aMMlMt.Wn1l.tiali:.i iKll6imltllrritllll)lia ljWJlBSSMWkJUSMpSjSja "Wj&pHWfffO'HP CAPITAL Oil? COURIER, SATURDAY May 16, i 89 i. -I I V Rudge & Morris, LEONARD VaV PimIIb REFRIGERATORS, QUICK MEAL GAS AND GASOLINE STOYES. fl 1V744 VM sfefiBS Hot Air Furnaces, Water Coolers, Water Filters, Gold Bronze and Brass Bird Cages, Builders Hardware. 1 Rudge&Uorris 1122 N Street. .The Old Rkliahlij FOLSOM 1 ttlll Headquarters for Ice Cream Ices, Cakes, Candles, Etc. Our Special order depart ment for catering to private residence and parties is the most popular in the city "Prompt delivery, pure goods and reasonable prices" is our motto. ICE CREAM PARLOR HOW OPEN. 1307 0 SI. Telephone 001 1A TEABI?I aiia'.iUka la l.rU. I Mm t Wcl pmom of llkr m, kIw can ni ta4 iHa,a4 ko, (MM laMfactiajKwUI Mk iMMIflMMlj, kw I Mia Km - - - ' IWla tkak.wa lcattik,i.kf Ikajr Hn.l will ttea fural.k M aliaaJ4aa)f a.k.;.ul,l klck rwtnm nra IktUMoual. M. lawktioilw MrcaaMula.afcvt.. ulckl lllH 1 4wW M mm rtil tntm Hck UUlricI i rvulj'. 1 WtMIHl 4 Ku rak M4vMal bin Star, wk an akla mr MM tub. II. N K W x;rrii...s?: K .; 5300 A WKDDTNO nWITATION. SEHMON lREACHUD BY Dn. TAL MAGE ON SUNDAY, MAY 10. It Was I'rrc.dril liy llir ltiiitlmn by tlm Dorlor nf n Ntuulmr nf Infant, xt 1 1 1 1 Water llrmiglit from llio Itlver lor ln. HllooKI.YN, Mny 10. Anlntorestlngcero mony was performed this morning l (lie llrooklym tabernacle la-foro tho sermon was m cached. A number of Infanta who had iieun brought tliuru by their parents worn bnptlr.od. Tlio wntcr used was noino of tlmt willed wim brought by Dr. Talmuge from tlio river Jordan. '1'liu nmlii audlto rlmn of tho Tubernuelu nnd tlio adjoining rooms were cmwili'il by nn audience of AnVCIl tllOUNIIIIll pCrSOIIS. TIlO Nllbjuct llf Dr. Tnlmngo's sermon was "Invitation to h Wedding," nml tlio tuxt l.uko xlv, 17, "Como, for all thing aro now ready." Holy festivities today. Wo gather other sheaves Into the spiritual garner. Our joy In llko tlm joy of Heaven. Spread thu ban quel, fill nil tlio chalice. Wo aro not to day at thu funeral of a dead Christ; wo aro celebrating thu itmrrlngu of thu king's son. AN KXCiriNd TI.MIC. II wax nu exciting tlmo In Knglish history when Queen Kllxiibeth visited l,ord Ibices, tor nt Kunll wot th castlo. Tlio clocks In all tlio lowers and throughout thu castlo weru stopned at tlio inoineut nf hor arrival, ho continuing to point to that moment iu tlio one surpassing all others In Tlio doom of thu groat banqueting hall weru opened. Tlio iieen marched In to thu sound of tlio trumots. Four hundred servants waited upon thu guests. It was a scone that astonished all nations . when they heard of It. Five thousand dollars a day did tho banquet cost as It wont on day after day. Sim was greeted to tho pnlauu Kates wlthlloattiiK Islands and torches and tho thunders of cannon and ll reworks that Hot tho night ablaze, and a hurst of uuislo that lifted tho whole nconu into enchant ment, llegluulug In that way, It went on from joy to Joy and from excitement to ex citement and from rapture to rapture. That was thu Kreat banquet that Iord Leicester spread In Kenllworth castlu. Cardinal Wolsey entertained tho French ambassadors In Hampton Court. Tho Itest cooks of nil thu land provided for thu tablu. Thu guest ware kept liuutliiK in tho parks nil thu day, no that their appetites might bo keen, and thou in thu evening hour they were shown into thu banqueting hall, with (able aglltter with imperial plato and nblush with thu very costliest wines, and tho second course of thu feast was made. of food In nil shapes, of men nml birds and beasts, nnd dancing Kroups, and Jousting parties riding upon each othor with up lifted lances. lmls and princes nnd am bossudors, their cups gleaming to tho brim, drank first to tho health of tho king of England, nnd then to tho health of the em peror of France. That was tho banquet that Cardinal Wolsey spread In Hampton Court. A (IHANDKIt KNTKIITAINMKNT. Hut today, my brothers nnd sisters, I In vito you to a grander entertainment. My Lord, tho king, is tho banqueter. Angels of God Aro tho cuplwarers, nil tho redeemed nro tho guests; tho halls of otornnl lovo frescoed with light and paved with joy and curtained with unfading beauty nro the banqueting place, the harmonies of eternity nre tho music, the chalices of God aro tho plate, and I am one of the servants como out with invitations to all tho peoplo, And oh that you