Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 21, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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ao ll). Sugar $1.00
Fancy Nortlicm Potatoes'
Wlnchrler llama, per lb 6Jc
1 Cnn good Corn loc. Fancy uji
French Pens In Glns 400
Preserved J'enrs In Glass 40c
MinbrooniH In Glnis -"c
HT These goods nre clicnp nt 60c.
3 lb. Can Preserved Ilotnvln Crah
Apples 3tc
3 lb. Cnn Ilotnvln Grated Pine Apple 30c
Ilotnvln Preserved Strawberries.... 25c
Monnrch Gal. Pumpkin joo
" Apples 35c
3 lb. Can Apples taji
Tomatoes per Can ic
A splendid bargain, 9 bars good soap 25c
6 bars W. R. Soap 25
Buffalo Flour, per Sack $1.40
Best Minnesota, " 1.60
We carry n full line of choice now Tens,
Japans 35c. and 50c., the best that money
can buy 60c. Fine Young Hyson 05c.,
Eng. Breakfast 70c., Oolong 80c., best
G. Powder 70c.
To Coffee Drinkers.
You will no doubt have noticed 'that n
great many dealers nre offering Broken
Java at 25c. Now, If you get Broken
Java you're all right, but If you gel dick
ering you are not. We claim to have been
the first to'scll Broken Java In Lincoln,
and still maintain the Original Quality.
Price 25 cents.
Our 30c Coffee Is a mixture of Mocha,
Java and Rio. O. G. Jnva 38c. Arabian
Mocha 38c. Wc save you from 2c to 5c
per pound on every pound you buy.
Choice Butter 20c.
Fresh Eggs 20c.
Telephone 39S.
11 30 N St.
Still Going On !
Tbe Great Sacrifice
Shoe Sale
No such bargains were ever before off
ered. Everybody anxious to buy. You
can't appteciate how low these goods arc
being sold until you call. Everything
must go for the creditors arc anxious to
have the stock closed out and get their
Chicago and Erie R. R.
(Lnto Chicago A Atlantic H'y.)
In Connection with the
Erie Railway
Chicago and New York
Under Ono MiimiKumcut.
TI10 Through Trnlns of tills Lino between Chl-
cuttonniT New York nre. run colld, tliun
uvolillm; unnnyniiro uiul confusion
of cliiiiiKliiKcurHorinlislim
Vestibule Limited Service
VfHtlhuleil Limited Trains. coiisUtlnt; of lla-
Kiuiu. Hiiioklnit uiul y Conelien, with
J'ullinun IMnliiK ml HleoiitiiK TarH
(uenlcil ny Meuni, iikiiu-u uy kji
over thin Lino
Every Day in the Year.
Pullman Service to Boston.
A I'ullmnn Unite! Hleeplnu Cr to uml from
UoMton ilully via 111U ronto.
ThU UtliuONLY LINK ItiinntiiK Pullman
Cum between ChlciiKO nml IIonIoii.
To Columbus, Ohio, ami AkIiIiiuiI, Ky.
Pullman H'.copliiK Car between Chicago nml
uliovo I'olntH ilally.
TraliiB Arrive ami Leave Deurliorii Htutlon,
For furtber Information, rail on tbe neareHt
Hullrouil Ticket Aitent, or mMroHS
W 0 Blnearion, A M Tuoker, D I Bobert,
aon.ruHii.AKt. Owi.Mur. A.O.I. At.
New York, C'k'Vuliinil. CJiIciikii
TI10 many friend of Mr. Clmrlen Mnyer In
Lincoln wero i)'eneil to lienr of tlio linppy
inurrliiK" of that Kcntlcmnu to MIm F.Mellu
NeRbmir, 11 bcnutlftil nml mint estlnmblo
ynuuiclndy living III New Vol k City. Tlio
nmpleloiu nuptlnM oecurrM on Tueliiy
evening at Vienna linll In New York nml wnw
wltnwxeil by n lnrj; nMembliiKti of Invited
Kiiestn, eoinprl.iliiK botd frleniN uiul relative
of tlio linppy rotiplo. Tlio momeutr.iin tvoriN
tcro pronouueeil by n prtimlneiit ralilil In
t lint groat city. The event v. n pronounced 11
brillinnt one by nit In nttcmlutico nud Mr, and
Mrs. Mayer wore almost overwhelmed with
cotiRrntAlutloiiM. Over IN) roni;rntulntor.
