CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY MAY 2, iSyt w HY nro nEVNOLDS CELEUPA I liU MNE nno s.' HHOES " THE UESI MAUEJ" ,rULDNT PTiirktmiiniicr NOVE HCR. I Clii'iiiimtuiu e .M n 1 1 f . I In 11 town up north mi ex Judge NnciMti lor of n bunk. Ono day recently ho ruftiftotl to cash n cheek otTered liy a stranger, "Tim eheek Is all rllit. lie wild, "but tho evidence you otYor In Identifying your xelf at Hie, person to whoso order It In drawn Isscureulj sutltelctit " "I've known you to huugnutati on 1ms evidence, Judge," wan I lin stranger'A rc- HpUIISC. "Quite likely," replied I hoox JikIki', "but when It conies to leltlint go of eold cjihIi wo have, to bo eareful." St. Iiouls (llobo-I)oiii' ocrnt. DECAUSE- Thoy nro tuncla oil unntomicnl principle nncl nffortl mi cnay mul perfect fit from tlio flfHt. Tlioy nro ntyllwli mid jinu-otlil In "P penrnnce. Tlioy uo only tlio best ntook mid em ploy nono but nklllod worUmon. Thoy innUo lO difforont widths, of nt: tho populnr shopes, nnd tho moil tn tlcltou ciin bo milled. Tlioso nnd many otlior roiisoiw nro WHY they nro tlio UEST nnd mot i POP Li LA H Sliooii iiiimulnutiircd. Thoy nro nil utiiiiipoil on solos nnd lln iniiB, uliowlnu conndonoo In tlio quiility of tliulr production. Look for " Tiwlo Murk." without whloh nono nio noiiuino. nJrr$Czi.ft w" W' VU9 H!hW cet - M- Cv'A ju -"rent fe V The Alcazar, SOLE AGENTS. fr-Our lines of Nprlmr Hboes for l.uille nnd Misses Im mom eonipleto anil wo Invite lour Inspection Call iiml see the Now Hhoe Htoro at 1406 O Street. Purchasej Your jjfe.-T-'ll Direct from the Manufacturers AND HAVHMONKY. Huvln; opened a branch store of our own In Lincoln you will now havu an opportunity of doing so. If desired we will sell on to responsible parties. Clioot Zvt-ucio lO eonto E S T K Y & C A M P 121 Houtli Truth Mt. LINCOLN, NHll. 11. M LAV, Mnmmer. lil UN tic. I, tint It Wm No IU. Alphetis.Swnckhanitnerguitwed lilt light chestnut sorrel mustache nervously nnd looked with llxcd gao at tho hau'thty, lark browed beauty who nut with her hand nnanged In a careless, negligee fashion on her lap lit such a way as to o.x hlbllitll the jewels on each separate and distinct linger. Her wealth of wavy lnlr, with thoexrcptlun of an oblong wail or lw wlldcrlng frl. In front, was combed luck from a classic forehead whoso Mowing out lines worn merged Into the pure oval of oheok and chin with scrupulous lldellty to tlio highest and most fashionable Ideal, and whoso lluely scttlptuicd prollle had tho severely Ore'ek iiccuruei of tho soenty-slx rent tioddess of l.lbeity on the American (liver dollar. "MegonhiSwub," he exclaimed with sup pressed excitement, "are juti sure jolt will never i egret this decision?" "Perfectly sure, .Mr. .Swackhaniiner,"Bho replied. "Keuiouibcr," he urged, "I inn old cntiugh to bo your" Mr. Swnekliuinincr rellecled n moment "to lw your second cousin, any how. I am not led away by excess of joutli fill enthusiasm In pronouncing your volco a wonderful one. You could become a it rent artist." "You nro mistaken, .Mr. Swucklminmer." "So be It, Hernia! I have doiio mydiity. I 1 have tried to awaken in you tho deslro for a eat eer of fame. I fccm to ha