Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 23, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    I II if I " Wl II nlKili ll II MMaJfcfcSHJL
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Clitlnllilitt Hliuiilil Look In II Tlntt Their
NrU for S1111N n Kept In (IhimI
Order Hnnin Mint Tlml Will Ho of
IlltooKI.VN, May IT.-If proof of Dr. Till
iimpi's liunu'ii!) popularity had liocn need
ti It would bo ninply furnished by I ho
imuiiptlluilo with which tlio people have
nvnllnl tliennelves of (do Increased accom
modation nlloriled h (do now Tnlrcrnnclo.
Tliovnst edifice U n ilonncly crowded nt
every service in tlii' older nnil smaller
Tnliernaclo was. I)r Tnlmiio this morn
lnK piilil liU attention to tlio theological
dispute which nro ncltittliiK tlio churches,
nml us usual Kiwo hontiil practical mlvlco
to both pnrtlci. Ill trvt vvn Matthew Iv,
8I1 "Junto tlio mod of '.uhcilcc, nml John
liU brother, In UMlilp with nhodce their
father, tneudltiH their netii."
"I ko n-IInlilniti" crleil .Simon IVtcr to bin
comrades, nud tlio moit of tlio apostles bail
bands hard from fishing tackle Tlio IImIi
cries of tlio world bao nhrnys uttrncted
nttentlon. In tlm Third century thocneen
of Kio'l't bad for pin monoy four bnndred
nnilhovcnly thousand dollars, received from
tlm nliorli'M of Uiko Moerl And If the
tlmo should over comii whun tbo Innneii
slty of tbo world's populutlon could not bo
feil by tbo vcKotnhlc and meats of the
land, tbo sen linn an amount of animal llfo
that would feed all tbo populations of thu
earth, and fatten thorn with a food that by
Its phosphorus would tnako a Melioration
brainy and Intellectual hoyonil nuylliliiK
that tbo werld ban ovor IiiiiikIiiimI. My
text takes HH ninoiiK tbo flalllean lliher
men. Olio day Walter Scott, whllo hint
Inn In nu old drawer, found iuuouk some
old lUbltiK tacklo tlio manuscript of Ida
Immortal book "Waverloy," which bo bad
put nwny there an of no worth, and who
knows but that today wo may find somo
uuknowr wealth of thought whllo looking
nt the llkhlng tacklo In tbo text?
It In not ii good day for fishing, and three
men aro In tlio boat repairing tlio broken
Hiblng nets. If you aro nulling with a
hook nml lino and tbo IIhIi will not blto It
la n good tlmo to put tlio angler's apparatus
into better condition. Perhaps tbo Inst
flih you hauled In was ho largo that somo
thing snapped. Or If you woro Mailing
with a not thero was a mighty flounder
Ing of tbo scales, or an exposed null on the
side of tho boat which -broko somo of tho
threads mid let part or nil of tho cap
tives of tho deep CMcapo Into their natural
dement. And hardly anything la mora
Krovoktng than to nearly laud a score or a
undrcd of trophies from tho (loop and
when you Aro In tho full gleu of hauling In
tho potted treasures through somo Imper
fection of the not they splash back into the
That U too much of a trial of patience
for most fishermen to endure, mid many a
man ordinarily correct of speech la such
circumstances comes to au intensity of
Utterance unjustifiable.. Therefore no good
fisherman considers tho tlmo wasted that
la spent In mending bis net. Now the
Bible again aud again represents Christian
workers as fishers' of ineu, and ws are all
sweeping through the sat of kvtmaaltjr
UM of a net. lnuaed,UMre'MTa
i wwich Beta ot aad esmurii laker
i busy to hare landed the wkste htusuus
not in the kingdom of God losg before
this. What la the matter? The Gospel la
all right, and It has been a good time for
catching souls for thousands of Tears.
