I.....I..WWMWM1 j 111 li fytn mmmimffi&mitifMt ppniiiiiiiiiiiiniBiipiipinipiinw TJair ' CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY a, 1891 8 POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000. Qsa Yacht- Sailors Latest Novelty. Only 7oc Each. Famous Millinery Store, 11.15 O Street. TAKE NOTICE! The Coimiieti will not Iw responsible for ny debt mnilo by niiy one In It iinnip, lin es a written order nci-oinpunlos tlio niiiui, Ocrner I Oth and P Streets. Dry Goods, AND- CARPETS Church Advertisements, Commencing April llrnt. Tub Couiuku will Insort notices ortnlnlng to sociables, festivals, lecture, meetings "'"1 sermons fop nil churches frou of charge. Advoitlsomonts for entertainments' where an admission is charged will lie inserted nt one-half the reg ular rate. INSPECT THE FINE LINE OF New Dress Goods RECEIVED IIY Herpolsheimer & Co. In all Price. Exclusive Designs n special teaturcol this department. The Courier Can be Found At 'jfotil Lincoln NowitMamf. Windsor Hotel Nows Htand. Capital Hotel New Htand. twill's Dining Hall News Htand, IMS O 8t. The Gotham News Stand, 118 Hoiith 11th Ht, Tlie Apex, 111 North llth Htroet. E1. Young. 10S0 O Htreot. Claaon, Fletouer A Co., 1120 O Htroet. Little Sport Cigar Store, 113 North 12th Ht. Westerner's Barber Hhop, llurr UlocK. An extra supply of papers Is always loft at the Clothatn, in caso oin titer Nowsdealoru supplies run snort. SPRING STYLES Dunlap Hats ! Y. R. Dennis & Co., 1137 O Street. lral and Personal. Whltebreast Coal and Lime Company. Brown's for oysters In all styles. Call up the L. D. T. Co., Phone 100. Ruth M. Wood, M. D., 1230 P street. J. D. Trickoy & Co. Jewelers, 1035 O street Lincoln Ice Co., 1CW0 O St. Telephone 118. New styles of Invitations just in at Thk Couhikr ofttco. Geo. A, Kaymer, coal and wood. 'Phone 3U0. 1134 0 street. Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast Coal and Lime Co. MUm S. M. Caifyn, dressmaking 1311 M street. Telepluo 510. parlors, tf Grlawold seed store is headquarters for every seed ror tbe lawn and garden. Get your flower andgarden seed at G i Is wold's ssed store, 140 Bouth llth it. Ladles kid gloves cleaned or colored nt Lin coln Steam Dye works, 1100 O street. Miss C. J. Gullmette, modiste, second floor' Exposition building. Take elevator. Dr. C. B. Mantling removed to new otllces, rooms33 and 23. secoitd floor llurr block. Elegant lino of French pattern liaU at Tbornburn Bisters' new store 1343 O street. J. D. Baruaby, the taller, may be found at rooms 13 and 13, Newmau block,1035 O st. Dr.C. F. Ladd, dentist, 1105 O street Telephone 153. Office hours 0 a. m. to 5 p. in. One hundred finest engraved calling cards and plate only 3.50 at Weasel Printing Co., USA N street. Mrs. J. C. Malone, fashionable dressmak ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chase block Sixteenth aud O str eeU. tf Garden hose, finest quality and most dura ble in the city at Dean & Mortons, 1450 O street. Telephone No. 150. "Not how cheap, but how good" is the motto of the new Studio Le Grande. Call and tee their work, 134 south Twelfth street. Haines & Haskell, the new CBilUners 11360 street employ one of the lues hat trimmers is the west. The lady b direct from New Yorkaad thoroughly, understands her oo cupaMoiL There's where you should get your new spring bat ...', U-3 illi: hHiAntMki, axfci. .. 1pg& Sud?isasasasliiasasasasasasaslfl?fl?WlI3ifc l?fl?.iHHlllllllllH till) llllMIIII. Prom foam ol sou wn Venus liorni I,ooeiimo fiom cold ungrateful sou, Hut violets blossomed on the morn 'llmt Kiio tlicollfc, ljou'aorlary. Bounty v.n with oii from yourhlrtlt, Whoso IonoIIiios I I'liitul tn-ilny, Anil from tliueml of nil the mirth, (.'iitiui loui to nuino then, lllooiu of Mnyi l'or this I thnnk I heo, linly mine, Tlmt limn, tlio'ii i' J on Imnilolmicil locust. On in) uiiworllilncsniuul twine Tliy luM'ly prosenco round my past, (o mo this promise. .ot. Mv (Jit eon' Kneeling upon my imtiil iluy, l,o I mo fiiruottlliK w li nt lulu Imon, HUM lon then more, Hwoot liunrl of May. Tim follow