T - F'WW(;iy.IW :'ivm,w' . "rW M-rl----nr i M,vmmfmi f TCP1 -r CAPITAL CIrY COURIER, SATURDAY APRIL u, 1891 3 M j t kv i CANDY C FOR EVERYBODY Strictly, Pure aad the Largest and Finest Line In the City, at FOLSOM'S ; 'i3b70 STREET. HTWc make a specialty of catering Ice Cream and Fruit Ices for Hall, Parties, Wedding, etc., and can serve them In the brick or by the quart on short notice at reasonable prices. Fancy Cakes of n kinds made to order. Telephone orders receive prompt attention. Call up 501. SMALL & WALLACE Steam Laundry f. SUPERIOR $ Custom Work. Wc are especially well prepared to laun dry, Lace Curtains, Ladles Garments, Fine Fabrics Etc,-having special methods lor doing this work not only satisfactory in appearance, but without Injury to garments as well. Gentlemen's Shirts, Collars and Calls, and all kind of Fine Staich work beautiful done up. Give us a trial. CALL AT HALTER'S Meat Market! With your CASH, and get Good, Juicy Meat at your own Price. Hams,,, 5C BeefStcak 6c Beef Roast, 5C Boiling Beef 3c Pork Steak, 6c Roast Pork, v 6c Sai'iKilfrp ')C o ' A rritJ-AUELPMIA MUMMNUfe. In tfhlrli the Day Wan Nattier! unit thru Ouniu the Kntl. "1 swear Itl" These words were spoken In that classic portion of old Philadelphia where tin) placid waters of thu sleepy Schuylkill socm too laay to tr.ru In their little bod. Not a sound was heard In tin- ivirly spring night but tho Ytish of liiiittuieruhlu cable cars, thu clang of bolls, the xcphyr llko movements of tho trains every two min utes on the nearby railroad bridge and tho song of the pumped In wind as It forced Its way through the narrow lamp pipes. Bo yond the shadow ot the mountainous eoko pile towered a writ of strango brick buildings. Ever and anon a tired looking figure might be seen lifting 11 shovel or ag itating a wheelbarrow. Bright snatches of flame sometimes broke Into thu gather Ins Bloom and lit tin the wicnl surround tags, Travelors on tho highway would atop at these Impressive moments and say to each other In awestrurk tones! "Behold where Wngncf makes ltl" Tho youth who had just spoken took off his hat and wiped his pallid brow, when tho fair girl standing by his alik) told him to put It on again. In the far west there bono a silver crescent where tho moon was giving n quarter show. Klfrlda Short wate, student as she was of Vassar, and knowing tho stars well, from Venus down to Adonis, looking at tho bright orb over her left shoulder, could not repress 11 shud der. Still, though sho might shako her self, It was very evident sho didn't want to shake him. "And you'll llvo with mammar" There was something In tho maiden's ac cents that suggested to I). O. Spudklns, experienced as ho was, a strong draft on tho back of a close shaved neck. It was not Incredulity or doubt. Tho full Import of her question suddenly struck him, as it were, with a strong upper cut as ho was trying to dodgo, and left him helpless un less saved by tho call of time. "And with mamma too. I swear It." He spoke tho words, but there was no gush to them. The elocution was that of a phonograph or an Edison doll. She no ticed tho atrango air of abstraction which bad fallen upon him, and while lib might not havo been her last chance ho was for the tlmo being, and sho was determined not to loso It. "Then I am yours, Daniel, " sho mur mured. "When shall it bet" But to this his lips gave forth no an swer. Even beneath tho shadow of tho gas lamp it could be seen ho was white. She pcerud anxiously Into his oyes. Ho may havo been watting for inspiration or merely 11 good opportunity for catching a passing car. Vet ho said nothing. All tho proud feelings of an injured love welled Into her woman's bosom. What men in convivial moments often noticed In him ho noticed now. Ho kept on saying noth ing. There was a dreadful pause, broken only by the crash of Innumerable air cas ties and the miscellaneous noises first men tioned. Then shifting her gum to tho other side she throw tho finest article of withering scorn sho possessed into the In qulry: "And when will It bet When the new Mint is built?" "Not" ho hissed through his clenched teeth; "when tho public buildings are tin ished." And, jumping a six weeks' board bill, he escaped to the wilds of Lanlganvllle. Philadelphia Times. Bacon,..,. Lard, .... . 