CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY KKBRUARY 7, 1891 IMIIESS Alice Isaacs OMAHA, LATE WITH STERN BROS., MEW YORK LATEST NOVELTIES IN Millinery -A1-- Very Lowest Prices. In (lie HI ore of llcyuinn A DoIcIich, 1518-20 Famam Street OMAHA. HOW IN NEW QUARTERS ! Lincoln Trunk Factory O ST 1133 O ST. Where we will be glad to cc nil old frlend and customers and as many now ones as can get Into the store. C. H. WIR1CK. SUCCESSOR TO WIRICK & HOPPER. A 15 Gent Shave FOR 10 CENTS -AT- SAM WESTERFIELD'S, BURR : BLOCK. Jgyai Leading PHOTOGRAPHER! Flno Hunt CnblnotH $3 per dozen. Special rates to student. Call aud seo our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open from 10 a. 111. to 4 p. in. Hundnys. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Office: 239 South Eleventh St. McMurtry Block. Office Phone 561. Residence i'hone 562. LINCOLN, NEB. Xy Sptcialht. Practice Limited to Diseases of tlio Nervous System, Heart and Blood HKHKHKNCK3: Hon. Win. lA'ese, Attornny Gonoral. Hon. T. I.. Norvul, Associate Justice. Jones' Nittlomil Hunk, Howard. Citizens' National llauk, Ulysses. OrriOK: vea O Btreet. LINCOLN, NKH. Ladles Use Ur. Vn Iluo's Periodical Fill! from ParlH, France. 'J hat positively ro llcvo suppressions, monthly derangements and Irregularities caused by cold, weakness, shook, anemia, or Kcneral nervous debility. The largo proportion of Ills to which ladles and missus are liable Is the direct result of a disordered or Irregular menstruation. Hup. .preislons continued result In blood poisoning ami quick consumption. - piickbko ura lor l on receipt. 111 price, noiu H. I. Bhqrwln, druggist o 15. Bent direct on rccelpl in Lincoln iy LINCOLN cMimm AND IKBT1TUTK OK rKXMANalllr, Shorthand, ami Typewriting. U the brst and largrst College In tlio West, ui) Student III attcmtaiico lout jear. HtuJcnU prepared lor bunlnru In from Jto aionlhs. Kxpcrlrnccd faculty. Personal Initriiellon, Beautiful Hliutriitcd catalogue, college Journal., and anecluwuiof pcnntunthlp, Mint free by tulilrriuiliig- ULU1IUIIKIE ft ROOSE, Lincoln, Neb. Tickets ON SALE TO ilLL Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH -AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent BEAU UMJMMfcL'S WIT. Instvnces of lint I'miimin Sw ell's Quick less at Itrpurtcc. Hj those who have witnessed Itlrhurd Maiisllcld's clever Interpretation of Beau Brummci In Mr. Fitch's drnum of that nam?, tlio humorous nlTectatloti contained In tiki follow lug few Instauccsnf tlio Beau's occcntrlowlt will In) appreciated! Having borrowed some money of 11 city invrclinut, whom In return liu patioulcd and Introduced Into certain social circles, ho was one day asked for repayment of the loan. "Do you know what has happened?" he said ton friend in 11 toiiu of Intense ludig' nation. "Why. there's that fellow T , who lent mo i'ftOO. Ilu has had thu fuco to ask inu for It, and yet I called thu dog 'Tom,' and let injsolf dlnu with him." "You huu a cidd, Brnmmel," said 11 sympathizer at the club ouu day. "Why, do you know," said thu Beau, "that 011 thoroad to Brighton thu other day, when wo stopped to change horses, that In lldel of a valet of mine actually put tuu Into a room with a damp stranger?" At otic tluiu thu fancy took him to eat no vegetables. Dining nut ouu iil;lit, and 1m lug asked by 11 lady If hu had inner eaten any vegetables in his life, he replied, "Yes, madam, I think I once atu 11 pea." An iiciiuaintaucu during a morning call, having recently been traveling in thu north of England, persisted In cross ques tioning Briiiniuel about the celebrated Ciimlieiland lakes which did hu liku best, and so on. Wearied at length by his visit or's affected raptures hu turned to his valet, who chanced to enter thu room: "Mnitlmer, which of thu lakes Is It that I admlru thu most?" "Windermere, sir," nnswered the well trained servant, "All, yes; Windermere," rceated Briiiniuel. "So It, Im Windermere." In answer to an Inquiry as to where ho was going to (line that night hu replied: "Itcnlly, I don't know; they put inu in my coach and tuku mu somewhere." Inane and empty at many of thu Beau's utterances may appear in cold print, thu marvelous lullcctliiiisof his voice perhaps contributed thu largest share to thu point made. Now York Herald. It Whs Tiki Much. "Why did you assault this manf" wan asked of a prisoner iti thu police court thu other morning. "Hu hurt my feelings, judge." "In what respect?" "Well, I had pawned my overcoat, socks and undershirt to get money to get out of town, and he camu up aud charged inu with picking his pockit of $ 10,000 In