Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 16, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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TO OTjn.
Lincoln- Pattons
Wc beg to Inform jou tlml our Stock of
Spring aiid Summer
It now ready 'or jour lnpectlon nml
comptUcs nil tlu
From tin
Finest French i English
Brerj Garment Strictly First-Class!
G'uckort & McDonald,
317 S, 15th St. Correspondence Solicited
VtU.4S &,&
Maybe prnduoetlbv the two of MIM. UltA
HAH'ti Kugenlo Knniiiel nml her Kono
Bloom. TI10 complexion nml color nro mndo
perfect, anil the cfo"t crutluy could 1101 to
laet one grain of powder or tint least Indica
tion of arlMclnl color. 1 will stake, my rep
utation that on any fnco I can alvo the most
4ellihtful complexion nml color with fili
ate Kiiamoi nmi koo uiosaoin, nml
it no on could ioUly toll that
color or complexion worn ariino
Thl la high it rl In cosmetic. They
Mb mora harmless Imd any other eoa-
I In the world, in nay Ihnv urn mak ilia.
Im In their nature, nml thus dues not
r up the poro. When uilnc thoie iiipcrb
Miles you tnav wine llio ilmt or iinranl.
ration from thu nice without marring their
delicate bciiuty. They romiiln on nil day, or
until watlied oir.
Price or each, $1; llio twoxont nmwliore for
?. For sale by HOWAIUV.i fHAMONl)
HAHMAUY.Norttiweit Corner N ivnd I'Jth
Mrs. Qrnhiim, Urt Post t., Kan I'riiuolitco,
treat ladles Tor nil defect or hleiuWhci ol
fapo or ninuo. Send slump for her llttlo book
How to bo llouuttrul."
Lincoln. Floral Conservatory
Coiner G nml 17th btivi'ts.
Out Flowers andTlesigns
For Wcddlngn, FunernU, Pnrllen,
Receptlonii, Ktc.
General Collection of Plants.
Visitor Alwas Welcome. City Order
by Telephone Promptly Filled.
Price LUt Free. Telephone 344
Lincoln Trunk Factory
Where wc will be glad to lee all old
friends and customer and as many new
one as can get Into the store.
f?rlkvLrfiX y,'J v
f 1 A ' ( . 1
1 J..2is4ikLii
am. aHBtlVaMaB
Wi vaaaaaaaaaKawSa
N laValaPPamPWvIr
A llonton I'rrnrlittr Wlm linn (lalnml
U'liln l'm.
II0M011 U particularly well provlilcil with
clergymen who nro relobralod In their pro
fession, or literature, or tint cnuso of ed
ttcntlon. No ono sect or ilunoinlnntlon enn
claim tliont, for llicy vnrjr In faith from
F.plscopnl to Unltwlnn, Some of thutn
lutvo written book tlmt havo hecotnn fa
mous, nml have started moro than 0110
train of thought townril the uplifting of
tlin race
Ilov. Kdwnrd F.vorelt Hula In probably
ono of tho mint famous of Morton clergy
men. 1 1 In fatiui In by no menus local, and
Ills untiio Is respected over a wlilu range of
territory I In wan liorn In Hoston, April 9,
18i lie In sprung froiy 1111 old Now
land family that liavo figured largely In
the history of thu country An ancestor of
bin wan the martyred Captain Nathan
Halo, whonc bint word worn a wlnh that
ho had mora liven to olTor on bin country'
Tho curly education of Mr. Halo was
under tho mont favorable clrcuinstnnces.
From tho Honion Latin school bo wont to
Harvard, ami graduated from Hint colu
brntcil unlverHlty In IKK). Ilo thou becmno
nn usher In tho Initio school. DurliiK thin
tlmo ho read theology and church history,
and In 181'J ho wan licensed to preach by
tho Hoston Ansoclatlon of Congregational
Ministers. Ill Ilmt rt'Killur charge wan
the Church of tho Unity, In Worcester.
Ho remained pastor of thin church from
1H til to law, when hu became pastor of the
South Congregational (Unitarian) church,
iu Uoston, where ho still remains.
During bin pantornl work In Ilonton he
has been Iduntlllud with many chnrltnblo
bodlea and movements. A book publlHbud
by him In 1870, "Ton Times Ono Is Ten,"
loci to n movement which now oxists in n
club or aeries of clubn with over 00,000
members. Another Hoclety duo to his ef
forts, tho Look Up IjOkIoii, uutnlMirn sotno
0,000 tnembor. Several mnnar.incn nro
undor his charge. Ho is a thorough news
paper man, having nerved In every capac
ity on tho Boston Dnlly Advertiser from
reporter to oditor-ln-chlef.