might break the seal of the in vitation And read In Ink .of blood, .and with the tremulous hand of a dying Christ, "Come, eome, forall things are now ready." Sometimes there have been great disap pointments at a banquet. The wine has f;lven out, or the servants have been rebel lous, or the lights have failed; but I walk all around tho banqueting table of my Lord today, nnd I find everything com- Clete, and I awing ,open the door of this anqucttng house nnd I say, "All things are now ready." Illustrating my text I go on, and tu the first place say that tho Lord Jesus Christ Is ready. Cardinal Wolsoy did not como Into tho banqueting hall until the second courso of the feast, and when ho entered, booted and spurred, all tho guests arose and cheered htm; but I have to tell you that our banqueter, tho Iord Jesus Christ, comes In nt tho bcgltiulngof tho feast. Ay, he has been waiting for his guests, waiting for some of them 18D1 years, watting with mangled feet, waiting with hand on tho punctured side, watting with hand on tho lacerated temples, waiting, waiting! Wonder It is that tho banqueter did not get weary nnd Bay, "Shut thu door, and let the laggards stay out."" No, ho has been waiting. How much ho Is in earnest! Shall I show youf I gather up all tho tears that floodod his chock In sympathy, nil tho blood that channeled his brow nnd back and hand and foot to purchase our re demption. I gather up all the groans com ing from midnight chill, and mountain hunger, and desert loneliness, and I put them Into one bitter cry. I gather up all the pangs that shot from cross nnd spike and spear Into one groan. I take one drop of sweat on his brow, and I put It updur tho gloss of tho gospel, and It enlarges to lakes of sorrow, to oceans of agony. That Christ today, emaciated and worn and weary, comes here, and with a pathos in which every word Is a heartbreak and every sen tence a martyrdom, ho says to you, and he says to me, "Come, come, for all thlugs are now ready." AN BVKRLA8TINO rEAST. Ahasuerus made a feast that lasted 180 days. This lasts forever. Lords and princes were Invited to that. You and I are invited to this. Yes, be has been waiting he is waiting now. Other kings wrap themselves iu robes of beauty and power before they como Into a banquet. So does Christ. Oh, be Is tho fairest of the fair. Iu his hand Is the omnipotent sur gery that opened blind eyes nud straight cued crooked limbs and hoisted tho pillars of heaven, nnd swung tho twelve gates which nro twelve pearls. Oh, what a Christ a Christ of beauty, a Christ of power, There are uot enough cups on earth to dtp up this ocean of beauty. There nro not ladders to scale theso heights of love. Oh, thou flower of eternity, thy broth (s tho perfume of heaven. Oh, thou day break of tho soul, let all nations clap their hands in thy radiance. Chorus! Come men and angel and cherubim and sera phim and archangel, nil heights, all depths, all Immensities. Utiorusl Hon on through the heavens iu chariot of universal ac claim, over bridges of hosannu, under arches of coronation, by the towers chim ing with eternal jubilee. vChorusl Unto htm that loved us and washed' us from our, sins in bis owu blood, and made us kings and priests uuto God, to htm be glory. Ahl there is one word of Ave letters that I would like to write, but I have no sheet fair enough to write It on, and no pencil good enough to Inscribe It. Give me a sheet from the heavenly records, and some pencil used by angel in describing a vic tory, and then with hand struck with 6fe).KS upcrnatural energy, and with pencil dipped tu everlasting morning, I will write It out In capitals of lovo, J-IvS-U-S. Jesus) It Is this Ouu that Is waiting for you and for me, foruo nru on tho miiiiu platform before God, How long hu waited fur mill How long ho has waited fur you! Waiting asm banqueter waits for his delated guests, tho meats smoking, and thu beakers brim nilng, ami thu minstrel with his linger on stiff string ready to strike at tho llrst clash of tho hoofs at tho gateway. Waiting as a mother waits for a boy that ten years ago went nlT dragging her bleeding heart after him. Waiting. Oh, can you not give me snmo comparison lntene enough, Importu nato enough, high as heaven, deep as hull nnd vast as eternity? Not ux peeling that you can help mu with such n comparison, I simply say hn Is waiting as only nu all sympathetic Christ knows how to wait for a wandering