Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 04, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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HES2vQPr.3apK. iLJ
j lii Receiving
Oall and Soo Thorn.
Famous Millinery Store,
l J n.f n Kir.t.
ia "
The CouhikH will not lie nwponstblo for
in tlebtM made by any one In It name, mi
ca a written order ncconipanhw the mine,
Oarnar I Oth an P ttraata.
Dry Goods,
Tli Courier" ror Bale In Omaha.
Copies may be found at Keith' now stand,
Sit South Fifteenth street, Boyd' opera house
t r ' ' J -
New Dress Goods
Herpolsheimer & Go.
In all Prices. Exclusive Designs a special
feature of this department.
TIm Caarla Cam aafftuaH At
Wlaaat Mote) Maws Stand.
r. ill nana ua awes.
efteSui kerth , lltk .
4s Krber Shea, Burr eUoek.
r Aa antra supply of paper is al way left
at iM Oataaai, la eaae ouwr newaair
JUlunlap. Hats '
-f R. Dennis & Co.,
- U37 0 9tr-t.
Ckarak Advortteasneate..
April tret, Tn Cooana
sea partahsiag to aoeiabka,
aaasfti at aa BAauani aaauaAlaiHI BUbJ faMsagAaWaal fm
nsvVtTasava awVnl ann1aWaHBg4Bj WVM tBBj am a
all nhwrouee fraa of eaarge. Advsrtlnt
mn BTawB'TBuaMl vau"JTw HH BBavJaaBaV 4J
charged will be inserted at eae-haK tbareg
alar rata.
fceoal aa Peraaaal.
WaKebrsast Coal aad Ltaaa Cosnpany
Brown' for oysters In all styles.
Call up mm L. D. T. Co., Phone 10U
Fa Bleaeh at Kipoeltion building.
Rath If. Wood, M. D., MM P street
Wacom loo Co., 1040 O St. Telephone 118.
Order Canon City Coal from Betta,
Weaver Co.
Mew style of Invitation Just In at The
Coubikb oHce.
A Pleasant Hour Incident.
Written for Tun CouainH.
Wo strolled llitti the vacant parlor Just to rent
Tho wall was done. Tho laco upon lierbnast
With Rcntlo lltllo quiver roue and fell.
And aht my eourauecaino nnd wont n well.
Ilor dnlnly elicok was vary nonr my lips;
I look horchln between my linger ll;
Hlmnniialitlierlircntlil said with n stlddrn
"Pslmwl wlt n moment.! Is going by.
Tho masquernda ball given by tho Pleasant
Hour club on Thursday evening nt the Hotel
Lincoln, was tho Inst soolnl session of that
organisation this season. It proved ft grand
success and one of tho most onjoynblo parties
evorglvon by the club. Nearly ovcry wrson
In attendance masked, and thero was a strik
ing diversity of costumes worn, ranging
from tho ludiorous tn tho beautiful. Tho
must conspicuous woro tho two convict suits.
A trio that attracted considorablo attention
constated of the Misses Maude llurr, Minnlo
Latin nnd Mr. Will Clnrko. All three wore
attired exactly nhko In long black dresses.
Mr. Clnrko' disguise was jierfcct, nnd n
number of gentlemen ilnucod with him, never
suspecting his sox. There were a number of
other splondld disguises. After six numbors
were danced tho unmor.klug took plnco
nnd n unlversnl exclamation wont up
from the various danceis nsthoy discovered
the Identity of their partners. Mr. Hhenrs,
tho proprietor of tho hotel, left nothing un
done for tho comfort nnd plonsura of tho
guests, and everything wns in Mint excellent
condition that has popularised thnt hostelry
and mndo It tho best place In tho city for
holding a party. At 10:!U) o'clock an elegnnt
lunch was served. The following Is a list of
tho daucers nnd their masques;
Miss Minnie Latta, Mis Maude llurr nnd
Mr. WlllClarke, three babes.
