Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 14, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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',.' vmm
Saturday Evening, March 1 491
Will Display
New Spring Millinery
Next Week.
You nrn Invited to will mul sco tlio Latest
(styles I
Famous Millinery Store,
1 1., j O Street.
Tlio Couhirh will not 1 resinmslblo for
any dobta inodo by niiy ouu In IU name, uii
iw a written order nccomimnlos tlio (mine,
0mr 10th and
"Dry Goods,
"The Courier" For flaln In Oninlia.
Copies may lie found at Keith's nows stand,
819 South Fifteenth street, Boyd's ora house
New Dress Goods
Herpolsheimer & Co.
In all Prices. Exclusive Designs n 8jcclal
feature of this department.
The Courier Can be Found At
Windsor Hotel New Stand.
Capital Hotel New Htand.
exposition Dining Hall News Htand.
TbeOaUiam Newt BUtml, 118 South Uth HU
Bert Ruflner. Ill North Uth Street.
Rd. Young, 10K O Street.
rietoher Co., 1120 U Street.
Little Bport Olxar Store, US North 13th St.
Waatoriold'a Barber Shop, tlurr UloeK.
VAn extra supply of papers Is always lott
at the Gotham, In case other Newsdealers
supplies run short.
Dunlap Hats!
R. .Dennis & Co.,
1137 O Street.
thecal and Personal.
Whitebroast Coal and Lime Company,
lake Turkish at 1010 O street.
Brown's for oyster In all styles.
Call up tlio L. D. T. Co., Phone 100.
Face Bleach at Exposition building.
Ruth M. Wood, M. D., 1220 P street.
Hair dressing at Exposition building,
O. II. Collins, Dentist, 1035 O street.
Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118.
Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O nt.
Order Canon City Coal from BotU &
Lad lee' Hair Dressing at Miss Johnston's,
1114 0 street.
Canon City
Coal and Lime
nt the Whitebroast
Improvedshower for Turkish Utths at 1011
O street, basement Union block,
Jupltor Coal is a winner and HetU & Weav
er, sole agents have plenty of it. Try a ton,
Eloctrlo Light, White Wings mid Minne
sota High Patent, three of tho best brands of
flour ever offered In Lincoln are now sold ex
cluslvely at Britton's new grocery, 1410 O
ttreet. Call and see some and get prices, or
telephone 780 for a trial sack. The "High
Patent" Is the finest flour in the market and
trial will so convince every lover of good
Have you seen the beautiful line of photo
graphs of America's greatest stage celebrities
at THE Coukikr ofllcel Tho lino embrace
all the leading and most prominent artists
and are the work of Folk of Union Square
New York, undoubtedly the finest photo
grapher in the country. Call In and see
Tj! ( jT j& '"'"vTzi. Bri Mm1 T i'
Ilrr Tyrant Master.
Willi cheeks aglow from klsnra of tho front,
llluo laughing oe and shining hair, wind
Alio comes In lircatliltiM, bright, n little Ute,
Fair n n dream, lint ptlllosn us Koto,
Rho struggles with her rubber on tlio nmt,
1m s by her Jacket mul hangs up her lint,
Pulls off her gloves, mul sweetly thoughtful
llosldo tlio reglMcr, to warm her hands.
I look up, nt her soft "good morning;" than
I mnmblo "morning," mul lay down my mn.
And thru her tank begins, mul, llku n Turk,
I keep her how remorsolcssl) lit work I
film's my t) pew rlter yet, and I'm her "Ikm,"
I hear her tell tho bookkeeper I'm "cross,"
And "hnrd to please." (IrentKcottlthnt Inn' t It
If olio could only know how hnrd I'm liltl
Oh, ion, I Hcold )ou, drnr; I ling mid yell
Only liecnuso )ou please mo fur too well)
Also, hecntiKo I'd like to knock In two
Taetnll joiiiir fellow who walks homo with
A reuinrknbly Inrgo mid vivacious com
pntiy of young Hoplo worn most hospitably
entertained nt hlgh-dlvo Friday owning by
Mr. Fred M. Houtr, No. 000 south Haven
toenth street. Tlio content for supremacy
was ii spirited mm, but nil thoughts of rival
ry lied when the refreshments wero served,
nil uniting with n will In doing justice to tho
fenst. There wero present: Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. (Irlllltli. Mr. mid Mrs. J. W. Maxwell,
Mr, mid Mrs. K, E. llenklo, Mr. nud Mrs.
