Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 25, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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What is Scrofula
It It tltnt Impurity In the blond, which, c c num.
tallng In Hi glands of tlm iuck, produces un
sightly lumps or smdllncst vtlilcli ritmc itnful
running sorr mi llio arms, legs, it fcfli which
dcvelopM ulorTD In tho ejres, ear, nr note, often
canting lillnlnim nt deafness I which Is tlie oilgln
of pimples, cancerous growths, or many other
rosnlfesUtlons usually ascribed In " humors."
ll li a more formidable enemy limn consumption
or cancer alone, for scrofula combines the worst
possible features of Iwlli. Iielng IIik moit ancient,
It l tli motl general of all diseases or affections,
for trrjr few persons aro entirely free from II.
How can It bo cured? lly titVlmt Hood's flarsa.
jistllla, which, by Hio " U li accmniillilicil,
often when other medicines hate, fallcil, lias
lroTn Iticlf to Ik a potent ami peculiar medicine
lor tlili disease. Kor all affections of llio Wood
Hood'! FarsaparltU li unequalled, and somo of the
turn It has effected are really wonderful. If you
uffer from scrofula In any of IK larlnut forms,
t lure to glo Hood's ftirsapatllla a trial.
Hood's Sartaparllla
flotdbyalltlruggtsti. Hi sliforiJ. l'reparsdonly
kj 0. 1. 1IOOI) CO., Apothsear Its, Lowall, Ha.
100 Dotct On Dollar
Spring Shapes
Christy's London Huts.
Wo arc the only house In the City who
eil these good, Come In nnil try one.
Spring Suits
and Overcoats
Are being displayed by n now.
Give na it call.
Purchase Voui
.Direct from the Manufacturers
Having opened n bruncli store of our own
In Lincoln yon will now have nn opportunity
of dolus o.
If ilcHirol we will acll on
Jo reapomlble pnrtloa.
lkt MmsjIo lO cams
121 Mouth Tenth St. MNCOI.N, SEII.
It. M LAY, Manager.
IIrcoIq Floral GoQsertatorj
Corner G and 17th Streets.
But Rowers and "Designs
For Weddings, Funerals, Parties
deceptions, Etc.
General Collection of Plants.
Visitor Always Welcome. City Orders
by Telephone Promptly Filled.
-W. S.. SAWYER & CO.
PrlceliUt Free. Telephone 344
4fv IIJIilA
, Miyinfiir Miirrii Mmtrrn Tlmt.
PubltMhoJ Saturday.
Address nil noni'iiiiiiiontl w 'llrojuo tha nfflcn
Wichmicu Pkintino Co,
Courier HnlMing, ll:U S HI root,
I. M'khnki., .Ill,, Kdltor mid Hole Proprietor.
HuiiacittiTioNi Ono Your liy Mull or Curried
$i(M Hit Month, l w; Three Months, Nk-.r
Ono iiniilliMi)(Viillnrirahly In Advance.
iivmiTlKMrNTi: llnlc furnished on application
nt llio oftice, Hiecl ratcaon Time Contritc's,
OotrrniiiiTloK! Short spicy sketches, pornns ami
stories solicited, Pornonal nnil Hoclnl note are
especially desirable.
Pnnemti! Wo make a specialty of Fine l'rlntlng
In all ll branches. Hoelety work a serially.
Knlored ntlho I'oitoltloo of Lincoln, Neb.,
n aecoiul olna mutter.
Ih'ilU'iiti'it lii Mr, Hint Mr. Mlltonlinrgor,
Kor llio ColllKll.
Wo lookeil on our iliirlliiK o pntu nnil cold,
Our bountiful trciiKtiro ao rare,
Tho pnlu Hint wo Toll can never be told,
Kor tlciitli lindeiiFilirouilril hor tliore.
Ood khvo u our thirling nml look livrnwuy
Hint only Hcemed louncd for nwhlli,
llul alio wnlt for ii now In her heavenly
To welcome u thorn with u hiiiIIu.
The Mower h wore on Hunihty last
(InveiifniKrnnco of porfuino rure,
Hut wo think of her now with the migol
The f. I rent anionic the fulr.