Miss Hnwloy, milkmaid.
Miss White, riding costume.
Miss Hattlo Leland, sun flower costume.
Mr. Hayden, flower girl.
Miss Hallle Hooer, queen of night.
MIssKelmer, blue costume.
Mis Keuier, country lass.
Miss Lottie Andrews, gypsoy.
Mis Martha Funke, La Town, costume.
Miss Kolley, fancy red costume.
Mrs. K, K. Henkle, queen of cards.
Mrs. McDonald, red costume.
Mlrs Marquette, KnteUreonawny costume.
Mis Grace Burr, light bluo costume,
Mr. Henkle black costume trimmed with
Mis Marshall, spring.
Mb Gertrude Hill, pansy.
Mlsa Gundry of Mineral Point, Wis., blnck
Mlsa May Burr, Hatau.
Mt Carol Hill, fancy costume.
Mis Olive Latta, Monk costume from
Mont Crtsto.
Ml Carrie Wasmer, Folly, a striking coh
tumo of orange and black velvet.
The following ladle ware present but did
not mask:
Mr. J. A. BuckstalT, Mrr. Leonard, Mis
Florence Brown, Mrs. M. E. Wheeler, Miss
Walsh, Mrs. Townley, Mis Hardy, Miss Lib
llbrldge, Mrs. VanDusen, Mia Shears, Miss
Btout, Miss Corn Hardy, Mr. C, L. Llppln
cott, Mrs. John B. Wright, Miss Clara
Walsh, Mr. Hayden,
Lieut Townley, army officer.
Mr. BuckstalT, Turkish costume.
Mr. Hayden, "Burlington route." v
Mr. Bt John, brigadier general.
Mr. Dorgan, oonilo George Washington
Mr. Marshall, Louis XIV.
Dr Ladd. a monk.
Mr. Charle Hall, domino,
Mr. Rlchter, a friar.
Mr. Cooper, domino.
Mr. C. L. Burr, Pinafore sailor costume.
Mr. Boole, monastic costume.
Mr. Hout. convict
Mr. Fred Buiyaer, Bhakespeatiau costume.
Mr., Reeve, friar.
Mr. Andrus, Bhylock.
Mr. a Y. Smith, Big Lord Fauntleroy.
Mr. sMwaway, Henry vm,
Mr. K." K. Henkle, convict.
Mr. Winger, king Jester.
Mr, Aaron BuckatalT, sir knlgbt
Mr. Frank Burr, Spanlstt cavalier.
Mr. FMagerakl, a monk.
Antong the other gentlemen present wero
the following: Meswra John U. Wright,
McDonald, Lippinoott, Lemlst, Zehrung,
Marry Hall, Bradley, VanDosen, Leonard.
at the Whltebreaat
Canon City
'Coal and Lhh
Mto 8. ,M. CasTyn, drammaklng
1311 M street Tslephon 519.
II Grlewoldn d store I headquarter for
every seed for the lawn and garden.
Got your lower aadgarden seeds at Gi (
wokV sed store, 140 South Uth st
Mia C. J. Gulhnette, ntodiete, second oor'
Xxpositlen building. Take elevator.
Dr: C. B. Manning nnnoved to new ottoes,
roen9e and 88, second door Burr block.
Jnsttor Coal I a winner and Betta, Weaver
ft Co., seta agent have plenty of it. Try
Tho new .On Stove shown by Rudg ft
Mania la acknowledged by all to be the meat
I a wen a best made stove in the
MtoM.Cnnfln, art studio, room 31, Mo
Mnrtry Week, eomer Uth nnd M street, I
fjtwpnred to tenth oil, water color, aad pastel
nasi ting. eharceal drawing. Order
.iT'lUsnblar Wcyele U oomlng more in
mhsv favor daily as tae maehiae cone
r 'iatogMemlaM. M is wadonhttdly the beet
'ndaaied tor sfiii, aoNifort aad safety, of
aayafthesiaohlaa, Call and aee it at K.
