'jijv iwuppp1.' j k 'Ammm -,..iAy-- v vjj V l.r1,'.vI.'',: "V P6Pd UR PAPER op AopcRN TIMES " Voi. Q No. 21 LlNCOt.N, NlCHWASKA, SATUWDAY, MAY 12, ltJOl. Pwicic Fivic Cunts rM"V"WlR",4,f jm& lawtmsuKiimmo mmmmMwmi mwamm mffimm & m&mm I5'ES MmMM ISSSm I US I I W l-lfflffl K 1- I .. - Ife56iSWVVE4f mmm$?$mi:u ;y -iH-M 4J.. 1. -'iiin JTiIWb lift nA - My esteemed friend Kugeiie KiM Iiiih ngnln ltecn burliiuliiK tlio American ilny writer nuil tliu following Isonoof his Intocinislons In the Ohlcngo News. DM I say burlesquing no it Is too new the coM truth for tlmt. Hut heronre Ills witty lines: V lien 1 wits young mill cnllnw iwhlch waa many years ago). Within mutlio afHntus went surging tomiil fro; And bo I wrote it tragedy that fulrly recked with goro Wlth every net concluding with the- dead piled on the floor; A mighty ulTort, by tlio godul nnd after I hod rend Tho manuscript to Daly, tlmt dramatic censor wild: "Tho plot in most exciting, nnd I llko tho dia logue You should tuko tho thing to Providence and try It on n don!" McOmbridKo organized a troupe, IncludltiK many a name Unknown alike to guileless mc, to Hlchos and to Fame. A pompous man whoso namo was Hno was Nestor of this troupe Amphibious, ho wns quite nt homo outsldo or la tho soup! Tho way McCambrldgo billed him why, such drcntns In red and green Had no'er beforo upon tho boards of Yankco- dom been seen; And my proud namo was heralded oh, that I'd gone Incog, When wo took that piny to Provldonco to try It on n dog! Shall I forgot tho awful day wo Htruck that wretched town? Yet In what melting Irony tho treacherous sun beamed down! The salo of scats had not been largo, but then McCamhrldgo said Tho factory peoplo seldom bought their Bents so far ahead; And Rao Indorsed McCauibrldgo, bo they part ly net at rest Tho natural misgivings that perturbed my youthful breast; For I wondered and lamented that tho town was not agog When I took ray play to Provldonco to try It on a dog. Thoy novcr camo at nil aha! I know It all tho tlmo Thoy nover camo to boo nnd hear my tragedy subllmot Oh, fateful moment when tho curtain roso on net tho first 0 moment fateful to tho soul for wealth and famo nthlrstl But lucky factory girls nnd boys to stay nwny that night When tho author's fervid soul was touched by dlsnpiiolntmeiit's blight When desolation settled down on mo UkoBomo denso fog For having tempted Provldonco nnd tried it on a dog! Thoso actors did not know their parts they maundered to nnd fro, Ejaculating platitudes that wero quite mal apropos; And when I bought to reprimand thogrncoleM Bcamps, tho lot Turned fiercely on mo and denounced my charming play as rott 1 might have stood their bitter taunts without a passing grunt If I'd had a word of solace from tho peoplo out In front But that chilly corisiral's guard sat rouud llko bumps iiKin a log, When I played that dny at Providence with designs upon tlio dogl Wo went with lots of baggage, but wo dldu't bring It back, For who would be so hampered as ho walks a railway track? "O ruthless muso of tragedy! what prodigies of slinino Wuut limn els of Injustice are coiinulluil In thy name!" Thus groaned I In thu spirit as I strode what stretch of ties Tulxt Providence, Ithoilu Island, and my nat ive tJothiim lies; Rut Itae, McC'uinhrldgu and tho rest kept up a steady Jog 'Twos not thu first time they had piled their arts upon tho dog. So much for my first battle with tho flcklo god dess Fnmu. And I hear that koiiio folks nowadays are far ing Just tho tiame; Oh, hapless ho that mi thu graceless Yankee dog relies The dog fares stout and hearty, and tlio play It Is that dies! Soo with tragedies to try, I Iteg of ou lie waro Put not your trust In Proldenco, that most de lusive snare! Cut, If you will, your pearls of thought beforo the western hog, But never go to Providence to try It on a