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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1891)
LfcJfffEg 8 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1891 POPULATION OP LINCOLN 65,000, Saturday Evening, Feb. 14, 91 4"W ' fU Will Display New Spring Millinery Next Week. You are Invited to call and see the Latest Htylrsl Famous Millinery Store, it.,5 O Street, TAKE NOTICE! The Couiiikh will not In reKnslblo for any debta made liy nny one In ftn nnmo, tin m ii written order acvoiiiMinlca tho samo, Oorntr 10th and P attracts. Dry Goods, AND CARPETS The Courier" For Hale In Otnalm. Copies may lw found nt Keith's newsstand, 919 South Fifteenth street, Boyd's orn houso block. Lock Stitch will not rip MUSLIN UN- DERWEAR, In New Patterns mul Correct Prices, at HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. Th Courier Can b round At Windsor Hotel News Stand. Capital Hotel News Htand. Kxposltlon Dining Hall Nowa Htand. Tb Ootham News Stand. 118 South lltti Bt. Hart Rustier, 111 North llth Htreet. B4. Young, I0W O Htreet. rtttehar Co., 1130 O Htreet. Uttle Sport Clear Htore, 113 North 13th Bt. Watternetd'a Barber Shop, llurr Block. "lBV"An extra supply of papers la always left at tea Ootham, in caae other Newadealera applies run abort. -PINE- HATS FURNISHING GOODS 1 W. R. Dennis & Co, 1197 O Street. laeal aad Feraoaal. W hltabreaat Coal and Lime Company, Cake Turkish at 1010 O street. Brown's for oyster in all styles. Call up the L. D. T. Co., l'bone 100. Face Bleach at Exposition building. Ruth M. Wood, M. D., 13M P street. Hair dressing at Exposition building. O. f I. Colllnn, Dentist, 1035 O btreet. Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118. Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O st. Order Canon City Coal from IletU & Weaver. Ladies' Hair Dressing at Miss Johnston's, 1110 O street. Canon City Coal and IJme Coal Co. at tho Whltebreast linproredshower for Turkish baths at 1011 0 street, basement Union block. E. R. Guthrie is headquarters for flno car riages In all styles. Call ut his rvKltory, 1 MO O street. Brown's new branch restaurant, 1418 O street, is doing a largo business, and persons in the east part of the city are to be congratu lated on having so nice and convenient a .place to dine at, Electrio Light, White Wings and Minne sota High Patent, three of the best brands of Sour over offered lu Lincoln are now sold ex cluslvely at Britton's new grocery, 1410 O itrcet. Call and see somo and got prices, or celt-phone 780 for a trial sack. The "High Patent" is tho finest flour in the market and trial will so convince every lover of good bread. Tp&ezu4 f& if A jflKfbm All talk of Cupid, hearts mid darts, In now considered trash, And Ilia Klrl who gels the valentines. In tlio oik, who linn tint cash, -February Outing, At some of tho parties of Into thoio him leen considerable coldness caused between Indies and gentlemen formerly friends on ac count of it iNViilliir cnu(i. It In Mint of en gaging portners for certain dances nt parties that u ro ilnyi or oven week olf, It often lmpKni t lint In tlniK engaging partners Mich n long time nhctd Unit tho memories of tho ladles become somewhat confused nuil they forgot what dunce they Imvo promised. An n consequence they make now engagement the evening of tho nirly nuil after no doing tin; Kentlciunu who nindo tlm ii lor engage niont apcnrs mid asks for tho ilnncii ho Iouk promised til in. Of course ho wants tho iiiiuiu of the other gentleman ciased Mini his own substituted. The young Imly In then In n di lemma. In either case she In sure to give otTenno to tho gentleman whoso uiiiuo rho drop from her card, A uuinher of such un fortunate complication have occurred of Into nnd resulted In nt ruined relntlonn. At one party n similar dllllculty nultil In n cold iienn iK'twveu n Imly mid her escort mul thn Kt'iitlcmnu lefiised to nHnk n kIiikIo word to tho yoiitiK Imly idthoiiuli he iiccoinpimiisl her home. Homo Kentlemcii lunlnt thntlt In un fair to innko nny eiiKaRemvutx for diinccn prior to tho evening of tho rty mid If that principle In carried out a gixxl many heart nclirM may lie xaved. The hint party of tho IMcnsnitt Hour club before Ix-nt, wmh given nt tho Hotel Lincoln on Tuesday evening nnd proved one of the miMt brilliant and oujoynble affair of tho mminoii. An aggregation of prettier faces and more becoming costumci In rarely