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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1891)
IPMMSS'- li9o'o.o.o..oo.-CTw-4tela ViJf .1. x RbPdlUXR PAPER op AX9PEKM TIMES ' r Voii. O No O Lincoln, Nichkaska, Satukday, Piciikuawy 7. leioi. n PUICIC KlVlt OltNTH i i i iii i ii tfwrrwnrmm ii K' Mr. L. M. Crnwford, who has been asso ciated heretofore with Mr. Kolxnt Mclley nolds In tlio management of the Kiiuku opera house, 1 no longer a partner, IiIh term of as sociation having expired. Although Mr. Crnwfanl Is it gentleman In ovcry wi.uof the term, hU business method have not always bocniplcnsnnt to theatrical companies. I Id lias Imtl a largo number of oihtii liaises on his circuit on which ho liatl large rentals to lny, nnd for this ronton hns exacted fioin the companies wishing to piny, moru stringent nnd henvlor terms than n manager would ox net If his house stood on nn Individual IhinN. Mr. Itoberi Mclleynolds concluded that ho ww his way clear to do business outside of circuit complication)). IIu did not wish IoIhj barred from ntti actions which might wish to play til Lincoln, and hotdcslieto play Atchi son pr Toeka. Thoro l mi opposition lioiiM In Towkn which Mr. Crawford hat over desired to guard against. Ho has had n clause placel on all lilscontructs that uuy comiwny piny lug In any house lit which he in tuteriHtcd should not piny In Topekn. His Txla stngo Is Hnnill nnd his homo inadequate to big attractions. 'ihereforo Mr. Mttlteynolds de sired to rid himself of the incumbrances of tho circuit nnd after fulfilling to the letter his agreement with Mr. Crawford during their term of pmtnershlp, which lasted for three years, Mr, Mclleynolds secured n lease on tho Fulike opera hoube In his own nnmo and withdrew pleasantly from the compllcas tlons which havo worked to tho Lincoln theatregoers a- detriment. Tho best eoti)wuilo would not how to the rules. Thoy would leave Lincoln out rather than do so. As it now stands they can play Lincoln iiuletwmlent of Ht. Joseph, Topeka or any other ioint. Everything In In favor of all companies playing Boyd theatre in Omaha then playing In Lincoln. Omaha Is doubly iudobted to Governor James E. Uoyd for supplying her with met ropolitan theatres. Ton years aeo he invest ed a large amount of money In a tine theatre ai uio corner or Fifteenth and Farnham streets, at a time whan the city would not warrant tbe support of such a venture. Hut by judicious management, and tho unprece- uonieu rapid increase oi tho city, the Invest ment proved a most profitable one, and after a successful career of ten years, encouraged Mr. Uoyd to make a second venture. The re sult is tho nmgnlflccnt structure at the south east corner of Seventeenth and Harney streets, a plcturo of which is shown on this page. It is five stories hhzh. and architect. urally Is one of the most bee utiful edifices In Nebraska. The front is built of Lako Super ior sanusiono, wincn is considered tho hand somest building material obtainable. Doyd's nieairi nasa frontage on Harney street of eighty-eight feet, extending on Seventeenth to a depth of 152 feet. Tho auditorium is on tho ground floor, with six exits. Tho seating capacity will be 1,050. Everything rtaln Ing to Uoyd's Thcatro will Im modern, and no expense will bo spared to make it as fine as the finest. Mr. J. B. McElpatrlck, tho cele brated theatrical architect, snjs: "Boyd's moniro win do ine nnest in America until a flnor ono is built." It Is Manager Thomas F. Boyd's present intention to open the new house on the 21st of August next, with as fine an attraction as money can obtain. "Shenandoah" was played in Lincoln three times last week to crowded houses, and was deserving of the patronage it received. The play is one of the highest order of the melo drama and has throughout a martini spirit, that stirs the blood and awakens niemoi iesof the thrilling times of the great rebellion. Many persons enchanted with the first pie sentatlou went a second tlmo and found oven greater enjoyment at this subsequent er formance. The play is not like the gieat bulk of performances In which a single star shines biilllantly amid an Indifferent milky way support, but