telegrams eru received over twcntyllvo of
them being from tliU city nloue. Tlio brldo
comes from onu of most prominent familleii
in riillndelplila nml U a lovely and nceouip young woman. Mr. and Mm. Mayer
are now making n tour tlirougb tin! wmtliern
states and will come to Lincoln nlxmt April J
iiihi, 10 imiKo uieir iiiiuro iiome nere. 111
honor of tlio linppy nuptial event tlio Lincoln
employee of Mr. Mayer anil bin brother wero
treated to 11 xplendid banquet 011 the evening
of the wedding.
Mr. anil Mm. Hudolph L. Ileliluender giivo
n high live party to a number of fricudu
Tliurwlny evening. There were it number of
clow and nilrlted game pluyiiluuil tlio even
ing tuwed plenrnutly, Mm. Hehlaender wax
uxxitttul In entertaining by Mr. J, II, Davln.
Tlio following wero tlio gueMH: Mensm. nud
Mewlames W. It. Dentin, F. L.Sheldon, J. W.
Mnxwull. M. 1C. Wheeler, A. (1. Hii-noii,
Juilgo Wlllliim Btunit, L. C llurr, Uwirgo
Clark, W. C. Mills, O. F. HotU, J. A. lluck
Ktnir, W. J. l)ennln, Dr. Wento, Q. C. Hell,
.1. II. DnvlH, II. W. Ilrown, Dr. Appleget, T.
I. Usher, AuHtln llmnpliroy, Morris, MInm
Klorvnco Ilrown nud Mro. Kniinii Henkle,
Mewni. Ueorgo Hnrmer nnd H. Wilson. Mr.
Austin Humphrey won tlio gentlemen's
royal prlzo while Mm. M. K. Wheeler capt
urisl tlio hicly's capital prize.
Hon. O.A. Corner of Holyoko,, after
a fowdayn' visit in Lincoln as tlio guest of
Dr. Holaud Lord, returned homo Huturtluy.
Mr. Corner has made a tour of the great
cities of the west, but before returning vis
ited Lincoln. Ho vnn greatly pleased with
Nebruskii's capital city, nud voted It ns being
tlio handsomest nud best laid out city ho hud
seen hIiico leaving home. It is to Ihi hoped
that tlio gentleman's opinion will Impress
him far enough no that ho will noon decide
to come west and locate with us, wheru push,
energy nml enterprise lives and prosper, nnd
Is ulwnyn welcome.
Tlio homo of Dr. nud Mm. Wento, 14.TJ II
street, was the scene of 11 Jolly gathering of
genial souls on Tuesdny evening. Tho popu
lur diversion high live was the main source of
amusement although tho entertaining powers
of the host nnd liosU'ss nnd tho intelligence contributed greatly to
tho evening's amusement. Those present
wero Messrs. nud Mewlaines J. I!. Wright,
Maxwell, Holm, C. H. Jones, I. H. Dorr, Dr.
Holyoko, V. II. Dnv'g, Joel II. Davis, (lor
hum Ilotts, Hehlaender, Myron K. Wheeler,
Oeorgo Urown.
The progressive tlddledy wink party given
by Misses Uruliuui nnd Hlchards at their
homo, HfiS 1' streec, hi honor of Miss Hinlth,
who has been visiting in this city for several
weeks, on the evo of lier departure for Canada
today, proved to bo n most enteitulnlng
nITnlr. Among those present wero: MIxnw
Hubbard, McCnndless, West, Smith, Fisher,
Graham, IUchunls nud Messrs. Hummons,
Oraham, Cook, West, lloyd, Lucore and Al
len. The grand prize wm won by Mr. lloyd
nnd the booby prize by Miss West.
