SW5 yw VO'O'O'O'O'ti'O'O Z7.riL-?jrii O'O'U'O'O'O.O'iO'it "A- PoPdl bAR PAPER op AvpPERM 'TIMES Voi. O No. 24 Lincoln, Nkhwasica, Satukday, May S2i3, 1801. Pwtoic Fivw Oicnth hmdmi tT7yiin"-y!.i.jt,- .-v' ,s--'7v. ,-. m xmhs.it .,- --.. . i-tv 'vwYvyi. ,- -vm vn . . a ... 5. f s I 1 . 1 1 f".Vl A'. 1 ' - . I ..I, T 1 Jl If! W 4 M L'u RSJlvGrv. Af Hfctjckikj s - jf3(D (fcONV-CV'lJ 4SwR && X-. 6wkRlk: Alout tills tlino of tho yenr peoplo 1ckIii to think of BUinmcr Jaunts to to or inountnln ami It reminds Disk Johnson of tliu Capital hotel of his oxiwrienees nt Hull Inko Inst summer. Ho wns manager of tliu Union Pacific's big hotel nt Garfield Beach until It nearly drove him crazy, aiiilsomu novel ex periences ho had. If vnriuty Is tho spice of llfo ho hnd lotR of spice. One dny In Juno It was cold enough to snow, and ovcryhody nt tho hotel stood shivering about tho kitchen fires because there wero no others In tho place. There wns one lone arrival that dny, probably soino tourist from Snlt UUo who hnd just that ono day in which to do Garfleld Bench and did not want to miss seeing It. On other days tho nttendntico ran up ns high as 15,000, and any ono can wo that It requited somo nlco figuring for a lnndlord to order tho right amount of sup plies. And in thiscaso tho matter was com plicated by having to send to headquarters nt Omaha for them. A requisition had to ho mndo on Monday. Tho supplies wero shipped on Friday ind reached tho Reach tho following Monday. That sort of guessing wns enough to distract any ordlnny fellow, but thcru nro no reliable ttntistlcs of how many malingers wero driven Insnuo. V Tho rush to tho Hcnch on foiiik days was a regular golden harvest. Tho lunch counter sold ns high ns $500 worth of sandwiches in u single day. Tho bar took in $1K0 In tho snmo time, but In other days the s-lx bar tenders gathered In less than $!), just what the help spsnt for drinks. Tlio party run ning tho bar paid $0000 for tho prlvilego and inndoa handsomo thing out of it. U cor go Spencer, formerly of Lincoln, liought the outside privileges for $1500. Ho sublet enough of them to let himself out clear, and ho nud a pnt tner retained the iwpcom priv ilege. Thero was no dead stock In this busi ness, and they made a profit of $3000, netting a handsome income for each of them. What a qneer thing this base ball enthusi asm is. In almost any othor affair enthusi asm has some stability. The backers of a political leader are liable to stay by him through thick and thin, unless ho Is undenln blv dead. So too. In thn rnw nf ninrlllta hK- bones and otner things that command public Bumiraiiou. uuc wuu a ooso oail emu well it is about as unstable as a summercloud. If the club wins repeatedly it is wildly oxcited. If tho club looses it sneaks into an unfathom able hole. Your base ball crank is a queer fellow. Speaking of cranks, you ought to get Char ley Mosber started if you want an intellect ual treat. You never knew a banker, a real, genuine banker with the business truly a part of his nature ,',w ho did not want to re duce every airalr of life to figures, nud Brother Mother is no exception to tho rule. He can tell you how many hits n club must have and how many errors It may hnvo to win the pennant. Ho will tell you how many hits a club will average to a gnme, and, if you dispute it, will prove that the club with the highest average doesn't excell tho club with tho lowest by more than ono base hit to the game. In the same manner ho will tell you to a fractional nicety tho dllferenca in the average number of errors per game. He will tell you that '25 per cent. (.250) is a good batting average He will insist that n ball player will average four times at bat er game. Consequently he will arguo that if n player averages a base hit for every game he is in he is doing good batting, tie will tell you that a club will have to stand nbout .000 to win the pennant. Ho will show that thero Is so little difference in the butting and field ing of rival teams in an association