R Sathrie1, l4t Oeemt
Mia.,Ssaryaew,aaa of aprtac asHUaery
aaaaMejrrlrad.aadiaeUoekU aH eosnpleu
fSSkt am aaaaitaisnt. Thabeaatsful asaort-
aBjaa a paotara aaie, aoaaeis, tottaes, eao.,1
aanaa aaftaaag aaretoforeehown ta Uaeoto.
lamipaaM.aardsrlljr snvitad to eall aad
n IB!" 'W htaaa. Riawaihir Mm plaea.
r aaW71an.VM0'rC '
On tho fourteenth of February, what k
known as the "Woman's Club" was organised
and the meetings have been most Interesting
and successful, both from n literary and
social standpoint The club convene on
Wednesday of each week, and n most prof
itable study of BbakeapeareVpUy ha been
inaugurated, and further on the attention
aad time of the member will be extended to
general reading, In such literature a occa
sion and Inclination may direct Tho charter
members are Mr. Myron Wheeler, Mrs. W.
K. Cambridge, Mrs, K. H. Rehlaender, Mrs.
Richard O'Neill. Mrs. Dr. Went, Mr. Dr.
Trogdon, Mrs. W. & Ayres, and recently
such valuable acquisition as Mrs. Thos.
Benton, Mrs. Paul Holm and Mrs. T. W.
Tate have been added to the club. The rule
was adopted that the lady at whose residence
the club convenes shall bo tho president on
that occasion, and Mrs. Myron Wheeler was
the first to wield the gavel In said official
capacity, while the honor of the secretary
ship was conferred on Mr. It L. Rehlaender.
Daring business meetings, the club goes Into
"Executive Session" and all husband are
expelled vM armU, but It was voted that
socials sh-Mild be given once n month by each
member la turn, nt, which tne husband of
the respective ladle were to be present The
ana of tneee social was given last Saturday
evening at the boast, of Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Rehlaender, and the occasion proved to be a
most opportune one, in tnattbelr friends Mr.
and Mr. Geo. R, XdJy of Omaha, were
present on a visit, aad with the other guest
enjoyed the aveahtg to Its fullest extent
Tally-pulling, music and card constituted
the program of the evening, following which
was aa elaborate lunch, so delicious and pala
table that it pleased the most delicate
taste. When the light of the city were
sucJtsring "low aad faint la the socket" each
couple wish a plate of taffy, hied themselves
homeward, iataoaacrednea of "mldnlgbt's
holy hour." The husbands asy "next I1
tho colonel recently gavon bwioflt perform
nncti nt tho Fnnko (or A. (). U, W. lodgo on
which oocnslon tho Swedish Sextette appear
cd, nnd to (show their hrnrty Appreciation
of the courtesy extended n committee
MmiQffd of Mi-ssr W. Hoehn, V. W Pyn
chon nnd J, C. Conger wns nppolntod by tho
lodgo to nrraiiKu for nnd securn tho token,
The charm Is n very pretty one, einhlemntlu
of the uniform rank of tho grent order nnd
hns tho name of tho recipient uenlly ongrnv
u I thereon,
Tho hall of tho Phi Doltn Thotn fraternity
wa the scene of n very plensnnt mrty Krl
day evening, whon the Kentlemon of I he so
ciety received their lady friend. As is the
case when tho Phis "keep open house," the
guosta expressed entire satisfaction with
every detail of tho ovenlugs entertainment,
Curds nnd dnuclng constituted tho evening's
amusements. Refreshments were served,
Thoso present wore: Mo-ar Hardy, Gull
motto, Plhtbury, Fife, Kdmlston, Payne,
Montgomery, Harris, Whig, Welch, (ler
wig Lyman, HagRiird, Kmery, Tay
lor, Chnpln of Council lllulfs, Dorsey of
Beatrice, Palmer of Omaha, C. W, Lyman.
