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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1891)
CAI'l'lAL ol'it wvilRIER, SATURDAY MaY 30, 1891. J) Ill DEFINES UISBEMKP. ONE WEEK'3 WORK THE SUBJECT OF DR. TALMAQE'9 SERMON. H Hll In Mir Mixulo Arrmiiil f th Crvftllnn, ithit Mom Nut llollntn to Kmjt Bo Mint i:mpliitlrnlljr A NnUliln Drrninn Prrnrliril Smiiliijr. Mny 94. IIitooKi.rN.'Mny'Jt. Thorn rlkliiornion Dr. TnlnuiKO dellveied tliU mornlnu to nil audience, wlileli filled tliu nmv 'I'lilwriuiolo In ivory pnrt deult with it topic f Interent to nil who Imvo wntrhed the tllnciinnlotti now nKltAtltiK tlm church. Whoruver tin tiucMlon of tin' liitplrntlon of tlm lillilo U ruined, tho tnitwortliliie!of tlio Moiinla nnrrntlvn of tlio erentlnii I nlwnyii tlio point clilolly nmnlled. Tlm fuel Hint no prominent ntul eloquent n preuclier m Dr. TiOiimkv plnws hlmxolf clenrly on record on the iddo of orthodoxy Mill doulitleiw hnvu a nmrked Influence on pulilla opinion. HI text wiw (leneMs 1,01, "Anil tlio evenliiK ntul tlio tnornliiK wero tlio M.xtli tiny." From Monday inoriilnic to Suturdny ntaht (ilrw tin n week'n work. If wo Imvo filled that week with surcease wo nro hnppy. Hut I nm kIii to tell you what Ood did In una week. Cosmoniiiy, kcoIokv, jutronoiny, ornithology, Ichthyology, hot mty, mmtotny nro nuch vnxt Htilijcct tlmt no htiiiinu llfo U long enough to explore or comprchotid nny olio of thutii, Hut I hnvu thought I might In mi luminal way toll you ft llttluof what Ood did In ouu week, and thnt tliu llrst week. And whether you nmko It n week of dny or n week of iige, I euro not, for I tdinll reach tho nnma prao tlenl result of rovereiico and wondilp. TIIK flllST MONDAY MOIIN1NO. The lint Monday uiornluK found twing ing in spncothu piled up lumber of rocU nod niotnl and noII mid water from which tlio earth win to bu tiulhlud. Ood iiiadu up hU mind to crentu a hiimati family, and tlioy niiiHt Imvo n lioimo to Uvu In, Hut whore? Not a roof, not a wall, not a door, not n room wan lit for human occupancy Thoro Is not u pllu of hlack ImhmIi lu Vol lowstono park or mi extinct volcano In Honolulu no Inappropriate- for human resi dences as wan thin globo nt that early period. Moreover, thoro wan no human architect to draw n plan, no ipiarrymau to Must tliu foundation utoiie, no carpuuter to hew out n beam, and no iuiimou to trowel a wall. I'oor pronpectl Hiilthotlmu was coining when n lielng called man was to lw con itructcd, mid ho wiin to hnvu n bride; and where ho could llnd a hnmcHtead to which ho could tnko her must liavo lieen ii won derment to iingello Intelligence. There had la-en em tliipmkcH enough mid volcanoes enough mid gluclcr enough, but cnrtliqiinkes and volcanoes mid glncler destroy Instead of build. A vorso looking world than tills nuvcr Rwting. It was henped up deformities ncarlllcatloim and monstrosities. Tliu Hlblu KayH It was with out form. That Is, It was not round, It was not square, It was not octiigoiml, It was not n rhomboid. Ood nuvcr did taku any one- In his counsels, but If ho had asked Noma nngel about tlm attempt to turn this planet Into a place for human rcilduucu tho angel would Imvo wildi "No, no; try onio other world; tliu crevices of this earth nro too deep; its cntg aro too up palling; It dnrkness Is too thick." Out Monday morning cuino. I think It was n spring morning and about half-past four o'clock. Tho llrst thing needed was light. It wan not needed for Ood to work by, for ho can work ns well lu tlio dark ness. Out light may bu necessary, for an gollo Intelligences nro to sco In Its full Rlory tho process of world building. But where itre the candles, where nro the can dolnbrn. where is tlio chaudellerf No rising sun will roll in tho morning, for if tlio sun la already created Its light will not yet reach the earth In three days. Nor moon nor stars con brighten this darkness. Tlio moon mid stars nro not born yet, or if created their light will not reach tliu earth for some ttmo yet. Hut thoro Is need of Immcdiatu light. Where shall It come fromf Oeslr lug to nccount for things in n natural way you any, mid reasonably say, that heat mid