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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY cni'RIKU, SATURDAY JANUARY iM, i8(ji Ilv:iSS Alice Isaacs OMAHA, LATE WITH STERN BROS., MEW YORK LATEST NOVELTIES IN Millinery At Very Lowest Prices. In the Store of lleyniun V lVlelies, 1518-20 Eamam Street OMAHA. NOW IN NEW QUARTERS ! Lincoln Trunk Factory o st. 1133 sT- Where we will be Blml t "'' "H '' friends niul customers ami as many now ones iir can gel I"'" ',c "'ore. C. TK. WIRICK, SUCCESSOR TO WIRICK & HOPPER. WESTERFIELDS Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladles -and -Children's -Hair ASP.'X-A'.TY. Cutting COR M & O STS., NEW HURR HL'K PHOTOGRAPHER! Flno Hunt Cabinets 3 ixr dozen. Special rts to student. Call and see our worK. Studio, 12140 Street. Open from 10 a. in. to 4 i. in. Huiulnys. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Office: 239 South Eleventh St. McMurtry Illock. Office Phone 561. Residence Phone 562. LINCOLN, NEH. ' Sfecialhl. l'ructlcu Limited to Diseases of thu Nervous System, Heart and Blood KKPKHKNUKd: Hon. Win. Ijccng, Attorney General. Hon. T. I.. Norval. Associate Justice. Jones' National Hank, Howard. UltlzviiH' National Hank, Ulysses. Okkick: lifit! O Htrect, LINCOLN, NKH. I.udlf linn Ilr. I.e Due's I'rrlodirnl rills from l'arln, France. That positively ro Ilovo suppressions, inontlily derangements and Irregularities eauiteil by cold, weakness, niimnln. nr irenurul nervoils dctillltv. The larKu proportion of Ills to which laities alio, misses nro inline is me uirei-i result in it disordered or Irregular uienHtruatloii. Hup. pretslons contlnuetl remit In liloml poisoning nnd quick consumption. 'i package or3 for 15. Hcnt direui on receipt 01 price, mini In Lincoln by II. I. Sherwln, druggist O UN LINCOLN 'immC AMI IMHTITUTK 1K rKkM&Nlllir, Bliiirlliuml, ami T).'wrltliiK. U llio Is-nt anil larKiwt Collrgu In tha Went, uil htuilciiw In nttciiiluiu'u liwt htuili'iitii prepared inr limliutH III fnmi 3 loll lonllm. KxixTlcneril faculty l'cTsinial limlriii'tlnii. Kfaulirul llluilriiUstcntaloKiip, i-dIIokii Jnuriinla, una nvclmnna of M-iiiiianalilp, i'iit f rci hy mliln hhIiik (JLUUHIDOE & IIOOSE, Lincoln, Neb, Tickets ON SALE gfrggfee Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH - AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent Mr Thompson, formerly of Detroit, but now of Denver, Jh visiting Jn the city. Na ture has endowed 1 1 i lit wltli large fivt. Ycsterdii) his sister begged I'll" ' m"kut lug Willi her on tlic Island. "Hilt," Willi lit', "I llHVP III! sklltcS." "Yon rnn rent them there," was her re tort. ' Suppose tlic) hno none large enough (or iiic," In' inked facetiously "Tlu'll rent two pairs ami Use thi'iii in 'ImjIis,' " wo tlm response. Dot roll Free l'rM. Urn it 10 cyohwEposto r - 5,7 ynrt;eiMiwteS V I i jjj'l'l hems TwtNry I" I AND gUAIITKUDII. -Munsey's Weekly. Ill Wifr I SinpllUnn. He was standing In 11 doorway on .Teller son avenue, and pr-'sentiy he halted 11 pu (U'.Htrliui with . wave of Id It it 1 11 1 ami beck oned him to approach, mill said: "How do I look? ' "Why, yon present a pretty shabby ap peurunee, If you want an honest answer," replied thu citizen. "Thr.t's good. Shabby refers to my dress. How's my fiielal appearance?" "I'lnehed and hungry." "TIiiiI'h excellent. Do I look like n man who had money?" "No." "Would you elms mens hanl up and friendless?" "I certainly would." "Thank you. To sum up, you would set me down at a victim of unfortunate, circumstance, who