MlMoa Hammond, Treanmn, Do Pue, Mau
ley, Law, Nehlo Lnw, Tuttle, Lindloy, Wes
ton, Underwood, Jury;Miadnines Harris nnd
Lyman, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lyman ncted
ns chn)orons,
Mr. David T. Evans gnvo his many friends
of this city nnd over tho state, quite a sur
prise Monday evening by quietly announcing
that ho had been married that day nt Hast
ings to Miss Mnud li. MoWhluuey, one or the
lovely bolls of tho queen city. Mr. Uvnns Is
foreman of Cnlhoun nnd Wood ru It's printing
houw, n clever gentleman with hosts or
friends, all of whom will bo glad to learn of
his happiness. Ills estimable life ttnrtner is
an ncompliidied lady of raro womanly grace
and one that will make for her high lord n
worthy couipauiouablo help meet. TilK
CoUHlKH Joins the multitude of friends In
wlslilug Mr. and Mrs. Evans long lire, un
bounded hnpplnosinnd protqwrlty. They urn
quartered at tho Bond hotel and will, after
April 15th, be nt home nt 1040 Q Btreet.
Thursday evoning Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes
Ilea ton osxlstod by tholr daughter Mlsa Edna,
eiitertnined a number of friends of Heboknh
degreo lodgo No. 'J., I. O. O. F. A largo
amount of good muslo lent its charm to tho
other social features of the occasion. Those
present wero Mesxr and Mesdnmoa James
Tyler, K. B. Hyde, A. Dillon, H. W Ran
dall, W. L. Whitman, J. W. Fox, T. V.
Lasch, J. II. Corrlck, J. Holshaw and J. II.
Sidell; Misses Ollio, Minnie nnd Myrtle Mann,
Sadie Young, Inn Hindi, Eva nnd Iva Hol
shaw, Mrs Llda H. Hall, Amy Lasch and tho
Misses Ford: Messr Amy, Lasch. J. J. Kir
by, William Shultz, Willis Short, K, D.
Howen nnd J. P. Tishbun.
Temple Hall was filled with a great crowd
of merry dancers Monday night. It was tho
occasion of tho sixth annual ball of the An
cient Order of Hibernians, and it was a
grand success both socially and ilnaunially.
The Philharmonic orchestra was in attends
nnco and furnished excellent muslo for tho
oco.ision. Twontyfour numbers wero danc
ed and tho evening wns one of enjoyment
and mirth. At 1!) o'clock the dancers ad
journed to the banquet hall for refreshments,
after which dancing was resumed and con
tinued until an early hour. Governor Hoyd
was In attendance and led the grand maivh.
Tho many friends of Mr. R. S. Nolr, tho
young druggist at 118 South Tenth street
will bo agreeably surprlied to learn that ho
was happily married at Marshalltown, Iowa,
on Sunday to Mis gusto Williams, n wormy
young lady who will be remembered by
many as a resident of Lincoln for many
ear and left here only n few months since.
Tha ceremony occurred at the home of the
bride's uncle, Hon. Jessie Williams, and was
performed by tho minister ef tho First Bap
tist church of that city. They will take up
their abodo In Lincoln to-morrow.
Mrs. II . II. Nicholson, tt South lllst street
gave a Kensington tea last Saturday after
noon to a number of her friends. Tho hours
wero from !1 to 0 p. in. Thoso present were
mainly university people, and tho affair was
given lu honor of Mrs. Horton, wife of Dr.
H jrton, the latest addition to tho university
faculty. Tho parlor wero very prettily
decorated, pink being the prevailing color.
The table ornaments consisted mainly of
beautifully colored Easter eggs, while the
ice were served In the fonn of chickens and
egg of candied syrup.
On Monday evening a very pretty and
pleasing euteiUlniuent was given
under the auspice of the Turnverelu at Har
monio hall. The principal leaturo were
the exhibition given by alxty boy and girls
who have been under the training of Hon.