electricity throw out light independent of tho sun, and thnt tho metallic bases throw out light Independent of tho sun, nnd that alkalies throw out light Independent of the sun. Oh, yes; all that is true, but 1 do not think thnt la tho wny light wns created. Tho record makes mo think that, Branding over this earth thnt spring morning, God looked upon the darkness thnt palled tho heights of this world, and tho chasms of It, nnd the awful readies of It, and uttered, whether In tho Hebrew of earth or some lan guage celestial I know not, that won! which stands for tho subtle, bright, glow tug and nil pervading lluld, that word which thrills nnd garlands and lifts every thing it touches, that word tho full mean ing of which all the chcmlsta of tho ages have busied themselves In exploring, that word which suggests a force that tiles one hundred and ninety thousand miles In a hccond, and by undulatlous seven hundred anu twenty-seven trillions In a second, that one word that God utters Llghtl And tnstuutly tho darkness began to shimmer, and tho thick folds of blackness to lift, and thoro were scintillations nnd coruscations and flashes and n billowing up of resplendence, and In great sheets It spread out northward, southward, east ward, westward, and a radiance tilled tho atmosphere uutlj It could hold no more of the brilliance. Light now to work by while supernatural Intelligences look on. Light, the first chapter of tho llrst day of tho week. Light, the joy of all tho cent urlea. Light, tho greatest blessing that ever touchedlmrhumun eye. Tho robe of the Almighty la woven out of it, for ho covers hlmseir with light as with a gar ment. Oh, blessed llghtl I nm so glad this was tho first thing created that week. Good thing to start ovury week with Is light. Tlmt will mako our work easier. That will keep our disposition more radi ant. That will hinder oven our losses from becoming too somber. Glvo us more light uatural light, intellectual light, spiritual light, overlaying light. For lack of It tho body stumbles, and tho soul stum bles. O thou Father of Lights, glvo us llghtl Tho great German philosopher In his lut moment suld, "I want more light." A uiln later of Christ recently dying cried out In exultation, "I move Into the llghtl" Mr, Toplady, tho Immortal hymuologlst, lu his expiring moments exclaimed, "Llghtl Llghtl" Heaven luelf Is only more light. fJKu All superttitiou, upon all Ignorance, upon nil sorrow let lu tliu light. Hut now tho light of tliu first Monday is receding. The blaze is going out. Tho colors arc dimming. Only part of the earth's sur face Is visible. It is 0 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock; obscuration and darkness. It Is Monday night. "Ami tho evening and the morning were the llrst day." TUESDAY'S WOltK. Now it Is Tuesday morning. A delicate und tremendous undertaking is t,et np.irt for this day. There was u great super buuduuee of water. Ood, by tho wave of fala hand, this morning gathers part of it In Minpeiidid i-enorvolrn, nud port of It lio order down Into the rivets nnd lakes nnd yens How to hung whole Atlantic oceans hi ttie (.loud without their spilling over except lu right iUiiutlt!rs and nt light lime was an uuilerlnklng that no ono but Omnipotence would hnvu dared. Hut Ood does It as rnslly as you would lift n glass of water. There he hoists two clouds, inch thirty miles wide and live miles high, and balances them, Mole ho lifts thu cirrous clouds and spreads them out lu great whltu banks ns though It had been snowing In heaven, And thu elrro stratus clouds lu long parallel lines, so straight you know nu Inllnlto geometer has drnwu them. Clouds which nru tlio armory from which thunder storms get their bayonets of llru. Clouds which are oceans on tho wing. No wonder, long after this llrst Tuesday of creation week, Kllliu confounded Job with tliu question, "Dost thou know tho bal nuclngs of thucloudsr" Half of this Tuesday work done, thu other half Is tliu work of compelling the waters to lie down In their destined places. Ho Ood picks up thu solid ground mid packs It up Into live elevations, which are thu continents. With his linger hu makes