Iss m CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1891 CANDY von EVERYBODY Strictly Pure ami the Largest and Finest Line In the City, nt FOLSOM'S 1307 O STREET. lff-Ve make a specialty of entering Ice Crcnni nml Krtilt Ices for Hnlls, 1'nrtlcs, Wedding, etc., nnd ciin serve litem In the brick or hy the quart on short notice nt tcAftonahle prices. Fancy Cakes of nil klniN inntlc to oriler. Telephone orders receive prompt nltcntlou. Cnll up 501. If you Deposit jour Savings in nut Lincoln Savings Bank 8 Safe Deposit Co. H. K.cor. tllh mull Hi. THE! WILL BARM INTEREST FOR YOU At ttin llato of 5-Five per Ct. per Annum-5 Have MIR) a week nml It amounts toroatln live j our to ll.MO.0ii. Hank open at 0:H0 n. in. to IliDO p. m Baturdiiy cvonlHK. to V with nml Safes to Rent in Burgtar and Fire Prcof Vaults. Smoking Jackets, Fancy Vests, Foil Dress Suits, Full Dress Vests, Fine Furnishings, Christy's London Hats, AT OALL AT HALTER'S Heat Market! With jour CASH, and get Good, Juicy Meat at uiitr own Price. llnmo, 50 BeefStcak (c Beef Uoait, , je IloilingUecf jc Pork Steak 6c Rot Pork, 6c Sauaage, 6c Bacon 6c Lard, 6tfc Every Pound Sixteen Ounce. Guaranteed to contain Tiktrloins and Rolls always on Hand. Poor or sick people can call and get meat for Nothing with an order from Elder Howe. We don't change our name every six months. We are still running under the old name, and are not'athamed of it. Halter's Market, 3t6 North Tenth St. Telephone too. Meat Delivered Am where in the City. !. & ji? y.l. S A iMiur litcru Minimi Time. Publiwliod Saturday. AiMrvM nil coiiiiiitiiiiL'atliiini illreotto the ufflcn WlCHHlCt, PUINTtNO CO., I'liiii.iHUKim. Courier HulhlltiK, UXI N Htrcnl'iionk iM I.. Wkmhki., Jit., KdltiirnndHolol'ioprlotor. V .1. IIviinkm, Awmocinto ICilltur. HuiiM'iui'rioNi Ono Year hy Mull or Curried UW, Hlx Month, II (X)Tlirro MonlliK, .Vk; One iiioiitlnMOnt tnrarahly In Advance. AllVCKTIKIlMKNTIIi tbllea fliniUlntl oil application at thn office. Hx'clnt rate on Time Contract. ( ONTRinminNnt Hlmrt spicy ketcho, poem nml storle solicited. Personal nnd Hnclal notes nrt especially desirable. PniNTiNiit We malcp a clnlty of Kino frliitlng In nil IIm hrnnclii', Hoclety work specialty. Kutcrrdiitthn I'mtnfflcn of Mncotn an second o!nn matter. Ncli., POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 65,000. IN TIIK LIHKARY. "A February HI roll" I tlm title of the brnutlftil frontispiece of Drnko'a MnRnrlno for February. Wllf. 1. Pound HtnrtH tho niimlier with nn odd story, "Lay Inn n Mid summer Ohost," Psychology in mysteriously Interwoven In M. M. Cns. JrV. "A Toll-Tiile Clinlr." Tim great problem of Interest to New Yoik City nml llrooklyn, vix: Thnt of rapid tinuslt between thu two cities, In ntily dlscused hy HenJ. Northup nml V. K. H. Fnle. "All In a Hlgn," hy Emma llennett, Is n story thnt otiKht to Interest those Indie who nro n mite nuiwrntltloun. Another odd story In thin number In "A Midnight Bpcll," hy M. boring Oulld. "Jotting," tho editor Inl di'iMirtnu'iit of Ihnku's, nrc ns nhly writ Ion ns iiminl, nml thu well-known "Quacks" ptowike nn many laugh an ever. Drake's Mniriixliiu I tho cheapest tniigailue In oxlst niico, costing hut It. IX) per year, or 10 cents per eopv. It U published nt No. 1 1 Frankfort street, Now York City. Tho Outing nrtlclo for March in tho Over turn! Monthly series will tio nhout the park nml pleasure driven of Han Francisco. It will ho fully llliiKt rated, and will describe nml tell the history of tho famous Plarn mid old Kotith l'ark, etc., nml especially of thn great pleasure ground of tho city, tho Now Uoldcu llato l'ark, with thu Presidio nml bunch driven, nml no on. Colonel John 1. Irish anil M. M, Kstee nro to dlsctna thoMuKhiloy Hill nml ItH hearings In California liktory, In thu Overland Monthly for March. Colonel Irish In a cliiuftalu of the eat llor tariff campaign hi Iown, mid prolmbly thu most trenchnnt wi It er tho dvmocrnta have on thu coast ; and Mr. Kstee In tho favorite cnhiiict caudldato of Callfoi nta repulilicnun. A faded or gray Iteard may Ihi colored