Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 28, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    p i p-JfTir wsjjjpr
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Lincoln, : Nkiiuaska.
Ojficrit it ml Miff font
T. K. Hniiilcm. .!
Jnltn 11. Wrlolit. l're
J. It. McUlny, Cashier,
Thin Cochran
K liHnYldnii.
A 8 llnymoml, II 1',
H Minor, Chun West,
General Hanking Hultiei. Transacted.
Accounts Solicited.
Lincoln Shirt Factory
To 1402 O Stroot.
In It nnw location this establishment wilt
have IwttiT rnolllllM llinti over for tiirnluii
out Hrst-oliis work, nml an Increased linn of
OontV Kuriilsliliui Hoods will always bo on
sale. To our hiiIur Iiiim been added it
In which imriuoiits of nil klntln will Ihi inndo
to order nnd nnylhliiK from tho smallest ihi
dortcnriuoiit to tho linen Dross or Clonk will
bo skillfully executed mill iniitto on short
notice, In this department wo ouuiloy one
ofthulicxt cutter" nml tutors In the country
ml nivllKfnctlmi In Kunrnnlecd In every par
tlouhir. Our factory will herenfter bo known
as the.
Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co.
A. KaUenstcIti, Hr., MnmiKcr.
Onll mul soo us. Cor. Hth unit O HI"
Lincoln Trunk Factory
o st 1133 ST
Where we will lie glad to sec all old
friend nnd customer and as ninny new
ones as can get Into the store.
Maybo produced by tho Ue or MUH. GttA
IIAM'H Kunonlo Knnmol nml her Hoso
Bloom. Tho coinnloxton nml color nro inndo
narfMit. mul tho closest scrutiny coulit not de
tect one grain of powder or tho least Indlen
tlon of artificial color. I will stnko my rep
utation thntonitny htcolcnn ulvo tho most
delightful complexion nml color with Kit-
Kuto Knnmol uml Koto HIomoiii, nml
at no on could possibly toll thnt
the color or complexion were urtlllc
Ul. ThU U high nrl In cosmetics. Thoy
re each more hnrntlcM than tiny other cos
netlo lu tho world, becuiuo thoy nro cuoli ills
olvlns In their nature, and tun doc not
elos up tlio pore. When tutus tlioso suporb
cosmetic you mny wlpo the dust or porspl
ration from tho fnco without marring; their
deltoate beauty. Thoy remain on nil day, or
until whod pir.
rrloeofenchitl; Iho two sent nny where for
ft. Kor sale by' HOWAUD'H 01 ANON 1)
'HARMAOV. Northwest Corner N nnd 12th
Mr. Graham, 10A Tost st, Ban Frnnclsco,
treats ladles for nil defects or blemishes ot
fhco or figure. Betid stamp for her little book
"How to tie Ileautlful."
A 15 Cut Sluie
Ilr. Murker' 1'iiwnr of lhli;iinala--ll
HMjrn'n I'lmtiir .lailiel -Dr. Hhritdy's
IMIIiifliil lilmrs lr. Willi's ltpillu nt
it Siiritrou -, Capable I'nmii ! Ilm'liir.
lOopyrluht, tail, by Amnrknu l'ie Amocl.i
Dr. Kordym Darker latum nf flmso men
for wlioin tho mysteries of illtMtivi hat tin
IrrrMiiHilu fnxvluiitlon. 'J'o liln uiml)tlinl
mind tin' (itiihli'iUH prcicnti'il hv hlx cin-c"
nrrniiKo tliuiiiselvi's, to usutliv cxpicHslve
Krviicli plirnie, until tlit'lr xiuily Umiuui'h
tin nlHiirlilim piiHilon. lie In clilcllv in
luiirkiililn loi IiIn Kinit power nf iIIiihiiuMm,
nnd tills Ih iliiioutiiiiiin of tlm Inti'iiHO mi
nhsta in which lm NiilicLt lint iinwl Ions
which present ilii'iiioeUiw nml thj uip
DK. HlllllVCK IIJ.ItttKII.
toiiis uliscrviil. It hits bcou snld nf Dr.