clear, colli cash." "Well?" "Think of it, judge! I stood there, hun gry and shivering, and hu demanded his $10,000 back! Ten thousand dollars! Why, thu most I ever had at any ouu t lino wo $171 I suppose I hit him, hut how could I help it? Ten thousand dollars! Wanted mu to go down into my pocket and pull up $10,000 in greenbacks. Ureal Scott! but I haven't got over thu feeling yet!" Sentence suspended. Detroit Freu Press. A Joke Kepcatrd. Fledgely, although he likes n joke, has a defective memory. Howells camu rushing up to him one day and asked anxiously: "Where Is that letter, Fledgely?" "What letter?" "Let her go, Gallagher." Fledgely roared. About a week later hu met Hobiuson on Broadway aud asked nervously: "Holilu.son, whoru's thut postal curd?" "What iostul curd?" "Let her go, Gallagher," and Fledgely's roars were heard In Nassau street, while Hobiuson walked olT talking to himself. American Stationer. A Work of Art. "Now, madam," Bald the bric-a-brac; dealer, "hero is au elegant bronze vase in genuine repoussn work. The nautical scene 011 this bide represents 'Jonah and the 'Whale.' " "I only southu whale; whero's Jonah?" "You note tliatdlstcnsloniiearthu tall?" "Yes." "Well, that's Jonah." American Sta tioner. Easy to He Found, "Why don't you marry, Mr. Bachelor?" "Well, I've been trying for yearn to find a girl." "nave you got any money?" "Enough, I guess." "Thou you just hold still awhllu and the girl will find you." Washington Star. A Phenomenon of Dully Occurrence. Teacher I low long can a human being go without air? Bright Boy Six hours. My pa says bo. Teacher Dear me, how Is that possible? Bright Boy He went from New York to Boston in 11 Pullman car. Life. Ills Choice. Mother Johnny, I see that your little brother has thu smaller pleco of cake. Did you give him his choice, as I told you? Johnny Yes'm. I told him he could havu his choice, the little piece or none, and he took the llttlo piece. Chicago Post. All Hope Abaudon. Poet (meekly) I should like to lea vu this little pnuni for your inspection. I suppose a good many poems aru left (tore? Editor (grullly) Yes, and mi aru thu fel lows who want us to buy them. Life. All the Hanin to Her. At thu grocer's. "Give me hnlf 11 pound of tea, please." "Black tea or green, miss?" "I don't caro which, My mistress is blind." Purls Figaro. An Inducement, Magnus Scott I don't want your paper. Canvasser If you will hiibscrlbo I'll havo a good obituary of you written In the paper when you die. American Stationer. A Conspiracy. Keegtir Dlil iv. hear that Fngui ty fell overbuilt' I 1111' was drowned? Bourse -Oi did thu same; but Ol hchive he did II on poorpus to git his life insur ance, fin It was only thu other day hutould mu hu was tliryln to ralsu money to go to Oirelund. Lipplncott's Mugiuluu. A (Iranit Hititull.hiiietit. "By the great guns, sir," said thu stout man In thu ulster and white necktie, look, lug down from thu balcony skirting thu upholstery department of a well known dry goods store, "thla Is an Immense place huge, simply stupendous." "Oh, yes; nice store," said thu clerk obligingly "Thu Bon MnreliH Isn't 11 comparison, No, sir; not 11 comparison, sir, How much of it stock do j oil carry?" "About $aoo,tKW worth." "Good llrst rato and furniture kow nlxiut furniture?" "Over $100,000." "Admirable! Take a house and go right through It, I s'poso furnish it complete, could you from top to bottom eh?" "Yes; everything from carpets to hrlu-a-brae?" "And lacn curtains aud tapestries you keep them?" "Keep everything." "And j on know what Mylo Is, too re naissance, Pompadour, Henry II. and the I.OUU?" "No one lictter posted than our managur, P'r'aps you'd (letter see Mm. Mr. X , hero ouu moment," and thu manager came up with a smlluou him like a half moon. "No Idea of It," mused thu ulster. "No idea. Had an Impression you had to go to Europe for such things. Good taste everything correct, surprising, really." "If you could give mu an Idea," ventured thu manager, "of what you required, you know" "Ah, yes, I forgot. Want two and a half yards of green shade fringe. Maguillcetit establlshmunt." Upholsterer. Her Plum. "Penelope, havu you any plans for the futuru?" Thu father, a distinguished south side physician, looked sternly at his Cl-year-old daughter as he asked this question. "Ycj, sir," shu answered, "You say It makes you homesick to stay itwny from home, Pcuclnpc. That is 11 con sideration hardly worth mentioning. Homesickness soon passes away. Your sister Is in her last year at thu college to which I wish to send you, and you will not I hi alone, at least for nearly a