o iiiiulu a mistake lit tlilnklnu I coiilddo it. I am not, iIIhkiiIhu my disappointment." Mr. Swnckhuinuicr picked up bis hat, cruNhed It savagely In Ids IiiiihIh, and went on with Increaxlnn bitterness: "When I think of jour voice n volco whose riiliKo Is threo octaves mid a squeak when I think how It could bo worked up to liluli I', or poNibly 1". and n half, it grinds mens an old fileiul of the family to think j on will never no milling into tho port of fame with K's " I'aleas inarble, tho jouiik wontiin roo In hur wrath and confront! il liim. "Mr. Swackhammer,"8he replied IiuukIi tily, the lurid llKhtnlnKof her llaniinK eyes tr'iiiHllxliiK the presumptuous mini where lie Btood, "you fatigue mo excessively. My voice, nlr, would founder at CI" Clilcano Tribune. Tit for Tat. Collector I really can't nude ndiiud why j'oti don't pay me my little bill. You havu never Kivcn mo a hIiiIc cent. Ilustetter Mctiiunls If tlmu was not money I'd explain to you. "Now you are nlvlnn nie Impudence." "Well, you were complaining just now I hadn't Kiven jountiylliluK. Von are always i iiiiiIiIIiik about not IiIiik'." "You promNed to p.iy me '.lireo mouths nKo, and I relied on jor.." "ThatV mj." "And you lied." "I'rcclhely ho; I lied on you, and you ro lled on me, M wo mo o uu. (loodby." Texas Siftings. Iimoinnlit. An IHiKtriili'il I'liriKc. l'lirrr wr.t.t. iiatti.i:i. -Life. Opened Jn, 1, '01. Alt Improvements The Lincoln TKIIMH-I.'.WTO I.(D. .be latter price lueliiiles rtuttis. First-Cass in Every Respect! IImimIK'Ih, Hulls mid Iteci-ptliiON, We are thpeclally well piepared In entei tain larirnor Hiniill untlii'ilnt'K nt IliiuqinlK, Halls, lticeptliniH, lie. Units ami loll Infor mation dirci lull) ulvin at llit'olllce. Cor. ra ml Htli Ms sii:iusA Maiikm KAl2LlX3AZCJkafllK&Li-l , Mr. F. There'H Mrs. Uluepolnt noino like her, but xhu lacks repose, I think. Mrs. Delt. (who Kt her money latu In I life) I should think they'd let her sleep aa lato's shu'a u mind to. Lire. No TIiiiii to I.oho. A woman had just not aboard a Hrimh Htreet car when she bewail waving her liand to the conductor to stop. "Did j on want tho car utoppedr" hu asked as he looked In. "Yes." "Hut joii just not on." "I know that, but 1 just want to net oft too. I left two pies In theoieii, and they want to come out o' that inside of ten min utes or they'll burn up!" Detioll Kiee I'ress. IJlllllllllMIIIH. Ili'dbroke It's no use ilcnyiiiK that times are hard. 1 tested the matter thor oughly this moruiiiK. .Jackson -Ilnwr Declbrokc I accosted adoen prominent cillelis whom I met on the street, and asked each one ror the loan of llo dollars for a shoit timooui). Would you Mievu tint nut one of the twelvu had that paltry sum in his pockety I Iaiper's A (loml llnj, A boy about ten years old, having an old toy cart with htm, wiistrjliuttollsh a caku of Ico out of tho river at tho foot, of Adair Btreetthe ot her day when a man whocamo aloiiK called out: "Hojl don't joti know better than to bo fool inn around the ror" "I'm not fooling." "Then nouwuj'." "1 want toKetthlHcakoof Icollrst. Wish you'd help me lift It out." "What on earth do you want or Icur" asked the man as ho went nearer. "For slimmer, sii