Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 18, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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33 Ji- 3sr ic .
Lincoln, : Nkiikaska.
Capital, - $250,000
OjtWrs ami Director:
John II. Wrluhl, l'ro. T. K. Marnier, V.-l'1
.1. II. MrUlny, i'iuIiIit.
AKHayimmd, It I', Thosl'm'hrnii K
HfMer, Olnm Wet, FliHhVldon.
General Mankind lliilno Trammeled.
Accounts Solicited.
Lincoln Shirt Factory
To 1402 O Stroot.
In IIm nnw Imvillim tliUonlnliMnliiHi'iit will
linvo iM'llcr ftidllllvN limn, over for turning
out llrtcla work, nnd mi Ineioiiscd lino f
OonUt' Furnishing (looU will nlwiiy n
nil'. Ti) our IhikIik'M Inn boon ihIiIimI u
In which unrment or nil kind will hn nuido
to order nnd nnythlim from tho hiiiiiIIoH nn
dnritarnii'iil In tho llnost lien or Clonk will
bo nUtlirullv executed nml ninilo on short
notice. In till department wo employ one
or t holiest cutter milliliter In tho country
nml atlfnotlon I Kmiriintci'd In oyerv iir
llculnr. Our factory will hereafter 1m known
M tho
Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co.
A. KnUoiiMeln, Hr., MinuiKor.
Cnll nml see u. Cor. I llli nml O HI
Lincoln Trunk Factory
O ST 1133 ST'
Where t will he glad to see nil old
friends nml cuUomer nml as ninny now
oneR nit enn get Into the store.
C. 7. WIR1CK,
' r
ii '
Maybo produced by tho mo of MltM. (1UA
HAM'.S Kuuonlo Ktinmcl nml her Hoso
lllooin. The complexion nml color nro nmtlu
perfect, nml tlio closest scrutiny could not do
IcelonoKrnlH of powder or the least liullcu
tlon of nrtltlolnl color. I will stake my rep
utation Hint on nny fnco I enn kIvo tho most
delightful complexion nml color with Kit-
Rinlo Knninol nml Uoso lllossom, nml
mt nn on could imsslbly tell thnt
tho color or complexion worn nrtlllc
inl. Thin In high nri In cosmetic. Thoy
are ench more harmless tlinn nny ntiior cos
metic In the world. because they nro euch dl.
olvliitf In their mitiiro, nml tlnn does not
clog up tlio iHiren. When usIhk Hicho superb
cosmetics yon limy wlpo tho dust or perspl
ration from tho face without marring their
delicate beauty Thoy renin In on nil dny, or
until wnhod oil'.
1'rlco of ench, II; tho two Kent mix where for
fi. Kor sale hy UOWAKD'ri HIAJIONl)
I'HAKMAGY, Northwest Corner N nml 12th
Mrs. Qriiliiun, KM 1'oM st., Snn Francisco,
treat ladles tor nil defects or blemishes ol
face or figure. Solid Btnmp furlicrllttloUmk
How tolio lleiiutlfnl."
k 15 Gent Shave
Kino Hum Cabinets W per dozen. Sxelal
rates to titmient. Call ami see our work.
Studio, 1214 O Street.
u Open from 10 a. in. to -1 p. in. tfumlay.
Physician and Surgeon
OiVicc: 239 South Eleventh St.
McMurtry Block.
Office Phone 56 j. Residence Phone 503
CnraCO a imr ll Mnr m.l. Ir John IL
(lojHln,lfO.N.l.l HOlk fur b. Ilrtdtr,
fir ti.Mjr na ,u.k a. f.a
ich)r,.- quickly KMf t.4t frus SI 19
SIS J y at il. .un, n.lbtvit Myou so
on. iwll, mi... til mc. l,inrirtof
Am. rl.i u raw Mm..,, l livui.. alv
inf all yvut llt. ir nivint nt. only l
ll V.C.O.. All It . (1ml y SI KtTfor
t).ry Wo .un iou. furoUhlaf
t.tiylhlnf. KASlU,m.lllU l.ani.4.
I'AllrlClXAIUI tui i oik.
blUMlX 10., IVSTI. Ill, aUUlT
m, is
The Must ThtlllliiU nml I'nxloiiiiln lirn
Nlni) t:ei U'llllei,.
thltnr will not Im published In hook form. J
niiMn'KH i.
