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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1891)
V" HHHHI S BHR I RBBKf !.:'J 'Kk, iw, -v ""fc i ..I.M. .III S. . ,,v' '''"' ..!""' 'ISl i - L ; ( TA PdPd UR PAPER oFMPPERN TIYVE " Vol. 6 No. 18 Lincoln, Nruhaska, Sjtuhday, April 11, 1801. Priou. Fivic Obnts irotfren c;:mivii i cm i ri i . i -.raoMtNra& i s .vv ftUftiaiMftllS5?ft I s I RSS I SfiSSir d.". 2HHMKS I -v w III WHkI?WBi mmzsmmsmrnw&m .iimmm:u M1W. As-J2"'-v5SJr?j Ve5 i iCL ' A S2i'mwM- ;ivSsWra vm.v w-.35 - , bw.-.' vi-iKvs MBsm&gYJKTmmwx&z .r x'm&.''&mto &Mi4n7Wf Mfy'-' S " ' - . 31 tE T 1 ti5g-HaEaj SSSBBJBiPs P7& -. sjBffi kSlTSvi VEtSaSJSiaBSSSSSK- .1 .. 1 " '1 i" I ii ... . TjtiwkwLV ""-WJV s2' :xXaSSSHl "tw" Vm fHtHMiNaaiaMMMtaaBHiaMO'r ' w- 'i TrrwT- rfl lTB1MPf i V . 1 ' At ono lime Millet's "Angelus" wns tho highest priced picture In existence, but the recent sale of "1814" for $160,(100 puts Mutt canvas In tho lint rnnk for counties. In lUhlstoiywo have nuothor IlluUrntlon of tho fictitious vnluo watered stock, ho to speak InjecU'd Into paintings, pnrtly from sentiment, partly from tho rivalry of rich men to prove an alleged npprcclnHou of high art and largely from the desire of money bags to gain notoriety by owning high priced, much-talkod-about painting. Melssonlor's "1814" Is twenty Inches high and thirty Inches wide. Hn.ot $14,000 for it, and the hut time It changed hands tho buyer put up tho handsome fortune of $170,000 for the bit of canvas and pnlut. Tho story of tho oi (gin of this lamous plo turo is right intonating. About thirty years ago a rich Frenchman with a taste for art called on Melssonler mid found him at woik on one of his mtcroscopia painting. Asking what It was to lie, he received the nusw'r that It was a military subject and would bo nnmtd "ISM". It wos to represent Napo leon and his greut general staff riding back from tho scone of their overwhelming defeat. Tho visitor remarked that Itwusn very big subject and a very small canvas, and asked why tho painter didn't niako a larger picture. Melssonier replied that, besides being In his style, he needed money nud could finish it lit tle plcturo much quicker tliiin a big one. Thereupon tho ilch man, to help out tho painter tluancially, onleied a portrait of himself and laid down the price, k.1,000, on tho spot. Then ho said he wuutedtho picture "18U"on condition that It was done on a larger canvas. When his portrait was com pleted, ho was shown tho outlines of a larger "1814" and asked If that would do. Tue rich man said it would and asked the price. Fourteen thousand dollars was tho price named, and half of it was planked down in advance. Of course tho gushers pretend to see in a great plcturo nothing but genius and art, but a sensible, thinking man will sea in this case that money and personal necessities bad quite as much to do in tho creation of this famous canvas. Melssonier's "1814" was llrst exhibited In public at the Paris salon of 1604. An Eng lishman offered $00,000 lor it, but the owner refused it. Vanderbilt tempted him with (80,000, but failed. Another Frenchman of fered $100,000 and got It. The next day he made fifty thousand by selling it to a country man for $160,000. Three other .mlntlngs have been sold for over $100,000. "The As cension" by MurUlo brought $130,000. "The Amrnlnt" hv Millet was bousht back from America by patiiotic Fienchmonfor $120, 000. For Munkaozy's "Christ before Pilate" Postmaster General Wannamakerpald $100, 000. V What a bonanza for American chailty ( fairs it they would only impoit a real live princess or two to graciously receive tho dona tions of the thousands who would pay hand somely just for the opportunity to 'join the army of tuft hunters. Just imagine what a drawing card it would be if the managers of a fair "for a worthy purpose" could adver tlso something llko this: "Her Royi.1 Hlgh falutiu, the Priucew of Nibs, has kludly consented to stand ill the yellow Booth Thurs day evening and accept contributions of $3 and upwards (nothing less than a Ave, and no I O U's go). Each contributor will receive one smile, more or less sweet, from her Royal Nibs, and the management feel nonlldent