dog! Dining tlio week just nt u close Hentfruw's Jolly Pathfinders occupied thu bonnlii nt Fiiuko', presenting u repoitnlro of Mnmlnul plays to uuiloiitily good business. Thu coin mny contains some clover people among them n iniiiilN'r of good Kpeciiilty peoplo mill altogether tlio engagement his been a big success, ending tonight with "Six Peas In a Pod." At tho matinee "Cupid's CnHTs" will lie given A I10YAI. I'AHH. (1(H). C. Staloy, thu (lernian dialect come dian in lilt successful comedy ilrama, "A Hoy ill Pats," Is tho attraction at Kunke'H Monday evening. Ho lias established a repu tation In other cities that entitle him to duo consideration here and it dcscrHsd ax a blind homo mini of lino dramatic ability, bii Hecliilty being tho lino ol comedy. Hu com mands ti sweet olee, and Introduces some beautiful songs mid lullnbyH iluring.tho play. A Ho) ill l'nss Is highly Interesting and amusing, Ih richly nnd picturesquely cos tumed and Interpreted by a strong company. Sisjiikllig of tho scene showing two locomo tlvos raring on tho Huge, nil eastern pajier hays: "In witnessing tills greatest railroad scene of today, jou becomo m wrapped up In Its startling leullstlc. natiiro tlmt you forget for tho moment that It is only a stngo picture, with front and back panoramas moving, tho eiigluodiiveiH turning swiftly around, tho hissing nolso of escniiliitjBteum, wblstloHbloW- vw i IliR, bells rliiRlng nnd tho engineers seen nt their posts, each set striving to outdo the other in tho race." I'lIANTAHMA. Under tho Woman's Christian Association is to Ih) given May lltli, Wednesday, 18111. At Fiinkos' Opont House. Wo linvo only to call to mind former entertainments given by this association, tho uoblo purjioso nnd tho magnitude of tho work, to Insure n largo nutllenco. A scoro or earnest workers nro making every effort to make this a pleasing and profitable entertainment in every res pect. Como every ono and aid In this good work. JOHN L. BULLIVAN FHIIIAY. Few Americans hnvo not In some manner either heard of or seen tho great pugilist, Etninlly as few of tho American H.ople hnvo seen him In tho rolo of it bright, dramatic star. For tlio past two yenrs Hoston's favor ito man of muscle has been btforo tho theatre loving public and nutdo a decided hit in a play that was written vsiecially for him. Tho Philadelphia Press of recent date says. "Duncan Harrison nover wrote a prettier play than "Honest Hearts mid Willing Hands." It is it pathetic Irlth drama replete with episode of human interests nnd thrilling situations, enlivened with n lumpy vein of bright comedy, which makes It very pnlatea hie to all cities of theatre goers. Mr. Har rison assumes tho lending role of Jo u Daly, nnd has fairly won the title of "Ktniifht Ac tor." John Ij. Hulllvnn Is a revelation. Al though he has been only a short time on the stage, ho has already acquired thu easo of an old-timer, articulates clearly and distinctly. The company Is strong and carefully'sulected, w itb a distinct view to lit the varied roles to which they are assigned. The scenery is realistic, and the entile ensemble is of much merit. The Casino Uleo Club enlivens thu great forgo scene w itli much melody." Keats go on sale Thursday morning at nine o'clock. IIKIIAN IlKCITAL, The Indies of St. Pnul's Pipe Organ society liavo engaged Professor Hylvester of thu l.awience University at Applulou, Wis., to give the oiH'iiing rtcitalof their now pipe or gan which will bo a brilliant event at the church on Wednesday u veiling of noxt week. Prof, Hylvester wns forni"iiy a lesldent and student nt ICdlnboro', Scotland, where he had charge of the cathedral organs and was considered an artist of unexceptional ability. The prog ra ni for thu notable event will be one of musical interest and you cannot af ford to absent yourself. KI'ICV KTAIIK HAUCK. Minnie Palmer