Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 04, 1891, Image 1

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WR&B$ffiW& fio.o.o.0..0.o.c( 4?pj&M
Vol. 6 No. 17 Lincoln, Nkbuaska, Saturday, Ainiu 4, I6bl. Phicu Fivis OisntsP
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Apropos fashionable fads slumming Car
mencltn, et al tho English aristocracy can
ietthe pace for poor plebeian American'.
Only the other day a man with a noble title
for n liandlo to his iiaiuo gave a twtrty and
bod a sparring match in his ball room for
tho entertainment of Ida guests, ladles ns well
as gentlemen. Tho lord hud hired prize
fighter for the occasion, and thoy held their
bouts In a ring enclosed with silk ribbon.
They wero stripped to the waist, and thus
surrounded by applauding men nnd women
of high degree they pummeled each other un
til their noses bled and thclreyes weio black
ed. There were half n dozen events of this
sort. The ladles waved their fans and clap
tied their daintily cloved hands, a far fiom
recognizing the vulgar Incongruity of the
display, they presented tho victors with bo
quota and glasses of wlno.
Bpeaklmr of la gripo and its treatment,
since the foregoing was written Sir Mortimer
arnnvlllu, an eminent physician of London,
Kngland, has raided the following: "Dr.
Mortimer Granville bogs Chicago physicians
to try live grains of camphor In twenty
minims tincture of Idlono in a dram each of
glycerine and syrup. Give frequently for In
fluenza with strong meat juice. No nutipy
reno." Regardless of the merits of tho pro
scription, It Is somewhat remarkable that a
physician should volunteer his advice, and fit
is little short of astounding that an English
physician should go to the trouble of cabling
his gratuitous advico to America. Wo may
have hopes for tho race yet.
We read aliout trusts of mauy kinds, but
ono of the queerest Is just now being agitated.
It Is proosed to form a combination on pa
tent medicines. The manufacturers have an
idea that tho publio nro not paying enough
for their nostrums, because many retailers
havo been selling the medicines at less than
the advertbtd price. The big concerns have
devised on Ingenious scheme. They propose
to make the retail druggist pay them the re
tail price. With each bottle will be a couion
which the druggist is to tear off when ho
sells the package, and preserve. At the end
f every mouth or three mouths thmo cou
ikus will bo redeemed for an agreed price,
but Instead of sending them to the different
manufacturei s, the druggist will Hud In the
big cities a sort of a clearing house, where
the whole lot will be cashed. The druggist
will have to mako an aflldavlt that the goods
wero sold for the full retail price, and In
some of the larger cities the trusts will actu
ally hire spotters to watch the retailers. The
coupons will represent 20, 8!l or 60 percent of
the price of the goods, and, as will readily be
seen, that will be tho dtugglst's profit. If he
cuts the price and Is too honest to swear to a
lie ho will lose money, and besides tho trust
will put his name on a blacklist. The doctors
generally have a sort of a combination on
fees, and to complete tho circle It U only nec
essary for the colllu makers and the grave
diggers to form a trust.
There aie many curious Kaster customs in
various parts of the world, but some of tnu
quaintest survive In Kngland, where tho long
national life has been favorable to tho an
tlque. On Thursday preceding Easter seven-ty-t
o old m n and Boventv-two old women
Queen Victoria Is seventy-two years old
gathied at Westminister Abbey and recciv
ed a charity known as tho "royal maundy."
Over :l,0(H) were distributed among them,
and a certain proportion of ic was In silver
ttenuie. This was in accordance with a cm
torn hundreds of years old, and the old folks
realize handsome sums by afterwards selling
their pennies to curiosity huuteis. In Mad
rid the queen of Spain on Holy Thursday
snowed her humility by washing the foot of
twelve old men and twelve old women In
Vienna the emperor of Austria performed a
similar service for twelve old men, and th
empress would have served twelve old women
in like manner bad she not been prevented by
lllnes Instead, she sent the women gifts of
clothing, food and money. At a famous old
school In Ijnndon sixty boys attended a cer
tain i-huicu on Good Fiiday and received
each a' bag of raisins, one penny and one
,buu. At u certain church twenty-one wid
ows each picked up a; new sixpence from a
tomb in the church yard. This custom Is
said to be 500 years old.