n Iwnutlful nml natural lirown or black, nt will, hy using lluckiughain'H Dye for thu whiskers. The Interior Drrorntlve Company. Lincoln, Nkii., Match 1st, 1N1. To the citiruus of Lincoln nml vicinity, Greeting: We have the pleasure of presenting for your Inspection, a lino of piper hangings, mouldings nml novelties, sucli as nro rarely seen outside of Chicago or Now York. In every instanco these good have Ixxm selected witli a tlow of harmonious combination, dndo, wnll space, frieze, border nnd ceilings have been carefully nrntchitl, nml by their use pleasing and artistio results nro certain. This in a grcntlmproveiuent over tho old sys tem, under which n HUccussrul Interior was possible only through the aid of n very skill ful decorator, or by a happy nccldont In the selection of the necessary mHm. Wu feel thnt n double responsibility rests upon us, for we are not only called tion to supply thucurrontdemmidsofour'cuntomers, but in a measure, we have to form a taste In mural decorations which shall meet the grow ing demand of tho pub) lo for tho moat artistic interior ornamentation which the country enn produce. It in our aim to carry n line of goods of tho highest order, for which wo claim recogni tion, aa being tho most varied nml beautiful that have over lieon placed before tho Lincoln public. Our designs nnd colorings can bo relied on to produce harmonious nml satis factory effects. The result of careful su)wr vlslon and the employmei.t- of skilled works men. Among our papers calling for especial men lion are those, of the yelllow drawing room, with Its warm glow of color, the daisy nnd water Illy treatments, raised Hocks, bronzes, flat, iMiieln, lacquers, ingrains and reliefs, other novelties of this season and thoao which we are sure will recommend themselves to nil, are our effects of Moire satin and other textile fabrics, particularly the sheeny, silk like paier which can scarcely be distinguish ed from the most expenslvo silks and damasks. Our llueo of colonial-renaissance, pressed and leather goods, etruscan and eoiuoaite pompellnu effects, Romanesque, Moorish, In dian and oriental ornament-, nml tho Indos lis zautlno sido wall iimel decorations are all enhanced by the fact that they are all oiig- Insl conceptions, nml not copies or variations of Kiiropeuu productions. Goods oseslng thet-e quantisations are i cadlly appreciated by the general public, who have been educated to a high uitUttc standard. We have cart fully selected our designs from a great diversity ot sources, endeavoring in every case to preserve the artistio purity of the school of ornament from which they were adapted. Much thought and study, as Wbll as labor have been given In tho selection of these goods and wo respectfully submit tlio results of our efforts') the criticism of the public, Vory truly, A. O. Zicmkh, lWt. I'.-S. Oour lln of low priced pipers Is very complete, and many beautiful patterns are offered for selection. Including the peach blossom, honey-suckle, snowball, morning-, glory trellis, apple blossom, etc. They are all new and Just as cheap as anything tn the city. Horpolsheiiuer & Co's. new line of muslin underwear is the beat made, all being lock attchandatno higher piicea thau cheaply made goods. Bell & Cowdery balltd hay and nil kinds of feed and best (lower guaranteed. Telephone 784. All goods dell vertxi; New styles of Invitations just in at THS CouniKR office. AOMIHAI. I'OinGll'S litAi, PAPfilt. Tim Vrlrrilli Niillnr'n Vlewn llcKMrillng llm l'lo of Amerloii. TIim lute Admiral David Dixon INirter, nlthotiuh lie had lioen n sailor for more than tlneehcoru of tho miventy-elKht jearii of Ills life, and had nttnlhed thu hlKlient rank In I hit imvy of thn United KtnttM aft er n career llHtliigiiMioil hy gallantry nml HiirrenM, ilealred to nchluvo proinliionin in other Holds than that of conlllct. When lie laid aside thu mvonl lie took up the pen, nml hiirprlsed thu world In his latter days hy tlirnliiK out hoiiiu very readahlo vol iimea of history nml Met IiIii.iih well unit play, that wuh hy mi ineaiiHii