Instead almost every par ticipant is a constellation, in his or hr ar tlcular part. This is one reason why the play proves such a giaud success. Cat elms been displayed in the refaction of the cast and not one of the players could bo spai ed. Tho buttle scene where the union foices yielding to tho confederate onslaught are tieginnliig to tall back but are suddenly Inspired by Sheridan (fashing upon the scene Usm his coul black charger is so lealUtic that one feels like jumping to Ills feet and yelling "hurrah" ut the top of hi voice. The vein of romance Unit rurs through the play Is aleo veiy pleasing nnd unstrained. Whenever Shenandoah comes to Lincoln ugain standing room will bo at a piemiuui. Did you know that there in o giavo doubts as to tho authenticity or Hie poem of Shell dan's ridel Nol Well, theio aie, as theio are iieltherimy written documents or reliable witnesses who have ileclaied that this ride actuully took place. Buchanan Heed's poem, nun iiiuimici 111,10 ill no Willi llll) making o the reputation of Slieildnn, ami the cnvuliy commander knowing this never had the courage to deny tho fictitious ride. Ho oven avoided nil allusions to it, probably knowing that a denial of the lido might n licet his fame. If Joaquin Miller Is light Hherldnu oven snubbed mid insulted Heed, the poet, who composed the imagiiiury ride that U was alleged won the day. Hut Sherldnn was careful never to spoil the fiction. He know- that thb spirited jHieiii would live longer than tho inon.oiy of tho battle. Ho was siilllclent ly conversant with clusslcol lore to know that the only heroes whoso meiuoiy has sur vived the ravages of time are those who have been Helled by the Immortal epics of Homer, Vligil and the other great ioets of tho uges. And jet tho heioes of these ikkius aro so vested, in tlio Imagination of the poet, with godlike powers and virtues that it is very likely that their deeds aiolntho mam fic tions of the pool's mind. So It Is piohably with the groat lido of tho profuno genuial who Is prlnclally known to fume by the poem, "Sheridan's l Ide." Ho was probably a bravo soldier like thousands mid tens of thousands of men who wore tho blue hut uu like many of them Sheridan had not the eoumgo to deny a Motion that nddcil nil un deserved linlo to hh glory and unlike, tho heroes of old ho enjoyed almost exclusively the contemptible sntlsfnctlou of cutting to to tho henrt by his the bard who mudo him historic. fleorgo 11. Adams npiNiiml in "Ho, Hho, Him nnd Her," nt tho opoin house Tuesday evening. Ho might ns well hnvo npieared nlono ns his nlleged supHrt wns execrable. Tho Mipiort wus no support at nil. Hums picked up nt random any where could hav done better. No fault could Ixi found with Adnmshut thuiols no excuse hi nu nctor or netuws liolng it swlno and winding all tho glory of npluy mid submitting the nudlenco to a dreary lot of stun during tho Intel Im that the star Is oir tho stage. Such n Rolllsh and parsimonious courso Is In-coming decid edly antiquated. A star who 1 afraid to hnvo u bright actor or actress apHarou tho stage with him Is too contemptible for notice. People bo to theatres not to humor thojeal ousics of actors but to ho entertained and for that reason should not Im forwsl to submit to listen to n horde of nmutotiis. Adams Is a born clown nnd oveiy notion, gesture and turn that lie makes piovokos a laugh, but his Riippoit, particularly the female portion would be hissed oh" the stage at a country school house exhibition. "LAHKINU"toNIIIHT. A musical fnrcocointsly, "Larking," which will lie tho attraction at tho Funko tonight has tho prestige of being In ItH second sue cessful season nnd conies to us well endorsed as a very sprightly and mirth Inspiring pro duction. It ranks with Hoyt's ninny skits, nndlnssumes to rival "A Parlor Match." Its tour through the south was a very pronounc ed success. At Mobllo the Register said: "Although we hnvehnd a surfeit in the farco comedy lino of attractions, "Larking' wns a delight and refreshing treat, being one cons tinuous ripplo of buoyant, spmkllng mirth throughout three merry acts. Each member of the vivacious company seems exactly fit ted to the chni