rr; "$ F r jijt CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY APRIL it, 1801. ?y. ! y ! U, it i fo) 'I Ft A PLAGUE OF UNBELIEF, THC U MOVING CAUSE OF ALL PLAQUES OF OITIE9. THE Br Talma' Masterly Contrast of ttm KffVeU of Christianity anil Aatinstlulsm. Tim Olorlo HmhiIIs of a Mln faith. What Nm inMetlty ltT Nkt York, April ft, Contlnulnn lilt WitrM of sermons on "Tho Ten I'lawies of Mia Cillen," Iter. Dr. Tnlmiiue today took tor hi subject "Tho PIhkiio or Itillilullty," lhe discourse was delivered to Inro mid afpreclatlva audience at tlio Brooklyn Academy of Mtislo In tlio forenoon nmt tho Hew York Academy of Music In tho own lag. The text was ltomnu III, O'Let Qkxt l true, but every mnii n llnr." Tfcht Is If Goil says one UiIiik and the whole human rude saya tlio opms!tu, Paul would accent the tilvlno Tonicity, Hut there nre ninny In our time who hnvo tin ml vraltfn the Almighty for falsehood. In lldellty U not only n ilAKtie, but It U the aother of nluijties. It seem from what we hear or Ml sides that the Christian religion la n Iiiiro blun ter! tlmttho Moaala account of tho creation U An absurdity InrKa choukIi to throw nil Mtlom Into rollicking guffaw; tluit Adnm tad Kve nertr ekteteut that tho iiHclent loot! and Noah's ark wen Impossibilities; that there never wa a miracle! tlmt the Mble I tho friend of cruelty, of murder, of olykAiny, of All forma of base crime; tlmt the Christian religion It woman's tyrant and tnan'a stultification; that the Hlble from Ikl to lid ta a fablej a cruelty, a hum bug, a aham, a lie; that the martyr who (led for lu truth were miserable dupes) that the church of ,' Jeau Christ la properly guetted an a fool; that when Thomas Carlyle, tho skcptlo, Mid, "The Bible la a noble book," ho waa dropping Into Imbecility; that when Theodore Parker declared In Miulo hall, Uoatoa, "Never a hoy or gtrl In nil Christendom but waa profited by that great book," he waa be omlng very weak minded; that It la some thing to bring a bluih to the cheek of every patriot that John Adams, the father f American independence, declared, "The Mble la the beat book In all the world;" tad that lion hearted Andrew Jaokaon tamed Into a sniveling coward when he aid, That book, air, la the rook on which Mr republlo reata;" and that Daniel Web itor abdicated the throne of hta Intellectual Ewer and realised hla logic, and from Ing the great expounder of the conatltu tlon and the great lawyer of hie age turned Into aa Idiot when ho aaid, "My heart as area and reaaaurea me that the gospel of Jeans Christ must bo a divine reality. From the time that at my mother's feet or on my father's knee I first learned to llepvenea from the aacred writings they have been my dally study and vigilant con taonplatlon, and tt there la anything In my ttyM or thought to be commended the erailt ta to my kind parents in Instill lag lato'my'mlnd aa early love of the SerlDtarea;" and that William H. Sewanl, tfca dlDlomatlat of the century, only showed hla puerility when hadeelared, "The whole hope of human progress la auspendedon the ever growtug Influences of the Illble;" aa that It la wisest for ua to take that book from the throne In the affections of uaeouated multitudes and put It under oar feet, to be trampled upon by ha tred" a4hlsta ooatenipt; and that yoar old father waa hoodwinked and cajoled aad eheated and befooled when he Waned on this aa a staff after hla hair 'grew gray, b4 Ma . hands wera traaiaioaa, and hla steps shortened as 'be came af to the verge of the grave; and that yoar mother sat with a pack of Ilea on her lap while reading of the better country, and of the ending of. all her aches and pains, and raaalMyaoe oaly with those of "row who stood around her, bit with the chil dren she had buried with luflnlto heart ache, so that she could read no more until she took off her spectacles and wiped from them tho heavy mist of many tears. Alast, that sorlorty. and. jflfty. years, they should aavwaikdlasar tain delusion aad had It aiar tketr BflloVr when they lay a'dytng la tho back room, and asked that some wonla from the vile page might be cut upon tho tombstone under the shadow of the old country meeting house where they sleep today waiting for a