CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 189 1 8 v V POPULATION OP LINCOLN 65,000, WA Saturday Evening, Jan. 31, '111 SJSJS $1,98, Fur Beaver Hats I'. I). Corsets nt Cost to Close Out! 1140 0 8t.-0pm Hooh Oorner, TAKE NOTICEI Tho Coukikh wIM not U reoiislblo for any del innilu liy nny one In Km name, inl aw n wfIMmi order nivompnnlcs thn same, 0rnr I Oth and P Streets. Dry Goods, tr AND- CARPETS Tho Courier" For Hale In Omali. Copies may lo fomul nt Keith's newsstand, 919 South Fifteenth street, Hoyd's (ern house block. GRAND Winter Clearing Sale! For Pattern Hats, Pine and Medium Claim Millinery, nt Halt and Less than Half Price, call at Herpolsheimer & Co.'s. fSS f . The Courier Can be round At V Windsor Hotel News Htand. f Capital Hotel New Htand. If Exposition Dining Hall News Maud. fi ' The ' Oothatu News Htmul, 118 Houtli nth M. P"' Bart ItulTuer, HI North llih Htreot. f Kd. Youiik, IU O Htreot. m Fletcher A Co., ll'JOO Street. y Little Hport Clear Htore, 113 North llth Ht. fl Westorflold's turner Hhop, llurr UlooK. ' KTAn extra u jiply of pnpera U al ways left if a the Uotham, In cane other Newsdealer ST j supplies run abort. -FINE jt H-H-T-S FURNISHING GOODS ! W. R. Dennis & Co , , ,. 1187 O Street. Leeal and Personal. Whltobreaat Coal and Unit Company Take Turkish at 1010 O street. Brown's (or oyster In all styles. Call up the L. D. T. Co., Phono 100. Paoa Bleach nt Exposition building. Ruth M. Wood, M. D., 1230 P street. Hair droning nt Exposition building. Telephone at the Coukikh office is 253, 0. 11. Collins, Dentist, 1035 O street. Lincoln Ice Co., 1040 O St. Telephone 114 Mineral water used for bathing, 1016 O it Order Canon City Coal from Botts & Weaver. Indies' Hair Drawing nt Miss Johnston's, 1110O stmt. Cairo City Coal at the Wbltebreast Coal and Lime Co. Improvedsbower for Turkish baths nt 1011 O street, basement Union block. E. It. Guthrie is headquarters for flno car riage In all styles. Cnll at his repository, 1540 O street. Brown's new branch restaurant, 1418 O street, is doing a largo business, and persons in the east part of the city are to becongratu lated on having so nice and convenient a place to dlno at. E. R. Guthrie ha addod a saddle niAuv factory department to his carriage vtWlavi ment and is now prepared eo supply uny and all kinds of harness or saddlery goods, 'just ns you want it.on short notioe and on most rea sonable terms. You know the number, 1540 Ostreet. Eloctrlo Light, White Wiugv and Minno boU High Patent, three of tho best brands of our ever offered In Lincoln are now sold ex oluaively at Brltton's new grocery, 1410 O street Call and see some and get prices, or telephone 760 for a trial sack. The "High Patent" U the finest flour in the market and trial will so convince every lover of good bread. r,m The lli'llr. (Hllglitly altered from Moorn.) Tliiwe lovely belles, llinso eliitriiitng Ih'IIi-k, Mow many n swell TliiwpralwH tells In ardent hic, Al Hint snect time When Imo Ih Im lit IiiuIcIImk prime. Hut Iiomi upbuilt Itntn pnmtsl iihuv. Ami ninny n heart That ourn n gny in deep despondency now dwells Ami sneers at those enchanting lielles -Kor Jilted wore Hume precious swell. Mux. W, .1. llniNKH. "I never saw ho iiiniiy sweet face In a null room hnfom in my life noil yet I Imvo attend ed social gatherings in nil parti of tin United Htntos." Hucli was tlio ri'iiuuk nf n duly who took a eep IiikI week nt tint hull given by the 1'lcnsnut Hour club. Any ersoii who liml tho good fortune to attend Hint pnrty will Immediately ngreo with tlm sentiments inioU imI iiInivh. Lincoln Iiiin n rciniirkiibly Iiiik" numlirrof lHiiiitiful young glrlx who, by tlui "iiy iiiihih