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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FKHRUARY . , i s t Lincoln, : N Kim ask a. Capital, $250,000 Officers unit Dhetlor; John II. WrlKtit, l'ros. T. K. Hnnders, V.-l'- J. II. McClny, dodder. A H Itnyniuiut, II I' I.1111, Then Cochran K HHIzcr, Chns West, KLHhcldou, General Hanking lluslncss Transacted, Accounts Solicited. MOTE THE MEW DIFFERENTIAL PARES rtite In Conjunction with the Erie System opcrutPH Hunt V oh I III ul oil Trnlns bo tween Chicago and tho Atlnntlo Hcnbonnl. You may travel In the most Elegant and Completo I'litlinnu Vcstlbuled Trnlim ever conutrticted nnd save II.M) to lltitt'ulo unit Ni agara Falls, .MM to New York, fLXi to Al bany nnd Troy, nnd $.1.00 to lloston nnd New England Cities. No rival lino otters tho iidvnntiiRe of a sys tem of throtigh First Jnnd Hcoond-clnss Day Conches and l'ULLMAN DINING CAH3 Chlcngo toNow York. It Is thooulyjlliia.'aperatlnir ll'iilhiiun Cars to lloston aiidNow;KiiKland via Alhnny. Entire Trains uroJIlKhtcd by gas, heated by team. I'ullinnn DIiiIdr Cnrs run through In either direction. Pullman Cliulrnnd.VlcepliiR Curs to Colum bus, O., and AKhhind, h'y. Dally. No Kxtru Chnrco for Kant Time and Unsur passed Accommodations Afforded by those Luxurious Trains. For ilrtttttrd tnfnrmatlim, tickets nnd resor--vutlons In I'uIIiiiuii ears apply to your local ticket agent or to any agent of nil connecting lines or railway, or to Ciiicaco City Tiokkt Ofkicjkh, 1117 Ui.iik HT.,aud Duarhorn Hta tlon, or (ulli em, L. G. CANNON, F. C. 'DONALD, Oen. Agt., for Hecelver. Ocn. Pass. Ant CIIICAUO. Santa Fe Route ! AtcbisoD, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas Cltv and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES", and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Hot ween Kansas City ami PUEIJLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Uetween Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and all Principal Points In Texas. The Onlv Line Running Through the OKLA'llOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan-Handle. For Maps and Time Tables nnd Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address S. M. OSGOOD, Gen'l Ag't K. L. PALMER. Traveling Agent, 1308 Farnam St., o-fiui-a:., ueb. FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -10- Atchison, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis and all Points South, East and West, The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons Wlchitn, Hutchinson and all pilnclpal points in Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arknnsas. Pullman Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars on all trains. J. E. R. MILLAR, R. P. R, MILLAR, City Ticket Agt Gen'l Ajjsnl Cor. O anil 12th Street. vB TIIKBmDERSOKUITIKS. FOUR NVTIONAL CAPITALS THAT OWE MUCH TO INDIVIDUALS. Huron Itiittssninnn'ft lIcriiiMt ruction itt l'ir Is-Shepherd's Work ut Washing, ton A City Crrnteil by Order of the (,'iir I'rederlrk the Clrrut and llerllii. Four great capital own their beauty to Individuals Hcrllu, Paris, Watlilngton nnd St. PotcrshurK. I10111I011, Vienna, Con Mnutlnnplo nnd Rome are the growth of centuries, and Inherit from the past queer mazes of streets, strange divisions nnd an tique customs. Until the time of llaus matiu Purls figured in the latter category. It Is but a few days since Napoleon's pre fect of the Seine breathed his Inst, nnd it Is less than forty Near since he Inaugurated his architectural and Intramural reforma tion. To lie exact hh to dates, It was In tune, 18.W, that Huron llnUHsiunnti liegan the creation of a new Paris. Tho French cap ital has ix history running back to the ,SSS IIAItON HAUHSMANX. dawn of western civilization. When the Romans knew It its boundaries were those of the present lie de la Cite on which now rises the grand cathedral church of Notre Dame. Ah time went by the town spread from the Island to the main hanks of the river. It wiih n gay capital when Philip inarched forth to the crusades, and gayer still when the tide of English invasion broke nnd ebbed from its leuuuered gates. It