Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 09, 1891, Image 1

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Voi. O No a 2
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In ono of tho dally papers tho other day was
n letter from Frank 0. Caris-nto-, tho well
known newspaper correspondent, In which
hogavothoresultof his Interviews with fa
mous statesmen at Washington on tlio sub
ject of longevity. Knch or thoe gentlemen
had lived beyond the three score mid ten
nlotted to man, and, on the theory that their
pergonal habits hud something to do with
their age, Mr. Carpenter asked them to give
tlio pubhu the lieneilt of their ideas through
the medium of hU pen. It In not my In
tention to review tho statements of these old
men and urgo their views and eculiiirities
upon the render of thuCouiiiKH hut In lead
ing over their remarks this fact Btruck mo:
These dlstluguUt ed gentlemen ngreed In
only one thing and that was temperance. In
using that word it is not limited to the use of
liquor but to nil things; to drink, to food,
to labor and to personal habitx. Looking nt
It from another view, these gentlemen, old,
experienced nud learned as they are, can give
us nc new light on how to live long. Com
mon sense, teaches nil of us Hint wo cannot
indulge In exco-scs without drawing upon
our store of vitality. Tho world has known
that for nges. Tho distinguished gentlemen
nt Washington hnvo Ideas, some one thing
and some another, that certain pecullaiitloH
have helped them to a halo old age, but while
one denounces tho uso of tobacco another en
joys it. Tho lesion to bo drawn from these
Interviews is, first, that moderation in all
things is conducive to health, and second,
that tho habits of any one, mun cannot bo ac
cepted or an Infallible guide. And bnrk of
all this probably is the fact that these old
men were born with good constitutions, the
finest legacy parents can bequeath.
Another point is called to mind by reading
this letter. Most eoplo imagine that the
writers of such articles make a special round
to secure the material for It, but Mr. Car
)enter speaks of having had one of the inter
views a year ago. Very likely, too, tho "In
terview" was an Informal talk, perhaps a
mere incident to a conversation on othor
matters. It is Interesting as showing how
somo of tho famous correspondents at Wash
ington gather the material for their letters
and how they store away for future use facts
or statements that may bo of no particular
use to them at the time of acquiring them.
Lincoln has a city library that we are all
proud of and 1 am sure no one should object
to a well mtant suggestion intended to in
crease Its usefulness. It has been my lotdur-
Ine the past year to have occasion to look up
by-gone matters, and my only source of In
formation was in the files of tho Lincoln or
Omaha dallies. Naturally I went to tho
library but on several occasions I had to go
awoy unsatisfied. The dally papers uro kept
on file for a month, then they are stored
away In a cupboard for another month or
two and after that well, I haven't been able
to find out what does become of them. They
are not in the library and Hint's where a
weariness of soul comes in. It does seem as
though a library suppoi ted by a city of the
class of Lincoln should have a larger and
more complete assortment of works of refer
ence, and ameng the first of these might be
exacted bound files of the tin eo or four lead
ing papers of the state at tho very least of
tho city. The publishers no doubt would
gladly donate their papers for that purpose
and the cost of bndllig would be but a trifle.
them have engagements with physicians, to
remain in their olllces during lmsltirt hours,
receive callei sand answer tho thotiMiud and
one (inectlons when tlio doctors aro absent.
Their hours are such that they have thoonrly
hours of the morning and tho late afternoon
for their own use and they improve that
spare tlmo to sell dally paer. On Haturduy
they handle weekly papeis having a Fired
sale, and It Is no uncommon thing for them
to make as much from those join mils In tho
ono uftei noon as they got all tho week fiom
their regular employers. Thoymoas rcgu
lar In tho pnsr business as In their other
work nud Itetweou tho two they mako very
handsome incomes for lads of their ago.
