CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1891 Chicago and Erie R. R. Late Clilcnuo .1 Atlnntlc H'y.) InJConncctlon with tho Erie Railway l'OUMH TIIK ON'liY MNK IIKTWKKN Chicago and New York Under One MuniiKomcnt. SOLID TRAINS. Tho Through Trnlmol ml" l.luo between Uhl- cngo 11111I New York arc run solid, tlnm avoldlmi annoyance mid confusion of eliniiKliiK cars or nilfdmt connections, Vestibule Limited Service VeMllmlod MiiillcdTrnln.oonMMIiiKor ling- KtiKti, Hinukliiit "ml Day Couches, wltli I'ulhnnn Dining nnd rtlecidnK Curs (heated liy stonm, lighted y Bus), over thin Lino Every Day in the Year. Pullman Service to Boston. Ji. I'ullmnti HullVl .Sleeping Car to mid from Hoston dally via this route. This l tho ONLY MNK ItiiiinliiK rullmim Cnrn between Ulilengo and Hoston. BUCKEYE ROUTE To Cohimbus.'.Ohlo, mid AMhlniid, Ky. Pullman Hleeplmjcur between Chicago and above Points dally. Train Arrlvo und Leave Dearborn Mutton, UIHUAUO. For further liiforinirtloii, call on tho neatest Itallrond Ticket Agent, or ndilrcsi W 0 Rlnearjon, A M Tucktr, : D I RobetU, loii. Tani. Ant. fiea. MRr.""A.a.l. Aul. New York. Cleveland. Chicago e Santa Fe Route Atchison, Topeka & SanUFeR. R The Pofdlar Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep ITS Between Kansas City nntl SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN KUAN CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Between Kansas Clt ami PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, anil DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Train. Between Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and all Principal Point In 'lexas. The Onlv Line Running Through the OKLA'llOMA COUNTRY. The Onlv Direct Line to the Texas Pirn Handle. For Maps and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address S. M. OSGOOD, Gcn'l Ag't E. L. PALMER. Traveling Agent, 1308 Farnam St., OMAHA., WEB. FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- Atchison, Leavenworth, St Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis and all Points South, East and West. The direct line to Ft. Semi, I'.unnt Wichita, Hutchinson ami all principal points in Kansas, The only road tn the Great Hot Spilngs of Arkansas. I'ulhnnn sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars on all trail. s. J. E. R. MILLAR, R. 1 R. MILLAR, City Ticket Agt Cen'l Ag'nl Cor O at it 1 jt'i sin i-i SENATOR EDMUNDS' RESIGNATION. Voliititary lli'lliciurnt nf Hit, lllstltiKilUh ed Vermontcr from I'ulillr Life. To say that tho United States win sur prised when Edmunds, of Vermont, re signed his neat In tho United States Henato would Im) n mllil statement. Ho in In good health and but sixty-three years old, has been In the senate con 1 1 n 11 o u h 1 y for twenty-llvo years nnd uniformly successful, mid it was unanimously believed that his ambition was to rival Thomas II. liox. 0. r. KDMUNlis. Henton, of Missou ri, who served for thirty years without i break. No other senator In American his tory has advocated more measures which succeeded or fewer that failed than Mr. Ed munds. Ho kept Ills secret well. There, was no more talk of his retirement than of any others when his letter to Governor Carroll S. Page, of Vermont, appeared. Ho gave its n cause, "considerations entirely per sonal," nnd Indulged In u brief, dlgnllled sentence of thanks to Vermont and one of farewell to the senate. George Franklin Edmunds was horn in Richmond, Vt., Kelt. 1, 1KW, and after a common school education studied law and was admitted to practice In 18-11). Ills homo has ever since, been at Burlington, From 1854 to 18511 ho was a representative In tho Vermont legislature, being speaker of tho house for the last three years. In 1801-2 ho was 11 memlicr of tho statu senate. In March, INK), ho was named by tho governor to 1111 the vacancy In