Fretl H. Kelly; Misses Mlnulo nud Ollvo
tatta, Fnv Marshall, Itachnol Brock, Mollis
Itelwlg, Ellison Trust, Mnud Burr. Fitunlu
llawlev, (lerlrudo and Caroln Hill, Mamlo
nud Allln BurglM, Nellie Will to, Maud Ham
mond, Cnrrio mid Htittlo Inland, Martha
Funke, Carrie Wnsmer, Iottla Andrus,
Uretchen MariUott, Maudn Hmlth, Carrie
Uounls, Balrd, (lertruclo Zlomor, Hnllie
Hooper, I,uln Cnulleld, Mnggle EugllNh,
Nnoinl Weaver, Mabel Kemier, Mnmlu Wen
iter, and Mnyunrd of Los Angeles, Cnl.
Messrs Charles Burr, John Dorgnn, F. L. K,
OnUHs, II. K. Kerinuu, H. F. Ht. John, C. O.
Hmlth, Fred Hinyser, Frank Burr, Hnl North
mo, Cornstalk, Frank L. Hnthawny, Will
Clarke, Clint Andrus, A. A. Scott, E. O.
Bradley, Lodd, Frank Kvornt, W. Morton
Hmlth, II. J. Hall, Iaiw Marshall, W. F.
Meyer, It. I). Mulr, Htevo Ijingworthy,
Frank Kitchen, Charles Hall, Bert Wheeler
and Oscar Funke. Tho royal prices worn
won by Mlm Mlnulo Ittta and Dr. Korninn .
Miss Alico Cow.lery and Mr. Frank Kitchen
secured Uwby irlzcs.
TheKnlghU Templar uro always distin
guished for thvlrgullautry nud chivalrous ac
tions, ud when they give n social entertain
ment, happy are tho ladles who hnvo tho
good fortu uo to secure Invitations. This Is
tho roftson that on Monday evening both tlio
aocoud and tlunl Moors of Masonla temple
were thronged with n brllllnut asseinblago of
fair ladles and brave men. The knights ap
peared in full uniform, belted and plumed,
each individual looking as grand as tho com
mander of an army. It was the occasion of
tho nnnunl banquet of Mount Morlah com
mandery No. 4 of this city. Nearly 2.V) (mr
sons wero present Including the wives nud
daughters of tho sir knights and the com
inlngly of tho pretty toilets of tho ladles nud
the glittering trappjngs of tho knights nmdo
tho scene a charming one. Illght Eminent
Grand Commander Lewis M. Keeno nud
about thirty other visiting knights were
present A reception was hold from 8:!M) to
0:90, At the latter hour the Indies mid other
visitors were escorted to the banquet board
vrhcro a magnificent feast was served. Tho
tables wero In the form of a Maltese cross,
and were resplendent with snowy linen,
china silver mul floral adornments, Follow
ing the feast an excellent musical program
was presented.
One of tho most pleasant and unique nn tor
tainmenta in Lincoln this winter waa given
Friday evening of last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Van Brunt' In honor of
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Van
Brunt of Beatrice. After partaking of
delicacies which were served at seven
by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. B.
Wolcott and Miss Mae Weeks, then
followed conundrums given to the
guests In a very pleasing manner by Mr.
Welch, the fortunate guessers being privil
eged to draw prises from the ''lucky" bag.
Among those present were: Messrs. and
Mesdames C. E. Yates, H. a Nlssley, E. C.
Pqwlck, Leckie, M. D. Welch, J. B. Wright,
O. O. Dawes, J. Utt, J. I. Underwood, P. W.
Orlssey. W. B. Wolcott, O. H. Clarke, W. H.
McCreery, A. B. Patrick, J. H. Smith, O, W.
Webster, C. H. Holmos, C. K. Williams,
Rev. E. H. Curtis, Dr. R, E. Olffen, M.
Scott, T.M. Hodgman and Dr. F, D. Crim.
A pleasant evening waa spent at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Barth, 1245 T street,
Thursday evening, In honor of Mr. Darin's
birthday. Music and dancing were the main
features of the evontngV enjoyment. At
about eleven p. n. the guests adjourned to
the dining room where an elegant supper
was served. Among thoso present were
Messrs and Mesdames, Bpringmeyer, Walker,
Btrntten, Hneenslck, Schmidt. Beach. 11. W.
J. Reed of Ulysses, Seidell and Wemnoner:
Misses Edna Rhodes, Lou Stratton, Ella
Shoemaker, Mnudo Thrapp of Ulysses, Lottlo
Seidell, Aug. Seidell. Hazel Walker, Blancho
Hmlth and l'earl Woempenot, Mrs. George
Reed of Ulysseti, Mrs. Mnry Seidell. Messrs,
Gauss, Carter, Mclick, Patrick, Tyler, Rhodes
Grossman, Barth, Seidell, Theid, J. Schmidt
ana W. uiser.
