CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH at, 1891 ' A- J I V. QUEKKl'ADSOl'TllKDAY Fresh Strawberries, New Potatoes, New Beets, CHEAP! 20 lbs. Extra C Sugar, $1.00 Special Prices on Flour. Everything Else in Proportion Telephone 398. SOME OF THE PURSUITS TO WHICH PEOPLE OF FASHION ARE DEVOTED. Tim C'rurn for (,'nlnnliil I'uriilliirn unit llrlo-H-Hiuc Iti'llirn tftli llril l'orkfl. Nowltli'n III lliitlniia riniltlty of AVItlto lliilr An Artlllnliil flutter llttniu. tCopytlulit, IHWI, by Aniorlmii I'rrm Amocln I Ion. 1 INC out tlm old, rltiK In thu now, mill tlii'ii, by way of variety, rltin hi thu old iikmIii, Ih tlio I'llilcs of fash ion. .1 u h t n o w tlio rrn .a for ovary. tliliiK colonial Is lit II hclKlit. Can (Iclabrn, brass or Hllvi'rcmiiUi'ntlckH and HiililTorH, old oil laiutw, lilts of i!lilna,noltOHpvak of clitilrx, tabh'H iind four jiost IhmI' nlt'iiils In tliu Ntylu of MO yours iiko, am nil thu riio. (Icnuliio colonial relics ato nxtrcnii'ly ram, but tlio no cominodatlnK tlenlors are nlwnys wttml to an cmurKuiicy, and mitlqiiltlcM by tlio carload aro IkjIiik turned out ovury day. Tliuso aro not rvpri'Hoiiti'il as nenulnu In tlm majority of cities until after thoy liavo left thuHliop. Tlio necessity ot a uranu fatbur In tlio family Inn ln(ttin to iiiiiko It M'lf felt In dead earnest In America, unit If 0110 doesn't liavo kooiI posteriori ovldunco of him in tlio nliiipu of n wormeiiten oak nldeboard or a llildlo backed olmlrtho fault Is duo wholly to oiio'k lack of ontorprlM). Tliu "real tliliiK" oxIhIh, of courco. Tlio colon h's had at tlio t lino of tlm involution qulto an aristocracy, especially In t hosouth, where, as a matter of frtct, tlio most vain ablu pieces of old furniture) aro found. What Is called tlio colonial styles in Amer ica aro known In KiikIuiiiI and to dealers everywhere, as tlio (Jiieen Anne, Chippeu dulo and Kitstluko. Tliu Chippendale. Is perhaps tlio most characteristic. It was manufactured hi HiiK'hind In tlio first half of tliu Eighteenth century. The clawfooted mahoKany tables not titicommoiily seen in old family man slons aro Chippendale, or Imitations of It. And, by thu way, don't let a dealer palm olt on you, at a much higher price, uu lu- Jlf fitcc, but that fancy buttons aro to lo stylish tiK.tlii. A few liavo appearisl on Itnportfd Kowtis, In aiitliiio deslKiis to suit tlio period In tho fiishlou of which tlio drens Is unities soino aro Juweled and others are set with gold In artlstlo designs, So much tinsel and Juweled trimmings nro worn now that fancy buttims would seem to lit In qulto naturally. Hut as jot t hoy aro not Kcnorally uied. On tailor kwuh, especially on tlio uray cloths mi univer sally but no seldom iHToinliiKly worn, flat buttons In horn, bono or smoked pearl ap pear In Krcat profusion, That they aro ugly does not Impair their popularity In tho least, ami almost all tho new spring gowns urn decorated with them. Another old fashion that Is struggling for rnvlvnl Is tho colored stocking. At tho shops all sorts of temptations In tho way of ilellcato tints nro shown, but tho pros peels are not encouraging for thu Innova tion. Until tho last fiw years, when tho black stocking was niado absolutely "tin. eroekahle," any cliaiigo in thu fashion would liavo lieen welcome, but now It Is an established fact that black hosiery is muk 2r WE LEAD THEM ALL We show herewith Illustration of two of the most popular makes of Gasoline Stoves and Knucs, known ns the JhL I r tVfl fWN 5 ' witjiuuAnzB MJf l Bailable Process Stoves and a cloe examination will them to be not only economical but durable and built on the most scientific principles. We should like to have you call and see these new commodities. oo IN TIIUK COLONIAL BTTI.K. laid plcco of Chippendale. Thore was it manufacturer Cherlton, who camo 'on somo years later who made much tho same designs in tables and