Darker Hint Im iixmiiiIiics ti cuno its it Juduo
examine u i.rlmliiul, mid that hu upplleM
tho laws of uvldi'tico to tils piitluiit'M nil
incuts. In addition to tho enormous prlvntn nnd
coiisultlii prnctlco which Dr. Ilitrkor en
Joys, hu Is consilltluK pliyslclan to Hullo
Ttto, thu Mntcrnlty, tho Cancer, tlm Winn-
nil's, St, Klixithoth and thu Clilldron'H hos
pitals. Gnu would IiiiiikIiiu that tho duties)
connected with tliisu would bo inorotlinn
enoiiKh to till mm man's life. Hut Dr.
Darker has found tlmu to take thuKrentcsf.
Intcrvitt In tho County Medical society, of
which ho was president forsuvcral years. It
was laruuly nwluu to his exertions that thu
beautiful home of thu noddy was huuccsh
fully hullt In West b'orty-thlnl street. To
this work Dr. Darker tmvu money, and
that tlmu and cnerK)' that ar worth tuoro
than null. Tho building, unu of thu lluest
In Now York, Is it moiiumcut to his exer
tions for his fellows, and with It Dr. Bar
ker's iiamo will Iouk bu aiMuclnted
Dr, Darker Is ouuof tho handsomest men
In Now York, and his manners am charm
liiKiWlth that charm which Is seen iiithosu
wo call ucutlumcii of tho old school.
cntistlo wit, which Issomowlint ilrcuded hy
those w It hwlintii ho eiiKiiKi" In controversy,
nml It ! not too much to Any th it Im will
ll((ht nl the droll of a hat,
Not n ery tall man, and portly In a coin
fortahlu way. with ray miKtacliti nut Im
perlnl, ii)cm tliat nro full of tun and a man
ner that charms, Dr, Cleorii K rflirady In
as pleasant a man to hco and talk to iih
you can imct, tIIn Is peculiarly ivceptlvn
lu contcrsatloii', hu ndvaiiLos an iipluloti its
though to draw ono from you and ho will
listen to what you may stiKUctt with u
deference that Is delightful for jou. Hut
If you should suppose that this courtesy
Implies it weak ylcldlim to your views, you
would (hid yourself gravely mistaken. Dr
Hliindy has views of his own which liavo
been thought out carefully, ami his ileslie
lo listen tu what you hiiwi to say comes
from Ills Insatiable nppetltefoi uewfaitM
A deeply si'letitlflu man, it bold ami skill
ful surgeon and a physhlaii who has mi
enormous i oiisultliiK and prlvatu ptattho
lu addition to control of a hospital, onu
would lumuluo )r, Hhrady to liavoeuoiiili
to keep him busy. Ills Industry, hnwovci,
Muds I line toedltTlio Mcdlt nl Kecord, ouuof
tho lending Journals of iuciIIlIui) nnd sur
Kcry In t hu United State It Is as editor of
Tint Itcconl that Dr. Shrady has leiidercd
his greatest scrvlco to tho physicians of tlio
country Ho lias stimulated them to fresh
research, ho has advised them with a wlso
pousurviitlsm when thoy hato lieeu lu dan
(er nf runnliiK a new remedy Into thu
ground, and ho linn Klven them constantly
now suhjcits for thoiiKht. During thu
many j cars that ho lias controlled the ut
terances of thu paper ho has steadily held
befom tint eyes of Its venders thu liest
thoughts and tho hest alms of tho noble
profession to which they Itching. Thu In
lluotico of such it man Is far reaching, and
tho good Im may do Incalculable. Dr.
Hhrady Is known by uaiuo mid work to
thousands and Is respected uverywhuru.
In Europe and Kngland Ids opinions am
valued highly, and hu holds tho position of
one of tho foremost surgeons on the con
tinent. Of tho great surgeons in Now York Dr.
Koltort S. Wolr Is onu of thu best known
An attending surgeon ot thu Nuw York
hospital, consulting surgeon ot SL l.iiko'w,
lilt. l.KWIS A. HAVItR.
