Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 09, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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TO 0"CT2""4
Lincoln Patrons
.Vc hcg to Inform ,ou thnt our Slock of
Spring ad Summer
I. now ready for your Inspection nml
iComprUR nil the
From the
Finest French I English
ETtrj Oinnut Strictly First-Class I
Guckert & McDonald,
37 S. 15th St. Comipondtncg Solicited
Wo kaI wltliln n railway rar-
A mnn named Jones nml I
While I fund itlniiees ncnt nfnr
Unto nilnimcl titult.
Bnby trdoptlotlfiriip'i
Tho trip wiw swiftly whlled.
Her ttlniices niln Jed with our chaff,
Ami unco I tlimiKlit "ho smiled.
"Hy Jovcl" wild 1 1" Mr. Jones,
Sly now compiest to air.
In iiifint cnthtnliiMli' lnnem
"Vim maid I wondrous fair,
Ami over nlnon I mil mo lirro
HIio'm wafted dances pert.
Hlio's pretty, nml It would appear
Hlio In Inclined to lllrt."
Bald Mr. Jones, "Nny, think yon nor
(I know not well tho )outh.)
"Well, If )on say w wo will ti
Ami ascertain tho truth."
Homer to her nlilo wii spoil,
My mind with sweet words rife,
Ami Jimcs-llio lllnln-blandly said.
"Ahl Mr. Ilrown. mywlfol"
. Yw&M'Hm
IUj be produced by tho lite of MRH. OrtA
IIAM'H Kugenlo Knatnel nml her Itnso
Bloom. The eomploxlun nml color nro mado
Krfeot, mul tlio closest scrutiny couM not do
it one iiratM of powiloror tbe lonst Indlcn-
Won of artificial color. I will stnko my rep
station Hint on nny fneo 1 can slvo tho most
-ellihtful complexion nml color with Ku-
Knle Knmnel nml Kno Hlotsom, mul
at no on could isMslbly tll thnt
the color or comploxlon won, nrtlno
Ul, This I blah uri In cosmetic. They
aw each more harmless than any other cos
metic In tho world, becnuso they nro onoh dls.
aolvlmt In tliolr nature, unit thin does not
elog tip tho pores, when iuUik tlicno iiiporb
oosmetlcs you may wipe tho dust or pcrspU
A l'lnywrller's l.nrh.
A mnn with his trousers In lilia lioot ton
itml n whip In hl hnml called nt tho box
nfllco of mm of tho Detroit thentors tho
other iluy, nml, "ftcr fiiinlilliiK t&vnwl his
pockets for iiwhlle, hnniKht out ntxiut n
iloxeii sheets of foolscap pinned touother
nml mild i
"Hero's a piny my daughter ha writ tin'
composed nil by herself. Wlint nro you
paying this sprlngr"
"Tho prleo Is wny down," replied tho
courteous attendant.
"Too ninny In tho mnrket, I supposor"
'That's It."
"Wnll, this Is n stepper of a plny nnd no
mistake. Four murders in It, nnd no end
of lovo nml hanging around."
"I see, but I don't think wn roulil two it."
"llousu gets nllre, nnd tho herolno puts It
out wllhclder," continued tho mnn. "Work
In elder nnd it llro and you are Hiiro to hit
everybody. I suggested tho elder myself."
"Yes, but as I told you, tho prleo In wny,
wny down."
"I expect ho. How mueh'U yo glvof"
"I am AHhnincd to mnko you an ofTer."
"I'oolil Don't Ihi iifenred of liurtlu' my
feolltiHl ho right ahead and Hay what
yo'll give." , ,
"Well, sir, plays nro such n drug In tho
mnrket that 1 couldn't oiler you over over
twenty-live cents renlly couldn't do It."
"Only twenty-five."
"Gimme tho money she's yoursl" wild
tho mnn, an ho handed It In; nnd after
swallowing the lump In his throat nnd
turning about forty different colore, tho
olllclnl passed out ipinrter nnd too lu
tho plny and sadly dropied It lu tho want
basket, Detroit Frco Press.
Ha llldn't Hmlln.