Progressive tiddledy-wink Is becoming all
the rage, nnd therefore the party given by
Misses Qruhtim nud Hlchards nt their home,
l!tJ8 I' street, was 11 grand success. The af
fair was given us 11 farewell to Miss Hmith,
who leaves today for Camilla. The royal
prize was won by Mr. lloyd, nud. Miss West
captured the booby. Those present wero the
Misses Hubbard, McCnndless, West, Hmith,
Fisher, Graham, Hlclmids, nud Messrs. Hum
mons, Grnhaiu, Cook, West, lloyd, Lucore
nnd Allen.
A telephone message from Nebraska City
Wednesday evening announced the serious
illness of L. Wessol, Hr., ivheriMiprm Miss
Josephlno Wessol and her brother Kdgnr de
parted by the night train for their father's
Itodslde. Later intelligence, however, gives
the cheerful news of Mr. Wessel's better con
dition, nud his final recovery is now looked
for speedily.
The Haydon Art Club holds its monthly
meeting Tuesday evening at the Htnte Uni
versity chaiel. Papers will be read on Japa
nese art of which many beautiful examples
loaned by members of the club will be on ex
hibition. A night d'-uwlng school, free to
members of the club, will ojen on the tint
Wednesday of March.
T. H. Allen was admitted Thursday to
practice In the district court. Mr. Allen isn
young man who has devoted much of his time
to luw study and has for tho past three years
been connected with the firm of Talbot &
Bryan. He grndunted from the Nebrasku
University in '& nnd has n bright prosiect
for tho future.
Lust evening tho F street club was enter
tained by Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Wguell. In ad
dition to the members of the club there
were a number of Invited guests uud through
the rure tact of the host uud hostess u delight
ful evening wus passed, Music and curds
were the main features of the evening's en
joyment. Mrs. A. I), llurr entertained 11 party of
friends last evening ut her hoipituhlu home,
UKM D street. High live wus the order of
the evening, and its theie were severnl skill
ful play era present the contests were close
uud exciting. At tho close of tho games
Mrs. HuiT t rented her guests to 11 dainty
T. 1'. Konnurd entertained a company of
friends at bis home oil Seventeenth street last
evening, the pleusurts of the occasion being
centeied in high live. .Some tueiity-llvu
ladies uud gentlemen were present all of
hIioiii enjoyed a most delightful evening.
Kleguut refreshments were served at the
proper time.
If borne capitalist owning n couple of du
siruble lots in u central locality will build two
residences of from six to eight rooms each,
with all modern improvements, he can llud u
renter with no chlldieu, for each house, by
uddiessliig J. Wlnteis, care r.-O. box l.Vtt,
city. Tenants (list class nud rent guaranteed.
The Hist Wt diicsduy of next mouth is to be
devoted to the ladles by the gallant members
ot the Union club. It Is exjicctcd (tint it will
lie u tegular gala night and preparations are
lielug (H-rfected to make it in every wiiyii
most enjoyuble occasion for the members of
the full' sex who uttend.
Thoeosv home of Aldirimm II M. Wee, at
Twenty-ninth and Q streets, was the scene
Tuesdny evening of a very pleasant paity.
Dancing was the main feature of the even
ing's enjoyment, and uuelegunt hiipHir wus
A nuuiltcr of young gentlemen thut have
been enjoying the hospitullty of the young
ladles nt their homes during the w Inter have
arranged for a dancing party at Masonic
Temple Monday evening In honor of their
fnlr ti lends. It will doubtless Ikj n delightful
Mr. nud Mrs. V, K. l'erklns onteitnlned it
luimls'r of friends Thursday evening at their
home, which Is nilmlr.ibly sultisl for social
gatherings. High live was the favorite pus
tluieof theovenlng, and the usual fun was
enjoyed and Interest manifested In this opu
lar game,
A party of Nebrakn City society hiIo
consisting of Mr. nnd Mrs. T, L. llurdlok,Mlss
liuniick, Mr. nml Mrs, lnsi Hmith, Mr. nml
Mrs. Juild, Mrs. John C. Watson, Mlscs
Lulu and Myra HolHrtsaud Mr. K. K, Wind
ley, wissed Hiiuduy with friends In Lincoln,
There is n movement afoot tncousollduto the
Union and Klks clubs. The headquarters of
each are contiguous tsilng separated only by
an alley and in case of n coalition a bridge
con lie built lietweon them thus making one
suite or apartments.