aoter assumed and fow, if any, conixitilcs of fun makers hnvo given an equally delightful entertainment." A COLD DAY. Next Monday ovenlng Lincoln thcatro go ers will have the pleasure of listening to tho musical comedy, "A Cold Day." The follow- nig L-uuiiuent irom me umo Htate Journal flllfimiinlllii l.lnnu n At... .!. ..n,..D u, . , Vmy. amusing situations, and yet throughout there is nothing but a refined cast to the mirth provoking scenes. In addition to tho com edy element of the piece each act Is flavored with a number of popular songs which al ways win favor with an audience, and espoes lally where the company possesses so many really good voices. Some of the renditions were superb, and mi encoro was responded to after each. The charming llttlo songster, Miss Carlotta, fairly captured every heart in the audience by her exquisite rendition of tho song, "I'm So Shy." Nothing more taking has been given hero for some time. As comedians. Messrs. Fisher nnd Morosco aro fine and keep tho audience in a constant stato of merriment. Individually and col lectlvely the company is unusually strong, and this will surely bo one of the great weeks at the Grand. The audfeiicosycsterduy were largo and appreciative. THK TWO JOHNS). That jieoplo who go to tho theatres want things that will imiku them laugh, cannot bo better Illustrated than by the successful re sults of "The Two Johns," lor eight U'lbruken GOV. UOYD'S NEW yeais. On Tuesday evening this uiiitli pio voklng comiily will bo piosoiited ut the Funko. There will bo bright imis0 nnd many pretty glils. The plot Is siuinlo but comical. It hinges iioti tho marked similar ity, both in llguro and fao, of Peter and Philip, ami the resulting entanglement mid roaring situations In which they find them solvoi. The comedy is well known to the theatre going public, hut has never been put on tho stage jvlth sucli 1111 excellent itunpuny nstho one engaged for the piesont season. MAIIIIIK illTCIIKl.t.. Everyfasly's favorite, Magglo Mltcholl.wlll uppearat tho Fuiikoon Friduy and Satuuluy evening of next week, presenting two of hei st longest piny. Mli Mitchell will ns usual It Wnlllf! Im fllttlfMf ItllllaBll.l.i in luu4... m ,.,M, nLZI. m m, '"""V ' "iiiuo Jenns," Is one ol the quickest studios tx much praise upon the side-splitting niiisl-1 1 the profession. She took the part of June. thetUrofy"A Yu" w 'k, atefave, Lhlii n Uplandeia." o'clock In the morning and played it without it is the greatest hit of the Grand season for i.i, .. i.o ...i i' ' ... bosupHiito. by n (list chiss conipiiny, open ing with Mttlo llnretoot nnd closing with liny. The following f i otii tho llo-don .lour, nnl Is certainly n strong testliiioiilali It would seem almost easy todescilbo ton deaf iiifin the song of a lai k, or to convey lo one devoid of sight the licuiltlo ofitrpilng landscape, us to adequately transcribe nun's liiipiesslou of tho ierfoimaiicoof Little Halo foot by tho bilgl.l nnd winsome Maggie Mitchell. There Is quality in her gay and blithesome laugh, mi Infection about her light and airy footstep thnt is us Indescriba ble and effervescent ns tho spaiklo of the morning dowdrop or tho nroma of tho lose. As Indicated, tho play last night wns Little ltarefoot, with Mis Mitchell In the title role. To our thinking, the pal I of ltarefoot Is bet ter Milted to tho buoyant quality of this lady's acting thnu niiy other characlei initlou In her ivporUiliv. Tho lincrsouatlnii Inst night commlughsl nil the qualities for which she Is so Justly famous, being iimiked by turns with delicious humor, bubbling uieiiluieut, that seeiiis to rise from her heart naturally ns spi lug water gushes to tho surface, and ten der HltllUS. TIIKATIUCAI, TALK. i inn mil ly h "i no Ai llllouairo" lias heen ery Kiiccfssiitl in the west. Agues Herudon has been granted a dl voice fioai Joseph A, Ji'ssel, It Is rumored that William Collier and Jcnni', Yeamans are soon to bo wedded. "Natural Uiis"oiiviieil at the San Fianclsoo lliish street Tlientro last Monday and made uu utimistuKatilo success. "The County Fair" road company isinuked above the Union Square homo concern in K)lnt of cast. At any tato it is making moro monoy