deep depressions In them, and nru thu lakes, while at thu piling lip of thu Al legliaules mid Sierra Nuvadas mid Pyre nees mid Alps mid Himalayas thu rest of tho waters start by thu law of gravitation to thu Inner places, mid In their run down hill become thu rivers, mid then all around thu earth theso rivers coinu into convention and become oceans beneath, as thu clouds nru oceans above. How soon thu rivers got to their places when Ood said: "Hudson nnd James mid Amazon, down to thu At Imitlu; Oregon and Sacramento down to thu l'acllla" Thrco qtinrtors of thu earth being wntur mid only onu quarter Iwlng laud, nothing but Almlghtluess could liavu caged thu three-fourths so that they could not have devoured thu ouu-foitrth. Thank Ood for wntur mid plenty of It, What a hint that Ood would havuthuhummi racuveryeleaul Three-fourths of thu world water. 1'our It through thu homes mid mnkuthum pure. Pour It through thu prlsousnud miiku their occupants moral. Pour It through the streets mid miiku them healthy. There are several thousand peoplu asleep lu Green wood who but for thu lllthy streets of Brooklyn nnd Now York would hnvu been today well mid lu churches. Moreover, thoro uuver was a llliuy street that ro malued n moral street. How Important an agency of reform water Is, wns Illustrated by thu fact that whuu tliu aurluut world got outrageously wicked It was plunged Into thu deluge and kept under for months till Its iniquity was soaked out of it. Hut I rejoice that on thu llrst Tuesday of thu world's existence thu water was taught to know Its place, mid thu Mediterranean lay down at tliu foot of Kurope, and the Oulf of Muxlco lay down nt thu feel of North Amuilca, mid Geneva lay down at thu feet of thu Alps, and Scroon luku fell to sleep lu thu lap of thu Adlroudacks "And thu evening mid the morning were thu second day." TIIK CKKATIOX OK VKOKTATION. Now it Is Wednesday morning of the world's llrst week. Gardening mid hortl culture will bu born today. How queer thu hills look, mid so unattractive they seem hardly worth having beuu made. Hut now nil tho surfaces are changing color. Some thing beautiful is creeping all over them. It has thu color of emerald. Ay, It is hurb ago. Hall to thu greuti grass I God's fa vurltu color mid God'H favorltu plant, as 1 judge from thu fact thnt ho makes a larger number cf them than of anything else. llut look yonderl Something starts out of thu ground mid goes higher up, higher mid higher, itml spreads out broad leaves. It is ft palm tree. Yonder la another growth, und Its loaves hang far down, and It is a willow tree. And yonder la a growth with mighty swoop of branches. And hero thoy come tho pear, and tho apple, and the peach, mid tho pomegranate, and groves nnd orchards and forests, their shadows nud their fruit girdling tho earth. We are pushing agriculture mid fruit culture to great excellence in tho Nino tec nth century, but wo hnvu nothing uow to equal what I sco on this llrst Wednesday of tho world's existence. I tako a tnstu ol ono of the apples this Wednesday morning, and I tell you it mingles in Its juices all tho llavorsof Spitsbergen nnd Nowtowu pippin nnd Ithodo Island greening mid Danvcrs WIntur Sweet mid Iloxbury rus set nnd Hubbardston Nonesuch, but added to all, and overpowering nil other flavors, la the paradisaical juice that all the or chards of tho Nineteenth century fall to reach. 1 tako a taste of the pear, and it has all the luxury of the three thousand varieties of the Nineteenth century; nil tho Seckel und the Uartlutt of the pomologlcal gardens of later times an acidity compared with It. And the grapes! Why, this otic cluster has In It tho richness of whole vine yards of Catawbas and Concords nud Isa bellas. Fruits of all colors, of all odors, ol all lluvora. No hand of man yet made tc pluck it or tongue to taste it. The banquet for tho human race is lielng spread before tho arrival or tho llrst guest. In tho fruit of that garden was tho seed for tho orchards and gardens of tho hemis pheres. Notice that thu llrst thing that God made for food was fruit, and plenty of It. Slaughter houses tire of later luvcution. Far am I from being