Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 18, 1891, Image 1

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"PoPallAR ENraVoP A9PliRN 'TIMES "
Vol. O No. lO
Lincoln, Nichwaska, Satukhay, Ai'kii. IH. ltJOl.
ft. r.W.,,. . . -. V..7 .. ' ' ' ". jft'.l Vir I . JnM JCV
I " I r J J l - - r - i i w -'. a. jiii.i. as a i f I n I 1 . ii M . .
W frlH5fgsfciS2IIW'iSiif S,''i WtWift a ,Ki . f? A-o jaraaj
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KMT&Vt T-. -Pt-- -V;.hV r--v J ? " W.t,lPrK
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Hill Nyo Is a success lis u humorous writer,
Imt ns a lecturer ho U u delusion unit n frmul.
Ills lectures, entertainments )' whatever ho
dubs the anomalous Inltictlons In which ho
apeurs for mo iniiiiy dollars a nlgdt arc Hold
ing mora or loss than tho very tamo pre-ontn-tion
of ii Imnoh of Nyo nonsense that IiiihIiooii
running through tho p ttont Insldos of every
ono dorso eountry newspaper for tho lust llvo
or six years. Wore it not for Ills Journalistic
roputatiou Hill Nyo would lo hootvil oil tho
Rtngo. Ho MisHtKH)i Imt ono really clever
trnlt on tho rosti urn ami that Is tho ahlllty of
Imitating u school hoy or a 8chool gill doliver
iliK ( ileclamntlon, Imt tlio stylo in whleh ho
ilolivbrs tliesosoloctlonsaio no ximilar to hN
own Individual stylo of elocution that imcou
scloinIy ho caricatures himself, Mr. Ilur
liank's readliiKM were a decided relief from
Nye'H tnme recitations and wuro 111 f let tho
innln font in es of tliu ovenlng'H eutertahuuent.
AlthotiKh MiikkIo Mitchell is worth cloo
onto a inllllou ilollarn tho following hIiovh
how iirospority has duaifcil her heart: MIks
Mary Krninpa of ICil 1'oplar avenue, l'ldlu
dclphla has been working for Maggie .Mitch
ell for f(l ht week, but lias lolt tho servico of
"Fnnchon." According to tho story Miss
Krampn told Mayor Cregfer of Chicago on
Tuesday, Miss Mitchell sent her tho following
letter, on tho strength of which tho engage
ment wan entered Into: "I will glvo you j(i
n week and pay nil expenses: in return I will
expect you to teach and advance mo all you
call in high German, mid take entire charge
of my street and Ntago vtardrobo, dress my
hair and wigs, see that my hotel and stage
dressing rooms are kept in order, to bo al
ways neat mid tidy, to always wear a whit
apron and to attend to such other matters as
may from time to time crop up." Overcome
with tho burdens of her labors Miss Krampa
was laid up with nervous prostration at Hurl
lugtoii, mid because shu could not continue
her duties, despite of Miles, Miss Mitchell
abandoned her there. Through tho kindness
of llurllngtou otllclalA, hhu says, she was for
warded to Uhlcago.
"My Aunt Bridget" entertained u liouso
full of spectators on Wednesday evening.
Tho play was almost devoid of plot but was
chuck full of fun from beginning to end
George W . Monroe played tho part of
"Bridget," and his make-up as mi obese Irish
female, his dialect and his comicalities of
speech and manner, were sulliclent almost to
force a smile on thvfacoof a graven linage.
Every time "Aunt Bridget" appeared on tint
stngo a roar of laughter was sure to follow.
Mr. Monroe was ably seconded by John 0.
Rice, as "I'. Alton McVeigh," mid in fact
many preferred tho more rellnol fun of Hlcu
to the broad drolleiy of Monroe.
It was not generally known by tlioniulicuc
at Funke's Wednesday evening, that tho per
formance wns tint last one in which Mouroo
and Hlco would apiear together. Kacli has
secured a new faico comedy and will go it
alone, Both are good comedians, and then-
success apart will be as great as ever,
A I.KOAI. W110.N0.
"A Legal Wrong," or "I,ost In the Tropics,"
a great spectacular melodrama, will bo pro
duced at the Fuuke this evening. It is one of
tho strongest and best plays that has leeii
here thii season and it crowded house will
see it tonight.
Considerable curi
osity has already Ix-eu
aroused to hear the
playing of Uncle
Sam's pet Washing
ton band in the con
cert at Funke's next
Tuesday evening, but
if reiiorts bo true
much more than or
dinary curiosity will
be thoroughly, satis-
fled. It must bo taken for granted that a
llrst-clasH baud is furnished to the President
of tho United States for his olllclal recept
ions and ccicmouics; and not only Is the
Marine Band such, but it Is entitled to the
highest consideration for its really Hue 01
chestrnl etrects in the finest kinds of music.