inguccnunt of n lieniitlful weiU ding Hint will Interest tunny Llncolnlto, ni jiouiyiI lu the Brooklyn Times of April 33d i ". clirii inltiir little wedding occur i ol at noon today, 'I ho knot tied by thn llov. Dr. Henry A. Powell unlli.l Air. O. U. Ht. .lolin, of Lincoln, Neb., and Mis Uoojglo Hat ring ton Ilo licit. Tlio ceremony wm porformed nt tlni Iioiiiii of tlm bride's niotlior, Mim. G, L. llod(ii, 1 13 Houth Ninth Htroet, In tlm proH enco of n company loprusentliig the relatives and Intiiniito friends of thopurtlos. Dr. W. Trnor(lihb and Mr. William T. Htourns nettnl nit ushers, nuil the bildn, In mi artistic tiu cling costume, was given away by her In other, Mr. Frederick Amen Hoyden, An hour of soolnl gayoty, Incidental tu which wnsu pleasant luuclieoii, led up to the de pui turn of tho newly wedded lr, who were showered with ncu and rows In full ncconl ltd the merry tiailltlon. Theru wan a beau tlful array of bridal gifts. Mr, Ht. John, formetly n prominent meinlier of the Ne braska bar, Is now a lending real estate otM-r-ntor at Lincoln. Mm. Ht. John has tiecn in troduced to tlio Time l endure on several oc casions an the autlior of various delightful musical compositions. Her inunclul genius lias attracted much ntteutloit In mid beyond New York and llrooklyn. Mr. and Mrn. Ht. Joint, who left for Washington thin afternoon, will return to llrooklyn, lieforo Htm ting for their futuio home In Nebrimka u mouth hence. Mr. mid Mrs. II. IL Nlsnley enturtnined the Young Married People's club very charming ly nt the "Lincoln" Tuesday evening. A beautiful suite of rooms were set itsldo for the u so of their guests nml attentive waiters supplUnl their wants. Twenty gnmes of high live were plu)cd, Mr. J. W. Maxwell and Mrs. John Wright being the fortunate winners. Dainty refreshments were served during the evening coimlHtlugot fi tilt, glacco, rake, colTco and Ices and tlio merry party dlnpormxl at ft late hour with many coin p II meiitH for the host and honteHs for the charm ing entertainment. The following ere the guests; Messrs nml Memlames, Mcintosh, H. llhaolauder, Lieut. Grllllth, Frank Shel don, Jno. II. Wright, Chas. Dawes, M. K. Wheeler. Dr. WonU, Dr. Holyoke, Chas. Ilrowu, Jno. Wmt, Will Maxwell. Day by day Indoor society nfTnlrx are be coming fewer and It will not bo long now until nearly all house entertainments will give way to tlio mora enjoynblo outdoor sport. Lawn partlcx, evening garden fetes and such will le in full bloom. Lawn ten uis, as in seasons gone by, remains tho popu iar gatno for society, fllowod by such chnrmlttg iastlmeii as archery, cricket etc., and It is really said by the best sporting Journals of the east that croquet will again beconio na popular as ever. Hut aside from all this let us break in with n query: Who will give tho first garden fete I Thk Couhikr Is pleased to record the fact that on May flrst Mr. John B. Dorgnn be came manager of the Lincoln ofllco of the Whltebreast Coal company succeeding Mr . J.T, Stobbs who was compelled to give up the position by illness. The Whltebreast In terests nre eminently safe In Mr. Dorgau's hands and the young man as well as tho com pany Is to be congratulated. Mr. Stobbs proved an efficient manager and it Is to bo regretted that circumstances compel him to resign his position. The oratorio society Is hard nt work theso days rehearsing and getting ready for tho an nual May festival. Theru will bo 135 driilel voices in the chorus and a number of siqierb voltes will Im heard from abroad, among them being B. C. Ford, soprano j Chas. Knox, tenor; Dr. Carl Martin, bass; Harri hon Wild, Organist. The festival continues three evenings, during which Tho Crusaders will lie given, a miscellaneous uoncer and Hnydon's Creation. The Arm of llurr & Sinjuer, composed of Frank llurr and Fred Bin) sur, was dlsolvod a few days ago, and on Monday Mr. Bmyser bade good bye to Lincoln and left for home. He was one of the best known young mon iu tho city and his many friends heard with re grot of hissudden determination to leave the city. The