Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 31, 1891, Image 2

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xse, m.f
Mny Isipiodueod liy the " of MUM, HIIA
HAM'M KukciiIo Enamel mid her llnso
llloom. The complexion mill I'olnr urii made
perfect, nnd the closest scrutiny could mil 1I1
tool lino grain of powderor tint least Indica
tion of nrlltlclnl color I Mill sluko my rep
titnllitn HmUm nny fnoo I fiin give tin; imit
ilclluhlfiil complexion iiml color wllh Kit;
rciiUi Knniucl nnd Hose lllonsotu, nul
flint no unit could ioslhly loll tlnil
tho color or compliloii were nrlllle
Inl. Thl l IiIkIi ri In cosmetics, They
re each morn harmless llniti nny other cos
niello In tlm wotld, beenine limy ore each ills.
milvliiK In tliclr nature, nml thus iIoch not
cloit tip Hie pore. When iihIiik these imperii
oonuiellcs nil mn.V wipe the ililnt or pomp
ration from Hie lure without mnrrluu their
delicate bcnitty They remiiln on nil ilny, or
until wnhcd oil'.
Price of ciioh, fit Hie two soul iinvw here for
12. Knrmiln by dnuntlsl, nnd at Mil. II. I-..
QtUCK'H fNliitillKliliH'lil, UH Houlli lllli Hi,
MrH.Oriiliiim, 10.1 l'ot St., r-1111 Kiiitiiilwii.
treats Indies ror nil defects or blemishes ol
race or lluttrr. f eul Mump for licr Utile hook
How to lie llcuullful,"
If you Deposit your Savings
Lincoln avings Bank
Safe Deposit Co.
H, K.cor. lllli nml PHts.
At the Hntu or;
5-lJive pur Ct. per Annum-5
Huve A(M 11 week anil It amounts with
Intercut In live yours to ll.fmo.oi).
llanlt opens at Ui 11. in. to ilsJU) p. m. ami
Saturday evcnliiKM, 0 loH p. m.
Safes to Rent in BurgUr and Fire
Proof Vaults.
Strictly Pure and the
Largest and Finest Line
In the City, at
1307 O STREET.
y We make a specialty of entering lec
Cream and Fruit Ices (or Halls, Parties,
Wedding, etc., ntul enn serve tlictn in the
brick or by the quart on short notice nt
seasonable prices. Fancy Cakes of nil
kinds made to order. Telephone orders
receive prompt attention. Call up 501.
Dr. Alma J. Coe,
Ofio. 1704 X Strut; LINCOLN, NEB.
' Oliroulo iiml iioute dlncnic of women anil
hlldron. Will bo nl Opell Hotel Wednes
day and Thursday of each week. Will treat
difficult ami complicated eases sent to the
'.Ollice Hours: 8 to 12 a. m.,3 to 7 p. m.
The Bond
European or American Plan !
Finest Suites in the City
Tills beautiful new house is now mule
new management. All the latest conven
iences, mcli as bath rooms on every floor,
passenger elevator and superb service.
Table Unsurpassed !
Street Cars to all Depots pass the door
Cor. 12th and Q Sts.
4 y
. ....
Thry Onu Millions of .Sheep, fill I In Mini
Hi. !, uml 11 I'lil the I'ulrhtriln
of Old -Their Sliiinifiicturcii, I' Is, He-
Union nml t'mliiiiK.
fwHitht hy AiniTlfiiii Prein Anox'lnlliin,
Tho members of thu United Slides gov
crnmenl commission recently nipolnlcil to
lncs(lgntii tlm couilltlou of Hie Niivnjo
ImlluiiH will Iiml Hint they have to do
with ilm mint ri'iiiiirkiihln of Undo Sum's
hnrliiilliiu proteges, Inhabitants of tliclr
pt cscnt location In New .Mexico for cent-
urlcM, nml imlcilatliiK In their traditions
the most remote records of I lie while mini
on the American continent, they am yet
little known.