Ten jenrsugo, Mr, John Philip Soiisii was
given control of the National baud, and
under his careful ilhectinuit hitsfcttlrililouu
to bo an organisation which the nation may
well (eel pi ouil of, It plays tlio tic st clnsi
cal music, and at Iho mine tune weaves In
most Ingenious nriauemeuts of light and
popular laucles which bring relaxation and
delight to the brain and heailof busy otllcials
at the White House, The piogriim lieie will
be the same ns Is used at theCapllal when the
baud Is put on exhibition befoie the mo-t
honored guests of our nation, a mixtuienf
ginio and guy, with the usual patiiotlc alls
which the baud under olllclal distinctions
r J
. in
1V l
ft J
must nl ajs render. Vocal numbers will lie
fin nihod by Mile. Mario Deceit, one of the
most 1 ii lllln tit sopranos of tho conceit stage.
Itegular prices will pievall and seats go on
sale today.
Hlehaid V. Carroll has left tho Paulino
Hall Co,, and will contest his wife's suit for
Hudolph Aioiisiiii hasoirered Nat (loodwin
$1,000 n week to slug at tho Casino. As
(loodwin uiakis makes more than double this
sum hit naturally i of used.
During twonlghts at luialia last week Mr.
F.tuiirt Hobson scooihnI in 'J,7(K), tho largest
receipts yet taken in that city In two per
fnrinanccs. Little Vlieo Plereo is playing "Lord Faillit
leroy" In Curl Hnswiu's company this season,
and people who have seen her say slut is the
Ih'sI of any of tliMchlldreii who have attempt
ed the part.
Tho queen of England has lately taken
great Interest in theatricals. Lust week sho
presented Actor John Hare with a diamond
scarf-phi the luierlnl Monogram, V. II. I.,
sui mounted by the Imperial crown.
"Thou Hhalt Not" has mad t an unmistaka
ble failure at the Union Square theatre of
Now York and managers on tho road have
asked a cancellation of Its dates. Hat piess,
Instead of jumping on it with both ft et, faint
ly damned it, and In future managers will
probably not monkey with the sixth com
mandment to any great extent.
Loaded with impurities, your blood
cleansing with Ayer's Sarsaparilln,
The Iteliiin of Spring.
At this season of tint year when every
thing begins to present an aiiiilmntcd np-
M'arauco mid tliu change from the cold bias is
of u inter are transformed to the cheerful
and luvigoratiiig atmosplieroof spiitig It Is
ought but nalui al than humanity should feet
Intel estisl in tho change of attire that is cus
tomary at this particular I A Coimitm
reporter passing the very attractive windows
of tho Kwliig clothing company ymtordny
nud observing several extra ordinary beauti
ful things lor Spring therein displayed,
dropped In for n moment to see what there
was now and to have a chat regarding the,
prevailing fashions for tho undo sox. And It
might hero be added that if the correct
styles me not to bo found at Kivlng cloth
ing company it would lie u fiultless task to
look else wliei o in the city for tli.Mii. All tho
firm's goods are purchased In person by Col
onel Kwing, who as a buyer lias no tspial a4
to taste, quality or alue. His long expert'
dice in years gone by has given him an In
sight that fow western buyers have attained
and the fruit of tills exierlenco was never
befnio more pleasing to tlio company's vast
patronage than It is this season.
In nil departments may lie found the sea
sons latest and most desirable cllects. In tho
gentlemen's department the most attractive,
line of top coats, both in light and dink
colois are shown in a ilozvn dilfeieut styles
while in Spring suits the assortment is the
largest and most varied over seen before in
tho west. It comprises everything that the
artistic tailors of the metropolitan centers
can produce niid embraces u most elegant
line of sacks, cutaways, priuco alborts, etc.
In the lioys and childrous department tho
firm has this season surpassed even its groat
Hue shown heretofore, and if there is a lady
in the city that cannot llnd a choice In tho
magnificent large lino that the Kwing Cloth
ing Co is now sliowlng, certainly her idea
of nn appropriate suitor garment for horlioy
is not yet designed or made up. Tlio fact 'Is
Kwlng's always make their boys and cluldrens
department a specialty, nud having catered
to the best element of this class of trade for
tho last ten years aro certainly at this late
date In tho liest position to understand the
demand of the ladies of this city for just
what Is wanted. Of course if you have over
visited this popular place you know that they
have the handsomest fitted up detriment
for the convenience of tlio ladles that Is to bo
found in the city. It Is apart from the
balance of the miniinoth large store and
every comfort Is amply provided.