They nro gentlemanly llttlo fellows whoso
mauueis attract attention and win faor,
and they surely are bright examples of what
well hied boys of good family may do In a
business usually given over to stioot Aiabs,
Hupt. John T. Mallalleu of the Kearney
reform school was In tho city tho other tiny
to llgtire on a printing plant for that lustllu
tlou. One might expatiate on tho hcncll-coii'-oof
teaching the boys at the school
so good n trade as the printer's crnft,niid the
move might lie commended on the ground
that Lancaster county has the largest repre
sentation nt tho Kearney school, but what
chlelly Impressed mo was tho fact that he
should have como to Lincoln to buy Ills out
fit of tyo and presses. Thcro Is no inniui
factury of these articles In this city but tho
manufacture! s have agendo located here
which can give as clone figures and illl orders
as quickly as tho mnkers themselves. It is
merely another straw to show tho Capital
City's growing metropolltnnistu. '
special CoUitlKit Correspondence
Nkw Voiik, .May (I, lh'.ll. Among the
many piquant and soul stirring Items which
so frequently crop up In tho KnglMi pnors
and are cabled over to our American Jour
nals, tho rumors as to tho ultimate bestowal
of tho heart and hand of the heir prcMiiup
tlve, l'rmoo Albert Victor uro perhnpi tint
most startling. For hi .ill human probabil
ity It is on tills young man's head that Hug
laud's crown will ret at no very distant
date, and the girl queen who will sit beside
him then will bo an object of llitereit tho
world over. Whom thR is to be, it becom
ing u burning question. First thero Is the
l'rlncess Victoria of Took, genoiiilly pro
uotinccd the beauty among tho uuwedileil
F.uroim prluctxses and she, It Is said, Is
favored by tho prince lilm-olf. Tho othr
pretendaiito Is ono of Victoria's beloved
grand children, l'rlu?ess Marin rot of Prus
sia, Hie sister of the young empeior, mid If
tho queen's w Ishos have any weight with her
grandson, his handkerchief will bo dropped
at his cousin's feet. Kach trio has i quipped
herself with some now Kcdfciu costumes of
which wo heiewlth publish sketches.
Hut if we cannot find tho chief journals
filed away in our libraries, some of the n-ws-pnMr
men have discovered tiles elsewhere
and have h id occislou to be grateful for their
existence. Up nt tlio state houe, in tlio oflleo
of the bureau of labor statistics have been
two men of methodical, i-aretakiug habits.
They are Comiu'ssioner John Jenkins and
Deputy Harry Downs. These gentlemen
have takeu tho jiulns to keep copies of the
Omnha and Lincoln dully pipeis and they
were regularly put away In improvised files
so as ton convenient for reference. It is
A murder case is on trial in the district
court and I feel like cautioning tho public
against a too implicit confidence In the des
criptions which fllow scribblers may give
of tho event. The case is of tt sensational
order, and tho public imagination Is whetted
for occurrences picturesque and novel . It I s
mi ambition with many reporters not to dis
appoint expectation, and wo will doubtless be
favored with many descriptions full of
'color." Indeed, wo have already had mild
dabs not daubs, you will observe anil some
exceedingly commonplace incidents have
been piesonted in u manner to delight tho
curious-minded. What with n handsome
woman as a defendant and a darky as black
as tho ace of spades its her alleged accom
complice, tho opportunity for playing upon
the popular love of tho siectacular and tho
sensational is most excellent. The credulity
which accepts these clever pictures and mag
nifies them into mutters of fli st importance
is one of tho things In human nature that wo
ought to be sorry for. Thinking men and
women ought to read these accounts with
discernment and not let their Imaginations
run away with them.
Do Lincoln eople realize that they are to
have a library building that would bo a
credit to any city I Tho late legislature np
proplated $;I7,CX)0 for a wing for a library at
the stato university. That sum of itself
would erect a handsome structure, but it
will be used on only ono section of the pro
posed building and tho next legislature will
bo asked for another donation. The "wing"
will probably be a room for the storage of
the books. Tho expected addition will have
study and reading rooms. Of course they
will have to le fire proof, which entails ex
pense Very little can be done until tho
Juno meeting of tho regents, but wo may
then expect somo action. A year hence tho
building should bo ready for uso.
