I'ijjjgrrajB 'I -. gl.""g1 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1891 lm.K&mm& DELIGHTFUL COMFLEXION EFFECTS MftylH'iinntiiiTil by tlm urn) of MIIH. OIIA ItAM'H KurpiiIo KuiiiiioI mul her Komi llloom. The. complexion iiml color nro luiiilu iiorfoci, iiml tlm ('""I xl scrutiny could mil do loot mm hhiIm of powder or lh least Indira, tlnn of nrtlllelnl color. I will stake my rep lltntlnn tliiitnn nny hieoloiin ulvo tlu moat ilcllahtnil complexion 11ml color with Kit- Ronm Kiutiiiel iiml lliino blossom, it ml lint 1111 turn could immtllily tell tlmt tlm color or t'oiniiloxlou wero nrtlltn In). Thin In IiIrIi nrl In ooiwiellcs. Tlmy aro enoh more hnrntlriMi than nny oilier cos metic In (I10 world, because I hoy nrnrnchtll. olvlim In tlii'lr until ro, mul llini does not oloit 1111 llm poro. When iirIiik Ihoitti superb conmiiiIIck jtni limy vIhi tlm dun or pompl rntlon from the fare without murrlim their tlollcMo bounty Tlmy remain on nil tiny, or tintlltvn '"'' "H' MMaltMkafli tlit two font niiywlmro for fir rwTZ hy IIUWAUD'rt tllAMONI) VllAKMAOY.Nortltwetil Corner r mul mil trrrt. Mrs. (Iridium, 1KI l'nt t, t-nii Krn nelson. . trnt Indies for nil tli-fcet or blomUliPi oi fur or tlmiro. Sold slump for her llttlo book "How (olio llonutlful," Nestor of the Magazines "Accordion to Homer, Nrhtoii, tlit lil wnrrlor nml Ilio lnefiuiicllor of tlm Orcck hud ruled over (Iihh Koiicrtnlniis of iiifn. and was wine no tlm Inimortnl nods," T3rX 23 North American Review tins hern In tlm run of Amrrlrnn thought for more limn Hirer iiinrlcrs of u century, riink Inir always wllh the IiopI nml mutt Infturn tlnl ihtIoiIIciiIk In tlm world. It Is the mouth piece oftlic men who know intuit iilniitt the ureal topics on which Amrrlrnr.it require to bo Informed from month to montli, lis con rlbitlnr teli'K the Irntlcts r,f tlitmiilil mid no tion In oory (ltttl. Jlirp who wrultl lilt COUIIKOl Of IllO lllKllCKt klHIWhtlKO on th milr of (ho tlini. mul Icnrn wlinlls Inlm mid rvKiirilli'K Hum II"' rceoKnl.ctl nil thorltloKonlHilli shirs, must llierefniu rend run xvitrn amkuioan ituviKir, tiu Ncntnrnf Hie inimiwliies. "Tlio North Aliierlenn llevlew Ik nlieiid of nny iniliiilim this tuiiitry bus ox it wen Hi thnliiipnrtniiceor Ilio topics It i-'lfcussos nnd (ho eminence or It, contributor." Albany Anu. "llns tit come. Ik were, tlm Inlritlccul Aineilenii oltUoii's tinnd-h' nU on uieiil ipies tlon. of Ilio liinir."-Hiuulo Kjthm. "Tlm North Anierlcnii llovlciv touches Ainorlciinf. on utmost every point In which they 11 ro lnlerchloil."-ifim llcivtd. "A inonltler of Inlrlllironl opinion liy the liimiirtlitl ntvwiitnllnn iiNnilli -I'lexoflinpor-tnnt t.iilOoet."-lfif((i(W,iM 11'lMe L'tlutr. TholUtof recent conlrlbn(orn to the ItK VIKW forniHnitillofreprcKcnlnllvo imm nud women of (ho lime, limliidlne W. K. Clliul tone,.l. O. IllnliiPi Cnullnnl nilil)om,Mpenlt erlleed, Kx-SpenlterCnrll-le. V. MeKlnley, Jr Oiildti. Mum. Atliini. (lenernt Shernmn. Admiral Porter, Mine. lUnviiUky. T. A. IMU ton, lllhoi II. C. I'oller, KIU.iIm.(Ii H.VIielpt, Chn. H. I'nrnell, A J. Ilnlfonr, Jiilin Morley, Col. H.tl. IitKersoll, Henry OeorKe, Uliiuinecy M. Dopow. Kilwnnl lU'lliuiiy.l'rofeHiorJiimeii Hryco, (lull tliimllton, etc., ele. All Ci'iila n Number, .1.0tl it Yenr. iViiu' is the Time to Stidsnilr! The North -mencan Review', :t Hftitt Mtti St., New York. BpHJJ VO ..eNl I V'kiirRIVJVr OUl'A'VifiDllYiorN h rotmphlet of Informttlon anil ab- ttravloi too wwi,iukiiin iiuw iiyi l)liUln liitunti, 1 cm, ! navi Marltt. wiprriBDU, Ktt jtx:. . KUnm MUNN . W'A sjut uroHamty. , Ktw Y.rlt. 1 1 ,w ' 11 h" '-'- in uimiii tt. aii-t toliitnhif 01 M'irf- jr-Uw-twUltwlti 1 1 iiui 1 1 .. InMtb lotfiltt . Cuiy ilw uho ri' ! ii i Hiff.a malit win 1 il.