Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 21, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    :'-. 'iw im
Lincoln Shirt Factory
To 1 402 O Stroot.
lit Ho new location this establishment
lino bolter mrlllttc llimi oer fur ttintlnu
out llrst -ehu work, nnd nn lnoreiied Him of
I'uriilnliliiif (IimmIh will nlwnv lie oil
To tmr business lias Ihtii mliliil ii
tn which mirtncntsof nil Ulmln will tm niiidn
toonler nml itiiYlhliut from the smallest nn
deriinrmonl to the finest Dress or Cloak will
ho skillfully executed nml iiuiiln on short
notice, In Ihls ilemrtliiiiit mo employ our
orilKiiteM cutters mul litters In the country
nmlsiitlsfnctlnti Is KUiirnntocd In every par
tlctiliir. Our fnrtory will herenftrr Imi known
ns the
Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co.
A, Kiilon.toln, Hr., Mummer.
Cnll nmt oo im. Cir. Illhiinil l His
Lincoln Trunk Factory
o st H33 ST
Wlicic e will lie glad '" ce n" '1'
friends nml customers nml an tiiutiy new
ones nit en 11 get Into the store.
f &IA CfXU
May be produced by tlio use of MRU. CI It A
IIAM'H KiiKt'iilo Kiininvl nml her Hoho
Bloom. The complexion mul color lire. Hindu
perfucti nml the closest scrutiny could iiol de
tect ono kmIh of powder or Hie least Indlcn
tlon of nrtllk'lnl color. I will Mnko my rep
utation Hint on any fneo I enn Klvo the moat
delightful complexion nml color with En
tente K 11 11 mo I nml lloso Illosiom, nml
thnt 110 oiiu could r-nsslbly toll thnt
H10 eolor or euuiploxlou were nrtlllo
ial. Thin Ih high nrl In cosmetics. They
aro eneh more harmless tlinn nny oilier cox
tills doe not
melto III the world, bcenuso I hoy iiro eneh ill.
solvlin: In their nature, nml th
nin uii iim iuma. when iislnc thoKO stinorb
cosmetic you limy wipe tho dust or porspl-
dcllcnta beiuity They runinln on nil diiy.or
ration from tho fnoo without tiinrrliiK their
until u-ntlied oil'
l'rlcn of eneh, II; the two vent nn where JTor
. For snlo by HOWARD' DIAMOND
l'H ARM AOY, Northwest Corner N nml I'Jtli
Mr. Qmltuiii. 1M Post it., fun Francisco,
t renin hullo for nil defects or blemishes ot
fiu'o orflRiire. Betid slnmp for her little book
'How to bo Hcniitlful."
A 15 Cent Stale
Resmreltes Thnt Within n (Ipiiemtlnn
Have ItitvoliitliinUril the Methods ol
Tlmuiilit nml lniiilry The Work Done
by lluiley, Npnirer mul TyniUII.
Isstliuii 11 goiiorntloti ago thurlvlll.od
world stirred with n mindly Intellectual
Impulse. Olil landmarks woruswept away
nml now principles declared for the Kiifl-
,.ll' ..IW
17 1 .Jf.4.1
itwi ,151 A j
nncoof plilloioplile thought and scientific
research. A group of giant piled up
mountains to rencli tint lieiivi'iin mid were
not doit royotl, Tliey Mvept not only HiIh
kIoImi lint all llio lmivi'i-Hii within their
ken, both innterliil mul Hplrlttml, for facU.
Tliuy Hounded tint lowcit ilcptlm of oeenu
to hoc tiro tho forum of life, nettled
tlio Klnclerx mid wriiiiK KccrctH from tliuir
Icy liroiifttH, nml, xpcutroHcopu at limul,
cniumuned with llui morulnx Htar. Tlioy
lenrued ninny HiIiikm, mul molded thorn to
tho deduction of MtnrtllliK coiicIiimIoiih.
They luliorcd not for thomnolvcii hut for
huinnnlty, and tlicy Kiivoto their follows
tho friilta of their toll. Such term m
"ovolutlon," "protoplnHin," "molecular
coiiHtltiitlon of mnttor," "orlKln of nw
clo" nml "pnycholony" conned to lw tho
nbrncadnhra of the Initiate, and heennio the
common proerty of nil IntolllKont rcndern.