chairs, and in laid them richly In mother-of-pearl. But if you are going in for antiquities you ought to know that tho Cherlton is valued very far below tho Chippcudalo by "tlin cult." I saw tlio other day in a delicious old furniture place at New York n very unlquo thing which, after I had inquired its use, I remembered having read of as it rovlval in Kuglaud. Imagine a good sized liag, of silk or muslin or velvet, as you please, hung at tho head of tho bed. It is sup posed to contain things liable to bo ncctletl (luringtlio nluht pocketbook, coilghdrops, devotional literature, handkerchief and, peradventure, a nightcap other than tho 0110 worn on tho head. Tho "bed pocket," as it was called a hundred years ago, is not at all a bad idea, but unless tho four post bedstead comes into ntylo with it I do not see Just where it could conveniently bo hung. If one-half the world is buying ancestors the other half seems to bo selling. The number of family portraits to lsi seen in auction rooms is surprising. Charles Sur face, it will be remembered, sold his entire collection, and Justified his action by pro- DAMK FASHION'S DOMAIN. Hteliit (,'othiu:ii('orii"piiiilrucfl. Nkw Youk, Mar. IH, ISKH, In ehionlo llng Dniiie Fashion's latest onpi lre, it It tit f Moult to llml dist'iiptlvo adjectlveit willed will do Jimtlen to thu union and beauty of Konieof thuKprlngutiveltltti, Tint mntorlaln as wo liavo abeady uoltsl aro paillciilurly at tractive, and the ti tunning are lielmr than over, wlillo Ihrtstylo of gowns ami rpi Is In ninny eaten so picturesque, (hat even it plain woman enn acquire a teinpoiary beau ty bj means of her toilette, Kiecpt for travelling mitl eaily uioriilng wmr, tho now rostuuics aro qulto elnborato with their utilipiu shnpes mid ornato gariiltuio of Inces, oinbrolilery, I utiles and ruches. In ohort, nil thew) tlnlnly aeeessoils which aro so espwl nlly femltiliio, and to tint majority of w onion Is much morn beeoiultig tliau slutpllclty of stylo, (a tho now Ittslferu wiaps deslKlietl for falling, receptions and thentro wear, this Is very notleiuhle, many of them being com posed of fmiey silken fnbrlos, a new depar ture for Kedferu whoso gient spwlitlly lilth. erto, hns boon tho co tsatitl gottus of cloth ami other woolen stulK It mint bo admit ted howuver, that bo Is siiecessful In creating these Froiiehy frivolities as lit his tmn Hue. Bargains - Slaughter- Bargains AT- The Bazar Bankrupt Stock Only Six Days nunc of Receiver's Sale al the Bazar, 1023 O STREET 1023 We have about 00 we go. $fioo worth of Remnants that must have marked them at one-third the real value to close in a single day. TIIK "AMi:ilICAN IIKAUTV" HAT. for general wear cleaner, smarter and more economical than any other kind. When tho shoes and stockings and gown aro all of a color tho elTect Is good, but any contrast Is apt to jar, ami, most conclusive argument of all, tho feet aro sum to look twlco I scented -ttlll another "revival" not long since when I went Into u fashionable hair dresser's to lmvo my bangs trimmed. It seems that powtlcr anil patches and white hair have struck the feminine rancy. it began by elderly ladles ceasing to dyo their gray locks. It was declared that not only were silver threads among the gold becoming, but that they lent an additional look of youthfillness. Then tho effect of powdered hair above bright oyes anil a girlish faco was found to lw so piquant that tho complexion artists and hairdress ers weru importuned to Invent something to maku thu piquancy permanent. As yet they liavu not succeeded. It Is possible to bleach thu hair white. To bo sure It Is very expensive anil deadly injurious, but It Is I'llcctivo. White hair, howuver, Is not ho becoming as silver gray, and when that is demanded tho "artist" recommends ma dame toshave hertlark loeksalid huyouuof thu new skeleton wigs, anil If you will bo llovo it, tlio