a vegetarian, but an almost excluslvo meat diet Is depraving. Savages coulluo themselve almost exclu sively to aulnial food, and that is one rea son that they are savages. Give your chil dren more apples and less mutton. The world will havo to glvo dominance to tlio fruit diet of Paradise before it gets back to tho morals of Paradise. Mny God's bless ing como down ou tho orchards and vino yards of America, nnd keep back tho frosts and the ciirculio. Uut wo must not foriret that It Is Wednesday evening In Eden, and upon that perfect fruit of those perfect trees let the curtain drop. "And tho even lug and thu morning were tliu third day." I'UTTIXO. THINGS TO I110.IIT3. Now It Is Thursday morning of the world's first week. Nothing will be created today Thu hours will bo passed In scattering fogs nnd mists und vapors. The atmosphere must be swept clean. Other worlds are to hove In sight. This little ship of tho earth has seemed to havo all the ocean of Immensity to Itself. Hut mightier craft are to bo bailed today on the high seas of space First, thu moon's whltu Kill appears and does very well until tho auu bursts upon tho scene. Thu light that ou the previous thrco mornings was struck from au especial word now gathers In the sun, moon mid stars. One for the day, the others for the night. It seemed as if they had all within twenty-four hours been created. Ah, this Is a great time lu the world's first week. Tho moon, tho nearest neighbor to our earth nppears, her photo graph to be taken in thu Nineteenth cent ury, when thu telescope shall bring her within ouo hundred mid twenty miles of New York. And the sun uow appears, afterward to be fouud eight hundred nud eighty-eight thousand miles lu diameter, mid, put In astronomical scales, to bu fouud to weigh nearly four hundred thousand times heav ier thuu our earth: a mighty furuueu, Ita linit krpl up liy meteor ponrintf Into It m fuel, ii world devouring other worlds with Its Jaws of llanie, And thu stars como out, thosu stieet lumps of heaven, thoso keys of pearl, upon which Ood's lingers play the Inlis'o of tho spheres. How bright they look lu this oileutal evenlugl Constella tions! Galaxies! What a twenty-four liouis of this llrst week solar, lunar, stellar appearances! All this Thursday nud the adjoining nlghtsemployed lu pull ing asldu thu curtain of vnpor from these (lushed or pale faced worlds, Kuoughl "And thu evening and thu morning were thu fourth day." TIIK HBIIhU AND TIIK IIIIIDS. Now it Is Friday morning lu the llrst week of thu world's history. Water, but not n II u swimming Its air, but not n wing Hying It, It Is ii silent world. Can It be that It was miidu only for vegetables Hut hark! There Is a swirl mid a splashing III nil thu four rivers of Plsou, Olliiiu, Hid dekel mid Euphrates. They aru all nswiui with life, somu darting llkuuriows through Split crystal, and others quiet lu dark pools like shadows. I.vurytlilug, from spotted trout to behemoth, nil colored, nil shaped, thu ancestors of llutiy IiIIm-h that shall by their wonders of construction confound tho Agasslces, thu Ciiviursand thu Lliiniuuses mid thu Ichthyologist of tho more than slit thousand j ears following this Friday of thu II 1st Week. And while I stand on tho banks of theso Paradisaical rlwrs, watching these finny tribes, I hear a whirr lu thu air mid I look up mid behold wings wings of larks, rob ins, doves, eagles, llamliigocs, albatrosses, brown threshers. Creatures of nil color blue, ns If dipped lu thu skies; fiery, ns if they hud Down out of thu sunsets; golden, in if they had taken their morn ing bath In buttercups. And while I am stud) lug the colors thoy begin to carol mid chirp mid coo and twitter mid run up and down thu scales of it muslu that they must havu heard at heaven's gntu. Yes, I llnd them lu Paradlsu on this tliu first Fri day afternoon of thu world's u.xlstencu. And I hit down ou thu bank of thu Euphrates, mid tlm miirmurof thu river, together with thu chant of birds In thu sky, puts mu Into n statu of somnolence. "And tho evening and thu morning weru thu day." IIKASTS AND MKN. Nowlt Is Saturday iiiornhignf tho world's first week mid with