couldn't net out of this town too fast?" "That's about it." "Thanks. Horn is a letter I have writ ten to my wife asking for money to net home. Shu's n suspicious woman, and she. won't take my word for It. Please write at thu bottom: "'Attest: It'sitdurned sight worse than lnays it Is.' And sign your name." The citl.en compiled and the letter was at once takuu to the postolllcc. Detroit Freu Press. Aiilili'iit Hint Art. Young Wife .Inst tu think, Harry dear, my tiuw hat blew Into thu street today, and was run over by three wagons, four carts ami a cable car' Harry Humph! That means a new hat, of course. Y. W. No, truly. It was rescued, and I took it to. Mine. Wayuppe's, who was per fectly charmed! 'l'lii! wagons and things hud mutinied it into thu most fashionable tduipu imaginable, and it Is to bu trimmed just as it Is. You never saw anything m utterly fetching. Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. IIU Order. -How much Hungry Joe for roast beef r do you clmrKe Walter Twenty-live cents. II. J. How much for bread? Waiter Nothing. II. .1. And how much for the jjravyf Walter Oh, woivu you the Krnvy. II. J. Well, you can brliitf mu plato, oread mid gravy. Harper's Hazar. Unllnlslied. Diushaway Have you heard Robinson's new btory? He started to tell it to mo when wo went down to thu races together thu other day, but didn't have timu to Mu lsh it. Cluvcrton Why didn't you return with him? Dashaway (s idly) No. Ho rode back. Week's Sport. Another I'lillitiitliropUt Nut Upon. Shabby Personage (addressing old lady) Plase, inilin, will yuglvo inea few cints fur brekfast? Old Lady (sternly) No, sir; you've been drinking. S. P. Faith, an' Is that any reason why I shouldn't ate? Harvard Lampoon. WoiiiIitn of Hclnnt'P. Carlos hud just received a telegram from Havana. "What an iidmirit'.ile invention the tele graph Is!" he exclaimed, "when you con sider that this message has come 11 dis tance of l.fiOO leagues, and the gum on the envelope Isn't dry yet." Lu Union. Knew IIU Futlmr. Tommy Did you do much lighting dur ing the war, pa? Pa I did my shnru of It, Tommy. Tommy Did you make the enemy run? Pa You're right I did, Tommy. Tommy Did they ketch you, pa? Uos ton Courier. .MUiiiideratond. He I hear you attend the Oratorio so ciety's performances. Wereyuti present nt thu "Creation?" She (indignantly) I suppose you will next want to know if I sailed in Noah's ark. illustrated American. Thu Wlu I.lttlu City T.lrl. "What are these funny little green things?" asked Flossie of her country cous in, pointing to a iuuiiImt of pea pods. "Those are pease," said Tommy. "You can't fool me," retorted Flossie. "Pease come in big red cans," Harper's llu.ur. They Snore. "Has any one sworn to tins statement?" said the piesldeul of the company when thu treasurer presented his lepoit. "No one but thu stockholders," was th reply. Lowell Tim Niiiiii'nt Way. Stranger (I o cabman) My good man, can ou tell me the uemest way to the depot? Cabman Yes, sor. dust Inside thu cab, heie, sor. .Journal of Education. Til.' Men Who KImi, Stranger That Mr. Ilarinw is one of the solid citizens of thu place, I presume. Villager Yes siiee. He bought his coal in th' summer. (iiichI News. A llellultloii. "Papa, what in u fad?" "A fad, my son, U soMchody else's peca Uailty." Exchange. ; A INSPIRCD GCNIUS. Kurpiik I lolil'n OrlKlnnl Wn) or Willlnu I'nrllj. In Ks the pix'sent u liter, then an edit orlal wilier for the Chicago Dully News, did his work In the same mom wheie Mr. I'.llgelie I'Mehl wrote those graceful