Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 07, 1891, Page 2, Image 2
w I CAPITAL CITY C'OUKIKK. SATURDAY, f5lRUARY 7, 1891 W, IV1 l k w 11 h W ' r,v JifcW, Vl OliUU & v DELIGHTFUL COMFLEXION EFFECTS Mny lie. produced by tho use of MHH. (IUA HAM'H Kugcnhi Ktminol mid her I tow llloonl. Tho rnmphixlnn mid color are iimilo ticrlvct. mill Hi" eliwt "I "crilllliy could mil do-ii-cloiiPgridNnrpowdrrorlhe lewd Indlea tmn or artificial color. I will slake my rep utation that nit ony race I can glvo the input ilplluhtnil complexion nml color with hu c ilc Kiuunol '"' M,HM' , l"',",,,;i "' flint no one could, wmnllily tell that iho color or complexion wore nrllllo In). Thin l high "" "1 comiictlcn. They ire rncli more liiirmlcM than niiy oilier con. n Mle. In tho world, lieoiiuo I hoy urn each ill, solving In Uiclr nature, nml tliiin doc mil cloff 1111 tho Mrc. When using thoo superb cosmetic ynu may wipe tho duM. or porp -ration from Iho mee without marring their dollcnlo licmily. Tlmy remain on nil day, or until wahcd oir. Price of cnoli. $1 1 llm two soul any whore ror II, KoroHlo hvilrimll, nml nt MHH. II. h. QlMCK'H rotnlillolitni'lit, W Houth llth nt. Mr. (Indium, KM INmt t., Hnii Francisco, treat ladle for nil defect or blomlidio ol fnoo or flKiire. F01 il stamp for her little book "How to I hi Itcnullful." The Nestor of the Magazines, "Accordlnit to Homer, Nrstoii, tho old warrior and tho wlKocouimellorof thoUrooki hud ruled over three gonerlnlon of men, And wh wine n tho Immortnl gods." North American Review linn been In tho vnn of Amerlcnii thought for luoretlmii Hire quarter of it century, rnnk lug l way with tho best and moat Inlluen tlnl periodical In I ho world. It In tho mouth piece or the men who know tnoM hIhiiiI Iho groat topic on which Americans require to be Informal from month to month, It con tributor 11 UK tho lender of thought mid no tion In every livid. Those who would tnko couiikcI of the highest kunwledgo on tho affairs or the lime, nml lenrii whslUtobo nld regarding them by tho recognized mi thorltleonlM)ih ldc. mind thervforo rend THE NUHTH AMKIUCAN UKVWir, Iho Nestor ortho tmigmlne. "Tho North Amerlemi Itovlew I nhend of any magiulno this country lin over aeon In tho ImiMirliincc orthotopic II dUciuio lOitl tho eminence of It contributor." AUxiny Argu. "lln Ih'Coiiic, U wore, tho lutelllgont AHieiloaiiollUoii'slinnd.bonk on grvnt tpie t Ion of tho hour." rtinjiilu Lrprrn. "Tho North Aiiiorlcnn Hevlew touches American on nlmoiit every point In which they are Interested." Boston ifenild. "A moulder or Intelligent opinion by tho Impnrllnl preeiilnllon of both Meof Impar I ant subjects." VhtUuttlfltUx inM(o Lrdoer. Tho list of recent ranlrlbtitor to tho Hit VIKW forms nroll of representative 111011 nnd women of the time, Including W. K. Olad tone, J. G. Maine, Cardinal (llbbon, (speak er Heed, Kx-HpcnkcrCnrlhdc. W. MoKlnley, Jr Ouhtn, Mine. Adam, (lenenil Hhermnn, Admlrnl I'orter, Mine. Illnvntky, T. A, Kdl on, lll.lmp It C. Potter, Klltnhcth H. I'help, Cnn. H. I'nrnell, A J. Ilulfour, John Morley, Col. It. O. Ingnmoll, Henry Oeorgc, Chnunccy M.Pc(ow. Kdwiml lleltiiuiy.l'rofcMorJnmc Brycc, Qnll lliimllton, etc., etc. AO Cent Nuinhrr, 5.00 Yrr. AVii' is Ike Time to Subsoil! The North -mencan Review, 3 Kxt 14th Ht.. New York. StlX-VrV wwn Im IM MtMM. 0r qM. tad to Istrotla. r MITftUT M H Will !) 