iMMMMMai FH CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL u, 1891 OMMNMttHiMWK I ft k r. - CRESTS, MONOGRAMS, DIE STAMPING FOR ALL KINDS OF FINE WRITING PAPERS. BEAUTIFUL WORK, L HANDSOME . PAPERS. CALL AND 8EE. WESSEL PRINTING CO. 1134 N STREET. If you Deposit your Savings IN TIIK Lincoln Savings Bank Safe Deposit Co. 8. K.cor.lilh audi' His. THEY WILL EArtK INTEREST FOR YOU At tho Halo or 5-Pive per Ct. per Annum-5 Have fMM n week nnd It amounts Interest In live) cars to il.MO.oo. Bank opens ul OiW n. m. to 3.:W p. in, Saturday evenings, a to 8 p, in. Willi nnd Safes to Rett la BHrgtar and Fire Preaf Vavlta. WR ARE JUST IN RECEIPT -OK- Spring Shapes -IN- Christy's London Hats. We are the only house In the City who tell these goods. Come In nnd try one. Spring Suits & . ancrOvercoats , Are bclnp, dlsplnt cd by u now. iJ Give us h call. This la the cut of our latrat dMi k ,..... the MANTKf CASK, unit onalnly one of aw mintwHini runor Orguns eer put on ke market. We a)Mhae lhH KhTEY OHOANS wbese eases lme tievnme slightly shop. worn but otherwise as k.x1 hh now, which we will eteaeoutataGHEAT BAHOAIN totbopur chaser. Monthly payments If desired. stay direct from the Manufacturera and tav. money. aKJamt: r.JL.-sr.'r--r-- .SSsSfy' . i 9 v -, 'Stats tfjj &&r. y mEEEEEEEv BEEEEEfl ,9HHsH A liiliii' itiperMi Mmlrra 7Vimm. PubllUod Saturday. Address all comiminteitilonidlreoito the office WlCMBttL, PKtNTINOOO, fUllMHItRHN. Courier llulldltiff, IIS2 N Hlreet. TKI.KI'HONMtiAil t Wksski., Jit., Editor mill Hole Proprietor. W, J, llrnitca, Asssoclato Editor. Humhoiiiitioni Ono Year by Mall or Carried 3 00) HlxMonths,t00Tlirco Months, fiOo.f One month 90 Out Invarably In Advance, AtrMiTt(MiNTi! Itale furnished on application at the office. Hpeclsl mini on Time Contractu. CoHTSlHirnoss! Hliort spicy sketche, poems Mid storlns solicited, Personal and Hoclal notes are especially ttentrabls. ruiNTiioi Wr make a specialty of Fine Printing In all lu branches. Hoolety work a specialty. Entered nt the I'ostonico of Mncnln, Nob., no second olass nmltcr. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 69,000. MUSIC AND TIIK DRAMA. t'oullndcd friim ftral pnico. todliplny h p-ii1lnrg fts to tho liest ml vantage, lie Isowu illaily and emphatically ncoinnllnii, niMliU very luik nnd inniinor, as liettpsiiHii thu pint form nnd faces tho audience, made fi tend for lilm at ouci'. Tho success (f hlx humor Is the absence of effort and the nppnreiit uuo iiisclnusueMi thnt ho Is doing anything funny; niidnt tho Miuotlmo a genuine enjoyment nnd ti pi-eflatlon of his sul.Jt-t. HI-illnlett N lino, much Ih oml thenvei-aiD. and is not at nil exnuiterated. so thnt It not er i-i the line of Imitation into Iturlrnme." 'stY AUNT BHIIHIKT." . One of lh Ku ke's grentst kucceasea last season wiim Momoe & Rlees "Mv Aunt nriduet'1 which letunm to Lincoln Wednes day evening. It is a rolllt king nnd peculiarly novel cnieiiy, run of refreshlitK uml wholtso-iio "it uml wisdom. Commenting on the piece in Now Ymk, "Tho Suir'snys: "Aunt uriUKvl" iwcko'l tlio Itljou to suffo cation, and never lu tho hiatory of thnt liouso has no many eople been unablo to ohtoiu nd IuIsnIoi. The erformnuco was not a hit in tho usual acceptation of tho term, hut one prolonged jell of either laughter or applause, and w hat was it nil about I it lot of nonsense dellclmu iionneni, Ingeniously ttrung to gether and capitally handled throughout by theclevertstomnnlied compiny a manager lias ever put together for catching our coin and giving us value received on the other ahle of the box nffle. Monroe and" Rice are