Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 14, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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ao Hn. Sugar $1.00
Fancy Nortlicm Potatoes 1.10
Winchester Mains, per II) 6J$c
1 Can good Corn 10c. Fancy iYi
French Peas In Glass 400
Preserved Pears In tilass .... 40c
Mushrooms In Glass 40c
HT These goods arc cheap at 60c.
3 Ih. Can Preserved Hotavla Crab
Apples 3oc
3 lb. Can Hotavla Grated Pine Apple 30c
Bota via Preserved Strawberries.... 25c
Monarch Gal. Pumpkin 40c
' ' Apples 35c
3 lb. Can Apples 12 J4
Tomatoes per Can ic
A splendid bargain, 9 bars good soap 35c
6 bars V. R. Soap 25c
Buffalo Flour, per Sack $1.40
Best Minnesota, " 1.60
We carry n full line of choice new Teas,
Japans 35c. ami 50c., the best that money
can buy 6oe. Fine Young 11 son 65c,
Eng. Hrcakfast 70c., Oolong 80c., best
G. Powder 70c.
To Coffee Drinkers.
You will no doubt have noticed that a
great many dealers are offering liroken
Java at 25c. Now, If you get Broken
Java you're all right, but If 011 gel chick
crlng you are not. We claim to have been
the first to sell Broken Java in Lincoln,
and still maintain the Original Qnttlily.
Price 25 cents.
Our 30c Coffee Is n mixture of Mocha,
Java and Rio. O.G.Java 38c. Arabian
Mocha 38c. We save you from 2c to 5c
per pound on every pound you buy.
Choice Butter 20c.
Fresh Eggs 20c.
Telephone 39S.
1 1 3 O N St.
Still Going On !
Tbe Great Sacrifice
Shoe Sale
No such bargains were ever before off
cred. Everybody anxious to buy. You
can't appreciate how low these goods arc
being sold until you call. Everything
must go for the creditors arc anxious to
have the stock closed out and get their
Chicago and Erie R. R.
(UtoChleiiKoA Atlantic lt'y.)
In Connection with the
Erie Railway
Chicago and New York
Under One Miuiiiui'iiieiit.
Tho Tlirmmli Trains of t Ills Line between Chi
cnununil ew ork arc run koIIiI, thus
avoiding iinnoyaiicu am) eonriislou
orcliangiiiK ears or missing
Vestibule Limited Service
Vehtlliuleil Limited Trains, consisting of Hug.
gage, Hmoklug and Day Coaches, with
Pullman Dining and Weeping Cars
(healed hy steam, lighted by gas),
over this Due
Every Day In the Year.
Pullman Service to Boston.
A Pullman Mullet Sleeping Car to and from
llostou dally via this route.
This Is the ONLY LINK ltuunliig Pullman
Cars between Chicago and lloHtou.
To Columbus, uhlo, and Ashland, Ky.
Pullman Sleeping Car between Chicago and
above Points dally,
Trains Arrlvo and Leave Dearborn Hlutlon,
For author Information, call on the nearest
Itullrouil Ticket Agent, or address
W 0 Rlneanon, A U Tuoker, D I Robert,
Gen. I'ass. Ant.
Oen. Mgr. A.O.P.ARt.
Cleveland. Chicago
Now ork.
The- Tuesday Evonlng Club which Is mi
liitolloctunl at well ns asocial organization,
varied Its literary session tills week by pin
wilting n dramatic performance. Tim time
and placo of holding It worn Monday evening
at the Hotel Lincoln. None but iiuiiihnr and
a few hwltod guest vferendmltted, Thopro
sentnt Ion proved to lie a most happy diversion.
The tw o w est parlors of t ho hotel w ere secured
for the oeenslon.tho east 0110 serving 11. nntngn,
Urn west one us an auditorium wlillo the fold
ing doom wort) pressed Into sorvlco In lieu of
a stage curtain. W. Morton Htultli acted as
stage manager. The drama pres(ntl was
"The Quiet Family." The dramatis enim
were as follows:
llsrimliy UIIiIh Mr.Ht. Jolin
Mrs. Hllil Miss Nellie While
Hunt-ley MIsh ()lle tattn
Porker Mr, .Inlm IkirKAti
flnimpy Mr.WIII Clarke
Ilenjamltie llllilm Dr. C, 1'. IaiM
Mrs. Ilenjnmlnolllhbs, M Iks Corn Manly
Hollnn MIsm Clara Wulsli
M-r. Ht. John proved the star of the wens
ion mid acfat his part with a naturalness that
seemed real rather than assumed. Miss White
as his skhiu proved a most excellent Indig
nant wifo nud Miss Ijitln Is also deserving
of commendation for the mieeuly manner In
which she acted her part. The crowning
event of tliu evening was tho great oscillatory
act when uvcryliody kissotl and made up.