limn me present company. Poor old Now York. Hobert (Iriihnm Is an Ideal comlo opera company. He is not an acrobatic sonir-nmU dance man, but tins won his iiosltloii by hard and legitimate work, This accounts for his remarkable success In "Tho Sen King." Lydiu Thompson's hair Is yet ns ravishing ly golden as in elghteen-slxty something, though her years aro unhesitatingly boomed to Ihj fifty. II vein grand total. Ago has not withered nor costume staled our eiennlnl ijyuia. Henry h. Abbey will next season hnvo charge of the productions nt the Metropoll tun Oiieru House. He manimed tho house during its first season, nnd was swampod,but afterwards paid up every cent of hlsdebt mid Kept all Ills contracts to the letter. , . . . . , . , ...... ..... T ., , ... U(IW fiiu iiiiiiv n)ium Stuart Hobson wllf lie the Mardl-Gras at traction ut the Academy of Music In New Orleans. This is Mr. Hobson's llrsj, appear ance in the South as a lone star, and, so fur, ho has hud no cause to complain of a lack of appreciation and patronage. Nearly nil of John KussoII'k comedians ore going starring on their own hook in the sweet by-und by. 'Twos over thus with Augustlu Daly in his cniller days, when Fanny Dnveu. wrt, Clara Morris, Kate Claxton, et al, wore on hi alary list. Performers all get tho astral fever in the (list flush of any pros perity brought about through managerial conjuring or pluck. Lincoln Is to bo congratulated that it is out ofthe"Crawtoid circuit," and now then as Manager Mclleynolds has full control of tho Funke we may look for better management. Ho Is popular with the pi ofesrlon, a fact which ti uly cannot ho said of hi luto partner Mr. L. M. Ciuwford, with whom many of the llnest attinctlons would not piny. Lin coln, for its size lias few equals in tho entire con u. i y ns it good show town and the better TIIHATBE, OMAHA tlionttiactlnu tliohugei ways Ihhjii the rule. the hou-es, hu ill- Poor MuKeo Itaiikiii is again in the toll. Lust week nt Ht. Joseph, U Is said, Mnnuger Ciawford attaclnd hi moveables ai'd Mr. Buiikiu refused lo play. '1 he house although small, hud ulrendy congregnUsI and was uwnltlng tho ilso of the curtain. About tho tlmo it wus to havo boon mug up, Mr. Ban kin stepped out to tho footlights to say 11 few vvoiiU nnd nfler giving the management it severe raking over aiiuoiiuctsl that the evenings ontei taimneut was nt uu end. The uudieiico jsiSMsl out and money was 10 fuudo I, Telephono at the Couiiikii oillce Is SM, H w.wwm uw mw imi'iiiug uu uiu MtlllV UUV. III the courso of it conversation with a bright and pietty girt tho other day young men and tliclr habits came up for consldein tlou, nnd I akcd her how many vices she could tolerate hi n joung man. "Notnny," shonuswcicd very promptly, Siibsispieutly thoiiamnof n gentleman who Is a leader III Lincoln society wa mentioned, and she went on to toll how "nice" ho was, "Hut ho Is a good do'tl of a spoi t," slid added. 1 Inslstisl on knowing what sho meant "Oh, ho gam bio nnd d links nnd inns nroiind," wns tho reply, given lather loluctaiitly, What n do llghtful Inconsistency there is in woman, In it casu like this Is there it defect In her mm nl nature, or is sho simply shutting eyes and ears to dlsagieeablo factsbecaiisoHooluty will not reform Its men I At any rate It's it bless ed thing for men that woman Is us charit able and long sulTellng as sho Is. We mo 6m J if mi EXPUESSIVK. Afrs. ''tffiMfii; Can't wc run Into Conroy's and (jet sonic ousters, Ned? Aft: J'lrskMffA (who lins left his pocket book on the piano). I'm nfnihl It would be n dead glve-nwny on Conroy's part if we did. full of faults and foibles at best, and if she wore to coniel us to live up to her standard before enjoying her sweet companionship how full of social exiles this world would be. Speaking of suM.rstltlou, it Is bod enough to bo afflicted that way and expose the weak ness In private life, but to make a public ex hibition of it what monumental wenkiiossl At the coroner's Inquest over the late John Sheedy a fortune teller was called in, pre sumably ti give a clue to his murderer. And w hut u stupid lot of drivel she delivered her self of. She told nothing of consequence