that tho club winning tho pennant will have to do it by superiority in stealing buses and making sacrifice hits. I hnvo no doubt, if ho under took to do it, that lie could tell in a decimal of from three to ten figures just how much a one, two or three base hit or a sncrlflco or a stolen baso would count towards winning tho pennant. In tho business world men who tnko chances figure on averages or probabilities, and to find these they take the records of tho past. The entire Insurauco business is based on probabilities, someti meg known as "risk" and "expectancy", nnd tho companies hnvo gotten nt it by tnklng actual experience cov ering a long period of ycnis. A banker like Mr. Mosher, who dips into nil sorts of enter prises, figures on tho future by what has Iko-i done In tho past by others. So In figuring on this base bull business ho has taken tho records of pust years as reduced to figures, where they can all be taken in with a little study, nnd ho readily figures out aveiuges. A club may run high or low for awhile, hut in tho end tho average will come out about even. Hutnnu cawcliy is rather u stable quantity, and It does'nt vary very much. The more ono learns of Gov. Thayer's life the greater must bo his impression of tho important mu t thut gentleman hasp!ucd in the history of this state. Ho was one of tho chief Instruments In securing the ndiuUshm of Nebraska to btatehood. In 1600 ho took a constitution to Washington, but the bill ad mitting tho ttato was vetoed by President Johnson. Tho follow Iiil' winter ho took nnother constitution to congress, and this time tho stumbling block was Senator Sum ner. The constitution contained tho womU 'whltonules" in rofeirlug to Its c ti.J is and Sunnier, who had been championing tho cause of the colored people, ohjvciul tJ iho use of tho word "wnlto." Tlpro was no ilmo to change tho constitution, and General Tliuyer pioposed u method to get mound tho obstacle. Ho suggesttsl tlmt tho legUlatllio of Nebraska, thou in ssiou, piss an act pledging Its people never to const rua the constitution sj as to biranyono from cltiitm- ship mi account of color or previous ooudl tlou of servitude, Sumner ngrcvd to tho compromise and cotmrotM passed tho bill, (leu. Thayer, who had boon elected United Stales sennlor for tho now state, by tho way, returned to Nebraska and secure! tho l is Migu of tho pledge. He proseutel a ivrllllod copy of It to President Johnson, That gen tleman already saw tho gathering clouds of political war and Impeachment, and rather than stieiigtlieu tho enemy ho signed tho hill admitting Nebraska. That was in Fob. 1S07. Senator Thayer and his colleague did net be gin their term, until March Ith. A case enmo before tho governor tho other day that displayed remarkable Integrity for theso days, David Kogors of Pawnee county was convicted of shooting Hoss Monro with intent to maim him and was sentenced to hang. His iielglilHirs Joined almost unani mously in nil effort to get tho governor to ropilovo his Fcnteiico of n year In the ponN tontlnry. Kogors "wns an elderly man, while Moore was a strong, healthy young fellow. They had had several quarrels hi which Monro wns tho aggressor, and In tho last of those Rogers shot him in tho arm to in event an assault. Roger gave himself up, but had two chances to escape. Mooro oliereil to accent money and leave tho country, nud tho old man's friends olTerod to raise tho money for him, but ho declined. If he had fought tho enso ho would not lave boon con victed, in tho opinion of tho prosecuting at lornoy, hut ho insisted on going on the stand and telling u truthful story that sealed his own conviction. Virtually tho slmotfug was nu net of solf-defenso, but technically it wns mi assault with intent to do bodily harm, nud the jury returned n verdict accordingly. The judge gave him tho lightest possible sen tence, but ho will not go to tho penitentiary because Gov. Thayer mercifully pardoned him beforo ho was taken from tho county jail. A fow yenrs ago Rogers' went on the