Why will people waste time, talk and tem
per luguiug things tiH)n which both have fix
ed unalterable opinions? Now there Is tho
Buudny base ball question. Tlio other day I
heaid two men discuss it pro and com for an
hour. They taked over nil tho old argu
ments. There wus not a new uigument ad
vanced, not a bright idea thrown out. Iloth
became excited and interrupted each other
in the midst of their remarks. Kuch thought
the other unreasonable, intolerant, and did
not hesitate to say so. They lost their tem
pera uud became personal. They may have
laid the foundation for an estrangement, nud
all for wlintf Nothing. Neither altered tho
1 "if
MmvUW Mmk
Wr maMwM
Itself with special foico lo the gleal middle
classes, because) It combines pu-ltio ecououi)
with great medicinal power. Ills tlio only
medicine of which can truly lu said "I1KI
DomW One Dollar," and it Isittlot ikon accord
ing to titiectious will average to last a
lie Whs All lllulit.
l'nllto Old (lout Can I aid you, my dear
sir, in crossing tho street
Tho Dear Sir I Kites I
help. Scrlliuur'H Maganino.
don't need no
Tlio fliyt Is a stylish bloiue of ows'lp fol
low silk, partly with black spotted
chnntllly and ornamented w Ith black velvet
belt and deep cuffs which button up o i the
outride senm. A fdll rulllo of lace foi ins the
skirt of this bloiifo.
to bo hoped that their successors will con
tinue the practice, nud th it they will as
readily grant outsiders the free uo of the-o
dally records of lwal history.
At a recent banquet in Now York, Chauu
cey Depow made the remark that political agi
tation has come largely to be u mntter of ep
ithot and epigram. To illustrate it he said
Speaker Heed was called "boss", tho bill to
purify elections was it "force bill," etc. In
looking over oven state politics one sees the
same peculiarity. Don't you remember
Church Howe's "The old ship is leaking"!
His term for somo of tlio proceedings of tlio
grangers in tho late legislature 'barn-yard
legislation'1 was another pat Illustration In
point. In Iowa during tho prohibition cam
paign it was "a hchoolhouso on every hill-top
and no saloon in tlio vnlley." In Now York,
n few years ago the Republicans were divid
ed Into two factious known as stalwarts ami
hulf breeds, and there was a smaller class
called feather brains. For mail) years hour
bouisiu has been synonymous with democra
cy, and mugtvump is u national epithet with
which wo are all familiar Tlio "bloody
shirt" and "tho great unwashed" wo can un
derstand, but tho origin of many other tonus
Is lost in mystery; and just why tlioy should
take hold of tho popular fancy is another
mystery, Home of them are of tho nut in o of
slang and pei haps that unfathomable some
thing in human nature which makes us take
kindly to slang is chargeable with the . dnp
tion of some of the political epigrams in d ep
ithets which seem to spring into life Without
Two young boys who can hi seen on the
street almost any morning or evening selling
newspapers furnish tin object lesson for
many another youngster if tlioy would Hut
heed It. Those lsj)s uio apparently ubout
twelve and fourteen yeais old. Jtoth of
j opinions of tho
hey will do it.
other a particle. And jet
And it came to pass that a wise maiden
planted In tho soft, licit earth it cana bulb.
And tho winds blew and tho flouts came ami
beat upon thuteuith and tho bulli grew and
flourished and gave foi th Irngrauco in tho
sunlight. And it also came to pass that it
foolish maiden planted in tho hard, stony
soil a rlo tomato. And tho winds blow anil
the floods came and lient upon that soil but
the tomato grew not and the maiden wonders
at the cause thereof.
It is a gi eat misfortune for tho young and
middle aged to bo gray. To overcome this
and uppeitr young, uso Hall's Hair Heuewer,
n reliable panacea.
Maxwell, Kliarpo & Hoss Co's luituimoth
stoio is now in tlio hands of it leceiver and
is being closed out at such prices as will
move tho goods. If )ou noid anything in
their extensive line, don't tail to call and
take advantage ot tho bargains that are be
ing olferod.
100 lluest engraved calling cards and plate
for t'Ui" at Tiik CoimiKU olllce.
L. Ilarr, tho pioneer Jeweler is now at
home lu his new store (formerly Cook fc
Johnston's olil-staml) at llikl O stieet.
