''' ''- IJ CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1891 t W 1 UNLESS YOU THE IE HAYE THEM! Kruse & White 1210 O ST. r f HY nro nEYNOLDS DnOS.1 JI CELEDnAI EO FINE "THE UEST MADE?" SHOES BECAUSE Thoy nro mndo on unntomlcnl principle nncl nffoid mi ensy unci porfeot fit from the first. Thoy nro btyllBh nncl tirncoful In np. penrnnco. Thoy uo only tho boat utook nnd em ploy none but skilled workmen. Thoy mnko lO different -widths, or nil tho popular shapes, nnd tho most fas tidious can be Butted. These nnd many other reasons nro WHY they nro tho BEST nnd most POP ULAR Shoes mnnutuotured. i Thoy nre nil Btnmpod on soles nnd lin ings, showing confidence In tho quullty of their productions. Look for " Trade Mark." without whloh none nro genuine. c&S&o WW1 -j.AiftO"' R' lUTICAj N.Y. SOLD 11 Y The Alcazar, SOLE AGENTS. i-Our lines of Spring Shoes for Ladles nnd Misses Is now complete nnd we lnllc jour Inspection Cull and sec the New Hlioe on More lit 1406 O Street. If you Deposit your Sayings -IN TIIK Lincoln Savings Bank Safe Deposit Co. H. K.cor. Hill and I'Hts. THEY WILL EAHN INTEREST FOR YOU At Hie Bute or 5-lMve pur Ct. per Anmun-5 Have t3UU n wee It and It (amounts with Interest In live j ears to f l,.W.mi, Hank opens ut Oi!U) n. in. to 3:30 p. m. nnd tiaturduy evening, to 8 p. in. Safes to Rent In BurgUr and Fire Proof Vaults. tin11 l"5Mj i.j, fttOI.DS BKOTHfi. -""', H I V esmmiSZ' r LTiIIj. . OfSi.ifTo -""er. Gslu i H.KJ SOCJALANI) lKKS()NA1i. Mis. F. A. Hrown ontoi tallied hor lady friend to it lunohoon nt lnr homo 1WJ Twen tieth Mroot, Wednemlny nftornoon. Him win nltod In rrcclvliiR nnd viitorUilnltiR ly Mm. V. AM.Indloy nnd MM CiiirlnJ)iniK Tlnxo roceivluK lnvltntloim woio: Molanui 0. IIouIk, J. J. Kelly, M. M. Do Iwl, V. A.MoCronry.B. Kverti, .1. J. Cox, J. I. Maul, Kliinlgnn, W. II. Woodwnrd, K. K. Wells, A. (. Boeson, It Uroono, 8. Ww nol, Dr. Crlin, Wllmoyer, Austin, V. II. Wiuver.U. Helta, C. A. Atklmoii, D. Wise, J J. ailllnn, 0. Hllver, J. It Drinker, (I. Seliwnke, llnrr I'nrker, Millard, A. 1). llurr, M. J. Wniigli, M. Turner, T. K. Lnsch, I.. Htownrt, K. W. Itlgs, F. A. Flske, .1. XV. Lnnslng, A. llurlbiirt, K. Aiulrus nnd L. Kilnerof Mnttoon, III. On W wlnemlny ovenlr.K Mr. nml Mrs. F. A. Brown entertained a company of friends Ht high live. Those present were: Messrsnnd MeMlauies (loorgo II. Clarke. Geo. Cook, W. K. Kirker, Phelps I'alne, A. II. Wler, IJ. C. II. MnnnliiK, W. A. Llndly, B. C. Howlck, ( II. Iinhoir, E K. Crlley, J. K. Houtz, A. It Talbot, W. It Cambridge, W. H. Ayers, M. Swan, M. A. Warren, Menrendorf, 0. C. Bell, J. J. Davis, Cnrrlo Donnls, Mulilo Llnd ly nnd Fred Houtz. A largo party of Miss Jennie. Potnfret's friends took lior completely by surprise. Mini tiny evening to help her celebrate her llf teeutlibiithdny. After an elegant nipper had been dlsposetl of, game and dancing was Indulged in nnd n very merry time was had by all. Miss Jennie wn tho recipient of a number of lenutlful gift among them bo ing a number of lloral tokens. At this time when "a youug man's fancy- lightly turns to thoughts of lovo," and when presumably a young maiden's fancy Is turned In tho snmo direction, it Is not strnngo that tho bnlmy air should bo surclmrged with matrimonial unions. Yes, them nro lots of them, keep a lookout for diamond rings fiom now on until tho first of July. There w III Iw domu surprise. Judge W. II. Hnellfng formerly u Mntinch I.lneolnlto but now equally ns valuable nil inhabitant of lgan, Utah, hns been vi-dtlng hU family nnd friends here for past two weeks but returns to his now home early next week. Mr. Bnelllng speoks of his home In most pralsaworthy terms. Mr. II. M. Meyers and family left the city Thuihdny for Chicago. Mr. Meyers will re main there Mvcrnl weeks preparing and ar ranging his lino of samples for the fall tour among tho shoo trndu and Mrs. Moyers and children will spend tho summer nt the old homo In Ixnmrk, III. Tills is tho time of year when the