Mr and Mrs. C. R. Stephens provided n
most enjoyable season of hlgh-llvo for n con
genial company ut tholr home nt No, 2824 Q
street Thursday evening. The play began at
8:30 and was Interrupted at elovon by re
freshments. Tho royal prize fell to Mr.
Humphrey mid Mrs. Pickett, and tho loohy
trophies to Mr. Clyce and Mrs. Hale. Them
wero present: Messrs and Mesdames, W, L.
Pickett. S. K; Hale, M. M. Trnvls, C. A.
Wlckersham, C. W. Hace, II, B. Sawyer, I.
L. Lyman, F. B. Clyce, M. B. Humphrey,
A. Smith and J. L. Weltou, Dr. and Mrs.
Holyoke. Mr. J. T. McDonald and Mrs. II,
M. Rico.
Sorosis met Monday afternoon with Mrs,
Kingsley, 1522 S street, Papers were read
upon old rollego customs, life In the early uu
Iverslties of England, academical dress In
Oxford nud Cambridge, alumni organizations,
unification of the colleges of France, the uni
versity Idea in Germany, England and
America, Jefferson and the University of
Virginia and Women in colleges, by Mis.
Bell, Mrs. Brace, Miss Harris, Mrs. Kingsley,
Mrs. Mttlo, Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Rlckettsniul
Mrs Hnwjer.
For the flrnt tliuo during lent there linn
I n something of n lull In six'lal events, mid
tint present Meek hits Wii rciunlknhly quiet
III tiisr circle. Piuliiilily It Is either lo
CMiio the season Is beginning to wiilin or bo
I'IIUho tho thentlil thoprcru'llt week lint 1m-oii
uiuiMinlly nttincthe. Both mny havn had
mi rffect III tlm piewint quiet stntn of social
circles. Hut despite this society people will
coiiionnd go and hold their social sesilous,
and the quiet events, that make but little
stir nro often more productive of pleat
urn than brllllnut and pretentious nffnlrs.
On Friday ovenlng tho members of tlio
Phi Delta Thetn finterulty celebrated tho ro
furnishing of their hall by giving an Infor
mal enrd party to i iiiiiiiIkt of their lady
friends, A most pleasant evening was
passed, Tho' present were: Messrs, Tay
lor, Haggnrd, Welch, Manly, Guilmutte, Kd
mistou, Fife, Pllsbury, Monty, Emery, Har
ris, Doisey, ll'nyne, Wing, Gerwlg, I'mile.
Misses Smith, ireemmi, Underwood, (, li
ra no, Mauley, Do I'rle, Lludly, i.nur, Wing,
Tuttle, McMillan, Inu, Hetumliig, Haggnnl,
Weston, Mewlmnes Harris mid Haggard
noted nschnperones,
Tho Pythian sIsturhoiMl on Tuwdny even
ing was most ni;rcciibly entoiliiliicd by Mr.
nud Mrs. (J. L. IjiIoii nt Fourteenth nud O
stieets. Tho evening wns HHnt in the enjoy
ment of progressive lilgli-flve nud social con
verso, and nn elegant supsr gnvo further
rest to the full How of pleasure. There wero
some twenty couples prcsuntof the sisterhood
nud their Kulghta of Py thins brothers. 'Iho
party hroko up nt midnight lifter n complete
evening's enjoyment.
Dr. Uhnrles F, Ooodell, who for tho past
eighteen mouths has been associated with Dr.
B. F, Bailey, has left with his family for his
old homo at Washington I), C, where ho will
remain permanently. The doctor camo here
for bis wlfo's health which has been greatly
henollttod by their stny. Family reasons ne
rcsltntn their return.
Dr. Hhoomakur received it letter the first of
tho week from W, II. Hurdmnn, dated Han
Finiicisco, nud written on tho ovo of his de
parture for Australia. Ho was In tho liest of
health nud spirits nt tho time of writing.
MUm Julia Chllils entertnluad quite a num
ber of young people Saturday evening nt
piogresslvo high-live and dancing. Thoso
present were: Misses, Jackson, llultgrovo,
lluford nud Childs; Messrs. Brooks, Hull,
Hartgrovo and Davis, .