Think of It The Cosmopolitan Mtgiufue,
giant among the great, mouthli, aill Tiik
Sal IBs'Ja It I
M ml
ny l",;i'Jii If !li
Diamond? mnko tho hem t glad. They aro
to the eye what money Is to the miser. Once
lu possession of these beauties few people
ever dispose of them except In caesof lioos
slty when they aro alwavs a most handy and
valuable property but gurd each one with
the love and carefulness thit the miser does
his finances. There is nothing that hu
man beings wear Hint affords them as much
pleasure or lit which they take morn pride.
And have you noticed how many Lincoln
people, wear diamonds. Tho female sex wear
them in their ears. In their hair, on their lin
gers, at and around thelrsuowy white necks,
nud ns breast pins, on watches etc. while. the
ttepier sex has them lu beautiful shirt studs,
rings, watch charms, watches, etc. If you
usk them, "Where did you get that beauti
ful diamond T' the mis wer will nearly always
be "at Ha'.Ielt's." Kuch questions how over
are. pseless, for everyone that has ever bought
diamonds knows that llnllett Is headquitrlers
for diamonds. Never buy a diamond until
you.have seen him. Ills place of business Is
14 UUIlll Mill BlieUl. . ,lr
The Hot HprliiVN of Dakota.
Xhere springs aru rapidly becoming fumuus
oii.tccotint of tho wonderful curative proper-
tloi'of the waters, 'and the many marvelous
cuws which hnvo been effected by tho thcr
inl baths.
'Tho town and springs are delightfully situ
nted lu it picturesquo valley III tho Illnck
Hljls country, abounding in !enuHful scenl
effects, mid nt an altitude of !l,400 feet nbovo
thu sea level; thus insuring n pure iitmos
)lrro nud exhilarating climate, absolutely
frfrom mnhirin.
'rinder the eutei prising and progressive
liKjkngement of the Hot Hpriugs company
tunny desirable improvements have Is-en
inafto; among tho number tho erection of a
commodious bath house llttcd up with nil
nimieru conveniences ior inn conn on oi
guests. New hotels have Ix'Ui built and com
fortably furnished throughout, conducted lu
flrjtcliiNi stylo audi nt rcasonnblo rates.
Tllpse who prefer stopping at a private house
will llnd many desirable boarding places
wHcro good accommodations are furnished
ut moderate p,-lces.
Tho suiH-rinr dally service now afforded by
th Durlliigtuu Itouto to Hot Kpi lugs, with
through sleeping car necoiuinoi'iiHohs fiom
t)iaha, Lincoln, Auroi a nud (linml Island,
makes tho tilp an easy and enjoyable one;
anil for tho ls.'iit lit of all who desiro to test
the elllcacy of tho watt rs, round ti ip tickets
at reduced intes, good for ninety days are
It really begins to look now as though Lin
coln was to renllo her long cherished wish
for a new theatre. Ho miiiiy schemes and
prniulicH for nuoHier play houro have liceli
announced at Intervals during the past
tin oo) cms and each ono Dually ending with
the announcement, (hat of lato every men
tion foi a new theatre has been looked upon
either as it "fako" or with suspicion, How
over tho one projected uud Just announced
seems to have luoio substance than mete talk
or paper di aw lugs, for on Tuesday tlio
houses, six In all, that weie on tho ground
whole the now theatre Is to Isi erecte I, were
sold at auction and Wislucsdny and Thursday
they were being moved off U round will bo
broke today or Monday and tho work will bo
pushed with all possible vigor and unter
piiso The architect nro J. M. McKlphat
lick Hi Hoiin of Ht I .ouls, tho sumo ones that
constructed tho now lloyd hi Omaha, l'opo's
lu Ht Louis and several of Chicago and New
Vorks lending theatres. Kd. A. Church,
Lincoln's plouis'i-and favoilto manager will
have control of tho destinies of tho new
Lansing and tho contract calls for its comple
tion November fhst, Mr. Chinch hns al
ready commenced bisiklng attractions and
Is mooting with excellent success. Ho Is it
closer manager and as of yore will give to
Lincoln thcntlo goei-s u class of attractions
that will be both rellued and thoroughly
llrst class.
season of ptosessloiial partueishlp begins In
Now York early hi October at tho Garden
Tho new theatre is not "another fake",
Tho old houses were moved off yesterday and
tho work Is being actively pushed.