HlNHwrHonro. lull lovor.i una.
Ho ie.en Um nn nstiow white brow.
Oh, tho dreary ial lixorn nml hnmtu
T..U11 ats as mid limv II down,
lli'Klimlil Travel d lenncil inrole(nly
MKnlliHt tho fiiiileilll. Mo lielil a kcoiiIciI
hlllet ilimx In otio IiiiikI, ami Minoki'il hit
llavnmi with (ho other.
"Hal lint" Im IiiiikIiciI, t lint low, rlpplhiK,
lllltlcnl laliull llinl Imil tin Hied tlio proud
licatt of Kthel lleaiiioilily, tho arlslouratlo
lielresH of Tlioriillelil manor lint tn return
to tho ha' hal
Then lleulimld Trnvcrn' cjei Jatitcd
nroiiml (lie Inxiirlnii apart uii'tit ami a
rcornfiil xiiilli' rlppleil aenni IiIh fnc ii:nl
In il.e Hi IiIIIown iiuiiliisl lili t'lntilc poinpa
tlonr At that Instant t hero was a loud
rliiK lit the door
"Kool Hint I atnl" iiiutleied lleulimld
Travels. "Why did I ever tin tiijxelfto
Hint, ulill t) faced ulrl. Thank hoavun, hIiii
known not that I am an cxclmi coiiiiiiIn
Nlouer. Hut If I am hotrajoil" ant! a
pallor of ileal h overs wept that iiiuhllo
"Hut mi," he resumed: "thnt can never
In. SlinawaltHiuout tho lit tlo vino covcri'd
cottnfto In llohokcii. Khn little thinks
that Andrew Mcf'tilTy, thu artlstlo kalxo
minor, herhiiHhaud and Ht'Kliuild Travels,
tlio o.xl'Ihii comtulsnlouer, who Is hooii to
wed tho peer lens Kthel Heanpoddy, tho
rich heiress, nro ouo ami tlio ftntno."
I''ar over In llohokoii tho nail faced lrl
wife, Hcdatla Mcduiry, was uookliiK flap
Jacks on nn oil slove. Murks of Hour and
of earn worn mi her protty face, wlillo hor
hlK, wide, painty eyen worn llllcd with team
that ntioii foil down on tho Krlcldln and
spoiled tho IhipJaokH. Thou all at onco n
Hitdilon resolve sul.ed her. Taking a larKo
clonk that Iiiiiik hehlml tlio tloor, sho on
volopetl her llssomo form, "Heaven help
mot" hIio cried, as she sped onward to tlio
Krlm and uhostly ferry. "I niimt hllk tliein,
for I haven't a poiitiyl"
Ullitll'Klt II.
"Sho refused to tell wlniii n roMirtor called,
lint only wild that It was hox plnlteil with a
shirred waist, tho front Mm: frocked, and u
six Inch hem to tho oven klrt, with accordion
ptult, tho whole iilfalr of itol'lou wiin.e My
screen wire." Itoiuniico of a Wlro Dress.
In a hrllllautly Ih'htid Murray Hill mail'
slim wit Kt hoi Hcaiipnilily, tho heiress of
Thnriillehl tuaiior. On every ulthi woro
Btrown tho ovldonc.'.sof wealth ami luxury.
A Hroadway rosehhed ItH franuifti from
nu Ives salu Japaneso vaso, real coal liurned
In tlio open urate. Ah, Ktliel Heanpoddy
had ne'er felt povortyl
Her heauty wax of tho rich, dark, south
ern typo that costs money. Hor urgent
lidded eyes itlauccil carelessly over a libret
to of "llelllyaml tho -U).)." Kthel Hean
poildy one of thoso hrluht huttorlllcx
that husk In tho xuiishlno nml have plo
three times a day.
Tho footman in the IiIiiI'h eye maplo
plush niiutiuuccil In rich Castlllaiiacccntx,
".Mlshter Uljilnald Travew." Tho next
Instant her form was locked In his em
brace anil thoy had noun to press,
Komi mil Iced tho idlj;lit girlish IlKurt',
clad In u shabby t'itlskti ulti.ik, that crept
up tho mnrhloHtcps. It was Hedalla .Mc
(SulTy. In an Instant she had reached
Kthel Hcaupodily'H boudoir, Hllcntly sand
baKliiK tlm lackey at tho door. Sim burnt
Inslilo only to Hud Ut-Kirmhl Triivurs cover
oil with uoufitslou nml ICthel Heanpoddy,
who nat In bis lap.