that had not already appeared in the paiwrs, hut she pietended she know it before the assault. And this woman was actually simple enough to think the publlt would believe thnt and Udioveshe was gifted with miraculous for- sight. But ought not the ooplo of Lincoln and of Nehinsku to bo ashamed that such a cir cumstance occurred in their midstf The per ron who bi ought this mountebank into the case to give her u little fi ee advertising ought to hate himself lor the rest of his natural life. It is u fortunate thing for his piece of mind that his name lias not been given to the public. Many cuilous things coino of every leg! latino, nnd the present lasly is keeping up thegait. The sugar factory nt Grand Island makes it iMisslblo to raise f.'K) or MOvvoith of beets jier acre on ground that grew $3 to luwo.thof corn, ami the establishment of the factory will bring hundred of thousands of dollar to Uio fanners of Hall comity Ami yet u repieHoututivo from thnt county has Introduced a bill for the ics-al of tho hjtmty on sugar. Last week 11 representa tive put in a hill to km luce die iiiilroad tates, but on Investigation it was found the flguies I .... ... . , weiollfty per cent higher than those now charged by tho inihoads. Another fanner legislator wants 11 to go back to tho practice nfsoveial centuries ugo, when question of public concern wore settled attho town meet- ling. Ho want thoiHMiplo to havo a chance to make law swith.iut sending repieelitativcs to the legislature. Ho wants matters soar- ' rn lined that when 40.000 vnlcn ask- for 11 cr- I tain law, tho governor must submit it nt tin election If it gets 11 miijoi Ity of tho votes It is to Is a law Just the same as though it wero pusscd by the leglsl tture III tho usual way. What shall wo do with our first loves wo older issjplo vv ho feel the cuies of a grinding world mid some of us with families- to main tain! Where shall wo store the memories of the llrstghl ivoovor lovislor the man wo once thought wa perfect I Or shall wo store them ut nil I Is It safe or lojal for it man now- the husband or a goixl wife to go on to the end of time with tender thoughts of her who first waked sentiment within I1I111I Should ho sometimes, In tho evening, In-fore tho lamps lire lighted nnd when hi tasks for tho day lire done, should he recall the memories and the longings, njr, ami the ecstacios of that long time ugo! When ho heursngnlii the nnmo of thnt woman, now seiaiateil from him by joins of life and mountains of ciroumstniice, dam ho allow tint blood to quicken In his veins mid tlietiyu to brighten mid the voice (o sullen In ono of the old-time melodies) That woman, who Is now a mother, who has long been tho t run wife of n good husband of her choice, shall rlio think now and then of Ihnmniiwlm surely loved her In days long gone by I And when hho notes the progiosshe lias made nnd tho friends hu hits won ami tho deisls ho has done, shall sho go hao'i theio In tho post mill live over again some of the mo ments that wont very dear to her when her heiiltatid her hand were pledged lo no maul Shall sho keep u chamber somewhere In (ho castle of her thought where tho memory of one man icsts undisturbed, nnd wheio ho never grows old nnd never changes, hut Is foiever tho same tender, cousldernto lover ho was ami) back thoro hi tho days of her youthf May sho look back with Innocent de light ut tho gentle piossiirnof his hand that night or the tender touch of his lipsl Home where In nil ait stole, 1 havo seen the plctuioof it woman standing at her window In the evening, her hands olasHsl behind her, -.. her household gods in orderly array beyond her. She looks with wistful eyes far hark across the past ami sees the shadow of a handsome man who once loved her and whom she loved with all her heart. Now, If ever a picture told a story, that picture told thnt sho was a good wife, mid yet not the wife of that man wl otn she culled up from the guest chamber In tho castle of hor memory. She was a good woman. Purity snt Ukii her brow like it benediction. Truth nnd duty and rectitude wero in every lino of hor face. Did she do wrong! Tho other evening 1 heard n young house wife discussing n