-iMr -)1 joubfcvtot. I mi ml)" b-w iuf fvMi 1 tlfir wit-. iH row ui-.rliU im lMr protnttljou. Tin- U Vuitiitr if iliU fltmUmr H.iwltt utiall ti'ti tUriil r Tl fonwl' rHi frl Hi ai-iiMniic pi 11 rtuueen 1 fr. ...... ff fJ-anv"J; Kail til Iflrlli lft of lit bulk III"" (trl.l,l.ul.l lrl.. J,i...i.ri... i,.yiu.riy W. III.J..U uul.u ... r ";.. r t tu 1 1 'iy -ii .i. imm ii.. .mi. in wl ni ilin. Illf rll at iif W y all tl.RM lurr. Uf.ll IUU.l!TrtO, Hoi HBO. l-oullillili.N.IJi. rvu a wis ,friv WCn MIND DISEASED. A iiiim Itlekllimili SnrfrrliiK frilm At it II It. Oiiimril by Hire pletnc, It In to I hi hoped Hint tlio eloiul of In minlty Hint Iiiin wtlletl upon tlio linilu of A111111 DlrkliiNiin will 10011 I i illH' pellt'tl. If tlm ro jioit li trim t lint lier ileriiiigeiiii'iil. In niimfil liy III' tomnlii, II li proh' itliln Hint rextmiil lelllt'inenl limy III 111111I0 Amerliiiiii milium I lint, lier iiri'Mt'iit iillllt'tlon AWNA IIICKINHON nntiiriilly nil nut h wltletpreml liileiest anil Nympntliy. HI10 wns horn In 181'-', nml when hut M yenrn of nmi llrnl. cotirleil tlio Klnrn of pul lliilty hy wHlliiKiin nrtlclu on tint nliivery lUestloii. 'I'welvn imilillis lnler hhti liiinlu her !lrt NpetTli. In 1NII hIio M-cureil n plncti nt the I'hllnilelplilii mini, hut noon loht It lienuiMO of nil iiiIiIhun In wliluli nIio ilunouiireil (Inn. .Mt'Clellun nt n traitor. After Hint hIio tlovoteil her cnerKles to vnrl oim Horlft of llttirnry labor. For n Ioiik 1 1 iiid him wiim ii proiulimnt IlKimi on -tlm lecturo plittfornmof tlio country, her chief tnpU'M lielnn nliivery, leinperiiiice nml wtini iiii'm HkIiIi. SlmnNo wrntiiMiviinil ImjoIch nml unlueil fniim nml fortune. About (If teen jciim iikohIio turneil hur nltentloii to tlio HtJige, hut an mi nctri'MH hIio hnrilly hcoretl wlmt tint French cull u "hucccnh of esteem." , I'or thu hwt ilecmlu hIhi Iiiin llveil nt WeHt PlttNton, Ph., with her ulster Kiinuu, her tltiiii belnn devoted in wiirUmif chnrlty mul piny wrltiiiK. Hliu einerned from hur re tirement III 18.HS to tukn thohtuinpfor Hur rUtui, mul iimilo n iiiiiiiIht of vlKoroiiN Rpeeche.i, Of Into hIio Iiiin nuirercil from NlceplcKMiCHH, nml tlio other tiny developed violent lunula, chimliiK her Hlnter and 11 Horvnnt from thu lioiixo with n knife. Ho cau.Ko of tills it was thought U't to cotillno her In an asyluni, where him can receive compclent treatment for tlio alleviation or cum other malady. Where MUtlng llrltln Wit Found. If thotiieur and comical happenings of ilio wedding tiny aru uvcr collated tlm com pllcr Hlioilld nut overlook the recent pre dicament of n Glilnexo inalclen at Canton. Slit) had Ueu carried to her lirlileKrooui'B Inline, hlildeii lu llmcUHtomiiry eiubrolileretl red nut In dial r, decora ted with llovern,aml putilown at tlio tloor to uwalt tlm auspl cIoun inouieut forcrosshiK tlm Ihreslioltl. Ilert'hcort hatl coinuu Ioiik way anil wero wenry, no they retlretl into it nelKliliorliiK tipluui tleu mid went tonleep. They woko Into in the ohmiIiik, runheil to thu tloor, and concluding tlm brldu Iiml left carrleil tliu chair liaok to Its loft, b'oon afterward thu bridegroom nml his family, dressed In their iM'nt, IIkIiU'iI tlio candles and tlio In coiiHOHtleks, laid out rlcti ami tlio orthodox viands ami opened llm tloor. No hIkii of either clmlr or hrhle. They linineillntely ilecliled that hIiu Iiml been carried tilT hy brlK'Uids ami alarmed tlm wlitile district, thu search