r frir-irwrrrmiTriniiri ia -i ttirmrti i nt . iiTunrnimni " '4 1 r,'-vswli'-t K i-f n i r i murwiii i ny mi im m mi i Mnmm wwnim -r"n S- ---WT- rv'f-" '- CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY 23, ' V TO OXTTi. Lincoln Patrons We bcjj to Inform you Hint our Stock of Spring a.id Slimmer SUITINGS In now ready for jour Inspection nml eoiiiprle nil the LATliST NOVKLTIKS From the Finest French I English ' ' ", " Every Garment Strictly First-Class 1 Guckert & McDonald, THE TAILORS, 31 7 5. 15th St. Correspondence Solicited OMAHA, NEB. mk . S?ibw jwvstari' was, r ', :ilHU4jZ DELIGHTFUL COMPLEXION EFFECTS MaylM produced hy llio use of MRH, (llt.V HAM'H Kimeiilo Ktinmol mid her Mono Bloom. The comiitof lvi itml color nro iniulu perfect, mut Itio clos -m scrutiny rould noi tie teot one icratn or powder or Hie loan Indica tion or artificial color. I will stake my roii utatton Unit on any face I eon Blve llio most dellihtrut complexion mut color with Kit- Rnto Knnmol mut Hose Hlossom, nml at np on coiiM K)il)ly tell that ? ..lor. .r. 1c"l,,?xlo,V wor nrtMo 11. This U high art In cosmetic. They are each moro harmless than nny other eos actio In tho world, becauso I hoy nro each ill. MlTlne In their nature, un I l)in .loon not clot nil the pores. When uln those itiporb oamollcs you mny wipe tho mint or porsiil niton from tho moo without iiiarrlnir their delicate beauty. They remain on nil liny, or until washed oil. Prlco of each, 1 1 j tho two soul anywhere for PHAIIJIAO, Northwest Corner ? mill 12ih street. Mm. Oraliaiii, ( l'nt at., Son I'rnnclsou. treat ladles lor nllilcreciH or blemishes o How to bo lleautirul." .Lincoln Floral Corisemtery Corner G nml i;U. Street. Out Rowers and Designs For Wedding, Funerals, Parties, Receptions, Etc. General Collection of Plants. Visitors Always Welcome. City Orders by Telephone Promptly Filled. W. S.SAWYER & CO. Price List Free. Telephone 344 HOW IN NEW QUARTER ! Lincoln Trunk Factory 1133 O ST O ST. Where we will be glad to ee all old friend and customer and as many new ne as can get Into the store. C. 7. ItflRICK, SUCCESSOR TO ' WIRICK & HOPPER. il p" I I L I M .A.' gl I ll I IA Ilk THE VILLAIN UNMASKED. A Tnln for the Tlnuw. Note. This story will not bo published In book form cilAlTl.lt I. Owendollno Iphlmmlu llroiiulino wit In her oxiiulslto1y f nrn IhIkmI iHimlnlr receiving tlio Illil.tliliiK touches which tier own timid wim Iwtowltiu on her etolxiiato toilet, Gwendoline was a hcntily of the most Ihh wltclilhK tyio, with n nuperb form nml fault leMly fivitured fnen, n rnniplnxlnn of milk nml chorrleM, oypH n hluo nn Iio.ivoii'n own n.un, 11 mouth llko n rimnhuil nml hnlr llko tho taHcN of corn when It In iniuli) lumlnoui with tlin koIiIcii hiiiihIiIho that. Ihiiich from tho portals of tho morn- I UK. HomrwIiMl liiipMlli'iitly tnppltiK tho rich IVmluu riiKi wllh 11 mitlii Mlhuior. which InniM'il 11 liny fool Mtimllcr limn thntnf tho lieiiil wlfoof 11 Clilnc.Mi miiuilnrlii, nlio raIiIi "Mnrlo." "Oul, miuloinolxollo." "Who Mint iIiomi IIouopi?" "Ionl Nor.00." "A hi I oxpert him. Tlicro'n hi ring now. Am I rontlyf" "Oul, mniloiiinUrllo," CIIAITKII II. I,oiil Kor.oo HiinitiK from tho rtrh fiiuteull on which ho hml Im'uii .IuIukiih (Iwondollno In all tho prldo of hor ri'al lovullnwti Hwe'pt Into tho niom, nml w it li outMtrotchpil IiiuiiIh nud nu oimcr IlKht In I1I1 oyo dnrteil forward to meet hor. "Stopl" nlio Raid, with n comumudliiK KCRturo. lloNtoppud. "Who nro your" nlio nxkeil. "IiOrd Nozon," ho roplletl. "You Imvo no rlht to tho title," hIio