erses ami irieslsilhly Chimin puriuraphs which made the "Sharps and I'lats" eoluinn of that Journal so cugcrl) sought for. Hot li occupants of thu room ueiu freiiieutly subject to IMIs from aniiaintaiices who chained to belli the city for the day, so the) coiitrtW'il a number of practical Jokes intended to Increase the respect which wime of these lay brethren had for news paper writers lu geneial mid for these two III puitlciihir One ilu an nciUitiutnli(o of Mr Weld's bo) hood, a tall, gangling look ing Ml'snuriuii, came In and miide himself known. After coidlal gi.etlngs ami a few momelitsof eotiM'rsatloli M,' I'leld clapped his hand to his blow, assumed nwilde piesslon,mnl speaking sliuiply to his room mate as If he were mi amanuensis, said, "Take this poem down " The miianuetils cleared the deck of his desk for action, mid Mr. I'Mehl begun to dictate a poem. It was a licuiitlful little l lie upon which he had devoted weeks of p.ihistakltig work, but he reeled it olf as if It had Just popped into his uiltlil, mid to Increase the wonderment In the mi ml of his guest, turned two or three times in the course of the dlctii'lon, mid chatted with liimabolit their boyhood frolics. Theejes of I in- Mlssoiirlau stood out iuainucmcut, as, at t lie close of thu dictation, I lie amanu ensis lead the charmingly finished poem, and Mr. Kielil In a tone of command suld: "Send it up to thu pt Inter. Iliueltput into morrow morning's paper." The ne.xt morning the Mlssourlau, pioud of his acipiaiulmicu with so woiideiful 11 man as Mr. Field had shown himself to be, lead the poem, and set out to tell eeiy body who would listen how an inspired genius writes poetry. Analoslnn Magu r.lne. IiiiIhIIiIi'. The other day an old Irishwoman enter ed one of our well known drug stores, holding III her wrinkled hand an empty beer bottle, which she desired to bu half II I led with hair oil. "I wild Is1 thuuklu' je, sur," she said to the lirhuuu druggist, "if ye wild put ilia fasten' oil of roses which do lie shmelliu' so nice." "About how much shall I put In?" asked the druggist. "Shure, sur," replied the old irntimii, "till chits worth will be pllnty. An' wild je inolnil," she added, dropping 11 courtesy, "putting it III the bottle llrl? Arrnli, I'd lolke to take a peep at the si nil'." The distinguished looking druggist went buck of the pieseiiptiou counter, put into the bottle two drops of oil of loses at a nickel a drop and brought it buck to his Celtic customer. She held the bottle up to the light, mid looked at It long mid curi ously. Seeing nothing she cautiously ex tracted thu cork and took a deep whllT, which caused 11 cherubic suiilu to spread over her ancient face. "Hedad, sur," she said, "it slimells ui'iighty foi ne, but," looking suspiciously at thu druggist, "vvlieru Is it?" Hrookln Ufa Value Iterolvi'd. Yesterday 1'orenoon two pedestrians met on Monroe avenue, and one knocked tho other down and hurried olT. "Thai's mi outrage!" exclaimed a citizen who helpeil the fallen iniin up. "Call the police ami have him ariestedl" shouted a scuinil. "Run after him and get satisfaction I" advised a third. "Gentlemen," said the victim as he reached his fiet, "it's all right-nil right." "How all right?" "1 owed him 1 mid refused to pay it. Ho therefore too), it out of my hide." "Hut, man, you havu been knocked down!" "I know it, but I've saved tH. if any body's ahead I'm thu one, and there's no need of raising a row ovur it." And begot a brace on his Jaw with his left hand anil skated oil" into a side