that they can awure a large company of spectators every time a donor coiikm to tho scratch." V This sort of thing U one of the advantages tbey have In old England, nd the members of the royal family no doubt do considerable good by lendlLg themselves to such schemes to bleed the vanity of the common herd. The thing is so bald as to shock our American idea of dignity and self respect, and here is the way tbey openly advertise for tuft hunt ers in the London papers: "The Bazaar for the Hospital Her Roy al Highness the Princess Henry of Batten berg has graciously signified her Intention of personally receiving from ladles and children purses of 3.3 (three guineas) and upwards for this worthy chailty at the hospital on Thursday, the 0th Inst., between the hours of 3 and A o'clock In the afternoon." V But our cousins across the water have many ways of doing things that appear odd to us If a company of rich aristocrats determined to present the president's wife with a sliver tea net, or some such mark of steem, we should consider it the height!) of indelicacy to publicly adver tise for contributions to the fund. But here cornea an English publication with a com mlttee of "ladles" and "couuteasea" who ad vertise that they intend to make Princou Mary Ad aide a silver wedding pres ent. The advertisement invites contribu tions from all classes, and ooucludes: "names and addretwes (but not the amount of the contributions) will be entered In an album to be presented with the offeiiug to Princess Mary." Tnat ought to fetch the tuft hunters sure. A queer go Is'nt itt V What varying ideas of "honoi" different men bavt. An old newspaper man tells one of the queerest yet leported: Among his ac quaintances was one of those Bohemians who constantly borrow snull sums without any effort or Intention to rtay them. The relat erof this story had boju "tapd"frtquently for small sums, aud was dutnb-fouudtd one day when the deadLeat asked him fur $5 all in one lump, The feMuw pleaded so haul an I lusde such earnest pi oiulses of pay that be fl. tally got the money. Ten days later he kurpiised the lender by leturnlng the live and the latter expressed his aktonlshmeut. r' 'ft I. ; nil 3 s: of the LwfrsfatsyfcBt thef t'tcj' T' s clevcrljmd "beautiful Cmfo!.'h',,arr Mrs. IIimiTONK "What an nwful bore the monthly inngalncs arc nowadays. With their lornr-wlndcd and antinuatcd war stories, tiresome blournnhle". and vnlnlv written nuto- graphics, their never ending discussions on the Mckinley bill nnd Midi horild stuff, they are rJOIl V .f UVIVOOIIIfj( f W tkr j Mrs. GniiDTAhTK "That's true, mv di-nr. nf I In- mninrltv nf the LlKssrtlwwft',tltit' thef e'arc " .. . j , . j ..j one or two exceptions, the most brilliant of which. Is the nlwnv Uau Maeatinc. I wouldn't miss a single number of it for n doen1 invitations to the Astor ball, and that is putting it very strong, as you know, my dear." I Mrs. Hioiitone "Of course. I quite nirrec with vou as to the charm of the CosmoMltau: indeed I never put that facinatlng periodical In the snmc category vltY the other magazlnee, any more inan l wouiu wear a ureakiast gown to a lour o clock tea. I drawing room, my dear." It might have lecn added that the Cutn)KiI(((iii Magazine mid Thk CdUlilKli will lm sent to any uuuren, uiiu yi-ur lor ..w, juiyuuiu in .uivuucu. Shall we go Into the tivenlug without nny thought of suppressing such an exhibition, and passed tho interim leering at tho few uiifortiinaUi ladles who went to the show to bo ontortAlnnl Instond of Ix'lng IiisuIUmI by tho performers on the stage anil the iei fix mauon of the two-logged brutiM that sat In thu aiidltorluiu. It was a noticeable fact that Ixith evening's tho major ity of tho nuillouro was couiKMod of debauchees who Mnmed to 'scent thnnatur,o of tho piny by an iiulmnl Instinct, and worn on hand. As long as Manager MaReyuolds allow n such ludi-cent exhibitions as that of Monday evening ho wilt nud ought to lose money. Am long ns ho secures such plays as "Hhi'immloah" nud n "Texas Hloor" he will and ought to make money, One Met seems to Immivci looked by many theatrical innun geis mid that Is thul thu majoiity of human It) resiwot vii tun and purity. It