nald. "It has boon iIIhcovitimI that you nro nu linpONlor, a Imikiin lord. Ami to think that I kuvo up -folio Smith for you I Ily iwviiiiitiK n tltlo ou thought to mnrry 1110 nud obtain posscrmlon of my wealth. Your villainy Is uninimkcd." "Tho kiiiihi'm up, then," ho mild, with a nigh of resignation. "It In. What li your real immef" "I decline to reveal It." "I know what It In," Miu nald na nlio turned to leave tho apartment. "What In Itl" ho imked, with blanched check. Sweeping out of tho room with tho natno regal air that hIio entered It, nlio turned her head, and canting upon him n wtthcrliiR look nald, In tones In which scorn and In dlgnaUon were blendwl: "Your name is Dennis. " TllK KM). Cnpo Cod Item. Lots of Money. The usual estimate of tho opportunities of wealth U very nuiusliiR. Yesterday an old man 'was walking down Fifth avenue with another man, fashionably dressed and prosierotu looking. The elder man was evidently from cut of town; be was over heard to speak of himself as coming from Oneida county. They had Just coma but of the Union League club, where the younger null had been doing the honors, ami the old" man was much Impressed. "Mighty fine placo that," he said' "mtist 'a costsliit o' money to set It a-goln' 'am' koep it a-floW'.;; - - "Yes, It takes a good deal," admitted the other. - "" "Tako them nalntln's, now, on tho wall," wont on the old man, rumltmtlvely, and aa If ho just reveled In flgurlug to his own mind the enormous expenditure of wealth. "Take them ualntln's, now. They must 'a' cost a lot of money. Lump 'em all to gether an I 'sposc they sum up as much as ISOO, don't your" turning to hlscompanion. "Five hundred dollnrsr" said the other In a touo of amazement. "Why" "Well, ye sec. I mean." answered the old man hastily and timidly, not wanting to lone wholly the respect of his compan ion, "ye see, I mean that for tho whole lot of 'om, frames nn' all." Xevv York Kvcn- lug Sun. Freenlng. "WllV. Mr. Ardent, how lmrrnllnn- nt you to say you thought I was thirty-twol" "Well, It certainly struck me that you wero Bomowhcro near the freezing point" lillO. ll Knew HI Mnn. A dentist's amiruntlo. In nt.tinntlm-tn draw tho decayed tooth of a patient from mo country, puiieti out 11 Bound one along with It. The poor countrvman nearlr fainted with tho lialn. nml whnn tin twnv. eml his speech gave It tho unskillful op erator hot ami strong. "Ilushl" retorted tho apprentice, dread ing his employer's wrath, "If master gets to know that I have extracted a couple of teeth he'll charge you double 1" The patient took tho hint ami his depart ure without farther complaint. II Secolo. The Uiiiul Thing. Tailor Wo expect to be a llttlo hard up, sir, and may I ask when you will pay for thlssuitr Trn'vers Oh, In about six mouths. Tailor (to liookkeepcr) Make n memo randum to bring suit ognlust Mr. Travers In six mouths.-Clothler and Furnisher. A Thirst for Information. "That is Tom's yacht off there on the horizon, Harriet." "Why, how elegantl I'll aak him wheu he comes In what tho horizon looks like wheu he Is close to It." New York Conti nent, Didn't Illume Them. B. S. Teacher Don't you think it very strange that the lions didn't eat Daniel? S. S. Scholar No, sir, not since I saw that picture of him In my Sunday school book.