giddy society mnn goes east to seo Ills Hick father am' returns with a wife. Those eastern visits should always bo regarded with sus picion. Tim fm-iiinl oneuine of Button A: Hollow IiiikIi'm iM-iiiitlful new confectionery anil ico II creom parlors takes place Wednesday Jiinntfauvo death; hut those who doubt or ixth and promiues to bo n pleasant social event. Dr. Bnahr has returned from York, l'n., where ho went about two weeks ngo to at- tend Ills ulster wedding. It Is settled thut President Harrison will bo given a lilting reception on his nrrlvnl In Lincoln May 13. Tho Mission band of tho Christian ciiurch gave a very pleasant entertainment Wednes day evening. The East Lincoln W. C. T. U. met Wed-in-hdiiy iifterno3ii nt tho roddeuce of Mrs. Tower. Messrs Charles Brown nnd John Bcott left for Cherry Valley, At kansas, Tuesday even In?. It is said that Ben It Cowdery will resign lilsnillco of deputy secretary of state May 1. Mr. W. M. Judd, assistant city engineer, left Wednesday afternoon for Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Joseph Imhoff, who has not liecn in Lincoln for two years, Is oxpected horo soon. Mr. It L. Motcnlf of thelWorld-Hera'd moved his family back to Omaha this week. Mr. Owen W. Fifer has returned from Evanston, III., for tho summer vncation. Dr. C. E Bpahr returned Wodnevlay from a trip to New York and Pennsylvania. Mr. Thnil It Adams is In Des Moines ut tending her mother who I ill. Mrs. Frank Smith of Alliance, spent sever al days In this city this week. Miss Oertrudo Marquette has recovered from uu attack of tho grip. Dr. A. It Mitchell is stopping nt tho Met ropolitan in Washington. Mrs V. J. Cooper hns returned from a pleasant visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Luke are entertaining Mr and Mrs. J. F. Heed. Mr. Geo. N. Foiwmnu of Omaha was In tho city Wednesday. Mr. Georgo 8. Wedgewood lett for Hast ings, Iowa, Monday. Eugene Hcaton has been a sufferer tills week from la gripiw. Attorney General Hastings left Tuesday for Little Hock, Ark. Mls Edith Wetol Is visiting Mrs. O. II. Afliinnu of tblseity. Mrs. J. M. Neddlns sou and d (tighter have gone to Kansas City. Mrs. J. B. Frndenburg deputed Tuesday for St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. Thomas W. Lowry ha lieen doing Chicago this week. Mr. II. K. Smedley'left Mondiy for Leav- enswoith, Kan. Miss Shaffer of Chicago is visiting her brother George. Mr. and Mrs. II. Koopman loft Tuesday for Now York City. Mr. A. B. Coffroth was in Omaha several da) stills week. Mr. David Mercer of Ouialin, was in tho city Thursday. Miss Alice Buclor of Beatrice, is a guest of the Misses Hill. Mr. Fled C. Howe wus an Omaha visitor Wednesday, BtatoTienhurer J. E. Hill was in Beatrice Wednesday. Ilev. John Bwenseii has gone to Teiro Haute, Iud. Mr. E. I Thuihday, Ijiwrenco left for Chicago Mr. I). C. Seneor I n sulfeier from puou moula. Mr. J. B. Andrews has roiio to Victoria, B. C Mr. A. Huilbuthas returned from a trip east, Unv.GeorueO. Femusoii of this city, oiii elated at the wedding of Miss Minnie II. Krooninn, tho Nehrnskn ldlr.ard heroine, nnd Mr. D. II, Penny, In Uiiinhn Wednesday. Mr. J. K. Wing Is nt Three Itlvers, Mlchl gan. Dr. It B. Iiewls was In Oiuahn Thursday. Mr. W. 0 Moore Is In H m Diego, Cal. Kovernl picnics nro already projected, Mr. II. B. Hoed U in Chicago. New Clothe for Mprlua. Few ctothltig Iiduhcx in the west have tho facilltltvs for buying that Herman Bios., have nnd few If any of them can show as largo mid fashionable lino of garment ns this firm Is showing this sensm, Tills Unit being extensive wholes tiers of clothing, hats, cnwnnd furnishing goods, always buy in Immense quantities and buying thus thoy get tho advantage that no oilier house in tho city obtains. In fact their orders are so largo that they often go Into the factory to select their goods and Iwtvo them mndo up especially for their trade. And not only have they a large wholesale trade but also own Mtveral other