Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 28, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    iwsi-jiuipp,! "FLWif vry
hi V
L . .1
l, ."V
CnDctt'EEv saaBaZXt
eajaaayi,",y ,nm'B","JJP
Opening Today
Pittirn Hiti ud Bonnets!
Famous Millinery Store,
1145 O Street.
The OOVIUIR will not be responsible for
any debt made by any one In Its name, un-
a written order accompanies the Mune,
0rnr I Oth anal ttractt.
Dry Goods,
The Courier" ror Hale In Omaha.
Copies may be found at Keith' news stand,
910 South Fifteenth street, Doyd's opera houn
New Dress Goods
Hcrpolsheimer & Co.
In till Price. Exclusive Design a special
feature of this department.
The Oearler Caa be Foaad At
Wladaer Hotel Mewa Mead.
lwSttmN.wS Stand. US South lllh St.
Mi RaKer. Ill North llth Street.
M. TniaMIO Street. A
Keteher Co., 11 O Street.
LHUeleort Cigar More, 11 North ltth St.
weeteraeu'a Barter naop, Burr wook.
Mr-Aa tra supply of paper U al wan 1
at the Oetham, In caae other Newadeali
a applies ma anon.
Dunlap Hats!
W. R. Dennis & Co.,
1137 O Strut.
Chare Advertisement.
OoaNawaeieg April nt. Till Cooaiaa
wlH laser eeeiee nertaialag to aoclabke.
festival, laaturw, meeting and eanaoMfor
eM uaaiahe free of charge. Advertisements
for eaeeraUaaMaia where aa dailan'on la
charged wIMbe laaerted atone half the reg
ular rate.
La eat aad Fereeaal.
, Wateshranst Coal and Ham Coaapaay.
Browa far oyster la all styles.
CaU ptheL.D.T. Co., Phone 190. '
Faoe Bieaeh at Reposition building.
Rath M. wood, M. D., MM P street.
Liaeela ka Co., M40 O St. lelepaoae lie,
Order Oaaoa City Coal from
Weaver Oo.
City Coal at the WUtebreaet
Coal and Liaae Co.
GrWwold eeed atera la headquarters for
awry eeed for the lawa and garden.
Mies O. J. qullmette, modiste, second Ioor
Espoetttoa buHAiag. Take elevator.
Xuralsh your house with anything you
w aat at the great twenty-Are cent store.
Jupiter Coal is a winner aad Bests, Weaver
& Co., aala ageata have plenty of It, Try
a ton.-'J
Miraifcmilaw fc (Vs. new Uae, of muslin
la the baatatade. allbeinc lock
stieaaadat no higher prtees than cheaply
The KawMsr Meycle la coming mora la
popular favor daily as the machine cornea
iaegaaaralaaa. It is undoubtedly the beet
adafiesdferaaeed, eomfort aad safety, of
aayefaaemaehlee CaU aad see It at K.
lkSerle,lM0 Oatraei.
Xeeasag eaa he bought at the great Twee-ty-lvee
Wore that ooet mora than the
amaaatavMaated La Ma name, but articles
cbsader aa low aa a Men. will ha oa aala.
.. Wekaaeil April Iret whea the aaw store
iiaswaaaeMaiU street fsafora - ' mtr.
he Just reeetved a liae of
rtaata aaatrtae, a feaaNMM aaai
sTMMa eWey Vaawf V9eBWVWVeW exS
nlliiliTr' ' aariaVa tkeaam,aadla
aaiaftaaamaml an. mCaaaW aaaffc aamaat geAaVaaa dhfal
ffaVeVaTVfaT eWB aftfJw awa aV al
aaaataaaaa naaaaiaa, umw
1U4 O alraat, far aa far-
- ' - - -- " ---'
What Is LnveT
Written rorTnn Oouaian
Ioto cornea like nnew-liorn spring
A miiuhlno following rain,
To bring relief rroinwearlncM and pain.