Miss Helen Dimmer gave n high live imrtv
ton circle of friends Wednesday evening at
tho residence of Mr. nnd Mm Wnldo, comer
L and Twelfth street. A pleasant time Is re
IKirted, Ijist evening the I'ulrlarclis were enter
tnliusl by Mr, nud Mm. Henry nt their cosy
home and the event proved one of the most en
joyable ever given by the club,
In the near future n splendid party Is to bo
given at Temple hall by uutmlicm of tho soc
ial coteries formerly known ns the York uud
Junior I'lonmnt Hour chilis,
Tim I. oino of Councilman Wee was the scene
of n Jolly gathering Monday evening. A
largo iiuiiiIkt of friends were present ami
were delightfully entertained.
Lincoln Division No. I, K. of I'., gave n
grnud ball Thursday evening, ut Temple hall.
Tho attendance was very large and n most
enjoyable evening wus spent.
Mm. Geo. O. Wsen left Monday for Came
ron, Mo., to attend tlio funeral of her brother-in-law,
Kilgeuo doBtelgUer, who died quite
uddenly Hunduy morning.
I'rof. W. K. Chambers of Council HluuN
has Istcu In tho city the present week making
arrangements to oMn n dancing academy
soon in Masonio Temple.
Mrs. Dr. Warren Klluer nud daughter
Louise, arrived in Lincoln Thursday on 11
visit of suverul weeks with Mr. nud Mm. J. Ki
Wggs on K street.
The second party of the I'luridx club's
series takes place nt Masonic Temple Mon
day evening, March second. Members
please take notice.
Mrs. M. J. White, who has been visiting
relatives in Lincoln for 11 number of 'weeks
returned to her homo In Keokuk, lown, on
Hon. John 1. Hutton left the llrst of the
week on business connected with the Irish
national leuiriio of America of which ho Is
Mrs. Minnie Lleliernf lleleuu, Arkansas, Is
in the city visiting the family of I. llrucks,
Ml'-' Q street. Mrs. Lichcr is u cousin of Mr.
W. F. Hcliwlnil, It. McNItt, J, T. Welih, L.
A.. McCnndless nud T. H. Allen were nilmlt
ted to pi notice in tlio district court Thurs.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Ilurkdoll entertained 11
number of friends nt progressive high live, 11
their home In Driving Park Wednesday oven
Mr. nud Mrs. George O. Wsdou were called
to Unmerou, Mo., Tuesday, by tho death of
Eugene do Htelguer, u brother-in-law.
Mr. nml Mm. M. K. Wnrren will eutertulu
11 party of friends nt cards Monday evening
at their residence, Ulii F street.
A number of Church Howe'sndmlrers from
Nemnha county presented him with nu ele
gant gold headed cane Thursday.
Mr. Levi P. Welch nud Miss Grace A. Mil
ler, both of University Place, wero married
yesterday by Judge Stewart,
Whitney Mockridge, tho noted tenor, gave
a song and organ recital in the First Cougre
gatlonal church Inst night,
Mr. and Mm. George Lambert Smith of
Omaha, were in the city this week, the guests
of Mrs. W. Henry Smith.
Mrs. Gorlinm F. Ilotts left yesterday for
Kansas City where she will sMud severnl
weeks visiting friends.
Mri. Hnrry T. Dobbins nud Mrs. James
McMuhan hnvo boon visiting their pnrents Ir.
Tnmoru this week.
Mm. W. D. Shryock of Louisville, wife of
the legislator, bus been visiting Lincoln
friends this week,
Mr. John M. Hurks loft Wednesday for
tho Pacific coast where he will pass the next
two months.
Miss Olivo Hansom of Umnhn, arrived In
tho city Thursday nud Is the guest of Miss
Mm. II. D . Stearns Is at Buttle Creek, Mich. ,
undergoing treatment nt the sanitarium in
thut city.
Miss Minnie Swift or Sioux City, Is tho
guest of her sister, Miss Georgia Swift, 1 107
Q street.