is announced In thu eastern inHirs that lidwlu Booth has Informed his manager that ho will not piny next moiihoii, nnd has cancel ed two weeks In Brooklyn. This, means In the mnnngor's opinion, that ho will uuvor a pear again. It Is quite certain that his Into engagement nt the Brooklyn Academy of Music was his fnntwell one. Tho hunlth of tho famous tragedian has, It Is clnlmd, Hindu this step Imperative, but he bows to fate gincofully nud cheerfully, Kewln Booth was born nenr Baltimoro In 18!KI; Is a son nf Bru tus Booth, nud wits' trnluod for tho drniuntlu profession. Ho excels in tragedy, and csjho- lally in Hhakesieru's character of Othello, Hamlet, Hhylock, Richard III, mid Iago. Ho has pel formed with great success hi tho ITulU-d Htatiw, Eiii0m, Australia, and the Haudwlch Islands, Ho began in 1808 In New York city, tho construction of a theatre, which was completed III 1870. Although he was compelled to d0ose of it fur financial reasons It still lcnrs his name. "Ktarllgat" was the bill at the Kiinku Wed nesday evening, with Verona Jnrbcmi ni tho star. Tho piece Is n conglomeration of to- laities and absurdities, llloglcally connected and while the witticisms are good aud many of the songs new, still there Is nothing very striking auout mo piece, llio same may bo said nlxwt tho participants. Jarbeau, her self Is almost a fnlluio. Hhehas very medl ocitfnhlllty In singing und noting nnd pos sesses but little beauty nud less mngnetlsin. Her support was ciuderedllion of herself aud tiresome almost to excruciation. The Qer man was good and thu tenor tang divinely, (If he iad sang more and not attempted the silliness of which he delivered himself Jhe, audience would have beuu better '" I Two br throe wotnen evidently of loose mor aumado a disgusting display of underwear. NVK AND A. P. nUHBANK. These two prluct s of humor will apiear at tho Funko oniitht. Bill Nyo needs no intro duction as ho Is avowedly thu greatest hu morist of the age. Ho is ably seconded in his entertainment by Mr. N. I. Burbank, The following comment clipped from the 3BP Shannon's Lambs ramo down Wednesday prcpnred for thu wiicrlflOo at llio hands of tho hlncolu farmers, hut soinehoiv or another got the Impression In their heads that they wero lu It townidi the clowi, and l)fforo wo recover ed from our astntilshmout had folded up tho gamo nnd walked oh with It, A terrlblo high wind providlcd during the game, und pre vonted anything llkogoisl tmll playing, ex cept lu tho matter or judging high Hies, lioth sides performing pi odlglcs In that department The llrst net Miicolii wrapiNxl her llly-wlilta hands nruuud the game, Kltlojirg nnd "Old Ky" Kutcllffn were In tho points for tho visi tors, while O'Duy nud Wilson held down the Kiiiha Job for the homo touiu, O'Duy has not rocovered fully from his uttu:k of thu gripiw nndgnyo wny m tho sixth Inning to Roach, who hold thu other fellows down, Twlchrll relieved Kltlujorg also, nnd run getting wits pirctlcally stop)uil. There worn a numbVi of lino plays made, despltu the bad weather, Raymond distinguishing himself try several pielty sUiHiind throws, and Vllsoucat6hliig a very Hue game. Raymond, Burkett, Hinvo and Tumuiiy fir Lincoln, nnd Ttglcholl, Hiill- ignu aim Kiieijorg iihi excellent work witli thu stick, This Is how the runs woni made: Lincoln 1 II 0 'J 0 0 0 1 0-7. Omaha 0 0 3 1 !i 'J 0 0 x 8. Thodeadbent expIafueJ that an old sweet heart of his had come to town, aud meeting him on the street, Invited him to escort, her to church on Easter Sunday. The fellow was it graduate of West Point and had been brought up as a gentleman lu tho east. Ho said: "I would no more think of taking a lady to church on Easter, without pre senting her with flowers thau I would think of paylngjfor a meal if I could get around It." Then he told how he spent that $5 In preparations for beaulng his old sweetheart to church, Here are thu items; collar, 15 cents; shave, 10; shine, 5; cigarettes, 10; breakfast and car fare, 25; flowers, $4.25; balance, lOcouts. When asked what prompt ed him to pay back tho loan, the fallen gen tleman drew Himself up proudly and said; "Flowers aud a woman will bring out the honor in a man if he has any. I