street. Detroit Free Press. riniiiK'liil Item. Matilda Snowball, who is employed in the family of Col. Verger, complained that the colored gentleman who h paying her attention borrowed a dollar from her and refused to return it. "Yes, mum," said Matilda to Mrs. Yer ger, "I has hunted for dat dollar, but hit's 110 use. lie jessdou'tshell out. Can't you give me some advlcu?" "Well, Matilda, thu best thing you can do Is to marry him, and then you can get your money out of his pockets at night when he is asleep." Texas Siftillgs. Cool. "Thu coolest man I ever knew in my life," said a congressional arrival, "was a native of Kansas. A cyclone had struck him, mid set him down with his entire family and a portion of his furniture with in twenty feet of my house. I said to him, 'Hello, Saint what are you doing over here?' "'Oh,' he replied, as he dumped n hand ful of tobacco into his pipe, 'I Justca-ne over to get out of the draft.'" Washing ton Post. I'a 1 (i on. "Excuse my coming to dinner in a busi ness suit, old fellow. My way, you know." "That's all right. You won't mind my giving you a small table all by yourself lu thu puutry, will you? It's a conceit of miuu to do it, old chap." New York Sun Yoiiiik I'eiiplit Often II11. Mrs. Ciimso How did Charlie and Mary get acquainted with each other? Mrs. Fiinglo They sang in the same church choir. Mrs. Ciimso Oil, I see. They met by chants, Drake's Maga.iue. Proverbial 1'hllonopli). Miss Flora Wall .lessiu Stryker seems to 1st quite uucces-.ful in ab-orhliig tho at tention of that rich old Mr. Doddering. Miss Minnie H ill-Oh, yes! You know her motto Is, "Where there's a will, there's a wny." Puck. Ari'iiiuiiiodittlnii. FLY Words by F. E. WlTHERLY. Allililllff Oi'f.'ovi --. r1 "a m. i ill Tt ' .i. , ,at.-lsi---j-l- "v ; -s- .. .-. .. ,i. . .a- -. mmsm?mmB mm 7$S : " ' bright with lov Ing hcoVt her lean ing n rail. car-ry to my darling's feet I lies lie in the wmmlh thereof. " un jhxo rail m. i r m!isvimmt cried, sake. Spread, westwanl And give thee in c0mrEm (? 1 trenc rail. J3rE mmmmm bear my let tor to Iwar my let - ter to -- - rail. eon antma. (' crt'sr. r;. - f ' ihLTrr. jKEE swiet ! love I Fly forth, O gen -tlu dove. I xri. Then wcstwanl swift thy jV.'rii'y tftke, i: a. . m 3EZE&! ? -5Lli .," mm t-w, rf. ,.; -i f I PALACE! STABLE1S. F I N EST I A V El Y IN Til F Stylish Turnouts of All Kinds. -M Jl "JT WI -l IfllS U ' f - tk W I B. MmWS jmmWWW L " - - ! - gcfta - !;wf M St., botwoon llth and 12th. Phono 432. . o Biii)Jnv:E",r:B cSc co. FORTH, 0 GENTLE - i 'imEEm 1. I sent ft let S. Anil when I mi ncath A A A A Lg-nitL:f f r5 words and sweet, from n boe. I gao it Fly up ward 'k- ( (emjio ' i spread thy pillions licet. welcome, happy dove ; 1r fejbfe ertfe. :rrr- my sweet, my love.. I I tz : J l;spipgjEp I J fl tfllljHJ. .a. .a. m rail. vm?mmmm And Is-ar my And Uur my diin. f mil. "- ' it"vn il tan'o rr-f. m fLr z i--- - i - 1B z Eif DOVE. Mualo by CIRO PINSUTI. .fL.0. A IT" c-ip7 l GiP--E-T P--fi Fth' tf- it r w m '--i i m Li dim. I -- ki- JL - Qf.lU&tEp lipafi iit lo my love, the how'r thou alt. Mai In Anil rg A i J x)(:fcg:i1l f to u ten -derdovc, To straight In to her heart, Anil IlipSl con gratta.. gBfegj :rzc Fly forth, 0 gentle dove, I My love will lovot lice for my Tr f 00 , O'er hills anil wihhIs and meadows wide. And Then westward swift thy journey take, AnA dim. to to my my J5q !. let tcr '" my sweet I let- ter to my love! " 4h " ',' mm r r jg . ?, r 1 WEST .i: The right kind of a feller to huc on tho u'. Oin e a Week