bond of u man who contracted to build nu $18,000 theatre nt l'nwneo City. The con tractor found It a losing job and sklpinxl tho country. Tho plans wero ultored nfter the bond wns mndo nnd Rogers could have evndcd his responsibility If ho had bo desired. Ho insisted on making his bond good and it cost him fS.OOO. It ruined him financially but It saved his honor untarnished. Acts of this kind won tho cstocm of his neighbors in a remarkable degroo and his case is a notable one. V What a pity tho street car companies havo to tear up the living in patches as thoy aro doing. The relaying Is miserablo In places, and it really seems as though somo city olll- clal should bo charged with tho duty of com polling a better job. It seems to bo necessary to connect tlio rails in order to compiow mo circuit for electricity and it Is dono by bor ing holes near tho ends of tho rails and con necting them by two wires which aro burled under tho paving or lietweon tho paving and tho timber which supports tho rail. An ef fort has been mndo to got tho electric plant in operation in timo to run tho cars to tho Sunday ball park for tomorrow's gamo. Somo day, somo day, the postal authorities at Washington will realize that Lincoln Is a grat and growing city and they will give us decent treatment by allowing our Olllco enough clerks to do tho business properly and promptly. In tho meantime tho peoplo may help tho matter along by a continuous kick to tho hlgh-muck-a-mucks, always lolng careful to call attention to tho fact that tho fault lies in the insufficiency of tho help at this office. Geo. Andrews of Lowell, with ulcers over half his body, cured by Ayer's Sarsnpnrllla. Dlsclplln. Unsophisticated Parent Hollo thero, nurse, what's tho baby yelling that way for? 1 can't read nt all. Nurse He's cutting his teeth, sir. U. P. Well, see that he doesn't do it any more or you lose your place. Life. Yniitlillciie Kiirnpeuii Face l'ri'purtliin, Ladles, if you want most clegnnt face prep aration, try this one. It Is pure ns spring water; no lead, sediment or other IiiuiIoiis substances. It makes your skin soft, fresh, anil clear; removed tan, blotches, discolora tions, nud Impaits a pearly complexion. If your face is not what you desire It, try "Youthlloiio". I guarantee It to give perfect satisfaction. I have sought for a prepara tion that will make complexions fresh and young looking and nowl have found it, re tailed at two dollars or three for five. I have secured tho ngency for this trusty article. J, 11. Haiu.kv. Druggist, Lincoln, Neb. lliirlliiKton ltiiute The Oullng .Season l ItrawliiK (hi. People havo nlrendy began planning their summer trips, and wo would suggest that you iost yourselves regarding the wonderful trout fishing in Kst park, Col. Tho. health giving baths and quiet rost of Djkota Hot Springs, the hunting and fishing of Wyom ing or tlio fashionable delights of Mnultou. Tho Iiui'lliigtoii will take you to any of them spiodily and without fatigue. There are many other places In which you can spend tlio heated term, and the agent at tho 11. it M. deKt or city office can tell you all nbout them. Call and get a book of summer tour mid look it over. You will find It full of good things and valuable hints, A. C. ZlKMKU, t ity Passenger Agent. mflBlAMMbwvanMMMfeNHWfMMj Tilt: I.IMITKII MAIL. After two weeks darkness tho Kiiiiku opens WVdiicsdiiv evening for tho production of Khner Vnnces great i a It road melodtauia, "Tho Limited .Mail" of which so much has been written In tho eastern press. Tho com pany opened SUcuch's thentio In Cincinnati tliu present season and commenting theieou tho Knqulrcr said: 1 click's opened the now thentiical season auspiciously yesterday. Tho handsomo thea tre held two largo audlenivs to witness tho performance of tho latest melodramatic pro duction, "Tlio Limited Mall." It Is a decid edly sensational ci eat Ion, witli many fea tures of thrilling Interest. Tho story deals with life on tho railroad In tho far West, in which many realistic scenes