Tho wroiiKcd Klrl wlfo raised her lunula
ami Hbrlektd.
Tho coiittnuatlou of this thrilling nml
passlouito lovoatory will ho found In No.'Jor tho Queen or tho ICItchen, tho host
paper ever published. For kiiIo at all iiowh
dealers. Now Vork livc-hliiK Sun.
Knew III ,
St. I .mils is hcciimluit noted as tlm homo
of the corn doctor. On nearly every street
corner thero stands a man with a banner
proclalmitiK his wonderful skill. Tho other
day a man wont Into tho press club nml re
marked that mimu ouo hail just fallen Into
tho river,
"A iiium?" tho reporter uskeil.
"Did they Kcthlni out "
"I.,arii his unmet"
The reporter wrote the following para
graph, "Yesterday afternoon a prominent
corn doctor fell Into tho river and was
drowned." Arkansas Traveler
Time for Slerp.
"Will you kindly sIhk sniuethliiKr" ho
said after a somewhat prolonged pause In
the conversation.
"What shall I sIiikJ" sho asked, rilllliiuK
hor lingers carelessly over tho keys of tho
"Anything soinethliiK appropriate."
"SoniclhliiK appropriate," sho repeated,
lookliiK at tho clock; "then IwillsliiK a
lulhihy." Capo Cod Item.
Ilu Wu Itluhl.
'Have you any photographs of your
children, Mr. Peck?" asked a friend of tho
Hon. Alpheus Peck
"I should Hay I had," answered Mr.
Peck, "I've about a bushel of them."
"Why, Alpheus!" exclaimed hi'i wife.
"Well, haven't wo? Haven't we photo
graphs of all four of them, and don't four
pecks make a bushel?" Detroit Free
A MlKUl'alloll.
St rawher Hello! Kor the llrst time In
my life my laundry bus been ictiirned
promptly. What shall I do to c'lehrate
the uveiit?
Siii'.'erly You might put on a clean col
lar Clothier nml l'uriilslier.
TIik Iti'VwrHon of Time
"It's strange how time 1 events things,
Isn't It?"
"Yes, 1 sUppObOJ)."
"Mls-s Riddling, whom wo jtist passed,
was tbieu or four years oldyr than 1110 when
wo went to school together. Now I 11 nd I
mil three or four years older- than sho is,"
-I -If. 1.
(limit Mi.irlty fur ltd,
lie wasul.out Mvi'lvn years old and verj
black. Ho was hired to work In the Har
den hy tho day, hut tho moles nml fros In
thoKroniid. (ho birds In tho trees, the stray
cats ami dos outsldo tho fence, and tin
pissing stream of a.iualntanies, olTcreu
no tnany dhersJMis ti,at work bincd.
JIN mistress vvatijied til 1 1 In despair,
".loslah," sho i-ioatlcu, "why don't you do
your uork It ucaiM tuo nut. IiiivIiik to
hit heio to wiiteh you."
Ho looked npv!ils wl.en face expii'ssloti-lc.-s.
"Why," he drawled. "I could sit.
mini' nil day an' watch you work, an1
tiovah Kit Hied." Harper's
lloM) llnforred.
n 3
f TWiRC1i'J4!f,.
Auntlo-Ohl Where's Fldof Wu'vo left
him behind.
Klsle Wo must telegraph.
Auntie We'll telegraph when wo not on
hoard. .Italy.
I.o.iklo' Aller l'.te.
Just at tho top of a Ioiik hill, an wo had
stopped tho horse to breathe, a farmer
came up. Ho was at least slxty-llvo years
old, Is'Iiik very K"ay and wrinkled, and ho
was so decrepit that ho had to use a stall.
"Say, yon! Have you seen anything of
my sou l'cto ahum hero?" ho called, as ho
stopped nt llio btlKUy wheel.
"Wo haven't met anybody on foot this
uioriiltiK. How old Is hor"
'"Hotit forty-two, ami six feet IiIkIi."
"Whuro was ho Kolnf"
"He's run away. Packed tip his duds
and slid out aforo I pit up this lnornliiK
IheoiiKratcfiil rascall I didn't believe that
of IVte."
"Why, ho wiw of iikc."