11 comes toelieer my bimlenwl lioart
Tolimllll In monowllfe,
To movo each woak ambition,
TowftkuupilrearyhoiHi, whero passion
revoU rife,
U crontoa1n self a new Impulse,
ThrouRli ono sopiiroandfalri
The conmo of c4fllnies Is swlrtly beat,
llonomynolfln bor, my all and only
It makes mo feel In bor, my love,
Tho sweetest Joy of years;
It Are ovory Intent, Inate boe,
Makea fulth of tears, anil vanlshos all
fears. Oiias. A. Oamimiki.i..
On last Friday evening tlio now II. & M.
dlnlngcar, christened tlm "Lincoln," In honor
of our beautiful city, was glvon a vcrltablo
houao warming by tho nowsjiapor men of
Mm-oln, who wore Invited to the initial
spread prepared exclusively for them. Tho
handsome mid striking exterior of the car
was second only to tho danllng Interior
which wm elegantly finished In tho fluent
light woods and decorated with mirrors. On
each sldo of tho car Is a lino of tallies
covered with snowy llnon and resplendent
with silver and crystal. After admiring tho
artlstlo beauties of tlio car tho moulders of
public thoughts snt down to tho tables and
discussed Sat length seven elegant courses
served. Tho uverago nowsiaer man Is n
most excellent Judge of tho good thlnga of
this life, and generally manages to secure his
share of them. There is nil erroneous
opinion that newspaper men llvo from hand
to mouth, but the fact is that tho averago
Journslist makes more money, spends more
money, sees more of life, enjoys more of it
than any other set of professional men. The
only objection Is, that they have scarcely
time to eat, but when they do tako tluio, you
can wngor that they bullovo In pleasing their
pnblo, and they liuvo tho keen discriminating
qualities of '.ho epicure. Tho universal Judg
ment passed by these gentlomen on tho
Ilurllngton spread, was that It 'was superb.
Tho timo between courses was enlivened with
bon mot and animated conversation.
On last Friday evening a number of the
friends of Miss Bella Manley were entertain"
ed In a delightful manner at her homo, 1100
Bouth Eleventh street Contrary to tho usu
al custom cards were not the order of the
evening, although tables were provided in
adjoining room's for thoso so Inclined. Tho
time was mostly devoted to conversation,
mualo and dancing. Borne lovely costumes
were worn. Refreshments were served and
added much to the enjoyment of the evening.
About 13:80 the guests departed with the
conviction that Miss Manley had achieved
another success as a most charming hostess.
The invited guests were: Mr. and Mr, J. A.
Barrk aad Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clarke, Missel
Ida andxLlmle Bonnell, Bcothorn. Laws,
Weston, Helena aad Nellie Lau, Bkidmore,
Cochran, Pound, Depue, Funkr, Roberts,
Baldwin, Uphara, Wedgewood, LanU, Mc
Millan, Baelllng and Andrus: Messrs Emory,
Qullmette, Payne, Hardy, Fife, Wlag, Welch,
Montgomery, Funke, Edmlston, PilUbury,
Lyman, Oerwlg, Hicks, Wheeler, Straight,
Link, rarsons, Koberta, Yunge.
Mr. George H. Bright and Miss Llllle May
Meyers, were made husband and wife Wednes
day evening. The happy event occurring in
the presence of but a few Intimate friends, at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Meyers, 9SU3 south Eleventh street. Rev.
Batleyof Cortland, pronounced the words
that made the twain; one. Mr. P. a Mo
Donaugh acted as groomsman and Miss
Nettle McNtckel aa bridesmaid. The presents
were numerous and substantial
Those presttit were: Mr. and Mrs. John
Bright, Johnson, Neb. ; Mies Nettle MoNlckle
Mr. Tom Blair, Mies Burk and Rev. Battery
of Cortland. Messrs and Mesdames, McCune
Myers, Davis, Graham, Uweney, Hard,
HogetoB, Waldroo, Mrs. Moore and B. H.
Floyd; Misses Fannie and Mertla WaWron,
Stabbleaakl, Davis, Reding; Messrs B. F.