Why, then, the failures? The trouble is
with the net, and most of them need to be
mended. I propose to show you what la
tho matter with most of the nets and how
to mend them. In tho text old Zebedee
and his two boys, James and John, were
doing a good thing when they sat in the
boat mending tbelr nets
The trouble with many of our note is
that the meshes aro too large. If a fish cab
get his gills and half his body through tho
network, he tears and rends and works his
way out and leaves the place through
which he squirmed n tanglo of broken
threads. Tho Bible weaves faith and works
tight together, tbo law and the Gospel,
righteousness aud forgiveness. Some of
our nets have meshes so wido that thu slu
ner floats lu and out and is not at any mo
ment caught for the heavenly landing. In
our desire to mnko everything so easy, we
relax, wo looseu, wo widen. We let men
after they are once in tho Gospel net escape
Into tho world and go Into indulgences
and swim all around Qallloe, from north
side to south side and from east side to
west sldo, expecting that they will come
back again. We ought to make it easy for
them to get into tho kingdom of God, and,
as far as wo can,niike it impossible for
them to got out
Tho poor advice nowadays to many is:
"Go and do just as you did before you were
captured tor God and heaven. The net
was not tnteuded to be any restraint or
any hindrance. What you did before you
were j Christian, do now. Go to all
styles of amusement, read all the styles of
books, engage In all the stylos of behavior
as before you wore converted." And so
through these meshes of permission and
laxity they wriggle out through this
opening and that opuulug, tearing the net
as they go, and soon nil the souls that we
expected to land tn heaven before we
know it are back in tho deep sea of the
world. Oh, when we go n-gosnel fishing
let us make it as easy as passible for souls
to get in, and as hard as possible to get out
Is the Dible languuge an unmeaning
verbiage when it talks about self denial
and keeping the body under, and about
walking the narrow way and entering the
strait gate, aud aboox carrying the
crossr Is thero to be no way of telling
whether a man Is a Christian except by his
taking the communlou cbaltco on sacra
mental day? May a man be as reckless
about his thoughts, nhout his words, about
his temper, about his amusements, about
bis dealings after conversion as before con
version f One-half the Gospel nets with
which we have beeu scooping tho sea have
hod such wide meshes that they have been
all torn to pieces by the rushing out into
the world of those whom a tighter net
would have kept In. The only use of a net
Is to keep the fish from going back to
where they were before ami taking them
where they could not have been taken by
any other means. Alas, that the words of
Christ are so little heeded when ho said,
"Whosoever doth not bear his cress and
eome after me cannot be my disciple." The
church U fast becoming as bad as the
world, and when It gets as bad as the world
it will be worse than the world by so much
a it will odd hypocrisy of a most appalling
kind to Its other defects.
furthermore, many of our nets are torn
is pieeea y being entangled with other
ata. It is a sod sight to see fishermen
Mating about sea room and pulling in
watte na,
each to get faU net.
by the struggle a4
Inning all tho ildi In nclty llko this of
more than eight bundled thousand, them
nro at leant vo hundred thousand not In
Hahhath schools oruhuruhes. And In this
land wbiiio tberu are mom than sixty-four
million people, thole nro at least thirty
million nut In tho Ii schools mid
churches. And In this world of more than
fourteen hundred million people, thero are
nt least eight hundred million not In
schools nml churches lu such nu Atlatitlo
ocean of opportunity thero Is room for nil
the not and all tho boats and nil tho fish' mid for millions morn.
Thero should bo no rivalry between
churches. ICiicli one does n work peculiar
to Itself, There should bo no rivalry !!
tween ministers. Ood never repeats lilui'
self, and ho never makes two ministers
alike, mid ench onu has a work that no
other man In tho universe can accomplish,
If fishermen nro wise, they will not allow
their nuts to entangle, or If they donccb
dentally get Intertwisted, tho work of tX'
trlcatlon should bo kindly mid gontly con
ducted. What n glad spectacle for men
mid unguis whan nu our recent dedication
day ministers of all denominations stood
on this platform mid wished for each
other widest prosperity and usefulness,
but there nro cities lu this country where
thero Is now going on mi awful ripping
mid rending and tearing of fishing nets.
Indeed, all over Christendom ut thin tlmo
tberu Is n great war going on between fish'
crinen, ministers against ministers.