stores throughout tho statothat am supplied from their Lincoln house. Tlieso points all well considered, does It not go to reason that no retail house can of fer goods as cheap or show ns large an ns soitineutl Their lino of spring goods Is now all in nnd the trade that they are hav ing tills season demonstrates tho fact that their bargains nre appreciated. Tlieir stock of now suits for men and Uiys was never so I irgo nnd complete ns now nnd the good shown In the furnishing department Is by far the most attractive ever soon in this city, Including all tho latest tilings In shirts of nil kinds, neckwear, hoslory, underwear and all tho various other llttlo things that go to urnko up man's nttlro. In tho lino of hats this firm Is showing ovory concelvabl now thing that has thus far boon Introduced nnd tho man that cannot hero tlml n choice, cer tainly his is u frultles search. Everything in soft and stiff hats nro now in nnd com prise all tho latest blocks, nil offered nt less price than you will bo nbl' to duplicate them for at any other house In tho city. Herman Drothcn Is certainly the place for nil young men to go to Iw clothed. There you will al ways get your money's worth, cordial treat ment nnd Just what is represented. Their place of business Is 10111 O street, a most central location, and thoy will Ihj pleased to nhow you their goods at any time If you will stop in when passing. ItvniomW tho plnco and don't full to call lieforo buying your spring outfit. Opportunity. M ister of human destinies urn I, Fume, lovo ami fortu.io on my footsteps wait. Cities and Holds I walk. 1 penetrate Deserts nnd seas remote. And pusdng by Hovel, and mart, mid palace, hooii or lato I knock unbidden onco at every gate. If seeping, wake; If feasting rise boforo I I irn away; it is tliu hour of fut'. KAwl tlioro who follow me reacli every slate Moi tals desire, and conquer every foo litsltatc, Condemned to failure, penury nnd woe, Seek me in vain, nnd uselessly implore; I uusner not, and I return no more. But fail not in this resect: Seize every opportunity to travel Over tho Chicago, Milwaukee oi Bt. Paul Hallway. Dr. C. F. Iadd, dentist, llGVS O street. Telephone ir'l. OIII -o horns II a. in. to ft p. m t - Attend J. W. Winger & Co's greatrhoslery and ii'idcrw oar sale on Monday, J. W. WINOEH& Co. Upholstered furniture of any original de sign iimdt' at Hnrtslioin's, '.':il south 11th St., with 11 tine lino of coverings and frames of nil discretion, to select from. Tho now inlllnerv store of Haines and Haskell at 1 Hill O street I now opuu nnd ready for business. Ladles In seirch of tho newest In of heiulw ear stioutd call early. L'ulies whom o fond of horehack riding should call anil see Henry Ilnrpliam, ll!i uoith Eleventh street before purchasing sldo saddles whips, etc. Five thousand different articles from a cent to twenty-live cents, nothing over a quarter nt tho Great Tweuty-llvo cent store, 111.4 0 street. The Lincoln Ico company wagons nro now making regular trips to all parts of tho city. Olllce, 1 104 O street. Telephone, No. 'X. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by tho French dry cleaning process, only IS cts. at Lincoln Steam Dyo works, llUI O street. Our work speak tor Itself. It needs no brng or bluster, simply your own opinion will testify to Its merits. The Studio Lo Grntido is on tho ground 111 tr. centrally lo cated and n beautiful place. CL'l and see us nt 1-4 south Twelfth street. Ladies can hove their party dresses cleaned b. tho French dry process at tho Lincoln steam dyo woiks 110-') O street. Fine Wren .Muklui;, Mr. C. J. Todd, Newman blocif, Is now prep 11 id to execute Spilng orders on short notice. Kino work solicited. IIiiiIIukIoii lliiiitti The Outing Season l rawing On. People hiivo already liegnn plauultii; their sum r trip, and we would suggest that you pot yourselves regarding tho wonderful tiimt lUhlni: In Kes pork, Col. Tho health giving baths and ipilet roit of Dikota Hot