Tlm territory over which the trlho roams
Is lictwcen the Itlo (iraiide ami Colorado
rivers, nnd along the valleys of the (Ilia
ami Titnl In weitcrn New Mexico and Arl
.(ilia. 'I'lie Navajos lend 11 nnmndlo life,
I, ill at periods stop to how and cultivate
cropsofnialc, Is-ans, pumpkins, etc. When
I hi harvest Is over they inovo 011 to neck
new scenes,
Many are rich, and have Hocks ami herds
that would grnco the ranches of while cat
tle and sheep liarons, while the thousands
of handsome horses owned hy the nils' are
the admliatlou of every visitor. To pur
chase an animal, however, necessitates
close bargaining, for the Navajos will al
low no one to cheat them If sharp dealing
can prevent It.
They differ widely In appearance from
the typical savage of the prairie. They are
lull, well formed, erect, nml have clear
nihil complexions. Tliclr hearing Is easy
and graceful, and they dress with comfort
A party of them visited hy the writer had
apparel that was actually handsome. The
women wort skirts that came below
the knees, while the men had long frocks
made of some bright material, buckskin
knee breeches and woolen stockings. In
the woolen goods the mosi brilliant colors
wero used, and I lie effect was most strik
ing. The women have all their white sis-
lets' love for llncry, and feathers dipped In
strong dyes manufactured hy them orna
mented their heads and scarfs. The men
had helmet shaped lulls similarly adorned,
and pre cuted the appearance of veritable
stage warriors.
The ohl Ahrahamle form of government
exists among the Navajos, The wealthi
est men arc chiefs, and have retainers, re
sembling the servitors of the feudal lords.
I'liu chiefs confer at times ami decide what
shall he done with the tribe's possessions,
Thn Navajos will no more touch or eat a
hog than will 11 .lew. It Is estimated that
they have now 011 their ranges il,lKN),UH)
sheep and tSl.OUO hordes, U'shlcs largo herds
of cattle. As there are less Hum KI.IHHI
of the raci! the wealth Is quite tvpoetnhlo.
They add to It constantly hy the sale of
the famous Navajo blankets, which all
tlm skill of tin white man has not Wen
able to duplicate. They art! so lluely woven
that water can he carried In them without
leaking, and the d)cs am of such a permit
uetit and brilliant iuallty that they sut
pass all others known, Tim dyes am made
and the blankets woven hy t lie women of
the tribe on peculiar looms of their own
devising, These show great mechanical
skill. They consist of three or four horizon
tal poles tied to saplings or upright stand
arils, while straight, slender strips of wood
or lent hern thongs reach to the ground.
The weaver squats before the loom and
titles her shuttle to and fro, around and
between the strips, forming the warp and
woof of the blanket. The d cs are made,
from certain plants and earth deposits
known only to the trllie.
The Navajos are, however, true Indians
as reganls treatment of their enemies.
They have 110 friendship with any other
trlls, and wnr upon the ahorli:iue.H of tho
southwest constantly. Once, when they
were fighting the Pueblos, they called a
peace council, and having gathered all the
I'ueblo chiefs In a canyon, fell upon them
.mil attempted to massacre the whole
party. The nlmblcncss of tho Intended
victims, who scaled the sides of the canyon
and escaped, f rust rated the design.
The Navajos are not experts with bow,
arrow or rille, their favorite weapon lelng
tho spear, which they throw with great
force and skill. They are line horsemen,
and the young men are fond of athletic
sports. Like tho old Greeks, they have
C Tfc.V.
a tv.M fun -i fir. srmiT la:i.
innuat com sts in wrestling, running, etc
Those am held every spring at tho full
moon, uml the participators gather from
all sift Ions of tho country over which thn
tribe roams. No prizes are given, it lieing
considered that the namo of Ising tho
winner Is reward enough.
All manner of odd superstitions run rifo
In their untutored minds. Tliclr prophets
pretend to receive from an old woman In
the skies communications which am given
to tho people with great ceremony, head
'todies are their especial abhorrence, and
every article of apparel which a departed
one possessed is destroyed If possible. Re
cently, in company with some army offi
cers, tho writer saw ono of their funerals.