failure. His only half concealed regret Koemod to ho that Ills career had been that of n lighter Instead of that of n writer. Hat admired iH'vsi.ipors ami miWMpnper men. lie wan hmiIisi rllier AIIMIIIAI. DAVin DIZOV rOttTKIt. to fourteen dally journnln, nnd often spoke with admiration of tho cutcrprlmi nnd fnlr ne of the American pnwi. "AUIioiikIi," as ho once said, "I liavu Hoinetlme received peroouul attack from that (martyr, which attackH I liave never allowed to annoy mo. Without tho preHH," ho added, "wo woulal soon lose our civilization, tho world would run riot nml in n few years we would all rclapsu Into barbarism." To it query from thewlltor of Tho Boston Globe, im to Ida Idea of n Kood newspaper, he replied recently: "A Kood newspaper U the ono which has thu largest circulation and innkes tho moat money, Inctilcntes the hlxhest cimIo of morals, and contains the best editorials. It should bo conservative, nml should not favor any party In support of a wroiiK in opposition to the convictions of tho editor. It should support tho beat men in city, statu nnd national government Irrespective of their politics, nnd do what It could to bring about tho millennium." When Hoi Hinlth Hunsoll nnnouncen tho ti tle of bin now piny for next aeaann there In likely to 1mi n sensation of Inrgn proportions. Thn chnrnctor ho in to tnko in tho new piece la thnt of n famous American. Don't Kerl Writ, And yet you nro not sick unough to roimtlta dojtor or you rofrnln from so doing for fear you will alarm yourself nnd frlei.ds wo will tell you jtiat what you need. It la Mood's Harsnparllln, which will lift you out of thnt uncertain, uncomfortable, dangerous condi tion, intou stnte of good health, conlldcucc nnd cheerfulness. You've no Iden how potent thla iicculinr medicine In in coses llko yours. It Was n Oriiml Itusli. Inst Hntuiday when the bankrupt sale opi-ned at Llcklldoi 'sold stand aciowd thnt could only bo equaled by one thnt wnlted for the opening ot Uaruum's circus, was in at tendance nil eager to pounce in upon the bar pains offered. It was nu awful mob and when tlioy got inside tho fun began, overylxsly wanted something and everybody got what they wanted nnd letlted happily and well laden with bundles, and it has beon so nil week. Even yesterday in nil that storm when a CouiMKit reporter called in there crowds were still tilling thu store, and a more excited lot of bargain seekers were never be fore seen anywhere. Several times during tho week thu crowds wuro so large that the linn wan compelled to closo tho doom. The bargains offered arc nil gomimu in tho strict est Kouso of the word. Kilpatrick, Koch & Co. are oxtenslvo wholes dors of dry goods In Omaha nnd don't meddle with tetall stocks, but they have lost heavily on small' sales made to retailers like Llckllder's and In pay taken tho stock only again to sacrifice samo to get returns. Tnu silo will continue until stock is disposed of. A lleinoval uml liuporliint Addition. Tho Lincoln Shirt Factory which has done business at 101(1 O street for some time past has removed to larger and more commodious quarter, occupying tho large a. id light corner baaomeutlii thu new Alexander block, comer Fourteenth and O streets. Tho name ot the firm has boon changed and to "Lincoln Hhlrt Manufacturing Co.," and a ladies tailoring department added, which is under tho sti-sir-vision of an expert cutter and litter, Ad ditional capital has been pat into the 11 nn and as facilities are greatly Increased there Is no reason why the manager and pioneer shirt nun, Mr. A, Katzensteln, Si'., should not meet with eveu better success than ever before.. Table linens, napkins, towels in now Hue and new patterns that mo not expensive. Can't you stop In and see them at Merpol slieimer & Co's. 100 finest engraved calling cards and plate for f'J.