f?W? mm CAPITAL CITY COURIKR, SATURDAY. H-mUJAKY i Ho i N Jvf y ,s?SaaK .. r).;n .mvja mkfwh DELIGHTFUL COMFLEXION EFFECTS Maybe produced by tho use of MHH. (IHA IIAftl'rt KtlRI'lllO KlIIIIUl'l HMll llIT 11(11(1 lllnom. The complexion iiml color urn tuado iKrftf t, iml tl' cloM'Kt ncriillny onnld mil do Icel one urnlmif powder or lint least Inillcu llnti of nrtlllolnl color, I will stake toy rep utation that on any rncti 1 cmi ulio the. most tlclliilitfiil completion Mini color with l-.u onfo Knmiicl mnl Huso lllossom, and hint no on conlil imwlbly tell tluil 1 1,0 rolor or complexion went nrllllc lnl, Thin In IiIkIi " lii cosmetics. They nro each more harmless Hum any other con. niello In Hip world, becaUfo limy nru cnoli ill, nolvlnu In their nature, mnl thus does mil clou up Hin jirc. When iihIiik those superb cosmetics, oil may wipe, tho dust or porsp -rntlon from llm face wlllionl mnrrlim their delicate beauty. They roinnlnonnll day, or until wnhed on". Price ofcnoli. $1 1 Hi" two wont anywhere for hi. For Mid liyilrimgll,ninl nl MUM. ii. I-.. i)UlUK'HinliiillKlmiciit,l4i Hoiith lltliht. Mm.(lraliniii. I(W INwt at., Han Krnnelaro, tronts Indies for nil dcrccls or blemishes ol race or rlKiire. Feud stamp far licrllttlo book How to ho llcimllfnl." The Nestor of the Magazines. 'According Homer, Nkhtoh, Hie old warrior imd ihnwlMicoiiiiaollorofthodrocka hntl ruloil oei Hirce iM'uertnlona of men, itud wna vtImi llm liimiortnl Kodi.' North American Review lin;ioen In tlm vnnof Amerlcim HiotiKlit for inoro than Ihreeuunrlcrsora reiilury, rank ing nlwnya with llio Ih-hI nml mnt Inilucn Hal periodicals In llio world. It U tho mouth piece ofHiomon who know most ulKint the ureal topics on which American rcipilro to be Informed from month to month, II con rlbutora beliiR tlio Iradora or tliouptit nml no tion In every field. Thorn who would Ink oouimol of the IiIkIichI knnwlcdiio on th0 nlThtra of Hio time, nml lenrn whnt In to ho Hnld ronnrdliiK them ty llio rccoRiiUcd nil thoritlia mi both aides, must therefore rend TilB AOKTII AMKMCAN HKVIKW, tho Noitor or tho iniignilnc. 'Tlio North American llovlew In iihend of nny iiiHunmliio till" country him over eon In Iho Importnnoonf tho topic It rtlwiUioH ami the eminence or lu contributor." Albany Argus, "Him become, a In were, the Intelligent Amorlcim oltUon'a hnnd-Uiok on iirciil (pica tlont of tint liour."-ltiu7ul(i Kxjiitm, "The North Amorlcnn llovlew IoiicIioh AmarloniiaoiiBlmoit every point In which they nro Inloroated." Motion Jftnifil. A moulder of Intelligent opinion by tho liiiDurllnl proacntnllon of Imth aliteanf linpor tnnt uhJcct."-lVilla.lfllil(i I-iiMfc Jrfurr. Tho lint of recent contributor to tho Kk VlPtw rbrininroUofreprcKoulnHvo men nml women of tho 1 1 mo, Including W. K. Glad atone, J. O, niniue, Cnrdlnnl nihboii,Hpcnk erlleed, KxHpcnkcrCnrlMe, W. McKlirioy, Jr OulUo, Mr.io. Adam, Uoncrnl Hherinnu, Admiral I'nrter, Minn. Itlnvntiky, T. A, Kdl on, llliliop 11. C. Totter, Kllraboth H.l'liolpi, Chni. K rnrnoll, A J. Ilnlfour, John Morloy, Col. 11.0. Ingewoll, Henry Oeorgo, Clumncey M. Pcow. Rdwnrd llollimiy.l'rofeiiior Jniue llryce, Onll llnmllton, etc., etc. AO Out Niuntirr. A.nu Yrxr. jVn:i' i'.t (he 'J'imt to Sifr'ail,' The North American Review, Kit 14th Nl., Nrw York. W WSW i A pemphtat of Information and b- urciui in mwi,iuowinn uuw iuj iibimn i-miani. .tki, i tup muu, uopirurau, urn rn.. .kUnm MUNR W.M il irtwr. nw 1MB. IV I s' . ri I ftt tl ill 1U. Ouf Mrll lir r ill lil. Ouf iStUftlt7 i unri ! d, n4 to latrndurt otr l t nx roitai w win at t k IdliMi I HtMlB teMcklomltlr. rft iufi ImiylMMVktMMrli - ttttw ! HICC turr Of I HhmIi"- AiirovMnloiiuiH Er.vCSl n lum U l mow ow (ou4 10 !!1K.IIVB" and thM round TOtt. The b huHl lb mll . f Ih lrl. 0tf. Tfc Mliwlaf tt ytrM tin Itynw4 of ll rducJtt ItlM tAlfik lrt of lu bulk ll l l.dikl.ltltU. H.Mli rf Utwy 10 MJijr.Wt UlilMfrawjrwihowvi '.b. .:.. m ia a 4mt i iu. mm lb tun.wliU JZ7.IrrlfH(. ItelurwrlM tfnrt Wifir tlltllckucH 2Um.II IIALLkTrklU, llt , -uuP,4AIiI iHirkvWKUIBB AYlUnOCVBVM WAUUKHIS IN HrSINKSS. THE LAST INTERVIEW OF A RE POUTER WITH QEN. SHERMAN. Uhul Hie riiniiiim Vctcrno Iiml lo Niiy AI11111I llm lropi'rlly of III I'liioirr Ciiioritili'n In .rm i:.IMIrr Who Arn Arriiniuliilltiit Ample tWInne. IL'opjrlulit liy Aiticrlcnii I'rewi Aiutoclntliiii. At n Ik'linniili'ii lireiikfnit hi Niuv Vork not loim ii) 111111 of llio ihIh wiih (ten. Wllllimi 'I' Slierinnii. I Id wiii In clmrmliiK liiimor lloclinttfit UHK'iylynn (1KN. W. T. HIIKIIMAN. 11 M'lionl lrl, nml on nil noitnof Hiilijccta. I think It wiot the liint Interview lie held with 11 newnpnper writer, I miiIiI to IiIiih "(leiiernl, your old iiriny lomrnilcH worn to bo iloltiK very well In commercial life." "Yen," wan IiIm reply, "very well, Indcpil. Some of them nve innkln IiIk fortunvH, nml I'm sm of It. Money ami nouil lienlth niako a upleiullil coinliliiatlon In thin world," ami tho Krisuleil old soldier looked out Into Maillwon Mimre, on which tha nun wn mIiIiiIiik. DurliiK tliu proKrcti of thu break fnnt Quii. Blieriiian talked freely to mo alxiut homo of his old comrades, ami what tlioy nro now iIoIiik. Tlie Ki'iierally accepted theory that noldlcr nro not nucccvoTul IiumIiicmii men lie denied, am) pointed to halo nml hearty old (len. Slociim, who htui U'coinu a inlllloimlre tdnco ho uavo tip hootM nml KiddlcN, to hear him out. Ho mentioned nlmi Cen. I.mv Wallace, whoso liookn have not only minlo him rich hut fntnouB. And Hon lliltler, who Ih a mill loualro many time over. Ho npnku of Gan, Alitor nml Gen. Mahoiie, alto, .hint how rlcii AIkit N no onu kmiWM, hut thuro la no llkelllioofl of the wolf over liclnit found nt IiIh door. Mahouo Is not n mill lotialrti, it in true, hut he N ho near it that he need nlvu no thouiflit to tho morrow. (1K.. IIKMtr W. 8I.0CIIM. Now Vork, the iteneral went on to wiy, In now tho happy huntinit itround of any number of dltluKiilhliel war Horn who n iv t'liKiigcd In ordinary punmilH. You iniTt thuin In or about tho hotel or in Iiiihiiii'hh places. Soinu live In Now York ami mimu in tho Hiiliiirhi, hut all have bind I10.-.H In Now York, mid all aro ilolni; qulta well. (ien. Slociim In u familiar (Inure In Wall ktrcot. A man who commanded thoriuht wIiik of Shermnu'M army In Uh march to tho sen N ahvaya Htarcd at. Ho Ih iiiltuut homo amouit tho bull nml hcarn. For earH he maniiKed a railroad throuith llrooklyu. Within tho pattt year ho hiut branched out. Ho Hccurcd control of an old Hue ruiinluit thnuiith a populoint part of I he Mime city Couiicctcd with It a Itx continuation was n home railroad to Coney Uland, Gru. Slociim iKiiiKht new rollliiK Htock. Ilo Improved thu faclli tU'x in every manner possible. Then on the road to Coney Inland ho nubUtuted electricity ior hore. IIIh cam run past the Drlitlitou IWach race track Mid to Couoy Uland. They pa.K the paradu grounds, where all tho amateur luthuhall ud cricket inatcheH nro played, and Proa- iiks hanikl. r biri;i.i:s. pect park, the cltyV hreathln Hpot. He ull, lils cam are crowded and iie Is tolulun money Ills military traliiluu did not In crfeiv jvlth Ills cipaclty for lmsines. Theie l another of Gen. SliermnnVarmy onimainlem lu Now York city who has iniiile n Htim-hN of