for hot weather. Wo don't take Ice In summer, and l'lobeeu linlilliiK It homo for tluee days. Cot llvo Ureal Vi pieces laid away under the bouse, and I want to net at least llo moie." Thn man helped him out with a cake, and hn went away happj Detroit Kreo Press. Tim Siirrlllro No l.nii;i'r Ni-oileil. "Walter," ho said in ii low tone, and looking cautiously about him, "I haven't liad llmo to ie.ul the papers tills morning. Is this inn. s with the ICyetalian Kvern inent still koIiikoii" "I think It's about settled." leplled tho waiter. "?ot koIiih to Imj any IlKhtr" "No; theie Isn't the MlKliti'st piospect of uny MkIiIIiik." "lIvurjthliiK Kb'K to lw settled pence nblyr" "No doubt of It at all." "Then," he said, raising his volco till everybody in the lestuurant looked at him In ainaeinent, "I have stilled my nppetlto n.s long as my patriotism as an American demands the sacrillce. llriiiK inn sumo macaroni soupl" CIiIciiko Tribune. WnrliliiK "l1 Tritile. Hu hail obtained u place In n real e-stnto office, and was dolni? everjthliiK hu could for tho Interests of his employeis. Tho other evening be was at a social gathering, and was asked to sing. IIo ro sponded with "Home, Sweet, Home " Ills friends were u little surprised at tho selec tion, but ho was heartily iippbtu i I Step ping forward, ho said; "I am glad you liked tliu song. Tliero Is untiling like 'Home, Sweet Home,' nnd let mo say that thu company I represent is selling them on terms to suit j'ourself within twelve minutes' rido of the city. If you don't want to llvo heio It's thu chauco of your life for an Investment." Washing ton Post. Tale oT Ye I'Ull. A llsh hawk pulled a large salmon out of Elk river one day last week. Tlio llsh was too largo for tlio bird to carry OIL So, leaving It on the sand, tho bird Hew off to a pile of driftwood, mid picking up u stick withiihlmrp anil Jagged edgu returned to where tho llsh lay and sawed it In two, when It Hew away with half of the salmon. Thu other half was served for our dinner. Del Norte (Cal.) Kecord. Impoitaiit. "Professor, what do yciu think about the dark spots on tho moouv" asked a student at thn University of Texas of one of tho teachers. "1 am sine thu spots on thu union aru thu results of eaithqiiakes," was thu replj'. Texas Siftlugs. Ills I'atlier'N Own. Hrldges Is your new baby good looking? Ilrooks No; ugly as slu. Ilridges Wliat does jour wlfo say? Hrooks She's content; sajs it looks llku me. Nuw Yoik I lei aid. I..fl All Am unci. O.isliaway I stood on the corner this morning for live minutes, debating whether I should biij a hunch of roses for .Miss I'ctcrklu or a necktie for myself, when Travel's eauieal.iiigaiul said ho had bought her the roses ('leiciton So you got tho neektier D.ishuuaj -N'o, I had to lend the money to Traieis. I'lothler and Furnisher. sun rnsiiiicii. Flank I) Mocktou was invited toiliiiin" III Wusnui 'n some dais ago by an arltul nostess. u ,i i in- ices sei vd 111 the I form ol a lnd and a tiger. "Now w I v" she iMiolly risked, when the) (nine on "Moth, If joii please." heieidled, and the problem Is still unsolviil. Philadelphia Lcdg( r I iiiImiiun lie ItU'li,",., Mine II isM'ij inli -i ml wants