Mr. Ht. John and Miss White were
partieiiarly successful In the part, while l)r
I.mld nud thn rest were not far behind
This brought down the house. IaiiiiI
mid enthusiastic applause followed. It
swelled Into an encore, nod there being 110 re
kk)iis, the audience, verbally clamored for a
repetition of the scene. Hut the budding
young actors and actresses were too modest
to ro-ap-ar and rejieat the iwrformancu.
The whole drama was most creditably pre
sented and was well received, The success of
the affair will probably )miI to a more am
bitious effort In the ruturu as there is no
doubt that there Is somu oxcolleut hhtrloulc
talent In the club. TI10 change from high
flvo mid other well worn forms of entertain
ment is most grateful and parlor theatricals
will probably play a prominent part in many
future parties In Lincoln.
Among the other features of Monday even
ing's entertainment was a discussion of tlio
works of Elizabeth Itarrutt Drowning. MNh
Maude Hinlth gavo a very pretty Interpreta
tion of the "Ladles Yes." O. W. Oerwlg
delivered a very creditable review of Mrs.
llrownlug'H works. MIms Delia I.oomls gave
mi interesting sketch of the llfo of tho poetess.
These features were varied with enchanting
mandolin music by Misses Ilarrnud (Irllllth.
A dainty lunch vus served. Dancing fol
lowed. Those present were: Mr. and Mm. A. II.
Colfrotli, Mscs Minnie l.iittu, Olive Ijitln,
Maude Htobbs, Maud Hurr. Mniide Smith,
Nellie White, Carrie Wuiuer, (limid Island,
Kritzii llaruard, Omaha, Opal Touudlu.Onm
ha; Cora Hardy, Mnhel Koniier, Fay .Mar
shall, Delia Loomis, Ethel Mnndaud, (I nice
Orllllth. Messrs. Frank Zelirnng, W. F
Meyer, 8.T. Ht. John, Will Clark, C. I). Mul
len. W. Morton Hniith, (1. W. (lerwig, Aaron
HuckstiifT, C. Y. Hinlth, Fred Howe, John
It. Cutiulnglium, Dr. C. F. I -add.
The gentlemen to whom is due the credit of
the novel entertainment are Messrs. (i. P.
Faiicon. W. F Meyer, Dr. F. C. I.add, F. U.
Zeliruug, O. W. Gerwlg, W. E. Clarke, Jno.
II. Ounningliam, Jno. T. Dorgau, C. D. Mul
len. Misses Kliznhcth mid Ida Honnell enter
tained 11 company of Indies hut evening at
high tea. The company was composed
wholly of Greek letter society maidens mid
marks tho beginning of u series of entertain
ments. It Is the plan of these "frnt" girls to
meet once every two weeks, from 7 to 10, and
puss the evening in social Intercourse. Tho
company limits the refreshments to the most
simple kinds, thus beginning a needed reform.