6c ..6tfc Every Pound Guaranteed to contain Sixteen Ounces. Teiderlolns and Rolls always on Hand. Poor or sick people can call and get meat for Nothing with an order from Elder Howe. We don't change our name every six months. We are still running under the old name, and are not'ashamed ot it. Halter's Market. a 16 North Tenth St. Teeplione 100. Meat Delivered Anywhere In the City Thrilling. The editor of a dally paper says: "Wo took a now reporter on trial yesterday. He went out to hunt for items, and after being away all day returned with the following, which ho Bald was tho best ho could do: " 'Yesterday wo saw a sight which froxo our blood with horror. A cabman, driving down Clark street at a rapid pace, was very near running over a nurse and two chil dren. There would havo been one of tho most heartrending catastrophes ever re jorded had not tho nurso, with wonderful forethought, left tho children at homo be fore she went out, and providentially stepped Into a chemist's shop just before tho cab passed. Then, too, tho cabman, just before reaching the crossing, thought ot something ho had forgotten, and, turn ing aliout, drove in the opposite direction. Had it not been for this wonderful concur rence of favoring circumstances a doting father, a loving mother, and affectionate brothers ami sisters would havo boon plunged into deepest woo and most un utterable funeral expenses.' "Tho new reporter will bo retained." Ixmdon Tit-Hits. r-INCOL-S- cammmc ad imiiTimt ok ncxMANimr, 8horthantl, and Typewriting. U the beat and Inmost College In 1 ho West, MO Students In attendance loit year. HtuJenU prepared lor biulneu In from J toll monthi. Kxperlenoc-d faculty. rmnnalltiitructloii. Beautiful llluitrated catalogue, rotten) Journal", and snevlmeni of perunaiuhlu, tent f reo by adtlrt Ming ULUWUDOK ROCHE. Lincoln, Neb. I.Hille Use II r. I Due's J'erloillrnl Pills from 1'arls, Franco. That positively re lieve suppressions, monthly derangements and Irregularities caused by cold, weakness, shock, anemia, or general nervous debility, Tho largo proportion of Ills to which ladles and misses are liable Is the direct result of u disordered or Irregular menstruation. Hup. prc.ilons continued result In blood poisoning and quick consumption, 'i package or3 for IS. Sent direct on receipt of price. Hold lu Lincoln by II. I'. Sherwln, druggiu O She Wa Saving. A woman who was shopping saw somo old fashioned trimming that was placed on the cheap sale counter at a great reduction. "I will tako the whole piece," she said after looking it over; "It's cheap and may cotno handy." "You understand principles or economy," remarked the clerk. "Economy, young man," answered the shopier, "why, I just make ccou.tny trem ble." Detroit Free Press. Unreasonable. Customer Here is a fish in this quart of milk. Milkman Old youexpect two fish In one quart of mllkr Muuoey's Weekly. A Vain Quest. Guest Take these clam fritters away. Walter Vcs, sir. Anything else, slrf Quest Bring somo clams. Brooklyn Life. Kssentlal. Grip I always pay as I go. Sack So do I, It's the only way I can get my baggage. New York Sun. A Hound lleaaon. $3000 A YEAH I ! im.lrrtak to I rf'flr Itaacti m lalrl lM-li-iit l rMit t.Milirr art, fc fit iaau ami rilr,ail wlio, after hilruiloii,HlU Murk liidu.trloutlj- how tu rani Tfcraa IbeiiMiHl Ihtlfoi a TarlnlhlrwnltHll(la,.OMn'riti'rll-l tlUlaoruritUh tha llualltmar viiiiilujtitii til,! wliU h j.u run rani lit. Amount, Nu inonav tut irtutiU-AfMirifMriLail(uvt'. t-a-tlly ami iuli-fclr Itaruril. I ..fun- Imt wurkt-r Irtrni raid 1IU11M r count) I haf alrratljr iiufltl ami roi I-1---I with tm l.