tho United States henato caused by tho death of Seiwitor Footu, and took his seat 011 the 5th of April. Thereafter ho was elected llvo times, and his last term would havu extended to March If, 13. A NOTED CARICATURIST. Ills Work ts Often Situ In KnglUh mill Aiiinrlcun 1'iilillrnlloiiii. "Caran d'Acho" is tho pen name of tho most popular caricaturist in Franco today, who is a new man und half Russian. Ills assumed name, is simply a divided form of tho Rus sian word "caran dache," meaning a lead pencil, and bis name Is Eman uel Poire. His grandfather was an olllcer In tho French army that Invaded Russia and mi Ho red so much. Ho fell in love with a Mus covite lady, and man led her after m. CAltAN d'aciii:. tho war closed, but lirought up his son its a Frenchman, and at tho agu of eighteen his grandson left Moscow to servo his legal term in tho French army. Them ho amused himself and comrades by drawing free and often satirical sketches of tho olllcers, ijuarturs, etc., and as It was not best tho bold artist should Imj known, these sketches wero simply marked "Caran d'Aclie." In time, however, they at tracted the attention of artists, anil when Edwaid Detaillu saw them ho promptly sought tho youth and urged hlmtoglvo up nil else for art. He Is now overwhelmed with requests for work, and does much for tho English ami American papers. His greatest ambition Is to mako tho French comics at onco as lively as tho best, and as pure In moral tone as tho English. HLs home at Pussy, near tho Hols do Boulogne, Is a perfect museum of oddities, Including tho military gear of all tho nations. Sim Tells a Strungi, Story. Mr. .1. A. Browne, of Bloomlngton, Ills., Is at present in New York city as tho rep reventallveof his mother. Hannah Browne, who has a strange story which she wishes to prove in court. Tho old lady seeks possession of the estate of tho lato Charles Furrar Browne, better known us Artomus Ward, on thu ground that sho is his widow, MRS. HANNAH IIIIOWNK. and by him the mother of ten children. According to all accepted accounts, tho great humorist was horn in 18.11 and died in 18(17. Yet tlm claimant says she becamu his wife in 1KI5, and thai "ho was much older than ho looked." In 1S55 Mr. Browne's husband lied, and she never saw him again. Sho supports her claim by numerous atlldavits. The most reasonable theory regarding the ipicor ease Is that them were two C. F Brow lies, and that each of them used tlio name "Arteiuus Ward" on lecture touts. Ninth Can, linn's Mltrr Tuiigiicil Oialnr. I Daniel t, Fowle, gowrunr of North Car olina, whilst. iiii.viii..im1 ili.Mfh I hi. ntli.,,.1 day brought sorrow to the hem Is of a host in menus in mm stale, was a native of the common wcalth of which he was chief exec utive. Born at W a s h I u g t o 11 , Beaufort county, III ISII, ho received his education at Princeton college, and In IS5U began thepractleaof lim it! Raleigh, Dur lug the war ho lose to tliorauk of lieutenant colonel "ON. I). o. KOWLK. In the Confederate service. After tho close if tho contest ho took an active part in pol itics, hut held nnollkeof largo importance tntll elected governor In 18SS. Ills elo ii.enl riirtinn procured for him tho title of 'lie silver tongued orator." The I'rimf. "Am these mackerel quite fresh" asked 11 lady of a ragged but pnmpnusnld colored llsh peddler who eaino to her dour. "Oil, )es, lady, pulTorkly so, pulTorkly so," was Ihe reply. ".loss nostilll.o them and see." "Nostrlllr.e them What do you mean hytlintr "Why, lady," said tho peddler, with a look Indicative of pity for her Ignorance, "smell Vml smell 'eml" Eveliauge. Ampliation. --' Frugal Husband 1 wish I had f.M0(0 a year. Unappmclatlvo Wife What for You lon't spend a (uartcr of your present In come. Frugal Husband Oh, I knows but then I could iconoinl.o on a l"ri.i- vulo. -Life M'SWAT'8 EXPERIMENT. la Wlilrli tlm Tongue That Xnvrr Told a Me Out Niniikcil Out. Mr. McSwat went homo one afternoon a few wnoks ngo with something wrapped up In a brown paper. Ho laid It on tho kltch en table, hut kept hts hand on It, as If it wero a mystery too momentous to ho tin folded without taking precautions against Indicting upon tho sensitive nervous sys tem of Mrs. McSwat u sudden mid uiiox pected shock, "Well, Bllllger, what Is Itf" "Don't bo in a hurry, Iibeliii. All In good time. I huvo iiado up my mind to try a little experiment. I can hardly call It an o.