would us soon beat you out of the price of a beer .is to look at you, but sir, I am too much of a gen tleman of honor to beat you out of the money expended to entertain a sweetheart with flowers." V Have ycu ever observed women at a batik or postofflce window where a number of pontons are waiting to be served by the per. son on the other tide of the opening f There is an unwritten law among men of flrst-come- first-served in such cases, and they uncon sciously drop Into line to await their turn But you never see a woman doing it. There may be a dozen poisons who have been at the window long before a woman, but she coolly ignore-i their right,and crowds injitt the slightest opportunity to stick in an elbow. The effrontery with which the average woman commits this discouiUsy, the su preme IndilTeience to the delay caused eight or ten other ersons, i one of those things calculated to make a man's hair turn gray. He cannot swear at her, aud the pent up mad bleaches the coloilng matter In the roots of bis hair. V I think I have already remaiked that women have their peculiarities. A fellow scribbler relates an iucidelit, and the dear girls nre invited to explain it to the bus us best they call. What is there about a brass button that does so btrike the core of a woman' heart I "a mun's a muu for a'" of most anything, but he is a good deal of one if be call appear In Mine kind of u brass buttoned military uniform. A sti iklug illus tration of the influence of buttons wan fur nished recently, by an unassuming American who has been spending the season at Burmuda. Lat summer some pet of Queen Vlctoila belonging to the Grenadier Guards went naughty and had to bj punished, Ho they weie banished trout the charmed elides of London and sent to pliw away ut Bei mudu. When the Lenten season came and souiety tested In sackcloth aud ashes, a good ninny American sinners decided that Bermuda was a much tatter place' to do penance than home. Bo they tilled themselves, aud it came to pass that they further added to thul sacrlllcos by bestowing ill) of their smiles. uiK)n the brilliantly uniformed banished put from England. A plain, every day Ainoi lean gentleman in civilian drew was of no account wiintever; could not even bo seen 'midst tho. flash of brow. One enterprising true Amer ican, not willing to succumb to thu Inevitable and be ignoied by bis capricious country-, women, bethought him of his rank in tho. state mllitlu und of his uniforms, which happened to be among his effects. That evening ho appeared in the diess suit of a colonel, aud from that time was not seen without military trappings. His success was perfect. Au Englishman and one in uul-. rot ni was charming, but an American in uni form, with his attentive rospectful manner to ladles, was more. He could almost make, them forget it was lent, and they were all at Bermuda to iet and pi ay, There was no humbug about the death of P. T. Bat num. nnd he set an example worthy of general imitation when he directed that, his funeral be strictly private. Alleged friends tried to have the family ignore his injunction. What a qut-erlphuse nf human nature it is that wants to mitku it gay show of a funerul t Aud yet we see it about us every day. People take a etty pride In ' having a big fuueial for a dead relative. If It insured the deceased's salvation there might be justifica tion, hut It only Hatters the vanity of some one left among the living. Here is a gem that npponis in the auto graph album of one of our Lincoln belles that lives on the south side, its of course under stood that it moans south of () treet. Homo of the young gentlemen that nre culleis nt the lady's home will readily racojgnlio who the owner of the book is, but heron the venu; "Ulpcst npples soon get rotlon, Hottest love soon gets cold, Young men's vows aro oft forgotten, Lookout, glrly, you'll gut sold." And here's another that is full of meaning: "Happy Is the cut lluppy Is tho kitten Happy is tho girl Thul yhesii fellow the mitten." These are ceilnlnly two very eloquent and hearty expressions of li iendlilp, but as they have lieeii copyrighted I would suggest thut my readers use a geiieiotu amount of preten tion in iitukiug uki of them. Hpcolal Coubikh Correspondence.! ijixw YoiiK.April 4. On Easte.