Womanhood has many mysteries for man
kind, but there is ono that causes me to mar
vel much. Occasionally we ore visited by fe
male minstrel and female variety companies
and the advanco bills make the boards blos
som ulth pictures of women in abbreviated
appure), low necked und sklrtless. The lui
pressloi. they convey Is that the entertain
ineiit will tifford an exhibition of the femi
nine foi m divino altogether too generous and
publio to be proper. Ro strong Is this im
pression that respectable women do not at
tend such performances. Now the marvel
ous thing about the matter Is this: Young
ladloa of the highest respectability anl un
doubtedly as puro and lovely a any of their
sex In the community will discuss the doubt
ful entertainment with young men friends In
ashoeklugry free manner. They not only
joke the young men on having attended the
twrformunce, but the spirit of the whole
thing i lu fie assumption that such gentle
men have don't something naughty if not
wicked. One might understand an occasion
al reference to such a matter and excuse It as
a slip of the COrigWof of the memory, but so
many' df the s'weei'uiaidens persist in inukiii;
it the main toplo of conversation thioughnut
an evening. If Ic is Impinner to attend such
n entertainment onumUht suppose It woul I
be in If Urate at least tu relur to it f rrquenil
in a mixed coniauy. And if it wei e so very
naughty one might expeit the young women
who so carefully guard their imputations
from the of tii Iclon would
look upon the naughty young men askance
Instead of toddling their tttaitly vanity. Yts
wontoti are a queer lot, but how ilo you ox
jilnln the paradox!
Hev, T. DeWItt Talmnge, whose famous
sermons are a regular feature of The
Couuikh, has a new lecturo that his
admirers will bo Interested in. Its
title is "ThoBcionco of Good Cheer." Among
many good things he says: "It is tho duty of
man to l)u merry and Joyous. Laughter Is
the iMiiacea for nearly all ills. Take a man
who appreciates funny things, and sound him
and you will find him a model citizen. 1'coplo
who set) only tha dark sldo of things never
smile not oven when tho clown cracks cob-
webbed jokes at tho circus. Thoy think It Is
criminal to laugh or Joke. A mini's head
may bo whitened by the frost of years, bu t
his heart for nil of that, tuny bo as young and
joyous as If he wero still in Ids teens. The
man who grow sold gracefully does not ob
ject to the sports ho himself enjoyed while lu
his boyhood. To lilm tho world Is ns bright
us It over was. The true way to enjoy life Is
to mingle lu and p'trtako of tho pleasures of
this world ns they come, for a merry 'heart
doetli more good than a barrel of medicine.
When a man feels blue and dissatisfied, he
should recall all tho pleasant ami amusing
incidents that ever befell him, nnd thus
cheer up his drooping spirits." And Mr.
Talmagi) has put n great deal of wisdom and
philosophy into u nutshell.
A great deal of uumeilted criticism lias
lieen hurled nt Nebraska tiecauso of tho sup
posed crauklsm of tho majority" In tho legis
lature, but that body has been mild lu com
parison with somo others. Why, look nt
Connecticut, tho land of steady habits. The
house of representatives has adjourned until
November without appropriating a dollar to
run tho state after July 1st. Hut then tho
little nutmegstatu Is of such small importance
that tho didoes of its legislature cut no great
figure in the news of tho day. When Ne
braska undertakes reforms It Is of BUfllcient
consequence to attract the attention of tho
whole country. That's the difference.
Senator Deck of Nebraska is a brother of
United Stales Senator Hook of Kentucky
Iloth aro mild of manner, but tho gentleman
of tho blue grass country Is a mine of Infor
mation. He is such nn encyclopedia that he
can talk upon any subject that may be
brought up. When tho republicans In the
United States spring a matter upon which
tho democrats are not postd, the latter al
ways count on Senator Heck to tako Hid floor
ami talk until some of their members slip out
and post up. Congressman Aryan, who met
mauy distinguished gentlemen while lu
Washington a few weeks ago, says Heck's
Information Is so vnrried and so readily at
command that Ids party fellows never call
on him in vain lu such an emergency.