Last evening the ladies were sorvod with
KuHslan tea and sugar wafers. Tho follow
ing guests and members of the Kapjwi Kappa
Qiimmn, Kappa Alpha ThUi, Delta Gumma
faternltics were present: MIsh Nellie White
mid her guest Miss Wastuer of Grand Island,
Misses Lntta, Jessy Jury, Olive Lutta, Mabel
Dudley, Annie Funke, Htella Irvine, Long,
Htellu Kirkur, Hortlo Clark, Hkidmore, Ilunle
Tuttle, Hello Mauley, Kntherine Weston,
Helenu Lau, Delia Ijoomiti, Alia Lnutz, Uor
thu McMillan, HuUie Cox, Catherine Hcothom,
Haru Hchuwb, Allio llussel, Alice Wing, Adu
Caldwell, Bessie Wing, Pearl Camp, Htarret,
Lena Dewebse, Laura Haggard, Muttio Hut
chison, Alma Denedict, Josie Treemun, Hat"
tie Curtis, Laura Iloberte. Applcgot of Te
cumseli, Holmes of Tocuuiseh, .Stratum of
Ashland, Atwater of Weeping Wuti-r, Mos
dumeHJ. A. lluiris, Dr. Warner, Porrlu of
Hocm, Prof. Elleuwood of University Place,
Lieut. Webb of University Place, Ferguson
of University Place, Boott, lliggs of Oiuulia,
Don Uivo mid Prof. Chamberlain of liethany
A largo munlier of young people gathered
at tlio llurllngtou depot Wednesday nfter
noou to witness the departureof a most tiopu
1'ir, attractive, and accomplished young lady,
Miss Muude Htoblts. When J. T. Stobbs, the
genial manager of tlio Whituhreust Coal
comwiny, decided to establish u homo of his
own lie sent for his sister, Miss Maude, then
living under the parental roof in Hamilton,
Outariu, to come to tnis city and keep house
for him. Klie received a warm welcome and
ueedlly became the center of u Inrgo circle
of acipiulntanciH, who made the time iniss
very pleasantly for the newcomer. Hociety
received In her a valuable addition unit her
many accomplishments rendered her exceed
ingly popular in the social life of the city.
Koiuetlmo ago, as TlIK CouiilKH reader ate
aware, Mr. Htohbs iw-nt to Hot Hpilngs, Ar
kansas, for Ills health, where ho now is, and
during tlio last few mouths Miss Htobbs has
been tho honoicd guest in two of Lincoln's
chuimiug homes, having leen entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Iluckstair mid Miss Maud
Hurr Owing to her biother's continued ab
sence she leceutly decided to leturii toiler
northern homo and she depart! this week
with the best wishes of hmumerable f lends,
wlio hope that clicumstaiico will penult of
her sp-edy leturu.
One of tlie most notable weddings of the
week was that which occuutd Weduesdn,)
evenliiL' in which Mr, Klltert It. Tingley mid
Miss Vndio I) Taylor were the happy bride
groom and bride. Tlio auspicious event oc
elli red at tho homo of Mr. mid Mrs. T.ijlor,
2?1 P stieet, mid Hov. L. W. Terry pro
nounced the fateful words that made the
twain one. None but relatives werupieseut.
The groom is a giaduato of the Htaie Univer
sity cIhks of 18MI, ami Is teller at the Nebras
ka Havings Hunk. The bride is the daughter
of John Taylor, and n pinmlueut young lady
in Fust Lincoln circles. Many handsome pre
sents were lecclved, Tlio liest wisher of a
host of friends follow tho couple us they go to
housekeeping ill their new home, (117 Hotitli
Twenty-seventh street.
.Miss Eva (1. Hterus was married on Mon
day evening, January twenty-sixth, to Mr.
C. 1), Heir. Tho marriage was iiorfoiiiicd at
I the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. anil
Mrs Calvin Hterus, near Crounso, Hew J.
M. Kichmoiid olllclatiug, It was witnessed
by a large uumW of Invlled guests, The
groom's liest man was Mr. George Herr, and
the hi Idesiuald, Miss llattle Hterus. A splen
did wedding supierwas served, The pres
ent were numerous nud costly.
Wednesday wast'o sixty-sixth anulverH
ary of Mrs. Thomas Crehhlns1 birth, mid was
celebrated by a surprise given her In the
shape of a dinner, at the residence of her son,
John E, 1 'at more, 1110 Booth Eighteenth
street. There was n grand family reunion of
sous, daughters, grandsons and grand daugh
ters, A very pleasant evening wnsient and
the guests i!exirtcd at a late hour, wishing
many happy returns of the day,
MIIoun George is ncharmltigentertalner
and when she Issued Invitation for a party to
Is) given Haturday night there was not 11 sin
gle one of her friends who sent back "re
grets." The event as expected proved a most
enjoyable one. Game?, uiusle and tlio other
et ceteras of an evening's amusement made
tlio hours lly (illicitly and the guests were
astonished when tho dock warnlngly tolled
midnight and the advent of Himdav,
Misses Aura and Jennie Hitchcock, two
bright and opular young ladies living at
Twenty-eighth mid Hitchcock streets, were
treated to a most enjoynblo surprise xirty on
Haturday. The mother wns In the secret,
howcNer, and hail made full preparations for
the guests so that the young hostesses were
spared any embarrassment In that line. A
delightful time was enjoyed both by tho en
tertainers and those entertained.