Mm. J. K. Hill, wife of the state treasurer,
has gone oast in Iiomm of mending her fulling
Miss Octnvlu Gerlierof Nebraska City, hns
boon visiting tho family of her brother this
Mrs. William Schraoder hns been seriously
ill this week but is now considerably (sitter.
Mrs. Ports Wilson has returned from n
pleasant six-week's visit in Chicago.
Miss Maude Stone has been the guest this
week of Misses Steen and Curmody.
Mm. J. K. It. .Miller hits been called to
Cheyenne by the illness of her sou.
Miss Mubel K. Kperry is improving in
health ut Sail Antonio, Tex.
Mrs. I. N. Ilrown of Alliance, is visiting
her cousin, Miss Iiu Hutch,
Mr. and Mrs, J. I), Wright have returned
from their trip to Chicago,
Hon, W. W. Webster has Ihh-ii in the
northwest the past week.
Mr. Thomas Jenkins hns returned from h's
visit with Illinois friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith will make their
future home in Uticu, O.
Mrs. J. W. McDonuld left Snturdny for
Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Mr. C. W, Fluherillck is enjoying a jaunt
in NuwKnglaiul.
Miss Grace Yulo of Heutiieo, spent Kui.duy
with the Misses Hill.
Mrs. A. Ptvlmcr will visit witli friends in
Chicago next week.
Mr. uml Mrs. George L. Anderson left for
Seattle, Tuesdny.
Mr. Stanley C. Wicks will make his future
homo in lleutrice.
(Hpeclnl 1,'oUltmtCorroM'omloiico
'The theary days of winter now are done,
The robin lugs f 1 0111 out the llluo t nsi,
The cioi'iis comes again, and listen love,
The building rocks urr caw lug cheerily.'
The "Teutonic Wrestler."
Nkw VoitK, Feb. IS, IMH, The spring
ststson once luimgurrtcd by the display of the
llrst Importations of dress goods Is made to
advance with nip d strides, even though by
the calendar It Is still whiter, and "etherlal
mildness" seems a dim far away blessing al
most beyond scnsouuhlo expectation!. F.nch
da) now, the shops me adding some fresh
liiKelty to their attractions. And nil the
milliners, modistes, nud tailors nre busy In
creating now designs for nil manner of fend
iilno appaiel. Of course this activity Is par
ticularly marked at I'tslfern's, where they
not only have hundred of vlsltom t.ieuum
luo mid select fioiu their sjirlng mislels, but
nre ulso overwhelmisl with cori'essiudence
through their mull order iletmrtmeut. Ills
quite feasible uud satisfactory to order In
this way. All that Is necessary to secure n
iertect lilting coat or bodice Is to send with
tho soltH'tod samples, n few exact measure'
molds and uu old bodice which tits, and In
due time there Is received it costume which is
In every respect equal to one ordered by
word of mouth. Ail'1 now what nlsnit these
stylish gowns! Here's in tlio llrst pluco u
Hcdfcru house gown of black wool with
strles of velvet. The skirt Is quite plain ami
narrow, uud Is tlnlslusl with niching. Tlio
bodice is uutrlmuied, and li- cut out in threts
nt tho edge.
The other gown may bo worn in the street.
It is of blue clolli with 11 bordei of building
done In black nnd gold. The bislico has one
of tho new Hod fern specialties, In the full
hox-iilcnU-il skirl which is in in houculh 11
braided bund on tin hips A braided plas
tron ornaments lhouporpurl of the waist.
There Is danger in Impuie bluo I. There Is
safety m lukuu Hood's Sursnpurllla, the
great blood puriller. KM doses one dollar.