business of tho real estate Arm will be continued by C. C. and F. H. llurr. Do not forget yourself and call htm lieu tenant now.tor he Is a colonel you know. At the conclusion of the University cadets drill Monday afternoon, Governor lloyd compli mented Lieutenant Griffith very highly on the efficiency of tho battalion and appotuted him senlor-aide-do camp on tho executive staff with tho rank of Colonel. Hon. Geo. D. Lane and wife bade farewell to Lincoln Thursday. They will upend a f e w days in Omaha before leaving for Contralto, Washington, where thoy will reside iu the future. Mr. aud Mrs. Lane have scores of friends In this city and theirdeparturo causes genuine regret. Mr. O. II. Holmes who recently reslini ed his position as clerk of the state board of trawqiortatiou, will probably rvmalu In this y until July 1, when he will remove to Benti ice where he has exeeiislve real estate interests. Mr. Elmer K. Mann, who for the past nine years has been a familiar figure at Uarley's has accepted a position with Zehrungnnd Dunn. Mr. G. W. Gerwlg will entertain tlio Tues day Evening club next week at which time tho author discussed will be Oeorge Kllot, Antelope Camp, Modern Woodmen gavo the regular utoutbly social Tuesday evening . A pleasant entertainment was provided, Mrs Parker, accompanied by her two children, leaves for Chicago this jeve on an extended visit of three or four months. Miss Alice Barlor of Beatrice, who hat been visiting Misses Gert.ude and Carol a Hill returned to her home Wednesday. Mr. Jchn Marshall of East Lincoln has re moved to Panama, Nebraska. Mr. J. B. Hall succeeds him in the shoe business. An enjoyable musical eaterUlnmeat en titled, "An Old Folks Concert" ws.fjive in tbe Trinity M. E. church la erreaiag. MIm Nellie White at city, and MUs Carrie WasMtr, Grand Island, who hat A' Ixn'ii her guent for several month', epeet 1" leave todny for tlio hitter's homo, whom Mis While will iimkunu extended vNIt, The iptoMlou of thn hour Is which goxernor will woleoinn I'lculdont Hiillinoil ouliUlnlt t,) Lincoln llojil, Thnjcr or Majors? Mr. 12, Hunger loft Wednesday afternoon on a trip to (luimany. Ho expects toieiniiiu Iu tlio I'ntlioi Imiil hihoimI mouths, Hon, A. (I. Humphrey, ooiiiiiilloiior of public lauds and biilldlngn, vlnltcd frlcmln and lelntUes In Iowa this week. Mr. I). II. Welch of Cmllr, Ohio, was iu the city this week vinltiug liU hoii, Uvriu, of the Lincoln Havingn Hank. The Peanut party nt the Flint Presbyter ian church Wednonilny evening was u dis tinct suciwm, Mr, C. E. Walte Is mentioned as a txixslhlo candidate for the olllce of clerk of the dis trict coin t. Mlxn May McCluie, of Mt. Pleiuunt, la., Is vlHltiugtii tlio city, tho guoitt of Mis, 1, Putnam. Mr, lleiijninlii F. Taylor, u well known lecturer Is a guest of Mr. and Mis. C. II. Gould. Hon. J H. Hogelaud of Noith Plntto Is vln- itlug his brother Mr. II V. Hogeliiud Iu this city. Mr. John (1, HlggliiH, private secretary to tho governor, was In (.'rand Inland Monday. Mr. Grant Houthurd, of Falls City, former ly of Lincoln, was lu the city the other day Minn Grace Tyler had a narrow excapo from drowning a few days ago while llslilng. Mr, John Heed loft Monday for California whom he exKcts to remain several weeks. A number of the young ladles employed lu tho state house spout Huuilay in Hunting!' Mrs. J, E. Hill who has liven emit for some time lHuxHctcd homo lu a few days. The ladles of the First llaptlst church gno an orange tea and Nile last evening. General Malinger, G, W. Holdrego of tho II. & M. w as iu tlio city this week, Tho I'ythlau sisterhood ball will bo given In Temple Hall Tuesday evening. Mrs. J, P. Hubbnril of York, wan a guest this week of Mrs, C. C. Morse. Mrs. E. B. McMasters has returned from a pleasant visit lu Pawnee City. Miss Kuapp will give an art exhibition at the Jlond, lu the near ftltuie. Dr. J. F. Fox, M. P. for Ireland, is visit ing Mr. John Flt7gerald. Mr. C. E. Alexander of the Journal Is tak ing a short vacation, Mr, Fred Thomas is entertaining his father 1). K.,of Lucon, 