iiuvlueHH. You may Heo ti tin lu his olllce in tho Western I'nloti !eletraph hulliUnit nl nun. t any day, nml al IioiikIi lielsKCttinit alonu in yearn ho is ,'luorous and liearty xtlll, Ho Is Gen. Waiter Swayne, of tlu ilrm of Dlllun & riwnyue, I le Is one of the legal advNers of the Wesieru Union TeleKraph compauy iiud of .lay Gould. You may fteu another keen legal uentle man in ami ahout Wall Htn-ct pretty reg ularly You may also meet him nt most any public dinner cracking jokes with ChauiU'G M. 1)okvv. and you would Kcarce ly think him an old enough man to have been one of Gen. Grant's most trusted tntf ofllccm; hut he was, and his unmo is Gen. Horuco Porter. He is engaged in an ex Uualve hiiHlnenH, and a very prolltahlu one too. Quo of the moktfctriking men tobefouud SMr tnl' llio llmt nlgl piTforiuatices In thu Now York city theatres Is (leu. Daniel l Hlckh's, He is a mini of Independent fori line, but hn makes Judicious Investment!! from lime to time. At tho moment ho In rather taken tip with politics, and It In said that ho Is likely to provo it success at that too, A figure less known tlmn those of most of the military men In ami about Now York Is that of I'll. John Porter. His form In almost as erect as It was In youth His well trimmed side whiskers ami mus taches aro whltenow, hut otlicrwlMO heilocs not show signs of age. In fact he lookH younger tliau liu did at the time when ho was trying to get thu stigma that was laid Upon liln military career wiped out, and ls forn (ten. Grant came lo his nsslslancu and helped him to success. Ho lias held various positions under tlm municipal government and bus conducted private enterprises with profit lo himself. There Is also a man who did not light on thu Mime slilu with those who luivo I ice 1 1 named. When the unpleasantness was over ho established a law practice in Now York, which Im has built up to a point that must at tha very least net him any where from 10,000 to TiO.OOO per year. I lo In Gen. Itoger A. Pryor, now Judge. His long hair Is not yet gray, nml ho Is as lithe nml act I vn as ho wan twenty years ago. Gen. Pryor has hin own convict Ions, among which Is 0110 that Gen. (Vrtmt Is deserving of a monument. There Is another m-Coii federate In Now York who Is prosperous now. His iiamn Is Pryor, too. liu waaono of the most dar ing of the southern naval commanders, and he enjoys the renown of having Is-eu thu last of the southerners who made their peace with thu Union, .lelTerson Davis, of course, being excluded, Lieut. Pryor Is now a physician 1 11 good stamliugaud with k prosperous business, and, strange to nay, okk. riTZ John ihiiitkii. has attended Gen. Graut'H own family since the war. Yet It was not until during thu term of President Hnjea that liu wiu rehabilitated an a citizen of tho United States. Then there Is Dr. John It. Paxtou. He wiw n Holdler, and unless all history Is false ho was n good one. After giving up the musket nml sword hu succeeded in a different line. Today hu preaches to more millions of money than It is easy to calcu late. Jay Gould Is onu of his parishioners, nml so nro suvernl of thu Standard Oil mag nates. Hut Dr. PtiMtou tells Just as many facts to tlm millionaires as hu would to the multitude, and probably that Is why they llku him hut, at any rate, they do, and he to una of Now York's foremost men. Gen. Stowart I Woodford, who Is prac ticing law lu Nuw York and Brooklyn, cntno an near Mng nominated for vice president of tho United States In 11 winning year for hin party as man ever cntno. Chea ter A, Arthur was named, and later suc ceeded President Garfield. Woodford him not Ih'cii