luncheon with her husband. They wci e to i iiLertaiu a whist club, w hlch met nt the homes of its members, and the lady whs concerned about the refltwhineuU lo bo provided for thoovruliig. Tho husband suggested coffee and sandwiches, good big sandwiches. That was man-like, but of com so tho lady wanted u dainty and elabor ate spread. That was woman-like. One trouble was that each lady hail tried to outdo her predecessor In the matter of her luncheon, until that feitturo of the entertainment, which should rather havo boon an Incident of the evening, Imh-wuo a burden iion the en tertainers. This Is almost always the case wlthclulis of this kind unless some limit lie sot Ukiii the variety of the refreshments. Poo. pie who havo been through that oxM-rlenco two or three times learn n lesson. They dis cover t hut tho only way to remedy the evil ? U l!"lo',,t 'r10"t;1",, r',le nt ' ''Bln'.ii!K limiting the luncheon to a certain iiiiiiiIht of dishes if not to certain designated kinds of fix si ami drink. It Is one or the mean llttht iKHulinrltlesof human nature that this re form cuuiiat bo made In tho middle ot it sor les of club meetings, Those ix-oplo who have ' V" ,,.11,ou"llful 1'Onr.l take it sneaking til iittk 111 flit iiunnnfKAii urlilnli !..,. pi Ide In the comparison which mav rolled disoiedit uK)ii their predecessors, and thoy talk us though they 'were robbed if a success or full to do us much as they, even though they may but nibble nt the delicacies set be fore them. This matter of elaborate refresh ments at little informal parties Is 11 good deal of u bore, it burden to wives, uu expense to I uusiiamiK, it imssier of splta nnd a canker UKiii tficloty. If the women in these club haven't tho courugo to meet tho emergency the men ought to have souse enough to do it for them, Were there ever txi greater "joshers" than Dave Bowo and El. llrant, mid did ever two j men take greuter pltetsuio in joshing each ' other! Brunt isu part owner of tho Omnha j ImiII club, nnd as tinvollng auditor of tho B & M. 1 allroad ho comes frequently to Lincoln Bowo Is tho owner of the Lincoln club, and makes hi heudquai ters ut Ed, Young's cigur stoio, where It is convenient for Bmntto' drop In 011 him. As it result of 11 lecent Imnt f thoy Imve ngicod to play u series of games Isj-' foio the niK-iilng id the season for tho chiiuis plonshlp of the stato. There will U two gaine in Lincoln, two in Omahit mid 11 llfth nt some placo to li ngieed on later. Iliaiit vvnutid eucli club to take its own leielpts, hut Howe insisted that to muko the contest genuine nnd Interesting the winner should lake nil the gnto receipts, and Im hits sont n conlinotto thai effect to Omaha. "And you Is't turn going to haven club thnt will win that monoy," Davo says with a wink ami n nuiiMi. i nn iiviiii v neiuoeii tin Iwn nil Ilk will bring out Immeiiso crowds and mnkn u pot of money for the winner. Hero's to Davo, V And you doii'i krovv what "Joshing" Is I Well. Well. To sen It III nil Its iii-Mlm, vlirne yotl oimht fo catch Davo and Kil nt it. Thnv go II for an hour nt u stretch. Each of them hasrorgotleii iiioio about base ball than tho nl hor ever knew. Each thinks his own city tho best base ball city In tho association. Knob ha always had the Is'ttor club, nnd neither lias over been downed by tho other. 1 ti nut know his club will win tl,., ..i, next season, and llovvo Is toady to wager it minion-or less uial umahii will not Im In Il with Lincoln, Itowe knows Im has tho llnest battery In the country, mid llrnnt swenrs thoy can't pitch hay llrant lung of Ills stonewall Inlleld ami Diivokiivs complnu ontly, "Yes, thoy in on stone wall, and Just about as spiy." Thoy compare notes on players. Iviich has tho best and surest In tho maiket. And thus thoy keep It up it gissl nutiired content of bluff, lung ami bluster. .nosi, oi i ue iiimsiiiig inn piotonso. They un derstand It ami never lose their touiiers. It lelloves thorn nnd amuses the crowd that Is always sure to gather to hoar the moguls. Oh, you wanted to know what "Joshing" Isj Why, "Joshing" "chnllhig." You ought to have known thnt. Tho auniinl session of the Nebraska pics association hold nt Deutrlco Inst