-.i.rlmont, though. It Is such an obvloc.j. practical thing that It's 11 wonder to me It hasn't been done for a hundred yeara. I am going to show you, Lobelia, how to save money and add to the com forts of llfo." Mr. .McSwat then proceeded with great dclilcration to open the package. lie took olT the siting, rolled it Up Into a little cull, and gave it to Mrs. McSwat. "It's a good idea, Lobelia," ho said, "to save every piece of string that mines Into the house. You may need it some time." Shu had a bagful of similar coils laid away somewhere, tangled into an Inextric able mass und running over nt tho top, und had no use under the shlnln sun for tin other Inch of string, but she promised to take t-itv of this particular wad. Mean while Mr. McSwat was slowly unrolling tlie bundle. Ho brought to view tit last a beef's tongue. "There it Is, Lobelia," ho exclaimed. "I ii I't'ce .'iu thing teiuarkable nboiit It, Lil'i ,. ', ceept that It Isn't sill ,etl."'i just the pilot, madam," ho re lorled. "I've got tired of plying sixty centsiipi'i -for snio';ed tongues that look like as'ction of a dried monkey's foiearm, and t iste us If they had heju dug up nut of 1111 In liati mound. I'm going to smoko my own beef tongues hereafter." "Hut liowamyou goliif to do itf We hmvn't a iy otuoke house." ".lust you wait 11 minute nnd you'll see. Bilng menu iron poker." Mrs. Meu-ut hunted up the desired Im plement 11, id brought It to him. "Now ob-ervu." He thrust t lie poker about half Its length through the slit in the smaller end of tho tongue. He preceded her up stair?, opened a back window, sti pped out on the kitchen roof, mid made his way up by laborious climb ing to the comb, ami thence along tn the chimney :.t tho further end. Lifting him self carefully up he placed tho poker across tho top of the chimney, thu beef tongue hanging down inside. "That's the scheme, Libella," he said, clambering back to the window. "It'll smoke the thing all right and save just forty cents. Catch 1110 buying smuked tongues any more!" "But there's no smoko coming up t hut chimney, Bllllger," said his wife. "Wo burn hard coal, you know." "I'll fix that. We'll throw in a slab occasionally, and If that doesn't make stroke enough we'll burn a little soft coal. They'o imth cheaper than hard coil." They went down stairs, and for the next twenty-four hours or longer, in eoinp'i into with Instructions from Billiger, Mr McSwat atidtlioumiableilomestic, Ophelia plied the kitchen range liberally wlthslabs of wood and chunks of soft coal. On the morning of tho second dav after Mr McSwat had put in operation hi. ,rand scheme for saving money and add Ing to tho coinfott of living, lie climbed nut to tho chimney again, lifted the tongue out and brought it down stairs. "No discount on this job, Lobelia," he said, holding It tip. "It's smoked till you can't rest. Ever see a liner looking tongitf 1 mi 11 unit"1' 'Doesn't It look a good deal shriveled, HIllK'er" Inquired Mrs. McSwat dubi ous!) "A sTokcd tongue always looks slirlv. eled il you need to do now is to scrape It "'In! t-ly. p'el oil" the sklu nnd cook It." Air. Mc.sivat pulled the tongue oil' thu '.oki-r. I lid It down 011 the table and it bin . In two. It was cinered with a thick deposit ol sooi, wm. Ii ined almost to t ho center, am. from ts si.