DlHtauco and porHpoetlvo Kouurally bo
little, but In thu caxeaof theno liidupuudont
and diirlnn Nenrclium after truth tho ex
ception, not tho rule, provalln. Darwin,
lluxloy, Tyudnll, Sponcer, Drnor, AkiuwIr
and Wluchell will alwnyn ruuuiln mlKhty
iiamcit with which to coujurt, yet they
were not gunll, but thu iniutcrs of Keull
tho AlnddliiH at whosu command tho m'M
torleHof iiaturumid of IioIiik took form.
Draper, Annflz and Wiucliull may prop
orly Ik; termed Aincrlciins, althntiKh ouo
of thorn lint Haw thu Unlit beyond thu hojih.
To Draper wu owu tho introduction of now
methods for the writing of iiiiiu'h history
ns learned from books ami records. To
AkiimsI;'. and Wiucliull wu aro Indebted for
acc.uratu bases on which to build that
vaster history told by thu stones and stars.
These men am dead; so, too, Is Darwin, thu
foremost champion of thuiloctrinuof thu
descent of man, but nil still rcluu In mem
ory and earth lastltiK Inlliiuncu.
Threo ot this itroup of Intolloctuiillants
yet live. They have passed tho period of
unremitting activity, and now enjoy thu
"easu with illKnlty"nfKreuii old ae. Of
tho threo It is not unfair to assert that thu
youiiKust Is tho ure:itost. His namo Is
Thomas llonry lluxloy. Ho will always
bu known as tho llrst to extend Darwin's
theory of natural solectlun to man. No
naturalist can hopo to more thun equal
Huxley's fniuo, mul to him zoology owes
its advancement to kinship, somewhat re
moved, with tho exact sciences. He is tho
man who announced the principle of tho
protoplasm "some one kind of matter
Fine Hut CuMiieU Pr docn. Hpoclnl
tmtea to students. Cnll nml co our work.
Studio, 1314O Street.
Open from 10 n. in. to . in. Humlnys.
Physician and Surgeon
Office: 339 South Eleventh St
McMurtry Dlock.
Office Phone 561. Reildence Phone 56a.
IKa BMPklet ot laronMUea w4 -
LetrMtof the lwt,iMiia Uow toT
OMaiB rateau. Ckvvvik.Tradej
oriimRn trctrovolsntrlMcii nrt. It is with this
Intent thnt I liiivosiilmnllnntisi niiy reiiwmnble,
ilr tiurrnsonnlile, lUiililllou for eleiitlllu fnmo
which I liuiy hniu isirmltted tnyftelf to enter
tnlu to other nndn; to tho Hipiilnrlratloii of
plencei to tho development nml nrunnlrntlon
of vclentlllo education! to tho endless neiles of
bnttles mid vUlrinlftlirs over evolution, nml to
iintlrlnit opiMwItlon to thnt spirit which In
Knittnud, ni nverywhore else, Is tho (loudly
enemy of science.
AmotiK Professor Huxley's most cher
ished friends Is tho philosopher Herlsrt
Hnoticor. an Knullshmaii now over seventy
years of nuo.mid one of thu chief advocates
of tho doctrine of evolution, Knrly In his
literary cann-r ho "Is-camo n firm bellover
that all orKanlzed bellies havo arisen by
lovulopineiit. In IH."I ho llrst conceived of
evolution as a universal process, and later
cainu to thu conclusion that It must Imi
ennui tho basis of any system of philosophy
which represents mul conforms to the Ken
oral method of nature." His chief claim
to periumieut reinoinbrnnco must rest on
thu volumes which explain his "ystem or
Kyiithetlo Philosophy," and which will al
ways remain standard mid mi authority
for thinkers.
Tlio other survivor of tho distinguished
coterie Is Professor John Tyndall. llu was
horn In IBS), which wits also tlio your of
Spencer's birth, but he did not have thu
early advantiiKos enjoyed by tho latter.
His parents were humble residents of Car
low, Ireland, and could do little toward
launching their son on a career. Tim boy,
therefore, made onu for hlinself. Ilu studied
mathematics, Kot work us 11 civil ciiKluccr,
and In IHIU tolled from dawn to dark for a
salary of twenty hIiIIIIiiks 11 week. After
ward ho lllled n place us n teacher In a col
IcKoof technical education. Ho saved his
pennies, wont to (icrmuny, and whllntheru
studied sixteen hours a day that ho "mlht
miss nothing." In 18.V1 ho visited Switzer
land with Professor Huxley and began his
researches rewarding thu phenomena of
Hinders. What ho has douu for scluucu
can lie HilKKosted by quoting thu titles of
some of his Isxiks: "Forms of Water In
Clouds nud Rivers, Ice and Glaciers,"
"Heat as a Mode of Motion," "Notes on
Electricity and Unlit" nnd "Floating Mat
ter in the Air In Relation to Putrefaction
nnd Infection."