Mrs. bmgtry Is soon duo in Ameilca
again, her latest piny, "Linda Orey," hav
ing pioved ii pronounced failure.
Henry IC Dlxey swore lu it City Court
(ho other day that he had no Intel est in "Tho
Heven Ages" or "Adonis", and that ho re
oolved a salary of :I0 it week.
Tonight, Hose Coghlan makes her last ap
pearance under the iiiaiiMgemeut ot August
us ritoii. Her new manager has not yet
been announced, and It Is whispoicd that the
fair Itoso will lu tho future manage herself. J
Old play goers who me groaning over the
popular ci nro for faico comedy, may derive
consolation front the fact that Jefferson and
I'loieiico In "Tho ltlvals"and Htuart HoIihoii
lu "HhoHtoops to Conquer" have made more
money than any comedians on tlio Kng
ish ppi nklug stage.
The theatrical season Just about to close
has Ihcii a very succeistul mm lu Lincoln
and Mr, Mcltovnolds feels stilllclently en
com aged for tho coming season to Invest
comldcrnhlo money in mnkli.g changes and
Improvements m hi house. 'Mrs. Funko's
plaus for Improving tho house will also tend
to make this a most elegant resort.
"A Itoyal I'iihs," which appeared at the
Ktiuke Monday evening apiHsirisI to lm some
what of it mixture ot "Hlberlit" and "Frit"
mid of Incidents ninl climaxes that were ah
most luiK)sslhle. Viewed from a drnmatlu
H)lnt it was poor, from a soctaculiir it was
comical, and from a comedy it was oft times
quito serious, although Mr. Htaley's witti
cisms were at times clovemud brought down
the house. He has quite it good voice, al
though Ins singing was not its strong as It
should bo which Is accounted for owing to
a cold. Mr, Hluloy is a new star In the Ger
man comedy Hue and will make his mark.
He has tho freshness uud bro;ue uf Kmmet's
earlier days and slugs to excellent advantage
with the exception noted above. His make
up Is good and his laugh cltver nud quite
rauiral. '
"Phnntasma" was presented at the Funke
Wednesday evening to a large and apprecia
tive audience, under tho direction of tho Wo
men's Christian association. Tho program
was Interesting as well as diversified, and
consisted entirely of homo talent. The mrn-
sol drill presented by sixteen beautiful young
maidens was well don ) nud showed thorough
training. A recitation, the "Whistling Keg
Imeut'' by Miss Btelu was heartily encored,
to which she responded. The numerous
tableaux were well staged and the effects
were Instructive as well as beautiful and in
teresting. A special feature of the program
wiistho"WhlstliugHolo1 by Mr. I). II. Loll
mer nud showed considerable tileut. The
general arrangements were well carried out
and It Is thought that too W. C. A. will
undoubtedly prollt by tho work us they coi--Uiluly
Uist night's attraction at the Funke was
tho gieal and only John L. Hullivati and the
spular actor, Carroll Daly who apjs'aiid
lu Hariisou's new play entitled, "Hon
ot Heart and Willing Hands." Thojiu
dlonco was it large one composed of' all
clashes who showed mniked Interest. Mr.
Hullivau's work as an actor Is certainly lo ho
commended, and which there Is of course a
marked difference in his woik aside of that
of Carroll Dalv. Yet. all thlncs cousider-
' .ul liu Id .rli'ltur flw. ktn.n.
Humors of thu stomach, salt rheum, and
blood dlsordeis, aro cured by Ayer'ii Harsap
arllla. TnIiIiik No CliMticas.
"If Hint's my wife outside there," s.ild
tho condemned murderer suspiciously to
the prison chaplain, "I wnut to know
what's) In that package she's carrying be
fore sho comes too near."
"It Is n prayer Imok," said tho chaplain.
"I saw her wrapping It up just now."