A mnn with n Michel nnd umbrella
struck n bniinnn nool on Jefferson avenue,
nonr Wnyne, ycstenlny, nnd ns ho went up
and enmo down nnd tried to cover the
wholo town his Michel hit n passing dray
horse nnd his umbrella thrashed tho legs
of n telegraph hoy. A second mnn, who
was closo behind him, extended n helping
hnnd, nnd m tho victim scrambled up he
looked nt No. 3 nnd remarked:
"Isn't it funnyf"
"Not very."
"You don't laugh."
"You don't oven smile."
"It Isn't becauso you enn't, in It?"
"Oh. no. Tho reason Is thnt I struck the
mnto to thnt skin about two blocks further
down, and I don't know yet whether I'm
afoot or on horsebnckl" Detroit Free
Tim Movlns; Tlm Hiitltnquy.
To move, nr lint lit move; thnt Is tho question!
Whether 'tis better another car to sulfur
Tho stlinty meanness of ourRrnspliiK landlord,
Or to tnkn nrms sunlnst u en of troubles
Ami by moving end thoniT To pncki tinnoro
Once more, nnd hy our moving sny wo end
Tho sewer pi nnd Ihinisntiil vllonnnoynncos
This plnro Is heir to 'tis n consiimmntlon
Devoutly In In, wished. To pnek, to movoi
To move, to n worse tdiico itcrclianco: ny,
thorn's tlio ruh;
For In Unit move wlint woes limy come
When wo hnvo loft this dear old tint,
Must glvo us pniise; there Is tho fenr
That makes cnlamlty of so long lcaso;
For who would bear tho sights nnd sounds and
Tho dirty balls, tho Janitor's contumely,
Tho w lid tin pan piano Just next door,
Tlio iiclghlxirs' children shrieking night and
Tho tromhono player In tho room above,
Ami all tho toniiier trying nuisances,
When ho might pack his good mid skip
With n strong draymnn. Who would over llvo
In this rundown, dllnpldntud lint,
Hut thnt tho dread of something oven worso,
Tho undiscovered woes we're sure to find
After a lease Is signed, puxlon us still
And makes us rather keep tho Hat wo have
Thau Ity to landlords that wo know not of?
Thus cxierlonco docs make cowards of lis all,
And thus tho mad, rash vows of oilier times
Am slnklliMl o'er when moving day arrives,
And then tho ticrfect homo wo swore we'd rent
Wo unite forget nnd III tho samo old flat
ncnaln another, ear. .
Warned In Time.
A big furniture van had Just backed up
to tho curb on Cass nvenueanil licguu load
ing lu furniture when n boy nbout nix
years old came along on n tricycle nnd
itopHd to wiyi
"I want to tell you right now that I'm
going up hero to Dralnerd Htrect ami then
turn around ami comedown with n rush.
If yon don't get that wagon out of the way
nnd some of you get hurt it won't be my
fault. Tootl tootl tootl Detroit Freo
A Cloiiennss.
Elderly Lady (who linn Hcnt for hor phy
sician In great haste) I feel very queerly,
doctor. Can't you do something for mof
Sympathetic Physician What Is It, mnd
dnmr Where do you feel stranger
Elderly Iady (fnlntly)-I don't know,
doctor. There (teems to bo n goneness
somewhere. I can't find a stnglo pain.
Pharmaceutical Era.
It Made Her Faint.
"lllng for tho Janitor. Tho lady linn
fainted," wild tho Inndlord to tho boy. "I
ought not to hnvo told her without first
preparing her for It, I suppose."
"What'a tho troublef"
"I told her I had no objection to chil
dren." New York Sun.
Yum Ymn.
Teacher Tommy Sllinson, hnvo you nny
good excuse for being later '
Tommy (bonmlng) Yes, ma'am.
Teacher What is Itf
Tommy Wattles. Hnrper's Uawir.
One Was Nothing.
He May I kiss you Just once?
Ho (uiwbnslicd)-How many
ration from tho race without marring their
delicate beauty. They remain on all day, or
nntll wahcd otr. tlio two cent anywhere for
M. For sale hy HOWAltli'iH DIAMOND
PHAHMAUY, Northwest Corner N and mil
Mrs. Graham, 11 1'ost St., h'nii Francisco,
treats Indies for nil defects or blemishes oi
face or flit lire. cud lamp for her little book
'How tobellenutlful."
Lipln Floral Conservatory
1 Comer G and 17th Street.
Br u
r lLlr
Bht- Vl
x B Vl ij--r-l--z
V 2ial
A Fable.