-Life. Thoso VerUlels. Drobson I cau't understand some of those coroner's Jury verdicts. Cralk You could If you'd ever tried to get facts out of n dead man. New York Herald. Honest Confession. First Poet Did you ever own any real estate? Second Poet N-no not outside of Spain. New York Press. GEMS iN VERSE, Mllltt t.oto la, Ixm li tlio ccnttr ninl rlrriiinfcriiiirot Thn ciitco and aim of nil thing -'Hi (U.kej To Joy unit sorrow, nml tlio rii'iiiiipi'iixo For nil tlio tllit that liawi lH'im,or limy be. Lon linn littler ni tlimlrrgi of uln, AsswitI nii'liii-r honey In Iticclli Iio li tlm paNiooril li':rcliy puml-igct In To Heaven- tho gate that leaili nointllinivt to Hell. I)oli tlin crown Unit ulorlllcN, Dm rune That braiiiU ami biirihiun; It Is llfo anil death. It In tho great law of tlio iinlvcrno, And nothing ran utlit without Us breath. Iorii U U111 luipiiliu whlcli ill reel h Urn world, Ami all llilngi know It ami obey Itnpnni'r. Man, In tint luai'lilromof I1I1 pamloiiN w lilrlo.lt Tlio Ih'o that tuki'N (ho xillcli to the llou-r; Tlio earth, uplifting her bare, puking liruant To ferent klui'Niif the auioriiiiN mm Kiu li but nliu)N crenllvo Ioo'ft behent, Which oerylicrolmllii('llcly Uilonn. Uno N tho only tblng that p.iyi for birth, Or inakcN dent li uclcoino. Oil, dear OimI iiImivp TI1I1 beaiilirul but sad, perplexing earth, I'lly llio hearts that know or know not Ioe. -i:ila Winder Wilcox. Tho Two M) Merle-.. Pn IhniiiliMlnof tho rnoui, In lis white cof. flu. lay tint ilenil clil Il. iv nephew of thoMiet, Near l(, In a great (hair, oat Walt Whitman, MirroiimliMl by llttlo onci, ami holding a hcati t If ill little girl on I1I1 lap. Hhn looked wonder. Inglyat the npeclnclo of denlh, and then In ipilrlngly Into tho old miiu'ri face. "Vim don't know what It In, do joii, inydcar?" mild he, nud mlded, "Wo don't either." Wo know not what It U, dear, this sleep no deep and nt l 11 ; Tlio folded hands, tho awful calm, (ho cheek w, palo mid chill; Tho lldi that 111 not lift iigalu, though we may call ami call; Tho strange, while NiiUtudoof pcaco that Kit- tlcNowrall, Wo know not what Ik uieaux, dear, thlsiU-sn. Iiitohcnit pain; This dread lo tako our dally way, and walk In It airaln: Wo know not to what other sphcro tholood w ho leave 111 go, Nor why we're left to wonder still, nor why we do not know. Hut thli wo knows Our loved nml dead, If they should come, this day Bhoulil couio and auk us, "What Is life?" not 0110 of us could say. Llfo Is n mystery as deep as over death can be; Yet oh, how dear It la to us, thla llfo wo live and seel Then might they say theo vanished ones anil bl eiicd Is tho thought, "Bo death Is sweet to us, belovcdl though we may show jou naught; Wo may not to tho quick reveal tho mystery ol death Ye can not tell us, If ye would, tho mystery of breath." Tho child who enters llfo comes not with knowledge or Intent, 80 thoso who enter death must go as llttlo chil dren sent. Nothing Is known, nut I bellovo that Ood U overhead; And as llfo Is to the living, so death Is to the dead. Mary Mapca Dodge. Forgiveness. I crave forgiveness; let white aslios cover Tho spark that smolders yet between as twain; Too bitter stilt must ring Karth's cry of pain, Her grave mounds still must rlso tho wide world over, , Her paths be lined with thorns no man may flee; Ah, shame for you and mo To add our sullen silence to her needless mis ery. All human hearts deep down throb harmony; Ono vast, vast grnvo for all lies cloio before; Trembling I wnke, my wayward will resign; Oh, take my outstretched hand and let there ho Now, here, nt Inst, between your soul aud initio Peace aud forglvoncsi-now nnd ovcrmoro. -Charlotte W. Thurston. The Inevitable. I llko tho man who faces wlint ho must With step triumphant and 11 heart of cheer: Who lights the