the stara and neck and neck with them in the stetple chase of laughter is their, company of clever comedians, o mm isiug Chat, H. Ito, Chas Floatelle, W. A. Mack. W. Henry Whyte.Jamea Cavannugh, Catharine Lin yard, P.ora Echtul, Ada Jones, Hadio Mc Donald and Llttlo Rosebud. rHBATRICAt. TALK. Ne and Durbank at the Funko tonight. T H. Wlmietthaa called his new comedy. "JlisNIb-.thoDaron." '' Robert Downing will open his next tour i i Washington wlih Claucity." H. a Taylor and Fannlt. Rice have agreed KMiimgrre ami "Jtverythlhg Uoea" wont go , Mr. IeMlo Carter is riumratlng In niii- ciro, ami wilt soon lesume her proaration for next seawn. W. 8. Willard will return to Kogland, May K), Ho is the brat nil around nctor Englaud ever sent over. Lottltt Williams la to star in n senuttlonal play calle.1 "New Yoi U Day by Day." Chas. Melville will ha lie,- mtuuer. The JefferaouoFloronLeceinpiny played to fia,(XXlt Dino HeiiderMon'a new DuiiueHiie I'lieatra at I'ltuhuig two weoks ago. MoVUkei'H nov theativ In Chicago was opened on Mmdny. Tho nudlUirmui is ex actly liko the old on, but far mom orna mental. John W. N-n ton says ha Is not to ie mor 1 led to L'iuIm) Montague Imle Mmitaguu s O a she is to bo mai i led to John V. Not ion. Divorces of Ida Mullefrom Den Tuthlll, nud Annie Outherfaud from Dick Cat i-ull .re sweet moisels under Dame UoMlps tongua at resent. A lxmuon caiileiciam savs. "John M Ward and lils.wife (Helen Dauvray) navd re- lurueuriom rans with all their domestic aiaerencva apparently settled, 'ATiveCoineml U'eddfng" a the title of a hew two-act comlotipi a to l produced at Ban Francisco, Mat 4. Libretto by Wash. Davis, u vteh-kuowu JuuiHalwi; iiiumo by J. It. Macdouald. . ' As an lllurtratlon of the survival of tha fltleU m aU things mundane aiidi-pectauular, Imre aeema to bo the oaly Klralfy remilnlng. iw urar mtmi, tuu pictorial mm Oallet staadsnl of tbatonee pivvaleut baud of Hungarian brothel a. ..jy" I'wkajre, who iday the bare in JTheKiaerof it,. Preas'aaa Warn asvarely rritlaaMd tor wtwria; hutrmousiaclie' In the eeua of llf 'trdn oce in Hlng Sing fi EVA Ml i4jjR If EwtEf rl S aii IMsoii. Mr. Lacknye Is uoirect, for it lu iVirt that all well llmveil prisoner serving their llmt torm am nllnwisl nun month befoie thulrdlftchaigo to let their hair nnd boards grow. NprliiRTIme llai Avrlvtil. For a month past inucli has Ihh'H heard nnd said about the latenosa of tho H irlng season, hut thorn Is no mlstnko nl).,ut Ita now being with u. Tindo Is picking up nnd moichniits iK'glu to fool o uler. Notigufor tlm retiiin of spring Is bettor thnu to see the Urgo until her of gasoline stovoi an J lefrlgetnters that are already IhiIi'k sold, nnd in pnsdng by Hiidonnd Marrb'stoioat almost anytime you will observe them loading these summer commodities for dell vjry. This (Inn which, by the way Is ouo of Lluioln's oldwt and most popular houspt, still letnlns thi exolu she ngencv of ttie tvleliMtiil Quick Meal gasollue and gas sinvea wlilc I nrn tislay by all odda the most pro nlueut stoiea of their kind on the markot. IUdu mid Morris aiv alajagonU for tha run iwul LKiiartl refrU nratois, hundreds of which ai-j now In uai lu Lincoln, glvlnguiilvurKilsniiif ictiou. Tuom goods nro shown this season lu a vai lety ot now and beautiful iI-mIkih uml will stand tho closes! Inspection beildn iiuy and all oouietl tion. Aside from these spring time seasonable Rudge and Morris also have a beautiful Hue of bird cage, Ice cieam frveaors. wire screens gaiilen tools and everything in their line thnt is necessary for human happiness. Of counm you know their store Is 113 N