sails for Loudon May IT). Eteelo Maekayo Is writing a now play for Ihjw Is Morrison. Clara Morris is at tier handsome homo In ltlverdiilu on tho Hudson, Hoyt and Thomis hnvo secured it lease of tho Mndlson Square Then tie. Ivate Forsythu is on her way to this coun try. .Shi may attempt another stalling tour. "Betrothed" will play a short spring en gagement on the road after it leaves thu Uardeii Theatre. Puail Kytlugu will star next season In n piny called "Vivian." Of coin so William Heron will manage her, A magnificent $400,000 opern house wns erected nt tho toutheust coiner of Twelfth mid N streets Tuesday afternoon. Mtiniwer McHoynolds of Fimkes' enter tallied the ball players Wednesday evening nt tho s-i fonnunce of "Fun by Kxpress," Ki'iH toy's new opera homo was dedlcnted last night, the state nlllcluls mid other piom incut H)ihonnges ussihtlug In the ceremony Tho reputation of Ayer's Hiirsaparllla, ns n blood medicine, is nialiitaln.xl by daily cures. BBHPf ( BBBBi BHBH w.sa'YiiiffiiiiSM DM you over hlop to think wlmt storlrn iiicvpiiKiT IiojsmiiiI men KervautKiulKht tell! nsked a wouiiiu tho other day. AVomen who mo accustomed to male servants, a butler for lnstiiuce, come to i cont'd them Komewlint us they do tin it It ti I o. In the elites it In no uncommon tiling for them to Mnnlt mk-Ii ii nervant to enter tho room while at their toi let, if he Iiiih any duty tlicliyind perhaps pay no attention to Ills prcemv. And then nt women's luncheons what a frightful freedom ofuosslpl What nicy otorles nro told and what a reckless use of names! And tho quiet servant U supposed to have no cars. Hut supposo ho had and a mouth, IT-iu-nil One of the Western Chautauqua assemblies has eugngcsl Huv. T. Duwitt Tnlmagi) for thu coming season, but instead of a lecture he will give a sermon. Ills lecturing last year was not altogether satisfactory, us Lincoln peoplo will recall. Tho distinguished gentle man was amenablo to tho charge of being "chestntitty." His sermons, how ever, are a iHHerent matter. They nro bis tortouud un doubtedly command bis best thought. They nro frosh mid original, and they are full of thu Talmndgiaii pel sodality. Most mW mirersof this eminent preacher hate seen and heard him, so there Is no novelty in that, 'I'm: CouiiiKii oilers them his sermons every week and it is a plensuio to statu that many people look eagerly for tho Talmago dis courses in tlio CotmiKlt every Saturday, lo gardlug It as n valuable and w holesome fea ture. Wlmt unexected ellects little things some times have! Now, there Is thu little illiuu savings bank which has become m common of Into. The Inventor conceived no attrac tive novelty that would nppeal to man's av arice and love of change, nnd ho hoped to make a foi tuuu out of his trinket. Hut thu thing is causing a deal of niiuoynucu to the business peoplo in some places. The "hank" is constructed to take In fifty dimes, and it cannot be opened until it is full. (Suppose a thousand of them wore in use in Lincoln, In duo time they might have between 4000 and oOOO dimes packed away in their shining little cylinders, mill thu probability is tlmt thero would bo such it dearth of ten cunt pieces ns to seriously Inconvenience business people. Complaints of this kind como from several eastern cities, but tho craze has not yet become general enough in Lincoln to hnvo any appreciable elTect. Or, if it Iiiih, the chief eifect is an increase in profanity. If anything is calculated to temporarily knock tho early Sunday school training out of n fellow It is to want n little money nnd have it locked up in ono of those tantalizing banks in sight but out of reach. The ilimo bunk is a craze and like most fads will pass away. One cxerienco in filling such a con cern Is enough to satisfy most cople. Speaking of new hotels, how often Is the remark made: "Tho