CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY 9, iSyt Chicago and Erie R. R. (Lnto Clilcnito A Atlantic It'y.) .In Connection with tltc Erie Railway FOKMM TUB ONIiY LINK IIKTWKKN Chicago and New York Under Ono MuniiRomcnt. SOLID TRAINS. Tlio Through TrolM of thlWwoltww"Uhl. onVo nml New York aro run solid, thus avoldlnir nnnoynnco nml confusion o" clmnKlng cars or mlislmj connection Vestibule Limited Service Vostlbulcd Limited Trains, consisting or llai? 5oiw Hiiiok n and Day .Coaches, with tollman DliilnR nd Hleop InK Cars,jdl I.nnf.t.l 111 HtlHIIIl. Hill htedby gas),) v 1 over thl I.I no Mrt Every Day In the ear. Pullman Service to Boston. A Pullman llutret Sleeping Car to nnd rrom lloston dally via this route. Thl I tho ONLY UNB HuiinliiK rullnian Car" between ChlcaKoaiid Uostou. BUCKEYE ROUTE To Coluinbus,:Ohlo, and Ashland, Ky. Pullman HleenliiK Car boteen ChlcaKo and above l'olnt daily. Train Arrive and .cave Dearborn Station, UII1CAUU. ,For further Information, call on tho nearest Hiillroad Ticket Agent, or address W 0 Rlneanon, A M Tnoker, '. D I Robert., nn Pass. Agt. nen.Mirr.A.G.r. Ant. Now York. Cleveland. Chicago Santa Fe Route ! AtcMson, Topeka & Santa Fe R, R .The Popular Route to the Pacific Coait. "Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dallv Train Service Between tfCamuwCltv and PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route :Solid Trains Between Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and nil Principal Points in Texas. The Onlv Line Running Through the OKLA'IIOMA COUNTRY. '1 he Only Direct Line to the Texan Pan-Handle. For Maps and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address S. M. OSGOOD, Gcn'l A . rr'f . . -ts - .E. L. PALMER. Traveling Agent 1308 Farnam St., FAST MAIL ROUTE '2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- .iUchUon, Leavenworth, St. Jo.epli,Knnsas City, St. Louis and nil Points South, East and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons "Wichita, Hutchinson and all piinclpal points in Kansas, The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars on all trali.s. J. E. R. MILLAR, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Ticket Agt Gen'! Agsnl Cor. O and 12th Stieet. I.mlles ITho llr. I.e line's Periodical Pills f 10111 Paris, France. That positively ro lleve suppressions, monthly derangements and Irregularities caused by cold, uenkucss. shock, anemia, or general nervous debility. The large inopoi lion of Ills to which lailli 1 and mlhiies nte liable Is (ho direct result or a disordered or Irreuuliir menstruation. Hup. pivtslnn continued result In blood poisoning wad quick consumption. '.! package or!l ror Ift. H'nt direct on receipt of price. Sold in Lincoln by II W. llrown, ilruggHt. LINCOLN (im AMI IN1TITVTE or 1'KNXtMOIir, -8bnrthsm1, ami Tyin'iviitlng, U the lxt nml Inmrst Collnfuln the Went, ml MuilunU In ulli-iulunoe lat year. Mtulenu rrparcl lor IiimIiiom In frnin J to 9 uionUu. KxiH'rlfiu-ol faculty I'ersoiml Instruction. Beautiful llliicrau-l citalotoii-, eollifjo Journal", una "cuneiu of H.iiniuiuhl, mt f reu by aUMn-Hlnif JJLU1IHIUOK A UOOSE, Unroln. Neb. In tlu District Court of l.niinnsti'r County Ntdirnska, In tliu Matter ortlia Kstalo 1 Onlnr ot V to Thomas J. Kldd, Deceased. 