"Makes no dlirerencel I alius kept him
at home, nml alius mean to. He's bin
Kit t In' board and Induing rljtht along, and
Inst summer I let him sell a whole sheep
skill to a peddler ami keep tho money.
He's got to come hack or I'll know tho rea
son why."
"You can't bring him hack, can your"
"Can't. II Don't you linger that I can'tl
I think ho took tho next cross road and
made a hco line fur .Spoonersvllle. I'm
rlghtoulils track, ami I'll fuller him tip.
When I Hud him I'll take both hands hold
of Ids collar llko this ami I'll rattle his
Jawbones like this and I'll lay him on
his hack nml lamb thunder out of him for
about lifted! minutes. Thou I'll walk him
home, mid you orter ho around nml sec
them stumps grubbed out nml them rail
fences mended! Can't bring my sou I'eto
hack, eli? He's of algo, eli? Guess you air
strangers in these parti, and never heard
of olo 'Sitiur' Tvler!"
"Well, we wish you luck."
"Thanks, hut I don't kcer fur wishes.
I'm salt In to Hud rcti.uu' hy tho great
white ox I'll couths.')' towollop him fur
ten minutes after lie hollers 'null'! Good
dny!" New York Sun.
. A micttant.
Can you recall an o 1 j t .lime
Or Unci to nny river
In which yon do not meet "the moon"
And sen "tlio iiioc.ilij.i'iuiitIer?"
I've he.ird such soai to many u tune.
Hut never yet im nlver -Have
1 ever cic:ip."l that I liymu to "Juno"
Or mined that riiy n. to "river."
At times tlm leird from his refrain
A imnnunt's respite snatches,
The w Idle Ids ovarciuldo I brain
At some now jlnglo catches:
Yet lorni from tlio unlucky moon
Himself ho cannot sever,
Ihit Knidps once moro thnt rhyme to "June,"
And seeks n rhyme to "river."
Then let no Indolence ho blamed
On him whoso verse till!) w it,
Ily shimuhiK "burdens" (rlnhtly named
Tor reader and for poet),
Kor rhyiuo.i must fall him Into or soon.
Nor can ho dual forever
In words whojo sound resembles "June,"
And assonants of "river."
When "loon's" been used, and "shoon" and
And "stiver" sounded "itlvver,"
Think of n bard reduced to '"enon,"
And left alone with "liver!"
Ah. then, hoiv blessed were the boon!
How doubly blest tlio u'lvcr,
Who unvo him ouo ihymo more for "June,"
And one more rhyme for "river!"
A llenlly Nnw Story.
The hlggesi story of the season conies
from I.tucoluton. Mr, W. TMumiy, who
Is a merchant of that place, saystlfiiTnlo
ho was a soldier in Virginia ho cainoacro-;?'
n fnriyer who had just housed ncrih of
pojictiru, nml pretty soon after tho hands
I Im'l left the crib it caught tiro and octry
grain of the corn popped, nml very sows
the whole plantation was covered with tho
white corn. A mule ubout US years old,
which was in a barn near hy, saw tlio
ground covered with white com, and
though tho thermometer registered IHIdfgs.
In the shade, tho mule froze to death,
thinking that it was a terrible heavy snow.
Atlanta Constitution.
Sen t'il Him Itluht.
Judge What is tho charge against thJj)
Officer Assault ami battery, your '(iiiior.
Judge Give 1110 the facts.
Officer Well, ho met a man who had
nlways Ik-cii his friend; without provoca
tion lie took his hand, broke every bono in
it, punched him in tho ribs bruised Ids
hack with an ugly blow, and then had tho
Impudence to ask after Ids health.
Judge Six months in tlio county jail,
without bouellt of clergy. Philadelphia
Uolh (loin. lip.
Customer I notice that you charge me
a dollar a piece more for these shirts than
you did for the last lot. I don't propose 1
to pay a cent more. '
Clerk Hut, my dear sir. since yiTu or-1
dered t lie last lot shirts have gone up. i
Customer That's all right. Hut since I
ordered that last lot I have gone up too,
Clothier nml Furnisher.
Ait Infallible Slun.
"I con always tell when Jlmmlchoy hue
finished Ills pudding," said Undo George,
"How?" asked the hoy's mother.
"Theie Isn't any left on his plate."
IInrMr's Young People,
"What lo yon get nn evening for wait
lug at I'liteitainiiiuuts?"