1 1 R (( to la Mca Is. niiiy, ban Qatrtfeolttrli' Initttt icca Mr. ul llMrluiiK Allymtanladuln nturn U t tfeow w fooiii lo Myxurwull ii Btlkisv n, llir imM f. Tl. l (fltthsr ft IkU lIlrttll-.IK'nl hw IM hmMI -! Ik i'l- ik jiiium of Ii rtdttM4 l B.k Au.h n.rt Aftoftkulk. Il ! vraiul. dtMlbl. til lrl SSkMUrnwUrwrlonrrr W llllMhwyHlw fM "T,;;r.!vl ,ia..uBiim. rn.M,ih.uH.Miii. mLi nmrttmem, IMM wrll al one W fr ill !) k-rm SitolTli IUUKTTCO. kll)Vl'ullllliu.Mlll C 1 ot Infofllon rt Mrutot Um kv,tfeowliia flow tojm klUrka. OoarrtiijU, aia mJV rcriiee Mtsa. TW Wtowhif tt fir KOMANCIffl OF TIIU U1UII. ONE I'OnTUNE IN COUnT AND AN OTHER IN A GRAVEYARD. The !iiili'l Notr In l'riigrr for l'oie lnu of the I'lijerwpiitlmr .MIIIIimk. Whein it Mlitr llonnU IIU Money A (ilrl'N llnth for Wcnllh. Somo time n(i t lienrit 11 party of Ketitlo men, nil In tlm prlinoof life 11 lit 1 the r rlpleutn of fnlr Hiilurle, illictiis iuiietl(in which Imil iiImhiL It tlm cliiirm of Hid lin irolmlile. The illicit Ion win, "Wlint wmilil you do If you Imil 1111 Iiicoino of f1J,(H) n jciirilorlviilMili'ly from mfo liiviMtniiiitif" A ilreumy lluht cmmi Into tlm eye of cacti iiiuiiiIht of thuKroup tluitnnri of nuft, In Iroipectlve, ItixiirloiiN Kleiini tluit l'loni to liulltlen of ciixtlcs In thu nir or KorKcoun IIANIKI, II. FAVKIlWKArilClt. lUcprtnliiciMl from Clilruuo Kvenlug I'ont. clintemix In Spain, Oile man ileclnrcil for unlimited travel, limit her for a Htiliiirlinn lintiiu well Ntockcil with hooks and all tho uppiirtuuiiucei of eleaiit Iclmro, n third developed nocIiiI iiiplriitlouH nml n low for (lie never einlliiK (ixcllements of a Kreal city, while n fourth hiiIITimI tho lireiv.o of anticipation like an old warrior, and xpoku KlowluKlyof wlmt ho could do with tlm Mini named ai a ulimnploii of economic, reform. All were an reed on one point, however (lint u moiety of thu nuppoltl tlnilK IncomeN hIioiiIiI lie devoted to thu alleviation of misfortune and distress. While these day dreamer canvassed the itlliirliiKMihjcct In It various phases tho world rolled on as usual; thu HtriiKKlliiK nml hcIiciuIiik for wealth never ccii.simI, ami throiiKli thu wlmlowN poured tho noises of thu street, thu ruiuhlu of tho vlicvln, thu crlei of thu drlvew, thu distant loarof factories, the Hcream of whistles nil active testimonials to the pauselcs.scoii test, llrst for existence mid then for riches. They didn't know It at thu moment, hut hey afterward learned that while they talked fntirfcnci In the drama of fortune were heliiK played on illlTcrcnt hUikcs and under HtmtiKo conditions. In a court room Inwyen veru lielniiln mi attempt to lireak the will of a millionaire; Inn ceinu tery mi old man was hiding his cherished coin; In a Jail a miser win HiilTcrliiK pun ishment for too vigorous Attempts nt col lecthiK, mid ucriMi thu country u lithe limbed and vigorous girl win pushing her way on foot from the Clolden Oatu to Now York city that hIio mlilii win a prl.o of largo proportions. When Daniel 1). Kayerweatlierdled somo wiH'ks ago thu pulilio llrst became aware of his great wealth. All Ills business life ho had Ih'iiii 11 leather merchant In New York city, Tliosu who know thu man credited him with possession of a modest forttun.. MN will showed that he had amassed prop erty to thu value or ?7,0(X),()00. By the terms of the Instrument comparatively small sunn were left to hli widow mid other relatives. Colleges and hospitals were ru uiombered to thuuxteiitof W,aK),O0O, and t ho residue, nearly $,(KJ,O0O, was to remain in the ulmoluto control of three uxustitora for no dvllultuly specillod purpose. At llrst Mrs. Fayerweather nnd thu other heirs consented to probate, hut afterward they withdrew their sanction, claiming not to have understood thu provision by which 11 large share of the forttiuu win alienated, or rather liostowcd upon people in no de gree relatives of thu deceased. Tills wutt thu llrst step In a hitter legal battlu to break thu will and secure tho distribution of thu estate under thu general provisions of the law, When tho struggle is to end, or what portion of thu deceased leather maker's millions will couiu Into tho hands of those of his own blood, are matters ex tremely pioulemntlcul. Thu romance of Mr. r'nyerwcatlier's life vvoh nlmply 11 romance, of hard work, care ful saving nnd commercial sagacity, lie wait born nt Stepney, Conn., I.i Htil, and in a I. id worked 011 11 farm. Then he learned thu Hluieinuklng trade, and on reaching his majority Indsavedenough money to afford n couple of terms nt school. After that he peddled tinware through Virginia, anil often receive. 