aro Introduced, liovo ami Its vicissitudes, of course, play an important part, ami villainy of tho worst sort Is constantly Inlorfeilug to Interrupt tho harmony of two young lieai U. Tho climax of tho third net, where tho heroine bravely prevents tho destruction of tho limited mill by placing a torpedo on tlio tiack was very exciting. In tho end virtue and lovo tiiuuiphcd over avarlco and baseness. The play Is one which gives satisfaction, and tho membeiH of tho cast deserve crtsllt for their admiral lo work. "TlIK TWKI.VK Tr.MITATIONH." Lovers of tho spectacular will have an op IHirtuulty of npeaslng their appallto Thins day evening, when the "second islltlo n" of Giliuore's tungiilllcent spectacle. "The Twelve Temptations," will bo seen In its new dross at the Kimke. Since Manager Yale has entirely rewritten the piece ami mndo It moio patitomlno than a drama, charging tho three nets with some of the greatest mechanical and trlcK scenery over invented, which wns tho result of the summer vacation. The piece will hnvo tho nsslstnnce of not only a strong dramatic company, but a number of pan tomimic artists from tho leading patitomlno theater of London, while Continental Kuroo will be well represented in tho way of special ties, prlmleres ami largo ballot corps, who will bo seen In several now ballets, richly costumed, surrounded by a scenic nccomp animont, for which nlone Gllmore's outer prizes aro so well remembered. THE OUTING AT CU8IIMAN. Cushman park was the sceno of one of the largest gatherings of the season Wednesday. It was the annual outing of Hero!shclmcr & Co., given for their friends and patrons. Tho afternoon train brought out a large crowd and then the fun began. Boat riding, swinging, promenades, ground lunches, strolls through shaded glens, reclining in hnmmockH nud taking life generally very easy, was tho means of passing a very pleas ant day. At seven o'clock Prof. Wellington made n lino baloon ascension, shortly after which the pavilion was illuminated mid dancing wns enjoyed for several houis, mu sic lieing furnished by the Philhnrmoiilc orchestra. It was u most delightful opening and reflects credit upon manager Audrus who did all In his power to miike it the big success that it was. CUSHMAN I'AIIK HI'KCIAI. TIIAINH. Until further i.otice, II. & M. trains will run as follows between Lincoln and Cusli man park. Hfwsiffij Leave Lincoln U I'-M, and re turn from Cushman ut 11 v-u. Siitnrdaya Leave Lincoln at -.''A) i-m and return from Cufhman nt 6 l'-M. Sumhiyn Lenvo Lincoln ut 10:30 a-m, 2:30 P-l, 3:!I0 I'M nud o:30 l'-M; returning from Cushman at 11 a-m, 3 r-.i, -1 r-M mid tl r-M, Regular train No. 71 leaving Lincoln at 4:20 r-M dally except Sunday will also stop at Cushman, honoring tickets, round trip rate of 15 cents will apply to all. TIIKAT1UCAI, TALK. "Evangeline" is said to have made a hit In Australia. Dlgby Hell will remain with tho McOuull Ojiora company next season, Minnie Palmer has joined tho London Gaiety burlesque company. It will cost Sarah Ileruhaidt about $1,000 to get her dogs to Australia. K. E'm Rico cables that "Kvangellne" lias mndo a great hit in Melbourne. "fiuiralo IIIU nnd the Wild West Show" are amusing the Dutchmen these days. Mattlo Vlckers Is going to try her now play 'Tlio ClicusQueeu' nt Syracuse, May !!0. Denver issnld to lie the only town in tho country where farce-coiiusly is not apprecia ted. Agnes Ilooth will play the part originated by May Brooklyn In "Ahilmina" when tho piece Is produced in Chicago. Tho Windy City is fortunate. After having lwen lieforu tlio public for nearly fifty years, Mine. Jauniischek pro- Hses dually to leave the stage this teason. Slio is now in her slxty-llfth year. Henry K. Abbey bus engaged M. Vianesl, lender of the orchestra at the Paris Opera House, paying him live times a larger salary than he now rocclvis. Vlnuesl leave for New York in July, and M. Laiuouieiix picks up his baton. Tho purifying elfects of Ayer's Surs-ipar-ilia are sureainl sjK-.Hly. Take it tills