Last year when they did not know much
about the disease, tho doctors gave tho public
a great deal of advico through the press con
cerning tho prevention nnd treatment of la
gripiie. Tills year well, perhaps they are
honest enough to admit that they do not
know much about it. It doos soem, though,
us If somo precaution should be taken to les
sen tho deadly work of this offoction. He
ports from nil the larger cities say the death
rate has become alarming on account of it,
and It almost makes ono doubt tho practical
result's of that much vuuntcd science called
One should not for light cause snub the ac
tive, business young men who press books
and bananas, pawni and caramels In tho at
tention of travelers by rail, because he may
offend an embryonic millionaire, and what
can cause a snuli-lovlng Americans greater
remorse than the reflection than they have
snubbed a man of a million. Ono of the
train Imys who runs out of Lincoln on the
It. & M. has saved eiough to buy two farms
and several town lots, besides supporting his
mother. Ho is an industrious, economical
young fellow and fairly well on the road of
fortune. Another of their euergetlu young
men often makes fifty dollars a week in tho
busy season of the year, and has a competen
cy within his grasp if he will take care of
his earnings.
What a tendency there is to constantly
create high-salaried offices for the benefit of
hungry politicians! Every legislature makes
one or more soft berths, which genera'ly fall
to soma fellow who has already fed nt the
publio crib. One bill passed by this legisla
ture provides for seven new district judges
at n salary of $'J,500 each and seven steno
giaphers at (1,500 each.
A Cooling HulOeot nnd a Nwuut Hue.
There Is nothing that Lincoln needs so
much at present to complete tho happiness of
her eoplo as u line confectionary and ice
cream establishment, and Tiik Couuikh Is
happy to lie able to state to Its readers today
that arraugmeiits are now blng made for
the opening of just suchii lesoitnt '-HX1 south
Eleventh street. Tho large loom next to
Mo Arthur's drug store, is now in tho bunds
of the Interior decoiuting company whose
nrtists ure skillfully beautifying It unci pre
paring It for tho opening which occurs next
week, and when completed it will be one of
the finest store rooms In tho city. The front
portion will bo used for the candy depai t
nient, while just to thu rear will be tuo ice
cream parlor which will Ihj partitioned off by
handsome beaded poitleru curtains. Tho
fixtures have already nn Ived uml are of the
very latest pattern, lesembliiigtliosH used lu
Gunther's at Chlcigo On thenoilli side of
the room will be wull casesuud shelving und
counters on the opposite side to match, all
mtdo of hard oak. In thu pai lors will be at
1 1 active tables of iiimu wood und chairs of a
late pa'lter.i tu 'correspond, The floor Is to Ish
ed wood with an individual lug under each
table. The Illumination will Ik puilliuliuly
elegant and novel. Uuwu ea -h wide project
lug from the wall about two teet from the
ceiling will be a number of incandescent
electric light.
In the candy department will be shuwn a
lines of sweets equal t that of anv :-'-u
house Including all the good things lu hand
made chocolates and bo I lions, mndo fresh
dally from only tho purest matcilak All
tho novelties and finest goods will be con
constantly kept lu stock. The llrm makes
nil lis own goods, niul having hail ton yeais
axperinlico In Chicago ami tint east, iHvttaiuly
understand their business and w 111 lie In posi
tion to satisfy a most pupllo.
Cnteilugto balls, parties and rcddcuccs
will bu a special feature. Ico creams and
lcs will lie furnished either in tho brick',
pyi amid, nnd other fauuy pieces or Individu
al moulds, by the quirt, and by the gal
lon; nnd In order that the ilollclouf luxury
maybe served properly, n trained expeit
willlsj suuttohiiidlo tho oio.itns thereby
avoiding nil extra trouble and possible tin
cleanliness which Is often encountered in
serving. Many now and very novel designs
nro shown In forms of all kinds for various
Nuw that wo have given a pruscctus of
tho life and usefulness of this new llrm, It
might bo well to stato their names. Messrs
Sutton and HollowbUsli are the gentlemen
who projso giving Liiicoliiltes this elegant
lesurtnud Ho acquisition will certainly bo
both welcome and successful fiom tho start.