Outside his recognized llfo work two
thltiKs havo In their tlmo brounht Profes
sor Tyndall prominently before tho public.
One was Ids quarrel with Oladstono re
KnnlhiK Irish alTalrs, and tho other his
famous proposition to Institute a prayer
test. In the latter case he siiKKested thnt
patients equally ill should be selected,
tialfofthcm to 1 bo given tho best medical
treatment nnd tho other half to bo prayed
for hut not doctored. Tho proposal cre
ated 11 sensation nnd much comment, but
tho test was never made.
FitKii C. Dayton.
A Kansas I.nwniaknr Who I)lBppnie
of Certuln Kxpemllturc.
"Duncan of Pumpkin" Is tho name
that hits been applied to a memlier of the
lower housu of I bo lCansus legislature, Ho
is from Uilietto county, thirty In the ses
sion he made a happy lilt by dcscrlhluif thu
honors mid emoluments incident to the
ofllcu of road overseer. Later he came out
In pronounced opposition to an appropria
tion for n chinch bug experiment station
at the state university, where Chancellor
Snow might continue his Investigations 11s
to the elllcacy of hh theory of inoculation.
In his speech on this notablu occasion Dun
can said:
"This appears to Ihj u gamu of high five,
nnd I propose to take n hand. This thing's
n steal. It asks for W.WW. What's that
for? I want an itemized statement,, tell-
He llellc eil In lloliiff I'nllln In Krry
body Anyway.
There were ten of us who rode from tho
depot to 11 hotel In Charleston In the sumo
'bus, and as wu entered tlio olllcu a short,
thick set mul determined looking man col
Inred.ii young man wearing eyeglasses nnd
"I'll thank you to return my wnlletl"
"Certainly, sir; certainly, tat us con
duct ourselves as Ih comes gentlemen."
"You picked my pocket on the way up,
mid I want my wallet Imok or I'll mash
you I" shouted the short man.
"Kxnctly. No need ot raising your volco
to n disagreeablu pitch. Never forget that
you are 11 gentleman, no matter what tho
"Whurolsmy walletJ"
"Hero, sir, and I have great pleasure In
returning It. I am i-orry that wu havo had
any misunderstanding."
An officer was sent for, mid whllo wait
ing his appearance tho young man said to
the crowd)
"I novor have nny trouble with a gontlo-
,1111111, never. I mil obliged to all of you for
the courtesies which you have extended,
tat us part as gentlemen r.hould."
Thu olllcor soon arrived and walked htm
away to thu station, but that evening
about 0 o'clock, as I was walking on Meet
ing street, thu prisoner halted inu and said;
"I deslro to thank you for your consider
ation In thatalTalr. You treated mo as n
gentleman, sir, mid I shall not forget It."
"Hut I thought you you"
"Oh, yes. I was locked up tight enough,
but tho olllcurs at the station wore no gen
tlemen, sir, no gentlemen, and they treated
me lu such a manner that I felt compelled
to bid them good night, I will now say nu
I went up to the jiollco station to inquire
about it, and thu sergeant In charge re
plied! "Whatl Thnt genteel fellow with eye
glasses! Oh, he's in there."
"Hut you'd letter look."
Ho entered tho corridor and looked Into
tho cull. Itwasoiilpty. Thu "gentleman"
had sawed one of tho window bars off and
gone out by way of thu alley. -New York
Pete Wasn't In It.
There was a meeting of the stockholders
of a certain railroad at Jackson, Miss. A
colored man crept up to tho head of tho
stairs In tho building whero thu nioutlnt
was In progress, and whisper! ugly asked of
another colored man on duty there:
"Moses, has dey dun woccd to cut wages
"Sahl Whnt you talklti' 'bout! I dona'
know you, salil" pompously replied the
"You dun donn' know mor"
"No, sahl"
"Git out! Didn't I dun murry your sis
ter Mary, mi hain't I workln' right lu dis
"What's do name, salif"
"Name! Name! Hain't I your brudder
law, Pote Wllllamsr"
"An' Is yo' ouo of do stockholders of din
"Ob co'su not."