street, and their telophono Is 041', Mouth Lincoln. Mr. James Waters has roturmd fioni Montana Mrs. Ida Collins of Omaha, arrived Thur-f day to visit her mother Mm. Clnik." " Mrs. Clarku lasomo better this week though still very sick. ' A now grocery atom Is the latest Imrrove- mout In Hnuth Lincoln. It Is located nt Fourteenth nud Wood street. I Mrs. Newbmy Is recovo'lug trotn n novel e nttack of la grlpi. Aunt Samantha. ' Read all the ndvertisuments of spi lug med icines, nnd then take Ayer's Haroaparllln. It Was a Ortul Opening. Had tho reiorter of Tint Couniieti not known to the contrary, he certainly would have thought that theie was n flro nt Vii south Twelfth street, Wednoalay uvenliiu. Thero was n groat crowd surrounding tho plnco and huudreils wsmm1 in nud out, and tho itow of humanity seemed ns though thero wns no end. It was n continual stream from early In tho owning until late at night, nnd it did soom as though all Lincoln had turned outeumasso to attend thu grand opening of thu ttudlo Lu Ginnde, nnd to lnsiect its neat nnd pretty premises. This studio Is Lincoln's latent art addition, nnd well may tho city bo proud of its beautiful now acquisition. Most studios nro on tho second Hoor over n stoic, Inconvenient of arcea uml utKMiufnituul) lifter you get there. In this now teiuplo of art such Hiinoyances nro nlmttW for It Is on tho ground tloor, newly liming! In every detail nnd prepared especially for iho emu venloitce of patrons. Thuieceplloii loom l a iMMtitlful lurgo room. Just ns you enc. i fi oin the street. Hero is iliipla.i wl uii ntti nt tlvoliuoofflueplioti graphs woik, also iatel and oil xrtr.,ts, all r.iusvlu tit i deft work ot capable urtists. During the oieiilug n br tsa band nerendel tho vislto. sat the door, and when they hnd completed a pieco un ntalieilr statlonod In side struck up a tuteful meloily, nud nil went as met ry as u w tiding bull, Bouveiilri wero given and lady was prex-ntul with a ticket goo 1 for u chanco on a ciayon picture which is to bo innde to the oilier ot the fortunate winner. Thediuwiurfistutnku place next Wednesday, when a sealed envo lopo containing the lucky number will bo opened, the uumbtr announced and tho person holding tho cot responding number will leceive this grand prise, t Ills thawing will be rexated again Hatuiilay ufteiiio.ii nnd evening, April lth, nud ioeiy lady calb lug will receive a ticket good lor another chance. Tho opening of the Le Giaudo was a dos elded succeu lu every particular and basal ready brought the studio into piomiueuce. Itisceutially located, pleasantly nrinnged and doing such flue work as is shown, will undoubtedly retain its present popular hold ou the public. Attend J. W. Winger & Co'a great hosiery and underwear ila on Monday. J. W. Winoer & Co. Ladies should never buy a hat, bonnet, toque, or anything lit the mllluery line until they have seen Haines and Haskell's now tock of line goods at liatl O sti ect Ladles who are fond of horseback riding should call and see Heury Harphnm, Ui uorth bleventh street before purchasing side, saddle, whips, eta Our work speaks for itself, brag or bluster, simply your It needs 116 own opinion. nriiiiesmy U) Ila IlieiitH. rti Mtn.lir. 1 1. Grande Is on the ground floor, centrally lo caUd nnd a beautiful place. Call and sea us at li.'4 south Twelfth sirivt. Udioi can have their mrty dressea cleanetl by tho French dry process at tho Lincoln steam dye works 1105 O street. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by the French dry cleaning process, only 15 cts. at Lincoln Steam Dye works, 1105 O street. Elegant line of new glughamr, in Scotch and American, Just opened at Herpolsheimer No such lino of flni vehicles ns Is kept by E. It. Guthrlo 1540 O street can be found else wherein the state. Everything stylish and novel lu the cat i lago lino is thete to bo found. Step in and look over the line even If you don't want to buy. Itwlllufford you a few pleasant moments look at the various hand-, some turnouts. Not aCltlsen of Lincoln can afford to inh s the comfort and safety offered him by the North Western " r. u. a, n. v . mi.) in ins travels to and from Chicago and all eastern points. H . ... uunt imr ui oi, raut, Minneapolis Olympla, Seattle, Tacoma, and all other Mln uesota, Washington and Montana points. All passengers for lheo oliiU go thinuh without depot transfer. Patronise tho North Western and avoid omnibus transfers. It is the only all rail line to that Sanatorium of the world, tha Hot Springs of South Dnko la and tit. direct line to Rapid City, Dead wood aad Black Hills points. To Ml those contemplating a ti ip the coming seas in it of. fers a direct Hue and service, to all the iv- sorts of WlseoiWHJ, Mlnuesota and Not thei u sficmgan. The Huest hshlug grounds In the WorW aro reaetwd bv this line. For rates and taformetlea, eaU at JIM O street. WrM. HNIfMAN, Qen'l Ag't, J. T. MAam, City Tkt Ag't. TUB SPRING TIME GIRL MKE HtR BflOTHEn 8HE ENJOYS THE SBmSON, IVJT IN DIFFERENT WAYS. Tt'lilln tliti Young Man Hunts or Fishes, the MalOru Nhops, Itlilrs lliirselmek ami Tukes a sit Tennis, Quoits or Crlnket. (Cop) rltfht. imi, by American I'ress Associa tion. Spring In tho city. There tire certain In mlllblu signs which mark Ita advent. When tho shop windows siihMltutu Ivistor novelties for silver tnoiintiil pnijcr IiooIih; when tlio Htiiull Ixiy on roller s!tatc buglna to ratiHo panics) on evury htroet corner; when the babies uml the nurses multiply In tho park, then spring la hero. The oH'ti cjirringea appear, udvertfxetneiita fot Hiiiuiner hotels cniwd the Sunday papers, 4U8- yj. IIKNT OS 8PIIINO BHOPPIKO. tlio artists begin to get ready for the academy, the sporting youth looks up his fishing rods nnd flies and nuns, nud the fashlomibht girl goes shopping. Tho windows nro renlly dreams of tientily, nnd the young woman squeeze an unusually largo check out of p ip before she ventures on her campaign. She Iiiih her gowns this season of tho palest simile? of yellow, gray, t:i nnd heliotrope, very trying unless Iter complexion Is perfect. Tho new gloves alio declares hideous, but alio buys them Just the wimo. The most brilliant colors of mahogany, green, purplo nnd yellow, heavily stitched with black nnd calculated to lucreasu thu size of the hand most materially, nro worn. Huts uh, there Is whuro u girl can imltilgo her own taste. Every possible alntpo Is shown. Tho crowning ornament is u hiiiiiII jjt or tinsel aorpont colled among the ribbons nnd luces. We have Davenport nud Horn liurdt, thu ilvul Clcopntraa, to thank for that, anil wonderfully ami horribly llfellku the reptiles aro. Young miiiuii who would go Into hysterics nt the sight of u K'lttcr snaku on the lawn anil bravely tlnwii the avenue wciirlng on tlielr IiciiiIh cobras uml uddera hideous cuotigli to make u hunter quail The in -t beauti ful th I nip shown this year are tlio parasol. Mittle of uatt.e, of crepe ami of point lace, It is cany to hco that If a girl expects to buy one for each costume who will need another check. In colored silk, with Dresden cl.lim handles, they cotno not quite m high, nnd nru very fetching. One novo! hiindlo Is or wood, nay cherry, with a few ftowera clinging to it. One