A wolf, seeing n lamb drinking nt a
brook, stopped for n few minutes' conver
sation. "What big eyes you have got,"
bleated tho Innocent, "My dear," said the
wolf, In a tono of reproof, "you ought
never to allow your rcmnrks to assume a
character of personality." "Hut," per
sisted the lamb, "what great teeth you
hnvo got." "How often," pursued the
wolf, not without a touch of reproach,
"did your lamented mother enjoin upon
you to refrain from comment that might
cause pain?" Ho afterward explained that
ho then feared this Iamb bml n bail Heart,
but ho found It really ns tender as nny ho
had over tasted.
Though the lnngiuigu of tho predncooiis
class lose its coarseness In tho general re
finement of inaiiiierH, the fate of its natural
prey is not noticeably changed. Now York
Evening Sun.
Knew Her I'npa.
This morning little U , five yenrs old,
heard for tho 11 nit time tho tragic poem
of Ueth-Gelert. wherein the dog, left to
gunrd his master's child, saves its life by
killing the wolf which attacks It. Poor
Gelcrt, coVered with blood from his fierce
battle. Is Blabbed by his master on his re
turn, for he fancies the blood is thnt of his
child, and llmls, when all too lnte, tho
dead body of the wolf under tho child's
bed. The little boy listened to the story
with nbsorhlng Interest, but his checks
flushed, bis eyes filled and his lips quiv
ered at the sad ending. To divert bis at
tention I tried to show tho master did not
mean to l cruel, nnd said, "If your papa
should come in nnd think his dog had
killed you, wouldn't ho kill the dog?"
"Ohl no," came tho quick reply, "my
papa's afraid to touch a gun." New York
Orlf In of "Up Hall niter."
Tho following derivation of tho nliing
phrase "Howcd up Salt river," to express
tho condition of n defeated candidate for
ofllce, is thus explained by Dnynrd Taylor:
"Formerly there were extensive wilt works
on Salt river, Ohio, u short distance from
its mouth. The laborers employed In them
were 11 set of athletic, belligerent fellows
who soon became known far and wido for
their achievements In the pugilistic line.
Hence it beenmo common for tlio lioatmeti
on tho Ohio, when one of their number be
came refractory, to Hay to him, 'We'll row
you up Salt river,' when, of course, tho
burly salt men would have tho handling
of him. Dy a natural figure of speech, tho
expression wits applied to political candi
dates Unit, I believe, lu tho presidential
campaign of 1840." A better explanation
of tho nliraso than that given by Mr. Tay
lor nbovo seems to bo that In tho early dnys
tho mouth of Snlt river was n favorlto
stronghold of the river pirates, who preyed
on tho commerce of tho Ohio, and rowed
their plunder up Suit river.
A friend suggests a third probable deri
vation of tho phrase. He nays that he hits
hennl It applied to defeated candidates as
far back as 1833, and that It originated in
1832, when Henry Clay, as candidate for
the presidency, hud an engagement to
speak lit Louisville, Ky. He had employed
a boatman to row him up tlio Ohio. Now
this boatman was a Jackson Democrat; ho
pretended to have lost his way, and instead
of rowing up tho Ohio turned Into Snlt
river. This caused Clay much delay, for
ho did not reach Louisville until the day
after election. St. lxmis Republic.
Cut Flowers and "Designs
For Weddings, Funerals, Pnrtlei.,
Receptions, Etc.
General Collection of Plants.
Visitor Always Welcome. City Orders
by Telephone Promptly Filled.
''Price LUt Free. Telephone 34
Lincoln Trunk Factory
0 ST 1133 ST'
Where wc will be glad to see all old
friends and customer and a many new
ones a can get Into the store.
Why She Wanted to (In,
Mr. Mellows Why nro you so very anx
ious for us to get off to tho mountains so
Mrs. Hollows (of Chicago) Hectiuo the
doctor says you will be another man en
tirely when you get there. New York Her
ald. A l.lndy Old Chnp.
Some men were talking ulioiittho weather
in u Michigan avenue grocery the other
day when one of them said:
"It is the earliest spring I hnvo seen in
Michigan since tho year 1710."