Lincoln ought to have been built on the situ of tho old Capital;" or, "What n pity the owners of thoCnpltal don't tenr it down nnd put up it fine big hotel." The wish to have the location of the Lincoln changed is all wrong. It was built by the owners of adjacent property to keep business from drifting up town. It Is a magnificent building, mid It Is serving its purKMi ad mirably right where It Is. If it bad been lo cated further east It would very likely have been the only building of its class erected for many years. As it is now there are plen ty of peoplo who think another big hotel lo cated somewhere on O or P street from Kleventh to Fourteenth would catch thu cieiim of thu business. Some of these jieoplu are ready to put monuy into such an enter prise ami it seems that It will only bu u ques tion of time until they entliUMieuotigh others to bring forth their castle In Spain to a statu of sober leality. tint that is not what 1 started out to say. It is not beyond tho line of possibility that there will be a now and magnificent hotel on thu situ of thu Capital. Thu owners of thu property, Hurwnod, Ames and Kelly (who bid it in at a big bargain, by thu way), hnvo engaged T. .1. Mickey to inn thu house two years. If they make a success ofitdiliiug that exieiiuieutal ieiiod, thoy purjioso teplacing it with a largo and hand somer modern structure, They will buyout thu livery stable property on tlio Kleveuih hticct alley and make thu new house cover a quill ter block. At least that is th talk at picent aliii these gentlemen have plenty of cobli within runiiniiml to cairy out any pro ject of tlio sort. And, after all, since thu adjournment, of the legislature (lie Capital seems to have re sumed its iKuuiou as the meeting and loung ing place of the politicians. Olio may drop In almost any evening ami see ex-Attorney (leueral Leosu, Judge Mason, ex-Senator Hoover, Judge lteeso, ex-ltepreseillatlve Oliilstend of Hiifctiugs, ex-Oil lusptctor Smith Caldwell, Willis IMclmrdsou of David City, Pooh Hah Walt Mason and a dozen stars in tho local political firmament, and well known politicians fioiu all parts of the state aru almost daily visitors. Such s'ciih to bu the force of habit mid tho wonder U, how long will it hold. Many good people, 1 imagine, am prone to think of all boaid of tiadu dealings in grain as a species of gambling mid highly repre hcnslble, Tlie sensational writer In order to present a picturesque account has dwelt upon the feveiishuess, the excitement, the aval ice and all that sort of thing, and many simple minded people who do not know the ti nth have let their Imaginations loose with sonie whutdisastioiiH lestilis to the facts, Now Lin coln has a brunch ol tho Chicago and St. Uni ts boards of trade In fact there Is quite n bunch of tlieni on N street, just oh" Kleventh, Tlio scarcity of grain tins sent tho pi ices sky ward this season, and a uumtcr of fortunes have been made in Lincoln by trading ii, rnln din lug tlio Inst two mouths. And yet, it Is all done so quietly as to attract little nt teutloii, One may pas b the open door of these commission houses without healing u sound but tin) tick-tick of u telegraph Instill, incut, and yet theie may be several thousand dollars at stake on tho operator's interpreta tion of that ticking Adoen men may lu watching the IsMird uion which thinciiitnr Is chalking the sales actually Hindu at Chica go nnd Ht. Louis, and Ihey limy engage in n passing conversation with each other, but the casual observer limy not sen n pin chase or u sale iiinile, Among the favorites of for tune Is an cx-oll itispirtor, who is said to bu (IO,tH)to P-MNXInliead or thu game. An other H)lltlclan, a well known joung fellow who lives In Lincoln, has niailu about ffl,(HHI by "trading on thu hoaitl." One of the suit ors of bashful foi tune does what hi) calls