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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1891)
mwnmjiju'inii1 Aw., 1. 1 3ia.rjfm t mum CAPITAL CITY COURN5K, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1891 U CANDY KOR EVERYBODY Strictly Pure And the Largest and Finest Line In the City, At FOLSOM'S 1307 O STREET. lUVc make a specialty of entering Ice Cream mul Fruit Ices for Halls, Parties, Weddings, etc., nnd enn serve them In the brick or by the tjunrt on short notice nt reasonable prices, Knncy Cukes o( nil Vlmls mnile to older. Telephone orders receive prompt nltcntlnn. Call up 501. If you Deposit your Savings IN TIIK Lincoln Savings Bank Safe Deposit Co. H. K.cor. Itlli and 1" Hts. THEY WILL EARN INTEREST FOR YOU Atthollntonr 5-lJive per Ct. per Annum-S Havo t")00 11 week mul It amounts with Interest In live year to f l,MO.0O. Dank opens nt MM 11. in. to 3:.t0 . in. anil Saturday ovonlniis, 6 to 8 p. tn. Sates to Rent in Burgtar and Fire Proof Vaults. Smoking Jackets, Fancy Vests, Full Dress Suits, Full Dress Vests, Fine Furnishings, Christy's London Hats, AT OALL AT HALTER'S Meat Market! With your CASH, and get Good, Juicy Meat at our own Price. Hants, Heel Steak , ((C Beef Kontt, cc j!'"sf :..:::::...:.5c Pork Steak, fc Roast Pork,.,, .'.!.'.', 6c Sausage ..'.'.".'..Ac llncon,. fc SC Lartl 6c Every Pound Guaranteed to contain Sixteen Ounces, Tenderloins and Rolls always on Hand. Poor or sick people can call and get meat for Nothing with an order from Elder Howe. We. don't change our name every six months. We are still running under the old name, and arc not'athamed of It. Halter's Market, ai6 North Tenth St. Telephone 100. Meat Delivered Anywhere In the City, Sm St el? C-,J- - .1 iVyniiN hiprrnf Mmlrrn Time, PubllBliud SfAturclny. AililriHtM All Lilllllllllltl iiMtlun direct to t tin office WiCHHicL, Pkintino Co. I'lllll.lHIIKIIH, Courier llulldltiK, HIM N Hbrcet. TKI.KIMlONIta'vl !. Wkhmki., Jk Kdltor and Hole Pioprlotor, W. .1. Hviinkm, Asmocinto Kdltor. HtiimoiurrioNi Ono Year by Mull or Curried UIX); Hlx Months, l.0U;Threo Montha, noo. Ono miMilli CVritH Invitrntily In Advance, AtiVKtuiHKMKNTR! Ilttos furnished on application t the orllce. Hpcclal rates on Time. Contracts. OowTKintrrioNsjBliort spicy sketches, poem and stories solicited. Personal anil Hoclsl notes urn eseclnlly desirable, I'aiMTifot Wo iiidko a seclalty of Kino 1'rlntlng In all It branches. Hocletv work it socially. Knlcrcd nttho I'ostolllco of Uncoil', Neb., us second class matter. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. IN TIIK M1.I.AUY. tliivn n I'urpoKO, Iel us llto our life for it purpose Wlilln hereon earth wo stay, Ami scatter Joy mul sunshlno AtniiK the ilrenry way Kor life In not always sunshine TIioiikIi there's How crs on Hie way, Them are tlionm iiiiiouk tbo roses That we pluck from day to day. Mrs. KllwiU-th Phelps Win-il intends to wrlto a memoir of her father, tho lato Pro fessor Austin I'IioIhi. This will prohnhly ho the next work of a literary .clinrnctorto winch sho will turn I in hand. (leu. Lew Walliico is writing with olnbors nte care a story of tho conquest of Constanti nople by tho Turks In 1451. Ho Intends It to Ui ns good in ltd way its 'lien Hur' anil tloiibtloss hopes it will bo ns successful, though it would ho hard for any book to rival that tnlo In popularity. "Her Husband's V'ricnd," hy Hoss I on the Count Kit table. H Is prolwtbly ono of tho most popular novels ever written by that author If tho number of sales Is n criterion. It is written In n dllTerent vein from tho pro. vlous works of ltos. Tho novel Is based up on tho story of it Jilted lover marrying nglrl ho did not love mid subsequently neglecting her. HIio falls in lovo with n noble young man, secures n divorce and marries him, For salo by Milton Lyons, at tho Gotham