&O at Tiik Couuikh otllce. Miss C, J. Quilmette, modiste, second floor Exposition building. Take elevator. Uell & Cowdery, flower, feed mid general commissioners, 118 North 14th st. Phono 784. Wolfenbarger & McDonald, attorneys and ouiiielors, rooms I'M and lt!l liurr block , levator on O street. Doctors Uniloy & Ooodell, office 1317 L street. Telephone, 017. Only place In Lincoln that uses ater in Isuths la at 1010 O street. mineral Lincoln anil Kansas City Through Pull man Hleepers. The surprising increase In business has com polled the B. & M. to withdraw their line or combination iarlor mid sleeping cars and tutatltute regular Pullman slee-rs of a modern and pleasing design that ui e sure to bo appreciated by the travelling public Three cam leave Lincoln dally at 8:-T p. m. run via Beatrice ami Table Hock and leach Ht. Joe at 6:37 a. m., Kansas City 7:S0 a. in. ; returning, leao Kansas City 0:15 p. in. daily, Ht, Joe 11:45 p. in., arrive nt Lincoln 7:60 a. in., making close connection at termi nal points. Berths mid tickets may bo secured at uulon di'pot or city office, corner O and Tenth streets. A. C. Zikmeh, City Paiatenger and Ticket Agent. ' isr4f vp .Iddllliniiil I.imiiI mid I'oi ximiiiI, Mr W. (I. MmiiIiikI has Is-eu ei,lltd to tJibaua, O. , by the seiious Illness of his mother, Mr. O. (I .Smith, of Kearney, Is visiting relatives In Lincoln. Mr. K.II. litis v left Monday for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Chief Newbury left for afternoon. Oinnha Thursday Mr. A. M. Davis letuniod from Chicago Thursday. Miss t'nroln Hill returned Tuesday from Ileatrki'. Dr. Krnnl: H. Hillings has loturned from Chicago. Mr. W. A. Cockrell left Saturday for Ht. I ill Is. Mr. John Hnrt mid family nro in Wnlln Wnlln. Mr. (leorgu W. Wnrden is In Helens, Hon tana. Hev. K. H. Italstou left Thursday for Denver Col. Mrs. J. L. Wind Is nt Koit Hownrd, Win. Miss Anna Maylnml Is in Halt Lake city. Mr. A. M. Miller In In Wnco, Texas. For mi Im-Mivurislted condition of tho blood and loss of vitality, tnko Ayer's Hnrsaprllln. Will Open Miuiilny. Tho Enterprise Commission company who have been for thu past three weeks arianglug their elegant premises nt KtOS O street, will on Monday next be nt home to the public. A large lot of consignments nro still lato in ar riving hut its n considerable stock In nlrendy nt hand tho company has decided to make thu stnrt. A nlco Inrgo lino of crockery has uen received nml Is now In stock ready for tho slaughter. It embraces among other things n Inrgo assortment of cheap nnd fine bedroom sets, dinner mid ton sets, etc. In tlioinoaiiwhtlo nnd until the opening that Irrcprcssiihlo salos-cryor, Charlie Kaley, is tuning his voice for tho oeiihig loceptiou nml ere another week imssos by the Enter prise Commission company will lie in full bloom. Mr. Parish will bo on hand to man age affairs and everything, It Is oxiwctod, will ring as smoothly as a marrlago bell. Don't fall to boon hand Monday. Doctor Kuelt's Discovery, Dr. Koch's greatremedy seems to prove efficacious In these enses where tho patient ho contracted consumption in low lying countries. Almost all the level Euro-ean dis tricts whore tho discaso exists it is traceatdo to purely climatic conditions, tho moist at mosphere being a fine breeding region for the microbe. But In the high and dry nltltiido traversed by tho Union Pacific, tho original Overland Iloute, consumption not only can not exist but is surely curable in its early stages. An this is testified to hy thousands who have legnlued health nnd strength in tho Hfe-glvlng air of the mountains. !Mtllll-l HI. The Hurllng-toii's New I.lne lo the llliiek Hills. The Burlington Houte takes pleasure in nn uouueing to the public the completion of its new lino to Dondwood, South Dakota, nnd thu formal opening of samo for business. This event marks nn epoch in tho history of Nebraska, in opening up to tho trade ceils tui s of tho state mid tho Missouri Valley, now nml valuable territory and n couutty Im mensely rlcn tu coal nnd mineral de-osits, whose possibilities for the future promise much for tho commercial mid manufacturing priw-ierity of tho state. Thu line is substantially constructed and thoroughly equipped, tho object being to nf ford a service that Is first class in every par ticular, and in keeping with other