Philip Andres, ex-president of the Nebraska
turnbexirk. Great skill was shown by the
pupils particularly In the wand and Indian
club exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Festner
of Omaha, lent a charm to the occasion by
their splendid renditions on the cither.
The Courikh is in receipt of a very neat
Invitation to the silver anniversary enter
tainment of Joseph lodgo number Ttt I. O. B.
B.,of St. Joseph, Mo., which take place
Wednesday evening April 15th. The occasion
will he celebrated by a grand ball and banquet
and promise to bo a social event of more
than ordinary brilliancy. The lodge is one
of the oldest and most prosperous in the west
Tux Courier extends congratulations nnd
best withe for future usefulness and broth
erly love.
The Art reception at the conservatory
Monday night, given by the student of the
art department was largely attended by
friends of the conservatory and lovers of art.
The parlors were artistically and appropri
ately arranged with easels, on wmcu were
placed the work of the student which wero
completed, lu the studio tho unfinished
work was exhibited on easels, and on the
walls of this room showing a veritable stu.
dlo, whore the student receive their Inst ruc
tion In tho fine arte.
Avery pretty entertainment called a rain
bow festival was given Wednesday eveuing
by the Junior society of tho Y. P. B. C. E. of
the Vine street Congregational church In the
parlors of the church on Twenty-fifth and
Vine streets. A fine musical and elocution
ary program was presented. Tho parllcl
nanta were Misses Leon Nichols, Anna Post,
Alloa Bros. Grace Cutler, Fannie Woods
and Lola De wltt; Messrs Irvin Cutler, Chat.
PhllpotandJ. M.Bell.
A anall b'ut very enjoyable High Five
party waa given by Mr. aad Mr. A. C.
Kennard, Tuesday evening, In honor of Mrs.
Kllenrof Matoone, III. Tbe royal prise
were won by Mr. John P. Maule and Mr.
Dennis, the booby by Mrs. C. A. Keith and
Mr. Keifer.
Additional Local and Persons! Pag 5.
rlE Mcnnv MUSE.
Dear Old toiidun.
When I mi! liroko In lmiltm In tho fall nf flo
I ehaucod tn py In Oxford direct this tnntnlls-
"ASplenriiil llorncoOlicapforCnnh" -or conns
I had 1 1 Ionic
Upon tho vmiuled barRaln, and It was n nohla
A liner otio I've never acvu nor can 1 hope to
Tim lint edition, richly bound, and clean as
clean can lu;
And Jtinl to tlduM for three pound ten 1 iiiIkIi!
have hail that I'lno
When 1 was liroUo In lindou In the rail or 'Hi.
Down at Niweda'-. In tho Strand I round, ono
fnloftit day,
A portrait that I pined for an only maulno
A print of Mine. Vostrls alio flourished year
Was lliirtolo-.z!' diuifilitonuid a thoroughbred,
you know!
A clean nnd Imiiilwiinu print It wns, and cheap
nt thirty hoh
That'a what I told tho aalcnniau as i choked a
rNlnit noli;
Hut 1 Imuit around Noscda's aa It were a holy
When I wan hroko In London tn tho rail or '80,
At Davoy's, In (Ireat Itussol street, woro auto
Kraph Raloro,
And Mr. Davoy lined to 1st me con that pre
cious atorc;
Bonictliurs I rend what warriors wrote, seme
times a klnn's command,
lint oftcner still a iioct'a verso writ In n mcagei
Lamb, Hyron, AddUon nnd Burns, Pnno, John
win, Swift and Hcntt
It needed hut a paltry tmm to comprehend the
Yet when friend Davoy marked 'cm down,
what could I hut decline?
For I was hroko In Umihin In tho fall or 'Hi!