a "scalping" buslmwy. He buys or sells on bis Judgment, and when the nun ket favors him it cent ho doses the deal. Ho frequently makes ?1(X) to $lfiO u dny. Of course ho loses occasionally, but so fur lie Is a long wavs ahead. And yet, it is all naughty, you know, and not to Ihi encouraged, The other day it well known cltleii, ills ctlHng the project of a new building for the Union club, made tlio remark ; "I do not ap prove of clubs they encourage the develop ment of bachelors." The Idea Is not new, but to hear It urged in Lincoln against a local Institution Is something to give one a shock. The thought that Lincoln clubs lire having any elfcct on the local matilmonlal market Is enough to imike tlio eyi blows rise In surprise, to say thu least. Hut even If it wero true, what of ill Many well meaning peoplo seem to think that thu bo all ami thu end all of life is marriage. If all uuiriiages W(jriihnppy there might bo sense in it, but look around you and try to measuio thu mis ery entailed by thu yoke. Most of us can cull to mind dozens of cases In w hlch couples hnvo Iss'ii inlMiinted, mid In which It would hnvo born better for the husband to have I email, ed it bachelor, better for the wife to havo re mained a maid, better for the children if they hod never been bom, better for the world If nolio of them hud ever been, It is true, probably that the social clubs of tho coun try lend men to delay uuirrliige, but It Is an own question if they and their families uinl the world lu general are not lstter for tho delay, because of their maturer judgment, their m'tter senso. Been use times and cus toms ciiaiico It is not necessarily for tho wcrse, tlio croakei s to tho contrary notwlth standing. Fun In Four Art. Golly, won't then bu fun when I gets this over his head! nit An Ohio lady was so frightened by n snake that, her glossy black hair turned white ns snow-. It wns soon returned to Its oilglnnl color by Hull's Hair Henewer. Diamonds aie all the rage again in fact, theynlwit)s hnvo been notwlthstnndlng tie coiifta'it tnlK that this or tlmt stone has ro placed It in popular fnvor. Fact really Is diamonds ai e nlwaya in jMipulnr favor. They repioont value letter than all other precious stoiics, look better, more chaste and refined and wear letter than all others. A diamond as a. rule cannot be marred or scratched, but when cleansed Is ns retty mid equally us valuable ns when purchased, Hallvtt bus lots oftfiem, Call nnd seo him, m. E LI' Sfcta' M IIAHl III Saturday, after a hot light, Lincoln was downed by it scorn of i to I, Cllne made the one mil for Lincoln while Cm Icy, (IimhIu uiigh nnd Handling scored for the Asistles, StntTord was lu thu box for Lincoln, Hint fur St. Paul. The game wns won III the fifth Inning. Over!l,000 H'ople witnessed Ht. Paul down Lincoln Sunday afternoon. It was a good job too. Theie was hoiiiu bad luck on Lin coln's slduof tlie games but St. Paul lenlly outplayed us, Huikell slut ted III to pilch for tho home club hut gave out and was ro llovcd by Dnriibioiigh hi the fourth Inning, the Apostles I cached the homo plate six tliui's; Lincoln got theio twice. After tlnee Nttalght defeats Lincoln pulled herself together and w tested a l'iiiuo from St. Paul Monday tho last of thu wiles, The seine was 15 to II, Our boys tnntilfiMtcd mi unexpected ability to hit tlie ball, and there was sniiiu very pretty slugging, SlalTord twilled Hie ball for Lincoln and although he was mi insolently, lie pitciiisi a fair game. striking seven men out. Oslxirue was m the box for St. Paul. He let eight men take their bases on bulls. Tomney, who played second partially redeemed himself by making a couple of neat plays, nnd Jack Howe and Irwlu wero "In It." Patton was Injuicd dur ing the game ami was succeeded by i'rnllley Tho young ladies uru not lu favor of Sun day base ball. Many