Mr. A. II. Meudenlmll and wife accompan
ied by tholr ulocc, Mis. Charles Traphagon,
loft Wednesday afteinoon for l'eorla, HI,, in
resjionso to it teleginm announcing tho tori
ous Illness of Mr, MeuiluuhnU's mother,
Mr. mid Mrs. E. B. Bond of Peoria, III.,
who huvo been visiting for somo weeks with
friends In Salt Iiko city, wero in the city
the first of the w eek, tho guest of tholr duugh
ter, Mrs. James Mnhoncy, 1228 S streot.
Mrs. Charles Halstead nud Mrs. Rogers of
Tccumsoh are tho guests of Mrs. A. L Man
Chester nt 17115 R street.
Cnrlc. Gross, formerly of Lincoln, but
Inter of Sail Francisco, Cnl., Is visiting
friends In this city.
Mr A. Cliapmnn, tho populur lepresenta
tlviof II. T. Simon, Gregory oi Co., whole
sale jobbers, and who has been In this city it
number of days, returned yesterday to St,
The Y. M. C. A. or Lincoln, will enteititln
the traveling mon at their apartments, 141
south Tenth street tills evening by tendering
them a reception from eight to ten o'clock.
Mrs. Knsley Mooro of Jacksonville, III.,
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Morrison and Miss Clara
K. Smith, left Tuesday for Qulncy, HI., with
the remains of Mrs. Emily B. King.
Miss Gullmetto of the Exposition storo
left yesterday for Chicago to select spring
styles for that store. Sho will bo gono it
week or ten days.
Rov. E. O, Baker, pastor of tho First llnp
tlst church, wan the victim of mi agreeable
surprise party Wednesday evening.
Two of Mr. Hallett's children, Maggie mid
Scott, hnvo been confined to their beds dur
ing tho week by bullous fever.
Tho members of tho Apollo lodge, Knights
of Pythias, gavon most delightful dancing
party Wednesday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Gregg left Tuesday
evening for Kansas City. They will lie itb
sentn week.
Mrs. J. Stevenson and daughter returned
Tuesday from their visit to Beatrice.
II. B. and J. O. Ellouwood left Tuesday for
Connelsvllle, Pennsylvania.
Mrs. William Clements of Holyoke, Col.,
is the guest of M. G. Bohanan.
Mrs. Amelia Broad left Tuesday evening
for Lockport, N. Y.
H. W. Cowan left Tuesday evening for
Bloomington, III.
John Hansen and wife left Wednesday for
Ashland, Oregon.
P. M. Berry and II. C. Smith are in
Adrian, Mich.
J. M. Murdxjk has gone to Chicago on a
business trip.
Rev, J. P. Gordon left Tuesday evening for
H. Hustead left Tuesday for Portland, Ore
gon. W, 11. Jacobs left Tuesday for Halt Lake
Mrs. Kate Raymond has gone to Canton,
Mo. to visit.
C. H. Holmes has gone to St. Louis on a
business trip.
W. S. Ayers left Tuesduy for Hot Springs,
Additional Society on 6th l'ligo.)
Nothing Else
equals A) er's l'llls for stimulating a torpid
liver, sticiiitthciiliiR digestion, and regu
lating tho action of tho howels. They con
tain no calomel, nor any other Injurious
drug, but lire composed of tho uetlte princi
ples of the best egetnhlo cnthartlrs.
" 1 was it sufferer lor ears from d spepsl.t
nud liter troubles, nud found ro permanent
relief until I commenced taking A)cr's l'llls.
They liuto effected n complete cure."
lleorgo Mooncy, Wiilin Walla, W. T.
" Whenever 1 urn troubled with constipa
tion, or suffer from loss of iicllte, A) er's
l'llls set me right again."-A. J. Klser, Jr.,
Hock House, Vn.
"For the cure of hemlaihe, Ayer's Ca
thartic l'llls nre tho most effective medicine. I
ever used." It. K. Jnmes, Dorchester, Mass.
"Two boxes of Ayer's l'llls cured mo of
severe headache, from which I was louga suf
ferer." Kmma Keyes, Hublmrdstoii.Conn.
Ayer's Pills,
rucrAiirn uv
.DR. J, O. AYER & CO., Lowell, Moss.
bold by all Dealers In Medicines.
)ii Miiii'm Wny.