1 payment for Ills goods In hide. He drifted to New York city mid got employment with a In itlier house. In tlinu lieroMi ton partnership, nnd when the civil war liroku out laid thu foundations of tho linn's fortunes, llu thus outlined Ills JUIM1 IIOKY MAX ni.UMKKt.l). policy: "War means armies, armies mean shoes, mid hlioesiueau leather. I am going to Invest lu leather." Asa result hli house became the lca:llirr' one. of its kml in thu world. It wns Ir-ciuisu of ids own literary dlsnd vantages that Mr. Fayerweather de sired to do something for education. Hence his handsome bequests to various colleges. He left no children, mid his wife Is mi Invalid. Mux llluinfeld acciiinulates wealth by methods different from those which char acterized tho itc.ul millionaire. Ho Is a money lender, a dealer lu old clothes, a picker up and vendor of unconsidered trifle. When he cannot let out his coin ntexorbltaut rates of Interest he leaves his homo in New York city and ktcals nwny to Calvary comotury on long There he buries lilt hoard milling tho tombs. Thin sound llku llitini!, but It li fact, fur only thu other day ).en llluinfeld win ar rested on 11 charge if stealing flH lie de clared ns a proof of hli Innocence that ho had no need to rob, Accompanied by a detective lie went to thu graveyard and un cart lied M,!V0, which he produced In court. Thu Justice advised him tiibauk hli money, mid hit did so, but within twenty-four hours wltlidiew It and once more con signed It, to the earth. Pending his trial he had been Iwoilnya In Jail, The quartern nnd tlm food suited him so well that lie begged permission to llvu permanently be hind the bars, hut ns he was not a crim inal the request win refused, llu Inn a room on Kast Hi oadway for which hu pa) smivcii' ty-IUu cents a month. I'or food he limits himself to mi expenditure of seven cents 11 day Whenever hu calls on Ills debtors lie eats with them and thus cuts down ex penses, llospendM two evenings a week with a man who owes him foru piano, mid play the Instrument in inuclinsliecliooes. Ivich Friday he goes to thu cemetery and adds to Ids "pile," or takes fiom ltdf Mime bor rower In to Isj accommodated, llluinfeld Is -10 yean of age, but hli nigs mid dirt make 111 111 look much older. He Is sup posed to ho worth nearly ?100,xx. Iliuuiy Hocy li a septuagenarian resi dent of I'atcrsoii, X, .1. Ills dress mid up penrmicu Indicate abject poverty Yet he liiiN at least f'J.1,000 011 deposit III thu sav lugs banks of New York city mid nearby towns. Home one stole $!H) from him while hu slept one night, mid some other person nearly as wicked assured tlienged miser that the corporation of I'atcrson win responsi ble, and would reimburse him on applica tion, So Jimmy visited the city treasurer, not once, but a dozen times, Next hu nought audience of thu ((mud Jury, and Dually he besieged the mayor, (letting neither money nor satisfaction, hu Itecaine abusive, and denounced thu olllclals a thieves unhanged, Ho grew mi obstreper ous that ho win sent to Jail for a mouth. On his relcnsu relatives took him to New Haven. Hu departed still sorrowing nt the loss of his m. I,ast fall Zou (Jayton, n plucky young nctress, found herself stranded In Ban Francisco. No engagement win to he had, and 110 one cared to produce a play which had been written for her. While bemoan ing her bad luck one day In conversation with somoaciualntanceshhusald,"l know If I only had f000 to get 11 start with I could make fame mid fortune." Onu of thu party, burdened with more cash than brains, ,-cpllcd: "You actor people hnvu the repuutlon of lielug pretty good walk ers, specially when your busted, don't yu know? Tell you what I'll do. If you'll tramp from 'Frisco to New York I'll glvo you that fc.'