Or nnthiue swords nnd apenrs I saw a vast and
dasslltiK heap
That Curio Kenton offered mo at prices pass
liiit choap;
And, old tho quaint old bureau and tho warm
Inn pant or brius,
And tho lovely hldostis freaks 1 round In pew
ter and In itlaanl
And, oh! tho idduhnards, candlesticks, tbe
cracked old china platen,
Tho clocks and spoons from Amntordnm that
antedate all dates
Or Biirh superb mnnstnisttlca I round an end
less mine,
When I was liroko In Ixindon In tho rail or 'ml
Oh, yo that hanker after boons that others
Idle hy-
Tho haltered tiling the I ptrano tho aoul
tlmuith they may ve.t tho eye;
Tho silver plate nnd crockery all nanctlllod
with grime,
Tho oaken stuff that has dolled tho tooth ol
envious time,
Tho musty tnmes, tho apeekled prints, tho mil
dewed bills or play,
And other costly relics or malodorous decay
Yo only cau appreciate what nony waa in I no .
Whon I was hroko lu London lu tho rail or '001
When, In tho con mo or natural thlnKS, I go to
my rownrd,
Let no IiiiikmIhk epitaph my martyrdoms
Neither In Hebrew, ImUu, Oreek, or any
cIiishIc toniruo
Let my ten thousand triumphs over human
Krlefn bo sutiK,
But In plain Anglo-Saxon (that ho may know
who seeks
What BKonl.lng pangs I'vo had whllo on th
hunt ror freaks)
Let there ho writ uion ttio slab that mark my
grave this line:
"Deceased was hroko In Loudon In tho rail
or W
Kurouo Field in Chicago News.
Jimmy (aged 0) What would you like
for a Christina gift n sealskin sacauoor
a horse and buggy?
Jennie (aged 5 A sealskin nucque.
Jimmy Well, I've got seven cent saved
op already, and I'll see what I can do.
By and By.
young Mognm a practicing
"He hopes to be. Ho' only been at It a
W uablngton Foot.
A Proposal.
ftSaaii BSvffi ' JrW
-Aa, Mr. Dolan, when mj
it left a nig hole la y
Dolan Mrs. Casey, would ye raolad
' 1ft wld A fctf all! t Mlnf IJU
Other People.
SUPP05E mij msYOUR
AUVCRI 1)010 1 r
Rid Gloves
Fancy Shades
Evening Lengths
Ladies' Street Gloves
While Col. Robert McReyaold waa seated
w hi cosy arm ahair la ale private oAoe in
the opara bona bu tiding Thursday, quietly
eajoyiag a an Havana antoke, a ooauaittee
of brother loagoaien catered aad with a fw
ohsttn word.prsenttd aim with a beautiful
A. O. IT. W. watch ehams. It acme that
Tbe bald man' motto: "Thwdi room at
the top." ThU top may be well supplied with
a good crop of hair by using Hall's H air Re
newer. Try it
13 pieces 40 in. spring dr Rannel for Mon
day 15 cte. a yd worth. 80 coat.
J W WiNOga Sc Co,
Inspect the choice line of embroideries In
newest pattern at Herpokbeiiaer Co.
133 to 139 North uth Street.
al BBBKlaarBaaBBHl aBBBal
LaaVSaaaaaaaaaaaulBaBE?aaaLBVaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaal
SaaaaaaSSaSalaaaaaaaaa aiTI'l
ee Our New Gas Stove!
See Our New Gasoline Stove I
1122 N STREET.
n. m, iniiu u uviij yes
x .
1S91. Yj
f &r
PHONE 219. 1112 0 STREET.
Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic
No Chloroform ! No Ether! No Gas!
A Ml Set of Teeth on Eubber for $5.00.
All Fillings at the Lowest Rates.
DR. H. K. KERMAN, Rooma 9LtN'L26'NEBrr mck'
AnJ everything for the I.awn and Garden, at
Gris-wold's Seed Store
140 Boutli ElevuntH Htreet.
-j. -jtoan-ttf.. .- .... i ..