Cards have I km) 11 received at Tiik Couiiikii
ntllco announcing tho m irrluge of Miss Ellin
Jackson, daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. II. M.
nuksn'i, to Mr. C . Arthur Chandler on Wed
uesday, February Uh. After April 1st they
w'ill he at home to their friends at 41 'J Dira-
111I0 street, Atchison, Kan. Tiik Couiiikii is
In receipt of Hue samples of wedding cake.
The Had Intelligence announcing the death
of John I.ahr at Lafayette, Ind., wns le
cclved In this city yesterday. Frank I,nhr
left Tuesday for the bedside of his dying pa
rent, but arrived too Into tosco the old gen
tleman In life. Frnnk's many friends will re
gret to hear of this sad nllllctlou and extend
condolence 011 his return.
A reception was given last evening at the
Flint Pieshyterlan church to Hov. E. II.
Curtlsmid his estimable wife A large Hum
bee of inemls'is of tho church and personal
friends of tlie two were present. A varied
programme was presented. A pleasant sur
prise was tendered to Mr. Curtis hi the hh'iie
f an elegant gold watch and a purse well
Illicit with greenbacks.
It was a Jolly party of congenial souls that
gatheied Haturday evening at the home of
Mr. mid Mrs. Joseph Hoppuk, Twenty-sixth
and Lynn streets. The good old fashioned
game of euchre was the main amusement,
while conversation, music and refreshments
adihsl their quota to the evening's enjoy
ment. Mrs. Tot L. Walker, who has liccn enjoy
ing a delightful visit with her brother, Mr.
A. ., Palmer, and it uumW of Lincoln
frlenils, returned to her home in Chicago the
llrst of tho week. In the spring she starts 011
a pleasure ti lp to California, Utah and .Mon
tana, and will stop at Lincoln while en
Last evening the East Lincoln C. L. H. C.
was delightfully eiitcitaiucd by MIssAinlxT
llarnaby at her pleasant home, V0 vine
stieet. The programme wns sjieclally Inter
esting and the attendance large. Homo very
Interesting essuj-H were lead.
Thursday evening Miss Kntlu McArthur
was tho victim of a surprise iwirty a: her
home, 18L'0 C street. Tho arrangements were
carried out so ipiletly that the surprise was
complete. A pleasant evening was passed.
Mrs. Ed. Peebles, UlSVi T stroet, treated her
husband to an agreeable surprise party
Thursday evening. A largo number of
friends were In attendance and a Jolly time
was enjoyed with cards and dancing.
Quite a number of friends gathered at tlie
homo of Miss Lizzie Huford on Tuesday even
ing uud enjoyed a social game of high live.
Dancing and refreshments later 011 In the
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hohanan returned fron
Htsl Cloud Wednesday where they had lieen
attending the funeral of Mrs. Holianmi's
brother, Edwin Smith.
Mib.s Edith Johnson of Hloomiugtoii, III.,
who has been Visiting witli tho family of her
uncle, Htato Treasurer Hill, left Monday
evening for her home.
Tho aggregation of female lionuty and Intel
ligencu known) its the Horosls held a most de
lightful session Mindiy evening at tin ham
of Miss Harali Harris.
Mrs. L. P. Hubert of Greenwood, who hua
been the guest of her mother, Mm. H. E.
Drown, 8 l!l North Twenty-seventh street, has
returned home.
Miss Frltzu A. Haruard of Omaha, who
has been the guest of Mr. nud Mrs. A. 11.
Colfrotli this week, left for her home Thurs
day. Mr. George H. Hing of Ht. Paul, Minn.,
who has been the guest of his parents in Lin
coln for about three weeks, returned home
Mrs. M. T. Haruer mid daughter left Mon
day for 11 mouth's visit to Denver as. the
guest of her sister, Mrs, A. C. Cuss.
Mrs. J, J, King and Miss Llllio Hrimer of
West Point are the guests of Professor and
Mrs. Lawrence Hrimer.