Springs, the hunting and IMiIng of Wyom ing or the fashionable delight of Mnnltou. The Iluillngtoii will take you to iiiiv of them speedily and without fatigue. There nre many other places in which you can spond the heated term, and thu agent nt tho II. fc M. ilejHit or city olllce can tell jou all nbout thciu. Cull and get a book of summer touts and look It over. You will tlud It full of good things and valuable hints. A. C. ZlKMKII, City ruhsongor Agent. A lleil Letter Mil). February flth was a red letter day for Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, Iowa. ti,.v miiiiI.i ilu-lr tlrst shinmcut of gixsl to tho Hawaiian Islands 011 that day. It con sisted of lis) cases containing over four hun dred ilo.en of their medicines, to tho lending wholesale ding house in Honolulu. A largo share of this shipment consisted of Chiiiulwr- Iain's Cough Hennsly, so iiineli ehtismtsi wherever It I known for Its cures of colds and as a preventlo and euro for croup. Chuiiibolluln & Co., have contracted for nil veitislllg ill all the lending newspa)elii ill tho HiiMitilanlsluuils, andexpect to make their remedies as s)pular there ns thoy are in any part of the United States. For sale by ding-gists. Not iiCIIUcti of Lincoln can nffoul tombs tho comfort nnd wifely offered Mm by tho North Western Line (F. E. & M. V. UK.) In his trnveU to and frouj dik'ngn nnd all eastern isiluts, It Is tho direct Hue to Bt. Paul, Mlnuonpi1ls Olymplii, Seattle, Taconia,and nil other Mill uoHotn, Washington and Montana points. All passengers for I how oliils ro through without deKit transfer, Pntroulrothn North Western and avoid omnibus transfers. Ills tbuouly nil rail Hue to that Baualarlum of tho world, tho Hot Bpilngs of South Dakos In nnd tho direct lino to Hnpld City, Dead wood and Black Hills olut. To nil those contemplating 11 tilp tho coming season it of fer n direct lino and service, to nil tho re sorts of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Notthern Michigan. Tho lluest lldilng grounds hi tho woild nro reached by this lino. For rates nnd Information, call ut HSU O street. W. M. Hllll'MAN. Gen'l Ag't, J. T. Mahtin, City Tk't Ag't. UN) lluest engraved calling cards nnd pinto for ("U.U nt Tiik CoUHlKU olllce. Furniture upholsteied nnd repaired Hartshorn's, 11 south lttb street. nt Harness nnd lenthei goods of nil descrip tions mndo to order by Henry llnrphnm VI north Eloventh street. Tho Whltobrenst Coal and Lime company Is again at tho front supplying the lluest grndes of all kinds of coal Henry llnrphnm' snddlery nnd harness emiMirluiu hns lioon moved to M'J north Eleventh street, opHslto Capital hotel. Gentlemen should now get out their lat Rummer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Btenm dyo works 1 100 O stteot ami have It cleaned, dyed, repaired or presst'd out. Wiikn OiiANT Said, "Wo will tight It out on this line if it takes all summer," ho proba bly refeied to tho "Burlington," ns every body knows it is tho only "lino" worth light ing for In this part of the country. Dean cv Horton nre ns usual in the lend In this city oil lawn sprinklers, hoso rinds, etc. Call 011 them before purchasing. You know thelrplncelsnt I4A0O street and their tele phono is 150. On Monday wo will Inaugurate a scclnl Hosiery and Underwear Bale at such prices thai It will bo to your Interest to secure these bargains. J. W.Wimikh&Co. Gkoumiihth IIavk Dkciiikd tho earth's earth's crust to bo over UK) miles thick. This is about the thickness of the man's head who buys his ralhoad tickets by hoiiio Inferior and Mrly equlpKd Hue, when ho could get a ticket by tho "Burlington" at the smuo ratu Henry Harpliaiii the opular harness maker has left Twelfth street to locate 011 Eleventh near P street opposite tho Capital hotel. There with increased facilities nnd more cen tral location Mr. Harpham's limine will undoubtedly increase. For anything In the harness lino Harpham Is bound to lead and if at anytime you want anything In his