I have a cousin who is u printer, suys ex
Muyor.l. II. Loiighiuii of Ninth Des Moines,
Iowa Some jeais ago he wus employed in
Ills city where they wero pi luting ciiculms
for ('humlH-rluiii He hud a deep seated cold
uud ten ible cough, nud w lille setting up copy
he lliude up Ills i.siuil to buy 11 Isittle. It
cured him nml thut was the llrst 1 ever knew
of Chumberl tin's Cough Hcmcdy I have
Ixs'ii stiongly In its favor ever since, My
own exiM-iieiii-e and that of my family con
vinces me that this rciiusly is the Is'st in the
world. That ma Ih stioiig language, bu
that is wlcit I think. For sale by A, Shuder,
The model u magazine may bu taken nsein
Isslylng tho ts-st literature of the world, us
the magazine editoi pays th highest price to
novelists, scientists, statesmen, soldiers, nud
even kings uud princes for the U'st they cull
furnish In the literary line, The well-edited
magazine becomes an iduc.itlng lutlueiice in
the family circle, whose iiuHirtuuce cannot
Imi over-estuuultsl. The chlldieu, us they
grow up. are utti noted by Its Illustrations,
uud so come in time to have 11 taste for read
ing, There is ulwus something that Is new,
something that is strange, something thut is
Intel estiug; uml we consider that we ure do
ing our readers 11 positive lcifllt If ouro In
strumental in placing such 11 publication
within their reach. The xrlul 111 range
monts which we hnvo matin with the Cosmo
Killtuu presents very umisual Inducements,
That magu'.tuo Is already as one of the most
Interesting publications of thtnlny. Ills seek
lug suhscrllicrs etery where nud oblulnlng
them, Tho propiletois 1mIIovo Hint the ('os
mopollluu bus only to be examined to secure
11 permanent subscriber. That Is why we
are enabled to lilaue, if the Hirer Is ncccptisl
before January next, such 11 low rate, by
which our readers cull obtain the Cosmopoli
tan for little more than (he cost of this Jour
nal alone. Just think of what thtscomblna.
tluu moans I Your obtain your own home
Journal ut iilsiut the regular price, and huwi
thrown In 11 lungitrlue which gives you, In it
year, I.IVMI pages of rending matter by the
ablest writers of thn world, including over
I, ills) pages of Illustrations that nre unsurpas
sed In point of Interest ! I execution. Will It
net pay you to send n subscription to this
olllco for TlIK CmmiKH uud the Cosmopolitan
Immediately! Homoinlicr only I.(X) for the
two the pi Ice of the latter nltinn Is f'J.-IO.
Mm. Ileains goes to Cortland today,
J. M. Hurks left Wednesday for California.
J. H. Hurks of Beatrice, made Ids brother
J. M, Burks of this city, it short visit on Inst
Mr. G. M. Thomas of Fulrhury, nrrlvisl In
this city Monday nud Is Hut guest of Ids
brother, Samuel G. Thomas at III I North
Twenty-sixth stnssit.
Mrs. Morris, wife of Mr, Morris of the firm
of Itudge it Morris, who has Ihs'ii seriously
ill for sometime is resirtisl letter and Iioms
nre entortulntsl of her recovery.
A very pleasant Chinese entertainment wits
enjoyed by uunpprcclntlvuitmllcnco on Tties
duy night nt the I'lyinonthclniroh. Hefnsdi
liuinls were served and 11 giHsl time wasen
Joyisl by nil In attendance.
Itev. K. S, llnlstou did not leave Inst week
us stilted, but will depart soon, ns he preach
es his last sermon Sunday ut the Plymouth
church. He leaves ninny friend In Lincoln
who will regret to see him go, but all Join
with me In wishing him success and happi
ness In his now Held of Inhor wherever it
tuny be.
Mr. nud Mm. J. A.
vllle, Fin. ,.
lloon nro'Jii Jackson-
HMIss Belle Dletz left for Stockton, Cull., on
Mr. J. II. liCiulst has been In Atchison this
Mr. J. W. McDonald Is nt Hot Springs.
Miss Carola Hill Is visiting In Beatrice.
Mr. A. It. Tnllsit Islu Sprluglleld, Mo.
Mrs. J, K. Hill bus gone to Denver.
Mr. J. A. Marshall Is in Albany.
Experience proves thut nothing else so
surely destroys scrofula ns Ayer's Sar
ladles' Hnlr Dressing
II 1(1 O street.
nt Miss JoltjistouV
IusKct the choice line of embroideries In
newest patterns ut HerS)lshelmer tit Co,
Have you seen the beautiful lino of photo
graphs of Ainei leu's greatest stage celebrities
ut TlIK CouillKIt ollk-e Tho lino embrace
all the leading uud most prominent artists
uud ure the work of Fulk of Union Square
New York, undoubtedly tlio finest photo
gruplier in tho country. Cull in nud see
The lliirllnicton'N '- 1,1 ne ( Ihn llluik
The Burlington Houte takes pleasure in an
nouuemg to the public the completion of its
new Hue to Dendwood, South Dakota, nnd
the formal opening of sumo for businws.