All IJiii'XmtIimI Lockout.
Confident Traveler Say, dame, jlst git
mo within' to eat nn' git It quick, Soof
(As she pulls the shutter) "Thet hole
tlilin burglars cut In thet shutter comas In
right handy."
"Jameslo, I've bolted the shutter on the
inside; you just run down for tho con
stable and tell him he needn't put no chair
In this feller's cell, neither." Life.
Well, havo you called on Eugene Hallett
yet to seeaboutthosedliimondsl No I Well,
of course you will wheu you want somn of
those beauties. Hallott's Is thu lecogui.e.l
headquarters for diamonds and he carries thu
mont elegant and finest Hue In Lluco'n. Drop
in at any time and let him show you how
mauy pretty things he has set lu diamonds.
IO'ott want a token for a relatlve,a wedding
present, blithday pi escnt, or a pieseut for
any other occasion you will do join self a fa-J
vor by calling on Hallett and let him help
you make a pick.
Lincoln uml Kansas City Tlirouuh
I'm II-
man Sleepers
The surprising increase in bushiest has com
pelled the H. & M. to withdi aw their lino of
combination parlor and sleeping cars and
substitute regular Pullman sleeR-rs of a
modern and pleasing design that in e sure to
be appreciated by the travelling public.
Thrso cars leave Lincoln dally at tM.'ip, m.
run via Beatrice anil Tuble Hock and loach
St. Joe at 5:27 a. in., Kansas City 7:50 a. in. ;
returning, leave Kansas City 0:15 p. in. dully,
St. Joe 11:45 p. m., ariive ut Lincoln 7:50
a. in., making close connections at termi
nal points, norths unci tickets may be
secured at union d.'ixit or city otllce, corner
O and Tenth streets.
A. C. Kikukii,
City I'lisheuger and Ticket Agent.
The grandest millinery opening of tho
season, bikes place next Thursduy, Friday
and Saturday at ll.'KI O stieet.
One hundred lluest engraved calling cauls
and plate only f'J,50 at Vcm.'I Printing Co.,
lliWN street.
Over 100 "Faille" silk in black for Monday
at 75c. J. W. VVimiku & Co.
Wedding Invitations, either pi fitted or en
graved in thu Ihiest style or the iiitntTiiK
Couiueh otllce. Conect foims and best
quality of stock guurauleed. Samples cheoi
fully shown.
Thursday, Friday and Situulay will bo
givutdays in Lincoln for our lady fi lends,
another nuw millinery stock will lu opvned
ut ICItl Ostiu.-t, In wuich will bd shown ail
the novelties of the season.
100 lluest engi nved culling cards and plato
for f " ft" nt Tits: Couuikh ofllce.
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Holossy KllralfyV "Water Queen" Is noth
ing but n variety show with brilliant settings,
'lite 'modest' gentlemen who took ladles' to
jho "Water Queen" but went alono to see
J' La Hello Creolo" should havo luversod tho
Sinter of affair. There wns nothing In "Iji
tollo Creolo-' half as suggestive ns the "skirt
dancing" lu tho "Water Queen." A truly
modest lady would shrink from thu exhlbl-
Ion of "high kicking" on Monday eveulmr.
t Is truly n plt'y that so low an estimate Is
laced on tho public taste by theattlcnl man
agers that only language hut also actions tit
for only the lowest dens should W presented
In the broad glare of tho footlights and in u
manner that clothes vice with ts'ituty and nt
tiiictlveness. Such things must necessarily
1 avu u vicious Inllueiico on the young. Any
i dnlster who happened to witness tho ballet
diiiiclng of Monday evening and did not diw
ifouucu It ns Immoinl wuld show tho do
ifrnvity of his own heart. Kiin a theatrical
standpoint Ctluio were a few t,ood features
nlMiut the play, if suchii conglomerate hash
Is. deserving the dignity of being called ir
'"play." The prinu pal good fentuies wero
thescenory and the featsof the Juggler. The
iirvant of the knight and the girl enamored
ofhlni wero excellent, pnrtlculaily In their
songs nnd dances. Tho "Water Queen" had
the stlir, mechanical gestures of n high school
girl delivering her gi adtiat lug essay, '1 hi eo
or four years training in elocution would
not do her any harm. The sir knight was u
groat hulk of flesh without grnce, dignity,
beauty or presence. Ho appeared as though
ho would lather bu eating roast beef than
(rutting brfoie (he foot lights.