resurrection that will This book, having deaelyed them, aad having 4ooelvedthormightr latellacta of the paat&auat aotbe ailowod to .deceive our latter, mightier.' VSter, nferi stuped"' doua Intellects. Aad ao out with the hook from tho eourt room, where It la used In the solemnisation of testimony. Out with It from under tho foundatioVoi ohueh aad asylum. Out with it frotafthe "domes tleelreto. Gather together all the Bibles tho ehUdrsa's Bibles, the family Ulblea, those newly bad,, aad .those, with, 1M nearly wora out and pages almost obllto atod by tho Angers long ago turned to dualbring them all together, and let aa atakla hjeagWof'tham, aad, ay U-warm ouraaUlrMclsmV aftor that tuni.tta derfrtth lha, plowshare of public tadlgaa tion Mm foliated ashes of- that loathaoma; adulterous, obscene, cruel and deathful book which la ao antagonistic to. maa'a liberty, and woman's honor, 'aad tho workt'a happiness. A8IKMTICS ATTACK THK VKRT LIFE. Now that la the substance of whatlnfl delltyk proposes aud declares, and the, at tack oa Mm Mbw is aeeom'panled,by great joeostty, aad there ta hardly any subject about which mora mirth la kindled than about tho Bible. 1 like f ua; ao man was ever built with a keener appreciation of it There la.nealtu la laughter Instead of harm physical health', mental health, moral health, spiritual health provided jrou laugh at the right thlig. Tho morning Is jocund. The ladlaa, with Ita own mlatbap tlasB tho oalaraot Mlaaehaha, or Laughing Water. You havo not kept yoar eyes opeu or your ears aler jf ; you have not aeen the aea smile, or heard the forests clap their hands, or the,orehanls.,(a, blossom, week agleo wlU rsdoieaos. Btit therels a1 iaugh ter which la deathful, there ta a laughter whletflhsi' the' rebound of uWpalr ItTTU' i aealtay to giggle about Uod or chuckle eternity or smirk about the things of tho immortal soul. Yea, know, what .caused the accident. nan ago oa the Hudson Hlver railroad. It waaaa intoxicated man who for a joke aaUed the utrlng of the air bmke tnd stopped, the train, at the most dungeroua pfllatufitheljearaey. But the lightning trula, not knowing there was nny Impedi ment la the iray,ca'tu! diwn, crtulilug out of the maugled victims the Immortal souls UNgfreeA .(weeding UaUatly to Got and junalt fit' was oalya Joke. He thought ejaiild ho aaeh faa to atop the tralu. Ue iliajgi H. Aad ao laMellty la chmly aaxtoiw to atop tho long train of the Bible, traiaei tae eaurajma. aad tae WCaMetUAaaees. wafts ia aae aa ari death, Judgweat ', aoauag a taousaad miles a wMa mere fores than all hat over slipped from the aallhOMut MMif aasaa mmImIIoV ,PW WWWI stonnwnahae H. Ahm,aag strength than aU the lightning exprwta trains that ever whla Med or Khrlekcd or (Imndcrctl ncroaa tho continent. Now In this jocularity of In (Idol thinkers I can not join, nnd 1 propono to glvo you sonto reasons why I (iinunt bo nn Inildrl, and ao I will try to help out of this present condition any who nny hnvo boon struck with the awful plague of skepticism, First, I can not bo nn Infidel because In fidelity haano good auhstltuta for the con solation It proposes to take away. You know there are millions of people who get their chief consolation from this book. What would you think of a crusade of this sortf Suppose a man should resolve that he would orsanlre a conspiracy to destroy all the medicines from all the apothecaries and from all tho hospitals of the earth. The work la done. The medicines nro taken, and they nro thrown Into the river, or the lake, or the son. A patient wakes up nt midnight In a par oxysm of distress, nnd wants nn anodyne. "Oh," aays the nurse, "tlio Anodynes are all destroyed; we havo no drops to give you, but Instead of tlint I'll read you a book on the absurdities of morphlno and on tho nlmurdltlea of nil remedies." But tho man continues to writho In pain, aad tho atirso anyst "I'll continue to road you some dlscoursea oa anodynes, the enmities of anodynes, tho indecencies of anodynes, the absurdities of anodynes. For your groan I'll give you a laugh." A1-A8I roll THM AOttflOWINO. i Here In the hospital ia a patient having gangrened limb Amputated. Heaaysi "Oh, lor ether) on, ror enieroformr Tlio doc tors sayi "Why, they are all destroyed; we don't have any mora chloroform or ether, but I have got something a great deal bet ter. I'll read you a pamphlet against Jamea Y, Simpson, the discoverer of chloro form aa an anasethetlo, and njfalnst Drs. Agnew and Hamilton and llosack aud Mott and Harvey and Abernethy." "Hut," leys the man, "I must have some uuros thettcs." "No," say the doctors, "thoy are all destroyed, but we have got aomethlng a great deal better." "What Is thatf" "Fun." Fun about medicines. Lledown, all ye patient In Bellevuo hospital, and top your groaning; all ye broken hearted of all the cities, and quit your crying; we have the catholioon at last I Hero Is a dose of wit, here la a strength ening plaster of sarcasm, horn is a bottle of ribaldry that you are to keep woll ahaken up and take a spoonful of Itufter each meal, and If that does not cure you here Is a solution of blasphemy In which you may bathe, and here is a tincture of derision. Tickle the skeleton of death with a renar tool Make the King of Terrors cackle! For all the agonies of all the ages a jokel Millions of people willing with uplifted baud toward heaven to affirm that the goepel of Jesus Christ Is full of consolation for them, nnd yet Inlldellty propose to take It away, giving nothing absolutely nothing, except fun. Is thero any greater height or depth or length or breadth or Im mensity of meanness lu all God's universe? Inlldellty is a religion of "Don't know." lathereaGodf Don't knowl Is the soul immortal f Don't knowl It we shouvd meet each other In the futuro world will we recognise each other? Don't knowl A re ligion of "don't know" for the religion of "I know," "I know In whom I have be lieved," "I know that my Redeemer llv sth." Inlldellty propose to substitute a religion of nwful negatives for our rellston of glorious positives, showing right before ua a world or reunion and ecstasy and high oompaulonshlp and glorious Worship and stupendous victory, the mightiest joy of earth not high enough to reach to the base of the Himalaya of uplifted splendor awaiting all those who on wing 0 Chris Maa. faith will soar toward It. Have you heard of the oonsDlraov to nut out all the lighthouses on the coast f Do you know that on a certain night of next month, Eddystone lighthouse, Bell Rock lighthouse, Sherryvore lluhthouse. Mon- tauk lighthouse, Hatteras lighthouse, New London lighthouse, uarnegat lighthouse, and the 040 lighthouses on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts are to be extinguished? "Oh," you say, "what will become of tho ships on that night? What will be the fate of tho one million sailors following tho sea? What will bathe doom of the mil lions of passengers? Who will arise to put down such a conspiracy?" Every man, wo man and child In America and the world. But that Is only a fable. That Is what In idellty is trying to do put out all the lighthouses oa tae coast of eternity, letting Mm soul go, up the."Narrows" of death wiMi ao llaat,,no comfort, no peace all that coast covered with the blackness of darkness. Instead of the great lighthouse,1 a glowworm of wit, a firefly of jocosity. Whiohjdo you like the better, O voyager for. eternity, tho firefly or the lighthouse? ft What a mlasloa, Infidelity has started oal Tho' extinguleWment of lighthouses, the breaking up of llfeboata, the dismissal of all the pilots, the turning of the inscrip tion on your child's grave Into a farce and a no. waiter aeon's t "Old Mortality," ohtsel ta hand, went through the land to out out Into plainer letters the halt obliter ated lneerlptloua 00 the tombstones, and it waa a beautiful mission; but Infidelity spends' Its time with hammer and chisel trying to cutout from the tombstones of your dead all the story of resurrection and heaven. It Is the Iconoclast of every vill age graveyard and of every city cemetery aad f Westminster Abbey. Instead of Christian consolation for the dying, a freez ing sneer. Iustead of prayer a vrlmace. Instead of Paul'a triumphant defiance of death, a going out you know not where, to atop you know not when, to do you know not what. That Is Infidelity. THK VAUBK PLKAB OF INKIDKUTT. Furthermore: I cannot be an Infidel, be cause of the false charges Infidelity Is all the time making against the Bible. Per haps the slander that has made the most Impression and that some Christiana have not been Intelligent enough to deny is that the Bible favors polygamy. Does the God of the Bible uphold polygamy, or did he? How many wives did God make for Adam? He made one wife. Does not your common aense tell you when God started the mar riage Institution he started It aa he waat- ud It to continue? If God bad favored polygamy he could, have created for Adam re wives or tea wives or twenty wlvea just as easily aa he made one. At the very first of the Bible God shows himself In favor of monpgamy and antago nistic to polygamy. Genesis II, 34, "There fore shall a mau leave nls father and mother, aud shall cleave unto hla wife." Not hla wives, but h(s wife. How many wives did God apare for. N.oab n,tbf arkf Two and two the' birds; two and two the .cattle; (wo and two the lions; two and two tho human race. If the God of the Bible bad favored a multiplicity of wives he would have spared a plurality of wives. When God first lauaehed the human race he gave Adam one wife. At the, second launching of the human raee he spares for lic-ia ond wife, for Ham, one wife, for Shem ,ogwtfe, fof Japhet one wife, Doua that leek; as though Godfavred polygamy? In 'Leviticus xvlll, 18, Gad thunders his prohibition of more than one wife. Uod permitted polygamy. Yes; just aa be permits today's murder aad theft aad arson and nit kinds of crime. Ho ermlU fhesu things, ns you well know, hut ho iIch'.i 'lot sanction them. Who would dnru to My ho sanctions them? Ilecnuso tho irwiiiciitfl of tho United Btates have xr niltted polygamy In Utah, you nro not, therefore, to conclude that they patronlKcd It, that they approved It, when, on tho contrary, they denounced It. All of Owl's ancient Israel know that the God of the lllltlo wah against Milygatuy, for lu tho four hundred and thirty vars of their stay In Kgypt there is only one case of polygamy recorded only one. All the mighty men of tho Illble stood aloof from olygnniy except thoso who, falling Into tho crime, were chastised within an Inch of their lives. Adam, Aaron, Noah, Jo seph, Joshua, Samuel, monogamist. Hut ) 011 say, "Didn't Uavld anarjolomon favor polygamy?" Yes; aud did they not get well punished for It? Head tho lives of those two men and you will come to the conclusion that nil tho attributes of God's uaturu ware against their behavior. David suffered for his ci W nes In tho caverns of Adullam and Mas smla, In tho wilderness of Mahiuinlni, lu tho bereavement of Klklag. The Bedouin lifter him, sickness after him, Absalom af ter him, Ahlthopel after him, Adonljah lif ter him, the Kdomltos after htm, tho Sy rians after him, tho Moabltea after him, death after him, tlio Iord God Almighty after him. The poorest peasant In all the empire, married to tho plainest Jewess was happier than the king In his marital mis Imliavlor. How did Solomon get along with polygamy? Head his warnings In Proverlm; read his self disgust In Kcclesl astes. Ho throws up his hands In loath ing nnd cries out, "Vanity of vanities, all Is vanity." His seven hundred wlvea nearly neutered tho life out of him. Solo onion got well paid for his crimes well paid. I repent that nil the mighty men of the Scriptures were nloof from polygamy, save us they wero pounded and llailed aud cut to pieces for their Insult to holy marriage. If tho lllblo Is tho friend of polygamy why Is It that In all tho lands where tho lllblo predominates polygamy In forbidden, and lu tho lands where there Is no lllblo It Is favored. Polygamy all over China, nil over India, nil over Africa, all over Persia, all ovor heathendom, save as the mission aries have done their work, while polyg amy does not exist In Knglnnd nnd the United States, except In dellanco of law. The Uible abroad, God honored monogamy. The Illble not abroad, God abhorred polyg amy. TDK oLorrr ofciiiuhtian womanhood. Another fnlso charge which Inlldellty has inado against the Ulblo Is that It Is ant ago nistic to woman, that it enjoins her degra dation nnd belittles her mission. Under this Impression many woman have been overcome of this plnguo of infidelity. Is the Hlble tho enemy of woman? Come Into the picture gallery, llm Louvre, tho Luxembourg of the Illble, and see which pictures are the moic honored. Here la Kve, a perfect woman; ns perfect a woman as could bo mnde by a perfect God. Here Is Deborah, with her womanly arm hurling a host into battle. Hero la Miriam, lead ing the Israelltish orchestra on the banks of the Hed sea. Hero Is motherly Hannah, with her own loving hand replenishing thu wardrobe of her son Samuel, the prophet. Hero Is Abigail, kneeling nt thu foot of the mountain until the four hun dred wrathful men, at the sight of her beauty and prowess halt, halt a hurricane stopped at the sight of a water lily, a dew drop dashing back Niagara. Here Is Ruth putting to shame all the modern slang nbout motbers-in law as she turns her back on her home and her country, and faces wild beasts nnd exile nnd death that she may be with Naomi, her husband's mother. Ruth, the queen of tho harvest fields. Ruth, the grandmother of David, Ruth, tho ancestress of Jesus Christ. Tho story of her virtues and Ler life sacrifice Is tho most beautiful pastoral ever written. Here Is Vnshti defying Jtjhe bacchanal of a thousand drunken lord, atjd Ksther will ing to throw her life away that she may deliver her peoplo, And here la Dorcas, tho Biinllght of eternal fame gliding her' philanthropic needle, ana the woman, with perfume in a box made from the niua or Alabastroii, pouring the holy chrism on tho head of Christ, the aroma lingering all down the corridor of the centuries. Here Is Lydla, the merchantcsa of Tyrlan purple Immortalised for her Christian behavior. Here la the widow with two uiltea, mon; famous thau tho Peabodys nnd tlie Len oxes of all the ages, while here comes In slow of gait and with careful attendants and with especial honor and high favor, leaning on the arm of Inspiration, one who Is, the joy and prldo of any homo so rarely fqrtunate as to have one, an old Christian grandmother, Grandmother Lois. Who baa more worshipers today than nny belug that ever lived on earth except Jesus Christ? Mary. For what purpose did Christ perform his first miracle upon earth? To relieve the emlmrrassment of a woman ly housekeeper at the falling short of a beverage. Why did Christ break up the silence of the tomb, and tear off the shroud, and rip up the rocks? It was to atop the bereavemeut of the two Bethnuy sisters. For whone comfort waa Christ moat anx ious In the hour of d)lng4excruclutlou? For a woman, an old woman, a Wrinkle faced woman, a woman who in othor days had held him in her arms, his first friend, his last friend, aa it is very apt to be, his mother. All the pathos of the agesi com pressed into one utlerance, "Behold thy mother." Does the Bible antagonize wom an? A CALL roil THK WITNKSSE8. If the Bible la so antagonistic to woman, how do you account for the difference In woman's condition In China and Central Africa, and her condition In England and America? There Is no difference except that which the Bible makes. In lands where there Is 110 Ulblo she Is bitched like a beast of burden to the plows, she carries the hod, she submits to Intlcscrihulilu lu dignities. She must bu kept In a private apartment, and If sho come forth she must be carefully hooded aud religiously veiled aa though It were a sliumu to be a woman, Do you not know that the ery first thing the Bible does when it comes Into a new country Is to strike off tho shackles of woman's serfdom? O Woman, where are your chains today! Hold up both your arms and let uh see your handcuffs. Oh, we see the handcuffs They are bracelets of gold bestowed b husbandly or father))' or brotherly or sis terly or loverly affection? Unloosen the warm robe from your neck, O woniaii, and let us see the yoke of your IkhkIiiku. Oh, I find the yoku a enrcenet of ,tllm-,,oi a string of u. .ellans, oracluster of peArls, that must gall you very much. How bud you must all have It. Siuce ou put the Bible on your stand In the sitting room, baa the Bible been to you, O woman, a curse or a blessing? Why It tt that a woman when she Is troubled will go to her worst enemy, the Bible? Why do you not go for eomfort to some of the groat Infidel books, SplaaeeV'Kthlos." or Hame't "Natural History of Religion," or Palne's "Ago of Reason." or Dedro's Daaauij or aa aae of the aw volumes of Voltaire? No, thu silly, deluded woman per Mats In hangl 11 g alnmt the Bible verses. "Let not yon" heart lie troubled," "All things work t'Kethcr for good," "Weeping may endure or a night," "I nm tho resur rection," "Pence, IsjsIIII." Furthermore, rather than Invito I resist this plngue of Infidelity because It has wrought no positive good for the world and is always a hindrance. I ask you to mention tho names of tho merciful and the educational Institutions which Infidelity founded and Is supporting, nnd tins sup ported all tho way through Institutions pronounced ngnlnst God nnd the Christian religion, and jet pronounced In behalf of Buffering humanity. What are tho names of them? Certainly Hot tho United States Christian commission, or the sanitary com mission, for Christian George II. Stuart was the president of the one, and Christian Henry W, Hollows was tho president of tho other. COMPAKR THK HOHMTA1.S AND COLLEGER. Where are the asylums and merciful In stitutions founded by Inlldellty and sup ported by Infidelity, pronounced ngnlnst God and tho Hlble, and vet doing work for the alleviation of suffering? Infidelity In so very loud In Its braggadocio It must hnvo some to mention. Certainly, If you como to speak of educational Institutions it is not Yale, It Is not Harvard, It is not Prince ton, it is not MMdletown, it la hot Cam bridge or Oxford, It la not nny institution from which a diploma would not bo n dis grace. Do you point to tho Germnn uni versities as exceptions? I have to tell you that all tho Germnn universities to-day are under positive Christian Influences, except the University of Heidelberg, where the ruffianly student cut nnd maul and man gle and murder each other ns a matter of pride Instend of Infamy. Do you mention G Irani college, Philadelphia, as an excep tion, that collcgo established by tho will of Mr. Glrard which forbade religious In striictlon and the entrance! of clergymen within Its gates. My reply Is that I lived for seven years near that college aud know many of Its professors to bo Christian In structors, nnd no better Christian Influ ences are to be found in any college than In Glrard college. There stands Chrlstlnnlty. There stands Infidelity. Compare what they have douu Compare their resources. Thero is Chris tianity, a prayer on her lip; n benediction on her brow; both hands full of help for nil who want help; tho mother of thou sands of colleges; tho mother of thousands of asylums for the oppressed, the blind, the alck, the lame, tho Imbecile; the mother of missions for the bringing back of the out cast; the mother of thousands of reforma tory Institutions for the saving of tho lost; tho mother of Innumerable Sablmth schools bringing millions of children under a drill to prepare them for respectability and use fulness, to ay nothing of the great future. That Is Christianity. Here is infidelity; 110 prayer on her lips, no benediction on her brow, both hands clenched what for? To fight Christian ity. Tlint is tho entire business. The com plete mission of Infidelity to fight Chrls tlnnlty. Whero are her schools, her col leges, her asylums of mercy? Let me throw you down n whole ream of foolscap paper that you may fill all of It with the names of her beneficent institutions, the colleges, and the asylums, the Institutions of mercy nnd of learning, founded by In fidelity and supported alone by infidelity, pronounced against God and the Christian religion, nnd yet in favor of making the world better. "Oh," you say, "a ream of paper is too much for the names of those institutions." Well, then, I throw you a quire of paper. Fill it nil up now. I will wait until you get nil the names down. "Oh," you say, "that Is too much." Well, then, I will just hand you a sheet of letter payer. Just fill up the four sides while we are talking of this matter with the names of tho merciful institutions nnd the educa tional Institutions founded by infidelity and supported nil along by Infidelity, pro nounced against God and tho Christian religion, yet lu favor of humanity. WIIKItE AKK YOUtl KIIU1T8. AONOBT1C3? "Oh," you