ii'in lltu rof oiiiiii hteiiinshlp. J. KltANCI.SOen, 1'um. Agt.. Oiuatm, Neb U jitfdUfcrdlW'.LL'felliiW. -. vttiAkaJaSjt.v ?-itbJLmJ,mtt-i'iau.i h Afc'a .iii,y.JwJsil . 1 fifirtf"' 1 lit, ITl 1 I I JiijlJjjJ'..'lu . .Ww. . fl, iiliiiiAl(iirt1iii,iaril'- -ini3iiiail1iii'rtiiini JlirnfifilifrVtS r r in