It was an event to lie rcmcmlR'rcd.
Following a guide wo went across a piece
of valley woodland, and reached a pleasant
opening just as tho cortege entered It on
the other sido. Tho body was wrapped In
costly blankets, and rested nu poles also
covered with blankets. Depositing their
burden on tho cut branches of trees the
men took turns at digging 11 grave. When
it was done the body, blankets and all,
was lowered, and the mourners set up 1
quarter hour's howling and walling. Next
they placed In tho grave the unities It was
m'iiwi n.i. m-i Indian wouhinocdi..
MH ,,w. minim,; gnmnus, inciuiiiug 11
spear, part of 11 loom, some dyes, his hel
met and moccasins, alter which tlm grave
was llllcil up. Then a pure while pony
was brought out of tho woods. Huns and
arrows were pointed at his heart, and tho
next Instant he lay dead across the new
made mound, where he was left for the
future useof the departed chief. Finally
one of tho leading Indians made a division
of the dead man's propel ty.
Woman holds an exalted place among
tlm Ninajos, They Ih'IIcvo that a woman
places the sun In the heavens each morn
lug, while the stars are sprlukhd upon the
great blanket of the sky hy a woman's
hand. In strange variance with this Idea
Is tho out! that the moon Is carried on thn
hack of a burro, or mule, tlm long ears of
which the uicdliin men pretend to I hi
nhle to descry.
Their ceremonies are most Interesting,
That of moving Is mm religiously ol
served. The medicine mail takes from the
chief camp lire a burning brand, which Is
carried ahead nf tho travelers until a halt
Is called. .Should the brand Ini extlu
gulshcd they return to the original camp,
wheie they remain until Hie following
day. When a long Journey Is to be made
the imillclui! men hide wicks saturated
with oil In the brands, ami so present' tho
lire. I
In marriage the woman Is, so to speak, !
the best man. The, acceptance of a pony I
tied outside tlm squaw's wigwam Is a be
trothal, and at, the wedding (he bride and I
groom sll 011 opposite sides of a waterproof
basket llllcil with food, of which they par-1
take In the presence or the assemhlcii re
lations. Ilythls act they am made man
and wife. Tim marriage relation is not
very strictly observed, though only one
legal husband or wife can he had.
Conversations with travelers who hnve
inadii a study of tlm Navajos' traditions
lean 10 inn niiiuiusiiiii wim iney urn II
nrancn 01 ine vpacui! lamiiy, nut. am mom
clvilied through having held the inter
mountain plains for so many centuries.
Old Mvxicau and Spanish nuthorltlcf cll
them tho Navajo Apaches, and them Is'
certainly u slight similarity in the Ian
guage. It Is, however, dllllcult to account!
for tliclr skill In mnniifm Hiring ami love'
of pastoral pursuits. They themselves 1m
lleve that they sprang from tho water
which lies 11 long distance north of their1
present homo, and that at death they will
return there.
Their worship is different from that of
any tribe In the west. It consists of In
cantations and solemn addresses to the sun
and moon, while tho high mountains have
an nwo Inspiring power. Above the snow
lino they do not go, as there Is to them
something mysterious In tho whiteness
that exists even when the plains below
am burning with lieat. The mirage, which
In the hot and dry air of Ari.ouaisso com
mon, Is to them a vision of the future lands
of bliss. The lakes anil green trees wllh
which the wonderful refractions always
abound are taken as promises of what the
('rent Spirit will give them in tho tradi
tionary northern paradise when their la
bors am over.
They am a most warlike people, and
have in the past given tho United State
government much trouble. They are too
sli rewd to Indulge In ghost dance nonsense,
but their frequent raids on New Mexican
hcttlers have made their name a terror. In
1870 Uncle Sam had to send some troops to
punish them for tho murder of a number
of people near Fort Dcllaucc. Six or eight
expeditious have been sent out at other
times to Arizona, and have succeeded In
dentroy lug thousands of sheep and cattle,
as well us crops, reducing portions of the
trilsi to the verge of starvation. Ketalia
t Ion has iieeu made by the nomads upon
tlio settlers when the troops were with
drawn; but one thing is to bu said In their
favor they never Hcalp their dead foes.