of them have conscieu tlom scruples against the desecration of the Sabbath; but the objection to the Sunday gaiiiu is inspired by another reason. Usually, lu the upper tier or thu UK) Sunday aftciiiiMiii Is the faoi Itetiniu for calling, many of thu young men being too busily engaged thiough the week to devote much tlmo to matteis of tills Mirt. They enjoy ill opplug in on the Initios on the day of lest, nnd It is siippoxsl that the Indies like to have them di op in. Hut last Hull', day you could have counted the callers on tlio lingers of two hands. The rest of them weie out on the i ouster watching St. Paul walking over Date Howe's hIh. The ladles say they are willing to let their charms conictu with anything except huso ball. Thero they drnw thu line. (lairuoy has n great leputatlon as an tun pile, butho fnllod to sustain it lu Thursday's game, lu fact bu out-ranked Collins lu tho ruukiiess of bin decisions. Lincoln might not hnvo won uny way, but n Inrce share of the responsibility for our defeat rests on his shoulders. Ho Hindu onu eloso docUlou onrly lu tlie game lu fnvor of thu corn hunker. Then lu the ninth inning he declared it jier fo:tiy good ball sent by TralTloy out in the left field it foul. This was pretty bad. Then Hoich got to first all right, but wns declared out lu the face of ticunliig's fumble. This wns rank. It wns hardly mrprWng that Lincoln lost. Dave Howe plujod a good game in center field lu place of Patton, who was laid up with a lame ankle. Hoaeh mid Hogcis were evidently not lu good trim, though roach succeeded in striking men out. Ho wns iHiundcil unmercifully when liu knock.il a beautiful two bagger out to left, oir Duwald, evurylKsly held their breath. The scoro stood 0 to 7. OKNEHAI, M'OIITIMI .NOTKK. Dave Howe has released Pitcher Hood and he has been seounil by St. Paul. Tlmt must havo been a great game at Deli ver Monday Milwaukee 1; Denver 0. Nuw York won for the Hist time Monday, dow Ming Brooklyn by a scoro of 1) to T. Tlie Biuret, IU'8 north Kleventh, now bulle tins thu t cures of thu home gaiuis by Innings. After the games witli Sioux City the Liu coin club will stmt on it's (list trip lasting three weeks. If tho weather is propitious some of tlie young peoplu will picnic either at Cusliman or thu new pink, early next week. Umpire Collins is not n ssrlal favorite with Lincoln fans. But then he laliousl un der a disadvantage coming after Kmslle, who imido himself popular in Ills short stay. Theie is a strong demand to have the game commence at I o'clock instead of .'dm I or il:l5, nudit is believed that when this is made the starting time there will Ihi nil In a eased attendance. The Lincoln mid Sioux City seiles terinl nate with tomoirow's game. It docs not look at this writing at if thu Sunday game would bo stopjM'd. Manager Howe makes it a point to have all employes about thu gi minds pay procr cointesy mid paitlcular attention to ladies, a fact duly appreciated, which is demonstrat ed by tho constant Increase in attendance of ladies. Thu members of the tenuis club aiu en deavoring to Interest uioru of the ladies in the garni. Too year ugo they wero very elithii'fiistk' supporters of tenuis; but Inst season for some unaccountable lenson, their interest ilagged a little. It is doubtful if any man in tlie state gels as imich enjoyment out of lawn tenuis as S L. (ielsthardt of this city. Ho is thu most indefatigable player Lincoln eer introduced. It'su very cold day when you cun'i see him w hiding u racket at thu club grounds What Is known as the "Sandy liristtold htylu of liaso ball has lsvoum veiy common lieicibniits. Watch any of the Nebiaska lion spa-rs and you will see what wo mivin. (irlswolil has made a umik on thu lite as an oilglnnl wilier on sporting matters, and as might beex'H-cted, all of the lemr iglils lin ,tute linn. The young man who lepoils the Lincoln gsmes for thu World-Heiald hi h ultout tho woit ntlack of the Oiiswoll in inla. A (Ileal Siinibi) IHiiner. All week S. J. Oil. 