ever hocii inn Imll room, mid a Jollier nnd more gentle mnulygnthering of CACortH could not ho found. There wan every preliminary arrangement attended to to make the a grand suc cess, and so it proved. The music, lunch, nnd all tho conveniences which contrllmto to tho pleasure of guentn were all that heart, eye, nciiso and taste could wish mid not only tho committee on arrangements but also Mr. Shears of the Lincoln are deserving of com mendatloii for their effort. At H:'M) the guesU licgau to arrive and nt nine the orches tra struck up the strains of the oieulng dnuco. From then until after 1 a.m., Joy wan uncon ilned. The cream of Lincoln society was In attendance. From the owning waltz to tho cloning "Home, sweet home," there was an uninter rupted round of pleasure. Dancing was of course tho main diversion of the evening, al though lounging on the elegant circular sofas and promenading in the foyer between dances furnished an exipilslto and ipilet pleasure, 1 1 say nothing of tho ecstasy from an Inter change of coquettish glance. At 11 o'clock the hundred guests sat down to an elegant lunch with a prelude of scalloied oysters on the half-shell and an afterludo of Ice cream. After tho discussion of the collation dancing was again resumed. Thero was a wonderful varloty in the costumes worn by the ladles and great artistic taato displayed lu the har mony of colors and adaptability to the fair wearers. Tho following is n list of the ladles and It is believed a correct description cf their toilets, although to do Justlco to all tho account would till every page of Tiik Cour ier; MIm Carrie Wasmer of Grand Island, light blue silk costume, black silk trimmings, nat ural rose trimmings for neck, decollette, dia monds. Miss Opal Touzalln of Omaha, pink silk with itearl trimmings, decollette. Mrs. J, A. HuckfcUff, figured China silk, with green velvet trimmings. Mrs. E. P. Ewlng, block silk with red lace trimmings, red carnation corsage bouquet, decollette, very handsome. Miss Hawley, black laco over black silk, red ribbon trimmings, decollette, gold orna ments. Miss White, black silk with dotted black lace overdress, decollette, red roses. Mrs Beeson, cream corded silk, with tluso brocaded front, decollette, diamonds. Mrs. Hayden, black lace over black silk, corsage of black, cut Jets, decollette. Mrs. Frank Sheldon, black lace, orange colored ribbon trimming, decollette, a very striking and becoming costutno, diamonds. Miss Weaver, very pretty cream colored silk with lace ribbon trimmings to match, decollette, diamonds. Mrs. Leonard, black lacecostumo figured with white, velvet sleeves, white satin trim ming, Queen Anno collar, diamonds. Miss Hallie Hooper, very become Grecian costume of white silk, decollette, profusion of La France roses. Miss Maude Burr, cream colored cashmere. brown brocaded trimmings, decollette, dia monds. Miss Maudo Smith, pretty white Henrietta, trimmed with Van Dyke points, decollette. Miss Klemer, blue silk, with white laco trimming, decollette, very handsome and be coming. Miss Kemper, white cashmere skirt, ox blood colored basque, red trimmings and slip pers to match baeque, decollette, a very striking costume. Miss Martha Fuuke, handsome light blue costume, accordion pleated skirt with Mow lug ribbons to match, decollette, diamonds. Miss Kelly, steel blue costume, with black ostrich ami Jot trimmings, decollette. Miss Frltztt Halliard of Omaiia, white laco dress, with canary colored ribbons. Miss Clarkie Pace, salmon colored silk, laco trimmings, diamonds. Mrs. Benton, red silk, black lace draperies' diamonds. Mrs. McDonald, handsome cream laco suit, sleeveless, green Ivy bust trimming, tlecol lette, cream colored slippers to match cos tume. Miss Marquette, Unique and pretty dove colored costume, rose trimmings, decollette, slippers to match, flowers and diamonds. Miss Brown, lavender silk skirt, pink waist with white lace trimmings, decollette. Mrs. M. E, Wheeler, black silk, yellow puffed sleeves, decollette, diamonds, Mrs. Hohlaemler, black lace overoress, over black costume, decollette. Miss Yott, white albatross trimmed with wldte brocaded silk, jilt trimmings, decol lette, diamonds. Miss llalnl, lemon colored brocaded challe with brown colored velvet trimmings, pink rosebuds, decollette, n pretty mid tusty cos, tunic. Miss Sadie Becker, piutty dovo colored cos, tuuie, with corsage bouquet. , Miss Maude