Of latu years 11 treaty has Ih'oii in forc
which has proved valuable, as the Nava
Jos are careful to keep their promises
Hut tho territory over which they roam ii
considered too largo for their numbers,
hence tho government Is endeavoring to ro
strict them still further.
Wants thft Ohl O Ulcers llxtlred.
The recommendation of Secretary Trncj
that provision Imj made for retiring naval
o libers when they reach a certain ago Is at
tracting general attention, Tlio secretary
points out that under tho present rules thu
day Is not far distant when the whole
grade of lieutenants will bo composed ot
men between tho ages of thlrty-soven nnd
fifty-four. They, of course, will have only
subordinate responsibility, although in
the prime of physical and intellectual
vigor, while their superiors will bo persons
far advanced toward old ago. It is for this
reason that Mr. Tracy suggests a change
in tho regulations. He wants to seo
younger men till thu ranks now occupied
by the graybeanls.
From Chleuco to I.umloii liy Witter.
At various terms during tho last ten or
a years venturesome mariners have
sailed medium sl.u.l lake craft from Chi
cago to Loudon and back again, Now
that thu Wellnud canal has been .ulurged
to h perumuunt depth of nine feet capital
ists have organized a through freight
steamer line, and hope to make a succe-vs
ufall water tralllo between tho lirltlsh Isles
and thu metropolis of Illinois.
The Itupld Trnnslt Problem.
Mr. William Stelnwny lias lately comt
into ollkial prominence through his up-
pniutmunt as
chairman ot the
rapid transit com
mission by Mnyor
Grant, of Now
York. .Mr. Stein-'
way Is an active
and iutliiontlal
business man, and
thoroughly ac
quainted with tin
necessities of tho
metropolis. The
responsibilities of
his olllce urn great
In view of thu vn- , , , ... ...,...
rlous Interests In- "'" STUMVA".
vnlvcd, but all who know Mr. Stelnwny
are conlldcnt that his labors will aid to
bring about a satisfactory solution of the
impoitiiut problem of rapid transit in New
V rk rltv.
How 11 Sliouler for n Side .Show Aimiseil
llliiMcir In the I'l.nliilllce. 1
In a Id' irlous mood a tall man with a1
theatric makeup entered the poHtolllco. !
It was inrly morning nml the corridors I
wcru almost, deserted. As hu slowly passed,
th-ougli the building 011 Hie ground lloor
lie gave evidence that ho was or had lieen
n shunter for tlm side show of a circus.
There was mischief In his eye as ho
glanced toward a window behind which a '
clerk sat. '
"In this cage," ho exclaimed In deep, 1
sonorous tones, as If addressing an
audience of curious and expectant people, I
"you will Hud that melancholy licast thu
laughing h) ena. This animal roams about ,
the prairies In the night, and there ho!
laughs and laughs and laughs, but what
on earth ho Is laughing at iioboilylms Is-cn
able to Hud out.
"Pass along, lutsHnlong, but do not press
against tho ropes, You have ample time
to view all the curiosities before the great
show begins."
Scores of clerks, attracted by the un
usual noise, hurried to the little windows
and poked out their heads. This pleas.-d
thn tall man Immensely and ho laughed
"In the next cage," resumed tho orator I
ns) liu proceeded on Ids way, "Is tlm farl
famed Rocky .Mountain goat, which leaps
from peak to peak ami skips from crag to
crag, ever and anon uttering that plaintive
cry, Mlaat haul'"
Vlien another heail wits thrust out of an
opening, andthutall man, with aswcepliiB
wave of the hand said, "Thank you, sir,
that will do."
"In tho next cage," continued tho mirth
ful man, "you will perceive the gigantic
rocodlldo, who, when ho eats, e.its seven
teen tlllTcrcut kinds of food, always con
eluding his repast hy devouring a Imlo of
Thank you, thank v 011, sir; you am be
having nicely, nicely.