every lwd) to MMIV it "Are. Mu wealing all jour diamonds to night' asked her fib ml All of them Not 1 1) any means! My husband did not wish mo to oveitax my iitrength." Paris Figaio. Hinm HilU f. rt,inc l.l.',i t.iml wink l..r ii. ! Anna l''. A'1'''"! linn., iiii.I Jim inii" 1 1"'". """ MM I III (llliil.i il,lliT" " 1 1.1 hi s. iimm irr" " Im.iilli Im lulu lli' wuik ml !! ptlli f.iihir ry n vrv I tu it. f fcluii.rt, iirf iiill imiilnir fiiiinfllo Hlil) Mlmi" IW.Uv. jnilhow mnl unrl joii I mi mrk In Mniri lliii nr all Mi1 llm llltr iihiii-j tvt iik 111 hIIiiih mikliuilll Pill nr thrill. Si:V .ihU Infill I aril. iiImi r. law ' ijF , With or Wltlioiit. "I would like to ascend this mountain," 1 remarked the traveler to a guide. "Can ' you take nie What do joii charge?" ' it depends, sir. Do you want to Is i gu'.i'.ed witli or without risk of jour life? - I'lhgeiide Illattei'. Sol u I'nliiless Operation. Victim -Am joii sure that you can put my teeth iutosatisfaclorj condition? Dentist Yes, slrjnt any rate, I will Hparo no pains to do so, Chicago Saturday Her-M. Ills ItUc. She (at tho art gallery) Is this j-our pictuie, .hick? Jack Not much; I'm stiuek something better. That's my frame Hiooklyu Lifu. 'I tic Kiisl'1 ti cuius, I am the Am- in .n'le, And mi uinus Map tom-ther. Likewise I loosl lilli. Ami I i .it Imiiiinii raw. Itlillie lllil) sit mi her Sewn bills ami honl. Hut she i iiimnt bit on mi'! Will sliu pleiiAe pill I bat In In r nt i;.iii ami uiiud It? I am mostl) a binl nt (uace. Ami I uiuIkiiii williiiiil teeth, Hut I'e k'nt Inline-. That ri'iieb rmm tliesloiiu lleiileii I'oasimir Hie Atlantic To tint i:(iliU'll hIiiiios uf tlio l'liield l'liilllr. Ami I use the ituck) iiiiiiiiitnlub As .. In tHtones in kIuu pen ilium on. I Inner fin Klu till I I .a an iu'u: And I point witli piiile To tlioigtfi l'e laid in the I mt liiimlivd iiattiir so. I'm .'.'iiiiK' tiom The point nf in) bulk To the star sii.utcleil tip Of Hi) I ill r tllicr. Ami wlicn I licijlii Toi-crnii h uriivi I. Ml ml your oe! I'm llic Cock of the Walk, Ami tliu lluulibil of tlio (iiiilili . of l.lbi'il), The mil) g.illlliiiiioils 1'. plillilniii 11 tin III till liciird. I'm mi lliiulo from Kiiluvllle, Willi a seienin on mo that iiiakut TliuinliT miiiihI llku DrnppliiKiottoii On a still miirnlin,'. And my inesent aildrttM in Hall Coliiinhiii. U K. A.U iicl -Nw orkSun. MIA BBIvLA; . 'A4 (walt,) "r T r. Dy OTTO ROEDER. I ll nf i pPliv 7?tklSSIIIp3g 10 i . s So. V. MP I 111 mi&F zmg -vn; :mziBmmsmA-ikM 'Mm a J ' i s j vil.' s m v n s 0 "f " r" i m "i iJr .'" r'r LLffL I I Lis r S sg n f g- -Eg-3---f:lr-tt:3L-., . u d : 1 f.i i i 4 . SB ii ii giSS5 S3Ti P .- SSS ft. ' ' I I sf;iEigigiiyiftjcyArgriiii The Ladies' Rambler ' WE m VJrl IV .MT v'x l N7 'j3f?iJ' 1V'-'-J, "7rfiH03fc&isr- "" Is the Wheel of all Wheels for Light Running, Easy Spring and is strictly HIGHEST GRADE. E. R. GUTHRIE, i r-i o is'r. PALAGE1 -f STABLRS. FLNliST LIVKIV IN THE Stli,h Turnouts of All Kinds. WEST rMtik. sa i .-n.T.'iiE-"'vz i ifi mrcifi .&Sv 0.H:it -Vf' SSELJ F!? ttiT:ASSi,, l-r:::- M St., botwoon lltli nncl 12th. Phono 432. -A.. G-. SJX,L3ivd:E",Z"E-IS cSc OO: H.HalWU.l: ., Ho ismo I'm lliinil,. Maine