If ono vvoro to fitiiiul In niiy fair slzod
niidiciicu in Mils, country and exclaim,
"No htningcr should Icnvo tlio city with
out it box of" mul itsk his hearers to
lliilsh tho ftcntcncu, It ta it hundred to one
Hint tho utiillenco would nhoitt, " 'h
cnnilyl" iflvitiK "' imme of it well
known Chicago confectioner. This ki''
tlcnmn idurtcd in IhihIiichm it few years
ago with two IcmlliiK Ideas distinctly in
mind: To nmko strictly llrst clniw KM)dn,
to tell tho public Unit ho hud thoin utul
to keep tolling tho imhlic that ho hud
them. Ho Iiuh not used Inru ndvcrtlsc
tiicntn in IiIh lino uiu! for liis purpose
thnt would not havo been thu best way;
but ho hits iR;rnintetitly utul coiitliiiiously
hamtnered out the Htatumunt that no
stranger should leave the city without it
box of his candy, until hit iiiunoiuid tcr
sotiality uro ussoclatcil with tho candy
business in that city as no others are.
The illustration HiiKgcHts tlirco iiointH:
Advertising matter Hhoitld lw plain in
composition, it should suggest tho in
dividuality of tho advertiser, and it
should ho continued Indefinitely in use.
Of course tho plan referred to In tho foro
going Is better adapted to paid matter in
tho form of "readers" than to displayed
In mcrcuntilo advertising where dis
play is used it is well to tunko one ad
vertisement huvo relation to another
which Is to follow. Having secured the
nttontion of a reader for his ituiiouuco
inent tho mlvertlsor can catch him for
tho next by a lino inviting particular
notlco to tho proclamation which will
appear in tho sntno paper tho uoxt day
or tho next wcok, its thu caso may ho.
The study of methods is one which
every ndvertiser can mako very prolit
ahlo. Newspajwr advertising is n neces
sity for thu good business man, nud pays
him well: hut ho can multiply its re
turns by using his space with energy
and judgment.
Small Mutter.
Advertisers cannot tako too much enro
in tho typographical setting of tholr an
nouncements. Sometimes a trilling alter
ation, the substitution of a slightly dif
ferent sty lo of typo, or tho rearrangement
of a headline, will tell perceptibly upon
tho general appearanc" of tho advertise
ment and tho results to tho advertlsor.
Tho Question, "Is Marriage a Failure,"
Settled nt I.asl,
Tho two lines nbovu show tho arrange
ment of a heading of an advertisement
sout to n well known magazine. Upon
the suggestion of tho publisher it waa
changed to rend its follows:
The Question,
"Is Marriage a Failure ?"
Settled at Last.
In making this alteration tho publisher
writes: "It mny bo a small matter, but
In my opinion tho success or failure of
nn advertisement oftentimes depends
upon just such sin.ill mnttcrc." And
just here tho question arises, Do adver
tisers in general liestow its much atten
tion as they ought upon these "small
Hut They Must Ilo Good Ones.
It is tho timo now for merchants to
tako ndvnntngo of tho demand for pic
torial advertising. This demand is not
now. On tho contrary, It has always
existed. Heretofore, however, merchants
hnvo chosen to satisfy tho demand with
pictures which, to say tho least, wero
coarso and repulslvo, and which did not
properly reflect tho tasto of tho ago. It
is now timo for merchants to uso art In
advertising. It is no more oxpenslvo
than tho inartistic method, and gives a
certain tono nnd character to n storo
which tho blatant, boisterous and alto
gether preposterous cuts do not give.
American Storekeeper.
An Unworthy View.
It is well understood by fair minded
business men that local enterprises are
dependent on tho newspaper, whilo the
newBpaperis, to a certain extent, depend
ent on local enterprises. When the en
terprise ignores tho newspaper the
newspaper must retaliato in kind. Lan
caster (N. H.) Democrat
Funke's Opera House,
Robert Mctleynolds, Lessee and Manager
Tuesday, March 17th.
Itcturn Engagement, by Hpeclal Request or
the Representative Irish Comedy Actrost
Annie Ward Tiffany,
As PEGGY LOGAN, the Irish nurse, in
L. R. She well's Great Play,
Presented with the miginal cast. Elabor,
ate Scenic Effects. Don't fall to
sec Peggy Logan,
EnyfQfP-Dl iHs ia
See Our New Gas Stove!,
See Our New Gasoline Stove !
1122 N STREET.
VkSMlS' M. M. . M. M. M. -s
f 4 NOW IN.
- f
0tJ rau) this?
0 L&O
. --TT..AAlin
Vlivu ...
Aiwcki )ma i r
Honest Values !
Stones Guaranteed!
A RftN x
s . s
PHONE 219. 1112 0 STREET.
mo, luy,
r 1 B-B Si SfBSSBk. Bl "" I
Largest Stock !
Latest Settings!
a,'!1 m mat ml i HJMmt-