soul. How tho kneo nnd kiss tho Hon, Como and welcome, sinner, como. TIIK IIOI.V fil'IIHT 18 WAITING. Hut I remark again, not only Christ Is waiting, but tho Holy Spirit Is walling. Why nro somo connotis n dead failure? Why urn there songs that do not get their wing under thu pcoplof Why are there players that go no higher up than n hunt er's halloo? Ilecausu tliuru Is a missing link that only tho Holy Spirit can make. If that Spirit should como through this ns sumblago this morning theru would bo a power felt llko that when Saul was un horsed on tho road to Damascus, llko as when I .yd la's heart was broken In her line store, llko as when three thousand souls woro lifted out of midnight Into mlduooii nt tho Pentecost. Do you notice that some times Spirit takes nu Insignificant agency to save u soul? I think it is very often that at Just one passagu of Scripture, jiiHl onu word of Scripture, n soul is saved hecaufcotho Holy Spirit gives It supernat ural power. Do you know whnt It was that saved Martin Luther? It wns tlmt onu verse, "Thu Just shall llvo by faith." Do you know what It was that brought Augiistlnu from his horrible dissipations? It was that onu verse, "Put yo on tho Lord Jesus Christ, and mnku no provision furthollush, to fulllll thu lusts thereof." Do you know what It was that saved Hedluy Vicars, tlio celebrated soldier? It was thu onu passage, "liullovo In tho Ixird Jesus Christ and thou shnlt bo saved." Do you know whnt It was that brought Jonathan Kd wards to Christ? It was tho onu passagu, "Now unto htm ho glory forever ami ever." One Thanksgiving morning in church I read my text, "Oh, glvo thanks unto the I)rd, for ho Is good," and a young man stood In thu gallery and said to himself: "I havo never rendered one acceptable oiler Ingof grntttudutoUodluull my life. Here, Lord, I am thiuo forever." lly that ouo passago of Scripture ho was brought Into tho kingdom, nnd If I might tell my owu experience, I might tell how ono Sabbath afternoon I wns brought to thu peaco of tho gospel by reading of tho Syro-1'hooniclau's cry to Christ whero oho sntd: "Even tho dogs eat of tho crumbs that fall from tlio master's tabic" Philosophic sermons never saved nnylwdy. Metaphysical ser mons never saved anybody. An earnest plea going right out of tho heart blessed of tho Holy Ghost, that is what saves, that Is whnt brings people Into tho kingdom of Christ I suppose tho world thought that Thom as Chalmers preached great sermons in his curly ministry, but Thomas Chalmers says ho never preached at all until years after ho hod occupied a pulpit ho camo out of his sick room, and, weak and emaciated, he stood and told tho story of Christ to the people. And In the great day of eter-i inlty it will be found that not so much the, eloquent sermons brought mou to Christ' as the story told perhaps by those who were unknown on earth, tho simple story of the Saviour's lovo and mercy, sent by tho power of tho Holy Ghost straight to tho heart. Como, Holy Ghost. Ay, he Is hero this morning. Ho Alls all the place. I tell you the Holy Ghost Is ready. TIIK CHURCH IS WAITINQ. Then I go on nnd tell you tho church Is ready. There aro toso hero who say, "No ono cares for my soul." Wo do caro for It. You bco n man bowing his head In prayer. and you any, "That man is indifferent." That man bows his head In prayer that the truth may go to every heart. The atr is full of prayers. They are going up this morning from this assembly. Hundreds of prayers straight to tho throne of n listen ing God. Tho nlr is full of prayers pray ers ascending noon by noon from Fulton street prayer meeting, Friday night by Friday night all over this land, going up from praying circles. Yen, there is uot it minute of nu hour of any day that there are uot supplications ascending to tho throne of mercy. Tho church is ready. And if you should this morning start for your Father's house there would bo hundreds nnd thousands in this assemblage who would sny If they knew it, "Make room for that man, mnku room for him at tho holy sacrament; bring tho silver bowl for his baptism; glvo him full right to nil tho privileges of tho church of Jesus Christ." Oh, I know theru are those who say the church is a mnss of hypocrites, but they do not realty tliluK so. it la a glorious church. Christ purchased It. Christ built it. Christ swung nil its gates. Christ curtained It with upholstery, crimson with crucifixion