The (lower lovod by tho beautiful child,
That by her maiiium wan kIvcii
I untlinlf o fulr ii tho precious bud
iiiiu now diooiiir mm ino noweri or
Denr Helm tin loft u nitiiirnliiK bore
Ho nd mid lonely wo weop,
Itcrawcot prnttle on eurth no mnro we'll
ForthoHavloiirhn tnken her to keep,
AUIioiikIi our lienrlnro crushed with pnln
And our Brief no loiiKiioeun tell,
Yet wo try to Hiibmll to tho cluiatoiilng rod.
Kor wo know "Wlmt ho do'th I well."
In pntlonco and meoknc wo'll try
Our anil iitltlctlou to bear
Our tear wo'll cniloavor to dry,
And meet Itcbiiou the koUIoii atnlr.
'l'laery hunl wo llnd
To any "Thy will be ilone"
Yet oven ao we y
Hluco our iliirlliiK now I koiio.
April lOlh, ITOI a KhikI).
"HIiHied lire the pure In hem t, for they
hnll see Oo-I," A better or more pure
hearted notintii never lived tbmi .Ml8. llnn
nnh Clink, to whono moinory theno Hues nro
resiieftfully dedlenteil by n Hlneere friend.
Aro tliero nny tears more tender than
thcko rhed over n inntlierf Tlii- l tl,.. r,.,...
tlmt onco rciireHeiileil to in nil I,.,-.. ,..
benuty now pilo mid cold In death. There
nro the liauit that held in when we took our
mill tottet HiK atepH and that Iiiih done ho
limnv tlllllirn for ll ovor hIiu... now (!,. I,...
nt ivat quietly folded on her breast.
iiiuio nro ino npi that kirae.-! us times
without number. There la the llgnro to
whom wu used to run from nil danger renl or
Imimlnarv. Tim untl, vu ii,, UI.tiui
nlluurehlldUh aorrowa, woBhnll never hear
nKnln nor eaten the tender jinnee of that
bright eye, nor feel the touch of tlmt dear
Qintlyl BholMRloepliiK
Mho Iiiik brcuthed her hut
Gently! While wo'ro wcepliiB
Hhoto lien von ha paaacd.
Mho lia reached tho porUla
Of tho Henven nbovo
Where cometh no more aorrow
Whero nil la peuce ud love.
Yo will mlta yon, dnrllng mother
In our nd and lonely home,
lldt we'll strive to meet you, mothor,
Where no parting no'or can como,
And If, while we waiting
The meainKO that will eomo,
If, Ilka her, we lire ready,
Wo'll meet her In that homo.
April Stth
Opportunity In Vlult tho lr;iwlug South.
Kxcurilon tickets to Haserstown, Mil., mid
return, will be vjUI May Suth toUStli Inclitilve
from nil 11. & O. points west of the Ohio
lllver and eoii'iectloiw nt one fare for the
round trip. Tiekats good until Juno 30th,
with atop-over privilege ntono Intermediate
point enit nud went of the Ohio Itlver.
At Hngrfratowu low rate excursion tickets
nlllbjRoldexciinilo.iUtUo 11, & O. H. IX.
point In tin Siiouamlo ill Vnlloy, Virginia,
Wet Virginia mid Mnryhnd. Appiy to
nearest I). Si O. Agent for rnte.
Information about lo)v-pria)d lmuU, In
vestmenU, thriving town, etc., will be sup.
piled by. M. V. HIUHAUDH,
Lund mid Immigrntlon Agent,
n. & o. u. n.,
4-18-2t Ualtimohr, Md.
Think of it The Casmonolltam Mncrtzlno.
giant nmong the greut monthlies, unit TllK
CouuiKH will both bo aent to any address one
year for three dollars. Kor f urtner partlcu
tars ream large advertisement on (Mtge elglit.
Ladles should never buy a hat, bonnet,
toipie, or anything In the mlllnery Hue until
they have seen Halne and Haskell's new
stock of line goods at 1130 O atrvet.
Elegaut line of new glughamr, In Scotch
and American, just oned at Herpolshelmer
No such line of fin) vehicles as Is kept by
E. H, Guthrie 1640 O street etui be found eUo
where iu the state. Everything stylish and
novel In the can lage lino is theie to bo found.
Step In nud look over the line even if you
don't want to buy. It will afford you a few
pleasant moments look at the various hands
some turnout.
Lawn and flower seeds, bulbs and garden
tools at Giiswolds, 140 South 11th street
Tim Mini :lioen lis lli'iiil of ('ullfiiriilii'
Ori'iit ttiihorslly.