Htuuuoiid, white albatross, salmon colored satin sleeves and front, and pink rllilion trimmings, decollette. Mrs, 11, I. Foster, com colored brocaded silk, with black vehet nnd gold trimmings, diamonds, Mrs, Townloy, very tasty lllnu colored cos tume, embroidered with pnnileM, dvcollctto, dlnmondn, .MIm Kay Marshall, beautiful lemon colored silk with gold trimmings to match, decollette, La Franco roies, diamonds. MlxsOaroln Hill, becoming white silk con luine. short sleeves, decillette, corsage lion quetto, iiearl ornaments. Mrs. John Went, Nlh, green twtuino, black velvet collar, decollette, diamond orna ment. Mrs. Van l)ueii, white nIbatroMN contumd, with pink laco and white tullo trimmings, gold ornament. Miss Olive Irfittn looked staU-ly In a row tinted broended China silk skirt and salmon colored waist, decollette. Miss Hhoars, bluo cashmore, fine laco and gold cord. Mrs, H, II. Nlsliet, jmlo bluo satin covered with handsome lace, decollette, an elegant mid very becoming gown, diamonds, mid cor sago bouquet of Miles of the valley and hya cinths. Mrs. John Zehrung, black silk trimmed with pnnsles, diamonds. Miss Maudo HtoblM, black nmllo over black silk, Jewel tiimmlng, decolletto. A costume admirably suited to her beauty. Mrs. Lipplucolt, handsome China silk, de collette, 'llamomU. Mrs. E. E. Hlukle, very pretty black cos tume. Mm. Ayres, striking nil costume, very pictty nnd Itecomliig, plainly but elegantly made, decollette, Grace llurr, pretty white costume, trimmed with sliver brnld, very tasty nnd greatly en hancing her charms. Mrs. W.J, Dennis, blnek silk, trimmed with Jt nnd lace, dccnllelte. Miss (hillock lookiMlcharmliig'i iihandKomo pink costumo with red pinks to mutch, u very pretty and artistic costume, decollette. The following gentlemen were present: Messrs. Beeson, Sheldon. Townloy, Duck staff, Iioounrd, Foster,' Hayden, McDonald, Llppincott, Lemlst, Zehrung, St. John, Dor gan, Mar-hall, Will Clarke, I .add, Charles Hall, Harry Hall, Wheeler, llontou, Kwlug, W. J. D.Minln, IV. It. Ddiinh.Fi-eemau, lllch ter, Kluil, Cooper, W. Morton Smith. Tour.nllu of Onmlm, Howe, Clarence Brown of Oumha, Bradley, Freeman, C. I, Burr, Mulr, Sholes, Foresman, Hcutz, Wing Allen of Omaha, Van Duseii, John T. WoH, Fred Hmnor, Beeves, Andrus, C. Y. Smith, Hathaway, Aitkin, George MuArthur, Will Hammond,Wnlto,Craucer, Freeman, Winger Andrus. Tho masquerade ball given Tuesday even lug at Bohauan's hull by tho Lincoln Turn Vereln was u grand siici-cnx both socially and llumiclally. The Immense hall was crowded all evening, with Indies and gentlemen tu handsomu mid grotesque costumes, Including maids of high and low degree, courtiers, sail ors, Indians, soldiers, met-seuger loys, police men, and the many and varied conceptions of tho costumer and the wearers. Tho un masking took place about midnight, but it was nearly dawn before the last of tho danc ers wended their way homeward. Company D, of the National guards, and a band of In dians impersonated by uifmU-rs of the Turn Veieln, gave a very graphic reproduction of the battle of Wounded Knee, nnd the ghost dance, tho whole winding up with a magnifi cent tableau representing tho goddess of lib erty surrounded by soldiers with tho dead boys In bluo and Indians lying about In pict uresque attitude Tho fancy shooting by a Lincoln young lady and some excellent club swinging were notable features of the enter tainment. The members of the Turn Vereln may well feel proud of their success as enter tainers. All pronounced the ball for pure and unalloyed pleasures one of the best ever held In the city. Mix. Sldnoy Murphy, assisted by Minn Florence Putnam, gave a children's party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Murphy, li.V.25 N struct, on Tuesday from 4 to 8 p. in. The little folks enjoyed themselves with mu sic, games and dancing. Refreshments were served nt six o'clock. The gathering proved n most delightful cue in every detail and Miss lliuiam proved a charming and successful young liOHtecs. Tho young jieople having the pleasure of being present were: Misses Kthel Appleget, Sadie Burnhum, Edith Bain, Mat tie Crlley, Rosebud Foster, Edith Foster,Hat tie Huffman, Huzul Huffman, Bessie Hayden, Edna Harley, Margie Loomls, Edith Lewis, Florence Putnam, Lou Peebles, Edna Sals bury, Grace Sanders, May Travis. Masters Leroy Brown, Theodore Crlley, Fred Doollt tle, Raymond Hale, John