lino don't forget to givu him a call. Monday will be your time to secure spring hosiery and underwear nt special prices, J. W. WlMIKIl & Co. Dr. C. F. Lidd, dentist, 110.', O street. Telephone 15.'). Olllce hours, (I a in to5 p. m, "Tho Power of tho Press" begins Its roud tour, September 7 ut tho Globe Theatre III Boston, where It will bo presented for two weeks. The Shah of Persia Though niluilired In enrs, ha hair of I a veil hue. dray hair nro stiirtly prohibited In III dominions, nnd hence the large shli incuts to that couutiy of Aer's llulr Vigor, by tho iio of which the Sli;ilis subject sao not only their hair but their head. Ajer's llulr Vigor retoic tho natural color of tho hair. It should bo 011 cvuiy toilet-table. " Borne time ngo my hair began to fade nnd to fall out so badly that 1 thought I should bo bald; hut the use of Ajer's Hair Vigor lias restored tho original color and made my hair strong, abundant, mid healthy. It doe not fall out any more." A1I1II0 HIiafTer, MO Itnco .st Cincinnati, Ohio. "My hair (which had partly turned giny) was restored to it youthful color nod beauty by the 110 of n few bottle of Aycr's Hair Vigor. I shall continue to 110 It, a tbcro I no better drelngfor the hair." (inldo Uupp, Ucorgenua, Ala. Ayer's Hair Vigor, 1'IIKI'AIIKII IIV DR. J. O. AYER & CO , Lowell, Man. Sold liy nil DruKKUti ' rrrfumert. In tin lllstrlct t'diirtof l.iincanter County Nwhmnku, In tho Matter ot the Kstntu I Order of - to Thomns J. Klild, Deceased. I Show Cnilso. This cnuso caiiio on for hearing upon the po- tltlon of Francis K. Jones, Admlnlstuitrlx of tboestntnof Thoinns J. Kldil. ileceased, pray lug for license to sell tho following duMirlbeil real estate, situated In thu Count)' of l.uucas tcr, Htntoof Nebriiska, to-wlt. Iit three '3) In lllock seventeen (17), In Kinney's "O" Ad dition to the city of Lincoln, according I 1 tho recorded libit of said Addition, fur the pay ment of debts against said estate nnd tho costs in uuiuiHlsiriuiuu, mere 1101 ueing siniiuieni persoiiiil property to pay the said debts 11ml expenses. it Is therefore ordered that nil pel noun Inter ested In said estate appear before 1110 at tho Court House In the city of Lincoln, In said County on tho --Hli day of May, istll, nt 0 o'clock, A. M., to show cause, why licence should not be granted losald Administratrix to sell said real rstatoofsald deceased, lo pay said debts and expenses It is fiithur ordered that this onler to show cause bo published fur four sucessUo weeks In the I' A I'll' A 1. Cm Coi'iiiKli,a paper pub llsbed mid in general circulation In tho said city of Lincoln. Dated this h'th day ol April 1MI, ClIAKI.KH L, llAI.I., l-ll-lt Judge of tho District Court. Telephone 176 Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty CLOSED FOR A FEW DAYS $15,000 WORTH OF Sprin g Arc now being opened nntl will be shown next week, CommencingWednesday Including all the very latest novelties in Dress Goods, Trim mings, White Goods, etc. All these goods have, been bought for Cash at lowest price and will be sold accordingly. THE - BHZHR, 1023 O Street. Newman Block. JUST RECEIVED 3 The Nicest Line" Ladies' Slippers Oxfords Ever Brought to Lincoln. - Parker & 1009 Sutton & HAVi: JUST New - Soda And nre now rcnclv to scrc the best In the City. Syrups Made from Fresh Fruits CALL AND TRY A GLASS. No. 206 South Eleventh Street. sasKSt -MILTON M LVOW.CwywpNfMf'lL-pTT1 m, HTH TEETH t EXTRACTED i WITHOUT PAIN DR.H. K. KER7VTKN SURGEON DENTIST, Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic No Chloroform ! No lit her ! No Gas 1 1 Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. All Killings at the Lowest Rates. DR. II. K. KKRMAX. Rooms 9l!n"b't B'ck' I5PMloffB3C33MMilffc Goods OF - Sanderson, O ST. Hollowbush HKCKIVKI) TIIKIK- - Fountain Soda Water ever sold I ALWAYS HAVE THE NEWEST HOOKS HY THE MOST POPULAR AUTHORS. .TtBtlJkW i Snhscrlptlon, News, Manufacturers' and Publishers' ARcnt. -33TT- OFFIOE 1001. 0 Street. 1