J"Two Old Cronies" kepi a houseful of km
pie in a continual roar of laughter, Tuesday
evening. Tho play Is a comical, musical ex
tisivagaiiza and admirably suits its purpose
ijto tlilvo dull caro uway. There wero a
number of character representations dis
torted enough to make them funny and to
fo) m a ground woi k for n number of amus
ing sltuutious. Of couiso there Is no plot.
A'uumber of catchy songs were sung and
were heartily encored. Fi auk M. Wills is a
German comedian of more than ordinal y
iiwilt. He whs ably assisted by Charles F.
Jerome as O'Dounvaii DulT.
i'A Hai rel of Money" was unloaded at
l-vytkeon Thursday ami FiUlay evi
Tl '..'..! .. - ...Lit..... I... It.. II. .-I
Tleptay was written by Mr. Herbert Hall
WJiislow and is a happy blending of the
brad und natural comedy and the melo
drama. There are a great variety of char
acprs represented, and most of them woru
happily Interpreted by thu company present
ing the play. With tho combination of tho
ludicrous uml pathetic that characterizes the
play, it is deservedly popular. The mill
scene In wiilch tho heroine is IkmiikI to tho
belt for tho purpose of being ci tubed by thu
gWat wheel, Is yery tin tiling and realistic.
Manager Mc Reynolds of the Funke has
entered Into a contract with Arnold Kllrulfy
of Kilralfy Hios., for tho pi eduction of the
grunt spectaculur drama "Nero or the Hum
inof Home", In this city sometime Isjtweeii
July 7th and August '.'Oth. Thu drama will
be produced lu sumo paik nour the city ami
will i un for two weeks. In addition tu thu
drama there will lie horse racing, chat lot
racing and numerous othtr features lu con
nection with the great spectacular show. In
thullast act I he scene will be changed from
darkness to dty by my i lads of electric jets
that will light up the stngo and envelope the
lu-tors in a Hood of dazzling splendor, a fea
ture never befoie uttempted In the produc
tion of tho p'ay. Excursion trains will Ihj
ruiicn all the roads durh g tho pi od net Ion of
tho drama and it will bo the greatest thing
in tliushow line ever produced In Lincoln.
Att tho Funko tor two nights next week,
Monday and Tuesduy, April 'J ami :i. This
comany npsared In Washington, D, C,,
two weeks ago and tho Chronicle of that cdty
maile the following comment: "Brilliant
DiliUh beauties, combined with clever com
edians and tulontrd specialty artists, make
the Kay Foster Gaiety cotupsny one of tho
most cnlei tabling attractions of the season.
Theicompnuy iso'io of Miss Fostei's most
sucuesssul eutui prises, und Is fully equipped
with gorgous n)W scenery and elegant costly
costume. 'Our l'leusuiu I'uity,' a nautical
skit) wl.lch opens the show, is u teal concept
ion entwined with funny situations, senator
ial dance and lively ladies. It Is replete
with, musical gums und topical hits. Tho
burlesque. 'Dear Minnie,' n travesty on
'Erudite,1 is one of thuhapphst ever written,
andlis pusluccd with careful attention to
dotuil, including the most aitlstlo stage
setting ,tud must exquisite costumes. It
sorvbtf, I iter than any builcsquu on record,
to itjtioduco thu most dazliiig beauties ami
the atevrrest comtdiai.s, It teems with new
souks, men y music and delightful dances.
MisJj t'uiiliuejlatclieller, the matchless, lieuu
lifllj and Kiaceful queen of bmlesquu, li
(H-iuji lu hurorigual lole, Dear Minnie, and
wltlj her ungual ersonality, makes a hit.