koIiikoii for hours fruitlessly. At last the distracted bridegroom woko up the chair bourerx, ami thuy, Mruck by a sudden Idea, ran olT to thu loft. They opened tlio chair, ami there, sat the poor llttlo brltlu, HtllT, frlulitemsl and huiiKry. Sliu liutl felt that slit) was beliiK carried olT, li.'t tlaiotl not cry out, as no well bred jjlrl oib'lit to open her lips till after tlio inar rlnKu ceremony, A MIDI tlio In lNilltlcN. W nen Miss Catharine M. Dre.vel, the pos KVHsor of houiti $T,0oo,(XK), tlovoteil her life mul property to tlm work of tho church, It was mi Item lu Catholic progress, nml now that her sister's husband, Ktlwiirtl tie V, Morrull, owner of considerably tntiru tlmn t Im above anil manni'cr of tlm Droxel e.stato of U,000,()00, hns Iwi'ii elected conn cllinan from thu Twtinty-llftli ward, It in an equnlly Inruo Kent lu tlm politics of Philadelphia, lie In tlio richest man lu public life of that city, nml In a very anient ntlvo- iwkx" ,3W' t-itiu tn it i-oimiru- iieiisivo policy 01 Improvements. Ho KDWAitD pk v. Momti:LL','Npcclnlly prom inent as tho advo cate of a system of rapid transit, as to which ho says: "Phllmlelphla In known far anil wide us thu city of homes, but wu have less accommodations to reach our homes than a city of ouc-llftli tho size. I mil for iIoIuk nil that will make Philadelphia worthy of Its niiuie." Tho Imliixtrlmi Niilliin, Alslul llmnitl, tho present sultan of Tur kny, In said to bo much beloved because ho shoivsn real Interest lu tho welfuiv of his people. IIu has lieen fourteen jour a ruler, ami, unlike some of lifs pretlecosors, takes u laborious noil active share. In the letalis of government. Ho eats little moat mul ninny nweets, Kinokes cigarettes Iiicch s.iiitly, and never touches liquor, bis favor to drink Ih'Iiik lemouuile, of which ho con sunies hiru iiiiuntltles. SiirKi'iiii (Ifiiertil of Ilio Ami). Col. nml Dr. Clinrles Sutherluud, innde -urK'eon i;eneiul of (ho l.'iiited Sdites army losucceetl tlielatu Dr. Baxter, Is a native (if Penmtyl aiila, mul about Ixty years of nut, !Io ontoretl tlio army us usltaut urt;i,oii liiiiiiedl utely aft or his ;;r luliiiitlon, ami has coiistHiieutly Mjrvcd tlm country thlrty-elKhtjenrH, libltiK slowly hut iiti'iiillly in rank. fe- issii . wl :n V-i . s:l iv ,fy ?" OKN, 8UTIli:itl.ASI). Ills piuMuil olllco iiKo (,'lves hliu the rank of brigadier Keuoral. When appointed HiirKvou ueneral ho was a member of thu retirlin; board at Governor's Island, New York. I'lonklni; to View n I'mi:. Clvllled man of today Is us curious nud wiKcr for novelties us, tho ancient fircekH. For thu moment homo rulu anil tho nristo emtio card scandal liuvo taken t-ecuml place in Ignition. Thu peojilu of (hat (own nro lloeklnK to kco a curious white fro now on exhibition, which Ih uulquo us to color, nml has brilliant ruby eyes, rlniiuotl with gold. , Infant mortality In FiiKlaml mul Wales (lurii)K the year 1800 whs noticeably law. The tlcatliH wero relsteretl of over UW.tXXl children under twulvo inontlis of n'(e. 1 WW yl. Th3B "4- t-S time, fixloio lier -'". 