Now 1 have noticed n man cannot fish
mid fight nt thu Kiini) tlmo Mo either
neglect his net or his musket. It Is uniii.
Ing how much tlmu some of thu fishermen
havu to look after other fishermen. It Is
more than I can do to tnko euro of my own
net. You sou thu wind Is Just right, and It
Is such a good tlmo for fishing, aud tho
fish are coming lu so rapidly that I havu to
keep my oyu and hand busy. Thoro nro
about two hundred million souls wanting
to get into thu kingdom of Ood, and it will
require nil thu net mid all thu boats and
all thu fishermen of Christendom to safely
land them.
At Hast Hampton, Long Island, where I
summer, out on thu blulTs somu morning
wohcuIIiu (lags up, and that Is the signal
for launching out Into tho deep. For n
mllu tho water Is tinged with that peculiar
color that Indicates w hole schools of pisca
torial revelry, mid thu bench swarms with
men with tbelr coats off and their hea caps
on, and those of us who do not go out on
the wavo stand on tho bench ready to ru
jolco whun thu boats coino back, and In our
excitement wo rush Into thu water with
our shoes on to help get tho boats up tho
beach, and we lay hold tho lines ami pull
till wo nro red In tho face, and as thu living
things of tho deep coino tumbling In on
tlio sand I cry out, "Captain, how ninny?"
Aud ho answers, "About fifty thousand."
Aud we shout to tho latecomers, "Hurrah,
fifty thousnndl" Wo must liavo mi en
thusiasm something llko that If wo nro
ever to tnko tho human raco for God and
heaven. Aye, wo ought to have that en
thusiasm of tho beach multiplied a hun
dred fold nnd by so much as nu immortal
soul Is worth more thau a bluoflsh.
Oh, brethren of mlulstryl tat us spend
our tlmo In fishing instead of fighting.
Out if I angrily jerk my net across your
net, and you jork your net angrily across
mino, wo will soon havo two broken nets
and no fish. Tho French revolution nearly
ieotroyed the French fisheries, and ec
clesiastical war is the worst thing possible
while hauling souls Into the kingdom, 1
had hoped that the millennium was about
to dawn, but the Uon is yet too fond of the
lamb. My friends, I notlee lathe text that
James, the son of Zebedea and John his
brother ware busy not mending somebody
else's nets but mending their own nets, and
I rather think that we who are engaged in
Christian work in this latter part of the
nineteenth century will require all our
spare tlmo to mond our own nets. God
help us in tho important dutyl
In this work of reparation wo need to
put Into tho nets more threads of common
sense When wo can present religion as n
great practicality wo will catch a hundred
souls whore now wo catch one. Present
religion as an Intellectuality nnd wo will
fall. Out in tho fisheries there nro sot
across tho waters what are called gill nets,
and tho fish put their heads through the
meshes and then canuot withdraw thorn
because they are caught by the gills, but
gill uets cauuot bo of any servtco in relig
ious work. Men are never caught for tho
truth by their bends; It is by tho heart or
not at all. No argument over saved n man,
and no keen analysis over brought a man
Into tho kingdom of God. Heart work,
not head work. Away with your gill notsl
Sympathy, helpfulness, consolation, love,
are tho names of some of tho threads that
wo need to weave in our gospel nets when
wo are mending them.
Do you know that tho world's heart Is
bursting with trouble, nnd If you could
make that world believe that the religion
of Jesus Christ Is n soothing omnipotence,
tho whole world would surrender tomor
row, yea, would surrender this hour? Tho
day before James A. Garfield was Inaugur
ated as president I was In tho cars going
from Richmond to Washington. A gentle
man seated next to mo In the cars knew
me, and we were soon In familiar conversa
tion. It was J ust after a bereavement nnd
I was speaking to htm fretn an over bur
deued heart about tho sorrow I was suiter
Looking at his cheerful face, I said: "I
guess you havo escaped all trouble. I
should judge from your countenance that
you havo como through free from all mis
fortune." Then ho looked at mo with a look
I shall never forget nnd whispered in my
ear: "Sir, you know nothing about trouble.