"Pass along, p-issalong, ladles and gents;
but hear In mind and remember you h-ivo
aniple, ampin tlino to seo all tho curiosities
U'fore tlio show In tho great pavilion
Gradually tho tall humorist made his
way around tho corridors, Ids voice losing
none of Its voliimoor strength. .Meanwhile
the commotion In the postolllcoilemrtment I
was Increasing, l-.very winnow was occu-1
pled by 0110 or mom clerks, with bulging
eyes and necks craned to catch a glimpse .
of tho daring, practical Joker. Everybody!
had 11 chaiicutosco him, for Ik? did uotdeuy 1
lilmself to anylssly. This is what one j
groun heard as ho cutun Into view:
"In thu next cage am the mighty boa
constrictors, whoso hi to Is worse than death
uml whose strength is crushing. In thui
smaller cages on the right am other rare I
reptiles lirought from remote tropical re-1
..1 1 1.... ,1 11 1 1 H 1
gious, woi'ie iiiiu ii) iiiuj iiteii 111111 nour
ished. Twice a year these snakes shed
their skins, Thoy feed llxn birds, frogs
and guinea pigs."
Hy that time tho loungers in tho build ,
lug wero enjoying tho sport highly, but
how tho clerks felt Is not known.
As tho stranger iieiircd tho last door at ,
the upper end of tlio Hroadway side ho
turned towanl another "cage" and ex
"In the next cage you will sue Old Tom
feeding the Polar hear his dally meal of
broken Ice. Tills Ico Is expressly Imported
by us from thu arctic regions at enormous
expense and"
At that moment tho watchman made, his
presencu known, and the Joker was forced
to cease Joking; but us he wont out of tho
door he 1 1 red this shot, which wasev: lently
intended to hit t lie watchman:
"Little Jocko will now ascend thu ladder,
turning n complete somersault at each and
every round."
Then tho swinging doors closed buhl ml
htm -slid ho was lost to view Now York
Wliut to Do.
"ll ys," excitedly exclalned the manag
ing ci'.itor, rushing into tin local room of 11
Chicago morning paper Into one night in
1888, hole's the chance of your life to dis
tinguish yourselves forty men and women
burn til todeath In an atiylum lire In I) .
Want two of you to go t hero on a special
train and cover tho thing us completely ns
posslblu until wu get n relief down to you."
Tho only men on duty nt thut hour were
n couple of recent arrivals from "Luuuou."
They weru whirled down to tho train anil
put on a special car. Away went tho train
through tlio night to the scene of the dis
aster. "I say, Cholley," No. I broke out nfter n
short Interval of silence, "did you hearhlm
say he expected us to distinguish ourselves?
Wonder what ho Intends to do by us when
wo get backf"
"I heard 0110 of thu Imys, don't ye know,
saying that thu health ot the editor wasn't
Kood. They may want asuccessor to him,"
While they pursued this interesting toplo
tho train pursued its course, and two hours
later the young Kiigllshmen, after much
consultation, started towanl Chicago n tel
egram rending like this: "Dear Mr. Editor:
Wo aru here. What shall wu do?"
Tho answer came back shortly. "Find
out where tho fire is hottest and Jump in."
Milwaukee Sentinel.
The Opportunity fielieil.
Thu brihtul young man was looking nt a
painting representing an arctic landscape.
"Isn't It st range, Miss Ida," ho said, "that
they harness thu reindeer?"
"No," sho answered dreamily. "People
can harness tho lightning, dear.
This is so sudden, so unexpected, Horace.
1 well, ask paiia." Chicago
F.hl) nml riow.
Three successive telegrams from a young
man staying at Monaco to his anxious
uiamina wim has sent him them for his
health. "Send mu somu money. Have
lost my pocket book." "No need of money.
Have found pocket liotik." "Send money.
Pockethook found, hut nothing in it."
Fllegemle Hlatter
A Uiie.tlon of lliirkueii.