iiccotiipllHlicI mill wiimIIiIu ns tlicy nm lovely. Whether It U the clliiiiito or their herllnKii from ntn'intom wo Imvo not tnkim tint time ti IliveiMK'ite. Woliuvothein mid urn promt of (hem. Tlmt I muIIIu lout. Tho I'hienlx club Ih thn liitost hih.'IhI orgntil ration in the city nml In composisl of n num ber of prouilneut young ooeluty men, A Mei'leH of three hnIM nru to bo nlveii thin KiNiHou. Tho llrnl wan given Wiilnesdny A inoio liiiiuplcloiiH tiiiio tliiiu Hint of Wnlno-uluy oveiilng could not Imvo I ice 1 1 ilioii'ii for u pin ty nml tlio l'lui'iilx Club, IiikI the tiiUfoitlinn to wlcol. tlmtilnto iih the imo for the oHulngiliiiieu of their net leN Hut young heart not only ilefy ImiIIm nml lnir4 but they uven defy the el iiiciiIh nml nun result ngiKxIly uumlioi'tlirueil out to tiiiike uiei'i'.v nttlili the luitliil pnrty. Thunffitlr wiin of eourxe u fullilreHNiiuil Nome Very bountiful UilletN were worn ileplto the strtte of the weather. The niiulo for the oc- eanion wai iiiriilNlieil by Harry Ii-vIiuvh or cheHtrn of Omaliii, nml wiin perfectly import). The HiHir of Temple Hall wiin In oxoolleut condition nml with such divine luimlcimo could not help but ilaiice even ll he had never attempted to before. The dancing pro. grammes wei every uulipio. It is to Im Iiom1 that Ihu next pnrty will occur on n more fa vorable evening iin many perxoim living in Omaha and other cities will probably be prcNoot. Following In the lint of ilanceM nml tho inimical Milectloim: Walts Nmvl'nrU IjiiicUth Ittillliissnr HeliotllNclie UhlinliiK HelU WallzArrnnKeilliy Irvine "(IoMcii lloon" Qunilrllle I'rollo AIhiiiI Town 1'olkn limine llouche Wnltx 1'uiiiH-nfee HaratoKn lAiu'lerN (IoihIoIIith Wnltr. IVnrl of IVklu LnuolerH l'mil .Ioiick NoH)rt DrrnuiNof HnpplneHN rem ooliili Qudrllle Wltx-lrlue,.."IjKv llnmlkerchlef" tk'hottlteheInlne,. , "Favorite" Herlln Vienna to llerlln Waits Poor Joliimtlmn A bright nml congenial company of society people gathered Tuewlny evening nt the homo of Mrs. nml Mix Maude Hammond. Cards were tho priuclxil feature of the uveiilugN pleaiiure, tho game Iwlng enlivened with mil mnt(d convenmtlou nml hnppy niiIIIch nml rutortM. Tho fatui wero favorable to Mr. Charles Burr nml Mist Maud llurr mid they divided tho honors ovcnlyon the royal prize. Mr. Fred W. Houtz nml Miss Bertie Mcllrlde blinthlr.gly nccepted the liooby. The follow ing is n likt of tlio guesU: Messrs. John H. W-st, Lieut. Grtluth, J. W. Maxwell, E. E. Hehklo, Van Dukcu, Fnd C. Howe, Charles Hall, John Mcllrlde, H. T. Ht, John. Fran kH. Burr, Will Meyer, Frnnk U Hathaway, C. Y. Smith, M. I. Winger, Clyde Bowmnn, Harry Micks, CllnUm Andrus, Hob't. I). Muir, W. H. Wheeler, Htepheu ltngworthy, E. O, Bradley, It. M. Joyce, John T. Dorgnn.W.E. Clark, Ii. W. Marshall, Hnrry J. Hull, Sid ney Wilson, Fred W. Houtz, Charles L. llurr, Oncnr F, Funk,', Hall Northnm, Mat Baldwin, Charles P. Hammond, Homer Edmlston, Thos. E. Wing, Will Johnson. Mm. John S. West, Mrs. Lieut. Griltlth, Mm. J. W. Max well, Mrs, E. E. Henkle, Mrs. Klrby Ham mond, Mrs. Van Dusen, Misses Martha Filnke, Gertie Turner, Bertie Mcllrlde, Olive Lnttn, Itachel Brock, Nellie White, Hnttio Uland, CnrrloLelnnd, Maud Burr, Knttlo Cowdery, Margaret Bainl, Iottie Andrun, Donnelly, Kan Hawley, Kittle Weston, Knttpp, Covert, Gretcheu Manjuette, Maud Stobbs, Alice Cowdery, Naomi Weaver, Carrie Hill, Gertie Hill, llalllu Hooper, Wasmer, Miller, Anno Fuuke, Fay Mai-sIihII, Bessio Mason, 1.11 Ho Hathaway, Bertie Burr. There Is probably no city In tho west of It size that has tho good fortune to have such a largo circle of society people ns has Lincoln. Whether this is duo to the fact that the city Is a great