"Good laudsl hut what do you know
about the year 1710?" exclaimed 0110 of tho
"I know all about It. I was eighteen
years old that spring, and inndo mnplo
sugar right where tho city hall now stauds."
"You can't mean 1710."
"Can't I? lu looking over my papers
yesterday I canto across this old diary and
nut It lu my pocket. Here it Is. See this
entry! 'April IS, 1710, weather warm
enough for June: got a lift put on the heel
of my left boot; caught two coons last
night.' How does thnt strike you?"
"Why, man. 110 you Know this is the
year 1801?"
"I do."
"And If you wore eighteen yenrs old in
1710, you would now be IW years old?"
"Certainly that's my exact io. I'm
none of your spring chickens, I want you
to understand."
And he gathered up his codfish nnd tea
and walked out with the dignity of a
major, while the others looked at each
other and almost forgot to breathe. De
troit Free Press.
After a Match.
Tho average person notices the arrange
ment of a room surprisingly little. Its di
mensions and tho relative positions of the
furniture may seem to be familiar to him,
but in reality they seldom are. Tho way
to become convinced of this Is to hunt for
Homethlng, u match for instance, in tho
You have the mantel, nml mnko 11 grab
where you imagine tho match safe stands.
Down goes a piece of bric-n-brao to tho
More care Is used. You And tho end of
the mantel, and run your hand along tho
marbloHlau. Off goes a verso or two. You
Htrlko tho clock; you've got It. No, It's on
tho other side. Nottherel Ah, then it's
011 the table.
After running ngnlnst thu stovo nnd
tripping over tho chair, you llud the sofa.
Keep cool and take your bearings. Tlio
table Is north of tho sofa, and thuHtifa runs
cast and west; north, therefore, is lu front
of you. Now you have It. Thnt article
that dropped to the floor sounded llko tho
match safe. Hut It's tho ink well, and
your lingers are dyed with a color warrant
ed not to fade.
A bright Idc'i the stove! You burn
your lingers and warp your patience, hut
you secure a light. And tho match safe?
It Is on the mantelpiece lu front or tno
clock tho only place you didn't search.
Allumv Aruus.
A Spring Idyl.
There has been n stirring among tho cold
roots of the Symplocarpus for some time
now in the marshes, and its red spotted
snathe is nil ready thrust up, fresh and
glistering, amid tho oozy sponge nnd gray
debris of the marsh side, where as yet
green is barely tho dominant color, while
ostensibly, as if to celebrate these quiet
parturitions (or apparitions) around him,
but lu good sooth for private uintrlnionlal
reasons of his own, the Innocent little hyln
frog Inflates his throat and Alls the dim
vault of Night and tho blue urn of Day
with the shrill, clear music of his two noted
flute: sold Dav and Night seeming In 110
wise displeased by this Incessant love song,
although monotonous in its nature as that
Chinese Addle In Harrison avenue. Bos
ton Trausctlpt.
An Ksperlniirrd MietllmrU That I'.nslly
Itrniunlreil Major tfnndy.
"Day before yesterday," says Mr. Will
iam .1 Florence, tlio comedian, "I met my
friend Handy, of the World's fair. Never
saw htm looking so well before In all my
life; have known him, too, for going on
thirty yenrs. I was mighty glnd to seo
him, and wo had n nlco long visit. Showed
mon letter ho had Just got from his littlo
girl, who Is on n visit somowhore In Texas.
'Dear papn,' she wrote, 'you would llko tho
avoir falro down hero In Texas very much,
but the ciilsluo wouldn't suit you.' Well,
wc hnd n great laugh over that letter. Tho
result of our meeting was thnt 1 ngrced to
dine with Untidy at tho Illchclleti last
night. He said that landlord Hemls
wanted I should try his stewed terrapin.
" 'Hut bless you, my dear Moses,' says I,
'there's no such thing as genuine terrapin
In tho west. You may get tlio canned arti
cle, but surely not the live?'
" 'Oh, yes,' iiiswered Untidy. 'Demls
assures mo that It's tho genuine thing, ami
I guess It is, for I've seen it.'
" 'Alive?' says I.
"'Alive, says he.
"Well, I went nway. What n superb
hostelry tho Itlchnlleu tsl It's unique In
its wny Upon my word, I never saw Its
cquall Such furnishings, such woods,
such upholstery, such china, such glass,
such service, such wines! I declare there's
nothing like It elsewhere In nil tho world.