dally battle without fear; Sees his hoie fall. )et keo;n unfaltering trust That (lod U Hod; that somehow, true nml Just, Ms plain work out for mortals. Not n tear Is shed w!ui fortune, which tho world holds dear, Falls from I1I1 grasp. Hotter w Ith lovo n crusi Than living In dishonor; ciinIcm not. Nor loici faith In mail, but dooi I1I1 best, Nor ever murmurs at his humbler lot. Hut with a smllo and words of hope, gives zest To every toller. Ho nlono h great Who by a life hcrolo coutiucrd fate. Youth's Companion. Transformation. She klsied me. my beautiful darling! I drank llio delight of her lips; Tho unlvcrso molted together Mortality stood lu eel Ipso. A spirit of light stood beforo mo I heard a fair rustle of w iiiRi; Tho kings of tho earth wero as beggars, And the beggars of earth w ere us kings. -Mellaril llcalf. Debt and Love. One small request I mako of him who rules the Kw era above. That I wero truly out of debt as I am out of love. Then for to slug, to dance and play I should be very willing; I should not owe one lass a klssnoro'craknavo n shilling. TU being lu debt and being In lovo that rob us of our rest, And ho that's truly out of both of all the gods U blest. Sir John Suckling. "Moon" and "Klver." Can you recall an odo to Juno Or lines to any river In which you do not meet "tho moon" And seo "tho moonbeams imhcr?" I've heard such bongs to many a tunc. Hut never yet no nlver Hove I escaped that rhyme to "Juno" Or missed that rhyme to "river." -Time. To the Defeated, Victory. Success, Is counted sweetest Hy thoso who ne'er succeed; To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. Not 0110 of all tho purple host Who took the Hog today Can toll tho definition So clear of victory As he, defeated, d ing. On whoso forbidden ear The distant strains of triumph Ureak, agonized ami cleaf. -Kmtly Dickinson The Tiiiilcuntel. "What Is a Tunkuntel?" ho asked, "Aud have ou got ono here? Why don't ou let mo play with it? And why Is It so dear?" "A Tunkuntel," I vaguely said, "I've really uovcr seen. Is it a kind of animal? I don't know what ou mean." "Oh, y, ou do! Don't tell me that! You suow It very well, For you always say you lovo me More tlu a Tunkuntel." -St. Nichols. HIS INTENTIONS WEflE ALWAYS GOOD He Wits forgetful, i hough, nml lliiciimn (taltant Holy hy llegiees. Ills Intentions wero good, hut thou thcro Is n famous winter resort that is Mild to be paved with good Intentions Ills Inten tions wuro always good, hut ho was forget ful. Ho overtook tho young lady on tho street, nml nfter lifting his hat ho Jammed his hands Into his trousers' pockets nud hiiiiu torod along with her Shu looked un comfortable, nud ho noticed It nt hut. Then ho stopped short, apologized for his thoughtlessness nud throw his cigar nwny. ShuBlmply Ixiwcd her acknowledgment of tho courtesy, nnd tlioy sauntered on for n block or two. Suddenly ho yatikeil his hands from his pookets ami let them hang by his sldo. She turned nud mulled again, A llttlo Inter ho stopped hi the middle of I ho story, said "Kxcuso me," nud stepped to tho other sldo of her, for which ho got another nod nnd n smile. Perhaps they had gono two blocks morn when mint her Idea occurred to him. Mo said, "Penult me," nud lellevcd her of 11 llttlo Hiichet she was carrying, A llttlo farther on ho apologized for not thinking of It before, nud took n book sho Im under her arm. There they rencheil her destination. "Yes, his intentions nro good," hIio ad mitted Inter, "hut ho goes nt It lu nticlin systematic way that I couldn't help feeling