My wife has been lu an Insano asylum for
fifteen years." Aud then ho turned nnd
looked out of thu window and into the
night with n silence I was too overpowered
to break. That was another Illustration
of the fact that no ono escapes trouble.
Why, that man seated next to you In
church has on his soul n weight compared
with which a mountain Is a feather. That
woman seated next to you lu church has a
grief the recital of which would make your
body, mind and soul shudder.
When you are mending your net for this
wide, deep sea of humanity, take out that
wire thread of criticism and that horse
hair thread of harshness, aud nut in a soft
silken thread of Christian sympathy. Yea,
when you are mending your nets tear out
those old threads of grufTness and weave
In a few threads of politeness aud genial
Ity. In the house of God let all tho Chris
tian icces ututm wun a looic tbat means
welcome. Say "good mornlug" to the
stranger as he enters your pew, and at the
close shake hands with him nnd say, "How
did you like muster" Why, you would be
to tbat man a panel of the door of heaven;
you would lie to him a uoteof thedoxology
that seraphs sing when a new soul enters.
That mau Is a thousand miles from home,
and he has just heard by telegraph that
his child is sick with scarlet fever, and his
boy at college has got Into disgrace, and be
has had business troubles and is so home
sick he can hardly keep from crying. Jus
one word of brotherly kindness from you
would lift lilm into n small heaven,
I havu lu other dnjs entered a pew lu
church, anil the woman nt the other end
of tbo pew looked at mo as minims to snyi
"Ilowdaro you? This Is my now, and 1
pay tho rent for III" Well, I crouched In'
the other corner anil made myself as small
lis possible, nml felt lis though I hail been i
stealing something. So there aro people
who have a sharp edge to their religion, ,
mid they act as though they thought most
peoplu hud been elected to Imj damned mid
they vveroglad of It. Oh, let us brighten
up our manner and appear In utmost gen
tlenianllness or ladyhood, I
in: iii:niai I
Tho object lu fly fishing Is to throw tho
lly far out, and then let It drop gently down '
and keep It gently rising and falling with I
tho waters, mid not pluiigu It like a man I
of-wnr's anchors and abruptness and harsh '
ness of manner must bu avoided lu our at
tempt at usefulness I know a man In
Now York who Is more snnsidny and gen
lal when ho has dyspepsia than when hu Is
nntsuircilng from that depressing trouble. '
1 havu found out his secret, When lie
starts out lu tho morning with such do-
presslon hu asks for special grace to keep
from snapping up anybody that day, mid
puts forth additional determination to bu '
kindly mid genial, mid by thu help of God '
hu accomplishes it. Many of our nets i
need to bu mended In theso icspccts, tlio
black threads nnd thu rough threads taken
out, mid thu bright threads mid tho golden
threads of Christian geniality woven lu.
In addition to this wu need to mend our
nets with more tin ends of patience. It Is
no rare thing for n fisherman to spend onu
wholo day before ho can tako a St. Law
ruucuplku or an Ohio salmon or n Long
Island pickerel or a Cayuga black bass or
a Delaware catfish, and bu does tbat day
after day without paitlcular discourage
ment. Hut what ii lack of patience If wu
do not immediately succeed In soul catch
ing. Wu are apt to glvu It up nnd say, "I
will novur try again." Into all our nets wu
need to weave nil along tho edgu mid nil i
through thu center great, long, ktout
threads of Christian patience. How patient
God has been with usl Can wo not Iw pa
tlont with our fellowsf I had presented
mu from Scotland a fuw days ago an orna-1
muntcd Inkstand, thu wooded parts of
which were Hindu from n plecoof u tree cut
down by Mr. Gladstone, nt Hawnrdon, mid
sent uy mm to Scot laud by request.
Thu incident reminded mo of tho fact that
a woman who had long beeu on Mr. Glad
stone's (.'statu had a wayward boy, nnd In
her despair shu nsked Mr. Glndstonoto tako
thu boy lu baud. Whllo prime minister of
England, with all thu mighty affairs of tho
kingdom in his hand, ho took that boy In
his study and counseled him, mid then
knelt down and prayed with him, nnd tho
Iwy was saved. If wo nil hud hearts of
sympathy llko that, what would bo to us
Impossible? "Is it not delightful that I can
sing so well?" said Jenny Llnd, In a burst
of joy that she could help others. "Is it
not delightful that I can sing so well?"