Dr. Iuwls A. Sayrv, tlm Inventor of tho
plaster Jacket, is it largu man, with an Im
inunsely strong face. Dr, Sayru turned Ids
attention curly tu life to thu diseases of the
spine, and sought lu many methods to dis
cover somu onu by which ho might success-
muy ircai mu curvatures, r.vcry puysi
chin nuw knows of Ids great treatment and
not a lev apply It, Hut when Dr. Sayru
llrst proposed it there was thu usual lung
series of objections and the common list of
reasons why it would not and never could
Brlelly de.vrllwd, the treatment for dis
eases ot tliesplnu which Dr. Sayro invented,
and which linn mitdo his uamu famous
throughout thu medical world, Is this; Hy
nsjstcm of loops and pulleys tliu patient Is
suspended hy tlio armpits and heiul until
thu weight ot thu legs stretches thu hack to
the "point of comfort." To hold thu ex
tension thus gained Dr. Sayru applied tho
plaster of I'arls bitmlngu wound round un
til It formed ii Jacket stiff enough to sup
port the hack. An soon as thu splnuhad
taken thu new s1uiki thu operation was re
pented, uutll lu thu end a cure was made.
Pino Htm Cabinets
rates to students.
13 per dotcn. Hpeclnl
Call and seo our work.
Studio, xaii O Street.
Open from 10 u. m. to 4 p. m. Humlays.
Physician and Surgeon
Office: 339South Eleventh St.
McMurtry Block.
Office Phone 561, Reldcnce Phone 56J.
tiViSjAX 1feJfl.
it 1 -? A:.y) ' p'
chnuges completed
Uunuvn, Ills tiucle,
The Hutlicr I'nfiutiiimtii (,'arcur of tlifi
I.ntn I'rlnce Jeroiim.
Print) Niipoleou .losepli Charles Paul
Bonnpiirto Udcnl To tho Imperialists ot
Franco ho was of Importance .is tho direct
heir of the great emperor. Ills father,
Jerome, in u rled thu once famous Hetty
Patter jii, of Haltlmotu; then, at thu com
mand ot his Imperial ami Impel Ions broth
er, repudiated her and married the Princess
Krederlca Catherine of VVitrtcinburg
Jeromu was then "King of Westphalia,1'
but soon tint great Napoleon fell, and nearly
all his brother
kings md sister
liccns fell tvttli
him I'hu princo
pistdeail was born
nl 1'rtesti! Sept. ',
XAii, ins parents
being then lu tx
He. Ilo went to
live wtth Mmo,
lA'tltln llomip.irte,
tu o t h c 1' if 1 ho
famous family,
hut lu lb.ll was
driven nway by
thu lutolutioii,
and nftei many
his education at
tho king ol Yur-
leinliurg, secured him a military edu
cation, ami uftor some years of travel hu
was permitted to settlo lu Kriiucu, whero
hu beciiiuua member of thu assembly, and
nfiei tho lllght of Louis Philippe lose nt
oik.o to piomliiuucu.
Under Niipoleou III he gained little
honor, and In tho Crimean war wnmiccused
of cowanllco. Thu nickname of Phm-Ploii
(afraid of bullets) was then llxed on him
for llfo. Ills greatest success was as prcsl
dent of the Imperial commission of tho
Unltersnl exposition of IhVS. In 1H.VJ hu
married thu Princess Clotllde, ilaiighter of
King Victor Kmanuel. in thu succeeding
discussions lu Franco ho took radical demo
cratlc ground, and was long in disgrace
for lefuslug to accept a challenge from the
Duud'Aiimale, whom ho hud Insulted.
lu 1NII ho visited tho United States and
wasrecelted with high honors A little
later ho took ground against, thu temporal
power of the pope, and thus gained tho 111
will of the Kmpress Kugeiile. In 1872 hu
was foiclltly expelled from Paris as an
enemy of thu republic. After the death of
liOiils Niipoleou and his son, I'rlnce Nit
poleou was next In thu sin cession, hut tho
Imperialists wanted to pass him hy and
taku his sou Victor oh thu claimant. To
their disgust hu Issued it manifesto In .Tan
nary, ISsit, claiming thu Imperial crown.