111. Mr. J. II. Weston of Beatrice, was lu the city tlil week, Mr. II. II. IiUwIswiih ait Omaha visitor Wednesday. Mr. J. W. Doweese was In Hebron, Neb., Uils wok. Miss Anna Barr was an Omaha visitor Saturday. One or two largo parties are promised next week, Additional Local and Personal Pa ge 5. Leading medical authorities Indorse Aycr's Barsaparllla as the ttest blood medicine. Think of It! A pair of punts for 75 cents and a wholo suit of new cloth for (4. Who ever heard of such a thing? Theso wonder ful curiosities are shown this week , in the west window of Ewlng Clothing Co, It is tho biggest surprise that the male sex of Lin coln eer exorfouccd in that line. Tho show window is attractively decorated tilts week with over n hundred different styles and qual ities of all kinds of low priced clothing, and they are so cheap that thinking people stop and wonder how they can tie built for the money, to say nothing of tho material used. Asldo from these ridiculously low priced gar ments there are o tho is of a bettor quality and then on the Inside you will Hud n rich lino of the liner gindes embracing tho season's latest and most appro od styles. Don't fall to look Into the windows when passing by. A House Wanted. About July llrst, an eight room resldenco with modern conveniences lu central locution, or will give lease on resldenco built to my order. Addio, L. Wkhmki., .lu., 11 IU N St. Commencing Monday, May fourth, wo will sell dress llouiicings nt special prices. J. W. WlNOKH&CO. lino O street. The Aiiiemle lloniirublo. Aunty (to whom the gumu of baseball Iiiih been explained) I do not quite under stand It yet. Little Boy Why, utility, It's as plain as the nose on your face. Aunty (who has rather a largo nose) You should net use such expressions, my dear. Little Boy (hastily correcting hlmselfr I mean, aunty, it's as plain as a pikestaff. Good News. He Wuk tlm .Mini. An n peddler of rugs was passing u house on Joy street a woman opened tho door and called to him: "You man, there say I" Ho halted and looked at her, and saw the grim determination in her eye. "Ain't you tho snino young feller thnt sold me a rug las' spring?" He was, but something iu her voice made him forget to tell tho truth. "No'm, this is n now root for me. Thnt mus' have been Soapy Jim. He's out of the bis'ness now." "I reckon It was you," persisted tho woman; "think a spell. It was a rod and yallcr rug with a green border, and I paid for it once, a wtek for two months. I do believe you're tho sumo youiig feller." "Never was lu this part of the town afore, ma'am," vowed tlio man. "la thnt so? Well, it you'd a been tho ame man I was goin' to buy another rug for myself and one for my sinter who is go ing to Dakoty, but I wouldn't want to deal with n stranger. Excuse mo for doubtln' your word, hut you do favor that young mau amazingly. I see now you ain't Mm." She went in nnd shut tho door, and ha knew then that he had made the mistako of a lifetime, Detroit Free Press. Tbe Forcing; Process. Slngerly What are, the Klldeera doing since they lost their fortune? Strawber I understand that they are doing very well. He is u writer of sougs and the is a dressmaker. Slngerly Indeed. I shouldn't 'think they could make their salt Ht It, because dressmakers have such a tlmo collectlug their bills. Strawber Her husband Attends to toat. When they have any trouble with a dbtor he sings him one of his songs. Brocklyn TJfe VISIT TO A STOVE WORKS. Wind ii lteMirter Nnw mid lloiirtl at tlm Now Hull .Stove ami Itiinno Works lit' liiitiliolor, The now Move woiks at Manchester, n now subtil b to Lincoln, about two miles wist of the city wns still led a jour ago with but few, employes, and today It Is olio of the citj's most Important and sltougcst Institutions employing upwatdn of llfty men, and among them some of tho most skillful mcihaiiles that are lo bo found lu America, Hnvlng a little lelsiim time ut hand j ester tetday, a CatmiKU ic'sirler accepted an liu vltatiou fiom Mr. II. J. Hall, the senior member of tho llrm font shoi tdrUo to and an Inflection of the plant and found it to Imj not only a pleasant visit, but an iuteiesting mid instructive one as well. The plant Is lo cated on the Hue ot the II, & M. railroad, oc cupying an entire aero of laud with IU vari ous buildings, whlclicoiiipilsea rangu factji ry, founiliy, stom house, lion sheds, sand mid coke sheds, etc., nil conveniently locau'd and put up with u Juw of futuio Inciease of business. 