This event murks uu epoch In the history
of Nebrnskn, In opening up to the trade eon
teis of the state nud the Missouri Valley, now
ami valuable territory uud u country im
mensely lieu In coal and mineral leolts,
whose M)ssbllltles for the future promise
much for the commercial uud manufacturing
proNrlty of the state.
The Hue is substantially constructed nnd
thoroughly cqulpHil, the objoct Iwing to af
ford 11 service thut Is first class in every ir
ticular, and In keeping with other through
lines of the Burlington System.
It Is tho shortest uud quickest line from
Missouri Hlver cities uud principal lnts in
Nebrnskn to Doiidwoisl, Hot Springs, Custer
uud Hill City, South Dakota, Merino nud
Newcustle, Wyo., nnd all points In tho Black
Through trains an run dally with Pullman
Sleeping Cars from Omaha nud Lincoln to
Deudwood without change, miking connec
tion ut Lincoln nud Omaha with nil trains of
the Burlington Houte to uud from nil points
Kant, West and South.
For further Information apply to any Burl
ington agent, or to
J. FlUNCis, Oon'l. Puss'r Agt.,
Omaha, Neb.
Doctor Koch's Discovery,
Dr. Koch's great remedy seems to prove
efllcnclous In those cuses where the mtlent
hu contracted consumption in low lying
countries. Almost nil the level KuroHnn dis
tricts where tho disease exists ft Is trucouhlo
to purely climatic conditions, the moist nt
mospliere Mug it Hue breeding region for tbe
iiiIcioIh... But In the high and dry altitude
truveiMsl by the Union Pad lie, the original
Overturn! Houte, consumption not only cnn
not exist but is surely curable in Its enrly
stages. An this Is testllled to by thousands
who have icgulncd health uud strength hi the
life-giving air or the mountains. 'J-ltillt-I PI.
Wllllnni K. Cmnerou left for Albany, N.V.,
on Tuewlny.
a p r 1 1 1
liai by Hi
i 0 u 1 1 a r
inurlt anil
lt Mundrr
ful enrol
won tlio roii.
flilunro of
Ilia vople(
amt I tn-.laj'
tlio 111 oat
blood pu.
rltlrr ami
r 1 11 , It
curct tcrof.
ula, salt
1 11 i u in ,
kl.liiBT ami
tlrer coin-
plaint, ratarrli,r!icutuatUiii, etc. 1 lure to Kt
HihuI'i ,sjrArlllA, which It pt-cullar to Itself.
Ilood'a S.narlll told li)f ilruKUta. fit ilx
forfl. rrt-paredlxLM.llocHl A Co.,Iwell,Ut.
100 Dosos Ono Dollar
1 ji 1 .1
m 35sP'Jril7'j
When our cnt gets Its back up the (ur
tiles, and wc propone this season to make
the goods lly If LOW PRICES and fair
dealer will do It. Come and sec ut,
"Tom" won't hurt 011, he has only got hit
eye on our competitors ami we nre bound
be shall win the fight.
Did yon ever think that wc
Boots ; Shoes
And selling them at less than
the actual cost of the leather.
We bought these goods at 50
cents on the dollar which en
ables us to sell them at prices
far below what our competi
tors buy them at.
Our Prices and Goods
will convince you that what
wc say is true. Commencing
with Monday, Feb. 23d, we
will place on sale a lot of
Opera Slippers
Which wc will Close Out at
50c. per Pair,
and arc actually worth A,,25.
We will sell you more flood
goods for less money than any
other shoe store in the state,
and can prove it if you will call
sec us.
No trouble to
but a pleasure
and remember that
Maxwell, Sharpe & Ross Co.
163-2-3K16V1S East O St., Lincoln.
Hull orders promptly attenitol to.