Demls, too, is so cordial, so hospitable nnd
so intelligent. Ho seemed ho glnd to act ns
my host, and ho wasn't tho least backward
about telling mo where everything came
from and how much it cost. Tlieso are so
crets which some landlords nro menu
enough not to disclose. Hemls Is not that
kind Ho Is free with his Information, and
I was glad to get It.
"When the terrapin camo on, attention
was called to tho elegant solid sliver chaf
ing dish In which it was served. This dish
was made In Paris out of South American
sliver. It cost, as I was told, ftiOO. Thu
ornamentation, relievos and embossings
were ornate lieyond description, and on tho
cover appeared tno uemis crest, gar
nished with diamonds nnd emeralds. Tho
contents of this incomparable dish were
steaming hot. I was served upon a hand
painted Dresden plato which, as I was told,
was worth its weight In gold.
" 'Do you like my terrapin?' asked Uemis.
"Now, honestly, I was disappointed in
tho viand. I hnd eaten terrapin in Haiti
more, Washington nnd Philadelphia ter
rapin In every stylo nnd I flattorcd myself
that If in all the world there was a terra
pin connoisseur he was William J. Flor
ence nnd none other. Uoinls' terrapin hnd
thnt distinct flavor which betokens a long
season of preservation. I should hnvo said
it wns'cnnned terrapin, It was sapid, savo
ry nnd dolectnblo, yet not quite the thing.
Hut. of course. I told Hemls thnt It was
splendid; nnd Indeed tho Ane old Madeira
(twenty-Ave dollars a bottlol) mndo up for
every dellclency.
" 'I am glnd to hear you say It,' said He
mls; 'our friend Handy hero tins beon In
sinuating thnt I don't keep the genuine
nrtlcle; whenever I serve It he Intimates
thnt it Is the canned terrapin.'
" 'Ah, but tula Is strcly the genuine,'
quoth 1.
"Indeed it Is,' said Hemls, 'and I can
prove it too. Here, waiter garcon go
down Into the deepest moat under the eel
lar wall, and bring mo up one of those ter
rapin. Donnnyinoy von terrapin, toot
sweet, seo voo play.'
"Tlio waiter a Freuuhninn, of bourse
bustled off. Handy tried to apologize. '1
don't mean to say that you haven't got ter
rapin,' said he. 'for you've exhibited 'em
allvo every time you had terrapin in tho
bill. What I do say is that your cooked
terrapin tastes llko the canned goods.'
"Hemls pooh poohed thu Idea, and pres
ently back enmo the waiter carrying a big
tray, and 011 tho tray sprawled n sure
enough terrapin. You can't fool mo on
the genuine article. Tho terrapin tins cer
tain distinct markings, colorings, shad
ings, this Hemls terrapin was a splendid
" 'Set it down in tno miiiuie or tno tame.
snld Hemls, and tho waiter did so.
" 'I've got the cellar full of 'em niore'n
a million, I guess,' said Hemls. 'Don't
feed 'cm anything but minced liver and
Uetbesda water. All fat as butter and
lively as crickets. When the ulghts are
still you can hear 'em whistling like night
"I was satisfied that 1 had done Uemis a
serious Injustice Another taste of the
stew convinced me that it was not the
canned, but the genuine article. So I up
piled myself with restored confidence to
the viand. All at once Handy nudged me,
whispering hoarsely 'Hilly, did you notice
"I looked up nt mm. 110 was wmte as a
ghost, and he trembled. 'Sakes allvo! what
nils you, Moses?' I asked.
"'Do you notlco anything queer any
thing strange or weird?' ho asked.
" 'No; of course not. Why?'
" 'Then I must have tnken too much of
the Mudi'lrn,' said he, und ho called for a
bottlo of npollluaris.
"Hut presently ho said, 'There It goes
again look nt It that terraplu can't, you
see It's bowing nt mul'
"Vastly surprised, I looked up and fixed
my eyes on the terrapin. Tho creature had
crawled to the edge of tho tray and reached
its front claws over thu side thereof; Its
long neck was extended to Its utmost ca
pacity, Its iM-adllko eyes glistened with In
telligence, nnd surtly enough It was bow
ing lu black head solemnly Once, twice,
thricu it made obeisance muasiiredly,
gravely, reverently
" 'Marvelous!' I cried. 'It knows you.