advloo Is generally followed, but then it is not as bad as bleaching. Tlio wig is so light and so well ventilated Jhat when tho whim for gray hair Is succeeded by something else, madamo's own hair, short, of course, Is on her head ready to begin a new life. lady Teazle's wish that it might bo slimmer all the year round, that roses might bloom under our feet, bids fair to bo realized at this late day. Never were arti ficial (lowers used in such profusion. They aru employed in decoration anil for dress trimming moro than over before, and for hats qultu as much. Kvery other woman 0110 meets in New-York wears a largo black hat with one Immense American beauty rose shining among tho ribbons and feath ers. Tho (lower making Industry Is grow ing every year. As yet tho ijest (lowers are Imported. In Franco ami Germany whole families devote themselves to the manu facture of a single variety for generations. It would never occur to a man whoso an cestors madu roses to branch out for him self ami make dahlias. No wonder they are artists. The government encourages tho industry in Franco to tlio extent of growing great beds of choice (lowers, and allowing specimens to bo carried homo for models. Any worker in llowers is allowed to pick it blossom for tho purpose of stud)1 ing it, and tho gardens aro open to him at all times. Franco Is tho only country in the world artistic enough to support such an institution. Certainly thu idea would not bo enthusiastically supported by American law makers, so the probability is wo shall continue to import our llowers. Hllin'A LoUIbK CllILDK. II I. If in ISBfJf 'JHW 1 ITT' iim t ilB M III All kinds of Furs it half the original cost. CLOAKS AT YOHR OWN PRICE Mft;; A costume with eoat boilleu which may bo worn with other skirts, Is thu subject of our first sketch. Tho gown Is water green iH-iignlliio with a pleated foot trimming. Thu coat is of the same cloudy tint, and is brocaded with dull rose figures. Where It springs open below thu waist and on tho hip aro falls of black luce. TIIK Ili:i I'OCKKT AM) lOUU-l'OsTIIIt. testing that for relations to help a man out of his financial dilllcultlfs was mi mure than nut uial. Hut It is not popular to own to an admiration for Charles, ami ouo can only pardon thu hale of family relics when picsslng need Is thu occasion. Tlio only portraits for which ihero is a good market are those where tho costuming is of historical Interest Of cmirsii If i. good name- Itomney, Gilbert rituart or Copley is signed, any pint rait, ho vever small or ugly. Is valuable as n work of art. Minia tures liavo a reaily balu ulwms. Collector are wild for them, and America really boasts many exquisite specimens. Thu art of miniature painting was carried to great perfection in America by our Klghteeiith century rtists. I hear .hat in Europe a new use has been made of thesu Ivory beauties. They aro worn fancy! as billions, That menus not tlia1. thu fashion Is liable to spreatl, since few women eouitl over allonl It, oven Telephone 684. j f there weru miniatures enough In exist- Hffc-KHW iTiB &s .'tv-v Our line of general li.irdwaie was never bo complete as now and we snail take pleas use In serving jou at any time In anything that you may need, Kruse& White 2IO 0 8t, KITect nf Cold on Aiilliinlii. Some curious experiments liavo been made by Mllno-I-Mwards, a French natur alist, as to tlio effect of low temperature on animals. Ho "found that tho rabbit bore cold remarkably well, as, when tho llttlo creaturu was shut up for a whole night in a hollowed out block of ice, its temperature, only full 1 deg. Tho sheep also showed a high power of resistance, provided its llceco was dry, goats anil pigs following next in order. Dogs were far less hardy, anil horses succuinlM'd to colli quicker than any oilier animal." irlcumi' nf tlm IIIiiiIimih. Hindoo traditions aro offended grievous ly by many