Stanford university sturi.s out with
every p'ospect of Ih-ciiiiiIii tlm utent edif
cjillon.ll center of
tlm far weal, If not
of III whole
United Stales, It
has by far t h 11
endowment of nny
ttnlvemlty In the
world, mid many
old mid noted lie
KtltntloiiH li it v a
receUed In nil
their history less
than tlil iinlvcr
ally of the Gulden
Mnto hits nt tho lilt. I), 8. JoltliAX.
Mart. Senator Stanford unit wife, by deed
of trust In 1877, conveyiil to thr tisii of
the iinlvcodty their iminllIcont estate,
coniprl.sliiK 811,000 acres of the llnest wheat
ami fruit lauds In the Mute, cash enough
to complete nil the buildings and enough
morn to mako tin; total endowment at
least r-tt.00U.O0O. All this as a memorial
to their dead sou,
For president of tho Institution they
Imvo aelccted Dr. David Starr Jordan, al
most 11 giant In body as In mind, mid ho
Is now organizing tho faculty. Ho was
1xrn In (Jalnesvllle, N. Y about forlv
yearn ago, graduated itt. an early ago from
Cornell university, nnil noon liecnino noted
for scientific Investigations, espoclally tho
atudy of llshe.s. After experlenee as teacher
nnil lecturer In various places, Dr. Jordan,
In I87."l, heenmu professor of biology lu
Hutler university, Indianapolis, nud In
1871) was chosen president of tlm State uni
versity at Dloontltigton. Ho held that
position until called to tho California In
Htltittloti. Tho "Inland Stanfonl, Jr., university,"
as Its full title runs, Is located at Palo
Alto, about thirty tulles from San Fran
cisco, lu tho lovelleHt Hcctlon of tho Santa
Clara valley. Thu buildings, now com
pleted mid ready for occupancy, are among
Vliu most tiublo structures on the conti
Ho Wh n llrltlnh Oltlrrr, but I Now n
Krriioli Subject.
Tho Itiuntoaympnthy between the Kelt
of Ireland anil the Frenchman has often
led to Ntrmigu political complications, and
ninny n prominent French family Is of
Irish origin. Thu last romantic llguro of
this sort is Captain James Dyer MucAilu
ran, onco a wealthy Irish geiitletnnn, but
now a citizen of France nud deputy from
Ho entered the Ilrltlsh army at tho earll
est allowable age, and In timu became 11 cap
tain lu thollengal
artillery. He won
high honors by his
bravery mid pres
ence of mind, anil
on one occasion
an vtnl the com
mand from inns
wtcro by a master
ly movement. All
this before he was
thirty year of
age. The highest
honors seemed
within his reach.
but tho Franco-Prussian wnrof 1870,broke
out while he was at home on leave, nud nil
his Mini was on lire to help France.
Great Urltnln had eointimniled her sitb
JoetH to be neutral, but Captain MacAdaras
secretly organized about C.OUI Irishmen,
pledged nil his available means for their
pay and equipment, and went to Paris to
concert a plan for making 11 descent 011 the
north coast of P11 sa, lief ore he could
get his force lu condition all was lost in
Franco and ho was threatened with arrest,
lie crossed the channel in a llshlug boat
and hastened to Paris, but nothing re
mained h.avo to assist lu thu fluid struggle.
lie saved part of his fortune, married an
American lady from St. Iiuisund became
an enthusiastic mid popular Frenchman.
He and his wife aro mining thu favorites in
Parisian society, nud their house Is the re
sort of prominent soldiers.
Ilrlglit Women l'ubllnhi-rs,
Mrs. I.0III0 Hello Wylle mid Mrs. Kphle
K. Williams ate two of Atlanta's bright
and enterprising young women. Tlioy
edit and control a society paper at the
Georgia metropolis, write their own
"copy," make up tho forms, do tho mail
ing, "hustle" for advertising, and nro so
energetic and thorough In their methods
that they seem to bo on thu high road to
iitcoyiw. ,Mf;i. Wyllo Is well known as it
wrUtrof poetry. Mrs. Williams' specialty
Is ilrverlptlv pcjo.
Vri'.Ul. t r.n K1111IUI1 I'm;.
Soio verV peculiar effects have lieop
produced by thu long continued murky nt
Unisphere at Manchester, Kuglaud. Ac
cording to observations taken during three
days of fog, nearly six hundredweight of
Hilipnurlc licit! per Miiaro mile was de
posited round the Inllrmaiy, while round
Owen's college the quantity reached four
hundredweight, licsltlcs two hundred
weight ofhyilrochlorluiiclit nnil two tons
of blacks. The leaves of planls growing
out of doors yielded a deposit of from ll to
8 per cent, of sulphuric acid and 5 to 7 per
cent, of hydrochloric acid.