gloomed with Isolds XI and glowed with Louis XIV. Then how thickly great men and mighty events crowded upon the vast collection of tall houses and narrow streets! Itichcllcti, Talleyrand, Miruhvau, Napoleon tho (Jreat; Papa Guillotine ut work beheading: kings and nobles; the barricades, tho directory, the consulate, the empire; the sun of Ann tcrlllz, the sunset of Waterloo; Invasion, humiliation, the liourbous; again revolt, again the republic, and then once more the empire! After that the new Paris, n city reconstructed with the idea of sym metry secondary to that of imperial safety. Under sanction of the third Napoleon Huron Iluussmunn did away with the old shanties and kennels, the euls-de-soe and alleys, and substituted for them spacious boulevards and avenues, by whoo shies stretched hi straight and Imposing lines for miles mansions of freest 0110 timcrlng to the height of six and seven stories. The people applauded and the world admired. No one thought, until there i'.-e threaten lugs of trouble, of the subtle reason for all this. The Parisians, however, discovered it the llrst time they cried, "To arms!" anil threatened the existing order of tilings. Those broad metropolitan highways could uot lie barricaded like the crooked thor- A. It. dllKI'IIKISU lKXKASr. oughfares of yore. Instead, they gave free sweep for cannon ball and musket shut, nnd nlnng their wide vistas columns of troops could move at will. The Improve ment wits 11 masterly check upon popular uprisings. Yet the house It was to lsjuellt reigns no louder, and at the great agu of tfj the man who curtailed the strength of riot and gave Paris more light and air than any other modern city enjoys lias breathed his last. Ton certain degree there is n similarity in the careers of Haron llaussiuaiiu and Alexander H. Shepherd. Hoth suffered much from public disapproval and curious Inquiries regarding the accuracy of ac counts. Still, along different lines, Shep herd did as much for Washington as lluusstnunn did for Paris. He fore the present century had existence the land now occupied was chosen as tho site for the capital of the United States, The en gineer selected to prepare the plans for the proposed city was a Frenchman, .Maj. Pierre Charles l'Eufuut. Ho worked In telligently and with foresight. He en countered narrow minded opposition, re signed and refused pay fur Ills services. KISfl I'lll.llKIIICK C.AII I'i:ti:ii. Hut time, a recent writer declares, "has fully established the great merit of his de-slgn.-aiid it is a fact that by means of it Washington has been able to become a beautiful metropolis." "Moss" Shepherd, as they called him in I hose days, was the head of the bo, ml of public works of the District of Columbia during the ad ministration of (Jon. (iraut lie accepted imau olllcial inheritance the almost for gotten Ideas of L'Kufunt. Ho spent !', (KN),(HK), was charged witli various iiuancial olTenses, and Dually retired from author ity. Hut he left Washington in rar d lifer ent shape from what he found it. It eau now challenge comparison with any of the capitals of Europe for beauty, comfort and general attractiveness. "The, French man's magnlllceut plan ho been properly developed." Only an autocrat wltli unlimited means could have called into U'liig a city like St. Petersburg. It stands today a monument to the sublime audacity of Peter tlicCreiit. lie coveted the Hat and marshy soil nloi.g the hanks ol the Nova with vast palaces, .r sasv Br 7jb comfortable icstdcucrs and unspeakable prisons, The gorgeous glided domesnf the puiiuo iiuiiumgs tower iitiove super!) sped tuensof Italian arrhltciiurc, while through the heart of the winter city sweeps the Nevskoi Prospekt, one of the llnest streets III Europe, lilt) feet wide and four tulles in length. St. Petersburg Is a triumph of man's iletermlnatlo 1 over the forces of nature and environment It was born by order of the, and the same command continues Its existence. Nowhere else eiin a city lie found whose seventy bridges are built oil boats and lire annually temoved at the cliMoof tho brief summer season. Yet such is the case ivlth