Wiilttr Fivo shillings, hut If there is to
U-' 'glng I mustus'iNlx London Tit-Hits
.N!. '
1 Qs
,: ;
I'Mtl AT'. U1T n'
riir Old IVlloir Tlioocbt Ho Meant Hill
ride, hut Ilu Was Wrong.
There was a tuaii wnlkitig itpnml down
I'tospect p'irk, at. Niagara Falls, with his
hands behind Ii'm hack and his bend down,
mid nn old fellow from near Syracuse
wasn't to ho blamed so much for Imagin
ing that suicide was contemplated, Ho
hud tin ihiubt. ivad of other men who had
acted just that way before leaping into tho
tcrrllilo current above the falls, lie waited
a reasonable time for tho performance to
come nIT, nnd as thero appeared to ho a
hitch Miinowhorn he approached the stran
ger and saldi
"Stranger, I don't want to meddle with
your hl.ness; I never do with anybody's,
hut If-lf"
"Well," sharply asked tho other.
"I've only got about forty minutes aforo
I take the train. Ifyoirvo fully mado tip
your mind to do It, and nothing on earth
will prevent"
"Ate you addressing ine, slr?"ilciuaiideil
tlio stranger.
"Yes, of course; there hain't nobody else
around, is there?"
"And what do you want?"
"Why, If jou are going over them falls
anytime today I wanted to suggest that
"Going over tho fulls! What do you
"Why, If you nro going over any tltno
today, go now, so I can see It, and tell tho
folks all about it. Don't want to hurry
you, you know-, hut If a man wr.nts to go,
and will go, ami praying won't save him,
ho might ns iell go one time as another."
"You Infernal old inllkmdl, hut I'll
knock tho top of your hem! oil If you don't
clear out," shouted tho man as he made as
if to pull olT his coat.
"(losh-alt-llshhookst hut don't Hare up
that wayl" gasped tho farmer as ho re
treated. "What's happened to tnako you
mad? I hain't said nor dun nothing as I
knows on."
"Go-clear opt skip!"
"Hold on I'll go don't fuller tuo tip!
Lands alive' hut bu como within uu aco o'
hoppln' right on to mo! Got reg'lar mad
in a mlnlt, and that without tho least hit
o' cause! Woosh! Clus call fur me, tho'
IM a lit the hardest I could. Suicide ami
bo hanged to him I'm goln' liiinil" New
York Sun.
A I. lilt III llilslness.
"Hard luck, eh?" saldtho deputy sheriff,
as he tacked a notice on the door of tho
Tomcod restaurant, up on Market street.
"Did they boycott you?"
"It wasn't that," gloomily responded tho
proprietor, who was making out a list of
indestructible pies for the assignees. "It
was the fearful want of education among
tho lower classes that did me up."
"As how?" nsked tho city hall man,
pocketing a handful of live-centers.
"Well, about it month ago I came across
a fat old loafer who weighed about .100
pounds looked llko a load of hay on legs
so I hired him as a walking advertisement
ami had him Moat around town carrying a
sign lettered:
"Great Idea that! Well?"
"Well, It worl.itl line, nnd then I struck
at. other bum neighed ubout ei;-lity-llve
tegular living skelet'iu. So I hired him,
too, nnd had u sign painted:
"I hoc. Dig scheme."
"So it was. The schemo was all rigid,
hut pretty soon business got to ho terribly
bad; couldn't understand It until one day
Icamoucross the sandwich man down on
Kearney street. It seem that neither of
tho old rounders could read."
"Hut what did that"
"They laid chatmed signs. See?" San
Franci co Kxamliier.
Ilhiiil) 'n KIhhi-n.
Ithody Cassldy, hettorrn,
Is tho ilnrlln'est of crachiires,
She's a shtoilo of Uncut Ion
That'll uiiirtlfoy tho prachers,
For shohtiitthers, shtopplli', niolmt e,
Whollo she purtsof shji.teho cnrlsnos,
Ami It tickles 1110 to tell tt-
Hlnsly stiitthers when she kisses.
Hon me coiishliise, hat it's funny
How herdiirllu' lips '11 ipilver
When to sale mo protlstiitltm
five's shwato Imphiisls Ol u'lvo 'cr,
Thrhnblin', thriinhlln', pulpltatlu'
Wld thu Joy her heart coulisses.