Tho rust Is excellent. Theio Is, In addition
to tlfls, a highly enU'i mining olio. Vunolo
is u gi wit card, a genuine novelty engiginl at
mi eiiormous salary, uml piesents uu act
that is pniiinuucod marvellous."
Mip VeioiaJiirlwau, in Snillht,' is an
actrasi of lute. The grace of action is lu
her rjiodulitliig voice, in thu tomtit; of her
head. In tho arching of her ueot in the
inovi.nont other IIiiiIm, in tnu pis) of lur
body, lu thu pucker of bur lip-, tin glunce of
her ures, the witch try uf he,' toiiei, In the
urehtess, fihklnes, pj tnuu, llu luimihitilu
sty Mother being. Slu Ims ii mlly ho in.
boucjanco and Isiwltching uitles.uess of the
Itallfi) peasant girl warning spoutoueously
rtutio melodies at the "Spar of Vesuvius,"
The fxqulslto grace or thu Flench grlsctte
Hinging "I'lQblt", tho saucy Simulsh sonor-
Ita dancing with cAstlnot and undulating
movements, and tho topical singer, archly
and rogishly Inquiring at thu end of ench
verso sat Irlrlug soma Mimilar fully, "That's
enough, don't you think I" Miss .IiuIkmiu's
Versltlllty Is sullli'lent In Itself, with such a
character as Slni light, to hold tho audience;
tint she surrounded herself with it company
seldom sis'ii In musical comedies. Tho en
gagement Is for but one evening at Funke's,
This company apM.ars ut the Funko next
Thin sday evening a most Umutlful mid ex
citing drama of Ainoiicau life and ndveii
lure. The characters are iiiitunil and tiuiy
Interesting. The Nnlsib, by Mr. Little Is nun
of mil tiro's imblo-inon, self-sacrificing and
pure us gold. Olil Stove, tho proHctnr, n
tt uu type uf the rough, honest miner. Mnblo
Stanley, by Miss Edith Mill, u picture of
womanly love nnd endurance. All are pre
senting the various scenes and situations
with skill and dramatic force. Tho vein of
conusly tin oilghoiit the play is lepletu with
wltjand laughithloclTcct. Tho scenery adds
to thu well-i'iiined reputation of Little's
"World" company. This Is not a Wild West
drama, but a story uf trials and successes of
life lu that part of our great country where
titith Is strango ns fiction, when thu sior
man of to-day Is n ntlllloiialio of to-morrow.
Tho Hiooklyu Eagle lu commenting tho play
sayst Wo can endorse, "Nuggets" ns one of
the best plays produced this season.
Nat Goodwin will open his next season In
Sun Francisco.
Dan Sully and "Thu Millionaire" have
caught on very big lu San Francisco.
Frank Daniels Is anxious to revive the
characters of Toodles and Haul Fry on tho
IO w Dockstader will open with his own
miustret company ut Wllkosharre, l'u., in
Surah llernhanlt's business lu Huston lust
week was tremendous. Shu played to almost
"Tho Ornv Mare," Is the title of another of
Charles Coghlan's plays which his sister Kosu
will soon produce.
Daniel Uauduiatm, thu ex tragedian, has
given up acting for kcep and Is living on
his ranch lu Montana.
When the spi lug time comes Will McCori
noil, the Western humorist will Journey to
Euroi to look for nuw attractions,
Mrs. Langtry wants to pinduco "Shenun
doah" lu Iiondou, and Is now negotiating
with Charles Frolunan and Al Haymau.
It U.anhounoediu tha urn papera ,-
Edwin Uooth has informed his manager that
hu will not play next season, and has cancel
ed two weeks lu Hrooklyu. This moans tu
tho manager's oplnloil, that hu will never ajs
NNir again. It Is quite cm tain that his pres
ent engagement ut thu Hi ookly u Academy of
Music will bo his farewell one.
Every tissue of thu body, every bone, muss
clu, uml organ, is inadu stronger and more
healthful by thu use of Hood's Harraparllla.