Ethel-I think I ought to tell you, Edith,
that I met your llauce in a dark hallway
lust night mid ho kissed me.
Edith Indccdl Tho hallway must have
U'un very dark. Muusey's Weekly.
A St. I.011U Cliorlly.
A mrrk yed, mild spoken mnn dropped
aruiml to tho hotel In St. Louis one even
ing Inst fall, and iw fast, as ho came to any
one whom he hml sl.etl up ns "safe" ho
"It Is a casu of charity -i noble charity 1
but wo are opposed to anything like n sub
scription. The widow wouldn't have It
that way, you know Wo have therefore
arranged forn ten round 'go' between the
Missouri Terror and the St. Louis Chain
Lightning Comes olT at 10 o'clock ad
mission tl. It's for blood, and tho money 1
gin's to the widow of the best dog handler
in tho I'lilted States."
It seemed a sort of duty to go around 1
with the crowd and pay the admission fee.
Tho affair was to come olT in a ham, nml'
when tlm principal! cuteied tho ring there
Acm sixty-two of us dollar men present.
They shook hands, "put up" In good shape,
nml tho knowing ones predicted a hot, time.
At tho Hrst iiuiich tlic Terror made, how
ever, tho other fell down, seemingly un
conscious, and after working over I1I111 for
livu minutes the meek eyed muu stood up
and said:
"(Scuts, 1,iro sorry to inform you that
Chain Lightning Is u dead man. Ho has
evidently died of heart failure, and under
tho ml verso circumstances tho light cannot
go on, I'll have to send for tho police."
Of course everybody niado a hustle to
get away, only too anxious to escape arrest
ami detention, and tho ham wits emptied
In thirty seconds, Next day, as I was go
ing down tlio river on 11 steamboat, I heard
two men in the stateroom next to mine
"Well, mako it nu even divide," said
"Of course It's oven," replied thu other.
"Hill worked In tho crowd, you played
dead on 'em, and I had tho rig there to get
us olT. Purty slick game, hut you died too
soon. You ought to have waited until I
got in one on you." -New York Sun.
II u Knew.
A little Capitol hill girl had tieetiton
museum of magic In New York, and win
telling her mother about n wonderful half
a woman she saw there.
"Shu was swinging In n swing, uml mov
ing her hands and opening and shutting
her eyes and bowing and smiling, and
them was only half of her," said thu child
"And did she talk?" asked the mother.
"Of course," Interrupted tho father from
behind bis newspaper; "she wouldn't 1h
half a woman if she didn't." Washington
He liiiglis Hrst Wlitt IjiiibIik Lust.
I! ' I '
(leorue'ii Orlglnnl Copy flunk.
One of Oeorgo Washington's copy booka
has Ik-oii found at Mount Vernon. It shows
that when George dropped a splotch ot ink
in the middle of the page hu licked it down
toward thu right hand comer instead of tip
to thu loft. This made n black comet dart
ing upward Instead of one shooting down.
George was always different from other
boys. Norrlstown Herald.
The Ali'orblni; Aborigine.
"Then," said Mr, Tenderfoot thrllllngly,
describing his western adventures, "tho In
dluUH Htolo upon us!"
"And what did they do?" breathlessly
asked a friend.
"Then they gradually stole everything
elsol" New York Herald.
(Irittlfjlui; Nucvua.
Footlytes Wus jour performanco of
Othello lu Chicago a success?
Stager Yes, a brilliant one, I got plenty
of applause, and at tho end of tho play tho
audience insisted on culling for thu author.
New York Sun.
j i& :', l I!
" i., ,-.,ir, - "
., ij ' I Ml,
A Neuulhe l-'uiilt.
Father Whoso fault is it that you are
not nearer thu head of thu class?
Sou It's tho fault of tho oilier fellows.
Fill her How Is that?
Son 'CnitMj they're smarter'!) I be,
Two (leins.
'Vlth pnla tliu dofj who last July
Was ellppeit lu iimiim-r ipiltn an fait,
J'imN tli.a Ids liulr U Mill ton nmru
To keep the winter w lad nw ay
Washington Post.