.OOO you want and pay all ex penses," "Do you mean It?" "Why, I win only Joking. Well, yes; lt' 11 go If you say mi." Then nnd there papers were drawn up, and thu next day Miss Clayton set her face east- 7.0H UAVTOK. ward Ouo condition win that she should nverago fifteen miles a day. When last heard from sliu win doing better than till. Shu had passed Chicago, mid Is due at tho Grand Central depot In New York city March in. Coining around again to the question with which this article liegmi the, reader li asked, "What would you do with 0,UOO a year?" Or, Indeed, with any mini included by tho limits of what Is called wealth. Would you pile It up and leave It to lie wrangled over In court r Would you hoard It, bury It nnd worship It as a god, or would you, llku tlia pretty odetrlnn now winning her way townrd tho rising sun, make it tho meant) to a praiseworthy end the ladder by which to climb to thu Do Something mid He Something of llfuf Hut, after all, what one thinks ho would do wit li money and what he renlly would do with It are widely different things. FltKli C. DAYTON. North Ikot Honor un Killtor. Henry C. Hnnsbroiigh, recently elected Bomitor from North Dakota at the end of n protracted contest, win Imrii nt I'rnlrlo du ltochcr, Kan dolph county, Ills,, Jan. ill), 1S18, re ceived a common school education there, nnd in IBM went to Califor nia, where ho learned tho print er's trade. Hu was somewhat preco cious, both in bus iness nnd politics, for nt tho ngo of " c. MANSliltouaH. 23 lwi published n daily paper lu San Fran cisco, nnd soon after took a responsible po sition on Tho San Frauclico Chronicle. In 1870 ho resigned the position of news cdltorou The Chronicle, and went to Chi cago nnd finally to Dakota, locating at Devil's Inke, where hu now publishes The Inter-Ocean. Hu todk an active part In politics us a Republican, mid after holding some minor positions was elected to con gress in 18o8, receiving '.il,077 votes to 13, IHXJ for Daniel W. Murrain, Democrat. Ho wns chosen senator on tho seventeenth bal lot, defeating Gilliert A. Pierce, thu pres ent senator, who has served but a year. Tlm llomancn of u Ninellnt. Quite a little romance hnngs around thu marriage of the daughter of Joseph Jeffer son, tho actor, to 1). I... Farjeou, thu novelist, who is soon to visit America. Miss Jefferson was In lyondon with her father lu 1870, and, having read some of Farjeou's books, ex- 5 resed a wish to meet thu author. Mr. feffersou, who know the writer, arranged an Introduction, and it was n case of lovo at first sight on each side. They were mar ried after a brief courtship, and visited America for their honeymoon. Mr. Far jeou has .1 bMither in Nislness lu New York city and another In California,. The novel ist is below tho medium height, with a round, jolly fnco fringed by stdo whiskers. He writes all his stories on a typewriter. Ho is also a shorthand writer, and carries it notelmok lu which lie jots down his ideiiB us tliev hlrlku bJtu. ARE 'THEY STILL ORTHODOX f Two I'rotiilnriit I'rcitrhcrh Whom Vlow Are Under lllneimitloii, ltev CI .irles A, llrlggi mid I lev. Howard Mai Queasy are Just now thu limit promi nent exponents of what Is called the "Now Theology." Ho far n thu utiliistriicted laymen can see, lKth are far re moved from old fashioned ortho doxy, yet while thu Intterlun been on trial for heresy tho former linn JtiMthccn Installed 11 h professor at Un Ion Theologl ' cal seminary, and Is apparently 1 n good fellowship with the whole V re niiy tor In n Iwdy, Dr. Ilrlggs was liorn In New York C. A. IIIIHKIR. city, Jan. lit, 