Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 25, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Lincoln Patrons
Wc beg to inform jon that our Stock o(
Spring Summer
Is now ready for your Inspection nnd
comprises nil the
From tlio
Finest French i English
Every Garment Strictly Flrst-Classl
Guckert & McDonald,
317 S. 15th St. Correspondence Solicited
Steam Laundry
Custom Work.
We nre especially well prepared to laun
dry, Lncc Curtains, Lndles Garments, Fine
Fabiics Etc, having special methods for
doing this work not only satisfactory In
appearance, but without Injury to garments
as well.
Gentlemen's Shirts, Collars and Guffs,
and all kinds of Fine Staich work beautiful
done up. Give us a trial.
Meat Market!
With your CASH, and get Good, Juicy
Meat at your own Price.
Hntm 5c
Beef Steak 6c
Deef Roast, 5c
Dolling Deef 3c
Pork Steak, fie
Roast Pork, 6c
Sausage 6c
Bacon 6c
Lard, '. 6jc
Every Pound Guaranteed to con'ain
Sixteen Ounces.
Tenderloins and Rolls always on Hand.
Poor or sick people can call and get
meat for Nothing with an order from
Elder Howe.
We don't change our name every si
months. Wc are still running under the
old name, and are not'nshnmed of It.
Halter's Market,
216 North Tenth St. Telephone 100.
Meat Delivered Am where in the Cltv
Slinrtliuml, unit Typewriting. N the U'at ami largi-kt
Cnllrttu 111 tliu U'twl. H HtiuliMita In nllt'iidaiKv lat htu touts irt'pnml lor ImikIiu'M In frimi Hot)
months. Kxiierk-nctsl faculty, l'trxonul limtrtictloii,
lU'iiutimi llliintruti'il ciitaloKiir, ciilliuu Jnurimla, ami
tni-clincui of K'iimuiiilil, aont frit) liy iuIiIivmIiik
m ULUiiiiiuuK & noose, um-oiu, Ncu.
I.uillcs ITue lr. I.i) Ilut'' t'l'l'lmlli'iil
Pills from 1'iiiis France. That positively re
lieve suppressions, monthly deiniiEomcnls
mul Irregularities caused liy cold, wenlncss,
shock, iiiiuiiilii, or general nervous debility.
The Inruc proportion or Ills lo which Indies
mul misses urn llulilo In tlin direct result ufit
ilUiiulcii'il or rre tilur menstruation. Sup.
previous I'oiillmicil null I In blood olaonluu
mid oiilrk consumption. I 'J pnckiuru ur.'l for
1.1. Sunt illrcct on receipt of prlcu. Sulil
In Lincoln liy II, I, Bhcrwln, druccM O
ft A ft A A VP.AItt liu..ii.wtiiiimy
lia III leathaiijrlalil)r p nl . .n.rliiil,. r
k "ftlll I llri( "It" mi ra. ami Mill, ami Mho,
Jill HI I I llrr liulimlluii.xlll iik,
VVVVVloaliinN I am- Umtaul Dollar, a
YrarlnlliilriionliMallilra.nliirrtrrllirylltr I MlllalaofuinUh
Hit illuallun ar rntiliiy mi nl,at m IiIi Ii ) m i an him I lal amount,
Itu mulif y ryf niauitlrBi.uiifa.lulatalH,v I a. Ill aiitl milt My
Irarnrtl. I drain mil itna Hurkrr limii raili ilLiii.i irrouiii) I
da,a tlrrajy lauhl ami )rjtlilrl Willi tli lo-mrnl a Impa
liutnlirr. wh ant making uvrr IIIHMI a irartatli ll . S IJW
ami MII.IH, lull ,arllr-'lar I'll I.I.. AuMiri. al i,mr,
i:, c, ai.i.i:., link 4no, AiiKHatu, Aiiiiiii-,
Tlio I'rlvntii mul I'lilillc I.I ft' or Tim IVIcml I
of tlin I'i'iipli' , Cms lie! men I'uliil. I
Ut mul ,iiln .Siililrrianriiii .linn mil.
lain Tlin Knlfn of Cliitrlntti- Ciinliiy,
ICopyrlniited, IMH, liyAiiicrlcnii Press Associa
tion.! II KRK am two
ParNes -(iiuiahovii
ground, tlio other
under Without
knowing this fact
no one can under
stand n French
icvolutlou, llltlch
less the great re vo
lilt Ion which rose
ami hroku u linn
tired years ago.
Paris a h ti v n
ground has sun
shine, Iroulcvarils,
cafe's, salons, men,
women, mobility,
enthusiasm, Par
is underground has cellars, vaults, sou
ers, Plutonian haunts, darkness, salt
peter and death. Hut life Is there with
death a kind of life and thu twosome
times conspire. Then comes fermenta
tion, n sort of horrid foaming, and the
underground sea spumes up through the
cellars, Hoods the streets ami the whole
world. Strangu that thu cellars of Paris
should hold not only thu soil hut thu seed
genus of civilization!
In thu liroiitl country sldu of thu nations
thu under niiin lives In a hut or cabin. A
bird sits on thu roof comb and sunlight
creeps through thu chinks. Ilut In Paris
thu under man lives In u vault. This Is
true also In London and New York, and In
all your feat massed populations. The
tinder man, the bottom man, thu real earth
man, lives In u cellar; his wife also, and
his children. It Is not it good plaeu to live.
Thu French Revolution began above
ground, in thu kingdom of thought, hut
the drippings of It fell Into the 1'arlsian
cellars. Within a year from thu beginning
the very suwers were full of foam. With
this subterranean elTervcscencu all shapes
ami forms weru cast to t hu surface. It was
as if the sea had vomiteill Unknown
creatures camu up from thu pit of that
horrid stomach and liegau to swim ami
shriek and light. Among thu rest theru
was spuwed forth a doctor Dr. .Marat.
Dr. Jean Paul Marat, or Mara, as his
father spelled it a sort of spectral pygmy
not llvu feet high, hut bearing a monstrous
head and hideous face. lie was Dr. Matat;
his enemies said a horse doctor. Ilut that
was a slander. True, hu had Is-en veteri
nary surgeon to thu Comtu tl'Arlols, des
tined after thirty-four years to Ihi King
Charles X of France. Ilut .lean Paul was
also u doctor of men, a good one, too, who
had spent many years in London, where
ho wrotu essays and hooks and learned to
hate thu British aristocracy. The Comtu
d'Artolsmadchlin physician of thu guards,
as well as of his horses: this In 1777, for
his hour was not yet conic.
Marat had for Ids mother Ioulsu Cubrol,
a Genuvesu Calvluist, which accounts for
onu part of him, hut hu had for his father
Jean Paul Mara, of Cagllari, on the south
ern coast of Sardinia, and this accounts for
another part, lie was a cross between
Italian and Calvluist a sort of hybrid of
assassin and fatalist. He was horn May
'J4, 1741, being live years older than Mini
beau and fourteen years older than ltobcs
plerru. In his youth hu studied medicine
for two years at Bordeaux', and presently
becamu an oculist of no mean skill.
At this period of his life hu absorbed his
social and philosophical opinions, which hu
carried witli him, llrst to Paris, then into
Holland and afterward to London. In his
thirtieth year hu began as an author, and
In '71 published his llrst political treatise,
under thu slgullleaiit iiamu of thu "Chains
of Slavery." IIu remained in Loudon
three years longer, writing on medical and
social questlGtis, and was then recalled to
Franco to preserllsj for thu guards (and stud
also) of thu Comtu d'Artols, who gavu him
nn annual salary of 'J.OUO llvres for his ser
vices. A promising man already was Dr.
Jean Paul.
But w must pass over much. After ten
years thu call was Issued for thu assum-
l blitig of thu states general. Now It was
that Marat plunged into thu swim and be
gan to trouble thu already troubled waters.
With the opening of the states general
many patriot Frenchmen were disposed to
taku thu huglish constitution as the model
for new France. But.Marat had seen enough
of the British system, ami in .September of
'b'.Mie published a powerful monograph en
titled "A View of the Vices of the Const!
tutlonof Kuglaml." Already thu pygmy
with the monstrous head had become a
democrat and i evolutionist according to
the gospel of Koiism-uu.
With the Is'glnnlngof thueoiilllct proper
behold Marat In Paris! IIu has become a
Journalist, the most audacious that has
ever jet appeared among men. FlrM. lie
founded The Moniteur Patrlote, then The
Publicist!. Parlsieu, and then, on (lie lllh
of Septemlier, I7h.l, The Ami till Peuple, or
Friend of the People, n Journal w hlcb from
that d'iy lcniiiicllHent of the FaulHiurgs,
the ery mouth and miiiI of the win-cu
III this paper .Marat Imvmii to pour out
without measure the cr esM-nce of radi
cali-ui ami iiudnclt). Ills attack was on
eeiMlnug-on tlie monarchy, on the king,
on the royal faiuil), on the aristocracy, on
i feudal France, on ever) thing that was
' above the e.irlli Whatever was in power
it vn his lifelong policy to oppose. Now
it was a man, now an institution, uml now
I a principle at which he spat his venom
The Ami till Peuple U-ciimu the moiith
, piece jf all ill-content, vomiting Hood- of
, Invective, acrid as vitriol, llercu us lire.
I It was not long until the authorities
pounced upon Marat ami his dangerous
engine, but lie dived ami lied to Loudon
Tlio pygmy with thu monstrous head bail
now iM-cotuo an umpieuehablu volcano
His 11 res had caught behind him, and lie
was t.oon able to leluru to Paris and re
lusuu Ids paper. Nevertheless he had lo
dlvu uml duck out of sight He di-np
pea red from thu kingdom of daylight ami
became I lie god of Ilut nether world. Sub
terraueau Paris received him. Hades gave
n loving gulp and he was safe. D.irl.. uu
discoverable vaults opened for his pilot
lug picss and editorial stool Ami du
People, from being (he mouthpiece of t he
Pnillmurgs became the mouthpiece of hell
Once ami again the specter was rnuieil
from his hiding place, and in the close of
I7IM he escaped to Loudon. There he is role
bis "L.uleilu Cltoyeu," or "School for the
Cltleii," u Miiihculotlu te.M book of lu-ur
reel Ion ami blood.
In four months, howcicr, the Club of
the Conlellers called him back lo Paris.
The war with Austria Ibuned up on the
boriou,aml the revolutionary paily lot be
capital needed every auxiliary even thu
pen of Marat. The Ami du Peuple burst
nut nun i fiirlmislv I hull iil'nr ll la m-iili
nhlo that the atrocious scheme forthumiut
nacru of thu loyalist prisoners wan hatrhod
In thu brain of Marat, ami that hu Inocu
lated the giant Danton with his malign
purposu. At all events, thu Septemlier
massaeru was thu glory of Anil du Peuplo
nml Its editor, The llvu foot goblin rose, In
thu bloody uiuiia, ami was cho-en onu of
thu representatives to (hu national conven
tion from thu commune of Paris,
But Ids woik In that body by no means
took him from his editorial stool. IIu had
learned that his Journal was thu leal weap
on of power, and though hu presently
changed thu ninnoto Journal of Ilut French
Republic he nevi-T relinquished his throne.
He now came up, however, fioin thu sub
terranean world -came up reeking; for hu
had lived in cellars, and starved and suf
fered and raved and cursed mil II horrid
diseases had sel.ed him, llissklli was con
sumed with a sort of scrofulous ee.ema,
which burned like lire. Illseullclu uver
afterwaul was a shlr.1 of Nesstis, which ho
must wear as ono might wear a blister tif
sulphuric ncld ami lire
Note well that Marat was never a parti
san. His general policy was to oppose
power In every form, Hu also croaked and
prophesied ami caviled. Hu had In him
something of the gift of Cassandra and
nil of the malignity of Thersltes, To quar
rel was his breath uml life. Straugu that
such a vindictive and malevolent soul
should hu truthful! But it was so, At the
bottom Marat spoko thu truth with hlsllps
ami from thu heart. He believed absolute
ly thu things which lie said ami published.
Hu would Join himself with nobody. Hu
fought thu king, ami he fought thu (ilron
(lists, and hu fought Dumoiirle., and ho
fought everything ami everybody which
seemed to hltn to 1st a relic of thu ancient
order in France. Hard was the struggle
between lilm and thu (ilromllsts. Afterthu
execution of the king that, powerful party
succeeded In arresting Marat, ami ho was
brought lieforo thu revolutionary tribunal,
but thu trial ended In victory for the hate
ful specter, and hu went on as before, only
nioru furiously,
Marat, however, was not destined to go
much further In this world. Thu summer
of 1710 found him In n desperate condition
from his diseases. Hu was withered almost
to n skeleton, and thu burning of his skin
could only bo appeased liy sitting for the
greater part of thu time In a hath of hot
water. Ilut thu energies of Ills ferocious
mfml continued to storm and scintillate.
Hu had his lodgings in the Hue du 1'P.colu
du Medicine, where, in a sort of a garret,
hu had llxcd his bath tub and editorial
stool beside it, ami where hu was attended
by a washerwoman. From this place hu
wrotu his editorials, making up proscrip
tion lists while he sat In thu bath, comput
ing tables In which hu thought that by
the killing or ','70,000 additional victims tlio
reign of lllH-rtyaud equality might lie es
tablished! Soothed by thu hot water ho
would reach nut his withered hand ami add
other names of thu Girondists uml their
abettors to thu list of death.