this day tliu week closes. Hut oh, what a climacteric day! Thu air has Its population and thu water Its population. Yet thu laud has not one Inhabitant, Hut here they come, by thu voice of Ood created! Horses grander than thosu which lu after tlmu Job will deserlbe as having neck clothed with thunder. Cattle enough to cover thousand hills. Sheep shepherded by him who inado for thorn thu green pastures. Cuttlu superior to thu Alilernoys and Ayrshlics nnd Devon shires of after times, Leopards so lieautl fill wu are glad they cannot chaiigu their spots. Lions without their fierceness mid nil thu quadruped world sogentU.', sosleek, so perfect. Look out how you treat this animal cre ation, whether they walk thu earth or swim tho waters or fly thu air. Do you not notleu that Ood gave them precedence, of thu human rucuf They were created Fri day and Saturday morning, as man was created Saturday aftei noon. Thoy hnvu a right to bu here. Hu who galls n horse, or uxposeH n cow to thu storm, or beats a dog, or mauls it cat, or gambles nt thu pigeon shooting, or tortures mi Insect, will have to answer for It In thu Judgment day. You may consolu yourself that creatures aru not Immortal and they cannot appear against you, but thu God who Hindu .theso creatures mid who saw thu wrong you did them will hu there. Hotter look out, you stock raisers mid railroad companies who bring tho cattle on trains without food or water for thrco or fourdays in hot weather, a long groan of agony from Omaha to New York. Better look out, you farmer riding be hind that limping horse with a nail that tho blacksmith drove into the quick. Bet ter look out, you boys stoning bullfrogs and turning turtles tipsldo down, mid rob bing birds' nests. But something Is want ing in Paradlsu mid tho week Is almost done Who is there to pluck thu flowers of this Fdenlc luwiif Who is there to command theso worlds of quadruped and fish nnd bird? For whom has God put back tho curtain from thu face of sun and moon and starf Thu world wants an em peror nnd empress. It Is Saturday after noon. No onu but thu Lord Almighty can originate a human being. In tho world where there are In the latter part of tho Nineteenth century over fourteen hundred million people, a human being Is not a curiosity. But how about the first human eyo that was ever kindled, tho first human ear that was ever opened, tho llrst human lung that ever breathed, the llrst human heart that over beat, thu first human llfo ever con structed f That needed tho origination of a God. Hu had no model to work by. What stupendous work for a Saturday afternoon! Ho must originate u style of human heart through which nil the blood In the body must pass every three minutes. He must make that heart so strong that it can, during each day, lift what would bu equal to ono hundred and twenty tons of weight, nnd it must be so arranged oh to oeat over iinriy-siv minion times every year. About live hundred muscles must be strung in the right place, nnd nt least two hundred nud fifty boues constructed. Into this body must bu put at least nine million nerves. Over three thousand per spiring pores must be mndo for ovcry Inch of fleshly surface. Tho human voice must bo so constructed It shall be capable of producing seventeen trillion flvohundred and ninety-two billion ono hundred mid eighty-six million forty four thousand four hundred mid fifteen sounds. Butull this tho most Insignificant part of the human lielng. Tliusoull Ah, tho construction of that God himself would not bu equal to if hu were any tliu less of a God. Its understanding, Its will, Its mem ory, Its conscience, Its capacities of enjoy ment or sintering, Its Immortality! What a work for a Saturday afternoon! Ajul Ueforu night there were to be two such human mid yet Immortal belngn con structed. Thu woman as well as tho man wns formed Saturday afternoon. Hccuusu n deep sleep fell upon Adam, nud by dlvtuu Mirgery a portion of his slda was reinou-d for the nucleus of another creation, It has been supposed that perhaps days mid nights passed between thu masculliiu mid feminine creations. But no! Adam was not three hours ununited. If a physician