English Industrial enterprises in India. Some bono mills have been es tablished at Hall, near Calcutta, ami the natives living near aro in constant dread of touching some vestlgoof animals' bones, and thus incurring defilement, according to their religious creed. On the other hand, they cannot move out of the way, because they would commit almost as great usln by sullliigan ancestral residence. CIiIiickh I'erlls of Navigation. A captain in the Chinese navy has to "keep his weather eye open." If his ship meets with any damage, no matter under what conditions of weather, situation or war, ho Is required to pay half the cost of repair. If he loses his vessel and saves his llfu liu saves thu latter only to lose it, for his head is bound to coiuo oil'. In tills giuuiunl, Ktxllern has taken the Ixjuls Qulno coat for his model, Tho mater ial ho uses is black silk with small tlmirettes In pulo yellow, and this Is tiimmcd with black luce, and Parisian gold lace which looks like tmbroidury iiiMend of an appliad trimming. Tint waistcoat Is of white mi tin with bunds of tho gold lace. Large, square iiocket Hups edged with laeu mo set on Just liatk of the hips. "Thermldor" Is to bo undertaken In Paris again. When leeently Interrupted thero was a cali advance salt) of nearly ? 100,000, all of which bail to bo refunded. Tho demands of feminine adornment aro laid to bo responsible for tho prospective extinction of tho beautiful Hritisii king fisher. It has disappeit'eti already from tho Knglish counties of Sussex, Oxford shire and llamushlre. What is Scrofula It U that Impurity In tlio liloixl, wlilcli, accumu latlnu In tliu KlaiitW "f ",0 'l('fl, T!uco uu llKlitlf or w'1I1mk"; which rauiet ulntul runnliiK inrot on tliu itrini, lt'g, or feet; which leTtlou' ulrer In tliu re(,car, nrntnu, often cauilnn lillinliii'K or iloaf iicm i w lilrli It Iho origin of lniilr, raiicerout Krnntlii, or many other manifestation usually utcrlunl l " liumori." It It mtiru formlJalilo uaeiuy Hun eoiitumptlon or cancer ulouu, for tcroftila roinlilnci tho wort! imillilu f futures of IhUIi, IIcIiir tlm moit ancient, It U tbo most Kcncral of all diseases or affuctlout. for very few jcroiis nro entirely freo from It. How ran It lo cured 1 lly taking Hood's) Sarsa parllla, which, ly thu cures It lias accomplished, often when other medicines liavo failed, baa proven Itself to Im potent mid peculiar medicine for tills disease. For nil nffertlont of tlio blood llood's tiartaparlll.i It uneiualled, aud tomu of Ibe cures It hat effected aro really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula In any of Its varloui forma, bo turo to tlvo Hood's Kartaparlllj a trial. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. $l sliforlS. rreparadonty by C. 1. 1100U X CO., Apotbocarlea, Lowell, Mat. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar Dress Goods, Domestics, Hosiery, and Underwear, Infants Outfits, all must go. Cost or Value will not be considered in disposing of the remainder of this stock. It must be Sold within the next Six Days. SHERIFF fflcCLAY, Receiver. THE BAZAR, 1023 0 Street, Maxwell, Sharpe & Ross Co. Are After Your Trade AND OFFER TO SELL MX COST For 30 Days, In all Departments. You will find a complete line of DRESS GOODS SII.KS, Table Linens, Domestics, Notions, &c. Look this department over for you will find bargains that you will never get again. In our Shoe Department you will find everything complete with many special bargains. With each pair of childrens shoes we arc giving a handsome jumping rope. In Our Hardware Department, you will always find what you want. In Our Furniture Department we will always show the latest patterns. In Our Grocery Department are all sorts of bargains. Don't forget to look at our Qucensware and Lamps. There is no place where you will find so many bargains as you will at " w, Maxwell, Sharpe & Ross Coif