year, and at the end of that tlmu you ought to bo able to get along nicely by yourself." Penelope tapped thu tloor Impatiently with her foot. "I won't go, papa," shu said, "There's no use talking ntiout It. I'd rather die." "You are growing up, Penelope," sighed the good doctor, "apparently without any Idea of the value of tlmu or the earnestness and reality of life. You don't care for uso fill books, you do nothing to improve your mind, you spend your hours In frivolity, you seem to tloat Idly along as if Micro weru no serious end or aim In living ex cept merely to get what selllsh pleasures you can out of It. Yet j oil say you havo your plans for the future. What are they?" "I am going to bo a society lady," said Penelope. Chicago Tribune. I Hunt mint Plirit.m. AN OrKSINO NIOHT. -Life. A Had llargaln, "I sny. Cholly," said Gus do Jay, "I wish you'd tell Jack Chinkington that I aw cawn't gotothoweceptlon. I hitvechaiiged my mind, don't yo knaw." "I remarked to Jack only last night that you changed your mind quite often." "Whawt did he say?" "Husuld he'd bet that the other fellows in thu transaction always got the worst of It." Washington Post. How It I Doiift Noiuetlii,;. Walter (ilrl (at Benevolent Brotherhood's eating house) I can't live on thu wages I get here. Can you afford to givu me (1 a week more? Manager Sorry, but we can't. You see, we havu to support an Orphans' homo with the profits of this business. Walter Girl Then please tell mu how I can uu admitted to thu Orphans' home Chicago Tribune. How It nppen. Neighbor How does It happen that your oldest daughter hits consumption, while your other daughter is thu picture of health? They appear to lie of exactly 'the same temiierament. Hostess My oldest daughter got her winter fashions from Paris; the other got hers from Canada. New York Weekly. A flemiliie Mentation. First Dramatic Reporter Say, did you hear that sensation about Mine. Prima donna's diamonds? Second Dramatic Reporter What! are the stolen again? Flrr.t Dramatic Report. Nu; they're real I Judge. A Peiahiilnllc View. Jagway I don't seo what you put your money on that horse for. He is hound to bring up the rear. Travers (gloomily) What would you havu inu do? Bet on somu other horse and themcu this one win? Week's Sport. Secrets of the Profcialon. Stage Manager Wheru Is Afghan Lum bago, thu tattooed Zulu? Property Boy Hu got caught In thu rain coming from supper, and hu is downstairs having thu scenic artist touch him up, Judge. Coiii'IimIto Evidence. Judge You aru charged with assaulting Maj. Dings by pulling his hair. What say ion? Primmer It's false, your honor. It camu Off the llrst tlmu I touched it. Lowell Citt sen, PolloMlng u Precedent. "Mr. Schoolmaster, I hope oil will treat this little hoy of initio exactly as If ho were your own sou." "Oh, yes, certainly; I will givu him a whipping every day slncu you deslru It." Fllegende Blatter. te1" SLUMBER SWEETLY, BABY DARLING. (LULLABY,) W 1 . Published by permission of Lyon (! lleuly, Un'cayo, Publishers. Copyrighted by S. A. Slcvena. Composocl by FREDERIC LOWELL. sE e 1. Slum her .wrct Ijr, !. Shun her sHeet ly, Andiiile. I gpgpippigip -pa j I , r pfejeilii3priBi! hu - by dnr-litig, Sliimbcr on and dream a way, Whllo tlio dim - pies, soft aud con nlng, ba - by tlar-llng, Close thy roguo - ish ojes of bluo, Full of won - tier, full of nils chief. i sr3iHie I A-. P a liaU' I I psipgittipiiiippsi Show wheru fair - y flu - gcrs play; Coo-lng gen - tly, ha - by dar ling, Swlng-lng up and Full of lieitv - cn'a pur- est duw s Llku a ray of gold -en stiu-llglil I'eep-lng thro' the Ill m $ E :3 r, f -n r -9 M 1 F - faL.-Sf mf 5fejg5sfeja m (swing Ing down. May thy brow ho whlto and per feet Nov cr know an an gry frown ; clouds a - Imivc, Thou hast como a llv liur em bleiu Of ill vino and ho Jy love ; Pkmmmmmmmm T q -1 rj- ' C- -fel Pitt agitato, p -i r t CM. -JB & 3 -..Jz2L mm Hut when storms shall gath-er round thec, When temp - ta tlons cck to charm, May thy moth cr'a Fold thino arms u-rnuiid 1110 clos-cr. Lay thy head up on my breast; Thus may 11 n gclb 6 mf iS gfegygr Ht zM iEpi f M v prnyen rcincmlicred Keep thee mte from fear and harm, .iitrtl and guida thee, Frco fnnn pain to hliss-ful rest. 8ra PP , 1 Shim-bcr sweetly, ba- by dnr-llng. Sluin-ber sweetly, etc. 7 ff rit. 1 - 0 0 -0- t ( &3'fo-,$-&::T:x. I I 1 ; V, j I j , I I I 1 1 s PP tZ -- tigia Slumber on and dream a - way, Whllo thy dim - pics, soft and cun - nlng, Show whero fairy fingers play. 8ra pfflSffi 533 Lv- jpc fes dz-t J -g OFFIOE 1024 0 Street. Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty