Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 25, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    "T llMJHJfWW"J5f''"V'iW,PTi ''WHSrv""" r"r"1
I hi
ftZ7 V
Is UeccMng
Call wild Soo Thorn,
Famous Millinery Store,
1 145 O Street.
Tho Col) 111 kh will not lo responsible fur
any debts made by nuy ono In Its nninn, un-
esa a written imier ntvoiupnnie mu sainti,
0mr 10th and P ttrts.
Dry Goods,
Church Advertisements,
Commencing April llrst, Tiik Couiiiku
will Insert notices pertaining to sociables,
festivals, lectures, meetings and Bormona for
nil churches free of charge. Advertisements
for entertainments where nn admission Is-
chorged will Im Inserted nt one-half tlio ri'K
ular rate.
New Dress Goods
Uerpolsheimer & Go.
In all Prices. Exclusive Designs n special
feature of this department.
Th Courier Can b Found At
Hotel Lincoln Newt Stand.
Windsor Hotel News Stand.
Capital Hotel New Stand.
Odell's Dining 1U1I Now Stand, 1538 O Ht.
The Gotham News Stand, 118 South 11th Ht.
The Apex, ill North 11th Street,
Ed. Young, 10QO O Street.
Clason, Fletcher A Co., 1120 O Street.
Little Sport Gla-ar Htore, US North 12th Ht.
Westordcld's liar be r Shop, llurr Uloeic.
If An extra supply of papers Is always left
at the Uotham, In case other Newsdenlora
supplies run short.
Dunlap Hats !
W. R. Dennis & Co.,
1137 O Street.
lcal aad Fersoaal.
Wkltobraaat Coal aad LIbm Company.
Brown's for oyster In all styles.
Call up the L. D. T. Co., Phone 100.
Ruth M. Wood, M. D., 1980 P street.
Hartshorn's for Upholstered furniture,
J. B. Trickey & Co. jewelers, 10Q3O street
Lincoln loo Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 11&
Order Canon City Coal from Bette,
Wearer & Co.
New style of invitations just in at Tiik
Coukikr office.
Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Miss 8. M. Caffyn, dressmaking parlors,
1311 H street. Telephone 510. tf
Or Is wold's seed store is headquarters for
every soed for the lawn and garden.
Get your flower andgarden seeds at Oils
wold's s,ed store, 140 South Uth st.
Ladles kid gloves cleaned or colored at Lin
coln Steam Dye works, HOC O street.
Miss C. J. Gullmette, modiste, second floor
Exposition building. Take elevator.
Dr. C; 11. Manning removed to new offices,
rooms 33 and 23. second floor llurr block.
Elegant Hue of Fieuch pattern hats nt
Thorubuni Bisters' new store 121'-.' O stieet.
J. 1). Barnaby, the taller, may be found at
rooms 13 and 13, Newman block, 1025 O st.
Dr.C. P. Lsdd, dentist, 1105 O street
Telephone 153. OlUeo hours 0 a. in. to 5 p. in.
JupltorCoal Us winner und Betts, Weaver
& Co., sole agents hnvu plenty of it. Try
a tou.
One hundred finest engraved calling cauls
and plate only 3.50 at Wel Printing Co.,
1130 N street.
Garden hose, finest quality ami most dura,
ble In the city at Dean & Hoi tons, 1450 O
street. Telephone No. 150.
"Not how cheap, but how good" is the
motto of the new Studio Lo Grande. Call
and see their work, 134 south Twelfth street,
Haines & Haskell, tba nw mllllneis 1130O
street employ one of the Quest hat trimmers
W the west. The lady Is direct from New
York aad thoroughly, understands her oo
cupatton. Then' rrhere you should get
your new spring bat.
.Mr. A. U. Kleiner of tlio "Burlington" who
Is so well nnd pleasantly known tin n delight
ful entertainer, Invited tlio representatives of
tlio press to partake of Ills hoipltnllty Hutur
ilny night nt his Iiouh, Fourteenth nnd N sts.
Twenty member of tho jhmicII pushing fra
ternity responded, nnd it was a Jolly com
pntiy who at live o'clock wit down to n Imiid
sotno collation. Mrs. Joiner, Mrs. Mcin
tosh nnd Mis Hnrn Grunlnger looked nfter
tho comfort of tlio guests. It wns nn occas
ion of rnru enjoyment and ono that will bo
long reiuomlicnsl by tint fortunntu recipients
of Mr. Klcium's good favor. Thorn present
were; Messrs II. M. Iliislinell, Hum I), Cox.