A Man Who llg an to Write Jokes When
m Chllil.
Alexander R. Sweet, who edits Texas
81 f tings, and who Is prolific as n humorist,
has been described as "a typical hayseed,
wttli his loose, rough looking clothes, heavy
movements, full uncultured heartland rich
complexion. One would Judge he knew
More about eropa' than human nature. In
eoBversattosi Im aays funny things that del
serve plaosa In print with a countenance
marked by Ineffable solemnity." Mr.
Sweet is a modest geiitlemnn of mild mnn-
uora, with a kindly fnco. Ho lives In Now
York city with his
family. Ho was
iKirn in Canada in
1841, but when he
was n mere child
hi parents moved
to Sun Antonio,
Tex., nml nettled
there. At tdxtccn
ho went to school
at Poughkccpnic,
after which ho vis
ited Germany nml
was n Htudent at
CarUrttho, Baden,
for Bevcral years
He returned to
Texas In IS03 and Joined tho Thirty-third
Texan cavalry as a privnto, and served un
til tho war ended.
"After the war," says Mr. Sweet, "I
practiced Inw, but not with any bewilder
ing degree of success. I drifted Into Jour
nalUm, and for soveral years furnished a
column of Ban Antonio slftlugs for tho
Gnlvcston News. These items wore much
copied, and I started Texas Slftlugs In I8SI
in Austin. My life has been comparatively
blameless, except for a short time when 1
was learning to play on tho flute." In re
gard to his methods of work Mr. Sweet
ouce rcmarkcdi
"Unlike other nllegcd humorists, 1 can
not recall my first downward step. I bo
gnu going down from my crudle, I believe.
The propensity to write funny things was
contemporaneous with my first successful
struggle with tho alphabet, and has accom
panied mo through life, bringing with it
all tho misfortunes which have blighted
my career and mndo me tho peusivo creat
ure you behold. How do I build my Jokes?
I think my Jokes build themselves. They
even get Into my business correspondence.
Of the different styles of humorous writing
the brief paragraph Is tho mont difficult
A column of such paragraphs dnlly would
put any man under the sod In twelve
months, whereas humorous sketches, es
pecially If they nro In n series, are tho easi
est work n professional humorist can da
1 can write n couple of columns of sketches
without any great mental wear and tear,
but a half column of paragraphs makes me
long to be a popular preacher."
Floriculture In the United States.
A recent bulletin Issued by tho census
bureau gives some timely statistics regard
ing floriculture, which has been carried on
as a business for upward of a century, and
which in the last twenty-live years has as
sumed large proportions. Out of a total
of 4,050 establishments, 3,703 wero started
between 1870 and 1890, and of these 1,707 be
tween 1880 and 1600. There are 813 com
mercial floriculture establishments owned
and managed by women. These 4,650 es
tablishments had In use In the census year
83,823,347 square feet of glass, covering a
pace of mora than 801 acres of grounds.
The establishments, including fixtures and
beating apparatus, were valued at 38,355,
733.43; tools and Implements, f 1,587,003.03,
and gave employment to 10,847 men and
1,058 women, who earned In the year 18,
483,057. Fuel for heating cost 11,160,153.66.
The products for the year were 40,056,253
rose bushes, 88,380,873 hardy plauU aud
shrubs, while all other plants amounted to
183,835,308, reaching a total value of I13,086,
477.76 for plauU. Cut (lowers brought an
additional income of 1A,175,338.0I.
y' VaV
ra'isCri m,
1 v 'b' I Jr?
The Attnnk of liilhnr lunation nil Iter.
Holier Nimlmi 0(iiitrovery llolwueii
Two Oiithnlln lll.lici-Why )r. Ilrldtf
mini Itf-nlineil III Ohnrgr.
A strange spirit of unrest seems to have
taken ponnenHlou of tin) religious world of
Into. Kiulueut pantom nro iiientlonlng tho
liiHplratlon of Holy Writ, denying tho doc
trine of eternal puiilnhment and ranting
doubt upon tho resurrection of Chrlnt.
1'rofcHsoM of theology nro giving tho broad'
est construction to creeds; churcli illnnen
klonnaru rife over foundational truths, and
a verltnblo battloof iM'llefs In In progress.