McDoBouga, Hudaoa, Oridley, McChennan,
Tobias, Wren, Qraham, Btubblefleld and
Hard, Mr. and Mr Bright will be at home to
their friends after April 7th, at the Hugbea
Stock, 34th aad O street.
The W. aad H. debating dub held its sec
ond banquet at the pleasant home of Mr. J.
A. Bayder, 1809 N street, Saturday evening.
Itwaeevenmoreof a enoossa than the hut
oae. The evcalag was spent In playing cards
aad tkldledy wiaks, and la dancing. Elabo
rate rfrahmnta were served by the boys.
The entire auoeeaa of the banquet amply
proves the skill of the young men In this
Uae, aa well as la debate. Those present
were: Misses Lelaad. Wright, O. Camp,
Marie aad Emerald Jones, Hoover, Hoyt,
Thtell, Newman, Beacreat, Bbepard, Colbert
aoa, Royer, M. Harper, Fraakieh, Imhoff,
Hchofleld, Lansing, Maltlaad, Rlcketta, L.
C Smith aad Kate Kleutach. Messrs. Bang
hard, Cheney, Weeks, Hoagland, Oaroutta,
Homer, Beybolt, Ames, Steiner, Reagan,
Fohtom, J. Cochrane, Yates, Cooley, Snyder,
Pace, Elliott, Woods, Jones, Matthews,
Kleutech, Chapman, Honeywell and Fred
Mr. W. Q. Bell gave a dinner party Wednes
day evening to a few of the state ofHoers,
legislators and representatives of the press,
at hie residence 010 C street. Mr. and Mrs.
Bell received their friends in a moat hospital
manner and without joeremony Jan Inviting
dinner was served. An entertaining host
aad hostess, a tasty table aad the usual
amount of general good cheer I which would
aaturally emanate form such a gathering,
made the evening pass moat pleasantly to all,
A beautifully baad-paiated card bearing an
artawle design aad the name of the recipient
waa carried away by each guest aa a eouvealr
of the oooaeioa. Those who aat dowa at the
table wan: Lieutenant Governor Major,
State Treasurer HUI, Hoa. L. W. Weeds,
Mob. A. H. Oala,T. H. DaraeU, W. 8. Garber,
Rosa HaaMaoad. W. Morton Smith, John M.
Cottoa John, M. Taompsaa aad others.
Mr.aadMr.M. C. AbhoUgave a high-
Ive party Wiaasaaay evening at their bo
BitablaaoeM. Seveateeath aad M streets.
AakalwajstfcaoaMetaayauctal a
their aoaw, the eveat proved a moat
fal oae, eh rare taMaadgeaial aj
an air a
taadgeaial auaUties of
the host aad hoatsas coatrfcatlag aa, much to
ttepleasarwat tswvasag ,aa. the game.
saved. T arias were wan by Mrs. Joha
aTWritat aad Mr. L. a Barr.
Towatay, Afalagit, L. O, Barr,
Ilenkle, (Irlfllth, A. C, Zlemer, A. H. Hay
mond, Itne, Hellock, I'eiry, J. H. Wright,
Dr. C'rlm, MUwm Minnie Utta.Ilanly, Man'
ley, IlurgpiM, Mrs. Htone, Mesars Charles AN
ger, Cunningham, Hardy, Krltr. Wwternmn'
Udd, Irvlmt of Halt I.ako City and Mr
Hutches of Ortlveston,
Sirs. Hays II. Tomson: gavo n delightful
hlgli llvo rty Wednemlny evening lit honor
of her vlnltor, MIm Maliello Ketner of Burl
ington, In., and it was a Jolly gathering of
young folks that ai tlrltal In tho event.
At tho clow of the games prices were award
ed to Miss Fay Marshall and Mr. Will Clarke.