Thomas II, Hydo, E. II. Hyde, Frank ltohm,
Marry T. Dobbins, Frank'L. Hathaway, Will
Owen Jones, L. C. Pant, W, J. llyrnes, John
M. Cotton, Fred llonxlnger, W. Q. Doll, Ja
cob North, J. 1). Kleiitch, L. Wessol, Jr.,
August Esser and 11. H. Mcintosh.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. ColTroth entertained
tho Tuesday Evening club Wednesday ovcu
lug at their plensiint homo, Thirteenth and
O street J, (J. Whlttier wns tho nutlior of
tlio evening and an Interesting proginm rou
detedby Miss Delia Loomls, Mr, 11. H. Fns
man, Mr. H. T. Ht, John and Mr. W. Morton
Smith was given, and there were musical so
lutions by Mist Ethel Mnrslaud, Miss Griffith
and Miss Anna llnrr. Mr. W. H. Htull was
elected n momber of tho club. Tho follow
ing were present: Misses Nelllo White, Car
rie Wnsiuer, Anna llnrr, Oertrudo Laws,
.Mlnnlo Lnttn, Ollvu Latta, Anno Funkc,
Miiuilo Smith, Orncu Griffith. Delia Loomls.
Clara Walsh and Ethel Marslnud; Messrs
fiank .tin ling, U. W. Oorwlg, John T.
Dorgnu, W. Morton Smith. W. E. Hard v. Dr.
O. F. I,nild, II. S. Freeman, W. E. Clarke,
H. T. St. John, O.'D. Mullen, J. P. Fnucon,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Ed. Ewlug nnd Mrs. Green
A committee has been uimoluted bv tho
Union club to report on tho advisability of
erecimg a eiuii iiuililing. Tlierols a project
on foot to eriH!t a muguiilcout structuro nt
tho south east corner of Eleventh nnd M
streets nt a cost of about f 70,000 Plans have
been prepared nnd they nro now being dis
cussed. Should this scheme go through tlio
Union club will hnvu ouoof tho llnust nnd
most oloborntely equipped club house In
this nrt of tho country. By tho way, thoy
say that Lincoln Is really going to have a
now opera house und parties Interested In
this enterprise nro trying to Induce the club
to occupy quarters In tlwlr building.
Yesterday afterno)ii tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. lllggs, 1837 I) street, was tho scene
or another bright nnd aulmntcd gathering
of charming Indies. Mrs. Hlggs received a
number of her lady friends and royally en
tertained them nt n delightful Kensington
ten. Tho fair hostesss was at her best and
tho nfternoon passed pleasantly for all pres
ent, n list of them lielng tlm following: Mes-
dames, Benton, MnurltloiiH, WelN, Swnn
I'lniiK, iiosselmau, M. K. Wheeler, Newmark,
Wise, Turner, Perkins, Preston, Outcalt and
yii Stuart of Matoon, III.
Ho v. P. 8. Stein of tlio St. Paul M. E
church at high noon Tuesday, officiated nt
iiia ceremony uniting Mr. William U. Hitter
of Kansas City and MIm Laura Dlluard of
this city in marriage. Tho event was cele
brated at the residence of tho bride's wrcnts.
Mr. and Mrs. Hitter left in tho afternoon for
Kansas City where they will reside perma
Miss Gertrude Perry nnd Mr. Incoe Mar
quis were united in marriage Wednesday
evening by Hev. O. E. Dnker. at the resi
dence of tho bride's parcnto, 15!Ki O street A
few intimate friends were present at tho cer
inony who were invited to n bounteous wed
ding supper at the Opelt later In the evening.
Gov. ltovd received an minimal mul blt-lilv
appreciated compliment Tuesday evening af
ter tho concert at the onern hmisn. unnmlv n
serenndo by tho United Stntes Marino baud
nitne Lincoln, ilia executive responded elo
quently and thou camothu "Stnr Spangled
Crete uroiulses to Imi h vorv iwmiilnr nuirf
for Lincoln neonlo this iiimniur Tim T,.
day EvenillE club is mnklntr lirciinrnlln,i tnr
a two week camping party tho latter part
ui uuiy, aim oiuer ouiing expetllllons are
contemplated. Verily, the fame of tho
grove ou the beautiful Blue is spreading.
