fty mp w,'PliiflWiWW wwtt jji ,i i fAnn.mwmm t- CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY MAY 23, uSyi i - Rudge Morris, LEONARD THE ARMY MULE AGAIN. REFRIGERATORS, QUICK MEAL . GAS AND GASOLINE' STOYES. LflttTiAvN rm$N rlSBi Hot Air Furnaces, Water Coolers, Water Filters, Gold Bronze and Brass Bird Cages, Builder's Hardware. Rudge & Morris 1122 N Street. The Old Reliable FOLSOM Is still Headquarters for Ice Cream Ices, Cakes, Candies, Etc. Our Special order depart ment for catering to private residence and parties is the most popular in the city "Frompt delivery, pure goods and reasonable prices" is out motto. ICE CREAM PARLOR NOW OPEN. 1307 0 St. Telephone 501 Purchase Your I tint t'rlvntn l'rclc DM Not l.euiti to Drlvv. Evoryhody know I had boon recom inundod fur it commission, and thoy called mo "lieutenant," but all thosnino I waa doing duty an 11 private For two or threo days I was detailed to drlvo mulea for tho quiit-leniuister, and that wiw tho worst servlco I over did per form. I kicked boiuo nt hoiiitf detailed to drive a nix mulo team, but tho colonel Raid I might wo tho time when I could bavo tho government a million dollars by twin"; able to jump on to a wheel mulo and drlvo a wagon loaded with ammunition or paymaster's cash out of danger of iwing captured by tho enemy. So I went to work and learned to "gee-haw" 11 six mulo team of tho stub' bonuwt leanttf in th.i world hauling bacon, but thero was no romance in taking caro of nix muleti that kicked ho you had to put tho harness on them with n pitchfork for fear of having your bond kicked olT. If I over getii imnsion it will lw for my loan of character ntidtem Ier in driving those mules. 1 have been in boiuo dangerous places, but I wiih never in ho dangerous a place in battle aa I was ono day driving those mules. One of tho lead milieu got hla forward foot over tho bridle some way, and I went to II .v it, and tho team started and "straddled" me. Ah soon as I saw that I waa between tho two lead mulea, and that tho team had started, I know my only safety waa in lying down and taking the chancea of the three paint of mulea and wagon go ing straight over me. Tho atteiipt to get out would mix them all up, so I fell right down in the mud, which waa about a foot deep and like soft mortar. Aa tho mulea passed on each side of mo ovory last ono of thoni kicked at me, but I pucaped everything except tho mud, and when I got up on my feet be hind tho wagon tho (piarternianter, who waa ahead on horaoback, had stopped tho team. Ho called a colored man to drive and told mo I could go back. I tried to sneak in tho back way and not seo anylMxly, but when I passed tho chaplaiu'H tent a lot of ofllcera, who had been sampling hia sanitary stores, came out, and ono of them recognized mo, nnd tlioy iiiBiflted on my stopping and taking something with them. Honestly, there was not an inch of my clothing but was covered with red mud. They had fun with mo for half an hour nnd then let me go. I liavo never to looked at a mulo sinco without a desiro to kill it. How Privato Peck Put Down tho Itebellion. Illlthitf I ho Null. A horse whloh shewed evidences of dis tress was taken on" a ear In the Bowery, near Itrouiuo street, yesterday, audits usual a crowd withered and everybody knew what was the trouble and luid a remedy for It "Kplroot, and ho wants a hot bran mash I" called a bootblack. "Hots, and you must give lilin sweet llol" shouted a truckman. "Colic, and he wants powdersi" exclaimed n third. "What's all this iiboutr" asked an apple woman as sho pushed her way Into Mm crowd. "That liots wants to lie down, I guess," replied a man who had no particular Inter est In thealTalr. "And It's no wonder to me," continued tho woman, as she backed herself out; "such a croud as this would even tire a holofantl"-Now York World. A ih Ice '01 He Ya (is, I am weallytlred of mail aim less, fulvoloiiH life. If only some oppaw tuiilly, now, would pwesent Itself fnw mo to