mouth, Kxuiirslou to Ilagerslown, .110. Thu Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany, the Baltimore ami Southwestern Hall way Company, and the Ohio nud .Mississippi Railway Company will sell Excursion Tick ets to Ilagerstowu, Mil., and return, at the rate of Ono Firt Class Limited Faro for tho Hound Trip, on account of tlio Annual Meet ing of Gei man Baptists, to Ins heldut lingers town, Mil., Muy 2Sth to June ftth, 1MH. Fron points west of Pittsburg, Wheeling and Parkei'shurg, these tickets will bo on sale from May 20th to June 1st, inclusive, a'ld will be good for return pi usage until Juno 30th, inclusive, with privilege of ono stop )IT west of tho alsivo naniisl cities and ono stop olf east of tho iihovo named cities, on tho tilp to lliigerstown, and tlio same prlvilego on Iho lettirn trip, Pioni Pitts burgh, Wheeling, Pnrkeishurg and points enst of those cities, exclusion tickets will bo on sale from May '.'5th to Jmui Mh, Inclusive, and will ho good for return passage until Juno 15, Inclusive, with ono stop otr on the trip to Ilagerslown, and the same prlvilego on tlio icturii ti lp. This otVers u rnro oppor tunity to lslt points in Wosteiti Maryland, Virginia nud Wist Virginia, No Time In Lose. "SSS5 "And now, Kdward, put on your dress liiK gown nud your slippers, sit down in this armchair nnd lu.vo n real comfortnblo smoko." " Whatl you aro going to let mo smoko in tho parlor? I must run over to tho club nnd lot tho fellows know what an angul I havo for n wife, Goodby, donrcstl" Fllo gendo Dlntter. An Exception. "No," said tho colonel musingly, as be put his glass down and sighed, "Texas '11 never prodtico bettor fighters nor whiter men than tho Googan boys; fourteen of 'em, thar wns, nnd every ono of 'cm died with thar boots on 'ccpt little Ike," "Tho quiet one of tho family, I s'poser" ventured tho deeply Interested and awe stricken tenderfoot. "No, sir," said tho colonel; "Ikcy alius wore moccasins." Texas Sifting. Did jr6aotioethe beautiful i wnorif EwingCk)thuirlip1lfcy"WlKa6sthta week agiua. The west window Is a verit ble bower of electric lights and fine gar ments. It's a neat and attractive window and finds sufficient interest for tho pnssersby for thcniwto stop and study oach article and its particular merits. Tho new spring suits show iqnwell and for style and ietite ap liearaticothelr espial has never beforo been seen" In Lincoln. Tho Kwlng Clothing coin puny hare established a reputation for hand ling the ilnest lino of tailor mndo goods nud ns such their trndu Is constantly on the in Increase, Their store Is tho largest nnd handsomest In tho city, their corps of sales men both courteous nud attentive, their prices are always riMjk iKittom nnd tho gar ments fully warranted as repiescntod. Commutation tickets at Brown's restau rants (good nt either place), five dollars for four dollars. This makes prices lower than any other place In tho city when tho prices chargidon bill of fare Is considered. .South Lincoln. Charles Brownleo of Marshnlltown was the guest this week of Rev. Edwards 11th and Pino Streets. Iowa, J. S. Miss Jessie Casslday, arrived on the flyer Monday 'from Denver nnd is the guest of Mrs. T. P.. Dornn 2121 T. st. Mrs. Warren nee Miss Jole Forcado of Omaha, is the guest of her cousins the Misses Thlerbnnk, 10211 C st. Mrs, R. Bennett nud dnughter of Oskosk, mother nnd sister of E. E. Bennett aro mak ing u ploasnut visit at his homo. Mrs Gunhon sister of Mis. Ixiulu Meyer, had a very plennnt visit in Osceola last week returning home Monday. Miss Mjiry White returned missionary from Turkey gnvo an Interesting lecture Tuesday ovcnlngnt Plymouth Church on Iho cus toms, religion and siip.'i'stltlons of the peoplo of that country, accompanied by lllus trillions of some of the natives which was Isith novel and Interesting. There will bo n private Pielnlc next Satur day nt Cushmnu Park, by a solec t few of the Everett School, whether they will Ihi accom panied by ''protectors and body-gaurds" iu mor tayeth not. There