The teacher whacktsl tin, boy one day.
Who disobeyed the mle;
'I he Lchohrs did not I iiikIi tmr play,
To M-o Ilia, l.inmi in selusil
-;:ai.i-d Ijiuipoou
he athtnttc
For 89l will contain
The House of Martha,
Frank R Stockton's Serial.
Contributions from
Dr. Holmes Mr. Lowell,
ncl Mr. Whittier.
Homo heretofore uupilMlMieil
Letters by Charles and
Mary Lamb.
Mr. I'ercival Low-oil will wrltoa iiumittvo of
his adventures under tlwj tltleof
Noto : an Unexplored Cor
ner cf Japan .
TheCupluruof LulsbourK will ho treated lu
A Series of Papers by
Francis Parkman.
There will also ho Short Stories and Sketches
Rndyard Kipling,
Henry .lames, s.iruh Onto .lowelt. Oeluvo
Ihanet. ami others. Unteohnlciil tm-
pers on liuusllous lu
Modern Science
will beeontrlhutiMl hy Professor Ogboin, of
Prince on, ami others; topics In University,
Secondary, ami Primary Education will h
11 111 urt'
M'Vr,i.,illi0!mI',1 Watson Glider. Dr. Parsoiw
M1r,H',,e',''tUralMiii it. Toinson, and others
will ho among tho contributors of Poetry.
The Atlantic for 1891.
TKllMlii-$4.tiOntir InnilmiiM. IMuor I-Vre;
1. wtits a tiMmhrr. Willi new Ue-Ue imifniti
of LitwM, mid iilno pirdmtfn llnuthorne.
hmamm, finiirflnw. Itrvant, WMttttr, or
I loime, t u;ntch (iddfllotml portrait ,w.
Thr KtxrmUr uml DrcemlM-r numbtrurutfree
limete minkvI'MTn u-iiikc mi'iM-rtiiMoHx for IUDI
art 1 tttUtil Uforc IJectinlxr llith.
Wlrtl AW ami Moueu arc at the rik of the
Mwitr.awllhtitfort irmltfatirn tlmuM lie tmule
1U mu)Hnkr, tlraft, or rtoMtita Utter, to
Houghton, Mifflin & Co.
4 I'nrk Stt crl toton, ,1,i-
Library of American Literature
In Eleven Elegant, Large Octaro Volumes,
with ovcrll.(M) piiKes, hamlsomelv Illustrated
wllh 'fill lull page portraits. The cream of
rtW.WX) works copyrighted liy American wri
ters. I-.UT authors iUoted. Over 3171 selections
covering every brunch of Uterinum from IW7
In IMS), chronologically arranged. Compiled
iiudcdlleil by
Kdiiiiuid Clarence MimIiiiiih mid Kllen
Miickuy Hutchinson,
anil piibllmod hy OHAS. L. WBUSTKIt
) A CO., Mow York.
I do not see how- any school In America
enn spare tills work from Its reference library
for teachers and pupils. Dr. V. T. Harris,
United State OimmlmUmer of Ktlucatton. Willi
It on ihu i-heir, one may say to anybody:
"Niiineyour mood, and l will satisfy Its ap
petite for j on." s. I,, Clemens Mmk Tu-nln)
i no oesi HKgrcuiitc cxproslnn or what tho
American mind lias produced Inthe iwohun
drcdiiml ulnlity years of Its activity John
Clark Itcdpalh I have the set complete, and
i iii-iii ix mu iiiuiiey euoiiKii in .enrasKii to
buy It or me If I could not get another set,
and I am ii poor man, I II Mcrwin, .Ifunau
Inn tUlltor A mo trim Journal of Hiluaitlon, St.
I out. I recommend It to thu people ol Ne
braska us the most complete uml valuable
compendium of national llleratuie that was
ever published. Noi-cleci lihrury Ik complete
without It. l'. II Here, .State Journal, Llntoln,
hel. It Is thubost and moHt complete liter
ary compilation eve Issued In this country.