In conclusion it might be well to say u fow
wot ds regarding the new hue of neckwear,
ami other furnishing goods, a suiuplo line of
which will bo found handsomely displayed In
their east window, and is attracting universal
attention.- In-shoU the Kwing clothing
company now having received their entile
line of Spring goods and feeling that they
can please you in whatever you may want in
their line cordially Invite you to call In at
any time either to buy or inspect and that
you will be pleasantly eutei tallied while uu
der their fig tree.
' lUieiimatisiu and catarrh, caused by p.oor
I and con upted blood, cuied by Ayer's Sarsap
I at Ilia.
I A House Wanleil.
I About July first, and eight room residence
w Ith modern conveniences In central locution
or will give lea-o on lesideuce built to my
older. Addless, L. Wksski., Jll,, Hill N St.
i Inspect thocholco lino of embiolderies in
newest patterns at HeiHilheimer to Co,
Kvery lady who attends our Hosiery and
I'lalei wear sale on Monday will bu con vine-
i ed we ate selling these goods at ery low
pi ices.
i Harden hose, finest quality and most (tum
ble in tlio city at Dean A; Hoi tons, UM O
ktieet. Telephone No. l.M).
Heur Harpham's saddlery and harness
eiuHiriuni has U-eii moved to 1 I'J math
KloM'llth street, opHisltu Capital hotel.
Henry Hai phaiii the popular hai m ss maker
lias It'll Tweltlhstieet to locate on Kkveiith
near 1' slieel oi imslto tho Canltnl hotel.
Tin lo witli luciciisul fticllittes and moieceu
tial location Mr. 11m phalli's business will
undoubtedly incitase, I'or an) thing In the
haiut'ss line Harpliam is bound to lead and if
al mi) time you want anything In his line
' don't loi get to give him a call,
A cm Ions story Is told In couiiiH'tlcii with
Anna Dickinson's Insiiilty, It Is asset ted
that slut was once jilted by VYhltclaw Held of
the New Yor't I'llbiine Years ago, whll'i
on a lecturing tour in Ohio she met Held,
then a poorly paid, stiuglmg newspaper
man. She was lmprss"il with his ability
and took n liking to him. On her tetiiru to
New York she called on Horace (lieeley, a
personal friend, ami )crsuiiilctl him (o send
lor Held, Tho young man wis guileful to
Miss Dlekinsm, and a waim fiieudship
spiam; up hUwei'li them, It soon developed
Into love and they became engiged, Tims
far Iho story Is romantic, but Ii.mii comes a
change. Held came rapidly to the ft out after
(Ireeley's death, mid he dropH'd his beuefncs
tress to marry tint daughter of a Now York
inlllionalie, who helped hlin to buy the Tri
bune and become n rich man. His faithless
ness was a great shock to Mbs Dickinson,
and soino suppose her ment'il powers began
to full from that tlni't because she has been
a changed woman ever since.
P. T. Barinim fsdeail mid the newspapers
have emitted columns of gush, Whyf Ho
was a successful til in, m tile millions, ami wo
Americans worship a millionaire. But there
is another side to Hie ih-ad show uiuii'senrccr.
Neatly a yearago the papeis iitiuniinced the
coming of u circus to Lincoln. A f e das
later the Hiiine ixipers hlossiimed with state
ments (hat Baruuin's show would exhibit
heie "soon". These announcements went
kept up until the other cltciis had come nud
jfono, Imt Itanium's vMi was delayed three
mouth, The Prince of Humbugs had hum
bilged tho pisiple of Lincoln mid vicinity to
hurt his rival's business. That was one of
P. T. Bin Hum's methods.
Tho amiouncemeuts in tlio papers were inN
vertisemeiits of course. Illinium's agent was
Charles Stotve, and TllK CoiJUlKll contained
a cjluiim of chat about his experiences In the
circus business and especially during Bar
mini's visit to Knglutid. Stowe has been in
the business for years, but ho is an old news
paper man with habits of observation, the
iilitllt v to exmess himself and tho courage to
talk out lit im'otlinr If ho feels llko it. He has
lieeuoiie of Hamulus ussisuiuts who were en
trusted with Iiiijmji tiiut depirtiiieuts In tho
management o' the great elicits. Ho was
brought int J Intimito contact with the boss
showman and knew him like a book.