president, but ho is making enough money to satisfy him. There is another man who Is not ah often Been in New York as huonco was, but who la seen once in a while. Hu has a face not entirely uuliko that of Grant. Ho Is not JU1K1K ItOORK A. PllVOIt. tall, and ho la rather Inclined to abstain from conversation. His name Is (Sen. John U. Newton. Ho made a line reputation during the war, and he has Ih'cii a success ainco it ended. It is not necessary to recall hin success In tho blowing up of Hell Gate. When under stress of peculiar circum stances hu was appointed commissioner of public works lu Nuw York hu turned out to lie an excellent businessman. Ho soon tired of his position, but to tlm end ho con ducted his department (unsuccessful man ner, and ho is doing quite well now, work lug for tho government again. If you go into any llrooklyu court, or for that matter any New York court, you may still sec another veteran who has la-en RUcccMfiil. This la Gen. Isaac S. Cntliu, brother-in-law to Secretary of thu Navy Tracy. Ho Is onu of the best known law yer in or about New York. Gen. Georgo A. Sheridan, thu lecturer, who Is fnqiiently in Nuw York, Is an ex ceedingly good buslnos man. (icn. Franz Slgel was successful, and is n still. There are a do.en other old herpes, who have done well in commercial life, who often visit Nuw York. They include Gen. Hanks, of .Massachusetts; ien. Jubal Karly, Gen. George II, Sharpo, Gen. Koor, Gen. Adam King, Gen. Heaiireganl, Gen. Fitxhugli I A-e, Gen Dan Hulterllehl, Gen. Gordon, Gen. Iingstrcet, (Jen. Green 11. Kaiim, Gen. Walter Q. Givsham and tho picturesque raider of Virginia, Gen. Mos by. All of these Dm) life pleasant and profitable outside of t ho army. "They nro all fortunate," said Gen. Slier man, after wu had completed the list, "and I am glad of It. The old soldiers deserve Weill" FobTKK COATKS. A Itsrr of Navuge Kxtlnct. The Toi maiilan Is thu latest iibnrlgluiil race to disappear from thu face of thu earth. TMe last representative was Mm. Fanny Corcoran Smith, it half caste, who died the other day. The Inst full blood Tnsmanlau, a woman limned Truguuiua, died in lirTll. Thu trllsi was very little ad vanced, and at tho time of its extinction had read a id a degree of development hardly equal to that of the flint workers of tho titoiie Age. Mi vJBPB?A n' i aaaaaaaafetr . WmTTW Mf. AND Mfiti. UUWSEH. Thf Knnurr link n Itrtnpsf mnl I'rurllar High Jinks AkiiIii. I am deeply pained to lm obliged to In form the public that Mr. Ilmiscr lias had a re In pie. It wasn't entirely unexpected, but was still something of a shock. Mr. Dowser's "good streak" lifted eleven days. During that time he took mo lo tho thea tre twice, paid a millinery hill of t'i with out a wonl, raised the cook's wages fifty cents per week, acknowledged that I could buy groceries cheaper than hu could, In sisted un allowing mo (5 pin money per week, and wan so different from hin usual self In other ways that I wan quite Iwwll dcrrd. He went away from the house. Sat urday noon fairly beaming with goodness, and an he reached thu Uittom step he turned and said: "Trn-la, chlckiiyl We'll run down town this evening and aee about getting soino new silverware." When hu returned I was at tho door to meet him and to greet him, but ho waved mo aside and growled: "Come, now, but don't bo playing baby nt your agol" "Aro you sick, Mr. Ilowserf" "Nol" "Has auj thing happened V "Nol What's tin mutter that supiicr Isn't ready F If that good-for-nothing, busy cook doesn't get up and stir her stumps more lively I'll (Ire. her on a minute's no tice. Mrs. HowHer, you never have any 11 