Thus was thu bathing goblin occupied
on thu evening of thu lUth of July, lilKl.
It was on thu eve of the fourth anniver
sary of the storming of thu Bastllu. Theru
Is ii rap at thu door outside. The sweet
voleo of a woman is heard, evidently thu
7oIi'o of u maiden, who says that shu would
"do Francu a service." But Marat
la sick and cannot see, her. So hu tells thu
washerwoman, and the message Is deliv
ered. But the girl persists, and Is pres
cutlj admitted to thu spectacle. Theru Is
the monstrous head above the bathtub,
thu upper part of thu shriveled yellow
body, and thu bony arms, like the arms of
n skeleton. Charlotte C'orday and Jean
Paul Marat are face to face!
"Cltl.en Marat," says she, "I come from
Caen and wish to speak with jnii." "Sit
down, my child," says he; "what are tlio
traitors doing down at Caen And who
am tliu deputies from your coiiutryr"
Charlotte names Barbarnux, Pel Ion nml
Lou vet The skeleton hand reaches out on
the tight side of thu tub to his writing
stool. He will note these names, and
"their heads shall fall In a fori night." By
this movement his chest over the heart re
volves out of thu water. It is thu hour of
fate. Unit spring, and Charlotte Is by his
side. One plunge, and her knlfn is in his
breast to thu very hilt. It lluds the ma
lignant heart, and the black blood spurts
into the water and over the till). "A uiol,
ehereainie!" "Ah me, my friend, help!"
But horrid death chokes his voice, and us
the washerwoman rushes In the dark soul
of Marat rushes out forever.
David, the artist, shall soon paint the
scene for posterity. Thu convention shall
rush together, nod all Paris subterranean
Paris shall howl ami groan. A deereu
shall lie pa-seil by which thu body, or dust,
of Mirabeau ill the Pantheon shall make
room for the ashes of this Marat. Funeral
eulogies shall bcspoLciiMIld poems written
ami dramas enacted to perpetuate the
inciunr) of I he underground specter of thu
Revolution. But Jean Paul shall hear it
no more. Whither has begone!' Heaven
knows, but not the earth.
As for Charlotte, the beautiful creature
is haled to the tribunal. Witnesses are
called. "They are not needed'" cries shu
In sublime indignation, "It Is I that killed
Marat. 1 killed one man to save a hun
dred thousand, a villain to save innocents,
a savage wild beast to give repose to my
country. I was a Republican before thu
Revolution, and ncn r uiiulnl i iicry.'"
She dre es her-elf beautifulli for thu
hcalTold. So miidc-t is shu in her simple
girlhood that when the executioner le
moves the scarf fioui her nei k she blushes
crimson. Oh' leader, what an age was
that a bundled yeaisago' How the story
of it ol Us men, Its women and its events
seems to us as a tale ni Union, I hi
shadowy rollings together and iiiifolditigs
of a phaiitiisiiiagorlii, slieiiUii1. with blood,
bubbling like molten bras- and kindled
Willi Maine- ol tile!
JollS Cl.AKU ItllU'ATII.
I.eilllilllg of Their Olili Ciilllitl) .
In the public schools of Brandenburg tint
(cruinn emperor's educational reform
piolects me being tested. Knl-ei William
declares thai modern national history Is
far liii'li' Useful I linn any amount ol knowl
edge as lo bow the liieeks and Komaiis
lived and lought,so the pupils are learning
Priissliu history, beginning with (he pres
ent ilayaml working backward to thu time,
of the tireat Elector.
Words by H. HEINE.
Ifit Soi'itANO. AUfffretto am
0 an Soi'uano.
Jt-'S Z'.
word, I'd givu it
bear, Sliould'st hear It
givo It tlio mer-ry brccz
henr It ntov-'ry mo
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I would (lint my Invu cnuM nl lent
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1 r-n 1 1 ,
tlio iner-ry lircer. es, They'd waft It
nt ev -'ry mo - incut, And hear...
- es, ThoyM waft it n-wuy In sport,
- ment, And hour. ... It ov -'rywhere,
It n-wuv In snort.
1 i
night when tlHhu eyu-llds In slum -
. r-1----.
i: zraz: tfliErprrr
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Still love, It will haunt thee,
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haunt thee, E'en In. . . . thy deejiest dreams. K'en in thy deep - est,
thy dcep-cst
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