Ah ho hud, In 1870, accepted the republic,
nnd declared ho would do nothing against
it, he and his son weru driven from Franco
In lhMt for tho lust tlmu. Hit died at Homo
and wits burled at Turin, and now his unu,
Prlucu Vhtor, horn duly 1H, istu, is "Head
of tlio lluimpartcs,"
nit. uoiiF.itT 8. wr.ttt.
ofthoKyonnd Ear Inllimary nnd of the
Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled, hohiih
nhiindant opportunity tiiHcciiiolhosu case
tu which his great skill Is so advantageous
ly shown. An operation by Dr. Weir will
bring out an audience comprised ot tlm
best men lu thu city. Ills stylo In oteintliig
is most brilliant, and Ids Is uiiu-mully sue.
Dr. Weir Is consulting physician ot the
Now York Infirmary, mid ho has an enor
mous private practlco. Ho Is a man Of
wonderfully gentle manner, nnd hu hash
look of extreme ability on his clour face.
Ranking easily among the great phy si
clans nf Nuw York, Dr. Mary A. Putnam
.Tacohl Is nn ovamploof whatit woman may
do if shu has tho brains and the persoxer
nnco. Dr. .hicohi took her degree in Pari
lu 1871," nnd began practhu lu Now York nt
a tlmu when there was tar more prejudice
against women as physicians than them
Is today. Not in the least dlscourngcdrDr.
Mary Putnam worked on until her ability
nnd genius forced thu County Medical so
ciety to admit her as a muuilH-r. From
this point tho work was easy. Sho was
elected a meinlter of thu Acndeiuy of Medi
cine, thu Society for tho Relief of Widows
and Orphans of Modlrul Men, of thu Patho
logical society, nml of thu Neurological
society. Her triumph was complete.
Dr. Piitiinm-.liicnbl Is a consulting phy
Blclan of Did Now York Infirmary, mid she
has a print Ice which taxes her strength to
the utmost. Shu in tho wlfoof Dr. Abraham
Jarobl, ami It will Interest women to know
thnt she Is onu of the la-st hotisekeciieni in
Now York. Shu is m profound scientist, a
clever diagnostician unit a most successful
Thu list of thu prominent physicians nt
tho city would not 1st complete without
the nnuio or Dr. T. Galllard Thomas. Dr.
Thomas has won fortune and, what is fat
more to him, famous it gynecologist, lu
Ids specialty ho Mauds among tl.u lirst
three In America, and Nuw Yorkv m like to
think that tu that llttlt group his nuiue
leads. Dr. Thomas has Mich an enormous
practice lu his own lino that hu has hut lit
tlutlmu for general work, and attends none
but whuitru old friends. Tim treat
ment which Dr Thomcs has originated
for Kline diseases has bc-n followu I by all
physicians, ami is today coiihidoied tlio
best known. .M,i'
Tin, fin,, ot n War Ve)l uml Tim 41uv
eminent Tiik.
Uncle Nun was In tho hardest kind of
luck during the last March gale that swept
thu MassauhiinettH coast. When thu sky
cleared thieu government vessels were In
sight of fiay Head, 011 the Nantucket, shore,
nil fast on rock or reef, and apparently
going to destruction. Fortunately nil 1 lu
men nn board wuru saved, though hy tho
hanlet efforts of llfo savers and through
great tiibulatlou. There is something In
tlm way thu losses eaino about that mnko
the matter seem llku one of fate.
The United States steamer Galena llrst
went ashoro; then tho tug Nina, which had
thu (inleiia In tow, met the same fate, and
finally thu Trlarni, which was hurried to
iheli lescuo, struck within a few miles ot
them. Tho Caleua is nu old tlmu screw
vessel, third rate, of 1,100 tons displace
ment, was built at Norfolk, Va., lu 1871
and ivlltted theio In 187H, and was on her
way to tho navy yard at Portsmouth, N
II., where homo !i00 men expected to be em
ployed on her all summer, as sliu was to be
piadlciilly rebuilt there. All that Is left
of her lies high up 011 thu beach near Uuy
If end, full of water and licatun into a total
wrick. Thu steam tug Nlua'n rciuatiiH lie
stilt farther up tho lieacli, so high that per
sonsiun walk nbomd at low water, ami
not no badly damaged but that Ihi hull
may bu saved.