'II and his laige corp cf assistants lint o U-eii hind lit it mot lug Into the new ithue In the Brown blick, l.VJ? 0 slpet and when n reporlei nihil there yes. Ul day he found things Inn V'Cgicsslvo con dition. The store ix)in h : l.irv.o one, H'j fttt devp mid limply wide to kettno rowiiof tables, with convenience to guests equal to that hud in Hie old lis'iitlnn. The walls liitv.o been beautifully decorated and pais'ivd and nil the lUtuies pi cent n niw ami neat ap peal ancu. Tomorrow the Hist meal will be served anil Mr, Oi U-II promises all patrons one of tho finest Sunday illimets that hu hus eter spread. Kverythlng delicious nnd new on the market will bu n-rvisl and the town with It's nil r foundings will bu scoured lor the s"iison's most (iHithsomo delicacies. It will Ihi ii lino meal, In n line place and by the public's most popular dining-room cateier. It will there fme Ihi duly In order for you to nirango tp lake dinner theie tomoi ro.v, not only to en joy thu excellent fine that will be nlfered bill also to give Mr. Odull u good house wanning anil welcome on his new Ventura lu Lincoln's new nnd popular business dis trict.. Hemember the place, Ifi'Ji O stleet. "Is This n Dream?" I. -Llffc A Product of Modern Culture. She can toll where every nation Htarted In at tho creation. And she much prefers cremation When sho dies. 8ho enn namo each bono and sinew, And If you're too fat or thin you Boon will havo her dally din you Hcmcdlcs. , She ran write thu chemlo symbols ' Of all couiKitinds; play tlio timbrels Till right through your curs sho wimbloaj Yes, she can. Bho just dotes on Athabasca, Has it mission lu Alaska, FluiiueU sends to "Madagascar," , Willi a fan. Shoil sniiiu o'er n rnnlo soctlon That lu ou would rouso dejection, And her love ne'er knows defection From her books. But one day her husband fainted, And her fright cannot Ihi painted. For shu'd never Ih-cii acquainted Willi such looks. For a cure her fond heart bled: But of one she'd never read. Bo sho sbsid him on his head, Till hu died. Though thu Jury learned sho cherished Him nuxt to her lIlinlfHMVcrlslit," "Ho of tint much learning perlslied," They nil cried. Phariniicuctlcnl Kra. A Nice Distinction, A guest nt ono of our leading hotels waited for his dinner its long iw patleuco allowed ami then rnpjH-d smartly for n waiter. Tho head waiter approached, "Hasu'tuiiy gentleman taken your order, sail?" ho asked blandly. Being told that "no gentleman" had yet volunteered for that service, hu said in most stately manner: "You must hnvu been overlooked. I will kcu that it do not recur agin." Detroit Freo Press. A l're eilenl. Alumnus (during a baseball game) What iiinUcri your ienionado mi weak thisj afternoon, Jimmy. Jimniy .1. Y-y-jou know thu g-gu-gooil Iwok says, "Wh-wh-w hen y-y-you meet A st-st-st ranger y-y j on inust t.i-ta-taku hiia In. Princeton Tiger. I.llerury Item. Jones What are you doing now for A living? Smith I live by writing, "For the pre-s?" "Oh, no; I write to tho old mini twico mouth to send mo Mime more money," Texas Sittings. lly lire unit Wuter. Mr. Jlnkster Ah, Miss Hosstiine, I hMff you have hud u lire in our hoii-u? Miss II. Yes, quite n serious one. Mr. J. Was there much diumigu donaf Miss 11. Oh, you; the building was la tcstined from garret to collar. Hrooklya Kaglu. Sb Knvw Alrmdy. Mr. Anglomuiiiac Here's an article om thu dissolution of pavliameut. Shall I rM It tojoiif Mm, Nou-Anglouiiiiiiiic N'o.you needn't. I always knew those lords wero it dUsolut it. Princeton Tiger. r .- Where the Tronliln XV. Mr. Snopps rinipps, your chickens coma over into my yard. Mr. Sulppa Yes, ami they do not come back. Life. ii. in. I rh i 1 jsSfl