'j to woiiliil vlKtir. JWt2l6sy?j MIhh nirklnvm '"SM Mieiiilnt'iit tin ex W-if"Sh'(VW:ft iimplti of tlm Htdf .Mfcif t!wNk.VK. ' nVi"vjptrc If ..d' I Tl Conitllliiniil Unity, IMewt Well, Dennis, you'ro murrletl, I lirnr. I'm very Kind of It, How tlo you find your wife KetuloiiK tOKetberf Dennl.t -Wnll, yer rnveri'iue, 01 I'lnk we KOl iiIoiik U'sht toglther whin we're apart. IIohIiiii Courier, Wl'fli-tt 7liitri' n Will Thern'it n W'ny. Pi -Life. tin Didn't Know. A mull boarded a train the other day mul took a seat, in front of n woman wlio wiih vury ourloiiH alsiiit tho country. .Sim asketl about tho crops, tho price of land, thu characteristics of tho people, the cllmato nml many other thlns. To all her In tulrles thoHtniiiKur ruturnetl n respectful "I don't know, ma'am; I really don't know." "Ih this as Kootlncllmntous New Yorkr" "I think ho, ma'am j but really I cannot any." "Do thu peoplo Room to bo well content ed f" "I tlon't know." "Whom do they scorn to prefer an n presi dential cumliilutol" "I can't Hiiy, inn'ain." "Aro tho farmers low spirited over tho decline in wheat" "Tliey may bo, but I liavu no means of knowing." "Should you nay tills was n Kootl statu for a youtiK man to boKln llfu lur" "1 shouldn't liko to kIvo an opinion." His uou-comuilttal nnswors annoyed thu wnmaii. Sim was silent for half a minute, and then Is-Kan iiuiilu: "Havo you been lu MIcIiIkiiii Ioiik'" "Tlireti jenrs, ma'am." "Anil yet. you tlon't neeni to bn very well Informed about matters ami thliiKs." "Well, nia'ani, to tell you tho truth," ho replied, its ho turned about, "I'm a resi dent of .Ohio. I camu up hero ami slolu a horse, nud was sent to tho Ionia prison for three years. I haven't been out more than two hours yet." ills questioner rose ami took the fourth neat back, "In u way to iniiko thotlust liy," its tlm reporter expressed it, ami did not open her mouth nniii, even to tho conduc tor, until the train was running Into De troit Cincinnati Kuquirer. (Ircut Prrnmicr of Mlnil. "If you've Knt uny remarks to tiuiku be foro wo jerk you up," announced tho leutlei of tho band of regulators, "wu'll listen toi 'em.'' "Will you Ivo mo a minute4" pleaded tho condemned lior.so thief, "Just one min ute'" "Yes." "I haven't much to say," faltered the trembling wretch, his eyes dim with team, "but I should liku to slim a souk a llttlo book that, carries mo back to my Innocent childhood days: "Slio-o-o'a my sweetheart, I-I-l'm her" This wiih all ho sanu. At thu first nnto Ills persecutors had sprunj; on their horses lu wild, maddening haste, and tho sound of thu retreating hoof beats, growing fainter nml fainter, camu to his ears from far, far down tho valley. Ho was saved. Chicago Tribune Thu Kemitt tr I,jlnK. A negro who was giving evidence In n Georgia court was reminded by tlio judge that he was to tell thu whole truth. "Well, yer see, boss," said thu dusky witness, "I'so skeeretl to tell tlo whole truth for fear I might tell u lio." Judge (to witness) Do you know tho iiuturu of an oath? Witness Suh4 Jutlgu Do you iinderctand wlint you are to swear to? Witness Yes, sahj I'm to swear to tell thotruf. Jutlgu Ami wlmt will happen if you tlo not tell It Witness I 'spools oursltlc'll win tlo case, sail. Huston Tiaveller. Iimlatlni; mi Accuracy. Tho prizo lighters wero in their corners, awaiting tlm call of time. "May thu best man win!" yelled nn ox cited man in the crowd. The referee, n man from Iloston, raised his limiil authoritatively. "Hold!" ho exclaimed, in a volco of thunder, "1 cannot permit that to pass un corrected. May thu better m. in wlnl Pro ceed with tliu content ion, gentlemen. Tlio moment has arrived." Chicago Tribune. rreKi'iiru of Mlml. Hofjust Intrnduotd) Whuta very home ly man that gentl umn near tint piano Is, Mr. Hopson. She Isn't lief That Is Mr. Hopson. Ho (equal to the oocaslon)-Oh, Imleetll How true) it is, Mrs. Hopson, that tho homely men always get tlm prettiest wlvwi! Amorlc.in Hebrew. I'IiIii'k liiiMi'lniiet'. Mrs. Do Kay Kuigliu I wish you would throw that cigar nwny. Mr. Do Kny Kiilglin Why, love, ynu said you liked to havo mo suioko beforo wo