A I'nrls Fashion II n II ft I n.
Tho arbiters of attire at Paris have an
nounced the fashionable colon, for spring
dresses. They are gray of nil hues "lenil
gray," "steel," "glass-gray" fawn, dust
color, iris a bluish mauve lavender, and
orchid a grayish green. Sometimes the
shades are mixed, such a "cork," "hop
color," "bullfinch," or "sage," shut with
white. Yellow is the leading tone for
trimming bonnets, "cornllowcr blue" be
ing almost as fashionable, followed by
fawn and bronze tints.
Tlm Moon I Kgg Sliupnl.
The shnpo of the moon Is that of an egg,
not n sphere, asserts an American astron
omer. Uo thinks that the ovoid form "Is
thu result of the centripetal force of grav
itation lu the mass of the moon, and the
attraction of the earth." The small end of
the moon Is directed toward our globe.
T3, 'Rv f
llurkwlirnt Cuke mid 'l.iio.r.
I Pilot nee the winter snow
A I Iinler HLt'Ihr iliiw ti.
An' hero nn' there upon the hill
A pntch er gmwln' brown.
I knmvilic winter's slldlir by
Ali'aisiu 'II coiiu) HiOHprln
I want lerwo theitiassnii' tUrncr
An' hear I lie robin aliiu
The lilltaldoglcniuswllhtrlckllu' streams
That In theiumsliliiiiiiiilvcr.
An' anell tin little iniiiiut'ln brook
Into n riiBhlu' river.
The ley IMiitnl lloul along,
An' grind mi' enish an' tumble.
Tho ci hoc from the Ireinlilln' hill
Like distant thunders rumMe.
I'm kIIIIu'cIuku lersetetity.llve.
An' Mince I kin iciiiouiIht,
There ain't no smell er lasto on nlrth
Tlmt fetches, looser tender
As tlinple sup 11.I1III11' dim 11
Tor sirup In the pan.
It nltiHi-l iniikes mu feel a ef
I was a Isiy light.
Heme klllln' time Inst fall we'ie had
I'v isirk n stilly diet.
We'e had It roast nn' bllcd nn' stowed.
An' for n change we'd fry It.
Tuns ns-M'tigcr nn scraps nn' souso,
An' t hops 1111' hum an' bacon.
Kf tlieio ain't "brnlles" on my back
I'm tiilBhtily mlstakcii.
So dishes "alloy iikmIu" for me
Sur llxlns "In Kraiisny."
Yon needn't ms no frost In' cake
When )ou get round my wn.
Hut ef o'.i want tor hit my ease
.lest go lor work an' stir un-
.Suui good old fashiiu buckwheat cakes.
An' pm on lots iiv lrup.
-llostun (llobu.
Mad Hern Therr.
A boy discovered 11 horseshoo lying on
Woodward avenue near Elizabeth thu
other day, anil after standing over it for
awhllu he wetib Into a store and got a pall
of witter and took It out and poured It
over the shoo ami then picked It up. Sev
eral people noticed Ills action and laughed
over it, mid one pedestrian queried:
"Did you think there was a lire tinder it,
my boyf"
"You can't tell about theso things,
you know," was the reply. "I've picked
three of them up in blacksmith shops mid
let go of 'em iigiilu as hard as I could, and
I don't propose to take any more chalices."
Detroit Free Press.
Iliidn't tho Iteslrril i:ftVct.
"Your pride In these lieatttlfitl and well
kept grounds, ma'am," said the seedy
tramp blandly, ns he leaned against tho
fence nud addressed the lady on the Inside,
"Is entirely pardon ihle. Might I venture
to ask If you have any cold"
"Pardonabler" exclaimed t ho lady sharp
ly. "Who's asking nuybodj's pardon for
being proud of theinf You move 1111I"
And he moved on. He hail selected tho
wrong adjective. Chicago Tribune.
A Drviuirill Threat.
Ail Austin colored man, with protruding
eyes, rushed Into Justice Tegener's olllee
nud exclaimed:
"I wants Colonel Jones, who libs next
door to me, put under a million dollars
bond to keep tho pence."