And might wo not nil say in thankfulness
to God, "Is it not delightful that wo can
sympathize with others, nnd encourngu
others, aud help others, and snvo others?"
Again, In mending our nets wo need also
to put In tho threads of faith nnd tear out
all tho tangled meshes of unbelief. Our
work Is successful according to our faith.
Tho man who believes lu only half a Bible,
or tho Ulblo in spots; tho man who thinks
ha cannot persuudo others; the man who
halts, doubting about this and about thnt,
will be a failure in Christian work. ..Show
me the mar who rather thinks that the
garden of Eden may have been an allegory,
and la not quite certain but that there may
be another chance after death, and docs
not know whether or not the Ulblo is in
spired, and I tell you that man for soul
saving is a poor stick. Faith In God nnd
lu Jesus Christ, nnd tho Holy Ghost, nnd
the absolute necessity of a regenerated
heart In order to see God In peace, Is ono
thread you must havo In S'our mended net
or you will never be a successful fisher fur
men. Why how can you doubt?
Tho hundreds of millions of men and
women now Branding in tho church on
earth, and the hundreds of millions in
heaven, attest tho power of tills Gospel to
save. With more than tho certainty of n
mathematical demonstration, let us start
out to redeem nil nations. Tho rotten
cat thread that you arc to tear out of your
net is unbelief, and tho most Important
thread that you nro to put In It Is faith.
Faith in God, triumphant faith, everlast
ing faith. If you cannot trust tho lullnlto,
tho holy, the omnipotent Jehovah, who can
yau trust?
Oh, this Important work of mending our
octal If wu could get our nets right wo
would accomplish more in soul saving In
tho next year than wo havu In thu last
twenty years. But where shall wo get
them mended? Just where old Zebcdeo
and his two boys mended their nets where
you nro. "James, why don't you put your
oar iu Lnko Galilee, or hoist your sail and
land at Capernaum or Tiberias or Gadara,
and seated on tho bank mend your net?
John, why don't you go ashore aud mend
your not?" No, they sat on thu guards of
tho boat, or at tho prow of tho boat, or in
tho stern of tho boat, aud thuy took up thu
thread and tho needle, aud tho ropes nnd
the wooden blocks, and went to work;
sewing, sewing; tying, tying; weaving,
weaving; pounding, pounding; until, tho
net mended, thoy push it off Into tho sea
aud drop paddlo and hoist sail, and tho
cutwater went through amid tho shoals of
fish, some of tho descendants of which wu
bad for breakfast ono mornlug while wo
were encamped on the beach of beautiful
Galilee. James and John had no tlmu to
go ashore. They were not fishing for fun,
as you aud I do lu summer time. It was
their livelihood nnd thnt of their families.
They mended their nets where they were,
in the ship.
"Oh," says somu one, "I mean to get my
net mended, and I will go down to the pub
lic library, mid I will fee what tho scien
tists say about evolution and about 'tho
survival of the fittest,' and I will read up
what tho theologians say about 'advanced
thought. ' I will leave thu sliip awhile,
and I will go ashore and stay there till my
net Is mended." Do that, my brother, and
you will havo no net left. Instead of their
helping you mend your net, they will steal
the pieces that remain. Bettor stay lu the
Gospel boat, where you have nil tbo means
for mending your net. What are they, do
you ask? I answer all you need you havu
where you are, namely, a Ulblo mid a place
to pray. The more you study evolution,
aud adopt what Is called advanced thought,
the bigger fwl you will be. Stay In the
ship and mind your net. That Is where
James the sou of Kobcdce and John his
brother staid. That is where all who get
their uets mended stay.
I notice that all who leave tho Go.pel
boat aud go ashore to mend their nets stuj
there. Or If they try again to fish, they do
not catch anything. Get out of the Gospel
boat and go up Into the world to get your
net mended, mid you will live to t-ee the
day when you will feel like the mnn.whc,
having forsaken Christianity, sighed, "I
would glvo a thousand p.mnrrs to reel as i
did In ISM." Thu tlmu will coino whon
you will Ih' willing to glvo n thousand
pounds to feet us )ou did In ISO I. Theso
men who havo given up their old religion
cauuot help you n bit. It Is my opinion
that tho most of those ministers who gave
up the old religion are In scinch of noto
riety, They do not succeed In attracting
much attention They me tiled of oh
.ctirlty They mut do something to at
tract attention, so they sit down on tho
lieacb mid go to tearing to pieces thu fish
ing nets Instead of mending them. Thu
staid old denominations to which they be
long docs not pay them enough attention,
so they attract attention by striking their
grandmother. Thuy do not get enough at
tention by standing lu thu pulpits, so they
go to work and break thu church windows.
These dear brethren of nil denominations,
atUlctcd with theological fidgets, had bet
ter go to mending nuts instead of breaking
them. Ileforu they break up thu old relig
ion nnd try to foist on us a new religion
let them go through somo great sacrlflcu
for God that will provu them worthy for
such a work, taking thu mlvicu of Talley
rand tu a man who wanted to upet thu re
ligion of Jesus Christ and start a now one,
when hu said, "Go and Ihj crucified mid
then rnlsu yourself from tho grave thotliird
dnyl" Thosu who proposo to mend their
nets by secular skeptical books are just llko
n man who has Just onu week for fishing,
and six of thu days hu spends In reading
lsaak Walton's "Completu Angler," and
Whentluy's "Hod and Lino," and Scott's
"Fishing In Northern Waters," and Hull
man's "Vndu Mecum of Fly Fishing for
Trout," and then on Saturday morning,
his lust day out, goes to tbo river to ply
his art, but that day thu fish will not bite,
nnd Into on Saturday night ho goc3 homu
with empty basket mid a disappointed
.Meanwhile a man who never saw n big
lllnaiy In nil his llfo has that week caught
with an old fishing tacklo enough to supply
his own tnblnmid thu table of alt bis neigh
bors, nnd enough to salt down lu barrels
for thu long winter that will soon como In.
Alasl alasl If, when tho Saturday night of
our lire drops on us It shall hu found that
wu havu spent our tlmo lu thu libraries of
worldly philosophy, trying to mend our
nets, nnd wo havo only n few souls to ro
poitas brought to God through our Instru
mentality, whllo somu huuiblu Gospel fish
erman, his library madu up of a Ulblo and
nn almanac, shall como homu laden with
tho results, his trophies tho souls within
fifteen miles of his log cabin meeting
In tho tlmu of grent disturbance In Na
ples lu 1019 Mnssaulello, a bare footed lull
ing boy, (Implied his fishing rod, and by
strimgu magnetism took command of thnt
city of six hundred thousand souls. Ho
took oil his fishing jacket mid put on a
robo of gold in tho presence of bowling
mobs. Huput his hand on his lip as a sig
nal, and they were silent. Hu waved his
hand away from him, nnd they retired to
their homes. Armies passed In review bo
fore him. He became tho nation's Idol.
Tho rapid rlso aud complete supremncy of
that young llsherinnn, Massauiello, has no
parallel iu all history. But something
equal to that aud better than thnt Is nn
everyday occurrence in heaven.
God takes somo of those, who In this
worm were llslicra or men, and who tolled
very humbly, but becauso of the way they
mended their nets nnd employed their nets
after thuy were mended, nnd suddenly
hoists them and robes them nnd scepters
them nud crowns them nnd mnkes them
rulers over many cities, nnd ho marches
armies of saved ones before them in re
view, Mnssaniellos unhonored on earth,
but radiated in heaven. Tho fisher boy of
Naples soon lost his power, but those peo
ple of God who kept their nets mended nnd
rightly swung them shall never loso their
exalted place, but shall rclgu forever nud
ever and ever. Keep thnt reward In sight.
But do not spend your tlmo fishing with
hook nnd lino. Why did not James tho
son of Zebedeo sit on tho wharf nt Cana,
his feet hanging over tho lnko and with n
long polo aud a worm on tho hook dipped
Into tho wnve, wnlt for somo mullet to swim
up and bo caught? Why did not Zebedeo
spend hlo nfternoon trylug to catch ono
eel? No, that work wns too slow. Theso
men were not mending n hook nud line;
they were mending tlwir nets. So let the
church of God not be content with having
hero ono soul nnd next month another soul
brought Into tho kingdom. Sweep all tho
seas with nets scoop net, selno nets, drag
nuts, all encompassing nets ami tnko tho
treasures in by hundreds nnd thousands
nud millions, nnd nations bu born in n day,
aud tho hemispheres quake with the tread
of n ransoming God. Do you know what
will lie the two most tremendous hours in
our heavenly existence? Among tho quad
rillions of ages which shall roll on, what
two occasions will bo to us tho greatest?
Thu day of our arrival thoro will bu to us
ono of tho tw o greatest. Tho second great
est, I think, will bo tho day when wo shall
havo put In parallel lines before us what
Christ did for us nnd what wo did for
Christ thu ouo so great, tho other so Httlo.
That will be tho only embarrassment in
heaven. My Ixml nnd my Godl What
will wo do mid whnt will wu sny when on
ouo side ure placed tho Saviour's grent sac
rifices for us and our small sacrifices for
him his exile, his humiliation, his agonies
oji one hand, and our poor weak, insuf
ficient sacrifices on tho other? To make
thu contrast less overwhelming, let us
quickly mend our nets, nnd like tho Gull-
lean fishermen may wo bo divinely helped
to cost them on tho right sldo of tho skip.
A Spanish Afternoon.
A recent entertainment iu n neighboring
city was n "ten" which took tho form of a
"Spanish afternoon." Theso cabalistic
words, engraved on tho Invitations, aroused
much curiosity, and almost every guest
bidden found it possible to accept. On en
tering tho handsomo rooms were discov
ered to bu beautifully decorated with yel
low and red flowers, interspersed with
Spanish flags, which were festooned upon
bulls' horns. Tho stnlrcoso was wound
with tlio lings, nud Spanish pictures ami
effects abounded. A paper was read upon
"Cervantes, thu Hero, tho Poet and tlTo
Mau," and during tho reception which fol
lowed music from hidden zithers and
guitars supplemented tho conversation.
Tho refreshments comprised as many Span
ish daintiej as possible, and were served In
Spanish stylo.
Tho alTair was n great success, and is n
suggestion to iiituro hostesses. It would
lie easy to carry out thu saino idea iu other
nationalities, nud nu Italian, Swedish oi
Greek "afternoon" could bo madu equally
eftectlvo and Interesting. Her Point ol
View iu New York Times.
I'lipit lu rocket.
This is tho tlmu of year when the shrewd
father observes to his children:
"Now, boys, think It over. Which would
you sooner have a nice, lougstlck of candy
and a fine fish horn, or or goto the cir
cus?" Presented in this way the boys decide on
the stick of cat dy. American Grocer.
y r
Spring, jyty
m. ' a. e
Hall Stove and Eange Co.
bbbbbbbbbsHbbbBS 'svbbbbbbHsIbbbIIbvbbBIsvbbbBbbbbbbb!
svbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbWbbbbbbbbbbRsbbbbbbbbbbbbbv1 ; PhLbbbbbbbbb?
JIbVsbsbbbbbbbbbELsbbbbbbbbbBIbb9s1 bbbbbbbbbbI
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iflll 1 1v!ilfflrKHIslflsBP
jyjvflj ISSfWaBBBBBlBfaiTjBil BHaaBBBBi
Iron Castings and Nickel Platers.
Dealers in Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces.
1126 O STREET.
100 EMlb
And Copper
If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from
same, at $.150. ':
C T Pr 1
mM-Al$ MfflT
PHONE 219. 1112 0 STREET.
Calling Cards
Plate, for $2.50.
j 4