-..ii,iug Interior i:auif a rich odor in win Ii several distinct kinds of smoke Hi'iv 1 leiirly pcriepiihlc. "I: w.m't need any more cooking. Bllli gir," announced Mrs. McSwat, alter r brief examination. Ill the center of tho thickest portion tin re was about an ounce and a halfoi llesh thai had escaped tho general destrue thin In which tlio rest of tin, tongue had been Involved. How Mis. McSwat cam flliU scooped tills out, served up f,)r Billtuger's dinner us temptingU us the natutenf thecase would admit, and hung over him like an angel of mere) while lie ale it how- Billlnger McSwat iiiado a mental computation as to the sivlug lie ell'eeted III smoki' g his own beef tongue, without counting two large rents in tho inner periphery of each trousers leg caused by tho shingle nails 011 tlio roof how ho relleeted on tlio comforts ho had added to life by his little experiment It Is not the purpose of this chronicle lo relate, hut trustworthy Infor mation received lit t Ills ollice quite recently Is to the effect that Mr. McSwat bii)s Ids smoked tongues now nnd pays without a murmur whatever the monopolist behind the meat counter chooses to ask lilui. Chicago Tribune. ADVENTURES OF A SAILOR. to IliiitlUh siMimuii wiin tin Iti'i'ii from lliiiun I'llt) -nix Years. In the good old time, when tho aged of today were reading their earliest slorv books, two sort of tales "outthillled" nil others-tales of llfo among the liidlausaud tales of shipwrecked sailors. In the latter linn tho romance of tlm storybooks has been outdone by I he plain and painful facts In the life of William Maun, who has Just returned to his native place In Ksox, Eng land, after an absence of llftyslx years. In that time he has been sailor and captive, adonled savage and salloragalu, Istattooeil In tlio highest style of native south Paclllc art, and carries scars that frighten tho chlldieii Not the least curious part of It is that nearly all ho relates can Isi continued, At the age of fourteen lie got Intosoino trouble, and tho magistrate, lu kindness, procured him a place on the Falcon a Paclllc whal- WILLIAM MANN. Ing vessel, carrying thirty-two hands. After many experiences luthesperm wliulo Hue. ho was with tho Falcon In IB.'M(ho ho Ing then twenty years old) when she was wrecked on one of tho Caroline Islands, The details of tho long contest between the seamen and the natives am terrible; tlio captain, mate and several others worn killed, but Mann and the remainder escaped to adjacent Islands. A British man-of-war opportunely ar rived, took signal vengeance on tho nat Ives, and rescued all tho sailors hut Maun and threo others, who wero on 11 remote Island and weru not found. There thu four men lived as savages for two years, using cocoa nut leaves for clothing and tho nut for food, till tho natives found them. One was killed, ami Maun received a slash across the face and neck which would have killed most men, and hud two lingers cut on". Being left for dead, the other two sailors, who had escaped, rescued und re stored him, sotting ids broken Jaw in rudo fashion. At Itistuti American whaler picked them up, and when he readied a regular surgeon Mann's face was partially restored, though onu tooth stuck through his cheek. Thereafter ho engaged lu every sort of venture to all potts of the Paclllc till ago rendered him unable to work, and tho British residents of Hong Kong sent him home. Strangely enough, the papers of the murdered captain of tlio Falcon wero available to corroborate part of Ids story, and relatives learned for the (lrst tlmo thu fato of thu four lost seamen. I'rlnri, XiiiiiIi-iiii'n Unity I. If,,. Anecdotes of tho lato Prlncu Nupoleou are lluilitig their way to thu light of news paper publication that are, to say tho least, of interest. Tlio prince, It