say, "that is too much room. We don't want a whole sheet of paper to write down the names." Perhaps I had better tear out one leaf from my memoran dum book and ask you fill up both sides of It with the names of such Institu tions, "Ob," you say, "that would be too much room. I wouldn't want so much room aa that." Well, then, sup pose you count them 011 your ten fin ders. "Oh," you say, "not quite so much aa that." Well, thou, count them on the fingers of one hand. "Ob," you say, "we don't want quite so much room as that." Suppose, then, you halt and count on oue finger the name of any Institution founded by Infidelity, supported entirely by infidel ity, pronounced against God and the Chris tian religion, yet toiling to make the world better. Not onel Not one! Is Infidelity ao poor, ao starveling, so mean, so useless? Get out, you miserable pauper of the universe! Crawl into some rathole of everlasting nothingness. In fidelity standliig today amid the suffering, groaning, dylug nations, and yet doing ab solutely nothing save trying to impede those who are tolling until they fall ex hausted into their graves In trying to make the world better. Gather up nil the work, all the mtartlul.wierkjttUti infidelity has' ever done, add tt all together, aud thero is not ao much nobility in it as in the small est bead of that sister of charity who last night went up the dark alley of the town, put a jar of jelly for an invalid appetite 011 a broken stand, and then knelt on the bare floor praying the mercy of Christ upon the dying soul. Infidelity scrapes no lint for the wound ed, bakes no bread for the hungry, shakes up no pillow for the vick, rouses no com fort for the bereft, gilds no grave for the dead. While Christ, our Christ, our wounded Christ, our risen Christ, tho Christ of this old fashioned Bible blessed be his glorious name foreverl our Christ stands this hour pointing to the hospital, or to the asylum, saying: "I was sick and yo gave me a couch, I was lame and ye gave mo a crutch, 1 waa blind and ye phy slclnned my eyesight, I waa orphaned aud ye mothered my soul, I waa lost on tho mountains and ye brought me home; inat asmuch aa ye did it to one of the least of these, ye did It to me." But I thauk God that this plague of lu fidelity will be stayed. Many of thoso who hear rae now by the Holy Ghost upon their hearts will cense to be scoffers aud will bo come disciples, and the day will arrive when all Italians nlllccept thu Scriptures. The book Is golng.'to keep right on until the fires of the last day are kindled. Some of thuiii will begin oi one side and some on the other side of the old book. They will not find 0 bundle of loose manuscrlnts c.im- lly consumed like tinder thrown, Into the II iv. Whei: the Ures of the liut day uru kindled, some will burn on this side, from Geuesla toward Revelation, nnd others III bum ou thli'alde, from Revelation toward Genesis, and In all their way they will not lludaaluglo chapter or a single icru out of place. That will bo the first time we can afford to do without the Bble. What will be the use of thu Ixxtk of Gen- Mils, READ SO 41&Q THOUSANDS Other JUPPOJETHKW ADVERTISEMENT n M nAVTR A n. m. imiiu u Spring, This is the Season 1591. fa 6y Styl U 'v COAL is KING when Competition is Close and Everybody has the Itfedi - ! best. Then is the time to go direct to Headquarters BETTS, WEAVER & CO.- 1 and see their line and get prices. There you can get the pure article direct from America's greatest minesispft noted for their purity Call up Phone 440. SIDEWALK AND BUILDING J. A. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSlTHJEBbOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry V Finest Flower and Garden Seeds. . 127 South Eleventh street. 100 Engraved Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we W, A- same, at $.150. 1 ,;, WESSEL PRINTING COMPANY. oh people WTO A'A uviij s Ks 4. New NOW IN. DC X . X PHONE 219. 1112 0 STREET. of the year when and excellent quality. $; Office,lii8south nthstf "ri " -AND- VITRIFIED PAYERS BUGKSTAPF -r I t ! ' will furnish 100 Cards from K BRICK 4 J- 4 i: ir t". !?.:i. 'a .0 .,- &l'in?iaifta II.J.u,ti.... iArXHt-Ai'ii lAiH&tJtklAn : j. .iitai'Liio-. . UHhijtk,..,