Handy, tho creature really knows your
"Hemls wns greatly confused. 'Take it
nway send it back to U.iltimorel' he
yelled. Hut llnudy mid 1 Interposed.
! Handy understood It nil now. It was a 1
trick terrapin, the only otic Hemis hud I
lie confessed yes, Hemls owned up at
length. The terrapin he served was canned
terrapin, whenever any question aroso ns I
to the genuineness of the dish Hemls I
would send down Into the cellar for 'ono of terrapin.' and the waiter would bring
back this hiiiiiu lonely, unique terrapin. It ;
was a shrewd game, but It was discovered
at last, for, however timid It was nt first,
tho terratiln iH'came Inured by degrees to
exhibition, and, having at last got familiar
with llauily's face, it Anally made so bold
as to bow to Handy, not flippantly, but
gravely and reverently as I have said.
"The terraplu Is a sagacious reptile,"
continued Mr. Florence. "Hcforo we fin
ished dinner that evening this intelligent
creature whistled an air from 'la Grande
Duchesso;' it had hennl Hilly Lyon slug it
at a terrapin dinner that Hemls gave last
week. You may not believe this. Next
time you cat at the Hlchelleii ask Hemls to
show you the terrapin, and bo will. Al
though, unless Handy Is there too, the
critter may not bow nnd whistle as he
would do otherwise." Eugene Field In
Chicago News.
Maxwell, Sharpe
& Ross Co.
They arc
Special Prices om the- following
Lines of Goods:
Cook Stoves
Ranges 4 and 6 hole
Step 'Ladders
Wooden Ware
Garden Rakes and Hoes
Shovels and Spades
Ice Cream Freezers
Water Coolers
Locks, Hinges and Nails
Carpenter's Tools
Mason's and Plasterer's Tools
Breech Loading Shot Guns
Rifles Revolvers and Loading Sets
Sporting Goods, Powder, Etc.
Fairbanks Scales, from 1 oz. to
1000 lbs.
Tinware, a $5,000 Stock
Also Everything in Our Immense Stock of
Maxwell Sharpe & Ross Co.
no YOU WANT to reach steady
11 and liberal purchasers in
this part of the Country?
WE HAVE advertising space for
onlo rt roQennqhlfl nnt "n
Si! SB:
-3!f li
MM 111 I 'Ml """tniiliiuliinii
IP! iHS'il
sale at reasonable, not "cheap," rates.
jfj: r-sfE
fc ?-' fi3?fif 2-
-: r - . -
v ( I
CnnuiitUUX N
Delivering Notes, Letters, Invitations
Atnt any hour to make tlio early trains get your mall
from postotllce, etc.
Open Day and Night I
Telephone 190. Oflice, S. V. cor. totli nnd O.
; lt
Dr. H. S. Aley, Specialist
Sieelal attention pnld to tho treatment of theso
by menus ol electricity. . , , . ... ,
All noiMiiiillBiiant tumors of tho womb removed without
the use of tho Knife. ,,,,,,.. ,,,,, ,,
All operations lor Injuries fiom childbirth hklllfiilly per-
"iiNpl'ii in-ill of tho womb cured lu most enses without
tho into or Instruments. , , ,, ,..,..
I'.ulleiiHV, St. Vitus' Dance, Achillea, NeiiraUchi, Hysteria,
dltlereut foinis of pnrnlysln, lieloriultles, nud nil other
forms- of Nervous Trouble succcmhIuII.v treated.
Consultation at olllen or by mall (l.ui.
Newman llloek, O Mt., bet. loth nnd lltli, Lincoln, Neb,
Hours-0 to 12, S to fi, 7 to 8. CUT THIS OUT
J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor.
This beautiful new house under Its present management will be conducted In
thorough I Br'tclBM style on the American plan, rate $2.00. It ha.
Including nassctmer elevators and bath room on every floor. Tho ileeplng
snarl menu are large and elegantly furnished and may be had either .Ingle or en
.Site We have reserved a llmltec number of room, for city patron, ami are prt
pared to give excellent table board with or without room, at rea.onable rite.
Call and ee u.
Telephone 48a. Cor. wth and Q.
j)Wfri W