were married, Mrs, Du Kny Knlgnn Hut I didn't havo Fido then. It makes him cough dread fully. Puck. I'rngrotii. She Did you succeed in mastering French while abroad' IIu Nearly. I did not succeed in mak ing thu Frenchmen comprehend in.' tnr could 1 make out what they wero tlriv.'ig nt, but I got so that I could umlersiuitl my.self when I talked. Idfo. Tlit) (.rent mul Onli. "Yes!, will," Ktltl the colored waiter, "I'm go'n' tor leave tho hotel business. I'm goln' with a show." "You won't getanytlpstliere.wlllyour" "I never took a tip in my life, snh. D.it's how 1 collie to get do job, I'm goln' with u illiiiu mil tviitu, sab " J)troI( Fitv Pifss. CANADA'S MOT GAMP 'ON. III the C'liiimn of Willed l.'illiur Flirrer W'n (,'nllett llunl Nittni-it. Canada's political campaign this year out roared anything previously known lu Hint liinil, lu vulgar and vituperative, o I oq no nee tho Conservatives, o r "Tories," of tho Dominion could give points to American politi cians, ami If tlio fervent M leuls Q. VfwKysjJ nntl trop " urn- sV?ilfr toryof thu Liber als, or "Grits." vl r& fitillfit tui tlltiiii1 Into ftpilvalent units of material i:t)WAltl) f.vniiKli. heat, they would melt all tho snows this sldoof Hudson's Hay. Such phrmos as "traitor," "Judas," 'sneaking nniiexatloiilst" ami "vllo bar (orer with tho Yankees" wero flung about as recklessly as corresponding terms weru lu tlio United States In 187U. And what was It all iiIhmiI Why, thu "Grits" want reciprocity with tho United Stntes unrestricted, or as henr it as tltoy can get and nro nut unwilling to discuss annexation, though not professing to favor It. Tliu "Tories," led by tho great Sir John Miifiloniilil, established thu protective policy in 1878, anil have ruled tlm Domin ion on that lino uvcr nlnce. Sir John showed extraordinary hlirowtlncss by an nouncing a dissolution nud going to tho country on a new election for parliament Just at thu tlniu when ho hatl thu mostnm munition. And he hit tho "Grits" hard hy producing proof that miineof their lend ing men havo been to Washington with proposals that tlio American politicians atlopt measures tending to force annexa tion. Hero's where tho "treason" comes lu. Kditor IM ward Farrer, of Toronto, ap pears to bo the guiltiest mull, ifguilttliero be. IIu recently wrote n lit tie pamphlet en titled "Trade Helatlons," in which, under tho gulsuof showing tlio Canadians wlmt advantages tliu United States possess lu a tariff war, ho really shows how thu great republic might coerce Caunda. Ktlward Farrer Is a rosy and Jolly Mini ster Irishman of 45 years. Onto so poor that starvation threatened, ho is now tho best paid Journalist in Canada. In his days of extremity ho quietly did work for papers of different faiths, nud all Canada wnsama.ed at tho extraordinary ability with which u discussion on tliu tariff was conducted between two prominent Jour nals. Ono day tho Lllieral paper would "crush Sir John" with conclusive facts and figures, tho next tho administration Journal would show that thu data hail no bearing. About thosamu tlmu thu organ of tlm Orangemen ln-gati to exhibit un usual talent, and pretty soon thu Catholic exponent rejoined in such clearand admir ably chosen arguments that its readers were charmed. Tho secret leaked out, and theiowas first nnger mid then laughter; but Mr. Farrer, who had served as font editors at once, never lacked employment thereafter. To his honor it must bo said t hat ho never de scends to scurrility and claptrap. Ills nr I'unients on lie(h sides weru instructive. Ho writes French as fluently as F.iiglish (a valuable