rut class help in thu house!" "Why, Mr Dowser! You told inu only yesterday that Anna was tho smartest cook you ever saw In a kitchen!" "Never did! Never said n wonl which could In: twisted around to mean such a thing!" "And you raised her wagoar" "I did that to smarten her up, but It Is no use. Discharge her to-morrow!" At thu tablu Mr. Ilowsor found fault with tho biscuit, the ten, thu cold meatnud everything else, and finally called out: "Mm. Ilowsor, are you stouo bllndf" "Of course not." "Then how eaino you to buy such lionoy an thlsC Any one but a blind woman could -see that it is buckwheat and not clover. Why, n dog wouldn't touch It!" "Hut you ordered It yourself." "Whnt!" "You ordered It of Green through the tolephonu Thursday. Don't you remember you had to spell out tho word honey before ho could understand?" "Never! Nevertelephoned! Neverspelled out the word! Hotter take It out and bury Itl" After ttupper I began to et ready to to down town, when he suddenly looked up rrom Ills paper ami asked; "What's up now?" "Why, you said wu were to go down town this evening." "You must be cra.yl Don't you suppose I over want a night to sit down and rest myself t It 's a wonder there's a woman left allvu on earth! It's nothing hut gad, gad, gad, from morning till night. Whnt do you want down townf" "oit said we'd see about some, silver wnre." "Silverware! Silverware! Great Scots! but Is the woman n lunatic! We've got bushels of It now lu thu house! We've got It lu the closet, down cellar, upstairs and in tho garret! It'll bo thu Insane asy lum next!" "Mr. Dowser, didn't you call inu chlckey when you went uwny nt noonr" "Chlckey! Never!" "Dutyou certainly did." "I certainly didn't! Chlckey Well, when I get as soft as that I want somu Ice wagon to run over inel" AIhiiii 8 o'clock that even lug he removed hin shoes to put on his slippers, but sud denly paused and inquired: "la there, a (laming needlo In this house, Mm. Dowser?" "Why, certainly." "And ii piece of bheep twiner" "What on earth do you want of sheep twiner" "I want to darn this hole in my sock. Some men's wives can see such things lu half nu hour, but this one has been here threo weeka. I'vu got to dam it, thu Mime na I havo to sow on my own buttons. I sup poso I'll havo to make thu lied ami sweep tho floor In nuother week." "Those socks wero all right when you changed Sunday. I'll darn 'em thu first thing in the morning." "Notmuchl Tho limit has been reached!" Ho wouldn't even let mo get a darning needlo for him, but ho hunted onu out of tho basket, and then, instead of taking yarn, he got n piece of twine which had come around a packnge, and ls-gan to sew back and forth across the hole. Hu also (undo a determined attempt to look like a martyr, nml he succeeded an well that the cook, who had looked lu for a moment, beckoned me out into tho kitchen and whlsMred: "I kuuw It wouldn't last, ma'am know It nil tho lime! Go's got his high jinks on again, and now nothing will go right for tho next mouth." -Detroit Free I'resa. Tlm Coming Method. Hopeless Lover That's your final an awer, is It, Mario? Unresponsive Maiden It la, Harold. I cannot Ihi your wife. "Then there is nothing left for mo but death!" (At a restaurant half nn hour af terward to waiter) Hrlng mo a few oys ters. Chicago Tribune. The Olttce Hoy. Editor (to olllco boy) How do you spell "tntitologyf" Olllco Hoy (promptly) I don't spell it nt all. Kdltor (angrily) What did you go to school for? Olllce Hoy (sadly) Decauae I bad to. Washington Star. Too Slow. "Say, aunty, do get move on you, Hun like tho homes do," "Oh, no, Fraukio; It wouldn't look well