"Kin yo' woto in ills meetln'r"
"Deu, sab, I begs to Inform yo' snh, dat
urter we git frew purceedlii' wid our pur
ceedlus wu may decldu to ciilminatu do
sumo to outsiders; an' if wo do, suh, an'
should happen to meet mo, salt, I shall bo
happy to particulate nil du eliicldashun in,
comprehensible wid our policy. Good day,
wihl" New York Sun.
lng how much it will cost to glvo a chinch
bug 11 hypodermic Injection, and how much
for funeral exienscs lu casu onu should
turn up Its toes. And then they want n
laboratory or chinch buggery. Well, I
don't know but that there ought to lie one,
a sort of portable concern, and on Its ridge
polo Professor Snow should sit nstrlde,
"I am monarch of nil 1 survey,
There is none my right to dispute,
I am lord of tho chinch bug,
Thnt ubomtnablo llttlo brute."
Merchant uml Customer.
Tlio Seattle Journal says that thu follow
ing correspondence, which ueods 110 ex
planation, passed between u Scuttle mer
chant and an occasional customer popu
larly supposed to possess more alleged
religion than business integrity:
ll.M.t.AHD, July SI.
DkahHiii Plcnso send uy express nine yards
of tho pattern my wifo vclccted jenterduy, and
(d. v.) I will remit. Yours, .
Skatti.i:. Wash., July U5.
Dkaii Sill Plcnso remit S0.W. and (p. d. q.l
wu will semi tho pattern selected.
Yours, .
Detroit Free Press.
Ilecn There, Himself.
A pollccmnn who was investigating a
dark hallway on Grand River aveiiuu heard
some olio snoring In tlio darkness, and ho
rapped with his club nml called out:
"Now, then, who Is itr"
"It's me," replied n voice as the snoring
"Who's mer"
"Oh, I used to be on the pollco force. Go
along It's nil right. There's only room
for 0110 of us here." Detroit Free Press.
common to all living things nnd the for
mal basis of all llfo." Tho deduction Ih
that "nil living powers are cognate, and
nil living forms, from tho lowest plant or
animalcule to the highest Ixdng, are funda
mentally of onu character." And to nrrlve
at this conclusion what tireless days and
nights ho gave to study mid personal re
search! Horn In 18iut a village of Mid
dlesex, England, lie early turned his atten
tion to tho pursuits that have made him
famous. Ho studied medicine as a means
to nn end, and In young manhood secured
au appointment us shlp'ii surgeon. lie
brought buck from his long voyugesa store
of Information regarding deep sou llfo un-
equaled by any predecessors lu that de
partment of practical Inquiry. He wrote
of his discoveries, and established his repu
tation us 1111 authority. Thou he tolled
along other paths of enterprise, and In his
old ago bu thus tells or wnat nu nas none:
Uuotatlon Marks In Muslo.
Although tho signs used in music are
quite numerous, there seems to be room for
t least one mure, the quotation mark, so
that n compoHor, It hu desired, might insert
here and there in his own works passages
by other authors and givu due credit. A
Canadian writer says that "no doubt it
would bu difficult, If not impossible, to In
dicate the quotations to audiences, but the
written score at least would be honest.
These reflections are suggested by certain
recent muslo which appears to contain pas
sages of manifest plagiarism."
Assisted by Her Majesty the 4)11011.
The following Is going the rounds of the
English exchanges: A blind man who plays
acred muslo upon nn uccordcon Is just
now perambulating the streets of Wind
sor. Ills iiflliction attracted some time ago
the attention if the queen, who whllo tak
ing .'. drive saw hi 111 In the street atd com
nasklonatcly guvo him a donation. With
nu eye to business the nmbulntoiy must
cinii now Ir'iu-h upon his breast a placard
with the Inscription: "Hllnd from Inflam
mation. Assisted by her majesty the
A Look IVslt.
Dashaway An amateur performance I
attended the other evening was delayed an
hour liecauso one of the leading actors was
ill. They got a follow from tlio audience
to take his place.
Cloverton I don't see why getting n fel
low from tho audience delayed them an
Dashaway They had to wait for one to
como lu. Judge.
Iliiund to Join the Family.
Jack Sinallcash (to rich widow's daugh
ter) Dearest Emily, will you lie my wife?
Emily Rockebilt Oh, Mr. Sinallcash!
This Is so very unexpected! I think I
think perhaps you had better ask mam
ma. Jack Smallcash I have already, my loTe,
but alio refused me. Puck.
mm a vr I. bclaat Mfeft bv Jots R.