ran by mut-stbetlcs put ono Into a detp sleep lu three minutes, God certainly txuld havu put Adam Into a profound sleep lu a short while that Satur day afternoon, and made the deep and ladi excision without caiuing distress. By u manipulation ol the dust thu pmuu hand that molded thu mountains molded thu features and molded thu limbs of thu fa ther of thu huiiiau race. Hut his eyes did not see, and his nerves did not feel, and his muscles tlm not move, and his lungs did J not brent he, and his heart did not puUtttu A perfect form hu lay along the earth symmetrical mid of godlike countenance. Maguillcent piccu of Dlvlue cirpoutryaud Omnipotent sculpturing, uut no vitality. A Midy without n soul. Then thu soiircu of all llfo stooped to tho luaulmntu nostril mid Up, and as many a kill f ii I mid earnest physician has put his lips to a patient In comatose statu nud breathed Into his mouth mid uostill, mid nt thu same tlmu coinpn ised thu lungs, until that which wns artillclul res piration becainu natural respiration, bo melhluks Goil breathed into this cold sculpture of n man thu breath of life, and the heart Is-glus to tramp, nud thu lungs to Inhale, and tho eyes to upon, and thu en tire form to thrill, and with the rapture of ft life Just cuiiiu the prostrate being leaps to his feet a maul But thu scene of this Saturday Is not yet done, nud in thu atmosphere, drowsy with thu breath of flowers, mid tho song of bobo links mid lotiln redbreasts, thu man slum bers, mid by amesthctlcs, divinely admin istered, thu slumlier deepens until without thu oozing of onu drop of blood nt tho time or the faintest scar afterward, that portion is removed from his sldo which Is to ba built up thu Queen of Paradise, the daugh ter of the great Ood, the mother of the human race, the benediction of all ages, woman thu wife, afterward woman the mother. And as thu two Join linnds and stroll down along thu banks of thu Eu phrates toward a bower of mignonette and wild rusti und liouej suckle, nnd nru listen ing to thucallof thu whip-poor-will from thu nromntiu thickets, thu suit sinks bo ueiith thu horizon. "And thu evening nud thu morning were thu sixth day." A UllKAT WKKK'8 WOltK. What do you think of thnt ono weelcVi work? I ruvluw it not for entertainment, but hccuusu I would havo you join lu Duvld'8 doxology, "Great mid marvelous nro thy works, Uird God Almighty," bo causu I want you to know what n home stead our Father built for his children at thu stai t, though sin has despoiled It, and liocausu I want you to know how thu world will look again when Christ shall havo re stored It, swinging now between two Kdeiis; In-caiisu I want you to realize some thing of what a mighty God hu Is, mid thu utter folly of trying to war against hlm, because I want you to innku peacu with this Chief of tho Universe through thu Christ who mediates between ollended Omnipotence mid human rebellion; be causu I want you to know how font fully mid wonderfully you nru made, your body ns well us your soul mi Omnipotent achievement; becausu I want you to real ize that order reigns throughout thu mil verse, and that God's watches tick to thu second, mid that his clockH strlku regular ly, though they strike oncu in a thousand years. A learned man oncu asked mi old Chris tian man who had no advantages of school ing, why bu bolluvcd there '.wis a God, and thu good old man, who probably had uuver hoard mi argument ou thu subject in all his life, made this noblu reply: "Sir, I havu been hero going hard' upon fifty years. Kvery ilayslnco I havu been lu this world I sou thu sun ri-o in thu east mid set in thu west. Thu nottliHtar stands where It did thu first tlmu I saw-it; tlio seven stars anil Job's collln keep on thu smnu path In thu sky mid never turn out. It Isn't so with man's work. Ilumnkesclocksand watches; they may run well for awhile, but they gut out of Hx and stand stock still. But the sun mid moon mid stars keep ou this same way all thu whllu. The heavens declare thu glory of God." Yea, I preach this, bo causu I want you to walk In appreciation of Addison's sublime sentiment when ho writes: Tho spacious firmament on hlsh, With all