Those present were Misses Ollvo and Minnie
Latta, Bck. Marshall, Maude Burr, Fannie
and Florence Hawler. Anna Funke. Mar-
cpiette, Alice Cowdery, Martha Funko, May
Burr, Urlfflth, Hattlo and Carrlo Leland,
Hardy, Gertrude and Theo Uws, Walsh,
Balrd, Covert, Ilathburn, Wasmer, Brcnlser
Zlemer and Hooper. Mowirs Dorgan, Clarke,
Chas. Burr, Myers, Janscn, Marshall, Iadd,
Zehrung.Houtr, Howe, Cy Bmlth, Hathaway
Joyce, Bradley, W. M . Smith, Everett, Burk
staff, Wheeler, Hardy, St. John and Andrus
Tho coming social event attracting atten
tion among the bonton at present Is tho
masquerade 111 to bo given by tho Ploasant
hour club next Thursday evonlng at the
Hotel Lincoln. Most of tho ladies who will
participate hnvo already solved the all Im
portant problem, "What shall I woarr and
are holding secret and protracted confer
ences with their dressmakers. For tho none
this paralyzing question of aimarel Is undent
ed to tho mascullno inonitern of the club mid
thoy begin to reallro tho throes Into which
their sisters and sweethearts are thrown pre
liminary to every ixtrty that thoy attend.
Tho conventional claw hammer coat Is out of
the question. Something handsomo, unique,
or at least different must be worn. Whether
they will solve tho (uentloii ns successfully as
their fomnlo friends remains yot to lie seen.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer have ended
their wedding tour nun arrived In Lincoln
Sunday. Mr, Mayels kept constantly busy
by hU host of friends in handshaking and re
ceiving congratulations. Teiutornrlly Mr.
Mayer and his brldo will mnko their abiding
place at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Simon D.
Mayer, GS0 South Sixteenth street. Since
their umrilago In February they have been
enjoying the genial climate at Fortress Mon
roe, Va. , they passed a week at Washington
where they attended a reception at the Whlta
houw, thoy visited Baltimore and n number
of other places. Tho frionds of tho happy
couplo witth that tho happiness of tho wed
ding tour may continue throughout tho lives
of Mr. and Mrs. Mayor.
On Thuisduy evening Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Sheldon guvu a small but enjoyable card
party at their beautiful homo on Fourteenth
nud H htreots, In honor of Mr. Hutches of
Galveston. Thoso present were: Mr. and
Mrs. A, D. Burr, Mr. and Mrs. Ucchoii, Mr.
and Mrs, Townley, Mr. and Mrs. Grlltlth,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Buckstalf, Misses Mimiio Latta
and Maud Burr, Dr. Lndd nud Mr. Hutches.
The games were vory close and interesting
as all the nartlclimnU are splendid players.
The royal prizes were won by Llout Griflith
and Mrs, Beoson. The remaining prizes
were blushlngly accepted by Miss Minnie
Latta and Lieut. Townley.
Some of tba friends of Miss Bertie, daugh
ter of Mr. W. Perkins, gavo her n happy
surprise party Friday evening, the occasion
being the seventeenth anniversary of her
birth. She bad dined out, and upon return
found a number of friends to honor her and
extend congratulations. Among the many
presents received was a new piano from her
father. The evening passed most enjoyablyv
closing with danclag to ,the excellent musfo
from the full orchestra, followed by re
freshments. It was a delightfully entertain
ing occasion, and all partlclpanta renewed
their expressions of friendship on departing.
The TuMday evening club was entertained
this week by Miss Olive Latta at her tome,
lias L street. The subject discussed was
"Longfellow". Selections from this author's
works were read by Miss Minnie Latta, his
life was sketched by Miss Marsland, a review
of the poem, ' Miles Btandlsh" was presented
by Miss WakUi. Papers were also read by
Mr.WUl Clarke and Miss Grace Griflith.
The following officers were electad: Mr.
Will Hardy, president; Mr. Frank Zenrung,
vice-president; Miss Griffith, treasurer; Miss
Walsh, secretary; Miss Cora Hardy, critic.