thiough linos of the Burlington System. It is the shortest nnd quickest lino from Missouri Iliver cities nnd principal iiohits in Nehrnskn to Dondwood, Hot Springs, Custer and Hill City, South Dakota, Merino nml Newcastle, Wyo., nnd nil points hi the Black Mills. Through trains nrt run dnily with Pullman Sleeping Cars from Omaha and Lincoln to Deadwood without change, miking connec tion nt Lincoln mid Omaha witli nil trains of the Burlington Iloute to mid from nil points Ent, West mid South. For further information npply to any Burl ington agent, or to J. KUANCis, Gen'l. Fnss'r Agt., Omaha, Neb. I have a cousin who is a printer, says ex Mayor J, B. Loughrau of North Dcs Moines, Iowa Soino j cars ngo ho wns employed in his city where they wero piloting circulars for ChamlwrJntn. Me had a deep seated cold and ten ible cough, nnd while setting up copy he made up his mind to buy n bottle. It cured him uml thnt wns the first I over know of Chnmberhiu's Cough Remedy. I have been strongly In its favor ever since, My own expei tence mid that of my family con vinces mo that this remedy is the best in tho world. That may bo strong language, bu that is what I think. For sale by A. Shader, Druggist Tho Hambler bicycle Is coming more in popular favor daily us the machine comes into general use. It is undoubtedly the best adapted for sptsl, comfort and s ifety, of any of thn in ichlnes. Call mid sou it at E. It. Quthrlo's, 1M0 O street. Ladles' Hair Dressing 111(10 sheet. nt Miss Johnston's' Inspect tho choice lino of embroideries In newest patterns nt HerHlshelmer & Co. Mrs. Mary Bills, who Um been visiting her son Charles for n week, returned yesterday to her home hi Salt Lake city. Hood's Sareaparilla b a peculiar medicine. It It carsfullr prrpared from Bartsparllla, Dandelion, Msndrake, bock, FlpsUiewa, Juniper Ilerrlei, and other well known and valuable vegetable remedies, by at peculiar combination, proportion and process, String to Hood's Sarispartlla curatlrs power not possessed by other medicines. It effects remark able cures where other preparations (all. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best blood partner before the public. It radicates every Impurity, and cures Scrofula, Bait Rheum, Dolli, Pimple, all Ilumori, Dy ycpsla, IUltouineti, Blck Headache, Indigestion, General Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatlim, Kidney and Llrcr Complaint!, overcome that tired feel ing, create an appetite, and builds up the system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Has met peculiar and unparalleled sucrois nt home. Buch has becomo Its popularity In Lowell, Mass., where It I made, that whole neighbor hoods are taking It at the samo tlmo. Lowell druggists sell inoro of Hood's BarsnparllU than of all other sarsaparlllas or blood purlders, Boldbydrugglsts. flislxforfi. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Jewell, Mats. IOO Doses One Dollar 1891 SPRING 1891. NOVELTY DRESS GOODS - Wc extend you nn invitation to call and inspect our New Stock of Spring Dress Goods. We are showing the most exquisite line o French and German Goods. Our Perisian Dress Robes at $io, $12.50. and $14 50 are worth your altention. S-W.Wina&S., 1109 Honest Values ! EUGENE HALLETT, DIAMONDS! OUR SPECIALTY. Stones Guaranteed! Lincoln Floral Corner G and KtJHBKBmrsVsSBBBBBBBB sHsssBsBsvfnsrsssssBF 3VBBiTBTflsBBK sVBBBBBV ssHI'MaisviBVu jsBBBv -ww vBfc. JsSJDasiSB hbbbSBSbb vj F wssCaiJIisPay 3mJw Mb CS ssssstsssssaSslSssssssssssssssssssssssHI sW mil JM jttM "" ss- Mr BEFi &xr?1 sHl SSSBBBBBBBBBBBbRsSBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV aSBT9H!E t "" T SBBBBBBBBaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtSBBW. Cut Flowers and Designs For Weddings, Funerals, Parties, Receptions, Etc. General Collection of Plants. Visitors Always Welcome. City Orders by Telephone Promptly Filled. W. S. SAWYER & CO. Price List Free. W HEN YOU WAHT FINE JOB PRINTING See the WESSEL PRINTING CO. . - 0 ST. Largest Stock!! Latest Settings! Conservatory, 17th Streets. Telephone 344 -i 1 I v ' ")