wns a large gathering of children last Saturday uioiuingat tno Kvcictt School, the occislou lehu a picnic at Cushumu Park, indulged In by Misses Felton, and Love with about seven fcliolurs, Theie was a bountiful supply of good things for thelmiigiy uud to lefresli tlio famishing. Iho teaeheis ably nssiMisl li their efforts to amuse and Interest the children by their Aiddecnmp's Mr. John Love and Aunt Saiiiaiitha. Anil to say nil had u good lime would not half express It. Woictuincd about six o'clock hi g'Msl spirits nud wishing that picnics were ot more coin mon oocuieiioo. Aunt Samantiia. Buy coal mined near your home. Newcas tle Nut Is conceded by all that have used It to Ik) the best for kitchen life. Price tf 1. 1(1 de livered. Sold only by Geo. A. Riiymer. Tel ephone 300. 1J3IO street. We Invite you to call and see our stock of wnsh goods "Km all-Moire" "Wool Challie" and all the latest diess faluics, J. W. WlNHKIl & Co. 1 100 O street. Haveyou hieu to the new hnlr dressing pnrlorsof the Thoiuhur'i Sistciv nt P.M2 O street. ( ikU iiVa Vt v jliIM fl'll s ( fcLUU.VSf'u & i Jki As the Coi'lilKli went to press it wns nude, elded In Just h hat manlier lo welcome Iho victorious Lincoln base ball club on lis le tm ii at 11:55 a, M, to-day. But whether tho enthusiasm of tlio fans llnds itoutlet In a re ception or a banquet, the welcome Is sine to helically, Tim Lincoln club has pcrfoiuicd the almost phenomenal fiat ut cllnililng from the hot loin (o oiy near the top In less than tlmsi weeks, and without tho prist Igo of the hoiiio giouuds either, The hoys come buck covered with glory and hi splendid tiltufiirn successful season at homo, And those people who have waxisl enthusiasts on the victory of tho past few weeks should lit metiilier tlint they call show their apprecia tion In no better way than by turning out iltli their half dollars and quintet's to see tho game. There should ho 2,000 people at tho pai k this afUiuooii If tho weather Is pioplllous, A week's playing has not etrected tho sum mary given by this paper In Its last Issue. O'Day had nnu weak day, but thai was an accident. Holms taken front lank as a pitcher and may beoxiK'cled to hold his own until the cud or tho season, And ho nut do moiu nurd wot k than any of them. Darn hrougli Is also "proving n likely youngster." In fact tho club Is unusually well cqulppod with first class twlrlcrs. Tomnoy shows maiked signs of Improvement. Dave Rowe has surprised some of his friends by his ex cellent playing nnd they have nil kept well up to the woik. hollowing Is Lincoln's record since Friday last: Satin day, Sioux City B, Lincoln 5. Sunday, Sioux City 13, Lincoln 15. Wednesday, Minneapolis 15, Lincoln 0. Thursday, Minneapolis U, Lincoln 7, Hl'OIlTl.NII NOTCH. It is nimoimced tlmt Curt Clarke of 1 fast ings and Mockvtt of this city will conqieto ror tlio gnte receipts In a thlrty-flvo mile bl cyclo race In llohniiuii hall, this city, May 30. The Evening Wisconsin thinks our Staf ford is a phenomenon. There Is talk nf trnnsfeirlng tho St. Paul and Denver clubs to othor towns. Arrangements are living made for a game of bull between the bankers and the state bouse attaches. Flanagan Is expected to participate la to ITlLw. P ck uaysgane. ffltf!s&?5?: for Mm gases nay row to obtain- ed at Ed Youngs. Special trains from nearby points will be run for tomorrow's game. The annual meeting of tho State Sports men Association will bo hold Iu this city Juno 3,4,5 and 0. Prizes amounting to f 1,000 havo U-en offered. Oney Patton will resume his place today. He has now fully recovered nnd may Iks ex pected to add to the clubs strength. Patton says It Is trying on outsiders to play Iu Den ver. Players unaccustomed to thu climate loose their wind uud tiro out rapidly nud then ho i-nys tho same nmoiiut of fort-j will send a hull u good deal farther than Iu plnocs of less altitude on account of the ratified nlr. Tho old men from Lincoln are playing winning ball. lYnoiWnr Mtlwauker AVus. Milwaukee has evidently gathered