power lu Canada), ami is equally pure nml clear In both. Ho Is i-eldoni seen on thu streets of Toronto, mid most peoplu taku III tn for i prosperous farmer. South Dakota's New Senator. J. II. Kyle, newly elected United States senator for South Dakota, Isan illustration of how rapidly thu young "slnco-the-war fellows" aro coming to tho front, for ho was born near Xeuiii, 0 Feb. SI, 18.VI, and is thus a ju nior rather than a senator. No man lu the next con gress will havo such an extraor dinary run of good fortune to exhibit. Ho has lieen uni formly successful lu llfu from tho ICYI.K. start, and at tlio end of a contest unpar alleled as to the number of candidates was elected liy tlio merest chanco by a combi nation of the Democrats and Alliance men in tho legislature. Ho was graduated from Oberlin collego In 187a, anil from (ho Western Theological seminary at Allegheny, Pa., in 1882; ho served some time as pastor of Hie Congre gational church lu Salt Lake City, and in 18S0 went to Dakota, where ho Is financial secretary of Yankton cllege. Ho was elected to the statu seuato from Drown county as an Independent, ami advocates low tariff, prohibition, free coinage of tlio American product of silver ami thu plat form of tlm Dakota Farmers' Alliance. Tlm I.iov if I.llicl. J ml go McAilnm, of tho New York su preme court, has rendei oil a decision which involves somu important statements re garding the law of liM. He says, among other things: "Truth, Irrespective of mo tives, is a complete Justification to a civil action for a libel. Any ono has n rixht to comment on methods of public in terest ami general concerns provided hu tines so fairly and with mi lionet purpose. Such comments aru not libellous, however severe in their tiirius, unless they aro writ ten maliciously." United Stales Senator W'lUon's Heath, l'ythe death of Hon. Kphralm K. Wil son, United Stules senator from .Maryland, thu country loses an uble mul patriotic cltl- - -", .on. Ho passed tf " V-ar -V away at his resl- II O ileiieolu Washing ton after a brief illness. He wits born at Snow Hill, Mil., D.o. , ISJI, ..mlllist ideutllleil himself wiih poll- !( tl, t) 1? li.tlmr ' ..Ai ,. -VL t h o n elected u, v.-!wiv member of tlio U.Sy J house of delegates ' " from Worcester HON. K. K. WII.Sltt; nniintv. Ho nrnc ticcd law until 1807, rlioii lm retired. In 16TJ he Wi ut to congress as a rvpresentii tlve, .mil ill 1S7S ho liecamo judge of the first Jiulicl i circuit of Maryland. His service as a United States senator began in 1881, ami only last January he was elected for a second term. Ills death was duo to gastrointestinal catarrh. The l.iingci Ity of l.nwjeiN. The legal profession hoc ins to I hi conduc ive to long 'life. Suvernl members of tho United States supieum court nro old men. In F.ugliuxl l'J out of the U5 superior judges nro over UTi, In Ireland 8 out of 1U, and in Scotland !) out of Kl. The doyen of the Ju dicature of tho United Kingdom is 1ud QlciicorkO. who Is 81. I aaVR-X- TJ.C- N HON. J. II. i- Vlt. f. &-. THE STORE OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT! When our cut gets its back up the fur lllcs, nnd wc piojKise this season to nrnkc the goods ly If LOW PRICES nml fair dealer will do It. Come and sec us. "Tom" won't hurt ou,hc has only got his eye on our compctUors nnd wc arc hound lie shall win (lie light. Did you ever think that wc are Selling Boots f Shoes CHEAPER! THAN ANYBODi? And selling them at less than the actual cost of the leather. We bought these goods at 50 cents on the dollar which en ables us to sell them at prices far below what