week was ono of tho most eujoj uble yet known. Tho election of olllcers for the ensuing year and delegates to the National Editorial Associa tion resulted as follows: President, F. U. Simmons, Howard Reporter; vice-presidents, C. M. Hiiebuer, Nohrasku City News; S. H. Uhkoo, Curtis Cornier; Jtidson (Irnvef, No llgh Advocate; Msjrotary and treasurer, Boss L. Hammond, Fremont Tribune ; delegates to the national press convention to Isu held at St. Paul, Minn., in July, J. 1). Kliiotscli, Lincoln Free Prosr, J. D. Stlne, Superior Journal; L. Wessel, Jr., Lincoln, Capital Citv CouitlKii; ll.M.lliishiiell, Lincoln Dally Call; George P. Marvin, Beatrice Democrat. Fremont, Neb., was designated as the placo of the next iiiimml meeting of the state asso ciation. Tho Sutiirduy Mirror will mnke its bow In the iiewsniMjr world next Suturday at Piatt mouth. M r. George 11. Mann Is the publisher and If his pasr show-sup as neatly as does the announcement received at this office, we may look for an excellent paier. Another communication, signed "Floss," has been tcoeivisl this week without the writer's iinme attached and in accordance with our rules cannot be admitted to these columus. While we are always glad to ie cetve Interesting communications yet we can not in Justice and protection to out selves and readeri publish uiiythlng unless the 111111:011 name Is known to us. CHARITY. IIV AUMTsAMANTIIA I Written for Tiik Couiiikii. No sweeter word from tongue or pen was ever handed Mown lo men. And now If you'll listen to what I say I'll tell jou what 1 heard tUy Twa the Is-st sermon I think I ever hi aril, I wlili I could reiN-nt It every word Our minister seemed Inspired from above, . neii no uhik lor ins suDject "rallh, lios ami love," AiKlshowedlousall, what few could explain Every form of religion Is right, In their main. I bgrco with them here, lly wluttavcr umiie All over the World rellicloti 's the samo. Give each liiaiia cluiuce and the deril his due You'll Hud's the Is-st Hillcy for me and for 1 on, Whatever Ihocnssl or name they may own If their hearts arc all right by their God they aro known. for f!liarlll lu l.tln. an.l lirr.f.,1 ...,1 ,lu - - .-. ... ... ..... (Mil. .!..,. ..4 ...1 ,,C-.. The soul that hath Charity Is never asleep, urn iiji unit in w oric inuii us iigni 'uu iiam KludllDK brlKht glowing ciiiIhts from a very Mrt11.ll utotrl 4 WIiaHIv' .itfTMrMll. I...... u..,l I.. LI... I Glut love you know Is something blind.) if ..II .1 -I- !.. ..... ..... ' i uu inn minis, 1 hho -tiiaruy i-i. It IVlkl'nt (lllll.ll lllfwullinl. -II .1... ....... In fact It spread ull over tho Unci, r ruin win largesi now 11 10 me smallest liaml, , All OIIHll llllisu, fur III., ilMM.,rvl.i,. .uu. This Is sweet charity I am sun-. Kind word for those who are In the wroug Thl k ml of charity will help them along ' Kind ails mid ilmls from u loving hand Is truly clunity good ami grand And a few kind words lo the sick ones sjieak 'Twill strengthen ibe heart though the flesh Is weak. It tho henrt spiak out l honest and true Andyou'll hosurprlsi'it nt IIiokoihI jou'llilo. "Faith, HowuiidUne" wilh Charity couiloed Make as fine a character as you can find, Toltcv K. H llnUton lacconl the same And think ho well deserves the name. "To duly firm to conscience (nio However, hard he's pressed In Hod's clear sight h works for right And seeks to 1I0 hi tt-Ht" And when his work Is ended nnd he from earth has Koue May the Master hid htm vvelooino nnd say to him "well done." Htmdny, February 1, IhUl, Ayer s Harsapanlla purifies the hlooil, and exH)ls all poisonous element. Hold by all druggists. Wanteds A good canvasser to solicit subscriptions for Tiik Coi'kikh. Tho ron trolof the circulating department will 1k lucil in the hands of 11 such party If work done will warrant tho publlsheis in so doing. Cull or iiddreew this olllco. HiirlliiKtuii Itiiute llH)lnic Curds. I now have n largo stock of those playing curds, which are sold nt the low rate of 15 cenu n pack (not 0110-qimrier theprlco usu ally paid fo.- such oinls). fall In nnd get a down mck, the) aie just the thing for your euchre, whist nnd high live wutle this win ter. A 0. KiKMKli, c, P. & T. A.