"Has he threatened your lifer"
"He has done dnt berry ding. He said
howargwlno tor till do next nlgguli ho
found after dark in his hen house plum
full ob buckshot." Texas Slftlngs.
Seasonable Suggestions.
IN selecting wnll papers, you should, of, bo governed by tho eli.irneter
of the room to be decorated, nud w
may be pardoned for sukkcsIIuk that
It Is not desirable to mnteh the furni
ture In choosing your papers. Contrast Is as
much to be considered ns slinllailly of tint.
We make this remark as many persons have
the Idea that everything In mi iipaitmeut
should bo of the same hue, this Is nil wrong.
Wall Taper should oppose In color the up
holstery nnil luiugliiK , not repeat them, mid
It Isonly bv a due appreciation of both con
trast and slinllailly lu thu decoration of the
rcom that real nrlUtle ellect Is attained.
In choosing a wall paper It Is of great Im
porlnnco to consider whether It I to lorm n
decoration lu Itself, or whether It Is to become
a mere background tor picture and brle-a-bite,
If tho roriuwr, much lattltude Is perutl
able, It mny be guy, or even striking, If the
hitter It should be subdued both In eulor and
design. It should nlso b-homo lu mlud that
wall paper elleets depend much on the light
of tho room. Kor a dark one, naturally, one
would not select 11 p.iper that ubsorbs much
light, whllolu tho ease of 11 too sunny mini
a illMiigreeable glare may be avoided by the
exercise of theopposlto rule of .election.
That wo are rnpldly d'-vcloplng Into 1111 art
loving people I evident, It can be seen lu
dre, furniture, ami house decoration, tintl
It would seem that thu liigunulty of man hnd
been taxed to its utmost to produce now nud
ellcctlvedoslgns to please tho eye,
Hut a few years ago hair cloth mid rep cov
ered fiirultui owns considered (piltothe thing
wlili iiiu-t persons of wealth. Oriulually sat
in coverings took their place, carpets had to
bo lu keeping, and tno acini of Iioiho adorn-,
mcutwiis prepared by that man of genius, the
cnlclnilnor. Tho times have veritably cluing-
ed, and to-day household decoration I ns
great 11 study and as litgli an art as the most
finished wnrls of a Diaz, Corot, or Melssonler I
Nothing I clemior or more suitable for In
terlurdeeorntlon than printed p.ipers prop
eily ajiplleU mid periodically rouuwed. Hlen
cllllng Is good If done with taste, (which gou
erall It Is not) and frescoing I a desirable
luxury for those who can nll'ord to emplty the
best urtlsls, (which very few can), and even
frescoing will becouo marred and dull with
age, and Its original expenso proves a serious
drawback toward renewal, us a consequence
It out lives both ll usufuluoi and hriuity.
Our wall piier of both stencil and fresco
patterns are far cheaper, and In nine eases
out often they nronrllsttcnlly botleraiul more
satisfactory than the original.
Our good were purchased with a view of
providing for the most varied tnstc ns well us
to satisfy the growing appetite for new elleets
lu household art. We are coulldent the re
sults now laid before the public will fully
giutlfy tho most exuding dvmiinds for nil
that nro truly urtUllo mid desliuble.
1131 N Btreet. .
A. C. 7.IKMKH. Caul Elwick,
President. Mnu'r
The Most Durable,
The Best Fitting,
The Most Desirable
Wc arc showing a tine line in New Spring Styles of
these celebrated Suits, and can guarantee them to give
excellent satisfaction. Ask to sec them at the
M. A. NEWMARK, Proprietor.
Corner O and lOth Streets.
Cloth Top Shoes
For Ladies,
bA nlirtrtMsi
For Children,
For Infants.
Don't fail to have a pair of these Shoes.
Dressy, Popular Shoes for all.
ED. G.
1129 O
' A
aaopias-m. iizzr-
-War'ai '
Just the thing for City Yards.
Clothes Dryer
Two Sizes, viz.:
1 1 5 and 1 56 feet of Line.
fBaaLsfflsaBai 9
Telephone 273.
..ii,SVIti-i-ri---l,rtiiiMiiil.,-ili-rr.-. ........fpn
1 thvA
Granite State
Lawn Mower
Durable and more easily
operated than any Lawn
Mower in use.
230 South Eleventh St.
. m -'- M. k ll
And everything for the I.nwn mid fiirdeu,ut
GrisAvold's Seed Store
111) South Kluventli Ktreot.
v V
y V
' am'.