Mr, Ii. Uarr, Lincoln's pioneer jeweler has
renteil tho largo and hambomo storeroom,
113Q. O street, formerly occupied by Cook
and Johnson. Thu premises have been re-mndh-d,
newly decoruted und nlntcd and
Mr. llarr Is arranging his stock for an early
opening. The stand Is un excellent ono and
Sir. Harr is to bo congratulated on suing tt
will mako one of tho most popular locations
lu the city for tho Jewelry business.
The New Directory,
The new directory of Lincoln gotten up by
W, C. Hoyu directory company, is now out
and being delivered. Tho work Is as com
plete a compendium of information concern
ing thn city of Lincoln nn It is possible to
compile. The lxok has 547 page and con
tains not only the names of every family In
the city, but also a complete street d'rectory,
the. names of all thu tax payers of Lancaster
county, a busliio'H directory of the city, thu
various statu officers and bourds, the olilccr
of tho city governmant, the various schools
of the city and the teachers, the binks,
churches, and various other Institutions of
the city, iucludinz even the various secret
societies. The book U printed in bright
clear typo on gol paper and Is bound In
morocco and green cloth. All xroiw who
have not yet secured this valuable woik, can
get the same at Clason & Fletcher's.
Havo you seen thu beautiful lino of photo
graphs of America's gieatest stage celebrities
at TllK Couuikh ofticet The liiu embrace
nil the lonllug and most piomiiieut artists
und m u thu work of Falk of Union Squat e
New York, undoubtedly the lluest photo
grapher in the country. Call lu and see
A New Millinery Store.
Lincoln ladles always on the alert for
something new und u new place to soo it, wll
be iMirtlcuiuriy Intel esttsi in the announce
ment that on next Thursday, Fildav and
Saturday, MrsdamcK Haines and Haskell will
open a new millinery store at IIIWI O street.
These ladles formerly of l),s Monies count
toLlurolu with tho best of recommendations,
aitiplo experience an t what Is far litoie in
terestiug,with nil entire new slock, not an old
or shopworn urtlclo in tho largi invoice that
Is now being opened.
lit the selection of goods rare taste and ex
cellent Judgment has been shown, and when
the ladles see the piett things that will i.o
shown at tho opening, It will be a matter ol
pleasant surprise to note how many new
iiuvejt es there aiv in stock. In pattern h.ts
amnmpoited novelties a diiidedly elegant
a tsiitiueiit has b -on selected and in other llu s
lb-sock Is replete with the latest that the
model it styles afford,
Mls Mary Ieuu rxikriuud very aHistlo
n bum -r with many y-nr of expiien(-e in
New Yin k, has Is-eu eiuugisl to uoiidlict the
iruuiumg sincial older deptiiMiient,
while Mr. Haines will have geliuial sup rvi
iin and Mis. Haskell themaimgemeut of the
'n- no sdeiiarim-nt, With such excellent
I M Is ut each deMii tuiuut I hero Is cei taluly
good reason to lailuvn that tho new llrm will
do a prosperous and growing business from
the start, lloinemlior tho osnlng day,
Thursday, Fi Iday nnd Saturday nnd don'
forgot to call nt 1 UW) O street.
ChlrHRii's Millionaire Dry (Joints 1'rlunn
Marshall Field nuw ranks high among
tho heroes ut commercial unturprlsc truly
a merchant prlnco. Ills history Is but a
personal llltistratlou of tho growth of Chi
Cftgo ami thu northwest, and lliallspur
Imps thu most marvelous thing In the his
tory ol development. Thu Intellect that
can hold In Intelligent, control a business
iimuiiutlug to CI5,000,000 a jeir, extending
ovcrouucuiilliiiMitamlliitoiimitlicr, IsqtiiUi
equal lu Its way to (hat which successfully
commands thu laigest army.
In the case of MiiihIiuII Field I he growth
has boon perfectly regular uml healthful,
from tiuilei cleik tu met chant, prince.
Ilts was Imiiii lu IKXi.Iii Conway, Mass.,
thu sun of it rugged Yankee farmer and
scion ot a family which ban Ihmmi In New
Kngland since 1050. llu obtained u com
mon nthool education, uml at thu ugu of
seventeen Isjcnmu i ilry gomls clerk lu
I'iUslleld In iaV), ut thu ugu or twenty
one, he chose Chicago for thu Held of hi
life's work, und entering the service of
Oooloy, Wiidsworth Ac Co. hu advanced no
rapidly that lu INlOho wuMtnmloii partner.