Messrs Fred C. Howo anil Mvrnn Wliral.vr
returned the early part of tho week frohi
Columbus. Neb. Thev wcrn nmimtuinUI
on the home run by a choice colkctlon of
picturesque and interesting fairy talcs which
are now being showered generously and im
iwrtlally on their respective friends.
Mr. Andrus k DUttlnsr Cushman Pnrk lii
shape for the summer season. A Imir mil.,
race track, which will be one of the 11 nest In
mesial, is one ot the many Improvement
that will be made.
Ilov. T. W. Lerrv of thn Vltm ntrtt lu.v.
tlst church will preach to tho Odd Fellows
Sunday morning, his subject being "Human
ities of Life." All members of the order are
cordially Invited.
Prof. Edffren delivered mi itilrnallinr
lecture in the First Congregational church
ctinoMay afternoon entitled, "Longfellow's
Kh.g Hobert of Sicily, Its Migration , from
Mr. Ilarrv D. Cartnrnf Dim ,! ,.,lltr.'.
oftli-e, tendered his resignation Wednesday.
iie wm leave in a low days ror the noith
west to accept a more lucrative position.
Dr. and Mrs. Ilillltuni mul nl.ll.l u,u. n
leave Tuemlay for Boston. Dr. Billings will
arrivo In Lincoln sometime in June, while
Mrs. innings will not return until full.
The Y. P. S. C. E. meuta at tlm llvnw,l.
Coiicrvcutlonal church Hviit.w.itl. n,i a
every Sunday evening at 0-30. All are cor
dially invited to attend.
The lower right hand box at tho Fuuke
was occupied Tuesday night at tho Murine
Bond conceit by Guv. Boyd, Mr, Shears and
Miss Leila Shears,
It Is whispered arouiid iiuiet'y that Monday.
Apiil 37th will witness soiuo interesting de
velopments of couoo j on know to what
we refer.
The East Lincoln Chautauqua Literary
ami Scientific ciiclo held Its legular meeting
nt the residence of Mrs. D, L, Anderson last
Ernest N, Lowe will give up his position in
tho office of Governor Boyd May 1. A sou of
W. H. Vaughn of Omaha will succeed him.
Profeaor J. Asher Parks of the Conserva
tory of Music, ha, it Is said, married an esti
mable youu lady of York, Neb,
The annual meeting ot the Old Settlers as
sociation of Lancaster county will be held
this afternoon at Bohanan's hall . '
Mr. Charles Steele of Bayoime Olty. N. J..
who has been a gueit at the Newman resi
dence for several days, left for bis home
Monday, Mr. Steele hnd a very pleasant
vllt mid was much Impressed with Lincoln
Mrs. J, II. McMurtry and Mri. Alnxnndcr
llogelnud relumed Saturday from Louis
llle, ICy,, nnd LnFnyetlo, Ind.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Andrew Jeson departed
Monday for Now York city, where they will
take a sto.uuerfor Germany,
Miss Clara IJowen of Lockport, N. Y., who
I visiting Mis Clarn WnWi, lias recovered
from her temporary lllueis.
Mr. C. II. Holmes, clerk of the state board
of trausiortntlon, will m succeeded on May
1st by Mr. P. E. Benrdstoy.
Mls Nnoml Weaver has returned frcm
Knnsns City, her visit lielng nbrl.lged by tho
Illness of her mother.
Many of tho state Officials and state liouo
clerks planted trees In the capltol grounds
Wednesday morning.
Mr. Clarence E. Ill own of Omaha return
ed homo last Saturday after an Interesting
visit of several days,
Mr, and Mrs. 11. 11, Sawyer entertained
Mr. Walter F. Smith, n member of tho Mn
riuo baud, Tuesday,
Mr, and Mrs. J, F. Godfrey of East Lin
coln celebrated their wooden wedding Wed
llesday evening,
Additional Local and Personal 1'ago B.
Death of Mm, Mrrlii.
Tho many friends of Mrs. J. P. Morris will
lw pained to learn of tho death of that estim
able lady. After on illness of over three
mouths ho ceased this worldly existence at
two o clock yesterday morning at tho fam
ily residence 1510 south Nineteenth street,
leaving n loving husband und daughter, tlio
lntter being eight years old. Tho funeral
takes plaro at half past twelve today from
the Church of Christ, corner of Font teeuth
and K streets. Tho remains will bashlpiied to
Youtigstown, Ohio, for interment nt3:IOp,
m. vln tho Burlington. Although sick for a
long time, the announcement was received
with surprise by many of tho friends of Mrs,
Morris, nil of whom In tho hour of despnlr
nnd sad nllllctlon extend to tho bereaved rel
atives their heartfelt sympathy . In conse
quence ot tho liereavoiuent Hudgo & Morris'
store wns closed yesterday and will romnin to
until nfter the funeral today.