Mr. Joiin Erb of Aurora, was tho guest
last week of his father, Hov. Erb, Twenty
seventh and Vino streets.
Miss Mabel Hperry left Wednesday morn
ing lor Hau Antonio, Tex 11, (where she wil
spend tho winter mouths.
Miss Op'il Tou.iilin of Omaha, is visiting
in tho city, tho guest of Mr. aud"Mrs. J. M,
K. Ht John on L street.
Mi. l,ovi Churchill of I.i-aveuworth, Kiis,,
has been vUitintf her ulster, Mrs. ti, II.
111:11111, lil IS N mreet.
Will); Allen of Oin ilia, who i-inii) iliiwn to
attiMiil the l'leosaut Hour hall, return od;humu
Mr. mill Mrs. H. M. Keouli havo returned
from Lyons, Colo., wherothey havo been for
six iiionths.
K. M. Hiinons, jr., of lleatrice, U In tho
city for a fow dayn, vlNltlng with Ills ar-
Mr. Chailes A. Hoehlnx of Omaha, has
been tho KUost of Lincoln friends this week.
Miss I'VitJi llarnardof Omaha, Is a visiting
guoxt ut tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Colfrotli.
Mr. Clarouco llron of Omaha, was tho
Kuost of Mr. V. Morton Smith this woek.
Mix. H, H.TImmpsou of Omaha, Is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. II. I'. I'lHtcr on II street.
Mr. Henry Kinifor, roomitly of IIoldrt'Ko,
will uiuko Ins homo ii'nln in Lincoln,
Tho monthly reception of tho Kht Coii;ro
Kational, church hold Wednesday o veiling,
was 11 eriiud hultovi as usual. Tho pilucliwil
featuro of the ovhiiIiik's proKramiuo was an
exKwitlon hy I'lofitvsor KiiiKsloy, hhouluK hy
ineansof nblacklmanl of, the manner In which
different animals eat
Miss Opal Touralln of Omaha, has lucu
visiting Lincoln friends this week.
Mr. J II, Pearson has been visiting with
his patents at Oxford this week.
Mis Mabel Kemper of Hurllugton, Is visit
lug Mrs. Thompson 011 (,' stieet.
Mr, John Marshall has returned from the
western portion of tlio state.
Mrs, Mace Lelxm of Helena, Ark,, is the
guest of Mrs I 1 1 rooks.
Mr. and Mrs, W. J, Haithcloinew me In
Waco, Texas.
Mis. Holla Eraser has returned from thv
Mrs, L. Hnhinsoii Is In New York City,
billies' Hair Dressing
I110O stieet.
at Miss Johnston's'
Iusnct the choice Hue of embroideries In
newest at terns at HerN)slielmer tic. Co.
Lincoln unit L'lly Through 1'ull
iiihii Nlerprr.
The surpi Ising Increase In business has com
Hllisl the II. Jt M. to wlthdinw their line of
comhtnntlon parlor nud sleeping cars and
substitute regular Pullman slecH"rs of a
modern nud pleasing design that are sum to
I mi appreciated by the travelling public.
Tin su cars leave Lincoln dally at H:!K)p. in.
run via Hcatrlcertid Table Hock and leach
Ht. Jooutr:!27u. m., Kansas City 7:50 a. in.;
returning, leave Kansas City d:IA p. in. dally,
Ht.Joe 11:45 p. m., nrrlvu at Lincoln 7:W)
a. in., making close connections at termi
nal jKilnts. Herths mid tickets ma Is'
secured at union ileHit or city ojllce, corner
O mid Tenth stroet.
A. ('. .IKMKII,
City Passenger and Ticket Agent.
China Painting mid Firing, iiImi Portraits
Painted oil China. Humpies at Crnliccr's
Art Htore.'JiaHouth Eleventh.
Htudlo Horim ii, The Ilond.
1-17-lt. Edith Hukhki.i..
I(N) lluest eiigravisl calling cards and plate
for fJ.Ml at Tiik Couiiikii olllce.
Miss C. J. dtillmotto, misllste, second lloor'
Exposition building. Tnku elevator.
Hell & Cowdery, (lower, feed and general
commissioners, US North I Uh st. Phone 7SI.