a team of sluggers. They are jMniudlng the ball over the Held and even the supitosed pheiioui inal pitchers are being hard hit. lYuoicfum Veil's. Nevertheless Lincoln took three out of four games fiom the "sluggeis" on their homo grounds recently. Going to the gnme today) But won't there be n crowd out to tee tho gnmo tomorrow. Do you appreciate good ball well yes, a little. To keep the beard from turning gray, and thus prevent the npicarauco of age, use Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers, the best dye made. You have often heard the expression "Dia mond cut Diamond." This menus much In Itspioper use anil a fair comparison might lie "for diamonds go to a reliable diamond merchant." llallett the pioneer jeweler of Lincoln has constantly handled diamonds for twenty years and copscquciiilv is thoroughly posted on the subject. His experience lias given him an insight into the business, such as but few jewelers have acquired. He knows wheie to I uy them, ho knows how to buy them and he knows when to buy them. All of this Is said simply to show thut diamonds bought properly enn le sold at tight prices with responsible gum an tee. If you want a diamond at any time you will always get the full worth of your money and best of satis faction If you call on Eugene Hallet. Dr. C. F. Ladd, dentist, 1105 O street Telephone 153. Office hours, On. m. toft p. in For harness call on Henry Harpliam, M2 noith Kleventhstieet,oposlte Capital Hotel, Dr. C. F. L-idil, dentUt, 1105 O street Telephouo 153. Office hours Da. m. to 5 p. in. Coal of every size from the best mines Iu Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora do i n I Wyoming for sale by Geo. A. R-iy-mer. Telephone IRK). Office 1131 O Hreet. The (ireat Alaska. Lornior, the new pioprietor of China Hall, 1212 O Mreet Is ImiuiiiI to make tliu refrigera tor business go. Accoidingly lie olfers any nnd nil slesat prices wny Mow the usual llgures, He Is exclusive agent for tho cele brated Alasknk', which hnvo for ten yoer past I ecu in the lend iu Lincoln ns mini) who nrw own tin m run testify. A large line of White Mountain nud Aietio lie cream fur. eis also on side nt prices Hint defy all co;nx tlliou. Don't fail to call mi Ixirmer if you want a i efrigerator or icecream freezer. $1000 ThlslsolJYred lo thn young Indy sen ting to thn Cm tls4 Publishing Co,, beforo July 1st, (lx weeks only) (he greatest num Ur of I rial subset Iptlons at 50 cents each, to the "Ladles Homo Journal", The rest of tho yenr for that amount. Miss K. 0. Morrnll, 1011 Farnaui, Omaha, having won ono yenr nt Vnssar, hopes to complete her course by vv Inning the above. All Intending to tnko ndvanlagoof tlio lato olfer will help a No hra'l.a girl como out Ihst Instead of second by sending the saino lo her nddiess, THE ARIZONA KICKER. An Kdllor Possessed with it Very Worthy Motto. Ruritost'iXTivi!. Tho first night wo en tered this town wo slept under n wagon on Apachu nveiiiie. We felt tough, ivv looked tough and wo had Just llftccn cents cash capital. We'd walked twenty-eight in I led that day to got somewhere, and after get ting thero thu prospects didn't seem to Im prove. Wo worn sustained, however, by n determination to cniim out on top ot the crowd If wo lost both legs In thu hustle. That determination carried us through, From tho very llrst Issue of Tho Kicker wu took for our motto "Ex ilouu fiinui semper vlvnt," which used to menu In our neighborhood In New Knglniid, "Tell thu truth without fear or favor, oven If you nuvor get an office or own n dog." Wo hnvo stuck to that motto, and whllo It haft mndo nu somo enemies It has also mndo us a host of friends and u power In tho land. In pursuance of our policy wo now wish to say ii word nbout "Thu Great Arizona Homo Provider company," which Is adver tising extensively In tho cast. IU latest scheme Is toadvertlso city Iota Iu "llluo Hill City" at tvvunty dollars ench. The "city" Is represented ns n hustling young town three railroads, two bunks, ono theater, 3,000 