for mo to run like that." "Then you might its well take me home aguln, This pace Is Jut. killing mo.' l.lfo. Ill Ailvanep. Thu ytmrly examinations for admission to Harvard college call together men. of every degree of Intelligence and stupidity, Uiio of the candidates last jear wished to take his examination in French, together with Ills other subjects, As tlm authori ties oiler an alternative, In this study, of taking either n written or oral examina tion, I he candidate wna asked its to his pro ficiency. "Aro you , acquainted with tho lan guage?" Inquired the professor. "Yes," was tho leply, "I know It by sight, but I am not jet. on speaking terms with It." New Knglaud Maga.luu. HU ItefiMiil. Teacher Now, Wllllo Wilkin. I want you to tell mo the truth did Harry Thomas draw that picture on thu board? Willie Wilklns-Tencher, I llrmly refuso to answer that question. Teacher You do? Wllllo Wilklns Decauso I gave Knrry my word of honor 1 would not tell on him. -Mfo. WHglird In the llitliinee. A man who looked llku a farmer entered a Michigan avenue, grocery n day or two ago and said to the proprietor: "Do you rememlMjr that I came hero about four weeks agdr" "I can't say that I do." "Don't you remeiulier of changing a tlO hill for n man who asked if you didn't want a barrel of pickles?" "No." "Why, you must. There was n woman in here at thu time who said you cheated her on somu butter. Shu said tho weight was short. That was what led mo to count my change over after leaving thu store, nil I found" "I never saw you before, sir!" Interrupted the grocer. "Yes, you dldl" "Don't attempt any tricks on me, for they won't workl If I gave you change It was nil right!" "No, it wasn'tl I found It $2" "Go on! You are a swindler!" "Very well; good day. You gavu me $3 too much, hut if you can stand it I can. It'll pay for gutting the maru shod all around, and I won't havo anything on my conscience." Detroit Freo Press. Scenting Hunger. Dlnguss Sliadbolt, over seo n modal made of aluminum Shadbolt No. "Hero Is onu a friend gave mo tho other ilny." (Taking It in his hniul)-"IIow light It isl" "No weight at all. That medal Is about tho slzo of a CM gold piece, and I'll bet It won't weigh as much as a" "Sorry, Dlnguss, hut I haven't a coin of any kind to compare It with." (Hurrlei on.) Chicago Tribune. Awiiki-iieil Just In Time. A inemls-T of tho legislature, who In dulged in afternoon naps, requested his friend to awaken him when the lumber nctcjimeon. Ills friend forgot to do so, but accidentally gave him n jog na tho house was discussing a bill to prevent fraud. Thu steelier started up suddenly, rubbed his eyes nml exclaimed, "Mr. 6peakor, a word or two upon that bill, for Bore than half my constituents get their 4vlng in no other way." Now Kngland Magmmiue. Forced to It, At performance of a certain barn storm ing company thu manager appeared on the Btago I e for a the rising of tho curtain and explained: "Ladles and Oeutlemen In consequence of our wardrobe lucking n handkerchief we beg to nunoiino that Instead of 'Othel lo,' as advertised, wnwill play 'Hamlet.'" Fllegoudo HlaUer. Ills Order. A man who suddenly cam Into posses sion of wealth wished to lit out a library. Ho addressed a le'.ter to a bookseller, vbUUi ruu as follows: "In thu (I rat place, I mat tm the vacant shelves six feet of jlicology, thu same quantity of school metaphysics and about a yard of old clvie law lu folio." New Uugland .Magazine. A Genuine Fnuiitlero). Littlu Sou I let two poor little hoys rl. with inu on my sled all thu afternoon. bent every one on tha hill. Fond Mamma I am delighted to learw that my little