A number of Captain D. C. Crawford's
friends invaded his home at 1510 F street
Friday evening to help him remember that
he had just reached the flftyflrst milestone
ot life. The evening was spent in pleasant
social Intercourse, being Interrupted only
long enough to partake of the refreshments
which were served during the evening. The
captain was the recipient of eome useful and
beautiful presents. The company dispersed
at elate hour wishing him many happy re
turns of the day and declaring that for once
the captain was surprised.
Mr. J. P. Maule entertained a small com
pany ot friends at her home on Monday after
noon, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Anderson of
Kansas City. High-five was the order of the
afternoon and the guesta passed a few de
lightful hour In pursuance of the popular
game. Those present were: Mesdames, Cnas.
Hammond, H. B. Patrick, Turner, Preston,
Watkins, O. C. Bell, Glffen, F. M. Hall, Geo.
Cook, A. M. Balrd, Rlggs, Kilner of Matoon,
III, and Miss Fennelly.
On Monday "Sorosls" met with Miss Mar
lon Kingaley at the home of Mrs. D. L. Brace,
corner 3Jd aad Washington street The sub
ject discussed was the "Indian Question," and
was led by Mr, ueebe. From 4 to 4:30
o'clock the time was occupied with general
business and with tne discussion of current
event. At 4:30 o'clock the topic of the day
waa brought up for discussion.
Ayer's Pills are purely vegetable, perfectly
safe, do not gripe, and are a splendid tonic.
The Style and Value of Ulaaiond.
Who can say buying diamonds Is a waste
of money I No purchase that man makes
holds its value better or gives the owner more
pleasure. Diamonds bought ten years ago at
one hundred dollars are worth fully as much
today and In fact more. They never ko out
ot style, are always "a thing of beauty and a
joy torever", and no piece or jewelry gives
the wearer anything near as much satisfac
tion, and while nearly every kind ot gold
and fancy Jewelry has Its limited season and
die a natural death, the precious diamond
remains In constant popular favor. Eugene
Hailett, the pioneer Jeweler has long since
made a reputation as a diamond merchant
aad his guarantee on any atone has never
beta questioned. You should see his new
Uae of diaRaond aad other precious stones.
The settings are particularly attractive, em
bracing all the newer novelties and pretty
onaoeita la riaas, brooches peadaate aad ear
drips, ear screws and doaeasof other article.
Get your tower aad garden, aed at Gila
wold wed store,' 140 South llth at,
Next Wednesday U the great day ,for Lie
cola. It is the day whea the. great i tweaty
Ive cent store opeee He door t the aablla at
1194 0 street i -
A few Hint of Value Regnrilhtir n
Inr Spring Sport.
Western Hportxtnen clulin Mint their ran
vnsback ducks nro more dellcatu nud U'ttcr
flavored llinu thoxo of thu Chesapeake, utul
many ljtii; Inland professloimU tvho liuvu
i- ca -
watchino rem tiik ninns.
'ol lowed the birds admit thu claim. Tho
birds nro thin nnd poor when they tint ap
pear in tho Inland lakes, but they II ml the
same food as In tho eastern iniirshcs, and
soon attain excellent condition and arc free
from I lie sedgy flavor of birds killed on tho
salt water. CanvnsbackH are tho last to
appear In tho west. They are preceded In
order as thoy are named, by the blue winged
tent, thu mallards and widgeons. Thu old
controveniy over tho clawing of the canvas
back In hMII uolnu on NiiturallstM uIiim
Llilm among aeu ducks, but the western
hportHtnmi ure touchy on thu point ami
claim him hh u fresh water hfrd. They
havoHomu strong aupport In Urn HtnttHtlcH,
which allow that thousand are uliot In the
wt"it every year.