Wolfenhnrger it McDonald, attorneys mid
ouiiHclnrs, rooms 1'JO mid I'Jl Hurr block,
levator 011 O street.
He Tukes I lm Cuke.
1 will not gltukiss,"sa)sU-iv,
"To naughty girls for I nlihor It."
He will not given kiss 'tis trim,
He'll take one, though, and thank j oil for It.
What is Scrofula
It la that Impurity In 1 1m blood, whlrli, acrumn.
Utlng In tlio KlnniU of tlio nurk, iroiluco till
Iglitljr luiiisurwcllhiKl whteh rnuioa iwlnful
tuiinluK ores oil the urtni, li-ga, or fcut which
leclopes ulcers In the ojret,cr, or lioie, often
cautlng lilhiilncat or tlunf ncia I vtlilrh 1 tlio origin
of plmplci, t-ancvroiit grim Hit, or many other
naiilfenl.itlona iiaunlly nscrllieil to " liumora."
It la n liioro forniiilaliln enemy than roniuinptlon
or cancer nlone, for acrof ula comtilnca llio woral
Killilo fcaturca of holti. Ilrlng Hie moat nnclent,
It la tho moat general of all dlicaiu or atloclloua.
for very few persona are entirely f rco from It.
How can It bo cured 1 lly taking Hood's Haria
parllla, which, by tliu curca It lias nccompUalieil,
often vtlion other medicines liavo failed, lias
proven Itself to bo a iotent and peculiar medicine
for tlda dlaeaao. For all afTectlons of tlio blood
Uood'a Raraaiarlll.i la unriuallcd, anil aomo of Ilia
enrca It liaa cITcctcd are realty wonderful. If you
auffcr from acrofula In any of Its various forma,
bo luro to sivo Hood's Raraaparllla a trial.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
SoldbyaUdrngRtata. lalxforJ. I'reparedonly
by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecarlaa, Lowell, Matt.
IOO Doses Ons Dollar
'ajBJBBBWK. VBH VHilf SBBBfckw'fJn. riBHl (XB iSj kW
JWfy Bf' ctSu,-7 uJfekvaYjiMiaaiualaH I Saw awak
JpiawMawaawMSWwBmBBv' ffi'Wk&&v2SSBM W JaViwBawBm
aBawBamisu'' -m'Tram"llwaawaawSlawaawMawaaPSiaaJaawaWwH
awBawBHt'- L. laisawaawBr
lawaSaPwS' W "3 P "I awBW
Got Flowers. Designs for Weddings and Funerals, Baskets, Boquets, Etc.
General Collection of Plants.
Price List Free. Telephone 344
Spring's Inauguration
Muslin Underwear
and Corsets.
Wc will sell our New Stock of Muslin Underwear
at following special prices:
Corset Covers Trimmed with Lace or Embroidery at 15c,
25c, 39c, and 45c Worth from 25c to 75c
Night Gowns with Lace and Hemstitched Embroidery, 3 and
-'P. ...I... U,. 1 C, ,..,. T C,.,.. M.w.1- ,tt -.,. if.
.i l wi.inj ixwuiivi, iiiii.,
55c, 66c, 750, and $1.00.
Skirts with 3 or 6 Tucks neatly
and Jp I .OO. These noods arc chenp nt 50c, 65c, 75c, $1.00 and $1 .50.
Drawers with 3 and 6 Tucks neatly Trimmed, 25c, 39c, 49c,
65c, and 75c, Worth from 40c to $1.25.
All these goods are brand new, made of good Muslin
without starch and sewed with loekstich.
aaBv''ftisfif 'sPlwBiifl
mm til I Ibh
The Dr. Shilling's Health Coiset
with Rubber Sections beats in
shape, finish, and material every
thing shown so far.
Special Price, 95c.
Wc carry all makes of best Cor
sets, Waists, Coolers, and Nursing
You arc welcome if you call and look around.
1023 O Street.
Floral Conservatory,
Corner G and 17th Streets.
v jiiiijh- m-i,r in ,VW) rD t
Trimmed, 39c, 49c, 55c,
A Lot of Corsets at 22c, worth
A Lot of Corsets at 39c, worth
(This Corset is made on the P.
I). shape.)
We have closed out "The
Famous" stock of P. D. Corsets
and added to our stock and wc
will sell them all at reduced