educational Mint, or a splendid commercial center, matters not In this con nection. Lincoln has the intelligent, gonial, well-to-do clam of which society Is composed and we rejoice in the fact that wo have them. Tiik Coukiku is published for tho purixwe of recording the social gatherings of this class of people and the editor and ost oclate editor are always glad to receive nny thing in the lino of society news. If you have n party nt your homo do not cultivate n false modesty and feel backward nliout sending an account of it to Tiik CoimiKii nnd above all n list of tho guests. This journal Is published for you and your friomls ami the editors are glad to receive nny society item nt any time. If you or your sister or nny other person takes n trip or goes to vixlt friends in somo other city let us know of It. Tiik CoimiKittstho mirror nf Lincoln's social events and just exactly whnt you choone to make It. Bo sure and bend your items in early In tho week. On Friday evening last nearly seventy-five of the social people of North Lincoln met at tho residence of Mr, I). C, Fellows nml en Joyed a general good time. A jollier aggre gation of persons is seldom seen. One of th e great features of the evening was the bounti ful New England tuper to which tho guests sat down. The hospitable spirit manifested by the host nnd his fntr pnrtucr put the guesUat ease and a merry evening was passed, There were a number of accomplish ed musicians present mid In rtHponwe to re quests each favored the company with either a vocal or instrumental selection. A unique and en joy ably feature of the evening were tho dramatic selections rendered by SI Iks May Fellows and Master Ira Phllllpi. The latter gave variety to the evening's pleasure and is worthy of Imitation in other socia gatherings where the host nml hostess are desirous nf making an evening iiss pleasant ly for guests, Miss Ethel Mnrsland entertained the Tuec day Evening Club at her residence, Twenty elgth nnd L streets, Wednesday evening. The favorite author of the evening wat Bret Harle. Kelectlous from his works were given by various members, together with n sketch nf hit life, Arrangements wero alio com pitted for the prtoetilnllnn of two dramatic Hiukt by IhiM'lu'int nil early date. There were pretetit Min Fuuke, .Miller, White, Winmer, Hnrr, Wnlh, loomlt, Hmlth, Hnr dy, llurr, Olive l.fitla, Htobbt, mid Messrs. Hiiilth, Zohruug, Dorgmi, Mullen, Fuiicoii, Mers, (lei wig, t'laikeaml Ht, John, The memliers voliil the meeting ono of (lie phvix imtest yet held. The latest fad among certain young society Indies in Omaha, Ht. Joseph nml Lincoln It the wealing of well, exeu-m our hliishot but to Imi uncqulvoc il, It Itn inavotto gutter. Now thewi dainty iiumentlonablet as seen on sale in the ntoret me n IiiiiiiImmiio yellow almost golden-color. Only one It worn at least so rumor goes nnd this Is never re moved. If It is taken olf, the spoil It gone nml llMiiingle iower lost Now your cuii otlty It aroused and you want to know what inagli) there can In In that Nlmple cliclet. Well I t'll you what I hear, Tim wearer of that golden band Is believed to be clothed with the power of destiny and by her spell can win to her the gentleman of her choice ami can always wisl hliiasnoon at she pleae. The great Njwer of tho baud it In the simple fact that li Insures a speedy marriage f'l the wearer Now this fad may not In, as new at It hooiiih, as one lady ihclnres she his been wearing tho circlet for four years and at she Iion not Inmiii married yet she declares she believes It all to bo a humbug. Mr. J. A. Harris ami Miss Man I). Tibbies wero married by Dr. Curtis Monday evening. The utralr wnt extremely