1811. entered the University of Virginia nt tho age of 1(1, and four yearn later entered Union seminary, where ho completed a theological coursu Hu win n member of the famous Seventh regiment, mid served with It during thu summer of 181)1 He alio took a theological coursu lu Germany, and there, in it appears, he ac cepted some of thu conclusions of what N called "thu destructive criticism of thu German school," Here Is his position, glv-n In hi i own words, in hli Inaugural nddresi at thu seminary: There are errors In tho Itcrlpturo which no ono has Imcii able, to explain nwny, nml tho the ory that there are iiimo lu the orle.lliul text Is sheer iitntiuiptlon tiixiti which no mind can rust with certainty. Thu IIIIilo Itself nowhere, makes lids claim. The creeds of the church IK)'licro inVai It. It Isnttlostof modern oviui gullcitl mi to frighten children. It Is unwise, mid I liMhvo It is imelirlstt.iti, to force men to ncceptlhiiillvliiuiuithiirltyor tho IIIIilo or reject Hun thu question of Its Inerrancy In tlicsoclr cuqintautlals, Henlso Indievcs lu probation after death with such constant and extensile redemp tion that It Is not easy to seo where in hedllTers mate rlally from tliosu called "itestora tlonlits" belluv en In (his final sal vat Ion of nil men. Thu Hew How ard MiicQucnry Is younger and mom nrdent. Hu not only accepts all of Dr. llrlggi' con clusions, but spec ifies the alleged "errors in the Scripturei." Hu reject h the virgin iikv. iiowaiui macqukaiiy birth of Christ, the miracles of thu Now Testament mid many other things. Tho only point at Issue Is whether he lias right to remain lu thu Episcopal mini.itrv nnd teach w hat hu thinks. I'or Hume Kiitiirtiiliiiiient. For ii charming home entertainment let the partlclp Hits choose costumes to repre sent prominent characters In history. George Washington In his well known "small clot lies" mid powdered wig should of course hu there with the partner of Ills triumphs. Queen Hess, witli her hug" skirts mid "Elizabethan ruff," and Olive. Cromwell should certainly hu among Eng land's representatives. Joan of Arc is always mi Interesting character. In fact the field is almost limit less, and every Individual taste can Imj sat isfied in the range of selections. A concise sketch of tho life or the prin cipal events in the career of each character AS IIISTOIIIUAl. I'AltTY. should he prepared and read. Stirring no counts of valuable historical incidents should be given, or readings from some of Shnkcs(icare's historical plays. The programme will not allow of much vnrlcty, but it will lie thoroughly Instruct ive, and should bo made very interesting. The Nihilist 1'ullcy Denned. Ill appearance Stcpnlak is wlmt may bo fairly termed Imposing. Ho is six feet tall, lias the physiquo of un athlete and tho strongly proportioned head of one who can both think and act. His complexion is pallid, mid his whiskers, hair and eyes nro black. He speaks many languages well mid Is a graceful conversationist. In nn interview soon after lauding nt Now York he made this statement, which Is of inter est to nil, and particularly so to those who regard "nihilist" nnd "bomb thrower" ns synonymous: "Tho nihilists in a party," said he, "bo lievo that certain thliigsshould !u given to thu peopleof Russia. They want a national parliament, universal suffrage, local au tonomy r.r.d nr.tionallzatlon of laud. They do not bcliuvo In a statu Church, but lu ab solute freedom In religious matters. For the present they lire lighting for but onu tiling, and that Is for the substitution of n free government in the placu of autocracy. They ask no more than this, willing to leavu tiiu rest to bu settled afterward, and willing to taku their chances with other parties lu tho determination of what insti tutions are best suited to a freu people. They do