moru new tiling attracts th'i shop ping young lady the shoulder cape. Every woman ouo meets wears It, uml it is a great tellef from tho ubiquitous jacket. EVery m)mkII)1o variation In cut and in or namentation la shown, but the color Is nl most always black, gray or tan. Horseback riding takes a now impetus with tho approach of warm weather. Tho riding schools are out lu full force every morning, nnd the highways and bridle paths are crowded dally. The American citygirl ladlstliictlyely tailor made, uml no where and at no tlmo does she apcar tc better ud vantage thnu when well mounted uml trotting briskly along under tho bud ding trees In the spring sunshine. Tlio riding masters are beginning to advocate the divided skirt. When mounted on u sldo saddle, of course the general appear unco Is thu same, und tho safety of the rider In case of n fall is greatly Increased. Happiest of nil In the spring is the ath letic girl she who belongs to u gymna sium. All winter iho has been lu training, nnd 1s now In perfectrlm for tho outdoor games lu which sho delights. Tlio very swellest maidens belong to athletic clubs, ami, the crowds thnt go out every wnrm morning from New York to the Berkeley Oval, Just south o.' High Bridge, are us ao- TIIK A1IILKT1C OIllU. leot ns those which attend thu Patriarch and Assembly bills. Tennis, nud cricket tirewomen's favorite spring games every wlieiu, though an effort la being inailo to revive the onco popular archery. Quoits Is good, very graceful and uot nt all trying to dellcatuconstltutlons. It requires moro skill than strength to throw the thin Iron disks, nud there Is something classic ami poetical about tho sport. Wednesdays tho ladles of the Berkeley club ut New York have thu use of "the boat," a splendid barge, with places for six rowers nud room for six extra people. Up and down the Harlem river the strong joitng Amazons pull their glittering craft. Tho fencing crnxo seems to languish with the approach of warm weather. It Is too violent even for rainy days, when tennis Is Impracticable. Bowling is still Indulged in. The cellar is always cool, even cu tho hottest days, and the exerciso Is nlwu)a de lightful. Taken all In all, the athletic girl is more to my taste than the lbeu or the Browning or the slumming or the shopping girl Rukta UoUUK Ciiildk. .j& Zd W TBt ilL JrZr I (W.'i cKimw JUST RECEIVED The Nicest Line o Ladies' Slippers ,- Oxfords .. . ,,.Eyef Brought to Lincoln. , ,u - Parker & 1009 GAS New Method Largest latest Settings Eugene Hallett, Diamond Sllghtlv Shelf Worn llooks Below Cost. All 35c Books for 15c. All 50c Books for 35c. I ) mahqpsbads ssBff'asmEEE HlsmSsf IsmHsmmmmRsmH vlmmmt fl ' ' " ' Mm ii o - amt I - ?$ .x. VrX vn wvm ISZfH Vssk asas, ssMaMMaieyM VfAlfJMr lit Null InU 11 tMH.TOHM LVONCt--" Sf rt.'l' FLOWER, TEETH i EXTRACTED - XJTT - DR. H K. KER7VIKN SURGEON DENTIST, Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic ' No Chloroform ! No Ether ! No Gas ! A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5,0fl. All Killings at the Lowest Kates. DR. H. K. KERMAN, RooVtM OF ,-lii.i vv sT. ' i 'r Sanderson, O ST. TOVES. Gasoline Stoves. Stock in Lincoln, ---- Hottest Vatues t i ,',!' 1 i&t i X -ssF1 k "V oii&laiT . sF XX w J Merchant oormesas. ALWAYS KEEP THE NEWEST BOOKS BY THE MOST POPULAR , AUTHORS. I ssmis,ae LAWN km G-AKDEff SEEDS, And o or) thing for tho Law n nnd Garden, nt Griswolcl's Seed Store Mi' Houth Kluvcnlb Street. WITHOUT i PAIN ,IF ?'- I ' itejofqt- O t1 A !..'' "nli !'.,. 4 s " I u . r. JhdKSLau-U l . 1. &uti?IU4iS i.iliAjtAiJtAkif j,., Joa. iiA.1- rtAuSl 'idMimuhk.tiL .