our competi tors buy them at. Our Prices and Goods will convince you that what we say is true. Commencing with Monday, Feb. 23d, we will place on sale a lot of Opera Slippers Which wc will Close Out at 50c, per Pair, and are actually worth $1.25. We will sell you more good goods for less money than any other shoe sore in the state, and can prove it if you will call and see us. No trouble to show goods but a pleasure, and remember that WE SELL SHOES CHEAPER THAN ANYBODY! TELEPHONIC NO. 479. Maxwell, Sharpe & Ross Co. lf.:i2-34-:i0-38 East O St., Lincoln. Uiill orders promptly anointed la ffihu Atlantic For 89 will contain The House of Martha, Frank R. Stockton's Serial. '-'"ntrthutlnti from Dr. Holmes. Mr. Lowell, and Mr. Whittier. 801110 heretofore unpiibllslioil Letters by Charles and Mary Lamb. , Mr. I'crclvnl Lowell will wrltca narrative ol bis, adventure, under (bo title of Noto : an Unexplored Cor ner of Japan. ThoCapturoof LtuUbourKwill bo treated ! A Series of Papers by Francis Parkman. There will also bo Hhnrt Htorlcs and (Sketches Rudyard Kipling, Henry .lames, Hnrnli Ornc Jowott. Octave Ihanct, mul others. Unteeliiilcal pa- pers 011 (Mentions In Modern Science will bo contributed by Professor Oaborn, of Princeton, nnil olhors; toiilca In University, Seconilnry, i.ml Primary Ktlucntlon will bo a It ill 11 rt xi'VV1!11!0!"?,1 TU,H0R (i!Kll!r' I)r- '"font. Mrs. Mollis, (iriiliiim H. Tomson, nnd others will bo ninoiiK tho contributors or Poetry. The Atlantic for 1891. TKUMS'.-UMaytar in advance, l,taot Free: 3.. cent a numtr. Wtth new UfcsUe jxtrtrail nt Ltiwell, anil ofo jnrtralU if Hawthorne, hnumm, iMngfeUaw, llrwnt, IVhMler, or Holme, t5.ou;McJi additional jiwtratt .(. Tin. WiivinJir tittii rLiMM.1... .,..,w itnu j-w,imf numucni Bern irtc to new tubMcrUittHichoHC mhtcriptions for ItiOt ln 'ntfM mift Uiiiioii tHai . il..i. .jil. ii(r. tint thtnnre remittance ihnuhl be made " "i"-i-"v rT(irTuircrf w IIoughton,Miniin & Co. 4 ParkStiett Iloston, Muss. -THE- Library of American Literature In Eleven Elegant, Largo Octato Volnmei, U'ltli i.vnrit lWt i.i- !.... .. 111.. . , . ii fflr jzir : "'sl11 liwnwl. 1 '"- l""""lin. 1 III' t-roil nt 01 W,UW works .copyrlitlilctl by A inerleitu wri ters. Uu7iiutliorsipiiileil. Overall selections covering every hriincli orillermiiro from IIW7 11 I Vlt" a1?'"0 B " ,y "rr""l''L',, Compllcil Kiliiiuiitl Cliii'Piiro Stetliiiiiii nml Kllon Mnrkiiy lliitililimiiii, nnd publltlietl by OIIAS. I,. WKIISTKH Ii CO., Now York. I tlo lltll Beo llOW IIIIV S.'liool III Aninrlm eiin spiti-o this work from lis reference llbrury 1 1 TL, .."" I'J'iiiis. ir. w. r. Harris. United Male- lommlHKlonci'i, Kdncatlon. With It on tho Klieir, one inny sny to nnyboily: 'NniiioyoiiriiiiKMl.iiuill will snlNfy lis np pe(ltt) for oti."-s. I,. Clemens (.Vurft rtrnlfi ) Tlm best iiKureiniti' exprcfston of wlmt the Anierlcnii in ml lias produced Inilmiwoliun '"'I "Jul olslity years of lis nellvlty John I, lilt.. tt.1.1 t.nll.nliln cinipeiiilliiiiitif millomil llteruluro Hint was '.'.MT p,,,,.bil.,"ll,V,, ?," M,l,pl "iTiiry IscnmplPte vl "" J V-'T.1" ."' " Mate Journal, Lincoln, ntli. It iMtlinlioitiuid most eompleto llter iiry roiuplhitlon eve. Issuetl In u.fs country. II Is very eiirefiilly edited mul It Is eompro- tiiiilldl Utu l Mirier - II Is not only Indlspou Mlilo to reoploiif Kernry lusto and iieotilre inonl, but ItiiirnrtU mi liivaliuible rnmlly lit ernry rosorl, where (be children of tho conn, try can uiiiw lulu Hie spirit unit koiiIus of our niil 111111I llloriituro.-Alliert Wiitklns, AV6. 