-imrtii a impa hunitxrr, wh ar making; uvrr $timO a trarraili It 1 I.W ami NO 1,1 1 1, t-nlli-arllriiUri VKKI.. AWrr.al ..lira, K. C. AM.K.tt, llux , Aiigualu, Alulue. Him r Ihila rnuiiritiaftffnialal woik (or lu, I.) Anna lf. Auitlii, kltiat ami Jn, tuMrt I ulr-la, I )hlo. wifa rui. iHiitra wrtiit wn tui tuuJ hiHua 1 m 11 ut ir lOO.'w a ItMHitli, ) mi roit Uoil wiliandltva Ll ItitiMM. i hrrcvt r nu ar. I tn tt runtraara ruMljr raruliijr frviu ii la lftitav, All 1. N t.fcow you bow aa aiari you, 1 an wura in m"t " or til ih Hin. IMir ntonty fur wura ra taliur unknown amuna; larm, MKW aiidwitiitlairul I'arilrulart tf. H.Ult(laV D.Hm M furllMnl,MHln lttB 7vjt ,lA Act- 1 I I1UL 'J"A t ' I I AN OLD FAVORITE. (This poem was written when ltnlgsn wM on tho staff of tho New York World. A IjOo.. don calilcuram was reeelrl paying that th Ahkixmd of Hwnt wns dcnd.1 What, what, what, What's tho news from SwatT Bad new, Hail tuiws, Comei by tho cable ted Thriitiuh tho Inillnii Ocean's bed, Through the IVrnlaii tlulf, tho Hod Boa, and tho Med Itrrraiienu he's deiul) The AhkiMind Is dead! Kor tho Ahkoond I mourn, Wlmwouldn'tr He strmo to dlsregnnl the most age sUrn, Hut ho Ahkuimd't. Ucnd, dead, dead; (Sorrow, Hwatsll Hwnts wha hno wl' Ahkoond bled, Hwntu whom ho hath often tod Onwanl to a gory boil, Ortnletory, As the CRsiriulght be. (Borrow, Hwatnll Tears shed. Blied tears llko wnter, Your great Ahkooud Is dead! That Hwat's tho mattorl Mourn, city of Hwut, Your great Ahkooud Is not, Hut inld 'mid worms to rot. His mortal part alouo.hls soul was eatigh (Heeauno ho wan a good Ahkoondl) Up to tho bosom of Mahound. Though earthly walls his fraiuo surround (Forever hallowod bo tho ground!) And skeptics mark the lowly mound, And sny, "lie's now of no Ahkoondl" ills soul Is In tho skies Tho aiuro skier, that Itoiid alxivo his loved nietroiKills ot Hwnt. Ho sees with larger, other e cs, Athwart all earthly mysteries Ho knows what's Hwnt. Let Hwat bury tho great Ahkooud With a nniso of mourning and InmciitatlonI Let Hwat bury tho great Ahkoond With tho nolfto of tho mourning of the Swat tlMi Natlonl fallen Is at length Its tower of strength, Its sun Is dimmed era It had noonodt Dead Huh tho great Ahkoond. Tho great Ahkoond of Hwnt Is not. -Ueorgo T. Ulllltfun. "I slit III know yo' could read, Hru'i Downey ' Downe) (nppareiitly much Interested in his pupei') (Hi, je-., I'ho read uhler sluce I wiu er lxy. "IK'li how comes it you'ae readin' dat paK.T upside dowur" "I always reads dat way, den I'se gets at ile bottom oh do fac's wliloiit liablug ter read down do whol' txdinut'." Life. Was llo,tltubte. A man was speaking In a country hotel about the hoMpltaltty of people whom he had met, and told of a family in Virginia that had kept him and his horse two days and would not charge a cent. "That was very kind," said a follow who hud been listening; "but I struuk a man in Alabama somu time ago that was strik ingly hospitable. I stopped at his houso, and ho came forward and said that every thing 1 sawiwas mine." "Well," said some one after a few mo ments' silence, "what did you dot" "I simply took his word and suffered for It." "How sot" "I took a horse during tho night, and ho had mo arrested and sent to the peniten tiary." Arkansaw Traveler. A IllHspliemer Agnlnst the Immortals. Theodore dc Danville always refused to stand as candidate for tho academy. One evening Francois Coppee, who had just been elected academician, undertook to rally the poet: "Now really, Uauvillo, will you never be one of usf" "Never, my dear fellow. What Is the user" "But supposing somebody were to pre sent you your certificate ot election ready made on il platter of silver?" Danville, meditatively: "I should take tho platter." Parla Figaro. True I'lillasthropy. Tramp Madam, I wish to tell you that your generosity saved my life. Lady Ah, I remember; I gave you a pie. Tramp Yes; I pawned It and liought foodl Munsoy's Weekly. Fascinating Ugliness. It Is said that