"Then I'll svo her," replied tho guilty
wretch, it gleam of satisfaction lighting up
Ills eye. "1 thought (icrlinps sho had bought
ma n new necktie." Clothier and Fur
ilflhcr. A Practical Illuttratlon.
isi he is giving the stage moio than one
now on sale nt all olllces of the Hurllngtoii ! could exnsjt and Is making a success. In his
Honte. new Held. Cm loll Daly Is a llnUlud actor
and assumes his role with ci tsllt. Tho piece
For pamphlet,
descriptive of the spring',
hnd full Information as to rates, time, etc,
apply to any agent of the company, or to
jj. FllANTts, Gen't 1'nssV & Tk't Agt.,
Oiniha, Neb.
, It'll r Hiirphaui's saddloiy and haiui'ss
eiiipoiium bus been moved to M- north
K'e tilth street, opHisito Capital hotel.
I is it go si one mid contains many clever situ
i atioiisaud of cum sou number cqioclnlry to
, show the ability of the ex-pugillst. The cast
I is mtidi up of some clever H-oplo and there
are but few sMiroues lu tin ejiupany. Dun
! can II in isou did not appear.
Wllq -r r
Tfiii W
i j ,
Munsey'a Weekly.
The other sketch is one m inn Hedfei u
gowns ordensl by the Prussian princess. It
is of light blue grey blanket cloth, ovei laid
with hairy stripes of tan color. The fronts
of the Ixsllco are of tan broad cloth w ith
largo buttons of tho same, sunk in i ims of
gold. Tho girdle, bolt and old li'cktie aio
of gold galloon, r.irislnn- at piv-eut Uud it
too eool to dou the gay an I litnl garb ot
spring, and the on'y thin; new one sts-s
erouml aro tho bonnets and hit'.. Tho mtw
est llowers used in millinery nut vmhena and
wall (lowers and sweet William IiIosxiiih,
Tho brilliant colors of thesi look particular
ly well on tho now fawn or beige coloiel
straws. A word to thosj g.rls who wen
veils. Do not tt thorn bo u different ciilor to
the hat, that at once will stamp ) ii us In
hiud the times. All tilti t fas no i ml 's arn
now careful to match their veils mid h i' to
a shade. I inn very glad of this, n- then (
nipiioso I can't say i.tref.tcjd. nil., 1
thu way In which giey, wliilonud led veiU
have b.-en worn wit ii every coluud hat that
has often affected me with cold s.ueis and
caused mo to retire Into my den win iniii
derous thoughts nnoiii .ho immh.i at hirno.
J Couiuku will both bo sent, to uny udditsvs one i I Hke to feel chirltable if I o.t i, s i I am pasv
mg giati jusi now in ino iiiouui oi uio nisi
coming days of aitistiu iliesi.
WIlHt ll Costs
Must bo carefully cunsidcjtsl by the great
majority of jHsiple, ii. hu)ing tven iu-cenl-ties
of life. 11 cod's Kaisai aillla comiueuiU
year for three dollui s. For t in titer partlcu
lam lead large advertiseiiieut on page eight.
Coal of every slat from the best mines
lu Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, MUsouii, Colora
do and Wyoming tor sale by Geo. A, Hay
.mer. Telephone iftu. Olllce 1KU O street.
Cheapest place
and hair goods-
in tho city for millinery
I'arlsian millinery including all the lates
novelties at Haines & Haskell's now mllinery
tore. llttilO street.
Iteforo making preseutntlous alwa)s call
at L. Hnrr's Jon elry store and see his largo
line of jeweliy that Is suitable for such occa
shuis. ltciiicmhcr tho place, ll:!il O strtvt,
Cook & Johnson old stand,
Tlie limit Alaska.
Lormor, the new proprietor ol China Hall,
121'J O street is bound to make tho refrigera
tor business go. Actordiugly he offers any
and all at prices way Ixdoiv the usual
figures. Ho Isexcluslse agent for tho tvle
brnttsl Ahiskas', which have for ten years
past been in tho lend in Lincoln as many who
liow own thiiu enntibtlfy. A large line of
White Mountain and Aictiu lie cream fiee
eis also on sale at pi Ices that del y nil coinpo
t it Ion, Don't fail to call on Iajiiiht if )ou
W'mila lefrlgeiator orlcecii'itiu fitt'Air.
; We invite ) cm to call and see our stock of
ysubh goods "Koi ali-Moli e" "Wool Clinllio"
and all the latest ill ess fahiics.