Foremost iu tho strife for tho old faith
and customs In Father Ignatius, the, Prot
estant monk of Wales Thin gentleman
claims to preach tho gospel pure nml uu
dellled, and It shocked lilm to llud men of
o tb or Ideas In .jipjj
vuiirKu "I I'.pineii
pnl churches 1 11
America. Ceitaln
utterances of tho
Hov. Dr. Holier
Newton, one 11 f
tho most eloiiieiit
divines of Now
York, aroused tho
Indignation of Fa
ther Ignatius,
whoso coifed fid
lowers In Wales
recently went over v
In a Iwdy to tho fATitna IONAT1U8.
Itomau Catholic church. The monk saw
danger to tho church at largo should Dr.
Newton remain n proinliuont member. Ho
publicly denounced thu "hypocrisy" of tho
preacher and called upon Bishop Potter to
discipline him.
Dr. Newton's offense, an formulated by
Father Ignatius, consists In his alleged
denial of tho Incarnation and resurrection
of Christ. Ho in also said to have expressed
tho opinion that there is no need for tho
miraculous conception of tho divlno word.
Dr. William H. Huntington, rector of
Grace church, who questioned tho nccu
racy of the monk's statement of Dr. Now
ton's position, and appealed for tolerance
In tho church, was
dubbed an lullilel,
and his letter on
the subject charac
terized ns n "piece
of slippery Jesuit
Ism." Dr. Da Cos
ta, In upholding
Father Ignatius,
declared that "the
church today Is
badly entangled In
the tolls of Satan.
Tho spirit of
worldllncsn, In
spired and direct
ed by wealth, is
regardless of di
vine truth. The
HKtiKR NKWTON. wealth or tho land,
to a largo extent, views religion as a system
of economical insurance, a 'cheap dofenso
for the nation,' and regards the priest sim
ply ns a member of tho moral police,"
Dr. Newton has conducted himself with
dignity during tho hubbub. In a sermon
he said the miusii"re of St. Bartholomew
was one of the atrocities committed
through faith, whi;b "bos also burned li
braries, closed
schools, ana ho
natlaed science,
martyred philos
ophers, white
washed the walls
on which art has
drawn her glori
ous visions, staid
tho progress of tho
h u in n 11 r a 0 o
through centu
ries, ami wrought
incalculable evil
to civilization."
Ho nlejiiliil for n
wider charity, nisiiop M'qUAtn.
"tho corner stono of truo Christianity,"
and said tho chief regard of organized
Protestantism, equally with Itomiiulsm,
was not truth iu Itself, but truth as held
by tho fathers, and delivered by them to
their children that Is, "truth arrested,
fixed, stereotyped, Until."
There is also warfare in a certain section
of tho Catholic cliuich. This, however, Is
not a dispute as to doctclue, but what np
pears to bo a personal quarrel betw ecu two
bishops openly carried on by tho Rochester
Catholic Journal
and tho UutTalo
Catholic Union.
Bishop McQuald,
of Rochester, con
demned the course
of the latter paper
in a recent pastor
al letter. Ho said
it bad for years
and m 11 1 1 g ri o d
himself nud dlo-
vv ceso In a shameful
manner, with the
fullest approba
tion of tho Right
Rev. Bishop of
Buffalo. It had
ntsiiop ItVAK.
ought to creato division among the priests
and people In a malicious, unchristian
spirit. To prevent serious Injury to tho
faith and morals of tho young lie protested
against tho circulation of Tho Catholic
Union In tho diocese, ns it was "not lit
reading for decent and pure minded chit
dren," nnd was "a constantly recurring
source of scandal to many, running luto
sin nnd shame," Bishop Ryan, of Buffalo,
refused to mnko any answer to this pastor
al. "Tho Bishop of Rochester," he said,
"undoubtedly felt Justified iu writing tho
letter, and with his action this diocese bus
nothing to do. I have 110 quarrel with
Bishop McQuald."
Baptist circles have been stirred to their
depths by tho defection of ono of their
leading pastors on tho all absorbing topic
ot eternal punish
ment for sinners.
Tho Rev. Dr. C.
DeW. Drldgman
recently resigned
the pastorato of
the Madison Ave
nue Baptist
church, Now .. A jt a
York. becaiiM) bin ?. fV ?.'
, .., , i-jj
iioni inuruuu y.
wero in counict
with the general
belief of the
church. In a re
cent sermon he dr. liltlPOMAN.
expressed his firm conviction that the
doctrine of hell Is directly opposed to
Christ's teaching; that the hell against
which the tord warned mankind Is just
tte inward depravity which selfishness and
nbellef and unfalthfuluess are certain to
wseU. JouM W. Postoatk.
fi I xr aHsA
I5I M m 1 itei nQ kTv A 1 WJmtWihW .a wa m awTiri av-Wv aVS?ZHV
N1111111 of the Wild Wn)n of (In Ahentl
Impt December, when wo had completed
the lepalrs to llio picket feuro surrounding
our private graveyaul nud counted tip tho
graven, wo announced our earnest hope
that tho number would never exceed nine.