UMSwIs.Tter.K-Y.! l ' " ,
-. .. , Htkha a. aattck. but ratt
.kaiiylcklr kw l.r IKalllt
fie ir ! ! ''. f"
las all w tbu, avan m.nauhrt
Ikawwk. Alt Ua.w. unst
ttatr vruffcM. Wa Man fa, fcralaklajl
."mala.. BAllLY.srsVlSuUaraaC
If I may speak of thoobjocts I havo had more
or less definitely In view since I began llio as
cent of uiy hillock, they aro briefly these; To
uromoto tho lucmiso of natural knowledge ami
to forward thoappllcatlonof seleutlllo methods
of Investigation to all the problems of life to
the best of my ability, la the conviction which
bo grown with my growth and strengthened
with my strength that there is no alleviation
for tho suderlugs of uvanklud except veracity
of thought and of action, ami tho resolute
facing of tha-worlil as it Is, when the garnieut
A Forbidding Character.
"I don't like the ossilled man," confided
the fat woman in the museum to the liv
ing skeleton.
"Nor I," replied His Boneletaj "I can't
abide him. Hu never unbends."
Doubtful Fnjuyment.
.'radical Vulltles ftn Japau.
The Japanese authorities aro adapting
themselves with great success to the de
mands of political life. The government
employs every means ot Impressing Its pro
vincial supporters in parliament, with thu
view of keeping down opposition tenden
cies, lu pursuit ot this policy the admi
ralty officials taku out parties of the mom
burs iu tho men-of-war to show what good
vessels thu country possesses and what
warships are like.
"Shoesl Yes, mudam," said tho brltflc
rlerk, lu answer to a customer's Inquiry.
'What number, pleaser"
"Two, of course! Do I look like a quad
ruped?" Harner's Uazar.
Lincoln Floral Conservatory,
Corner G and 17th Streets.
. afl T j.alalalalLmEiLD Ml M at alS fW"1"- .mmkm- V.
Cut Flowers and Designs
For Weddings, Funerals, Parties,
Receptions, Etc.
General Collection of Plants.
Visitors Always Welcome. City Orders by Telephone
Promptly Filled.
Price List Free.
Telephone 344
lv vfiSjyWy ja
ViHS,S -ra Xl
Ti&aX i
Cv .
Delivering Notes, Letters, Invitations
At at any hour to mnko tho 'early tra!ns"get your mall
from postotllce, etc.
Open Day and Night I
Telephone 190. Office, S. W. cor. 10th and O.
J. G. BURPEE, Proprietor.
Tills beautiful new house under its present management will be conducted In
thorough first class style on the American plan, rates $2.00. It has
Including passenger elevators and bath rooms on every floor. The sleeping
apartments are large and elegantly furnished and may be had either single or en
suite. We have reserved a limited number of rooms for city patrons and are pre
pared to give excellent table board with or without rooms at reasonable rates.
Call and see us.
THfe -f BOND
Telephone 482. Cor. lath and Q.
Dr. H. S. Aley, Specialist
Hpeclnl attention paid to tho treatment of these diseases
by means of electricity.
AH non-ninllgnnnt tumors of tho womb removed without
tho usoof thekuire.
All operations for injuries from childbirth skillfully per
formed. Iilsilucemoutof tho womb cured In most cases without
tho uho of Instruments.
Kpllepsy, Kt. Vitus' Dunco, Sclntlcn, Neurnlgln, HyBtorla,
illllerent forms of pnrnlysls, Deformities, nml nil other
forms of Nervous Trouble successfully treated.
Consultation at olllco or by mall ll.uO,
Nawiunii lllock, O Ht., bet. 10th mid Uth, Lincoln, Nob,
Hours-0 to 12, tf to ft, 7 to 8. CUT THIS OUT
"Good gracious, Harry, what are you
doing to little Hertief"
"Oh, Just trying to 'muse him." Mun
sey's Weekly.
Nu Wonder.
Would-be Suitor I admire your young
est daughter 011 account of her modesty.
Paterfamilias Huinphl You ought to
see her sister, who Is ten yearn older. She
is twice as modest. Texas Sittings.
Eitiibhslml Dec. o, 1SS6.
German Natfonal Bank,
Capital Paid up, $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 25,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues loiters of credit, draw d rafts on all parts
of the world. Foreign collections a spoelalty.
Officers and Directors.
IIKHMAN II. 80HAHKKG, President.
C. O. MUNBON, Vlco President.
JOSEPH HOKUM Kit, Cashier.
O. J. WILCOX, Assistant Cashier.
'iiaB HHii
- L. . .
M tT "r B7