Harley, Sam Fos ter, James Hayden, Eddie Loomls, Harold Lewis, Horace Muusoii, Mllow Munson, Owen Oakley, Eddie Peebles, Allio Saunders, Bertie Watltins and Halsey Yatea. The reception given Wednesday evening by the members of the Y. M. C. A. to their new general secretary, proved a thoroughly enjoy able social event. The association rooms were beautifully decoi otd with flowers and tropical plants. A large number of persona were pi-esent. In connection with the recep tion the association held its second public quarterly meeting. The programme com prised a number of orchestral renditions, songs by the Met sra. Easterday and a dra matic selection by Miss uey. Tills pro gramme was well rendered and at Its conclus ion the reception was given. Mis. W, H. Weaver and daughter Naomi, after a two weeks visit in Atchison and Kan sas City, returned Monday. During their stay at Atchison they attended tho Chandler Jackcon nuptials, which was a most elegant affair. The bride Is well known in Lincoln, whereshe has of ten v Isl ted und mode numerous friends, all of whom on this Joyous occasslon extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Wolcott havo return ed from their Jaunt of six weeks through the east, in the course of which they visited New York, Boston and otherpolnts, Additional Society on 6th Pago. As a Rule. It Is best not to nttempt to remedy coitlvo Iiesi by tho usu of saline or drastic purga tUes. When ncntliartlo meillcliie Ii needed, tho most prompt and bem-Dcl.-il Is Ayer's 1'llls. Their ellect Is to le.storo the regular action of the bowels, without weakening them. Being sugar-coated, these 1'llls letnln their medicinal ilitues for a long time, ami arc easy to take. " I can recommend Ayer's 1'llls above all others, lm lug long pioed their Millie lis 11 cathartic fortnyself and l.inilly."-.l. T. Hess, U-llhsWIlc, 1M. " In Ifw, by the advice of n friend, I began tno use of Aer's 1'llls as n n-iueily for bil iousness, constipation, ilKi feeis. mid colds. They seived me better than any thing I had picvlously tried, mid 1 h.ixiused them hi attacks of that suit eier slnce." II. W. Ilvrsh, Jmhoiii:i, Ark. Ayer's Pills, rnKr.uiri) nv J. O. AYEB & CO., Lorell, Haas. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. DR THIS SPHCE Kilpatrick, Koeh The Licklider Three Additional Bankrupt Stocks. The , , THURSDAY Look Out THE COURIER, FOR 60c A YEAR We have Completed Arrangements with the Publishers of The Cosmopolitan Magazine, whereby we are able to club that excellent Monthly with our paper, offering BOTH The Cosmopolitan is sold for $2.40 per year, leaving the price paid for The Courier, ONLY 60 0ENT8. The Cosmopolitan Magazine is the size of Harpers, Beautifully Illustrated, and is one of the most interesting and delightful of all the big Eastern magazines. In addition to its varied features each number Contains a Complete Illustrated Novel. The Cosmopolitan has just been increased in size, so that the reader now gets in the year 1,536 pages, equal to five volumes of 3 1 1 pages each, with over 1,500 illustrations by the cleverest artists. Five such books would cost $7.50. But courier win now oe supplied tor $3.00, payable in advance. The Courier will be delivered by mail every Saturday and the Cosmopolitan will reach subscribers shortly before the first of each month sent direct from New York. All subscriptions in this combination are payable strictly in advance. Old subscribers to the Courier can secure the Cosmopolitan by paying a year's subscription in advance. Sample copies of the Courier will be sent upon application. Sample copies of the Magazine can be seen at this office. Address: Telephone 253. At at any -The New "HER HUSBAND'S FRIEND," By ALBERT ROSS The Latest out by this famous author. In Paper Edition 50c. to be had at THE GOTHAM, 1101 N Street. BELONGS TO Dry Goods -Co T WHO HAVE PURCHASED 1528 O STREET. 'lO THIS WE WILL ADD- Whole will be Ready for or FRIDAY for Them as they Mean FOR the 1,536 pages of the Cosmopolitan and 52 numbers of the WESSEL PRINTING CO., Lincoln, Neb. SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR Delivering Notes, Letters, Invitations PARCELS, ETC. HVi CAX WAKE VOU UP hour to make tho early trains get your mall, from postolllcu, etc. Open Day and Night 1 Telephone tyo. Office, S. W. cor. :oth nnd O. Realistic Novel Stock, Sale by NEXT WEEK Business. $3 i i :i I i J i I