the capital of all the Kusslas. Of Berlin the German has every reason In lie proud. It is net the walled Berlin ol the Middle Ages, although the mngulllcent Brandenburg gate (till guards 11 western approach, but It Is the Berlin of Frederick the Great Although the city owes Its famous avenue Utitur den Linden to the elector Frederick William, jet It Is In debted for Its modernization and re erea tlon to thn watrlor king whoso triumphs rendered It possible for Ins successors to w ear the Impel lul crown. It spreads In ma Jest le grace of stone and marble along both tides of the river Spree, and many of Its castles, palaces and monuments hear mule testimony to the wise liberality of the gi eat Frederick. It has manufactories and mtt Houms, theatres and works of art, colleges and schools of science. It Is a seat of learn ing and a centre of power, the vigorous heart of a nul Ion of soldiers. Peter, Frederick, llaussinann, Shepherd the four have been called many names, some of them not con plimeutary. Laying aside any other claims to remembrance, however, all are entitled to enduring fame for one tiling they were hulldersof cities, FitKii C. Dayton. FOR HOME ENTERTAINMENT. How an Kieiilng of I'd ii noil Instruction May Hit Arranged. For a novel patty the plan is to take characters from prominent novels for rep resentation. Tills will give wide scope for originality, as most of the costumes would have to ho designed by tho wearers as seemed to them most appropriate. In this repre sentation the prominent characteristlcsand oddities of manner of the subject should Is; Imitated. Only characters of marked prominence or peculiarities should I hi taken. Before the readings from I lie va rious novels are given It would be Interest ing to have eacli person present make out a, guess list in which he will enter the name A NOVEL I'AItTV. of the character which lie decides each one present lias chosen. In order to make out the list it will Ihi -frmlssihlo for him to talk to any one he chooses in regard to whose personation he is in doubt. For instance, if ho thinks a certain gen; tleinaii has chosen the character of tiie merchant from Australia in "Cnsar's Col umn" he can approach him and ask him how he likes tho arrangement of the (able service of his hotel, if he does not think the method of ordering Ills dinner by the use of tho numbered electric buttons a great Improvement over tho old way, and so on. If ho has guessed the right charac ter of course the person addressed will an swer his questions and carry mi a short conversation on the subject introduced. If lie has guessed wrong Ills questions will be unintelligible, and lie will bo informed that he has mistaken the person. The time given to making out tho guess list, which should contain not only tho name of the character personated, but the name of the book from which it is takeu and tho author, should bo limited from half an hour to an hour, according to the numlMTof guests. After tho owner's name Is signed the lists should le collected and some one appointed to compare them with a correct list. If desired a pri.e may he given to the owner of tiie one which is most complete. Much fun may bo had during the time given to guessing through tho conversa tions held with those whose personations are in doubt. When tho guessing is com pleted n limited number of selections from tho various novels should be given, or when of siilllcieut interest a sketch of the author's life would bo appropriate. This programme could lie made to cover two evenings by dividing the novels into "standard" and "modern" and taking one class for each evening. Sim Itcfiised to He 11 lluriniilil. Minnie Schenck Is young, attractive and determined. When she will she will, and when she won't she wont. She lives in Jersey City, where her parents keep a sa loon. She worked at a factory each day, and until recently made her home with the old folks. As she paid tier bouid she thought herself entitled to the evenings for lest and amu-eiiieiit. Hut .Mamma Sfhciifli had dlllereut view, ami ordered her to put in tho time as a barmaid. .Min nie icliised and sought