glad that tho walk was not longer." "Why ho?" inked her friend. "Heenuso ho'd Imvo gotten so gallant In another four blocks that ho'd Imvo been carrying me." "Do you really think so?" nsked tho friend, "Why, It won Id Imvo been tho next thing for hlui to do." "lie's Imudsoino too," mused tho friend. "Why didn't jou goon with him? If 1 meet him wo won't stop short of four miles." Chicago Tribune. "All Modern Conveniences." "Did )ou say anything to the parties who enmo to rent tho house beforo you moved out?" asked it Hrooklyn landlord of nn ex tenant whom ho met on tho street. "Nothing to Injure tho hotiso," was tho reply. "Well, it's very queer thnt nono of them enmo back. Did you spu-tk of tho heaters?" "Why, I merely said ihnttwoof the fam ily froze to death last winter while I was burning twenty-two tons of coal." "And tho roof?" "It lenks lu sixteen different places, but I didn't show V.n but five or six." "Aud tho plumbing?" "Oh, I had rags tied around tho pipes where they leaked. Nobody got onto tho plumbing." "And tho neighborhood?" "Cracked It way up; didn't happen to be a row on cither sldo whllo nnybody was looking through." "Didn't nnybody complain of tho dark rooms?" "Not a ono. All of 'em happened to have ore eyes and preferred n subdued light." "Well, It's very, very queer. Hero it Is, way long lu Mny, nud that house stands empty yet. I guess I'll have to get n new agent to tuke charge." M. (jund in New York Kvenlng World. It Wasn't lllgglnson. There wero .1 dozen people in tho postof flee corridor yesterday noon, when a young woman suddenly turned ou n middle aged man wlthi "Why, Mr. lllgglnson, how do you do, nnd how are nil the family! I saw In tho papers that your wife was getting n di vorce on tho ground of cruelty, but I couldn't bellovo It. Tell mo nil about It." "You you are mistaken!" ho mnuaged to reply nfter two or three efforts. "Oh, I can't liel" sho artlessly replied. "Hut you are. My name Is not lllggln son, and my wife has not applied for n di vorce." "Dear, dear mol Hut you have followed me till over the streets for moro than two hours, and dually trailed mu In here, nml nil the time I was saying to myself, 'That's Mr. lllgglnson, whoso wife is getting u di vorce la'cause ho is so ugly tempered sho can't llvo with him, nud he wants to tell mo nil about it.' I beg your pardon." There was 110 need of It, however, ns ho was making a grand skip for tho street be foro she got to tho end of her story. De troit Free Press. I'dltorlal fleneroilty. City Kdllor I say, Jenkins, you miido n first rato Job of thatuxposu of tho evils of tho contract labor system mid tho employ ment of small children lu factories. Jenkins (modestly) 1 nm glad to hear you say so, sir. It was rather tough, tho threo days that I carried tho hod among tho worklugmeu. City Kditor Hnvo you finished writing up your drop from a balloon? Jenkins Yes, sir; but it was lucky thnt I only sprained my left arm making tho descent. I couldn't well have written, it Up If I had broken both arms. City Kditor Well, Jenkins, tnko a day oft nnd recuperate. Report hero Thursday and I will detail you to catch the small pox nud vvrlto up your experience at tho pest house. Tho M. K. has advised 1110 thnt wo must curtail expenses lu tho local rooms. Your lay olT will lo considered us n mention, but wo will allow you half pay whllo you are lying on your back doing nothing. Spokane Spokesman. Evidently Didn't Understand. "Old Hardld must think me n boy," said Chappie, "and I attained my majority fah yenrs ago." "How