thu blue etherlal sky Ami spangled lienv'ns, n shining frnme. Their Great Original proclaim. In reason's enr they all rejoice. Ami utter furth a glorious voice, Pdi over singing, au thoy shine, Tho hand that tnutlu us is divine Hho Wns Poiteit on Egg. Au old woman with u green bonnet nnd umbrella to match approached n stall at thu Center market nud oskud If tho eggs exposed on thu counter for snlo were fresh. "Wo dqn't ml vert lo to sell rotten ones, ma'am," said tho dealer crustily. "No, I s'poso not," rejoined tho customer. "I'd like two dozen, If you please; but I'm very partie'lar about bavin' tho black hens' eggs always." Tho merchant of produce gazed upon her with mi expression that was half indigna tion mid half disgust. "How can I tell which were laid by bluck hens)" ho growled. "If you know just pick 'em out for yourself." Tho old woman smiled pleasantly, and proceeded to select from thu basket thoso of tho eggs which she designated as the black lions', while thu dealer held n bag for their reception. Ho noticed thnt all of thoso she chose were of extra sizu. "Thu black hens t-ecin to lay big eggs, inn'nm," hu said finally, when nil tho largest ones in Ills' stock had lieen picked out. "Oh, yes," replied tho old woman, as she pnld for her purchase; "It's always so. Good day!" After shu had gouu thu merchant rubbed his chin thoughtfully for two or three min utes and then remarked to himself: "By Jove! I call that about thu slickest trick I'vu hud worked ou mu for mnny a day. Black hens' eggs, Indeed! All shu wanted was a chance to pick out tho big ones, mid shu got it." With that hu looked uot spitefully, but admiringly, after the old woman und thu green bonnet, who stood for twenty minutes nt another stall near by nnd chafTcred over thu price of u terrapin, which shu Insisted ought to bo cheap because tho length of its too nails was an iiifalllblu indication that it wns old and tough. Washington Star. Miss Donlsoii's l'oiuliirlly. Seeing tho announcement of a new book by Mary K. Denison reminds mu of this author's two wonderfully successful books, "That Husband of Mlnu" and "That Wlfo 6f Mine." Tho story of theso books was recently told mo by thu publisher. When Miss Denison, a number of years ago, brought thu manuscript of "That Husband of Mine" to her publishers they accepted it doubtfully, and did not feel warranted In printing more than ,VX) copies for n first edition. This was all they expected to print at all, for they did uot detect thu ele ments of popularity lu it. What was their surprise, then, to receive orders amount ing to '.OoO copies ou thu day of publica tion! This warned them to begin printing n largu supply, but thu ordeis poured lu so fast that for three weeks they weru many thousand copies behind thu demand. The orders lecelu'd on a slnglu dny amounted oncu to 1 1,000 copies ami tliu total sales of tliu book icucliul lu thu end 150,000 copies. "TliatWifuof Mine," published not long ifter, did not reach tliu s.iniu figure, but the sale amounted to 70,000 copies, 00,000 of which were oulered in advance, Her other ! books hnvu iiouuof themolitaluedthusamu I suciess, though they hnvu all been widely read, But Mis Denison' pen has brought her gold, nud her publishers us well. Kd ward W. Bok's Letter. SPECIAL SALE- THIS - Young Ladies' OXFORDS Common Sense and Opera Tip, all Widths, $1.95. - - Parker & 1009 Hall Stove and Eange Co.. LINCOLN, NEB. lHttlf aPldlHRAiHHHMIHirHr MANUFACTURERS- Iron Castings and Nickel Platers Dealers in Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. 1126 O STREET. X M TIAVTC J& IkM M. 1 JL M. -M. -- 1591. Opened Jan, , '01, All Improvement The Lincoln, TKHMH-tJ&OTO f I .CO. llui latter pi lee Includes llntlm. First-Class in Every Respect! Iliiiiiiii-t, llalN mill Itcet-ptluiiH. W'oiuu ro eelnlly u piepurctt to enlei lulu lniKeor Mimll niithcilnh ut llaiiqiieti-, H.iIIh, IIik ptliiiis, I'.le. llnlib nnd full lnfoi inatlon elieeifully kImii mi tlinolllco. Cor. 1'u ml Dili Su. hllCAHH.t Maiiki i r Styles A VS NOW IN. WEEK. - Vesting Cloth Top - Sanderson, O ST. CAN A J , St V PHONE 219. 1112 0 STREET. ( m 'M ,'Jf ; A V J' X . 1 "r I' ,