It is very carefully edited and Ills compre
hensive and thorough, YV. Morton Hinlth.
Cupftnt CUv Courier It Is not only ludlxpon
slblo to peoplo of literary taste and m-nulro-ment,
but It allord- an Invaluable family lit
erary resort, where the children or thu coun
try can grow lulo thu spirit nml genius or our
national lllcrature. Albert Watklns, fob.
State Democtat,
Sold on the Installment plan. Tho entire
set delivered on ice let orilrst payment and
balance divided Into monthly payments.
Kor a set or this grout work, or lor a perma
nent situation, w-rlle ut once to
N. K. I.KAOH Slate Atrnut,
tii Vino Wt Lincoln, Neb.
Notice In llefenilant.
John CrelKhtou Halllngcr will take notice
Hint on thu. 'Inl day of December, Ih'jo, John II.
Cunningham mid Chas. A. Ilnnua, plalntlll
herein, tiled their petition lu the District
Court of Lancaster couuty.istato or Nebraska,
inuiliiKlKiild defendant. Theolijectaml prayer
or which are to fore lose, a ceitnln mtrtKUKO
executed by John . Iliillluucr nml Kiuniu E.
Halllngcr to the philullll upon the following
described premises, to-w il : Lot 0, llloclj 0, of
Second Kust Park Addition to tho City or Lin
coln, Lancaster county, Ntateor NebiuNka, to
secure I bo payment of a certain promissory
noto, dated the lUth day of March, lsuu, ror tho
sum off u), duo mid payable lu monthly In
siallniBiitsirom the lath day ot May, iNtiu.fia.
payable cuch month wllh Interest on tho en
lire amount remaining from tlmo to time un
paid at thu nituol'H per cent, per annum, from
the luth day ol March, lMKl, paahlo monthly.
Plalntlll's pray forudecreu that defcnilantH
be required in pay same or thut the premises
may ho sold to sall-fy the amount found due.
You lire required to answer sold petition on
or before thefith day or January, ISU1,
Dated Decern tier :l, 1KH0.
Atty. for Plalntlil'H.
Noll re I'm I i t, i, Mill,
Theodore K. Hunter, Dceused.
In County Court, Lancaster county, Neu.
'I ho tstuto of Nehrm-ku lo tho heirs and next
of kin or tho said Theodore is, (lunter, deceas
ed: Tnkonotlee.-Tlint ipni llllngoru writ
len liiHtru u ent purporting to he iho lust will
nnd testament or Theodore H. (lantoi tor pro
hate nut allowance, It is ordered Hint said
1,111, t. It,, uitl r,.H I. .. .,!.... !. .1 ... t...
'J--. " "- . ,. lllflllllK HU- 11 IIIIV 111 WU-
ceinber. A D. IH), liefjro said County Court,
at tho houi or'J o'clock p. m.. ut which tlmo
any person lutciesteil may iippenr and con
let ihu sumo; ami notice or this pioceedlng
Is ordered published three weeks successively
In Iho Capital Uih Coi'iukii. a weekly
newspaper, publlshid lu this -late.
In testimony when-of, I have hereunto sot
my hand and tho seal or the County t ourtut
Lincoln this lllli day of Deceinlier, A.D., 1MV.
.It-l'J-'JO, County .Indue.
I.ckuI Notice.
Notice Is hereby islven. Hint hy vlrtuo or
llcuusu to me grunted, hy the district court or
Lancaster county, Nebraska, will kcII for
c.ihIi, ut publlu uucllou.nt thu east front door
or the Court House In the City or Lincoln, on
IucmIiiv, tho 'JO lb day or January, isui, Imi
tueen tho hours of one and twoo'clock p. in,
nl said day, thu follow lug real property, of
thuestato of Jo'm .McAllister, ilcci used, ti
wltl Uit II, of block 17 and thu w-pst or lot
(i, and thu east half or lot II), or block li'l, nil In
tho City of Lincoln, Nebraska,
.... John h. Hhkooiiy,
AilmluWtrator, oslule or John McAllister,