son is so generous. Llitlo Sou Thu mare, there is on tho alai thu faster It goes. Street & Smith's Go4 News. Knew Ills l-'uthor. Tommy Did you Jo much lighting dur ing tho war, pa? Pa I did my ahnre of it, Tommy. Tommy Did you make thu enemy rttnf Pa You're right I did, Tommy. Tommy Did thoy catch you, pa? Hot ton Courier. To tlm T.imt Account, Bookkeeper Hero's this bill for tho fu neral expenses of tlio man who was killed In the engine room. What shall I charg it to, sir? "Charity account," I suppose Manufacturer No; charge It to "Cost ol plant," of course. Muusoy's Weekly. Almost filial. First Tramp That lady's kindness near ly killed mo once. Second Tramp How was that? First Turnip She gave inu a plu and I lite It. Defolt Fieu Press. Nat to Illume. . JBaflfla OPS, Voire (throuuh the bread dou(?h) Moth er, 1 couldn't help It; I tumbled ir by axl deuce. J.I ft Jk-. MSltlfrn cmmL ltc Atlantic For 89l will contain The Mouse of Martha, Frank R. Stockton's Serial. Contribution from Or. Holmes. Mr. Lowell, and Mr. Whittier. Some heretofis-e unpublished Letters by Charles and Mary Lamb. Mr. 1'erclval I,owoll will wrltoa narrative ot Ids adventures under tlio tltlo of Noto : an Unexplored Cor ner of Japan . The Capture of uiulsbouritwlll bo (rented In A Series of Papers by Francis Parkman. There will also bo Hlmrt Htorlcs and Hketoliea by Rudyard Kipling, Henry James. Hnrali Orno Jowott. Octavo 'Ihnnct. and others. Untechnlcal pa- jwrs on (iueatlona In Modern Science will ho contributed by Professor Oaborn, of lTlneoton, and othorsj toplca In University J5SSJw!,ry,,M ,,rt,nAr' Ktlucntlra wllibK Mlr,iU1,c!mr,1 w" Glider, Dr. Pnraoni Mrs. Holds. Ornham K. Tomaon. and others will bo among tho contributors of Poetry. The Atlantic for 1891. TEItU8:-U.(K)a vtar in advance, Pottage hxe: 3ocenli anumttcr. With new HJtUe pnrlmil of iMivell, and aha portrait of llawthonu, Kmenon, iMnaftllnw. lirmnt, Whittier, or The November and December number tent free Utnew mbtcjrlben whott lubtcrtptlons for im arerccclved before December SOth. .JulJS'l.Nl'!f V' 3t,meK "re at the rlk of the tender, awl therefore remittances should be made by monettorder, draft, or registered letters, to Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 4 Park Street lloston, ilfass. -THE- Library of American Literature In Eleven Elegant, Large Octavo Volumes, !' ",Y!;rJ!)1VP0 1"'KC handsomely Illustrated JXJ.'JiJ00 f!"1 P'-K", Portraits. Tho cream or fKXMWO works .copyrighted by American wri ters. !':07 authors quoted. Over 2(171 selections ?"Yu(',K.uv''r',ura"c,,orll,ernturu from HOT to IH90. chrpnoloKtcally arranged. Compiled and edited by Kdniiinil Clarence Stedmiin nml VMrn Mitokity Hutchinson, and published by CIIAS. L. WEHSTKU I A CO., Mow Vork. 1 tin tint anil tinti nitir uaL.w.I I.. .. t a? . " aiij nun win in iWIILTlUli enn Hpnro thin work from Uh rcforenco library for lenc wn ami puplln.-Dr. W, T. Hnrrli. ." " I. iraH iv AuiiGuiiuri. Willi H on tho slielf, ono may say to anybody: "Nllltlfl Vnill. Iltfiml at... I I III ...!.... I. ..' ' "-", ! wiu nitliniy lis lip- polltoforou." H. I..Clomons(J(irfcTu-(ihi) mm IIKMI'KIUI.' UAJirUhSIOII ) Wlllll 1116 Amerlcnn mind Iiiih produced In tho two hun l1.rt,,,"ml ."-''K'.'-y y or Its activity -John Unrk Itcdpalh. I havo tho set complete, and hero Is not money oiioukIi In Nebraska to buy It of mu If I could not i?et another sot. '"ul J ."J" B.lm,; innn.-J II Alerwln, Afanoi;. (tiff Arf(tur.4mer(e(M.bitrait of Education, St. I.outt, I recommend It to thu peoplo or Ne braska as the most complete nml vnluablo compcnilltim of national llteraturo that was over published. No soleet library Is complete without It.