Hum llerschter and I.enn Klsfeld.
These two gentleim-n whose unmes nre fa
miliar to many Lincoliiltes nro no longer
residents nmong us nor havo they any bust
news Interests here, but their many friends
will nevertheless bo glad to learn of their re
cent association in business at Burlington,
la., succeeding t e well known nnd old ch.
tnbllshed firm of E. M. Ehfeld & Co.,
under tho tltlb of Elsfeld Clothing Co. Mr.
Hertchler retired from the Arm of Nuwmnrk
& Hcrschlor of this city March flrst to join
Mr. Elsteld who wns from 18S5 to 1883 head-sali-sman
at the Globe Clthiug house of this
city, In tho now enterprise just announced
taking effect Wednesday. Both gentlemen
nro oxiierlenced mid energetic workers in the
merchnntilo field nnd will undoubtedly meet
with continued success In their now under
taking. Remove bolls, pimples, and skin eruptions,
by taking Ayer's SnrKnpurllla.
The present fad in society is tho prehentns
tlon of souvenir spoons and of course to bo
ml with tht procession and in fact to o "In
the swim" Hnllott, tho Joweller, has now In
stock a full and beautiful line of thorn. , Ho
has had somo of theeo popular goods in for
somo time past, but now ho has tho lino that
will catch the heart of nil thnt want any
thing in ths lino. You must see them thoy
embrnco all the novelties besides the inoro
plain nnd Uioroughly artistic ones. You
may alwayjJKpeiul on Hnllott having all
tho seasonsioveltieH, that's what ho is in tho
business for. Now you will want ono or
more of these pretty souvenirs for your
friends and If they nro out of tho city tend
one ot those that have tho wortl "Lincoln"
handsomely embossed In tho bowl of tho
spoon. Ilallot has n big lino of them nnd he
will help you select n choice If you will go
around and see him,
Udell Moves Kast,
It will be a matter of considerable surprise
to mnny that havo not seen the sign placetl'
ou uueir,couutcr that this popular dining
ball will after May flrst cease to conducted
lu Its present quarters. In fact tomorrow'
the last Sunday meal will be served and the
following few days will be reserved for tho'
removal of all Mr. Odell's effects to a new'
and very deslrablo location at 1538 O street,
which has been leased for a term of years.
Evidently the genial Mr. Odell does not coin
cide with tho deceased Greely's old and well
tried mnxltim "go west, young man," ami if
the great old Journalist had lived to see Lin
coln in its present day, he would himself be
saying "go east young man" instead. Pact'
is trade and travel is nil moving east in this
city, and to be up with tho procession Mr.
Odell found it necesiary to go where thd
crowd is going. A year ago when east O
street was yet In Its Infancy as a business lo
cality such amove would have proved disas
trous, but today with the most of tho larger
mercantile houiesjiitliatsectlon, most the
ruhtdentfl'tn'tliHt portion ofvho city, and
mosfof the travel gradually but cojutnntly
tnovlug In that direction, it is considered by
all long-headed teople to bo a very wise And
far seeing move ou thu p Art of Mr. Odell,
Odell's dining hall has In the past vlgli.
years wou an enviable reputation- It ihh
always catered to tho best element of tmVij
and succeeded in retaining their luitrnnMU
with tho best service in tho city, well cookil
ami a clean ami palatable place nt any m
all times, In tho uew place tho sumo ordV
of things will prevail and while ut fln, l(r,
may seem a llttlo out of the way for sonii f
tho down town merclianU yet the walk of but
a few blocks w III do them good und lu lug
them down to tho now plao for their dally
bread and sustenance.
The uew place will tie all refitted with new
furnishings nnd the dining hull will look even
better than the one just about to be vacated,
while the seating capacity will lie almost as
large. Don't fail to mnko airaiigements to
take your next Sunday's dinner at the new
Odell dining hall 1538 O street.
A House W'liiitvil.