assist thosu in dlstwess I should he posi tively chawmed. She Why don't you Join tho King's Daughters? Life Unfortunate. At the close of the forenoon session of a I ministerial conference held here, In an , noiiuelng the opening subject fur the after noon session I stated that Elder II I would present a paper on "The Devil," and without intending any Joke or think ing of the Indleroiisness of tho thing, I added, "1'leasu he prompt In attendance, I for Hrother II has a carefully prepared I paper and Is full of his subject." Imagine i my chagrin when an uproar of laughter reminded mo of the unhappy witticism I j had blundered Into. I never could mako I Hrother II bellovo it was unintention al, but it was. Hoinlletlc Review. Not Quito Oonc. A soldier of Bates' division of tho Con federate army, after tho command had run two days from Nashville, had thrown away his gun nnd accoutrements, and alono in tho woods sat down nnd com menced thinking tho first chanco ho had for such a thing. Rolling up his sleeves nnd looking at his legs nnd gen eral physique, ho thus gave vent to his feelings, "I nm whipped, badly whipped, and somowhat demoralized, but no man can say I am scattered." Moore's Col lection. A Fair Kxvliunge. Tho day after tho battle of Dull Run (July sa, 1801), while burial parties wero busy at their then unaccustomed work, Miko Flaherty, a member of tho Second S. C. V., wandered away from his com rades, and while strolling through tho woods came upon a Yank, cold and stiff, with a now pair of shoes on his feet. Now, Miko's shoes wero much tho worso for wear, and tho poor fellow looked long and wistfully at tho now brognns. It would never do to rob tho dead, nnd yet ho wanted tho shoes. Finally ho sat him down, untied tho strings with many it furtive glanco at tho dead man's face, pulled off tho shoes nnd tried them on. They fitted perfectly, and Miko sat eying them regretfully. Suddenly a brilliant idea flashed into Miko's brain. Why not swap? It waa done. Tho old shoes took tho place of tho now, and wero securely tied on tho dead man's feet, and Miko, with it long drawn sigh, said in a half apologetic manner, "Thorn's plinty good enough for where you're gowin'." Volunteer. Duly Kxpliiluml, They had moved hi next door to each other on Saturday. Tho two men hap peued to meet in front Saturday evening, and tho llrst observed: "If you should hear a nolso liko tacking down carpets in my houso tomorrow please don't make any mistake. It will bo the children trotting around tho houso." "Certainly, sir, certainly," replied tho other. "And if you should hear things moving and bumping and smashing on my sldo don't jump to tho conclusion that wo are no respecters of tho Sabbath day. It will Ijo mo playing with tho baby." Now York World. IliiSfTp5JnF 'tab '" ' Direct from the Manufacturers AND HAVI3 MONKY. HavliiK opened a branch store of our own In Lincoln oi will now have nn opportunity or doliitf so. If desired we will sell on to responsible parlies, Clioot Ivl-ualc lo com. to ESTEY & CAMP 121 Houth Tenth Kt. LINCOLN, NKII 11. M LAY, Mimiit'tr. Km ply Honor. During tho war a man, great in his own eyes, was, by somo iuiluenco, ap pointed a brigadier general. His sense of his own importance was greatly in creased. He could hardly speak of any thing else but his now dignity. Meeting a "homespun" Yankeo one day hene coated him thus: "Well, Jim, I supposo you know I have lieen appointed a briga dier general'!1" "Yes," said Jim, "I heerd so." "Well, what do folks say about it?" "Thoy don't say nothin'," replied James; "they just laugh.'' Exchange. Over Tlielr (Sriitt'H. Over their Knives rnnc euro tho buttlo's call; Tho searching xhrapnel nnd tho crashing ball; Tho shriek, tho shock of bnttlo mid tho ncluh Of horse; tho crips of anguish and diimay, Anil tho loiiil cannon's thunders that appall. Now through tho )ear tho brown pine needles fall. Tho lines run riot by tho old stone wall. Hy he!ro. by meadow streamlet, far