-C. H. attentate Journal, Uneoln, heb. It Is tho lest and most completo liter ary compilation ever Issued In this country, ft Is very carefully edited nnd Ills com pre U,,,?.,v.l!,J.",a. lioroiiKh.-V. Morton Hmlth. C(ii)(i! City Courier -It Is not only Imllspon slblo to people or literary taste and acipdro incut, hut It nironU nn Invaliiatilo rainlly lit erary rosorl, where the children or tho coun try can Brow Into the spirit and kouIiis of our iiat lonal literature-Albert Watklns, AV6. .State Democrat. Bold on tho Installment plan. Tho entire jet delivered on recrtptorilrst pnymeut nnd bulanco divided Into monthly payments. J-ora set .or this great work, or lor a perma nent situation, write nt onco to N. K. I.KAVII (State Airent, SXi?Vlno 8t Lincoln, Nob. Notice to llrii(lHiit. John Crclirhlon llnllliiKor will tako notlco thai on tlio :lrd day ofDoccmbcr, 1MW, John II. CiiniilnKhum and Chua A. Hannu, plalutltrs herein, tiled their petition In tlio District Court or I.uucastcr counly.htalo or Nebraska, nmilust Mnhldorundant. '1 he object and prayer or which aro to rorcloso a cciialu mcrtKiico executed by John .. HallliiKcr and Kmnm K. Halllnuer u the. plalntlll' Uni the rollowliia descrlbed premises, lo-wll : Lot 0. Illock 0. or Hccond Kiist Park Addition to tho City i,r I.ln coin, Lancaster county, Htatc orNobrnska, to secure tho payment or a certain promissory noto, dated tho 10th day orMarch, 18UU, ror thu aiiiii i or ftiOO, duo and payable In monthly In stallments irnm the Ifith day of May, I8IW,II5. payiihlo each month with Interest on the en lire nmoui.t remiilnlm; rrom time to time un paid at tho iiileofH pur cent, per annum, Irnm llio loth day ot March, 1MK), payablu monthly. rlalntlllspriiy foradecroo thatderondantH bo risiulred lo pay same or that tho premlt.es may bu sold to satlsly the amount round due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the rub day or January, I8U1. Dated December it, IMIHI. J No. It. ('UNMNOIIAM. Atty. ror l'lalntltts. Nlltl II I'M I I'll I I 11 III. NOTHIK 1'IIOIIATF.OK M'll.I,, ( Theodore H. Oanter. I "-i-iiki-iI . t In County Court. Lancaster county, Neo 1 hu htutu or Nej.nuka to the heirs and next of kin or tho snld Theodora r. Oauter, deceas. eil! Take notice,- Thai upjii lllhiKora writ loulnstruti.ent purportliiK lobe iho last will and testament ol Theodore H. (lanlorfor pro Imiuiiiil allowance, It Is ordered that said mailer be set lor hearliiK the '.titli ilny or De cember, a D.IK9U, bofjre said County Court, nt thu bom or'-' o'clock p. m.. at which time any person. Interested may appear and eon tcktlhohamo; and noileu ortlila pioceedlnu s ordered published three weeks successively In the t'Al'irAi, I'm- CouitlKli. a weekly newspaper, publlsbul In this itntu. Ill ilvNtlmouv wheieor, I havo hereunto eot my hand and Iho seal or tlm i nuuiy Court at Lincoln this lit 1 day or December, A.D., W0. V. K. KrKWAiiT, 31-12-29. County Judce. Lei(ul Not lee. Notlco Is hereby kIvuii, that by virtue or llcunso lo me urauted, by llio dlstrlot court or Lnniater county, Nebraskn, I will roll lor cash, at public auction, at tho cast rront door or the Court House In tho City or Lincoln, on TuoMluy, the iWlh day of January, s, be tween Iho hours orono and two o'clock 11 111 (llsald day, tho rollowliiif teal property, or thu estate ofJo'iu .. oA mster, ilr .iiimmI iJI. vvltl Lot ll.orblock 17 and the wes I JjoVlSt I), and Die east haUor lot lu, or block 6.1 nil iii tlio City of Lincoln, Nebraska. ' " '" . , ... . John m. uiiicdoiiv, AdmlnUtrntor, eslaieorjohn MoAlllnler ll-l-UI. L A. i.