carnage. Come into it. Como into It. I do uot pick out this man or that man nnd sny, "You may come." I say nil may como whosoever will. "Como with us nud wo will do you good. Tho Lord hath prom ised good concerning Israel." Wo aro a garden walled around, Chosen anil made ccullnr ground. A Utile plot Inclosed by grace Out of tho world's wild wilderness. COM El CO.MKl Do not say you havo never been Invited. I invito you now to tho King's feast. Onu nnd nil. A)ll Alll Hut I go further and tell you that thu angels nru ready. Somo peoplu think when wu speak about angels we nru getting Into tho reglou of fancy. They say it is very well for n man when ho has just entered thu ministry to preach about tho angels in heaven, but utter ho has gonu on further it is hardly worth while. My friends, there Is not any more eviduueo In tho lllble that theru Is a God than that theru are angels. Did they uot swarm around Jacobs ladder? When Lazarus' soul went up did they uot ocort It? Did not David say, "Tho chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands ofnngels?" Are they not represented us the chief harvesters of tho judgment day? Did not ono angel in ono night slay 180,000 of Sennacherib's troops? Oh, yes, our world is In communication with two other worlds. All that commu nication Is by angels. When a bud man Is to die, a limn who has despised God and re jected the Gospel, the bad spirits como on Isulphurous wing and they shackle him, ana try to push him off thu precipices into the ruin, and they lift u guffaw of diaboli cal exultatlou. But there isnlineof angels, bright and beautiful nud loving uugeU, mighty angels, reaching all the way from earth to heaven, nud when others gather like them I suppose the air Is full of them. They hover. They flit about. They push Thoy nro ready tu rejoice. Look I Theru Is an angel from tho throne nf Uixl. Onu moment ago It stood lc fore Christ nnd heard tho doxnlogy of thu re deemed, It Is huio now, llrlght Immortal, whnt news from tho golden city? Speak, spirit blest. Tlio answer comes melting on tlio nlr, "Come, come, for all things are now ready," Angels ready to liear thu tid ings. Angels ready to drop thu benedic tion. Angels ready to kindle thu Joy, All ready. Heady, cherubim nud seraphim. Heady, thrones and principalities nnd pow ers. Heady, Michael tho archangel. NO SYMPATHY WITH UODKItV HI'lltlTUAJ IflM. Yes, I go further nnd say that yourglo rilled kindred aro ready. I liavo not nny sympathy with modern spiritualism. I believe It is horn In perdition. When I sou the ravages it makes with human intel lects, when I seo thu homes It has duvas tat til, when I seo thu bad morals that very often follow iu its wake, I have no faith In modern spiritualism. I think If John Mil ton nud (leorge Whltollold havo nut nny thing better to do than to crawl under Rochester tables and rattlo thu leaves, thoy had lietterstay homo in glory. Hut tho lllble distinctly teaches that tho glorified iu heaven nro in sympathy with our re demption, "Theru is Joy In heaven among theanguls of God ovuronu sinner that rcpenteth;" nnd if tlio angels hear it do not our depart ed kindred theru hear it? Thero nru thoso there who tolled for your salvation, and when they badu you good by tu tho last hour, nnd thoy said, "Meet mu In heaven," theru was hovering over thu pillow tho awful possibility that you might uot meet. Hut, oh, thu pathos when that hand was thrust out from tho cover nud thoy said goodby. For how long good by was It? Now, suppose you should pass into tho kingdom of God this morning, suppose you should say: "I'm dono with tho sins of this world. Fie upon all these follies. 0 Christ! I taku theu now, I taku thy service, I respond to thy lovo, thiuo nm I forever." Why, lioforo thu tear of repent ance had dried on your cheek, before your first prayer had closed, thu angel standing with thu messagu for thy soul would cry upward, "Ho Is coming!" and angels pois ing inldalr would cry upward, "IIu Is com lngl" all along thu lino of light from door way to doorway, from wing tip to wing tip, thu news would go upward till it reached thu gate, and then It would Hash to thu house of many mansions and find your kindred out, nnd thoso buforo tho throuo would Hay: "ltejolcu with me, my prayers aro answered. Glvo mu another harp'wlth which to striku thu joy. Saved, saved, saved!" AUK YOU ItKADY? Now, my friends, If Christ Is ready, nud thu Holy Ghost Is