not ask for a republic, although they are Individually republicans. They would be willing that the reigning czar should bo thu president for life. Hut thoy do Insist tint autocrat lo power shall be done away with." liaised HITcuill, of Damascus, proposes to make a novel exhibit at the World's fair. It will Include a reproduction of an oriental city street, with mosques, bazars, , cafes, Arabs and donkeys. The socialists nro mild to bu circulating Ward McAllister's liook op society to show "what manner of people lead lives of lux ury without working." Florida mid Minnesota have tho largest water surfaces of any states in tho Union. In each case tho area is over 4,000 square tulles, ciw nit. lloiiin Hull- nml Aaplinlt. A 4j car-old boy, whom we will call Jim my, lived not long ago with his parents on ono of the uutneroui east cud streets, which wo will designate by tho name of Mud. Multitudes of cast enders will recognlzo their own avenue under tills naino that is, If they dig dtep enough to reach It. Later Jimmy's parents moved to a paved street, nnd his malum gave him this little lecture: "Now, Jimmy, you must not get your self nil muddled up ns you ukciI to. Wo live on mi asphalt street now, and you have no excuse for not keep!ti dean." Soon after this Jimmy win phiylug near his new home with some b-ul boys, and he picked up a profane word or two. On making me of thesu words in tho presence of his mamma he was severely reprimanded, whereupon he Inquired: "Can't a fellow even talk on mi asphalt streetr" rittsburg Chronicle. Where, Indeed! Very Kudo Hoy Say, you beginners ought to have n pond foryerselfs. Where'd yur Im( If one of us skaters run ned inter yerr Life. Hhe Knew. "Now, ma'am," said the liveryman, ns ho handed her thu lines, "you know how to drive, of courser" "Certainly." "Keep to the right." "Yes, sir." "Don't attempt to cross in front of a street car." "No, sir." "In case of lire give tho engines thu right of way." "Of course." "Don't drive In the street car track." "No, sir." "In case you seo a rtinnwny horse com ing" "Oh, I know just what to do. I shall drop the lines, Jump tit and run into a storol" Detroit Free Press. Wlmt lie Would llu. A good story Is told on the Hlalto about a manager here who a short time ago had n very "queer" play running at his theatre. He was approached by an actor. "Will you oblige mu with four seats?" asked the latter. "More application!, for free seats!" grumbled the malinger, who Is not re nowned for his courtesy. "I say, young man, If I give you the seats what will yiu do for mof" The other cast a glance of withering con tempt on tlio manager. "I'll go," he said. New York Letter lu Detroit Freu Press. IMeunIng the Public. Great Editor's Wifo (laying down a copy of his Sunday edition) Why do you print such a lot of trash? Great Editor My dear, I do not print a pnper to please cultured readers liko you and I. I try to please thu general public. Hrldget (in thu klMhon) Any good read In' in th' master's noosepaH!r th' day, Maryf Mury (chief dish washer) No, Biddy; nirtthln' but trash.--Now York Weekly. Unit III in There. "Madame," said the Judge sternly, "you must answer the question. What is your ngef" "I was born the same year your honor was. That would make mo about" "It Isn't necessary to go Into partic ulars," interposed the judge stiffly. "Gen tlemen, have you any further use for tho witness? You may stand aside, madam." Chicago Tribune. Didn't Know It Hevolved. Mrs. Hayseed Say, Joshua, what's that light out there? Farmer Hayseed (at Boston) That's the Host on light, Mrs. Hayseed Wall, those sailors must bo purty patient. I'veseedltgooutnioru'n twenty times, mid they light it up ev'ry time. Hnrvnnl Lampoon. Down All Itouml. Two department clerks were looking in a fur store window filled with marked down goods. "That (8 