Wo never really wanted to kill any ono of
the batch, much preferring to live at peace
with nil mankind, but It wan 11 casu of
"shoot first or go under" In each and every
Instance, and It became our duty to shoot.
Everybody knows wo have done the
square thing when compelled to outfit n
mini for tho far off country. Wo havu
bought colllnn, furnished Nliroiids, got up
funeral processions and planted tho Immi
grant on our own privnto lot, where his
headboard would not Imi taken by tho cow
boys fornciichcr table nor his bones become
tho prey of tho co) olei. It Is needless to
add that we shall continue to pursue thin
lllx-ral policy iu tho future, while the sub
scription price of tho Kicker will still re
main at two dollars per ear.
As stilted nt the beginning, wo hoped to
keep the number down to nine, but cir
cumstances over which wo hud no control
erected 11 tenth headboard thu other day.
In writing up Colonel Woodhouso's new
ranch two weel.s ago wu Jocularly referred
to a cowboy as ' Cockered Bill." It seems
that bin proper title is "Squliitoyed Will
iam," and ho took offense at our license.
Wo liavo Invariably noticed that when wo
nttempt anything Jocular somebody dies
before the mouth expires, nud wo shall now
swear oil', ,
Bright and early Monday morning the
gentleman with the Imperfect optics opened
tlio front door of our olllco with 11 great
deal of useless energy, ami lieforo wo ssiuhl
glvo him C. O. I), rates 011 a half ciPfumii
ml. ho began banging away at us. Wu
knew, from tho way bin first bullet chawed
Its way through the straw hat wu wear Iu
thuollk-e that he meant business, and wo
didn't allow any vision of tho dear old
hoinu back In New Knglnml, with mother
standing iu tho door, stop us from getting
ready to return his courtesies.
William shot tho bauds off our office
clock, split tho ear of thu Chlnamnii who
turns tlio crank of our power press unci
blasted the peaceful life of a yaller cnt
which w 0 paid llvodollnro for In Tucson; but
when tho cannonade had ceased William
hnd gone down tho long, dark trnil to Join
ids forefathers. Wowere,of courso, prompt
ly acquitted before tho coroner's Jury, nnd
we think we did the square thing when wo
got thirteen vehicles out to William's fu
neral. All our readers will bear witness to tho
fnct that wo have exercised the greatest
patience in bearing the slum and taunts of
our esteemed weekly contemporary On
three different occasions wo would have
been perfectly Justified In killing him, but
wo restrained our hand becnuso wo knew
ho owed Ids two compositors money which
they would lose If ho went under ground.
Wo long ago decided to pay no further at
tention to him, no matter what ho satd;
but there was an item In bin last Issue
which calls for a word or two of explana
tion from us.
Our lop cared, lop shouldered, knock
kneed, slab shied, ramshackle, bald headed,
poverty stricken, cross eyed, web footed,
toothless old contemporary, with an nver
age circulation of 317 copies weekly against
our tens of thousands (see our sworn state
ments), says that we were cowbided In our
own sanctum three days ago by a lady
named Miss Green, who Is a music teacher
lately arrived from Indiana.
His statement is an Insult to a young,
beautiful and accomplished lady, who was
at once accorded the ontmy of the best
society In the town, nud who enmo here
with letters of the highest recommenda
tion from respectable people.
Mrs. Green called at Tho Kicker office in
the most mutable mood ami with the most
peaceful Intentions. She simply aud sweet
ly desired us to publish nue of her oiiginnl
poems, entitled "When the Hen's KggNesta
Again," and we wero tlirico glad to do so.
It appears on our third page today, and wo
feel that wo cannot say too much iu praiso
of it.
Tints do wo confound, paralj ze, upset,
break in two and knock out the human
hyena whose spiteful soul would blacken
our private character before thin commun
ity, and witli it the fair reputation of an
angel in female clothes. Words fall to ex
press our contempt for this Inhuman
monster, but no mlvunco will bo mndo in
our advertising rates. M. Quad in New
York World.
The Millo nml the lire.
Once upon a time n Young ami Frisky
Mule wandered away from its Mother's
side toward 11 Hive of Bees, which the
Farmer kept iu order to ptouuru Beeswax
for tho children. to chew on. Observing
his Tendency to Investigate tho Mother
"Boy I You keep away from that local
ity; Bees and Mules never have and never
will Agree."