'I ho iron in bats illiuct fiom tho mines in o uuloaikd at their door, and when the ore again sees the outsldo world it doon ho in tho shapo of beuutlf ill stoves ami iiuil'i. every puitlelo of which Is made at tlio woiks without any assistance iu the wnv ofeasiliieK or other supplies front outside souiccs. lu looking over the plant eveij thing of Interest was noted by tlio teporter nnd certainly the entlioestabllslnnuntisagicat credit to this flourishing city. Commencing iu tho foun dry tho reporter noted tho milliner iu which every detull of tho moulding was executed and with exact piecislon uory casting was made. This department is so.urutod into twosejxirato aud distinct pints of work, namely: bench wink whom nil tho moulds for small pieces including imino pluti-, orna ments, eU., nro Hindu aud floor moulding where nil tho heavier pai ts aro mado such as thu tops of the stove, oven doors and lids. After tho moulds aro made, hot it on flowing like water fiom an immenso cu-ioln, which has a capacity of ten tons of iron, is -slurcd Into the moulds and after n ten minutes' lapse are In oken and tho castings removed. Tlio next oMrntloii shows where the castings are taken to tho inttler op rolling biirrel, where all the sand and surplus lion isto moved. and tho several pat ts of the stove or lunge am then token to their respective do iwrttiiuiits for finishing. The pieces requir ing the nlcklo llulsh aro taken to tlio nlcklo department where tho work is skillfully exe cuted and iu n stylo unsurHimed nuy whei o In the country. Tho linn has put in its own plant for nickeling aud noun but tho ln-sl machinery and iipplliinctK aro used. Prior to putting tho nickel on tho casting it is Hist taken to tho jwllshlng room whom it under goes u rubbing over emery and canvass wheels after which It posses to the bath looms, llrst put through a t lent men t of lye, then ucld and after another cleansing Is put Into the solution bath where tho nickel Is fin ally put on with electricity, and wo next seo it where It adorns ono of the beautiful now ranges. Few people that buy a stovo have any idea of tho amount of work that is en tailed or tho lurgu number of hands thnt it goes through beforo It is ready for the store' keeper. After the castings aro till mado and ready to bo put together they find their way to thu finishing room whom the stovo or rango Is built, Japanned and fitted for the shop keeper or thu user. In Its entirety there can bo no factory mom complete within itself than is tho Hall stovo and range works for them you will notice that every detail of thu work is done on tho ground, even down to tho prepara tion of their own patterns for winch thoy have n thoroughly experienced foreman from Cleveland. Iu their moulding department they hnvo a foremnn from ono of tho great est shops in St. Louis nnd ns foreman of the range factory thoy liavo secured a most vuluablo man from ono of tho leading stove works In Cleveland. They run the works with n forty horso power boiler and engine nnd generate nil tlio electricity used on thu plnce. In connection with tho business tho Hi m has started a jobbing department whem all kinds of crstlngs can lie secured for all classes of machinery or iron wai o on ihort notin... perfect in form nnd mado up in thorough, ursi ciass muiiuor. They are also prepared to do all kinds of nickel platting, guarantee ing nil w oi k to bo equal to tho best done any where and nt prl ees as low us eastern houses. Thnt thu Hull stovo nnd rnugo company will be a success theru Is no room for doubt. Both members ot tho firm urn gentlemen ot ninny ) ear experience in tlio stovo business dating