A little later the linn beciimu Farwull,
Field & Co. lu IH05 this llrm dissolved,
and Mr, Fluid united with U 'A. loiter and
the famous Potter l'ulmer lu tho llrm of
out In lbl)7, and the firm wns Field,' Mter
&Co. till IKSI Just before the Kuut fire
of IH7I tho sales of this firm leached W,000,
UU iMiryeiu. Thrcu und it half millions of
lis proK'ity was destniyed. but, unlike
moat of the losers, this llrm mmi coded la
recovering f.'.MMl.OOO In lasitntuco. Soou
after thu In in Ik-cjiiuo Miirslmll Field 8s
There is mi iniigii'iil necivt In I bu methods
which have led to this niiccchs, I hey uro
simply strict honesty, small prollts, short
tiislllH, selection of willlugatiil umbltloua
employes mid promptness In sel.lng upon
the U'hI. new inotlnxls of extending trade.
Mr. Field Is a line looking, rather spare
man, slightly nlsivu the medium height,
with white hair and a icllned and pleasing
I'oiiultiiiame. lu INkl hu marrlisl .Miss
Nannie Sott,ilauglilcrot Itoliert Scott, of
I ronton O uml the hiitu one sou undone
iliiuglitd. Isilh mitirled. lu politics Mr.
Hold isun liiiloH.ideul, and dixm not ol-ji-cl
Ut la-lug tailed a mugwump
lloctor Knell's Discovery,
Dr. Koch's great remedy seems to prove
elllcaclous lu these eaten where the iMitlent
bn contracted roiiKumptiou in low lying
countries. Almost all the level Euiopoan dis
tricts where tho disease exists It Is traceable
to purely climatic conditions, the moist at
mosphere being a line breeding region for thn
microbe. Hut in the high and dry altitude
traversed by thu Union Pacific, the original
Overland Route, consumption not only can
not exist but Is surely curable In Its early
stages. An this is testified to by thousand
who havo regained health and strength in the
life-giving air of the mountains. :.MtllM-l HI,
The llurllngton's New I.I lie u I In- HUck
The Burlington Hon to takes pleasure in an
nouncing to the pulilic the completion of its
new line to Dead wood. South Dakota, and
the formal oiriiiiig of same for limine: s.
This event murks an epoch In the history
of Nebraska, ill oieuliig up to tho trade cell
teis of the state and the Missouri Valley, now
and valuable teiritory and n country Im
mensely licit in coil and mineral deposits,
whose possibilities for thu future prom'se
much lor tho commercial and manufacturing
prosiei Ity of the state.
Thu line is substantially constructed and
thni (Highly eqillpsrd, tho object tseing to af
fcnl a service that Is (list class in every nr
tieular, and in keeping with other tluough
liucsot the Itiiillugton System.
It Is tho shortest and quickest line ti out
Missouri River cities ami principal solnt8 in
Nhruskn to D.', M jt Springs, Custer
and Hill City, South Dakota, Moil no and
Newcastle, Wyo., and all siints lu the Hlack
Through trains ar run daily with Pullman
Sits ping Cars fro u Oiitalm and Lincoln to
D.-udwool wlih nit change, miking connec
tion ut Lincoln and Omaha with a . tialmof
the Uurlt.uto i Route to and Irom ml pciutK
Eat, West uud South.
ror fuitlnr iiiformatluu apply loan, Hinl
Ington neiii, or to
J. Kiiancis, Geu'l. I'ais'i A, t ,
Oinuha Neb.
10 puivs all .Wool 10 pi .It ok llauul in
striptv. i or Monday iivrut.
J. W..Wl.M!Elt&l.
r vr-st "i
Lidle ilon't lurget the grand o;uiiln; of
new spiiig millinery, Incuiliiig Hue jiutoin
hats, Fieiioh iiilihn. ty, at I Kid O'stievt,
Thiee diysnext weok coinineiM.iiigTbins.1 .y.
- r0" W t' I