although Wludthorst was plain almost to ugliness, he was much ad mired by women. Plain men are often much admired by many women. One of them explains it lu this way of an ugly man of her acquaintance: "Ho is so very homely it is fascinating; we always wish to look at him just ouca more to see If ho Is still as ugly us be wan last time we looked. And ho always Is." Boston Transcript. Ton Much to Aak. Poet (to his practical friend) Is there anything more beautiful than to see those magnificent swans float upon the lake's silver surfaceF How I would lovo to be llko them! "What! Go around with one's stomach on that cold water all the day! Not for me, thank you." Fllcgeudo Blatter. The Late lllrtl Got There. "What's the matter" asked the early bird's mother. "Didn't you get the worm?" "Yes," whimpered the early bird. "Well, then, what are you sniveling aboutt" "Tho late bird came along ami took it away from me just becaiiKo ho was bigger than I." Washington Post. He Hud Ilia Cliolee. "Bring mo an oyster stew," said a pomp ous individual lu a restaurant. "Yes, sab," answered tho waiter politely, "will you havo them wlthorwlthout,saht" "Without what?" "Pearls, sail." Detroit Free Press. Ills Kieclnlty. Dentist I shall have to charge you twenty-live dollars for that job. Victim Mr. Yankem, ou lime mis taken your profession. You run pull a man's leg better than you can pull bis teeth. Chicago Sut unlay Herald. A Natural OeTeel. A high iteixxiage, 011 visiting a small country place, nsUed the Sluducn; "How Is It that all thu children go hare- loot 111 tins nutgiiiMiriiooiir "Beg your pardon, exLclleiiAti, they are born ho." Motto pern ltidoie. A Nice Adjuatment. "How Is it that poet fellow, Davnbous, gets along ho well with his wife?" "It's very simple, She can read w hat lie writes and ho can cat what she cooks." T it-undo BlatUtr. BEAUTY'S EYES. t'OM Worda by F. E. WEATHERLY. MtoUrato. .4-. MubIo by F. PAOLO TE8TI. - 9- PP iiwlto lc;aU. i-r. .. EP liW IA i &: !w. i dim. Sm !,- : r3T y - At 3 i'W iAH pi! y- k; - iNa fJ 1. I want no stars 9. I hear no birds 3. I want no king In heav 11 to guldo mo, I need no moon no miu to at twMlghtcall - Ing, I catch no mil - Mo lu tho tlom whom thou art, love, I uoed no throno.... to mako mo vO pBgWWgmniPiif mm $ y& 0 & f 1-4 ir r iy$ KR T Bliiiie, Whllo I havo you, sweet heart,.... bo tido mo, Whllo I know.... that streams Whllo your gold - - en words are fail - Ing, WhUoyou wills - per blest, Whllo with in thy ten - dcr heart, lovo, Thou wilt tako mjr feu i ir r iy -T.j ' 1 -v '03- crtt. you nro m in my dreams, heart to rest. 1 n I no. re J . ;Hm crr, I need not fear Ev' ry sound rvtngs must play what -o'er bo-tido me, ot joy en thrall ing, ft we -ry part, love, For .?& Himmiiumm? m a-B j aw -a- w - a . w lift. aati t-aaaV - -- -- P jffl - jfl w 1 era.. dim. mmFmm Ir r j!H straight and sweet my path-way lies, SpeaKS In your dear volco a - lono, Thrones must ring with wild a - larm, I want no stars Whllo 1 hear But the king in hcav'n to guide me, While 1 your fond lips call lug, Whllo you dom of my heart, love, Lies with - ,fl ifteSHNli . y a at a." m era. eol tanto. hW L dim. .... 1C mk. JE5 t? m .sgf gao in your dear eyes; I want no stars in hcav'n to guldo mo sneak to mo, niino owp; While I hour your fond li)a call - Ing, 11 -a- Whllo 1 Whllo jou Lies with- A 1 I iJ t '..a -r uir iuviiik nnnsi uui mo Kins uom or my Heart, love lilcawiin- sry S"" u g5! ? m zm Gr s ten. -f ZfZ ZT 5T gi70 la jour ilearejcs. speak to me. mine, own, in thy loy Ing iirms. m rk-- -gj " m r-'-i -1 r z 3 f - a-J f I Adit Verte. rit. 11 d - -r.w i--i !- t-o a-J-. t ----0 1 t- , , fj - w - w 9 , 1 ,,, , - col can to mm -ai- -r b- 1 l U--, N-l I II -g"--r "-J . n-n .Tgi:iL-TrTrii Telephone 176 ITMHIfr"1 Y XSS OFFIOK 1001,0 Stmt. Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty . a, . vim laatAIitJtifllhtfilllAhl n !r i liiHil 1 1 r iliiiliiiili ' m liiifftffiTi ' ifMllllrifiil liiiiniii iiniiWaii