is oh served, especially prided himself on his likeness to his great ancestor, Napoleon I, whom ho always called "the emperor," thus Ignoring the Emperor Napoleon III. Ho kept his face clean shaven to further the resemblance, nnd arranged his hair in similar style, while, when ho iccelved a political deputation, the prjjfci! was inva rlahly found leaning iigaiust"tho mantel piece lu a studied Napoleonic pose. On less formal occasions he preferred to lounge lu an armchair or on some oriental divan, witU his head thrown hack and his legs crossed. In this easy position lie would talk with his intimate friends for hours, speaking xlnwly, with pauses between each sentence, anil choosing every word care fully Ho smoked perpetually and was very fond of billiards, having a largo bill laid room in Ids house in the avenue D'Autln, where he lived from the fall of the empire until exiled from France. His rooms wero filled with Napoleonic relics, particularly arms and miniatures, white portraits of tho great Napoleon covered tho walls. Since his linn! exile, in I8NI, tho prince's real homo was at Prauglns, on tlio Lake of Geneva, between Lyons and Riollo a long, low, white house In tlio midst of a small park, the remainder of the estate having been sold. Here lie passed a most secluded existence, with yachting for his only recreation. He cured little for tho pleasures of the table and huri'ied over his meals, II In ('.lory llml Departed. The Beau Uniinmcl of America died tho other day at Hie nge of ninety-one. Ills nuiiie was Law fence Guriliuler. As a youth he was rich ami a protege of Aaron Burr. Fiom 1&53 until lKir ho was Gotham's "glass of fashion" and set tlio stylo for all tho young bucks of tho period. Then ho lust his fortune, and with it his placo as a LAWiii.sri: (lAitniNini is :is youth. society leader, lie went into business an I did well His accumulations were swept away hya iianle in IST.V For the remain iler of his life the world weary old gentle man found refuge in tin, Brooklyn Homo for Aged Men. Thete lie was discovered dead in bed one morning lecelitly. Like Beau Bruininel, he reigned, retired und passu! into thuohsourityof mem existence. A cup of mashed potato mixed with a teaspoouful of sugar at night will lighten tho batter in the morning and tho ex penbl'e egg will not be missed. MB Just Received ! A Car Load OF THE CELEBRATED- Windsor Folding Beds ALL NEW A. T. Gruetter & Co 1116-1118 N Most Popular Resort in the City. Exposition Dining Hall, S. J. ODELL, Makaork -0 ii9, 1121 and 1123 N Street. 0- Meals 25 els. $4.50 per Week. -CW !IV35ErT,TtrTlrtiaJ23W(tT - - . gsarjv:-?? - fkr jkLo n0UI adRa wauiug nomi. I Till; DlltKCT Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis, KSjO?jiiH?iBnkmtn a E - 'n-ummimaBimm'-' i--. MIIIIIiiIuS39I1IMUkH 3fe jmeifnwftn3ir 1 1 MIl'flWMMIH 1 11 111 Aid all points Kiihl and Koiith, Denver and the Pacific Coast, AI.OTO DeadwocL, Lead GUy, the Celebrated Fot Springs of Dakota And all point THROUGH VESTIBULE TRAINS HAIIA DENVER, OMAHA s CHICAGO Pullman Palace Sleeping Car. Reclining Chair Cars, Seats Free. Fatpous Burlington Dining Cars. Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Yienna, Paris, London, Havre, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin, LondoEderry end all European Points. I'ANIIIKST UK HK.U'llKIl HY Til K BTJSLinsrca-Tonsr eoute. As It ciiiiicctiwlth all llii pvpului lliu,.ii ihuiii steiiuishlps. A.C. IKMKK, CHy I'iim. AkI., I Inroln. J. l'KANCIS, Oen, l'ask. AKt..Oniahu, Neb -- PATTERNS, STREET, - - , UAanrLnl, I. .41.4 11.1.1 iTHE MURRAY Cor. 11th mid Harney Hts., IlL 02JLJI.TTA., .j 2iT3ri. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modern Improvements ami Convenience. B, BILLOWAY, Fro-rietor. IRA HIQBY, Principal Clerk LINK TO St. Joseph, Kansas City, in the ninth Mills, HK'IWKKN