That's the way tho lip of Ithody
.Stutthor whin slio mate- 1110 kisses.
I'alxl They call it a misfortune
When n person stilttliers do they?
They'd think dllferent, helavo me,
If Its cliiirai in khsln' knew they.
For tho lliigerhr, tittlvatln'
On the verrfe of Invert' bilges
Makes 1110 ipiolto approve thu way that
Ithody stilt thers whin she kU-s,
HiHtiui Courier.
A Sluto to Duly.
JSniwhor Has your suit come over from
RnLftliid vi't?
Slnfterly Ob, yes.
It Is in tho custom
should think you
Hut with me, old
iictinu of duty.
fwravher Then I
vWnt'd iet It out.
s,rly I would,
mii.)i .t's a simple
tver 11
ml Furnisher.
An Anxious Ouotlnu.
A. Just imagine, frauleln, I dreamt
lin night that I went with you 011 tlio ice.
U , skated together. All at once Voll stum-
, tiled, hut I caught ou In my arms nnd
1 gave you a kiss
Young Lady Was was anybody
lug? DerSclialk.
l'oetd't Mollis
Mr. Illugo Theie' I kne'.v it. Tlioo
moths have got at your dress suit and
eaten a hole right thioiigh.tho poeket.
Mr. Hmgo They must he female moths.
Clothl'T and Furnisher.
"You (ihould not havo given up your
Sunday school clan."
"I had to; tho boyn are getting to bemich
big fellows, anil they ask Mich embarrass
ing qtioiitiDiud Ouo of them asked 1110 to
marry him." Harper's Bazar.
' u .. CI- . .J u
Maxwell, Sharpe
& Ross Co.
Are After Your Trade
For 30 Days,
In all Departments. Yon will find a complete line of
Table Linens, Domestics, Notions, &c.
Look this department over for you will find bargains that
you will never get again.
In our Shoe Department you will find everything
complete with many special bargains. With each pair of
childrens shoes we are giving a handsome jumping rope.
In Our Hardware Department, you will always find
what you want.
In Our Furniture Department we will always show
the latest patterns.
In Our Grocery Department are all sorts of bargains.
Don't forget to look at our Queensware and Lamps.
There is no place where you will find so many bargains
as you will at
Maxwell, Sharpe & Ross Co.'s.
S t
J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor.
This beautiful new house under Its present management will be conducted In
thorough find class style on the American plan, rates $2.00. It has
including passenger elevators and hath room on ever floor. The sleeping
apartments arc large and elegantly furnished and may be had cither single or en
suite. We have reserved a limited number of rooms for city patrons and are pr
pared to give excellent table board with or without rooms at reasonable raUt.
Call and see us,
Telephone 482. Cor. 12th and Q.
Srff tM
Ilourtt 1 to li.
lUUibhshnl -'. ioy iSSb.
German National Bank,
.A'CO.X, Xlili.
Capital Paid up, $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 25,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues letters of credit, drawdraftson all parts
of the world. Forelmi collections a specialty.
OJicvis nml Directors.
O. t MUNHON, Vice President.
JOSH I'll IIOKH. M Kit, Cashier.
O. .1. WILCOX, Assistant Cnshlor.
WAinnt .1. ii.vmus, j. a. nuni-XHON
Delivering Notes, Letters, Invitations
At ut any hour to make tho early traliiK (jet jour mall
from postolllee, etc.
Opoii lDciy and Nlpjlit 1
Telephone 190. Office, S. W. cor. 10th and O.
Dr. H. S. Aley, Specialist
Siim'Iii1 attention paid Id the treatment of tlieho diseases
hy iiiPiiiiHOf eleetrielty.
All iiou-niiillKiiant tumors of tho womb removed without
tho iiso of the Unite.
All operations for Injuilcsfioni ehlldhlrtli Hklllfully pur
formed. I,IhiIiiii'Iii'IiI of the woiiilieured In most eoses without
tho usoof Instruments.
Kiilh'psv, St. Vitus' Diinee, delation, Neuralgia, llvsterln,
dlllerent tonus of, Hetorniltles, unit nil other
forniKOf NeivousTioiilile sueeessdillv united.
Consultation at oltlee or liy mull ti wi.
Newiunu llloek, O HI., bet. tilth ami 11th, Lincoln, Noli,
'J to .',, 7 to S.