- Monday three new plays were brought out, "Mr. Wilkinson's Widows" at tho Twenty-third sirout theatre, "Thou Shalt Not" nt the Sulon Square, and "Bethrothed" at the srden Theatre, "Bethrothed" is Alphonso Daudet's "IObstacle," very badly done by simo ono who has so far kept under cover. 14 was effective in France, as everything fjtoin it. Daudet's pen is sure to be, but here ljj Is an unmistakable failure. A grim audi ence' submitted to three weary hours of dreary nuntmise beautifully staged and splendidly acted, and then went home think lag about the motive of the play which Is In- sanity. It Is a harmless, pretty, lack-lustre rfrtorplay, without the slightest strength. If dosen't offend, it dosen't excite, it Just oc curs nicely and proiiei ly aud rails. "Thou Shalt Not" is a borsu of entirely dlffeient color, as the name implies. It is an adapta tion of one of Albert Ross's best known novels by Max Freeman, aud Freeman has done his part of tho work well. The story of the play is thu boasting of n young-man-aboilt-fown that he can betray any women in n certain time. This motive is pursued through the play which may be viciouslly atti active to the hoodlums or Uothem, but uicesively ludicrous to the wickedly inclined 'Thou Hnalt Not" was well acted, and may succeed In the same manner as "Tho Clem eqceau C'um." Tho gi eat success or the week is "Mr. Wilkinson's Widows," which with oie voice Is called the best comedy of the tenson. It is h blight wholesome play that kes the audleucesln loaisol laughter Iroiu slf it lo finished, and Is mi e of a very long I- UUNUII. v KDHAH NYK. A limine Wanted. About July Hist, an eight room ivsldeice with modern coiieulcnctluceuirul location, or will give I -use on is delicti built to my order. Addie, L. Wkkhki., .lit., Hilt N St. Harness and leathei goods of all descrlp lions made to order by Henry Hurpham, 142 north Eleventh street. Parisian millinery Including all the latest novelties at Haines & Haskell's new millnery tore, 1IIKIO street. Rochester N, Y., Herald, Is a sample of thousands of econiums published in the papers wherever these gentlemen have appeared: "To attempt to give any description of the various selections rent' erf d by Mr. Nye would bo futile. All that can be said is that they were like Nye himself, and that everyone of his hear-rs laughed nntil his sides ached, not less at the apiearance of the sieaker than at the selections. l'erhs the btwtot Mr. Nye'a efforts was the reading of a story, witli a moral, atiout it tmy named tieorge, and Ins reunion with his long-lost father. Mr. Nye'a ambition was to have this story lucororated In some school-reader, and In his reading he mimicked most cleverly the sing-song and In tonation of the average school-boy. The en tertainment wasn most delightful one. It Is very enjoyable to tesd this gentleman's pen pictures, but it Is doubly enjoyable to hear them presented by their author. That he pleased the auditors greatly, the hearty Thoro was nuothor ball game at the big ,M street Thursday afternoon, A cold raw air was moving Itself aright, and the six or oven hundred fans set nnd shivered nud choered, and then stood and shlvcied. Hut It was a good gamo, nil the same. Billy Hart thu old Lincoln favorite, occupied the I sax for thu Cornhuskors for live Innings, und but five lilts were mudoolT his delivery. Belbel was thou substituted, but he was plu for tho homo team, and they alternated In taking largo slices. Burkett did the twirling for the home team and but seven hits went mode oil him , Thu young man had adorned himself with his batting close also, and in the seventh Inniug befell uiion thu ball with a noise like an In dependent primary, aud when thu smoke arose from the battlollold he was (wrched up on the homeplate, while several Cornhuskors were chasing themselves over the field. Cllne gave the center Holder another chance to chase his face In tho .ninth Inning. There, were fifteen hits in all garnarsd by the Lin cettttorys. rJowejexcslleiit battlai -adoua by several of the visitors, while ration or the home team run bases and caught file llko a man working by