uowx stand. Llki. Jano Austen, Miss Wllklns has tho power of abstraction to n remarkable degreo. Hho initially iloos her wrltlnir oil n tablet on her knee, In it room whom people nro talking and InuKhliig; but unlike tho geutlu Jane, hIio linen not feel compelled to pull a piece- of cm bioldery over her 'uufemiul'io' work when n caller glances in hoi- direction. It is nut re garded as n sin In these days for n woman to bo caught writing, it sho bo not writing n po litical disquisition not always oven then I Miss Wllklns was In Now YoiklaH winter on a visit, hut it Is not often that she comes to town. Hho Is Described as a small blonde, very bright ami very ntrrccablo, but exceed ingly modest nnd loth to talk About herself or her work. I was surprised to learn that Mint Wllklns' stories nro not 'founded on fact,' hut nro pure ly works of Imagination. I had nupposed that sho personally know Old Lndy Piugree, tho Honest Soul, tho Dragon, nnd nil tho rest of those typical Now England characters. nut notsho 'makes thorn nil tin out of her own head, 'as tho children say. Take- 'A Humble Hoinance,' for Instance tho stoiy that gives Its title to her book. Miss Wllklns used to look at tho tin-peddlers' wagons as they paused along the dusty country road, and think how liko little wandering houses they were; so sho copled one with real tieople, And spun a ro mance around them. Hho U surrounded by the types or cliaraeter she inscribes, but her stories of their lives are pure inventions. The modem magiulno may bi taken ns eui bodying tho best literature of tho world, am the magazine editor pays the highest price to novelists, scientists, statesmen, soldiers, and even kings nnd princes for the best they can lurmsii in the literary line, Tho well-edited mngnzlno becomes an educating Influence in tho family circle, whoso importance cannot bo oveMHtiumtpd. Tho children, as they grow up, uro attracted by Its Illustrations, and so come in time to have n taste for read ing. Thei o Is always soiuetliintr that Is new. loiuelhing that Is strange, something that is mieietliig;nml we consider that wo are do ing our readers a ivcsltlve benefit if wo aio In st luuienUI in placing such a publication wiiiuii uieir reach. Tho sneclnl arraiiKe- ineius which wo have made with tho Cosmo politan presents very unusual inducements. That magazine is already as ono or tho most intei citing publications of tho day. It Is seek ing subscribers e cry where and obtaining them. Tho proprietors believe that the Cos mcpolltaii hits only to bo examined to secure u peimauent subscriber. That Is why we are enabled to make, If tho offer is accepted dcioio January next, mcli it low rate, by which our reuderHcnu obtain the Cosmopoli tan for little more than the cost or this jour ual alone. Just think ot what this eoinblna Man means! Your obtain your own home journal at about the regular pi ice, and httvo thrown In a magazine which gives yuu, In it year, l.KItl pages of reading matter by tho ablest writeis or tint world, including over l,UOO (tages of Illustrations that are unsui pau sed in point or Interest and execution. Will it not pay j ou to wnd a subscription to this ollloe for 1'iik Count Kit and the Cosmopolitan ImmoJiutelyt Remember only 1.00 tor the tit o tho price of the latter alone Is 3.40. Herpolshoimcr & Co's. now line of muslin Underwear 1 the Iwwt limili. hII linlnir I1 stlch and at no higher pi lees than cheaply luaue goous. Bell & Cowdery bailed hay and All kinds of feed and best flower guaranteed. Telephone 7b4. All goods delivered. Table linens, nankins, towels in new line ami now patterns that Are not expensive. Can't you stop in and tee them At llerpol shelmer & Co's. One hundred finest engraved calling cauls and plate only I' at Wewel Printing t;o., 1180 N street. HerpoUhelmer & Co. have tmught out the new csrptt store of O. E.Uatckler & Co. and will eulurge to the best selections in the vfest. SWIM. KANCIKS. Hpeelnl Correspondence. "When tho warm sun that hrlngM Hoisl time nnd harvest, has returned ngnln, lis sweot to visit (ho still wood, where springs Tim Itrst flower of I he plain, " NKW YcillK. Kelt. 13, tSlll. Unless all signs fall nnd tho back of winter Is suddenly broken, It will Ini many weeks yet heforo the big winter wrnn and furs can wifely Ikj re tired from duty, and those who are tho fortu uatu owners of seal nnd snblo, or of rich fur lined clonks will chug to them its long ns pos sible from sheer delight in their luxurious comfort. Hut In this uncertain climate of ours, oven a few mild, lovely days rt re just as tantalizing for a tnsto of tho flowery gemmed spring, nnd It Is a great plcnsuro to feminine humanity to slip Into one's natty spring coat oven for n few hours only. In this lull be tween the winter nnd Easter gnyeties, there nro vat Ions afternoon teas nnd receptions, at which It Is allowable to nir one's spring gown or now outside garment, so It does not scorn premntuin to publish today, it couple of tho Hod fern sketches which wilt give our readers an Idea of tho ltllll spring conts. Hero wo hitvo a distingue mrslel, cut with the cross seam over tho hip, nnd In double breasted style. Tho material Is it medium weight cloth of a rather light grey, mid it is braided from the left shoulder to the waist nnd also upon tho square cuffs, with dark grey and silver. IlKDKKll.V HI'ltINd COAT is plainer but very stylish. It U ot dark blue cloth with loose fionts, opening over it long waistcoat with pleated skit t, which Is ot fawn. An embroidered mull cravat gives a dressy tlulsh to tho simple but very chic gar ment. All sufferei-H from blood disorders can use Ayer's Hursnpnrilln with assurance of euro. The llttrllngton's New I.lue to the lllnrk Hills, Tho Hurliugton Ilouto takes pleasure hi mi nounciug to tho public tho completion of Its now line to Deadwood, South Dakota, and tho formal opening ot same for business. This event marks an oiocli In the history of Nebraska, In opening up to tho trade cen teiN of tho state and tho Missouri Valley, new and valuable territory and u country im mensely ricit iu coal and mineral deposits, whoso possibilities for tho futuro promise much for tho commercial and mnuufucturiifg prosperity of tho state. Tho Hue Is substantially constructed nnd thoroughly equipped, tho object being to af ford n hervlce that is llrst class iu every par ticular, and Iu keeping with other through linos of the Burlington System, It la tho shortest and quickest lino from Missouri Ktver cities and principal olnts in Nebraska to Deadwood, Hot Springs, Custer and Hill City, South Dakota, Merino and Newcastle, Wyo., and all itoluts in the Black Hills. Through trains arc run dally with Pullman Bleeping Cars from Omaha and Lincoln to Deadwood without change, miking connec tion At Lincoln ami Omaha with nil trains of tho Uurllngton Route to and from all points Eait, West and South. Kor further information apply to any Hurl Ingtoti agent, or to J. Fkakcis, (Jett'l. IWr Agt., Omaha, Neb. New niching, new veiling in the latest con ceits at Herpolvbetmer & Co. Elegant line of new ginghams, In Scotch and American, just oMned at Herpolshefmer &Co. SOUTH LINCOLN. (lev. E. H. Iliilstoii leaves Lincoln tomor row for Denver, Colo, Mr. and Mrs, Itlvett nro rejoicing over tho advent of n now arrival Iu the sIiiihi of it lino twelve K)uiid Ixiy which came Wcdm-wlay ulglit. Mrs. Modohouso of Nebraska City, Is visit ing her brother and looking after tho welfare or tho Imy, Dirk Is happy nod smiling and wife doing well. Mr. Hlnde, who lives on Twelfth and A streets, sllpied and fell breaking his nukle, but Is doing nlcoly under the caro of Dr. Hatch, Mr. 1L Murphy left for Omaha Thursday Aunt Hahantiia. Doctors Hal ley & Uoodoll, olllee VM7 L street. Telephone, 017. Only place in Lincoln that use mineral ator in Imths Is at 1010 (J street. Tho Whltebreast Coal nnd Llmo company is again nt the front supplying the finest grades of all kinds of coal Havo you seen tho lieautlful lino of photo graphs of America's grentest stage celebrities nt Thk CouniKK ofllcof Tho Hue embraces nil tho leading nnd most prominent artists and nro tho work of Falk ot Union Bquaro New York, undoubtedly tho finest photo grapher hi tho country. Cnll iu and see them. I have a cousin who Is a printer, Bays ox Mayor J. II. Loughrau of North Dos Moines, Iowa Homo years ago ho was employed in his city whero they woro printing circulars for Chamberlain. Hit linil n ilvmi untiul I and ten ible cough, nnd whllo setting up copy no mniio up ms mum to buy n bottlo. It Cliri-ll 111 til nml Mint, wnfl thn ftrfit I of Chnmberliln's Cough Hemody. I havo iH-en strongly in its rnvor over Hlnco, My own expei lenco nnd thnt of my family con v luces mo thnt this reuusly is the liest In the world. That may lie strong language, bu that Is what I think. For salo by A. Blinder, Druggist Surety Machine lor Hale. I havo n now safety, latest pntont thnt I will sell cheap for cash. Machine cost 1W and I will sell it for (l!i. Cnll on Edgar WcsmjI nt Coummi olllee. Doctor Koch's Discovery, Dr. Koch's great remedy Heeins to provo ofllcaelouH In these caves whore tho patient hits contracted consumption in low lying countries. Almost all tho level Km opean dis tricts whero the dNoase exists it is traceable to purely climatic conditions, tho moist at mosphere lielng n fine breeding region for the microbe. Hut Iu the high ami dry altitude traversed by the Union l'nclflc, tho original Overland Ilouto, consumption not only can not OXlst but Ih Rlirelv nm-nliln In Itu ..n.l.. stages. All this Is tcstllled to by thousands niiu niivo icgaiueti neaiiu nnu strength In tho lire-giving nlr or tho mountains. U-ltilU-l (U. New styles of invitations just in at Thk CouittEUoflico. Weildlug invitations, cither printed or en grnved In tho Hnest style ot tho nrtotTiiK CouniKH ofllco. Correct forms and liest qunlity ot stock guaranteed. Sample cheer fully shown. J. 11. Barnaby, tho tailor, mny Ikj found at rooms 13 and 13, Newman block.tOi'i O st. Tho Rambler blcvclo is cnmlni- mnra In popular favor dully as the machine comes into general uo. it is undoubtedly tho best adapted for snood, comfort and mrety, or any ot the machines. Call and sou It nt "!? R. Guthrie's, 1M0 O street. Cheap Kxcitrslon Kutes. Excursion tickets nro now on sale via tho 11. & M. to all important points in tho south, Including .Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Geor gia, tho Carolliias nnd Florida. The II. i& M. Is tho only lino running through sleepers between Lincoln and Kan sas City making close connections for south ern points. It is the short Hue and makes tho fastest tlmo, A trial will convince you of tho fact. Enquire at union depot or city olllee, cor ner O and Tenth streets, ror rurther mrtlcu lars. A. C. Ziemeii, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Think 111 The Cosmopolitan Magazine, a giant among the great monthlies, nnd Thk Couriku will both bo sent to any Address one year ror three dollars. For furtner particu lars read largo advertisement on page eight. Jupltor Coal isn winner and Uett8& Weav er, solo ngentH have plenty or it. Try a ton. Across the Deep lllur Hen. ARE you going j abroad noxt sum- safr men it so, mild ly permit us to !$r suggest that early application Is ab- isolutely necessary Iu onler to secure desirable necom- iir """"" "- r! f ttw jl it f lftiLi ftt ani - nigs in .iuiio, .liny or August. I uiako a Kc lalty ot ouoaii steamship ticket and am enabled to offer superior In ducements to intending tourists. My olllco Is supplied with tickets to nit parts of tho world, und itineraries will lie compiled covering trlof one, two or three mouths, cr longer ir do tired and embracing alt points of in terest on the toui 1st globe. lam prepared tofurnlshcnrefulestiiuatesas to tho cost of these trips, and will t'tko pleas ure In replying to all Inquiries c incoming tills class of travel. A. C ZlKMKli. City Pass. Agent, Lincoln, Neb, M ft litfriii litrartirtlAtourMcn 1hinfworlt, IIIHIILV111 ",l (' ", t.y Uvu- of Hf I HIP1 W lilr ri.tmiiiirir i.Ji. tmi In ttitlr 1T1 M H 1 I oHiilufaliIiK,uirritirilitr Mvf.Atty W I onf mn du li ftk I nit In Irani. Wa runilth tvrrihlur Wtan um, Nurlk Uu laittWoi four AiMirv iiioniriii, ur nil )inir tima to ih twrk lltUU n tnllnljr miw IraJiHil lirlnira woutlt iful urr r Ik firr w t ihrr, Hi'irti"ir ir raniliif rrum 4X1 lu 40 rrMrrk auil'iii wmtl, ind mora after a llilla tiiriaiic. H ran nimil)ou ll rm. poyiiiii an4 lact) jrou ll(fc. .o fliact to rthlalu htr. I-ul iofnn.llon IKfclC rrUTi:l:'U.. alblbTi, MAIXK. Umifc? Hula rrtiinMnafattffnma(1ttt vitHk rr u, hy Anna 11 Auatin, i !, himi Jm, nonii, liiauu, ihu( HctMl, Oilit-rsarfiloliitfaa wall. Why iil tMiiT Noma rani orr iiimtli. 1 in iMittlu ilia Mroik aiMl Ufa it ! mi a, ulirrciir tMi art. Ktn ba Iliiiirn am tutllv rariilna; rrom W la lllftilar Allarta. aliow youhow nd atari yiui, ( an work In MMiratlni ur all tlit lima, Ilia; ntontjr rur work vra. l-allur unknown ainone; Ibtru, SliW aiiilwniidaiful. I'artlrular rVta. ll.llMtUltateCtf.illOalHMtfl'urllUllUtMallH $te!fi HR!tfB?ylM5i. .ifctWslV- KTfi 4v mm iwm -it:5' immm nSS'TMaWlyw 1 KylsHaH4nX,'W' MflASSBHIinBAE A 1 1 w. 1 Mo axCBH VfffBJJW CORSETS --. Wc find our stock of CORSSTS entirely too. large nnd will make prices that will sell rapidly. 20 dozen White or Oral), 23c, worth 40c. 10 dozen White or Drab, 35c, worth 50c. , J 1 1 dozen White or Drab, 47c, worth 75c. 9 dozen White or Drab, 69c, worth 90c 7 dozen Klaek or Drab, 97c, worth $ 1 .25,. 7 dozen Black or Drab, $1.15, worth $1.50!. We carry alt the popular to save money. toJltong,&6cfr 1109 TEETH 1 EXTRACTED - DRH. K. KER7VTAN SURGEON DENTIST, Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic No Chloroform ! No lither ! No Gas I A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. All Fillings at the Lowest Rates. DR H K KFRMAN Rooms 94. 95. 9, Burr BJoclc, UL. 11. l. lLlVHmi, LINCOLN, NEB Britton's New Grocery 1410 O STREET. Having just opened our store, the largest in the new Alex ander block, we extend you an invitation to call and inspect our line of goods. Our aim will be to carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, including the very best of everything, making a specialty of Teas, Coffees, Spices, Flour and Potatoes, in which wc will offer the best at such prices as will make it an inducement for you to buy. All goods promptly delivered. Telephone 780. We Solicit a Call! v5- . aM,- -gfa&Sajs?5',,) SsC;5 : FRIGHTENED BY THE BILL. Lndlcs are naturally fond of shopping; it seems to agree with them. But shoppim costs money and the time comes when the husband Is asked to look over t he W Ihe nil o shopping U worth ji little study. You can buy so that your luuba ml v III be nlcucd when he sees your 1,111, and so that he will tnke, in paying It, Kcou which any business man takes in n good bargain. The first lesson In the at of "hon ping Is to Icarii o go tj the right place to mn'ke your purchases. You can make no mistake In his Ifou deal with us, because we will go 'as far to consult yo ur intele ts as we will to consult ourown. We can especlslly recommend our ncwM e c BctU room Suits which are very stylish nnd which we offer at very low prices t r makes and this is. one chance 0 ST. $ WITHOUT 1 PAIN XJTT - 1410 O Street. f" W-'- aT "r !l 1 -i v. I