Tho Youngster pretended to Submit, but
at a Fnvorablo Opportunity ho cantered up
for a close Investigation. He got an ear
full in about half u Minute, and had not
tho Farmer nnd Ids son turned out to his
Aid ho would have been Stung to death.
As It was ho wns Badly used up by the
Sharp nnd Remorseless stings, nud ho was
standing on Threu Ix-gn with his Eyes
clobcd when his Mother drew near aud
queried s
"Did I not warn you against tho Bees?"
"You did."
"Then why didn't you Heed my Words?
I told you that tho Bees and Mules did not
"So you did, but 1 went over to the Hive
to ask them why It was."
Mules, always put confidence In your
mother. New York World.
A (iiod Reutuu.
Little Johnny Flz.letop has tho habit of
waking up every night nml demanding
something to eat. At last bis mother said
to him:
"Iook hero, Johnny, I never want to eat
anything In the night."
"Well, I don't think I'd care much to eat
anything either iu the night if I kept my
teeth In a mug-of water." Texas Sittings.
Chivalry at the Ureakfatt Table.
"Now, cook, just you look here! Look
at that piece of bacon I've just given your
mUtressI It's the thickest and worst cut
I ever saw Iu my life! and this piece I'm
just going to take myself Is only a little
betterl" I-ondon Punch.
A f M7T7 Til 4i B ' J 1 flB
aH Sv jk mt tmmvi a ina;i
m-sfci ma sflHBitfattu0ifeiHy
? Ut W l'aDWB.''4rr r'.-'BA.l. 1 K.HaT
.VUm. V-yX WH WJV JM -' " ' 'SatfV
StKSSXUW lfilllTl2a 9 U 9 3?IW
,X5 vv TOIkl 1 ' IW
i:u 1 in ii ? Bjf
49 CtS.
Wo arc Showing a Bargain i
And Offer for Monday and Next Week a Dress Pattern
Complete for
Forty Nine Cts.
Come in and look our Dress Goods Stock over. You
can buy goods at your own price.
49 cts.
Shoe Department.
The Greatest Bargain ever heard. They all go at
and below
Actual Cost,
and must be Closed Out at once. Here arc a few prices:
Ladies Dongola Patent Leather Tip, Button
Shoes for $1.39, would be cheap at $2.00.
Ladies' Dongola Oxford Tics, Patent Leather Tip, 95c,
usually sold at $1.75.
A better one for $1.29 that always sells for $2.00.
To appreciate our bargains they must be seen. Call
Maxwell Sharpe & Ross. Co.
R. H. MAXWELL Receiver.
1 1
, .So Do Several Thousand
OtHer People.
v"" -- "-
yaw- i-v --Bt-J
Hours-D to I'J,
f yCtl
aR b
,-tJa JVi
J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor.
This beautiful new house under Its present management will be conducted In
thorough firut class style on the American plan, rates $j.oo. It has
Including passenger elevators and bath room on every floor. Tho sleeping
apartments are large and elegantly furnished and may be had either single or en
suite. We have reserved a limited number of rooms for city patrons and are pre
pared to give excellent table board with or without rooms at reasonable rata.
Call and see us.
Telephone 48a. Cor. lath aad Q.
49 CtS.
49 cts.
YOUr "fd."
Uas Here? ;
--- -- m J
Delivering Notes, Letters, Invitations
At at nuy hour to mnko tho early trains get your mall
from postofllcc, etc.
Open Day and Night I
Telephone 190. Oilice, S. W. cor. iotli and O.
Dr.H. S. Aley, Specialist
Special attention paid to tho treatment of theso diseases
by means of electricity. .
All noifinnllKtmiit tumor of tho womb romoved without
the use of tbo knife. ........
All operations for Injuries from childbirth skillfully per
formed. , , , , ....
llpliu-iiiiitof tho womb cured In most cases without
tbo into of liiHtrunieiitH. ,,....
Kiilleiin , HI. Villi' Daneo, rielntlcn, N Mirnlgln, Hysteria,
illlleroiit fornix of parabxlH, DcformltleN, nud nil other
forms of Ner oiik Trouble suceeshfully treated.
Cousulliitlon ut olllco or by mall f I u).
Newman llluck, O Ht., bet. lfltb nnd lltb, Lincoln, Neb,
tf to 5, 7 to 8.
!V '
. il
BfeA.4)irM "Sa
i M?