the piece. Following is thu score. Lincoln 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 3 3-10. Sioux City 0 110 0 0 0 3 05 Yesterday the Sioux City nine evened up mutters by beating the Lincoln players by just ono tally. The score was live to four. It wus a good game and very interesting. Thu biclcle races at lloliauun's hall this week have lieeu the most remarkable that have probably ever occurred In the country. There have beeu flvo coniietltors Mockett and Clark of Lincoln, Fletcher aud Wtrtx of Oman and Meant of Fullerton. A better matched set of men never competed on the track. Mockett has been tlM favorite on ac count of his brilliant spurt aad for three nights he was a lap ahead of his competitors. On Thursday Meant made a magnlHoant spurt and caught up with Mockett. Clark through two bail falls lost three laps, but managed to make good one of them. a Lovers of athletic sports have liad enough ' to engage their entire attention this week. The baseball season has otetied In earnest and one of the most exciting series of bycicle races ever known lu the history of the wheel have been going on this week. On Sunday the Lincoln Ham met the Omaha nlnooii the diamond at the metropo lis and came back vt lth the scalps of the Out aliogs dangling at their belts. The score was 11 to 10 lu fnvor of Lincoln. The lawn tennis season will open In a few days and already the garrAs are being ran sacked for the racquet and ball put away last fall for future reference. Hereafter the spot ting department win Do made a regular feature of The Couiiikk. Archery promises to tw it favorite twstlnie this season. VHV' RllllUll ( .n,,,rf,,,v tw j - - - ..(,. . ij vuiiiiwiii ptayed to slim audiences on Monday nud t ars my evenings, out to iiiucu larger audi enjee thtii such a company deserved, What litthl (here was credltuble in the "show, for ItVaniiot lie calletl by any better term, was overwIinlniHtl hv (.tin fH,anu.ti,u vulwiltw and suggestiveitess that chaiacteiizcd the actions uud speech of hflh the males and females who ai llclated fit it. Most of (lis, winiieii weie repulsive in appearance but litr more ro In nel Ion. The presentation of such a play Is an insult to decency, 'the great atpblllon of eveiy tNiticipant seemed to be to do or ray something dlsgutliiignrlndu cent. Pet wins have been ilne-l in the nfc court for lists offense than wort committed on the st (go lart Monday night, A number of lecherous io)lcemoii, however, sat and en joyed the disgusting ierformance of Mouday A. I. nURHANK. laughter aud appluuso pi 0,'ed, No was us gtrtvo us au uwl, men when h) convulsed his henif r. Ills stngo manner Is very mirth piovi'klngln itelf. One never tiles listening to him The (H-cnslo i wus also mad t notable by llio tpis-niHiicoo: Mr, A P, lliii'luiiik, of New York, whose iium-rout recitals havu al ready won for him mauy fi lends. Mr. Bur bank's selections, with one exception, were humorous, aud such as wore best calculated Continued on Fourth Page. Mrs. Jones hasn't a gray hair in Iwr head aud is over 50. She looks as youug'as her daughter. The secret of It is that she uses only Hall's Hair Reuewer. Ilallett, the jeweler, still keeist on selling diamonds, whll-t competitors stand by and look on. Ilallett s euergv and push has made for him a name that is both popular and well known. He helluve in selling goo Is nt liv ing prices, and giving 100 Cctnls worth for a dollar. Just at this particular time he tuts some excellent bargains In diamonds and other precious stones, aud it will pay you to take a look ut them if you contemplate mak ing n present mkii. i " . - - -Our special lines lu Lndie Silk Vists will be offered at low pi let on Mouday, J. W. Wimikh&C. Five thoustiid different ni tides from i cent to t went) -live ivnts, nothing over m qunilerut the Ureal Twenty-live cut store, 1124 O sti vet. r Henry Harpham's wtddl -ry and harncu. emporium has beeu mv-d"to 142 north Eleventh street, opposite Capital hotel, Monday will be your lime to secure spring hosiery and underwear at secial prices. J, W, Winobh&Co. .JU jkJL itfriM'itiitilriri''Hti;hi-'vtnMllil I: M .;; . Lint.... j. ..&. .a-ii ., Jv. ni siij.-L a'Sj t S,'lf .: tiri a .'A -J