About July first, nnd eight room residence
with modern convenient e In central location
or will eive lease ou residence built to un
order. Addless, L. WKHhKI.. JlU 1131 N St.
Furnished Itoiimsfur Ileut.
Two nicely furnished front rooms, rent
reasonable, Enquire 010 K ttreet.
Our tpeclal Hues in Ladles Silk Vests will
Ihj olfered at low pi ices ou Monday,
J. W. Wimikh&Co.
Have you been to the new hair dressing
parlors ot the Tnornbum Sister at 13(3 O
Inspect the choice lino of embroideries in
newest patterns at Uerpolsheimer & Co,
It Has Mil re hod Westward Ntendlly Along
the Thirty. nlnlli I'nrnllel.
According to it recent census bulletin thu
center of population In tlm United Ktntci
rented on Juno 1, 1800, In Hoiitheru Indiana,
at n point n llttlo west of Houth of Ulceus-
7 PormJ J
Kin."-- i f
' j..y Jhr
' v
burg, tho county neat of Decatur county,
and twenty inllea east of Columbus, Intl.
The eloscnuwM with which tlio center of
population, through hiicIi rapid westward
movement ns 1ms Iktii recorded, Im clung
to tlm parallel of 30 degs. of latitude can
not fall to lie noticed. Thu most northern
point reached wnaut thu start, In 17IK); thu
incut southern point was In 1S30, thu pre
ceding tli'i'iidu having witnessed a rapid do
volopmonV. of population In thu aouthwest,
Alalmma, Arknusaa, Mississippi und IiOti
Isianii having lieuu admitted as states mid
Florida annexed and organized as u terri
tory. Tho oxtremu variation In latitude
linn been less than 10 mlnutea, while the
hundred years of reconl havo accomplished
a movement of longitude of nearly 0.0
Assuming tho westward movement to
liavubeen uniformly along thu parallel ot
BO ilegh. of latitude, tho westward inovu
tnent of the several decades has liecn as
follows: 1700-1800, 41 miles; 1800-10, 80
miles; 1810-30,60 miles; 1830-30,30 miles;
1830-10, 55 miles; 1840-50, 05 miles; 1850-00,
81 miles; 1800-70, 43 miles; 1870-80, 58 miles,
nnd 1880-00, 48 miles, a total westward
niovumeut ot 605 tulles. Thu sudden ac
celeration of movement between 1850 nnd
1800 was due to thu transfer of u consider
able liody ot population from thu Atlantic
tothu 1'acillo coast, twelve Individuals In
Snu Francisco exerting as much pressure,
ntthu then pivotal point viz,, tlio crowing
of thu 831 merlillau ami thu SOtli parallel
s forty Individuals ut lloston.
Ayer's Hair Vigor restores gray hair to its
original color, makes it vigorous and abund
ant. Window dressing lu our modem day has
become n wonderful nrt, but it was not un
til within tho fow last years that this metro
H)lltan Iden struck Lincoln. Fow jieoplu
that havo parsed tho beautifully arranged
windows of the Ewing Clothing company
hnvo failed to observe tlio unusual nmount of
taste and skill that Is shown in the arrango
monl of the siqierb line of guo goods which
are lielng displayed. All during tho week
crowds havo apmlred tho dert work of tho
artist Mr. C. Sjiertl and tho lino of line suits
for spring wear havo been deftly shown.
Tho furnishing goods window is in ittelf a
work of great art and illustrates what the
company carries ou the interior in tho way
of lints, hosiery, shirts, neckwear nnd n doz
en other things lu mens small wear. These
beautiful oxhibits are changed weekly and
each chango Is as eagerly looked for by pas
serby ns tho advent of n new attraction at
tho opera house. If you have not mado it rt
point to look in nt Ewing Clothing company's
windows heretofore when passing, don't fnll
hereafter to do so You will always see
something to Interest you.
IndJ Ohio.
l s x
.f J y'V
I ? Nv.dsr-y.y
Toulsvllls. H
Kit. ')..-'
i . . 1
The Ladies' Rambler
Is the Wheel of all Wheels for Light Running, Easy Spring and is
M St., between llth and 12th. Phono 432.
You Want
From Tim E-
Try Our Good:
And you will not fail
receive full value for
Our Goods are New, Bright
and Clean.
Our Establishment onethat
is Pleasant to visit.
You will always receive proper
attention, at ;
10-40 O ST.
to find that you will
the money you invest.
bntL .
r rr". "''