tWi mA'.m
JHkrfHff , jMt u Mat m4 Vr
0m4Ib,1 rajr.N Ytl .Nt fur u". Ht.J.r,
Mchvuu quickly hew tot.ra ArumVau
ie l r t Ik. Marl, ! D.i a. jot
a. Boia a. an iih. M7 v
ntrica. yaa caa avaiaMara al Iivbm, alf
if all rear llmar .part taocaaaU aali la
tka work. AU U arm. Urral l7 WaKIV
aranr wvratr. Wa aurt f o. raraUklaf
rrtaUa-. KAILY,arKklIU laaraaC
rAKrllttAM tUiH. Addnatalaaaa,
ktlMMM l., rvTLAI, aUMaV?
DR. (IFOftOK F. tlllllAhV.
Dr. Say re was the llrst American sur
geon to erforiii 1 lie exceedingly dlflkitlt
opt-rntlou for the hip Joint disease, or
"morbus loxarlus," to use the scientific
nnme. Hu ivpeattsl thu operation before
the international medical convention held
In Philadelphia In Ib7fl. His record its i
surgeon, skillful and daring, Is equal to
that of any American now living. He has
been surgeon to Dollevue hospital and the
Charity hospital, nnd In thu llcllovuu Med
ical school profe-jwir of orthopedic surgery
nnd fractures and luxations nnd of clinical
surgery. Foreign medical societies have
honored Dr. Sayru in many ways, and hU
unme U as well known abroad hh lu Amer
ica. Personally Dr. Sayro bun n shrewd nii
A Chinaman Win, Can Vole.
There is at least ono Chluamnii In tho
United States who has n right to vote. Hu
Is named Thomas Sylvauis, and hu lives at
Indiana, Pa. Whcnhouimu to America
years ago hu determined to uial.u thu coun
try Ids home. So he learned tlm language
nnd took out iritiirall.atlou pa pel. When
thu war began hu culUted In the federal
nnny and served for fiuu years. He Is a
memlMir In good standing nf the (1, A. It,
and receives n pension from thu govern
ment. Tint other day he learned that Ihi
catisonf an Informality in his marrlago to
Matilda Asklus, a w hitn woman, soon after
thu close of thu war, sho could not Iki rec
oguhted by the authorities as tho widow of
veteran In case of his death, Thomas
promptly remedied matters by calling lu a
clergyman who tied the knot "for keeps."
IMckle Makers In it I'll kin.
The English makers of pickles iieem to
be too honest for theli own good. They
have hitherto made their pint and nuiirt
bottles to accommodate it little moie tlmu
imperial measure, thus avoiding nil possi
bility of conllict with the strict laws en
acted to prevent their giving less. Hut
they reckoned without the Canadian gov
ernment. Hy the tariff law of thu Domin
ion any quantity exceeding a pint I. liable
ts the duty on a quart, so thu English
pints of pickles are assesi-ed double duties.
Lincoln Floral Conservatory,
Corner G and 17th Streets.
SaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaam IIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw
yKSSSTfrv AlfsHKnH Am
f vwQHaVaiaila aBanaBBBBBBBUilaaBBBBBBBBBaL'Ba aW IM
Mf aaaHlfaaa aaLast!? TfcX -'BIIbIWsIIBI
Cut Flowers and Designs
Easter Decorations, .
Easter Lillies.
Visitors Always Welcome. City Orders by Telephone
Promptly Filled.
Price List Free.
Telephone 344
TaJ 13 a M. .ElCS
Delivering Notes, Letters, Invitations
Atnt any hour to mnko tho early trains get your mall
from postolllce, etc.
Open. Day and Night !
Telephone 190. Office, S. W. cor. 10th and O.
J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor.
This beautiful new house under its present management will be conducted In
thorough firbt class 6tyle on the American plan, rates $2.00. It has
Including passenger elevators and bath room on ever floor. The sleeping
apartments are large and elegantly furnished and may be bad cither single or en
suite. We have reserved a limited number of rooms for city patrons and are pre
pared to give excellent table board with or without rooms at reasonable rates.
Call and sec us,
Telephone 483.
TH f BON D -
Cor. 12th and Q.