peoplo, nnd bound to bo tho Chicago of tho west. Wo rodu out to tho site thu other dny. When wo rcturnnd tho com pany offered UH twcuty-flve dollars to keep still. Wo denounce It ns a fraud from top to bottom, nud warn tho publlo against in vesting. A ruiNTKit rott the nova Thero aro three or four tough men in this town 'wayback toughs, with cartloads of sand In their systems but thero aro 400 would be toughs who nro not n bit tough and novor can bo. It Isn't In them, and they nro not in It, Thoy go round spitting orer their shoulders and bluffing" the a Chinamen and half breeds, bat they Uk good care not to ran up against th mum whoa father owned the afrhsg whieh was ttw feBBtalB head of rifhitM erwk., STV MsBllijr'WBT WV WMW vO A VO vBBJBB heyn: "Don't It's a waste of time and raw material. The goods are cotton mixed and the dyo won't stand. Come off the perch and drop your claims, nnd lot every body sine you up for what you really are a lot of old (lend bents who ought to be driven to the Mind hills." In this connection we wish to briefly re fer to the little affair of Sunday, which our contemporary will no doubt misstate in his usual fusldon. We were sitting on tho steps of tho postofflce waiting for the plnco to oteii nt tho usual hour, when mi indi vidual known nrotind town ns "Holy Smoko Bengal Tiger Steve Johnson" cjimo along. No ono knows whore ho enmo from, and some folks have liceu very much afraid of hlin. Ho picked his teeth with n grizzly's claw, carried n bowlo knlfo and claimed to shoot two handed. Iu writing up "Tho Bluffers" ot this town n fuw weeks ugo wu usked this Smoky Tiger, or whatever ho calls himself, what prison ho had run from? He's been prom ising tho toys to slice off our right ear, hnvo it broiled in Hill Tnylor'a restaurant, nnd then publicly feed It to Stevo Akcr's Virginia foxhound. Wo haven't been greatly worried, nnd wo didn't skip a cog when wo saw tho Tiger rolling along to ward us. Ha enmo to a halt In front of us, and tried to look awully wicked real old Rocky Mountain wicked, with tho gora thrown in us n chrotno. Wo didn't shiver. Then ho smljcd a facsimile of the grin Kit Carson used to put on ns ho counted up his dead Injuns and whistled ior tho buzzards to begin work. We didn't unwind or lose any buttons. Then ho sent his deep baso roar down to his feet and brought it up again to tell us that our car wns his. Ho ranched for it, but ho never got there. Wo rose up nnd knocked Smoky off his pins nt ono punch, nnd then wo walked on him nnd sat down on him, nnd hammered him from head to heel until ho roared like n calf nud whined like n coyote. We have his two revolvers and IkivvIo knife nu our table as we write. We are waiting for him to prove projierty nud take them away. Perhaps it would lie appropriate to ob serve In this connection that there will bo a little Ik-u or gathering or convention or some such thing on Pawnee square Satur day evening. Most of our prominent citi zens will bo there. Several of them will bo provided with ropes. There will bo vari ous committees apKiiuttsf to wait on vari ous disagreeable Individuals In this town, nud ask them how long they intend to re main. If longer than two hours tho com mittee will bring them to tho lce nnd they will 1h argued with. Thu "Bengal HlufTer" is on the list to recelvu callers, M. Quad in New York World. Ilio Ileuuty of It. Foggs There's nothing so delicious in the world as to reach out of bed iu tho morning to ring for your valet to come anil dress you. llrown Have you n valet? Foggs No, but I hnvo a bell. Drown Hut what gixul does It do yon to ring Itf No valit will come in response. Foggs That Is just the most delectable part of It. As thu valet doesn't come, you don't have to get up. Boston Transcript. Serve llliu Itlglit. Farmer's Wife Just fancy, llofb.uier, our nclgliUir, has Urn today making mo nn olTer of marriage In case you don't get belli i1 Sick Husband Whatl that fellow f It jvoulil serve him right If I died tomorrow! Huinorlstlschc Blatter. .r: y