enpo there is just liko I am," snld one. "How's that?" inquired his companion. "Reduced to 5." Washington Star. Tlm Internal Fltnei. A man in Oswego died of pneumonia which came from sitting in his wet clothes after falling Into tho lake. And curiously enough hu wns tho ngent of n clothes wringer, and had 128 of them in the room where ho sat dripping wet, Detroit Freo Press. Sight Unseen. She Isn't that a new srnrf pin you have? I don't remember to have ever seen it before. Ho No. My brother has never called upon you. Clothier mid Furnisher. A Cliunt-o for lllm. Beggar Can you help mo, sir? I've eat en nothing for two days. Slmeral Mako your fast thirty-eight days longer, and you can draw a big salary in a dime museum freak. Judge. On Account. "You say you waited on Carter when ho married?" "Yes, I waited on him six months, and I'm stiil waiting. I'd liouglit his wedding suit of me." DutrolS Free Press. No Opera lluby. Hoswell That was a wonderful lullaby lu Hatton's new opera, wasn't It? Dunxton Yes, my wife took to hum ming It, and thu baby's had Insomnia for a week, Kpocli. At-riiunti-d For, No stntiies ore put up or women great And this tlio reason is (pray do not smile); In two slant years tlm brans would aggraata Her rulatbes unil frlcutU, euiniusslnimtu, HeomiKO (lie costume, would lio out uf ktyle. Now York bus. lu Atlantic For 80l will contain The House of Martha, Frank R. Stockton's Serial. Contribution from Dr. Holmes. Mr. Lowell, and Mr. Whittier. Some hereloforc unpublished Letters by Charles and Mary Lamb. Mr. I'erclval Lowell will write a narrative ol his adventure under tho tltlo of Noto : an Unexplored Cor ner of Japan. The Capture of LiulsbourKwIll bo treatod lu A Series of Papers by Francis Parkman. There will also he (short Htorlos and (sketches Rudyard Kipling, nenrv jiunes, Harali Orno Jowott, Octavo .....,, vi, nun muiTs. uiiiecuiilcal deal pa- pers on Questions In Modern Science will bo contributed by I'rofessor Osborn, of Prince ton, mid ot bor; topics In University, Secondary, and Primary Kducntlon will bo n feat ti re. Mr. Illchard Watson Glider, l)r. Parson Mrs. Melds, Urnham It. Tomson, and other will bo muotig tho contributor or Poetry. The Atlantic for 1891. TKUMS:-$iMa ytar in ndrane. ltaoe Free: 3o centt anumtttr. With ntw UfesUe portrad of Lwtll, mid aim jjortniH of Hawthurne, bmcrton.lMngftlUiw.llniant, mutter, or llolmt, t.oo;tch iIilomii portrait ttjuo. The November and Drcember ntimbo- nt free to new nibtciiben vihone tulttcrlpttoM for IbOl art reeelvetl before December 20th. rMuJ Note and Monty are at the rink of tht tender, nnd therefore remittance ihouUl be made by monct-onlcr, draft, or realtteral Utttr, to Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 4 Park Street Jiotoii, lrtM- -THE- Library of American Literature In Eleven Elegant, Large Octavo Voluraei, wjlhoverfl.OOO pages, hnndsomely Illustrated wlili 100 mil page K)rtral(s. The erenm of fou.000 works copyrighted by American wri ters. 1'.07 authors cpiotcd. Over 3171 selections covering overy branch or Uterinum rrom KW7 to I two. chronologically arranged. Compiled and edited by Kiliiiiinil Clm-ence Kteilmnii mill Kllen Mxckny lliitrlilnoii, and publNheil by CHAS. L. WEII.STEIt A CO., Mow York. I do lint see how nny school In America cum spare this work rrom Its reference library for teacher nnd pupil. Dr. W. T. Ilnrrl. Untied Slatt CommtuUmer of Education. With It on Iho their, one may say to anybody: "Nnmo your mood, and I will satwry its up petite for ou."M. L. Clemens Mark Tirn(n) Tho best uggrcgnto expression of what the American mind has produced lu tho two hun dred and eighty years or Its nctlvlty John Chirk Itcdpath, 1 have the set complete, and (hero Is not money enough In Nebraska to buy It or mo ir I could not get another set, and 1 nm n poor man. J H Mcrwln, Manna Inu Editor Amcrtam Journal of Education, St. I, out. I recommend It to tho pcoplo of Ne braska as tho most complete and valuable compendium or national literature that was oxer published. No select library I complete without li. -c. II. Gere, .Shite Journal, Ltntoln, Aro. It Is tholiest mid most complete liter ary compilation evei Issued In this country. It I very carerully edited and It Is compre hensive ami thorougli.