1 Hlmw Cause. This ciiiho came on ror licnrltii; upon the pe tition or Krnnels K. Jones, Administratrix or tho'estato of Thomas ,1. Klddi iliwuwli pray ing ror license to noil thn fnllnwliiic described renl estate situated In tho County or I.ancns. ter, Htatoof Nebraska, towl(. IaiI three (a) In lllock seventeen l7)Nn Kinney's '()" Ad dition to tho city or l.lnooln, according to the reoordod obit of said Addition, for tliu iay mcut of dobls against said eidnto unit tho costs of administration, there not Mint siilllolcnt personal property to pay tho mild debt and expense. Ill Ihcreroro ordered thnt all crsons Inter ested In said estate nppear bororo 1110 at the Court House In tho city or Lincoln, In xuld County on tho iffllh day or May, 1SI, at I o'clock) A. M., to show catiso why license should not be Rrantcd tomild AdinluUtratrlx to Hell mild real estate ofsuld deceased, to pay mild debt and expenses. It Is futliur ordered that till order lo show onuol)opubllhed for four successive weeks In tliu CAl'lTAI. CITV Couuikii, n paper pub lished and in Kencrnl circulation In tho xuld city or Lincoln. Dated thl Hth day ol April, 1801. j. Ham., 4-ll-lt .Iiidgoof tho District Court. Lincoln, : Nkhraska. Capital, $250,000 Officers and Directors: John 11. Wright, I'res. T. B. Sanders, V.-P- J. II. McClay, Cashier. A H Ilaymond, It P ThosCoohrnn B H Slzor, Chns West, V I. Hlfoldon. Genernt Hanking Huslncss Transacted. Accounts Solicited. Established Dec, 10, 1SS6. German National Bank, LINCOLN, Nlill. ttnr.ciT ..WES', i Capital Paid up, Surplus . . . $100,000.00 25,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues letter of credlt.drawdraftson nil part or the world. Foreign collections u specialty. Officers and Directors. HEUMAN II. 8CIIAI1BIIO, President. C. C. MUN80N, Vlco President. JOSEPH UOKIIM Bit, Cashier. O. J. WILCOX, Assistant Cashier. C. K. MONTGOMERY. AI.BX. llAl.TBIt F. A. IIOEIIMKH. II. J. HltOTHBIirON WALTBIl J. HAItlUH. J. A. HUDBI.SON SMALL & WALLACE Steam Laundry & SUPERIOR - Custom Work. We are especially well prepared to laun dry, Lace Curtains, Ladles Garments, Fine Fabiics Etc, having special methods for doing tills work not only satlsfactery in appearance, hut without injury to garments as well. Gjntlennn's Shirts, Collars and Gulfs, and all kinds of FlneStaich work beautiful done up. Give us rt trial. Leading PHOTOGRAPHER! Kino Host Cabinets 1 per doen. Hpeelal rates to students. Call and seo our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open nouilOn.m to I p.m. Holidays. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Office: 339 South Eleventh St. Mc.Muitn Ulock. Office Phone 561. Kesld-nce Phone 56J. LINCOLN, Nlill. A 15 Gent Shite FOR 10 GENTS -AT- SAM WESTERFIELD'S, HUKR -: HLOCK. CsSjbbbbbbN :HbBbK! PhbbbbbHi EHHOi bbbbbbbbbbbbb&bbbbbK tQSYa&tc. AN ADVENTUI10US YOUTH. Ills Letters Shnued Tlint He Was lluv hilt 11 (Iti'iit Time. Kid .Iclson, second sou in n family of five, made up hi tnliid ho would leavo the parental roof and no In search of 11 fort une. So ho threw up hi clerkship mill left for 11 town in the northern part of tho state. "I'm kIiik to hustle, 1 am," ho wild to 11 select circle of the, hoy Just lief ore lie took tho train; "ami I'm Kolug to make tho Jay of Javtowii hump themselves. I'll liet their eye will hulgoout when I get lit tho swim." So ho went away, nnd Incidentally lie left behind him a few little debts, of which ho Hpoko thus to hi Indulgent father! "I'd pay them now, hut I may need tho money. It you quiet any ono who askn about mo I'll send you hoiuo money before I've liecn there a mouth." The rest of thl true story I best told by tho publication of extract from actual correspondence furnished by the liiduluent father, who think they aro worth print ing to uncourago othurM: Nkw Yoiik, Nov. IT. I8. Mr Dkah Ilor I think )oit had better send some money to your tailor. IIusKku to inn the other day, and I told him I guessed ou'd fix thliiit upall rlk'ht as soon as )ou irotoit our foot. Your lodiro due aro rlpo also, and I would stiKircst that )ou coiiiinuuleate with tho secretary. Wo aro all well. Write 1110 how Youarotreltlnirun. YnuralTcctloimto fa ther, J AMI JlCIJiON. .lAVTOWN, Dec. 20, lHNlt. Dr.Aii Gov. Everything Is lovely and tho rooso Is bo IiIkIi thnt she Is out of ididit. 1 took Dolllo to tho show the other iiluht, anil o baa aliox. Wo created a sensation, ou bet. I'm KottiK to hit this town hard before I et throURh, and ynu'U seo uiu conihur In 011 the top of tho wave, sIpphiK the roam, before Ioiir. You'll bo dead Kind to own me. I am not rattlliiK much coin together Just now, hut wait, and you'll hear the Jingle or It clean to Now York. Tell Harvy to send inu his dress milt by tho next ox- Iiress. I will take Kix41caroof It. I need to ecpp up n front. Yours, . Tlicu tho Indulgent father wrote n letter to III dear boy, nuking hi lit to make hoiiiu definite htateineiit. iih to Ills HtiauccH, as tho family were anxious to hear and know bow ho was getting along. Tho dear boy wrote: I)r.Ait O1.11 Gov. Pretty tough this week, but am living high. Cause wh7 Cause of my great head. Down on Chlppo street there Is a resort ror Invalids where they servo up the daintiest uienls you eer saw. I am solid with one of the Invalids. I go In, order a cup of coffee, and wind up ulth tho Incurable's meal of toast, eggs nml chicken broth. Don't say a word, but It's great, and the ixxir duck sayr. bo enjoys seeing mo eating. My check I colfcc, ten cents, and I lay low for meal time to come around again. There' one fellow hero who Is standing In my way. I've got his girl, and I'm training her bulldog to blto blares out or him when be comes around again. Give my love to all tliu rolks. Then the father, who luul liven pushed by the creditor of ids dear boy, began to get uneasy, and ho started III next letter with 11 series of questions. like this: 'When aro you going to wend soino money to your till lor f How much nro you making n weekf Why don't you answer my letter 11 they ought to bo answered?" The answer came lat week. Hero it Is: Jaytown. April 10. Deaii Pop I'm out of sight, and I've got tho town ou a down hill run. Everything is aa lovely n a pufesslolial lieauty. I have given everybody a grand rip up tho luick, and linvo bought Dolllo n diamond an big n a gooso egg. I played solid with the Jeweler, and bo's got my word ror it. Am I hi It? Well, I guess I'm having a great time, and I am going to pay you a visit In a special car pretty soon. Inside of a month I'll have to hire a bank expert to keep mycash account. The town I mine and I hold a royal Hush. Yours with love, ' P. 8. Tell Harvy to hustlo his dress suit along and don't mind tho tailor. Tell him I'll pay him Interest. Then the fat her wrotgto a friend who lived in the town, and received tho Informa tion that bl sou was Kettiiig six dollars a week and was living very quietly at a four dollars n week boarding house. The letter ended, "Suiidiiyh, when It's pleasant, I think lie goes out for a walk by tliu lake." New York Evening Sun. Settling n Wiiurr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hllltis had an argument tho other day. "I tell you, Maria," said Mr. Blllus, "you nro mistaken. There are only four chil dren in the Whllks family." "I know what I am talking about, John. There are five," replied ills wife. "If you were a man I'd bet you ten dol lars on It." "You needn't hesitate on that account, John. I'll take tho bet." "I'll mako it twenty dollars to ten dol lars." "Done." "Mrs. Hillus ran over to Mrs. Whllks' and returned inn few minutes rather crest fallen. "You were riKht, John," sho said. "There nro only four children." Mr. Hillus reached into his left trousers pocket, took out n ten dollar hill and trans ferred it leisurely into his right trousers pocket. "Iet this lw a warning to you, Maria," he said, with much severity, "anil don't be too sure alsiut tilings hereafter." Chicago Tribune. SVf)l from nil Awful rate. "Gentlemen," said tho Uoston Judge, "you have done your duty by convicting tho prisoner of murder In tho llrst degree, nnd it remains for mo to puss sentence of death upon his head. Hut, Kciitlcmcu." thu Judge continued, "tho enormity of tho crime Is so great that plain death will not expiate It. I have thorcforu decided to meet tho requirements of the case by a now anil effective- punishment " A breathless silence hung over tho court. "Prisoner," went 011 the judge, "I hereby i-entencu you to bu coullned for life In 11 silk hat unit sack coat" Hut the dull thud that fol lowed Indicated nil too plainly that he spoke to a cnrpM). And 11 subdued iniir niiirof lellef piis-ed oer the court m un us tlio speelntois renll.ed that the guilty wretch had pushed hcwiud the terrible power of earthly justice. Clothier nnd Furnisher. Tint lleiiures of rrlemUlilp. vM "So the marquis gave you those flow ers?" "Yes; and oh, Maud, he actually said that life without me meant nothing." "Yes, dear; everybody says you aro Ills last chance." Life. j y THEY WCflE SWEET SIXTEEN. And Thny Tallied as tllrt Iki at That l.l(lill) l,oiiineloii Age. Kery ono has overheard Incidental con. vol nations held between girl of sixteen, when they aro Just beuluultig toassiiinoii mnturu knowledge of the world. Tho main purpose of each Is always to surprise tlio otiier by cureless remarks of thing who has recently seen or heard. They aro quite self conscious, ami each thinks of what she wants to say much moro Intently than she docs of what tliu other I saying to her. Two very stylish girl of thl typo met In a Fifth avenue iitngn recently. Until blushed, nml a the new arrival In the om nibus drew off iter glovo and exhibited a unique ring while feeling In her purse for tier fare, tho otiier coughed nervously ami turned over her portumonnalo ho that it goid monogram was visible. When tho newcomer had got her faro paid the two smiled at each other again and declared that tho unexpected meeting wits most fortunate. Tlientliey Inith coughed a lit tle, and took quick glance at each nthcr'a hats. Thn subsequent conversation went In about the following stylei ' "I'm looking for n golil lead pencil with an amethyst In the end," "M-nil I've got one with 11 ruby." "M-nil Didn't you get tired of tliu opera this wlnterf" "M-inl I got a new poodle from Pari this week and I don't know what to do with him. F.lght dogH nro moro than I can manage." "Mini I think n mnn I know lias got such an alwurd collection. Girl' Iniot heel mounted on silver pedestal," "M-iul I know n man who wears gold button 011 hi waistcoat. So foolish." "M-in! Have you lieanl about my acci dent!" "No." "Was driving tandem with Tony New market, and had 11 spill. Wasn't hurt, but my leader kicked tho polo homo In tho knee, and now I'm driving my ponies alto gether threo abreast, you know. Why don't you como out on tho river nnd seo usf I'll give you a nlco drive." "Oil, I can't get out ot town. My nculpt tiro lessons, you know. Now that my last head was spoken of bo highly by Mr, Jones, the art critic, I feel that I must do nil I can to get something ilouo for tho (tprltlg exhibition." "M-ml Did you ever see my collection of mustaeliesV "Mustache!" "Yes; I have eight. That's quite tho latent out our way. Otiier glrN havo col lected, but mine are nil larger, somo of tliu girls having to get mora boya to supply them." "M-inl How's your mothcrr" "Nicely. How'h your father;" "Nicely. I'm going down to buy a piano." "M-ml Wo shall go to f.uropo tuts summer nnd may stay three or four yean. I want ho much to llvu In Japan." "M-ml I'm ho glad I met youf" "Thank. Coll, won't your" "Oil, yes, Indeed." "We'll have a carriage to. meet you at tho station if you'll send word." "Well, I might drive my own horses out some morning." 'Do." "Goodby." "Goodby." One of them leaves thostiigo very much confused nnd wondering It she has mndo tho hit she tried for with, tho ono who re mains. The latter looks afUir her friend, and then Is cross with herself becaiiso she forgot to Hash her new Jeweled; watch. Into view during, the brilliant conversation. It is not certain that slxU-eu-year-oId girls always grow entirely out of tho humorous condition of self esteem herewith. witforth. New York Sun. She Didn't Telrphoon. A boy about twelve years old. rang the door bell of a house on, High street east tho otiier day, and said to tliu lady who an swered it: "Won't you please telephone to tho po lice station for mcr I havo foil nil u. lost boy." "A lost Isiyf Ilowoldr' "Alxmt four years, ma'am. Ho can talk, but bu can't tell where ho lives." "Somo poor child, probably." "Somo awfully poor child. Why, he was tho dirtiest Ixiy you oversaw, and so hun gry that ma said lie hadn't eaten anything for a week. Wo think his folks lost him on purpose. Ma says they ought to Ikj sent to state prison." "So they had. Docs ho giro any name?" "Oil, yes. He says his name is Hurt ." "What! Has liu light hair and blue eyesr" "Yes'm." "And one front tooth goner" "Yes'm." "Hu'smyowm boy, ho Is, and you walk him over here as iiulck as you know howl Also, tell your mother that people havo lie come rich minding their own busiuessl" Detroit free Press. What They Had. During tho rainy season last fall, while tlio rain was rotting the bottom crop of cotton and the army worm was destroying tliu top crop, tho following conversation took place In a country store in the Mis sissippi Delta between 11 couple of Jew money lenders: Jake Vel, Mono, lef tho ruin ami der vet li.if got de 1 tot 1 11 11 1 krop, ami do vtirms baf got tho top krop, vat baf vo got? Mose Ve baf der mortgage! Texas Sift in gs. Two Vt)ii Jack How l it you keep in such good spirits all the timer Harry I think how miseralilu I should Ijo if I had a toothache. Jack What do you do when you have the toothacher llai ry -Think how happy 1 should bo if I hadn't. Harper' Hnar. A Mutual llmid. Mrs. Illngo (to tlio minister) Won't you have another piece of plof Tho Minister Thank you, no. Tommy (who has lieen warned not to ask twice) I guess wo are both ill tho same boat. Life. I.lous The I'a 1 One What would yer do, Hilly, if dat lion wus ter break loose? The Lean One I'd get liehind you. He wouldn't grub at a Ismu when ho could get iiicatl Life. Ho Was Up In Ai-4'' , f IfV- -il ird;. . TLw a'tiwSitfi Just Received ! - - A Car Load OF THE CELEBRATED- Windsor Folding Beds ALL NEW A. T. Gruetter & Co 1116-1118 N Most Popular Resort in the City. Exposition -O- ii9, Meals 25 els. BWBKBBBBBBBTHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHilll i&3bbbbbHBsSs5 Till-: IIIKKCT I.ISRTO Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Ai.d all points Kiist niul Houth, Denver and the Pacific Coast, Al.XlTO DeadwooJ, Load City, the Celebrated Hot Springs of Dakota And all point m tti llhick HIIU, THROUGH VKST1HULE TRAINS uaua 111:1 vk:n DENVER, OMAHA CHICAGO Pullman Palace Sleeping Car. Reclining Chair Cars, Seats Free. Famous Burlington Dining Cars. Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Yienna, Paris, London, Havre, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin, Londonderry and all European Point?. OANllKSTlli:ltKACI!i:i II Y TIIK As It couiieetsb lib all lluro A. C. ZIKMr.K, City 1'iu-. Art.. I Ineoln. o - PATTERNS. STREET Dining Hall, S. J. ODELL, Makaokr. 112 1 and 1123 N Street. o- $4.50 per Week. Mebitfka'b Lull Hotel. THE HURRAY Or. lnth and Harney HU., Q-UTAJ it 27X3 JSTWCTLY FIRST-CLASS All1 Modern Improvements and Conveniences. a BILLOWAY. Proprietor. ISA MOBY, Principal Ol.rk uhir lint (Jof iki mi Meuinshlis. J. KHANCIB, Gen, I'aw. Agt.. Omaha, Neb