Charles Stowo says P. T. Itanium was a
failure. He thirsted for fame and got nolo
rlety. Howasnuver but a shadow of what
the public took I. Iiu for. He was a maguill
ceut poser, the great pretender in tlio moral
farce, the monarch mountebank of the tiuiO(
He amassed a fortune, but his life was n bit-'
ter dlsapiKjInlinent to himself because of
knowledge of himself. Ms was the .irclitype
of tho shrewd, calculating, grasping Yankee,
enterprising without being liberal, a relent
less bargainer wIioho every uuilertakicg cen
tered in self. His motto was to got as much
for nothing as possible, and in every gratui
tous Way to keep his name Iwfore the public.
No man U a hero to his valet, and there was
nothing heroic in Mr. Btrmiiii to his inti
mate associates or employes. The relations
between his partner and himself were never
of mi intimate or sincerely friendly nature.
Ho mule no concessions and always exacted
tho uttermost farthing, For Ills employes he
dad no consideration. Length, faithfulness
or excellence of service brought neither rec
ognition, Increase of wages nor provision for
old age. In so far at least as Ills circus asso
ciations were concerned the policy was to llnd
pietext to reduce compensation never to in
crease it. He was a hard, unsympathetic
taskmaster, and if he was a philanthropist lie
never leinK.Tod individual business relations
At one lime in his career Itanium seemed
to find pleasure in the title Prince of Hum
bugs, but bitterly it galled him. And yet,
whether ho paidfUOOd for a banquet that the
English uohllliv'"toiidcred"'tilui or exhibited
a woolly horsu ho rightfully eat'iio 1 the title.
In audacity of exaggeration ho wasuurivaksl.
Ho sold a half Interest lit his show for H'lO.
OOO or less, and yellie boldly announced the
capital Invested at :t,00,),()LH). Tno dally ox
H.'iises of Ills shuvv were douliled when they
appealed in complacent uowspnpjr typo.
Ills adulation of tliu pi ess us us fulsome as
it was empty. He was pnslig il in prniso hut
uiggai illy ill pay. While ho was voicing the
beiiellts of printer's ink his ugcnls weio con
tinually instructed lo cut down advertising
space. Many much sin illur shows paid tlio
liowspapeisiuoio money than Baruuiii, but
got fewer notice-. Ho was piactically a l)lo
in the details of the elicits biisiue-.s, mid could
liardly tell the diU'oreuco between a llihloc-
eiosamiaiapir.oiiiiusiiainewasii woimei
till magnet. He has left two shows, each
hearing Bin iiiiius mime, mid it will becmf
ous to obseivo how Ins successor inaimges
Fioiii another some conns it i account of
Itanium's connect .on w Ith tno elicits bitiliiess.
From lb?U to IS.M) he dlil not have a don ir in
vested ill shows, inn leised the II it oi Ills
natnofor i'l.OOIa Vlien llto d'stro -ed
Ills last uuitoilill Ills (iii'tliue was ex -coding
ly small. Ho was looking for it bus ness
opening about IsTU wuen four caens iiiiua
gers -Hiird, Coup, Biiuuoll and Casioilo ol
feied him a sunt equal to the president's mi
ni y lor tlio itsool ills nam. Huncccptcd ot
colli mi, lie occasionally ileignol lo appear
ill tlio ling w lien the circus was in llu lug
cities, but tor ten )cars he did not own n
cent in ins gieatetl show on oiilli. During
tho season ul lbiD the alleged Bin Hum elicits
inn up against Bailey and Hutchinson's (iteat
loudou hliow, as It was called, and the II ir
iiiiiii outfit got the worst of it. Tlio shiewd
old Yankee made overtutes to sell his mime
In Bailey and Hutchinson. The hitler sild
they wished not merely his name but wauled
lat tt'll.,1 ..(If tltitli. I'll'itl 'riuil mllll If llll
. would buy out Iho other slunv and consoll
date with them they would glvo him a half
Interest and as an olf'et In his iiauiit would
glo (heir services as iiiauageis, Itanium
hadn't tho means to buy out his old cirrus,
but lifter soiiut hesitation ho went Into debt
lor II, Tint prollis under tint new combina
tion went enormous. Tint dally expanses av
ei aned &!,(KK), and tho lecelnls often iiiiiount
ed to ?IL',(KK). Hutchinson retired with two
millions, Bailey Is i atisl at three, mid liar
mini's half Inleiesl niado him live millions,
Tint papers mo discussing the piopoitioti of
college hied men among I he presidents, sena
tors, eougrcsMiifU and cabinet olllcers of the
United Stales, lids soi t of tlihlg bleaks out
periodically and may sooth the pride of tho
collegians who have n uuignlllcd Idea of Iho
Importance of thumbing u certain number of
bonks dm lug four ears. I lie avoi age Amer
ican, hint ever, may llnd satisfaction In look
ing at the facts from another point of view.
When he Hints that the greater number of
the men who have moulded the destinies of
this country at the capitol In Washington
have spuing directly from the icoplo lie may
congratulate himself on the I act that hi many
men have count to the front through native
met it. lie may take a patriotic pilde In tint
fact that no man is barnsl from political
piefcrnienl simply because he was unable to
lake a college course when n joimg man.
Veiy few people know it, but Ills n fact
that Hon. (I. M. LaiuliMtsnii wnsoirensl Iho
position of Hrst assistant tiensiircr of the
United States. Piesidcul Harrison gave tlio
Nebraska senators to understand that they
might have the anpoiutmeiit for n Nebraska
ni'iti outside of Omaha, and Seiialois Man
ilersonand Paddock milted on Mr, Laiubeit
sou. It ceitalnly wasn higli compliment to
our townsman, lor the position Is one of
gieat Impoitauce. It pas tlio handsome
salary of $il,(KX) a year, nud carries with It a
great deal of prestige, besides giving tlio In
cumbent mi extended acquaintance with the
public men of the country. Mr. Laiulieit-
son, however, iloliinsl the prnUVred honor,
Whatever other reasons he may have had,
the matter of componsiitln-t was In Itself a
sutt'iclcnl one. Mr. Iiim'ortsnu's practice Is
of u class that brings large foes, nnd there
are ory fow federal olllces that woti'd re
pay his lliianclal loss in abandoning his liusl-
j n'ss here,
Tlie street car system of a city Is a pretty
good Index of the prosperity of tin town. It
rliould lie gratifying to Llncolultes, thero-
fine, to notice not only tho Improvements In
existing Hues hut the extensions of others.
In n fow months most of the trackage will bo
equipped wl'li electllclty, but tliatis so near
ly ait assiited fact that It is accepted witli the
comfortable philosophy of an ucompllshed
fact. But the new lines cm ry indications of
material growth In Hie city mid f substan
tial confidence in its future by Its monoyisl
men. Street car systems are not extended
for sentiment, mid when the management de
cide on a now lino It Is only after very care
fill ilelilieratioii. The announcement, there
fore, of new lines to tint penitentiary, to tlio
Seventh Day Ail ventist college and to Have
lock is a big thing for Lincoln. It means
that nourishing suburbs are to Imi brought
within short range of our business douses,
and it means that men of largo capital will
hate an interest In building up nud improv
ing t' e territory along tdeso new lines.
As was Intimated some time ago the Union
Paclfle and the Hock Island aro patching up
their troubles. Tint former has offered to
give right of way over Its bridge at Omaha.
Imt the latter wants damages for the three
or tour months' delay In oierating Its new
line by way of Lincoln. Tills difference may
cause further delay, Imt the dispute is in a
fair way to a settlement. Tho falling out of
these two railroads had otto tlfect on Lincoln
that few of our ixsmlo know of. It has long
liecn Kil Slosson's dream to have the Union
Pacific run its main Hue by way of the Capi
tal City, and ho had ei Minded the iii'inngrrs
of Ills road to make it concession hi Hint direc
tion, When tho Harelip broke olT all arrange
ments the Union Pacific hud planned to run
ono of its tlirough trains by way of tl Is
city. It w'as to come to Lincoln over the
Hock Island track, then g. ninth over the U.
P. track to David City and then over the H.
& M. truck to Its main Hue atColiimbiis. At
Hist thought this seems a very round nlioiit
route, but it Is only about twenty miles long- i
er than the regular route by way of Fremont,
and that could liomado up easily by a through
train. One of these days I'd Slosson's I
will come true. Tile
i . I', will liulld a
I Hue fiom Lincoln to a
connection with tlie
St Joo& (irand Island.
Then it will have a
I through Hue by way
of Lincoln, Hastings
. ...... wiiiiim I-I..MH mm, in imi iniriy tunes
, miles slim tor than Its present loute liesides
.....I !.... ...1 I.I I .1.... .. Ill I. . .1.1- ii.
aiming two g.ssi cities to lis tenltory. Hie
business from Lincoln alone, If it well) Oil
the main line, would pay intetest una lilgin-
(ieutlemeii should now get out their last
j siiininei's suit, take it lo tint Lincoln Steam
! dye w oiks lltxl O stieet and have it ckiimd.
, d)oil, lepaiusl or pics-od out.
, .
IINI lllit'st eugiavisl calling cauls and plate
for ;' .'' at Ti:r L'iiliiikh ntlhc
Mis. Jones hasn't a gta)
and Is over .V). She looks
daughter. Tlie svnt ot it
hair in tier hem'
as )oimg as hel
ls' thai she iims
mil) Hall's Hail Heuewer.
llallett, the Jeweler, still kis-ps on selling
diamonds, while euiuietltois stand by nud
lisik on Halletl's euergv and push has m ide
loi h I in a name that is both popular and well
known. Ho believes in selling goo Is at liv-
lug pi ices, and giving ItXIcjiits woiih for a
.I..M.... i... ..... i.. i ,-.... i
iiuiiiu. .iii-i. iii mis iai iicuuir tune ue lias;
some excellent bin gains In diamonds and
other pret.ious ttoues, and it will pay you to
take a look at them it you contemplate mak
ing it present soon.
'piss ZZZV
i w , naF i
Tlie championship season In Iho Western
baseball nsso latlon opeuist auspiciously lit
Lincoln Thiirnlny. The day was blight, the
ctowil i n'huslastlc nud the giiiiio placed was
ns pi i tly a one nsn pet sou would cute to see.
The Lilicolu toys showed themselves to be
better plnjcis than Hie vlsllnts nud yet the
Inlltr managed to get one mote tally than
the senators anil that of course Is what
counts, The Lincoln nine made uioiii hits
and less ertolN thalllhelr opponents but luck
somehow hsmiksI to be against tlioiu, One
t mi was scot ed by Lilicolu in the Hrst In
ning anil then follow ed a succession of goose
eggs until Hie seventh, Meanwhile the Min
neapolis buys hail gatherisl In four tallies,
two hi tho Hist mid two in tint thliil Inning.
In the seventh inning Lincoln gathered it,
four tallies liul III the ninth the millers made
two (allies and (hat settlisl It, 'Iho scout
sIihhI II to U in favor of the millers.
The Hcforco Is the linino of a new weekly
Join mil stalled at Boston which is to be do
volisl to skiiIs and the stage. Tlio initial
nuniU'i' Is ii handsomely pi luted I'J page pa
lter and contains almost everything worth
reading hi tint wot Id of spoils. C cling,
lawn tenuis, eitiioviuglitid yachting, baseball,
the tin f, etc., are ttoated Inn bright chatty
maimer that cannot help hut make the paHr
smmisliately popular. 1'ho ilriiiiiatlo depart
ment is ably conducted and contains among
other ill tides miiiio iliteiestlug reminiscences
concerning Lawrence Barrett.
Next week will bu a gala one and the Hrst
solid week of (lie season. The Hirst lour
days will be diverted to the Milwaukee club
will bo followisl the btlaiico of the week by
the St. Pauls.
Yistenlays game with the Mluiienopolls
club proved a failure for the homo team, the
Hour boys liciug victorious 8 1 1 7,
Why not oigaule a ladies archery club)
Who'll stmt tho lawn tenuis season by giv
ing a gm den fetof
Cloipiette of late years has practically been
lost, lawn tenuis ami archery having taken
its place to a great extent.
I'lIK CotllllKIl Invites lovers of lawn tenuis
mid in cliery to contribute items of all kinds
km taming to these delightful, outdoor spot ts.
Safety tiding machines will bo more in use
by ladles this summer than any wheel over
used by tlio fair sox. In fact the wheel III
general Is becoming more in kiiuI,ii' favor In
tho west with the successive seasons. It's a
delightful exeiclso ami one that might to be
come oven mole geneial than it is.
If you decide, fiom what you have heard I
mid toad, Hint you will take Hood's Saisapa
l Ilia, do not be Induced to buy any substitute
Tlie stock of ladles flue furnishings,
dress goods, fins, etc., has been purchased by
Bouwit Bros., and Mr. Puul Bouwlt Is now In
Now York purchasing a now Hue of goisls to
I estock this popular place. As ample capi
tal Is now behind the new management and
being in cnmpolnnt hands tlieru Is no roasui
why the Haar should not lie a greater
favoiite than ever with the ladles, Thostore
will lie reopened the latter part of next week.
"(food morning, have you visited Jeweler
Hallott since lost I saw you f Well Its time
yet if you haven't. He is Just as anxious as
ever to sell you a diamond, sapphire, ruby,
emerald, Harl, or in fact mi) tiling elsoelthir
ill tlio Hue of precious stones or line Jewelry.
No such stock can elsowhero 1st found. His
taste in selecting the newest novelties has al
ways been complimented and Ills prices al
wa)s spoken of as lower than those quoted
elsowheie. Don't wait Us) long in' the stock
will Iw In oketi and remember diamonds con
tinue to advance in prices Now's tlie time
Now h the opiMirtmilty. Call In mid see iilm.
He'll make prices low enough. You know
tho place 1 III north Eleventh street.
Haines Haskell, the new- luHHueis IKUl O
street eltmlov one of tllft fblifet. lint triniim.i- u
hi the west. The lady Is direct fiom Now
Yoik ami thoioiig'ily, understands her oc
cupation. Theie's where you should get
your new- spring hat.
Meritoriously surer. sf ill.
About three mom hs ago there came to I,ln
colli fiom New England a gentleman of rare
in list Ic skill and ere many days In tho city
sought a business owniiig. Chai.ciug to
hear of Mr. Nobles desire (o move to tht Pa
cific const this gentleman, whoso name is
Hemy A rollings, in and soon come
l " ' ....
l( tonus ur sale, tint leMllt of which is that
1 toda) lio pioprietor of the celebrated Noble
i studio, HUH) street. It Is rather a dllllcult
, matter for a new man in a new (Mil. mi......
.jnainteil with the people or their general
toullno of life to stai t rinhl in wheiotlio old
established artists left oir and continue tlie
business nice. ssfulU. This, however, isms'
' only tlio cum. with Mi . Codings fur ls-sides
i.iii.iiilm- l,u i.n.l .i'' ,,i, -,,,,, i, i,
- -n" .,.--" -.-....,-.. n.,... ....-
alleady gleatly iuercused the uitrnungc to
inoio than double what tlie studio ha- d. . Is
le I rtofore In u s nno given perusl of lime.
.Ml Codings Is a thoiiiughaitlst witli aliu.nt
a II I it's study to the f noted ptofessiou winch
' la ailoit's. ills work this tar has ixvn to
tiiaikahly successful nod it only uspinc- lu
photos to lit ms'U to gtte III- estatillslillleiit
i additional pic-Inge. Ills st) le of sellings
1 lias alwa)s Ikh'ii lav oiatil) iMinuienttsI upon
( ami the llnish of his woik isiin mpis-ed air-
wheie. IHio vtillKlug o) step III ami see
saiitplts which me shown in the icccptlon
I (Him in endless vailely, or if tilii will lot
H'iiiiit of litis, jut stop a moment and liKik
ill ill Ills show case at the street entrance.
Mr, Colling- announce 1 teceutly he
V' ml I not keep open house on Sundays,
Vhicli was his studied Intentions and he had
hoptsl to Utiiblit to rest us otheis do oil the
Inil's day, but pie lug icqucU have made
it iiiqHiFsitilo, esieciiilly so lor the fact that
many who me unable to call dm lug the week;
iiusl uf necessity lake Hllllday for settings.
With this Idea in View mid to accnuilllishito
such partbs tlio t'olllus' studio it III be nic'i
for sittings mil) eveiy Sunday from leu i.
m, to four p in. Tlio f'olllims photographs
are now the must popular with Lincoln so
ciety and naught but iiii'iltorloiis work hus
brought them In lite fiont Among hltsum
ples may he M'eil photos of society's leading
lights and wheie their wink Is done It is safe
to say otheis palionago will follow, for if
thelitis one Ihltig Hint the social swim Is
pai llcular about it is the copying of their na
tive countenance
'I lioriilmi n Sisters Open leu.
Thurnlay was the great opening so long
looked for at the new stand of Hut popular
Thuriiiiiiiu Sisters, and it ceitalnly was a
big success, for dm lug nil the opening hours
the putty new stoic was faltly ciowded
with the youth, beauty and intelligence, In
remalo rorm, or tint capital city. It was u
great feast for the dear ladles, for the stock
which Is now nil new, compi Ises the very
latest and nobbiest line of hcnilivaicthat has
been shown In this city for years, Twelve
jears luo this linn Hrst stailisl business on
llth slieel opiHislle the Capital hotel, which
place was their location up In the time of the
iis'cut rcmoMilto tliu haiiilsuineuew quarters
I'.M'i O sttiel willed they now occtip). The
constant tciulaiicy of the city's gionth being
easlwaid, the new location selected by these
Indies is col lalnly a very laudable one mid
will undoubtedly In a short (lino bo tlio most
popular pai t of the clfys business dlsti let.
Ill their new place of business the several
depaltinents have been admirably located
seperately,ench ilepaitmeul !liilcctiilcut of
the other. The hair diesslng depiitiuent Is
light mid airy, ami will be in charge of Miss
ICendiill of Chicago, wlio it Is exacted will
arrive today. The lady has had jears of ex
perience in the great city by tin; lake, In one
of the laigcst establishment", nnd her work
s the most ai'H stlc Lver done In the west
Her liii'tliodsiite all well studies! mid her
long experience gives her the essential points
so necessiuy for the successful osTatloii of
this veiy liupoitaut Inilustiy. Miss ICendall
will be assisted by Miss Ashcraft who has for
the past live Jcais Is'i'ii with the Thoriibiirn
sisters while Miss Hannah Thoriibuin will
have general supervision over the hair ilu
paitinent In the mllh'iiery ilepurtineut Miss Jemilo
Thoriibiirn will give tier hisoiiiiI attention
i assisted by Mrs. Piatt, Miss Uliv mid Miss
Hehbard. In the line of Hue tullleuryis hero
shown the various novelties In liiqiorted goods
Including a tempting arnay of beautiful and
original designs In pattern hats. An nttiact
Ivo assortment of Imt tilmmh'gs such as are
larely ns-ii outside of tho great cities are bo
lug exhibited mid novelties too numerous to
mention are Udng shown imicli to the de
light of the fafrsex. In this department the
trimming will have the personal attention of
onnof the firm and their past lepiitatlou for
ti huntings will therefore bo continued In tliu
new place.
Thortihtirti Slsteis are now having an
os)iilng every day. In fact their now place
IssopleltVlind their stock of new goods so
attractive that for n mouth to come the
place will bo In opening nttlio mid If you
haven't called Its not tist late yet. You w III
always lie welcome at I'JI'J O street.
Iliihy l Silk.
The woeful expression of n Des Moines
teamster's countenance iho wed his deep anx
iety was not entirely without cause, when lie
enquired of a druggist oCtho same city what
was Ik-I to give a baby for a cold. It was
not necessary for dim to say more, Ills coun
tenance showist that tho et of the fuinlly, If
not the Idol of his life was In distress. "We
giye ourbaby Chaiiiliorlalu's Cough Hemody"
was ihedrugglsts answer. "I don't like to
give tho baby such strong medicine," said the
teamsU'r. "You know John Oleson. of the
Watters-Talliot Printing Co., don't you ("en
quired the druggist. "Ills baby when eigh
teen mouths old, got hold of a bottleof Cham
berlain's Cough Homedy and drank the whole
of it. Of course it made the baby vomit
very freely but did not Injure it in tlie least,
and what is more, It cured the baby's cold.
It Is not necessary to glvo jmiIsoiis to cure a
cold or forcioup either." The teamster
olready know the value of the Hemisly, hav
ing uses! it himself, and was now satisfied
that there was no danger In giving it even to
a baby.
Nut it Cltlen
of Lincoln can alienl tombs tho comfort and
safety olfertsl him by the North Western
Line (F. K. Hi M. V. Ull l in his travels to
and fiom Chicago and all eastern Kjints. It
Is tlie iliim-t Hue to St Paul, Minneapolis
Olytnpia, Seattle, Tacoina, and all other Mln
nesota, Washington and Molilalia Hlnts.
All pa-sengers lor the-e siiuts go through
without dcKit tiiimfci Pattoulze the North
Western and avoid i.inmbtis tiniisfeis. It is
tlieoul) all i ttll Hue to that Saiiatnriuiii of
tliewoild, Hie Hot Spiings ot South Dako
ta and the. iiiis't line to Rapid City, Dead
wood nud Black Hills is. luts. To nil those
contemplating a ti ip the coming season It of-
I fersa iliitrl line and service, to all tlw re-
suits of iscoiisiu, Minnesota and Northern
.Michigan the Hucst llsliiug grounds in the
win Id me leached by this hue. For rates
and inhumation, rail at l;i: O street.
W. M. SlIII'MAN. ISeil'l Ag'l,
.1. T l.riN, Cit) Tk't Ag't.
The Whitehi east Coal and I. hue com-ury
is ngniii at the trout si Imiil- the tlne-t
guides of all kinds of
J. B. Bat nab), the taller, uiiiy Ut found ut
j rooms J',' .mil l.'l, New mail block, OAM) i.
Nevetoidera photogiaph or picture of
any ktml until intvu seen the woik done
1 at the new .siud.o Lo (Itiiude, I'.'l sultlli
Twelfth si net.
Our sa't ill lines in Unites Silk Vests will
lie oltt led at low pi ices on Monday.
J. W. Wimikii A; Co.
HainiKsaiiil loathei gissl- of all descrip
tions made loonier by Henry Harphaiu
14'-' lioith Eleventh rtittt.