-W. Morton Hmlth. Capital City Courier. Il Is not only Indlspon slblo to peoplo or literary tasto and iiciiulre ment, but It alford an bivnliiiible family lit erary resort, where tho children or tho conn try can grow Into tho spirit nnd genius or our national literature Albert Watklns, Neb. iitate Democrat, Hold on the Installment plan. The entire Net delivered on recr pt or llrst payment and balance divided Into monthly payments. Kor n set or this great work, or lor a perma nent situation, wrfte nt once lo N. K. I.KACII Ntnte Atrent, 232SVlno 8t., Lincoln, Nob. Notice to Defendant. John Crclghton lliilllngcr will lake notlco I hat on the.ird day vir December, 18U0, John II. Cunningham and Chits A. llaima, plaiiitlirs herein, (licit their petition In tho District Court or lwinciister county, Mate or Nebraska, against said defendant, '1 he object nnd pruyer or which are to forcloso a certain mortgage executed by John . Ilalllugcr mid Kmma K. Ilnlllugcrtothc plalnllll' upon the following described premise, to-wll : Lot 0, block v, or Hccond East Park Addition totho City or Lin coln, Lancaster county, Htato or Nobrasku, to sot-tiro tho payment or a certain promlsiory note, dated tho luth day or March, 180U, ror tho sum ofjiw, duo mid pnynblo In monthly In stallments irom tho lath day of May, 1HW, llli. piiynbloeueh month with Interest on tho en tire amount remaining rrom tlmo to time un. paid at tho iiiteofH percent, per annum, rrom iho luth day ot March, INK), pnynblo monthly. rialntllls pray rnrn decree Unit defendants bo rcuulrcd to pay sumo or thai tho premises may bo sold (osatbfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the .lib ilny of January, IHDI, Dated December :l. INH). J No. It. ClI.N.M.VniIAM, Atty. for l'liilntltls. Null i- I'nlili i I Mill. NOTICK I'llllllATEOK WlI.I.. I 1 1 hendoro K. (laiiter. Dc-ciised. i In County Court, Lancaster county, Neu, I 1 ho Hlatii or Nebraska to the heirs mid next I or kin or tho said Theodore M. Hunter, deceits edi Take iiotlec.-Tluit -ipm filing of n writ ton liistriili cut purporting to bo iho last will mid JCKliimeutol Theodore H. (laulorrnr pro I bate an I allowance, It Is ordered that said I inniter bo set for hearing the anli day or De cember. A D. IKtKi, befjru said County Court, at. tun until oi . oeiocK p. m., at wiiicu nine any person IntcicRtod may uppenr mid con tent the Hiime; mid notice of this piocecdlng tsonlend published three weeks successively In the C'ai'Itai. CI iv CouuiKH. a weekly newspaper, published lu this Mute. In lesllinonv wlieieof, I have hereunto set my hand mid the seal or tho County Court nt Lincoln this lllh day or December, A.D., I8U0. V. K. 8TKWAUT, St-l'J-'-U Comity Judge. Legal Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that by vlrtuo or license lo me granted, by tho district court or Lancaster county, Nebraska, I will sell ror piibllu auction, at thu east front door of tho Court House In tho City or Lincoln, on Tuofdav, tho ISO th day or January, so, be tween thu hours ofono mid two o'clock p, ni. ol snld day, thu following real properly, of tho estate or Jo'.in MoAlllster, ilectiikotl, to wltl Lot II, or block 17 mid tho west ?.' or lot 1). ami the cast half or lot 10, or block 6.1, all in tho City of Lincoln, Nebraska. John h, (JiiKnoiiv, Administrator, estate of John McAllister. ll-l-UI, fr i ,f i. 'jUk:',. r.Mfflitifc .ififa;iiifvfc w .. -J.