An Inmate ot the workhouse at Chatta
nooga, Tcnn., named Tobe IawIs, claims
be 137 years old, aud says he luu Ik-ck
married uiiiu time and Is thu father of
f.rty children. Joe Mulhattou piust look
to his story telling laurels.
Lieutenant Commander (Jeorge A.
Ulckiiell. of tho (ialenii, states that the dis
aster vv.i- due to an extiaoiillnary combi
nation of ileuso fog, tiouthcily uirmit
nnd a gain from the southwest. A lluu
was floated ashore by means ot it largu I mix,
and the local squad ot thu Massachusetts
Humane rnclcty was soon at hand. Every
0110 was saved, though tlvu caiuu a-shoru In
sensible. This f-cant population on that
point consist largely of Indians, and soon
every one of the few houses was crowded,
nnd tl.u little chinch was turned Into a
tumpoiary hospital.
On the lirst report of thu disaster tho
Trlnuii wets htarted tram Newport to thu
rescue, with Lieutenant Commander Hen.
.'y W. Lyon and twenty-threoolllceis ami
men. Although tint sky was by that tlmo
clear oveiheail, shu got oil" her couisu bo
fore ruuiitiig tho tweuty-sovuii miles, and
ktruik 011 Schooner Ledge, near Cay Head.
There sho pounded, as thu survivors ux
oreon It, "till hur bottom was completely
iirokcu tip." Sho Is, or rather was, a
Mhooiter rigged Iron Kcrow vessel of IKXJ
tons, with a ho 1 ho power ot !!10. The net
result is that thu United States is thu losur
of the very valuable Galena aud two small
irvuHaeW. A 31 bier's Lout; Trump.
The hardships n man will undergo in his
bum im wealth 1110 often greater than
those experienced lu tlio must arduous
lullilaiy campaign, There arrived at
Laramie, y., thu other day a young mail
uamed Isaac Heels, who has Just completed
it Journey almost without it paiallul. leav
ing the Alaska gold mines last October hu
starto.l for Sitka, distant l.WM miles, on
horseback, The animal gave out lu it short
tlmu mil was abandoned, Heels continuing
his Journey 011 foot over tho great mount
ain ranges and through thu desolate val
leys. Hu had numerous encounters with
wild milmals, and when nu thu vergu of
starvation was rescued by the Indians, of
whose kindness hu speaks in thu highest
terms. He got from Sitka to Vancouver
by boat, and thence tram pod to his homo
in Laramie. Although lie brought with
him no tangible proofs thereof, hu itsserts
that the Alaska mines are tlio finest iu the
world. . ""
aaaa' L
JJaW VaaVia0
Dr. H. S. Aley, Specialist
Special nttontlon paid to tho treatment of these diseases
by means of electricity.
AU non-niallRiiant tumors of tho womb removed without
tho use of tlio knife.
All operations for Injuries from childbirth skillfully per
formed. Displacement of the. womb cured In most cases without
tho iiKo of Instruments.
Kpllepsy, Ht. Vitus' Danro, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Hysteria,
dllleront forms of paralysis, Deformities, and nil other
forms of Nervous Trouble succcHsfnllv treated.
Consultation at oillco or Ity mail $1 ot).
Now nmn Illock, O Ht., but. 10th and 11th, Lincoln, Neb,
Hours-0 to 12, S to 6, 7 to 8.
EttibUthcd Dec, o, 1SS6.
German National Bank,
Capital Paid up, $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 25,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues letters of credit, draw d rafts on all parts
of tho world, l-'orelini collections it specialty .
Officers uml Directors.
IIKH.MAN II. HOHAIIKlia, President.
C. 0. MUNHON, Vlco President.
O. .1. WILCOX, Assistant Cash lor,
' B....Ki! Hb.HhI i
BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHS HHflLb?
r- BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK! bbHsbbbIBbBY 'I
"1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbN 'BbbUM-BbbbI V K
IWbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbUbbbbbJbBbbC1L!J
'VbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH bbbbI bbbbH BbbbF!
UbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtM BbBbbbbbbbVIbbbBU.
.C) i
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"fiaa"l til'lA tf-i iflk).
AfcJJaW'ra'JJMMJtAha& - atoAjafctf., f1, ihHUji ... it - ikjjte.t.. . . ..