6fnfe Dfiiiociat, Soltlon tho Installment phiii. Tho entlrn set dullvercd on ree. Iptof tirst pnymenl nntl bulimeu divided Into moulhly imymentK. roriiM-tortlilHitrcat work, or lur iiporma nent situation, write nt oneii to ' '. I.'. I.I:A0II MhIu Airunt, ar.'.'JVIno St., Lincoln, Neb . . .. ?'"tl' I'eft'iiiliint. .lollll 1 Polf'litii, Itiillli... ., t nit 011 thnaril iliiyorivecmbvr,lbU), Jolin II. I 'Itfililiiirlm tii 1111. 1 l..... it ..... ' . ...":' , ;:'n . r v .." .",..v..,,,.,,f p" '''' ... -...,.... ., .., .. I'viituiii ,u Mt IMHiriCl Lftlirt It! LlLliPiiulnr iiiiiiIt. .tnt,i..r v..i.... i... iiKiilust Milii defendant. '1 he tiliject iiml prnyer executed l.y. oim . Il,,lllni;er ami ICmin.i fc. Iliilllimer lo the plitlutltr UM)ii the rollowlnir tlfkerlbeil iiremlM-K, lo-w II : Lot 0. Itloek li, or ceoud l.nst Park Addition totlie City of Lin coin, LiineastDreounty, tstateot .Noliinskii, to secure the payment of a eertnln ironilKori Hole, llllll'il t Li, llllli .lm. ,.f M......I. Kldi r... .,... sum off no, duo nnd piiyiililn In moiitbly In- niiuiiiii-uin HMiii me i.itii nay oi Amy, isw, Ki. i'iijiiiik, i-iiu.i iniiiiiii wiih interest on iiioen- 1 1 r.. II nil ill irt r..iiinli,li,ir I .,, th.w. ,, ,1 paid u t tlio into ois pert-eiil. per annum, from tin. inili .In.. ,., ll.K-.il. ikiut ..... ..,.,. ..;:; "' '. ' '"' ""' niniiiiiiy. I'lalnllllsiniy loritiliereo Hint ilereiiilnntJi boieiiulieillo pay Millie or that llm piomlsoa ii. j 1'vi.i.iiiniriiM-y ,111' llllllflllll lllllllll tlf.. V.iii iin riuiiilti it li. iiiiui. .... U..I.I ...... ...... ........v. v- iv . . "'"":,M i-imii I'l-iiiiuii uri or lieloie tiie.'ithilav or.lauuary, isai. imii-u ift'ct'iiiiM'i ,,, jmnr, J Ml. It I'UNMMilt AM. Atli.r.irl'lllllltlir. Null l I ill 1. , Mill. Notii'i; I'lttiiiATuor W'u.i,, i liieoiioinn, tiiiliter. De-eio-eil. ( III County Com t. Lancaster county, Neu f'i,"iMH V'.'i" '" '!',i"",kl.1 '" '""heirs nud n'oxi of kin of tho said 1 lieodorn o. (Iituitr. tlceens. fill Inko notlee,-Thnl 'iun llllntjora writ ten liiKlru li cm purportniK to bo the Inst will nud lestjunent ot Theodore H. (lanto. lor nro bale nn I nllowunce, It Is ordeml Hint said niuilor bosel lorlieiirlui; the IMlh ilny of lie eeiuber. a 1). isiKi, befiro said County Court, at thu limn of'.' oVIoek p. in., nt whfoli time any person Intcii-Med limy iipjieur nnd eon OM tliu siiinii; nud uotleu ortllls pioeeeilliitr s onleri tl publlsbetl llneo weeks successively In the CAi'ir-w. cuv ciii'iiiKii. a weekly newspinier, pilbllHbttl In this Miato. Iiitesilinonv whe (, I bavti bereunloset my band and the seal of the County t otirtat Lincoln this lllb tiny or December, A.!)., IMK). o. ,., .M. w I-'KlKWAItT, at-l-'.l. County J iidpp. I.uiciil Niillei'. Nolleii lsboreby ulvun, tlmt by virtue of license in me Krnnteil, by llm district eoiii t o Litiieuster eounty, Nelirnsk,,, ,v" "j" of Die City of Linen li. Nebnisk,, v-m.,. i,i,,Miiu j navi; inn el complete, and here Is not money enouKli In Ncbrimkii to buy It of mo If I uoitltl nut get another set, "'' .""' ".Pour mnii J II Alerwln. Manau. UiU tMitiirAmei Iran Jnurnal of Kducattnn, St. .unfit. I reeoinmendltlolho people of No. urns tn is inn most n r ;.. "., ' """"" ii.'iii.ui ino ens front door of (be Court lloeso In t,u City or I, ne hi. on TiiomIiiv, tho Will i ay t,r Jniuiuiv 1st l! t ween tho bnursorono and t ". , ? ,. V. m ol mild tiny, thu followlnjr lenl pr .perly or (hoes nlo or Join .MeAlllster, u'ee ,. i ,1 .V ','. '!W''-I7 "ml ili win rioT lilurk 6.1. all In AtlmliilHtiutor, o'iiiiie or Jolno'ieAUier U-l-01. A &lLMMmi. "'AhtAif-... fji.lar,Jll.t-.,1rff it .