ready, and thu church Is ready, nnd thu angels of God aro ready, nnd your glorified kindred nro ready, nro you ready? I glvo with tho emphasis of my soul the question, "Are you ready?" If you do not get into tho king's feast it will bo because you do not accept tho ear nest Invitation. Arm stretched out soaked with blood from elbow to finger tip, lips quivering in mortal anguish, two eyes beaming everlasting lovo' whllo ho says, "Como, come, come, for all things aro now ready." At Kenllworth Castlo, 1 told you, they stopped tho clocks when Queen Elizabeth arrived, that tho hand of tlmo might point to that moment as tho ono most significant and tremendous, but if this morning tho King should enter tho castlu of your soul, well might you stop nil tho clocks and have tho finger of tlmo pointing to this moment as the one most stupendous in all your life. Would tbnt I could como all through these aisles nnd nil through these galleries, not addressing you perfunc torily, but tnk'ng you by tho hand as a brother takes n brother by tho baud, and saying to ono nnd nil to each, "Come, come; the door is open; enter now nnd sit down at the feast." a01d man, God has been waiting for thee lo'ng years. Would that somo tear of re pentance might trickle down thy wrinkled cheek. Has not Christ dono enough in feeding thee nnd clothing thco nil these years to win from thee ouo word of grati tude? Come, nil the young. Christ is tho fairest of tho fair. Wait not till thy heart gets hard. Come, tho farthest nwny from Christ. Drunkard, Christ can put out tho 11 ro of that thirst. Ho can restoro thy broken home. Ho can brenk that shackle. Como now, tol ay, and get his pardon nud Its strength. Libertine, Christ know wiiuro you were Inst night. IIu knows nil tho story of thy sin. Como to hint this day. Hu will wash nwny thy sin, nud ho will throw around thee tho robo of his pardon. Harlot, thy feet foul with hell, thy laugh ter thu horror of tlio street O Mary Mag dalenl Christ waits for thee. And tho ono farther ofT, farther than I havo mentioned, a case not so hopeful as any 1 havo mentioned, self righteous man, feel ing thyself all right, having 110 need of Christ, no need of pardon, no need of help Ostlf righteous maul dost thou think in those rags thou canst enter tho feast? Thou canst uot. God's servant nt tho gato would tear off thy robo and leave theu naked nt thu gato. O self righteous maul thu Inst to come. Como to thu feast. Como, repent of thy sin. Come, take Christ for thy portion. Day of grace going nwny. Shadows 011 tho cliff reaching farther and further over tho plain. Tho banquet has already be gun. Christ has entered into that banquet to which you nro invited. Tho guests aro taking their places. The servant of tho king has his baud on the door of thu ban queting room, nnd ho liegins to swing it shut. Now is your time to go iu. Now Is my tlmo to enter. I must go tu. You must go in. IIu is swinging the door shut. Now, it is half shut. Now, it is three fourths shut. Now, It Is just ajar. After awhile It will bu forever shut! Why w III 0 wnbtu on trilling cares That life which UchI'b compassion spates? Whllo In thu endless round of thought Thu ono thing needful Is forgut. What llemlii (lave Her. "Tho governess was awful cross today," thoclilldieu said iutho evening. "Well, mamma, maybu wu weru bad; but we soon pucllled her. I gave her a big, rosy apple; Fanny gave her a hearty kiss, and Fred gave her a promise to lieliavo better hero after." "And, Hessle, what did you glvo her?" mamma asked or thu youngest. "I?" stammered Hessle. "I I gnvo her thu-tho slipl" Katu Field's Washing ton. A New Itelt of Camel Ilulr. A new belt, which Is claimed to bu moro durable anil less llablu to slip than leather, while ut thu same tlmo 110 moro costly, is woven with cotton warp nnd camels' hair Ailing. Tho fabric is theu subjected to chemical treatment, and when dry the licit Is glveu severe tests. New York Journal. Mr. Dance, husband of the sculptress, left lnco in his wardrobe wheu ho died val ued ut upward of illfi.OCJ. IIu was not a ollector, either. Many of his epoch were. down iniquity from your heart, ;.!AJEkiliVSaftiAiife IV,, JUST RECEIVED o The Nicest Line Ladies' Slippers Oxfords Ever Brought to Lincoln. - Parker & 1009 A M mV R a. m. IHim VM- . . M. M. m1 1591. ry Styles f 4 S NOW IN. Hall Stove and Eange Co. LINCOLN, NEB. 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