modest nml quiet, Prof, V, .. Eiiioi-ii ami Mist ICate Hcotliorne being the only wllncssest of tho fateful cere mony. After tho wedding supper Mr. mid Mrs, Harris took the evening train Hast, to Im gone nliou' ten days. They will bo at homo to their friends in Lincoln, after Feb ruary li. Mr, Harris it a young coutiactor who hat I loo n singularly successful, while hit bride In known nt one of the ino-t pupul ir teachers In tho city schools. Both urn ex students of tint H tn to University, mid mem ber of Greek letter societies. Their mar. i lage adds one more to tho list of happy and well chosen matches roHtilthw more or lets from the eo -educational system, A delega tion of Intimate fi lends weie at tho depot to see (he bridal couple depart and they took with them the tiost wishes of a host of ac quaintances. On last Friday evening Mr. nnd Mis. Wll Pomf "et entei tallied a number of friends, at their cosy homo on Houtli .Seventeenth street, "High live" was indulged In '11111 11 very pleasant evening was sieiit by all. Dainty refreshment were served nt 10 o'clock. The guests were: Dr. and Mrs. Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Tinner, Mr, and Mrs. A. H. lili bets, Mr. nml Mrs. A. E. ICennard, Mr. nml Mrs. I. II. Calster, Mr. ami Mi. J. II, Hmlth, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. Biggs, Mr. mid Mis. Clint. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. II B. Patrick, Mr. mid Mrs. W. E. Klrker, Mr. and Mrs Phelps. Paiue, Mr. T. P. K'eimard, Miss E. Keitimrd of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cromwell, Mr. ami Mrs. Ltimmlug. Dr Everett and Mrs. Turner curried olf tho royal prizes, while Mrs, Keumird and I. H. Caictcr got tho booby. Miss Florence Winger Is 11 great favorite In the social circles in which she moves an 1 11 party given by her it tho synonym for "an evening of pleasure." On last Felday even ing she won additional laurels ns nn enter tainer by giving a card party known by the rather unique name of "progressive tlddledy wink." The game proved ns jolly as the name implies nnd a delightful evening was passed. The guetts were: Tho Misses Llhbio Seacrest, H. Franklin, Stella Cut tit, J. Web ster, nnd Edith Flske; Messrs. John Finn ell, Frank Hmlth, Frank Wood, Charles Blair, Cecil Graham and Wilson Winger. The joung friends of Harry Sidles enjoyed a party at hit home Friday evening given by his patents. The usual round of games en livened with musin made the evening pass pleasantly away. Tho guests were: The Misses Maud Bennett, Carrie Stearns, Mliinio Ilisley, Ada Hagenlmugh, Elite Hageubaugh, Mabel Doyle, Verdlo Cndwallader, Messrs, Harry Doylo, Fred Parr, Paul Purcell, Ar thur Bennett, James Bailey and Frank Sidles. Inst Friday marked another birthday an ulversary In the life of Mr. It. S. Mcintosh. In commemoration of this his charming wife got up a splendid birthday dinner, invited in a few of his most Intimate friends and treat ed Mr. Mcintosh to a genuine surprise. Tho guest wero Mr. J. U, U'inlst, Dr, Sparc, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Charles L. Burr nnd Mr. S. T. Ht. John. Mr. nml Mrs. George Soybolt enter tained n circle of friends nt their home, Twentyvslxth and M streets, Wednesday evening. At nil early hour in the evening tho doors of their spacious dining room were thrown open nml the company rtook of nn elegant supper, which was enjoyed by all present. The masquerade ball given at Boharan's hall Monday night by tho Germanin Mnenner chor proved a grand success. Nearly two hundred couples utrt!cl)ated in tho gran I march. There were a great variety of cot tumes both handsome and grotisque. A pretty little wedding occurred yesterday In which thn principals were Mr. D. T. Barnes of Bennett, and MissTillle Mercer of Princeton, III. The marriage occurred nt the residence of the bride's sister in East Lincoln, A spider web social wnt held nt tho First Baptist church Inst evening nnd called to gether a largo number of young people. A delightful evening was passed. W. S. Morton nml daughter returned Wednesday from Chicago. A. W. Lauo Is home again after a weeks trip Otonna, Minn. Mr. Ed. Cerf leaves Unlay for New York to visit relatives. Additional Society on 6th Pnge.l Boils and Pimples Aro nature's efforts to eliminate poison fiom the blood. This result limy be accomplished much more effectually, at well ns ngrreiihly, through the proper excretory channel, by the use of A)cr's Harsaparllla. "For several jears I was troubled with Itolls and carbuncles. In casting about for a remedy, It occurred to 1110 that Aycr's Sarsa iwtllla had Immmi used in my father's family, with excellent success, ami 1 thought that what wat good (or the father would also bo good for the son. Three or four Itottlcs of this medicine entirely cured mo, and 1 have not since in more than two years had a boll, pimple, or any other eruptive trouble. I can conscientiously speak In the highest (emit of Aycr's SunaparllU, and many years' experience In (he drug business en ables 1110 to eak Intelligently." 0. M. Hatfield, Farmland, lud. Ayer's Sarsaparilla ritEi'Aiiitn nv BR. J. O. AYER & CO., Lowell, Man Price l: six bottles, i. Worth $& boUle. CLEARING ,o to 44 incncs Whoever can use one offered. THE-BHZMR 1023 O Street THE COURIER, FOR 60c A YEAR We have Completed Arrangements with the Publishers of The Cosmopolitan Magazine, whereby we are able to club that excellent Monthly with our paper, offering BOTH O-sKH The Cosmopolitan is sold for $2.40 per year, leaving the price paid for The Courier,. ONLY 60 CENTS. The Cosmopolitan Magazine is the size of Harpers, Beautifully Illustrated, and is one of the most interesting and delightful of all the big Eastern magazines. In addition to its varied features each number Contains a Complete Illustrated Novel. The Cosmopolitan has just been increased in size, so that the reader now gets in the year 1,536 pages, equal to five volumes of 3 1 1 pages each, with over 1,500 illustrations by the cleverest artists. Five such books would cost $7.50. But the 1,536 pages of the Cosmopolitan and 52 numbers of the Courier will now be supplied for $3.00, payable in advance. The Courier will be delivered by mail every Saturday and the Cosmopolitan will reach subscribers shortly before the first of each month sent direct from New York. All subscriptions in this combination are payable strictly in advance. Old subscribers to the Courier can secure the Cosmopolitan by paying a year's subscription in advance. Sample copies of the Courier will be sent upon application. Sample copies of the Magazine can be seen at this office. Address: Telephone 253. WESSEL PRINTING CO., Lincoln, Neb. Telephone 176 Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty FINAL- OF' CLOAKS 1 At One-Half Price. $8.25 will buy our $16.50 Plush Clonk, 38 inches long, Seal Fur Ornaments, 11 garments to select from. $9.25 to $22.50 will buy our $19 to $45 toniTi 23 trarments to select trom. $3.50 to $19.50 will buy our $7 to $39 Newmarkets, 46 garments to select from. 90c to $12.50 will buy our $1.80 to $25 Jackets, 44 ments to select from $1.45 to 57.00 will buy our 52.90 to Cloak, 52 garments to select from. of these 176 Cloaks strikes Yours Truly, Between ioth FOR SALE Plush Cloaks, gar- 514.00 Child's the greatest bargain ever and nth Streets. OFFICE 1024 0 Street $3 1 1