sway, Over I heir urn vel Wo love onr thud where'er so held In thrall Than they nn Oreek moro bravely did, nor dun!. A lovo that's deathless! Hut they look today With no rcproAchcj on m wheu wo My, "Corao, Jot usoluip your InxmU wo'rc broth. cm all." Over their uravcil -Henry Jorjmo etocluinl. Too Late. Iu tho wardrobe "My hat, please." "Hero, sir." "That Isn't mine." "Excuse ?nc. Hcru It Is." "That Isn't it, either." "This one, then. Nor What kind of n hat was itr" "A new ono with white silk lining." "Whatl A now hat at 0 o'clock! I ask your pardon, but here all the new hats al ways go away before 8." Fllegcndo Ulat tcr. Why lie Wan Lute. "What makes you so Into coining to school this morning?" asked Mr. Leonard, a teacher in ono of tho Now York public schools, to a tardy pupil named Horned lirookc. "Thoy arrested a burglar In Fifty-eighth street, and ma sent me to tho station houso to see If It was p.i," was tho reply. Texas ' Slftings. i -" - " i Succ'UK III Life, , "My son," said tho venerable man, as ho sent his hoy forth to do battle with tho world, "select your calling, stick to that ono thing alone, auri you will succeed." ' Tho boy selected tho calling of villngo I lawyer, stuck to it faithfully, and now ho Is known for miles around as tho lest checker player iu I'iko county. Chicago tnduiio. Her Mite. "That was a stirring appeal of Dr. Hicks ley's this morning." "Wasn't Itl And did you seo how It af fected Mrs. Pottstonr" "No." j "She hadn't any money with her, so sho took off her new bonnet and put that In mo plate." Harper's liii7.ur. An Alii to Memory. "Haven't you foruotten something, slrf" hinted the waiter Insolently as tho guest was leaving the table. "Ah, yes, thanks; I helleve I have," and tho guest took a half dollar from under his plate, and with a pleasant smile put it back in his pocket. Washington Post. DUeiiImmI. "There," ho said, as he wrapped up Ids gun, "I don't think any one will say that wo are going out shooting instead of going to church. That doesn't look much like a gun, ehf" "No, Indeed. It looks more like a llsh ing rod." New York Recorder. Until nt the (uiiik. Bookkeeper I was compelled to absent myself from my desk yesterday, sir, on ac count of the grip. The lloss Grlpr lack ot grip, you mean. I never saw-such a loose, fiunhly, liuilTy gamo of ball iu my life, neverl New York Herald. A Mugn rietnre. Sho stands with rapt, ecstatic ulanco, As If In an Inspirit);: trance. A heroine of old roiiinnco He fore the footlights on tho Mniro. Hhe looks enraptured into spat o, A seraph's smile usn her fare; In all her beaut), jnutli and craro Who etui her soiiI'h emotion initiiic Her lips are moi Iiik, and I Klcaa That she, ala)H mi mid, serene, Some ono time lover's fai e lias sieu Amid thoi'iiiwil hose e es sho meet. Or does sho build chateaux In Kpulnr Or limplrntlon seek in aln? Ah tin! I ceo I'm uroin; UKuin- 31io's only counting tho ricelpts. -A merle. 'n LOUIS 'mv XV. MINUET. -Tl 1- TO MY PUPIL, LUCIUS S. GRAHAM. . Dy CHEVALIER DE KONTSKI. 1 Mtfftv moiltrata. t r lr dt mwmzm& a y i 9 " e. . -. mm sr 3silrr- -ir' - n ,:--- rj JiTtU I Z& ! r !3 !i1 ,. n a i i a u 1 4 a l i a a ITTi UHt-gH- -T i i " &4JF0gQft i&'"iiiiiii3iiii . tr d . . m - TltTO. P 8 TT-a ZT Fa 5 i StjC -" r -T "gjJ! ' i . ' ' i i ' i lJl. im23 ) ? -t L ' i gaLM- a. -! ' i P n i - r ' .1' !. im. lm. mkm -. V 8 irr-m- -s--r - T -P-i i - ri. -iii rmmi M S" i- irl . l" f -f -- & " r -i '. ( II Jf - EJ . ji- i ' : : . i r- .-:--:- Jf-M nrtfc t Tr r r w ll i ' -n b.j- , I l " ti jr ' ' 1 UJ"' lea .k " wgmwmmmiMmUj J n - u Telephone 176 OFFICE 1001, 0 Street. Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty Gentlemen's Rambler -. - . . . Is the Wheel of all Wheels for Light Running, Easy Spring and ia strictly HIGHEST GRADE. E. R. GUTHRIE, K40 O ST. i 11 i m m ,-.teMlwf iif mi.i w.t.., - -f- rt - 4)ui Itktimi iIm' jJJt&lMUmi -j, mb flto&MfaAvievk rr. ai-Aii. A JUfc , r...t .. r-d..j.: 2v .. ..l, ,'WiltWtik