buck as fur ns 187ft, when both goutls intn wero intho Iron business lu Cleveland, later on in St. Louis for seven years aud for tho past three years iu this city where they have been doing u most successful business at UStJO street. Deeming Lincoln a piollt ablo center for tho manufacture of stoves tliey showed their faith In the city mid its futuio by investing heavily uud tho I exult h they now huvu tho largest plant of its kind iu the west ami their business is such that.it keeps the works busy constantly to turn tut enough to fill thu orders. Eery Liucoliiito aud every Nebraskan should feel pioud of this new institution and of the wuies that they aro now turning out. Tho goods aioof a ery stqicrior character, me fully ami ably wan anted in every rtpect and should hava n place iu every Nebruskn home lu prvfoi uuca to nil others. Pel sons buying theso stoves nnd ranges ceitululy have two gteut advantages over all others, vlj You save tho freight charges from thu eiistand iu thu event that you need any repairs they can bo had nt n moments notice nt first cost nnd again save transportation chntges. Aside fiom this there isunother great advantage. Should thu stove or range at any time get out of order, you have the mnnufiic tutors iit hand who will nt any time givu jou such us slstaiicoas jou may netd. Theso points all well considered, can jouulrord to buy for eign maku of stoves? The lroiit Alintkii. Lormor, the new proprietor of China Hull, 1313 O street is bound to maku tho refrlgerat tor business go. Accordingly he oilers any nnd all sizes at prices way lielow the usual llguref. Ho is exclusive agent for the cele brated Aluskns', which have for ten years past been lu thu lead lu Lincoln us many who now own them run testify, A large line of Vhlt Mountain und Arctic ko cream fiee ei s also on sulo at pi ices I hat defy all compe tition. Don't fall to call oil Lormer if you want n lefrlgerator or icecreum freezer. We Invito you to call nnd see our stock of wash goods "Komh-Molie" "Wool Chullle" and all the latest dress fubi i'es. J. W, Wl.NOKK & Co. I100O street. Buy coal mined near your home, Newcas tle Nut Is conceded by all that have used It to be thd best for kitchen use. Price 4.40 de livered. Bold only by Geo, A. Ilaymer, Tel ephone m 1 1U4 O street. L. Barr carries a large and elegant stock of silverware aud shows many novelties for ta ble ware and ornamentation. Don't fail to call and mm him ut llM O street when jou need anything In that line. ' i w- s. w jtvj - .j i j i r The nbovc may serve as a hint to yon that we carry Boys' Long Pant Suits and Short Pant Suits i as well as an exquisite line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Spring Overcoats r In fact we have Suits and everything that Men. " ., and Boys' wear, rich enough for the richest and ' r t chcap'enough for the cheapest. Mail orders will receive We will send goods to any part of Nebraska or. Kansas on approval to be returned at our expense, if not satisfactory. MAYER BROS Hall Stove and Eange Co. LINCOLN, NEB. LIIsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllsllslH isHi?alllllllfl?allllllHl'"t " IB?siallllllBsallllHsialllffiffi?alllllllllllH ijHHH?Hh,); JI,B SSB?jJV?jJVP?J?J??jJV?jJVfjtagjaSSSJftjM?jJV?jJ VrBBBBBBBEB?b1 B?aiBaiBaiBaBkJ?aM taiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaflMBH l?aiiif?aiBaiBaiBafl?aiBaiBaiBa?aVl?aiiiiBai HIiBmHiKH?ir HHRfiUiiiHH?aiiHPvn5mm i lB?A?fliSiLABW?sWjBfl?sm?JBVJ?s'?flBMVBSrH?jB?jm .Jis HlilH?.iiiiiiiiiiiiH?iiiHOBB HB)ftLalaalaalaalaalaaLalaam9jUftaVHIH -""tlaw r L' V?sM?sM?sM?sM?sM?sM?sM?sM?sMWm?sM?sMB '?sm?sM?sV MANUFACTURERS Iron Castings and Nickel Platers;. Dealers in Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. 1126 O STREET. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH ICB CREAM AND THEY WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbush Makers of Bon Uons and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water.. i,$l Am. i ' t , ' . W-u . r s our promptest attention.. US FOR-. -"cosi"','j. ?JSjBsV)bMslliwy .-,' r