other quarters. Shi- had to go to law to get her clothes, hut that iliiln t bother tier much, nsshewas sustained in her course by a young man to whom she is engaged, It was more bo cause he wished it than on account of any high moral principle that she took her stand against serving In the saloon. The Wealthy nf (ireul Hrlliiln, During the jear 1WH) there died In the British -es thirty-one poisons, each of whom left a fort une of more than fl,'J,V),(MX). A curious statistician, basing his estimates on the averages of life insurance tallies, and using the above mortuary llguies as a starting point, has arrived at the conclu sion that there are now living in the king dom l.VMO persons who luie wealth equal to or in excess of the amount named. A Nei I'diiiiiI Tribe uf I' guiles. The French explorer Cratnpel liasiliscov ered a race of dwarfs In West Africa that d lifers from those seen and described by Stanley These mw found pjgtuies urer ago ns adults ';fietlu height. They have uniting c.Nclirnws, long noses, short necks, big al'dii.ucn-, huge wrists, strong arms and bind) leg-. 1 hey are very li'old hut nlo erv cm ions I'lcklng 11 Winner. Uncle IliiHtus Kye, hyal 1 knowed dnt lio.Hs'd wlul I ktiowed It for suuhl Tom Bookie Have onythlng on liltnf Uncle ltasttiM No, salt; hut 1 seen he had 11 cinch. Tom Hookle Why didn't you bet on him thenf Uncle Bust us Didn't, hub no time, suh. Hut 1 knowed he'd win. I knowed It Jus' an soon as elier I Keen him come kerllttkln under do wire, sab. Week's Sport. At l.imt. . 1 1 . J ' j t. '" 1 ' Vn II ui I I1 -11,'lilff ' ,'t Mrs. Cohwlggor Did yon ever llnd n man under the bed? Mrs. Merrill Yes, the night we thought there were burglars in the house. I found my husband then), Life. A Mighty Menu Trick. AO-year-olil child with 11 large appetite nnd a special fondness for pancakes and maple sirup arrived ut the breakfast table tho other morning and forthwith demand ed cakes, "luit, your oat meal llrst, "said tier father. "How many cakes can I haver" said the greedy young lady. The father, who in given to practical Jokes, cogitated for n moment and then said: "If you cut, 0110 platof'tl of oatmeal you can have three cakes, but If you eat two plutcsful you can have four cakes, nnd if you eat three plutcsful you can have six cakes." The child accepted the arrangement promptly, and one plateful of oatmeal dis appeared In ik twinkling; then another plateful followed slowly, and a third won consumed with evident dllllculty. Tiie cakes and sirup were then prepared. The youngster had Ih-cu growing more solemn every moment, and when one mouthful of cake had been disposed of suddenly roared out in anguish: "My tummy's full of oatmeal and I can't eat any cakes at all boo-hool" Chicago Ledger. Er)rd. She was n plump woman, and Is would not have been a violent stretching of the truth to call her a corpulent one. With the fatuity which sometimes seizes upon her sex In the way of deciding to wear the most conspicuous stults, she had selected as the material of her gown a brocade such as of old was used by tlio upholsterer. Sho was covered with figures so largo that, had she been smaller, not so much as n single one could have been crowded upon her, yet which sho displayed us fully us a con scientious sign board could have done. There were tliosu In tho company who were not restrained by the loftiness of her social position from remarking upon herstriklug appearance, and oh she sailed across the room one of those crsons said to her neighbor: "Do look at Mrs. X.; Isn't she astonishing to-nlghtC" "Yes," was tho reply; "she looks exactly like nn escaped iiofa." Boston Courier. Sometime Ihiiii. Anxious Caller Is this the police stn tionr Chief Yes, ma'am. What can I do for you? "I have lost some valuable Jewelry. I suspect a former servant of having taken it. I want to employ ndetectlvo to find her whereabouts." "All right, ma'am. Your nnmor" "I am Mine, do Wise, tho er fortune teller." Chlcngo Tribune. No Coiiiiurlsoii. Dentist Now, see here, whnt's the use of making so much fuss about a little mis erable root like thatf Let me pull it. Patient