do you know ho thinks you 11 boy?" "Why, I asked him for his dnughter last night, and ho said I couldn't havu her; ho wanted her to mnrwyn mnu; hoi hel" New York Press. At n Concert. A pianist hail been playing for over half an hour a most tedious piece of music. "It Is not to bo wondered nt," said n member of the audience; "ho can't hear himself; ho is deaf." "Then mako signs to him that ho has finished," replied another. Lo Journal II lustre. A Clerical Krror. Lucy Snowball Look henh, Missus John sing, I loaned you two nigs ylsterdny, nud yer has only brung tne bnck one. How am this? Sallio Johnslng Am dot so? I muster mado n mistake In couutlu' 'em. New York Continent. A Quiet Instrument. "There 1" said tho toy man to Ulllle's father. "That drum's the finest in the market. It cau't bo bent." "I'll take It. A drum thnt can't be beat la Just the thing for my boy." Harper's Bazar. A Foolish Suggestion. "Shall I wash the windows, mum?" "Uridget, I am surprised I" replied the lady of the house. "You know we move next week." New York Recorder. 189I 49 cts. I We arc Showing a Bargain in WOLVERTON DELAINES And Offer for Monday nnd Next Week a Dress Pattern Complete for Forty Nine Cts. Conic in and look our Dress Goods Stock over. You can buy goods at your own price. 49 cts. Shoe Department. The Greatest Bargain and below Actual Cost, and must be Closed Out at once. Here are a few prices: Ladies' Dongola Patent Leather Tip, Button Shoes for $i.39i would be cheap at $2.00. Ladies' Dongola Oxford Tics, Patent Leather Tip, 95c, usually sold at $1.75. A better one for $1.29 that always sells for $2.00. To appreciate our bargains they must be seen. Call early. Maxwell Sharpe & Ross Co. R. H. MAXWELL Receiver. U iv YOU SEE THIS! - - , So Do Several Thousand otuer People. Cuppos? YOUFJ "Id." : w r fr" K NSDISTiRIC j UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE- BOND. J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor. This beautiful new house under its present management will b conduotid In thorough first class style on the American plan, rate $3.00. Il haa ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES Including passenger cleratort and hath room on ever floor. The sleeping apartments are Urge and elegantly furnished and may be had either (Ingle or en ulte. We have reserved a limited number of rooms tor city patron and are pre pared to give excellent table board with or without room at reasonable rata. Call and see us. TH0 BON D Telephone 483. Cor. tatfa aid Q. 49 cts. 49 cts. ever heard. They all go at ew n Vi Uas Were? i a Jf ASA.1 SPECIAL FACILITIF.S FOR Delivering Notes, Letters, Invitations PARCELS, ETC. in; cax wake rou up At at any hour to make tho early trains get jour mall from postolllce, etc. Open Day and Night ! Telephone 190. Ollice, S. W. cor. 10th nnd O. Dr. H. S. Aley, Specialist In FEMALE, NERVOUS and KIDNEY DISEASES. Spcclitl attention pahl to tho treatment of these diseases hy menus of electricity. All iiou.mnllKuaut tumorsif the womb removed without tho use of the Unite. All operations for Injuries from childbirth skillfully per formed. IHKliicini'iit of tho womb cured lu most eases without thoiiHoof liihtriimonts. i:plHlH, 8t. Vitus' Dance, Sciatica, NeurnlKla, Hysteria, illtlerent forms of paralysis, Dcloiinltles nnd nil other forms of Nervous Trouble Nuceesrully treated. Consultation at otllco or by mull ,w. Newman lllock, O .St., bet. 10th niidllth, Lincoln, Nob, Hours-0tor.,,v!tori,7to8. CUT THIS OUT r . .Mi .? O. it IT & a W..&M ftiAfrt Mlifcjswt;