A good thing for tliosportHnian ot either
cast or west to remember Is that the dunks
seek the windward hIiIu ot tint inurHlie If
tho wind Is blowing from tho north It U
sensible to go to thu northward to make a
tnnd, nnd if from the west to look through
the western ri-cd, and mi on Hit
member, too, that thu frequent and hi-cui
Ingly ttnntlc movement of tin hint- ate
for tlit, purpose of procuring food By
wntchliigthuwiiidHnd bearing thi-Mixlinplu
fart In mind the spoilsman can ptvccdn
IiIh birds to a certain upot. In shallow
marshes a change of wind means h change
In tho depth of thu wntcr--tliat is, le.s wa
tor to windward -mid knowing this tie.
shoal feeding ducks fly against- tlm wind.
To u triiosportxmnii thu rexiilt. or tho
bag)! nut always thu mensiiiuof a dayV
atwrt Often when hu Is In tho wrong
place, without 1 1 mo to movo, with itilii
falling and olhci disadvantages, ho Iiiim
what hu calls magnificent spott, Ii Is the
ccill.iLant possibility oi n shot, thu ptactluu
ot the whistle to inveigle the birds within
range; In n word, It Is the victory over dif
ficulties that makes a satisfactory after
noon. To call ton flock spread out against,
the aky In a mass, like a loug, narrow kite;
to crouch down nud watch them with in
creasing anxiety and Impatience; to whistle
more softly as they confidingly auswer; at
last to shoot with rapid and confident de
liberation, nnd then to see the birds come
down splash I nb, that in splendid, becatiso
It la duck Huootliigl Sport like this la never
wearisome. There in endless variety In
every shot that Is fired, and the birds, the
sun and the wind each offers a new condi
tion nnd a new surprise. A good day's
duck shooting will be u memory never to
be forgotten, even after thu arms can no
longer carry the faithful rlrlu and the ears
no longer attend to the sharp "whirr" ot
the ttppruachlug birds.
Wili.ib Stkell.
The New Senator from California.
Chnrlea N. Felton, who has leen chosen
to sucasslthe fate Mr. Hearst as United
States senator from California, Is n Repub
lican and a native of Erie county, New
York. Bom In 1833, he early developed an
adventurous spirit, and joined In the fa
mous rush ol '4ti to the gold fields. Al
though but a lad, he showed more neust
that Home grown
men. He attend
ed strictly to busi
ness, avoided dis
sipation nnd be
came wealthy. Af
ter retiring from
active commercial
pursuits lie took
ap politics, and
served in the Shu
Francisco mint,
first as assistant
treasurer and then
aa treasurer. He
wot, In the Call- r N- "WOK.
fornla legislature for two terms, nnd then
went to congress ah Republican represent
ative from the Fifth district. Hu was a
member of the lower bouse from Dec. 7,
1885, to March 3, 1HW.
Mr. Felton Is an advocate of gold mo
nometallsm. During the present year
Florida and Maryland are to elect United
States seuatosP-!ti each Instaucc prsuma-'
bly u Democrat So the uext senate will
be composed ot forty-seven Republicans,
thirty-eight Democrats duu(hree Farmer'
Alliance men.
Queer' Chaagee f flair aad Beard.
It la aiaerted by a colonial scientist that
"Eugllahmen when they settle in Australia
get a peculiar roughness about the hair and
beard that they rarely have at home, but
which la typical of the Australian aborig
inal." Among the causes suggested for
this I change ot climate, a burning aaa
aad uaoeaaelAu assimilation of aherig
laal chAMcterietiee.
LaaaaaaaaaaaaRrL 'ftWr SM Jlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaff
W TDm&i aaKenQrBBn
7 fESSSm
- aHaaa r
aiaiaairaamw S
See Our New Gas Stove!
See Our New Gasoline Stove !.
n, iu. Jnuu
1591. j
v X?
aanr -
Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic
No Chloroform 1 No Ether! No Gas!
A Pull Set of Teeth on Rubber' for $5.00.
All Fillings at the Lowest Rates.
DR. H. K. KERMAN, Rooms 9LlN6'Brr Block'
Just Received!
A Car Load
Windsor Folding Beds
A. T. Gruetter & Co
1 1 16-1 1 18 N STREET.
uvit, TRr
PHONE 219. 1112 0 STREET.
L '
, i
. i
I :!
-' A V ,