You'll hurt. Dentist You're n coward. Why, thero was a woman In here this morning who had seven good teeth pulled. Patient I know, Doc, but this Isn't a good tooth. Rochester Post-Express. Delicate. Proprietor (of furnishing store) What are you doing with those everlasting neck ties? Clerk I was Just rearranging them in the showcase. Pioprietor Well, that's all right, but you can't Im too careful ulsiut handling them, Clot liier ami Furnisher. Itrilmillllble, "You are discontented with tho wages I pay you, and yet at Mrs. Brown's you didn't have any more." "That's so, mid I did all the work there too. Hut you see you want mo to love your children, and I must have extra pay for that." Fllegcndo Blatter. He Wan 11 Colonel. Mr. Gargoyle I hear your daughter Is engaged, Mrs, Gumiuey. Mrs. Gumiuey Yes; ton Kentucky gen tleman. Mrs. Gargoyle What! And you were always opposed to American girls marry ing titles' Judge. A Cniifttriirtlnii Needed. "What do you hear from your Eskimo friend!'" "He lias Just asked me to go up to Ids place and spend tho night with him. I don't know whether ho wants me to stay six inonthsor six hours." New York Sun. The Art of onelutloll. Uncle Josh How's your father? Miss Belle Very well, thank jou. Uncle Josh How's your mother? Miss Belle She's well, too. Uncle Josh (after a three minutes' pause) How-re your parents)1 Yale Record. A Clew. Patrolman They've jut took a floater nut of the ilver with a crews marked 011 lib forehead with a knife. Chief- Start right out and arrest every man that Isn't able to write his name. Indianapolis Journal. f 1 ii iti "., rill I 11 i II end mill Ili-urt. The 11ml the heart in the gnnu) of low Must iii its m'imi'.Uk imi t ; Uut ue'11 1 . i r. 1 1 1 1 a till a cold in Hid head, S loii's she's not colli in Km heart, -PUlUililjihlft Times. WKTCH & FOR A NEW FEATURES The Courier.' Subscribe Now for 1891, And be np A M. DAVIS & SON, Fall and Winter Carpets and Draperies, 1112 0 St Telephone 219. lislnl'lislieil Dec, la, tSS6, German National Bank, UNCOl.X, uVJii. Capital Paid up, $100,000.00 Surplus . . . 25,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues letters of credit, druwdruftsnn all ports of tho world. KorelKii collections a specialty. Office u mill Director). IIKKMA.N II. HOIIAIIKHO, President. C. O. MUNHlIN, Vice President. JOSHI'll HOKUM Kit, Cashier. O. J. WILCOX, Assistant Cashier C. !:. MONTdOMKKY. AI.KX. HAI.TKH F. A. HOKUM Kit. II. J. IIHOTII Kit ION WAI.TKU.I. HAKltlH. J. A. HUDKI.HON I.. MEYKK, Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Propertj AOC.NT North German-Lloyd Steamship Co., Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lints Also Agent for the Different Companies East and West, outbampton. Ilnvrc, Hanil-ine,, Stet'en, London, Paris, Norwn, Plymouth, Hrctnei Sweden, and anv Klnt in Euiope Post Orders and Foreign Exchange issued to nil piomiuent jxiints n Europe. Having larKo facilities east with tho MuKCut Hanks and Ha lnh's InstHutlons, 1 am pre niki all kinds of Loans on Mrst Heal Kstnte MorluiiKei1. i Ity or harm I'ropertj. years, nt tholouciit Interest. I ulsodenl In Schixil llonds, State, County nod Clf also In htate. County anil City Certltleil Claims, unit will nlwnjs pay the hluhest an aim see mo or correspond wmi me. L. MEYER, 10S North Tenth Street. n f,t . '- -". NUMBER OF IN. with the times. r 115 f Dr.H. S. Aley, Specialist In FEMALE, NERVOUS and KIDNEY DISEASES. HpeilHl attention paid to the treatment of these iIIm-um-s liy mriins of electricity. All noii-mnllKimnt tumor of tho womb removed without the use of tho knife. All oM'ratlons for Injuries rrom childbirth skillfully is-r-formed. IHliict-nif nt of tho womb cured In moat eases without thn use of Instruments. Kpllepsy. Ht. Vitus' Bunco, rtrlntloii, NelinilKln, Hysteria, dlllereut forms of parnlysls. Deformities, unit nil other forms of Nervous Troulile successful! v treated. I'oiiNiilliitlon at oltleo or by mall .eu. Ncwninn Block, () Ht., bet. Kith nod llth, Lincoln, Neh, HniirN-0tfil'.,9ton,TtoH. CUT THIS OUT W'Fu j fy" , ifl i-i r 1. 11 . i- TIE" A x -1) FOU THE HrlL iiiMHJiiiHiiH 4- t