I1WIO street.
liny coal mined near ) our home, Newcus
tie Nut is conceded by all that have used ll to
he the best for kitchen use. I'rlce .-tOtln.
Ilyered. Hold only by Geo. A, Ha) mer, Ti 1
eihono JKH). 1 lilt O stieet.
Tomorrow Gushmnii park will have Its
preliminary opening on which occasion man
imer AudriiA will present mi excellent nro-
Thorn'mrn KUUts, 131'J O I K""" rendered by eminent musical artists,
both vocal aud instrumental. Miss Faimio
Lincoln will mnko her llrst npicaruuce lu Ne
braska. Hhe is known as the great Ameri
can whistling queen aud renders several
numbers with thu clearnes aud melody of a
bird. Kiguor Faley, the eminent vocalist
with good supK)rt will also lie on hand and
l'rof. Meuzi'iidorffs supeib orchestra will
dlscoiirso sweet strains of music Inith as an
accompanist for the several artists and in
conceit iiumlsirs. Trains will run out at
IOsI'jO a. in. and '-i;'M p. m., M: 'M p, in,, and
,'i.UO p. m; returning, leave the uk at 11 a.
m,, it, 5, (land 8 p.m. Admission only -
On Wtslnesday evening tho gleat presi
dential ball takes plno. hlatsirat arrange
ments have Us' u made for that occasion and
a fine tlmo is assured ail that attend. Train
leave Hut llugtou depot at :'M aud lettliu,
Iw.tvo the park at 11 p. in. All aro iuvitts.1
Tho Funke will bo dark all next week.
bo the
Commencement oxuicIm- tlll soon
attraction at Fuuko's
Addle Commiiigs Davis lias been dlvoivid
from J. Charles Davis.
May Yohs has lioen engagtsl for "U tt 1"
by George Washington Uslerer.
Wilson Harrutt, George Barrett and Mary
Fttitlnke are all coining to America next
stsisou separately,
Joseph Jeffei sou and W. J. Florence cl( s
ed their second tour as Joint Btarslnst Hntui
dsy night in Chicago. Their third uud last
Yonllillriitt KuropeMii Face l'repiirtlun.
Ladles, If you want most elegant face prep
aration, try this one. It is pure its spring
water; no lead, sediment or other IiiiiiIouk
substances. It makes your skin soft, fresh,
and clear; removes tin, blotches, dlscolora
ttons, and iuqiarts it pearly complexion.
If your face is not what you desire it, try
"Yoiithlleno". I guarantee it to give perfect
satisfaction. I have fought for a prepara
tion that will make complexions fresh and
young looking and now I have found it, re
tailed at two dollars or three for tlve. I have
secured tho agency for this tiusty article.
J. Ii. Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
i;- anil Knr Surucon.
Di W !.. Da)ton, (M'iillt audnurist, I'JUt
O stieet, telephone IlT.'i, Lincoln, Nebr.
Ilali) Is Silk,
Tho woeful expression of a Des Moines
to mooter's connteiiaiice rhowttt his dts-p anx
iety was not entirely without cuuv, when he
enqtilltsl of a druggist of the sauu ell) what
wiii Ut to give it lutiiy for a. isild. It was
not necessary for hint to say mure, his conn-
I tc nance show c that the pet of the family, if
not the idol of his life was lu iIMicn. "We
gi e our ttaby Chuiuliei lulu's Cough lUmcdy"
was thodiugglsts nusntr. "1 ilou'i like to
give tho baby such stioug medicine," said tho
i teanuter. "You know John OIcmii. of the
Watters-TallHit I'riiitmg C o,, don't youfen
quired the druggist. "Ill tsiliy when eigh
teen mouths old, got hold of a bottle ol Cham
berlain's Cough Keiuuly miiiI drank the whole
of It. Of couno It luule the baby vomit,
very freely but did not injure It in the least,
and what is more, It ctuul thu baby's cold.
It is not tuvesMiry to give kIkoii8 to cure u
cold or forcioup elthei." The teamster
already knew thu value of the lUuiedy, hav
ing used it himself, and wt now sat I. tied
that there wus no danger hi giving Tt even to
a baby.
aljlu&tf -i.i. j i