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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1891)
& J$n3$& k --sr-v-m-y'V(! l',rf h,,- -vv iar,Avw?5i i :, b 4; ai ,1 fet ? MK,J 'i f I .'5i Nta-t J' I r IK X-m i ks- .Vi' ri . mi m h i -. - . - . -h i ' Jir, h t h - s m-mmmm- ii hh r .r r i W? pSv' g '"" - t ' ,,(sV RbPdlftR PAPER ol A9Pl;Kfi -TIMES " Vol. O No a Lincoln. Nichkahka, Satukimy, Januakv Ml Ihoi. Fmeic Kivic Cicnth i raxawiPP WSmslMjBWTL A WAP fWfK KIiMI v jarpyn-v? iry',s,'t.,,,''..'?r , -V - - wSSBMiS'O'O-O'O'O'ti.o.w.MvivSBi S3r"ATi.(.W aHrfirigagry" sCS!&!J i ii ii - ", T" " - Lincoln 1ms tlio legislature. All of yon know (lint. Already there Is conipliiiiil that It Is doing nothing. Homo of you Imvu hoard Unit. Tliu HJiinu tiling occurred two yours ago mid four years ago and six years ago ami probably uwny buck to Uwrltorlul times. Most (leoplonro well, I whs going " fools, but tlint is ii luimli word nutl not liter ary truo. Hut most hh)iK urn Ignorant on koiiii) subjects unil thoughtless about a grout ninny other. If they wore not they would not innku such uiiri'asoiiabli complaints. Now, this doesn't apply to the renders of TlIK CotmiKii. They know that it takes a week or ho lo get organized and ready for the introduction of bills. They uuderHtand that after u measure is Introduced It has to bo read on two separate days and go to a com mittee. Tho committee works in odd boms and limy bo dobiytsl several days liefum reaching any particular bill. Thou tho bill comes back and goes Into tho committee of tho whole to do discussed, torn to pieces and patched up. Finally it reaches a vote and is sent over to tho other house. Hy this time that other house may Imvo two or three hun dred bills under way. Their sponsors are proud of them, and tho stranger from across tho way must Uiko its turn which means after being rond and put through Its coinmlttee it may hung on tho cahiuder for two or thieo weeks boforo its turn comes to be considered and finally (Hissed and sent to the gnvoi nor. The renders of Tiik CouitiKit also know that there aro minor delays not enumerated above that may keep an unfortunate measure on tho hooks wet ks longer. Ill this way an Im mense amount of preparatory work Is done, and in tho course, of two mouths or so there will bo a lot of bills awaiting tho final vote that will either kill them or give tnem life. Now, that's why a good nmny iguoiunt mid thoughtless people set up tho cry alsmt this stage In every session that tho legislature is not doing anything. Knowing tho renders ofTlli: CouniKll to be an intelligent class I am sure they will agree with mo in tho opin ion t lint beyond u certain limit tho less the legislature does tho more valuable Its service, tho more it fails to do tho letter for tho state. Tiik Couhikh is in receipt of a communi cation from a reader, and as the question asked should receive proper attention at the hands of the editor, It Is to be regretted that owing to tho fact that no uiiiiio accompanied Hie letter, wo must decline to answer same. If tho lady or gentleman that wrote the com munication will send their name to thlsolllco not for publication, wo will take pleasure in mu'clng note us requested in our next issue. After all, it seems the French really did want to keep "The Angelas'1 at home, for they have bought it back of tho American purcluvers. Tho latter have carted It nltout tho country, giving us ignoiant Amei leans u chance to see its "religious atmosphere" and "almost hear tho Ml ring." Tho American owners made ii handsome Income, no doubt, MMidli'g tho painting about tho country to let tho curious, tho morbid, tho religious anil the hypocrltlcnl lmvo u cliunco to say: "I saw it." No doubt tho satisfaction of being able to poso as an art connoisseur Is worth tho quarter or fifty cents that it cost, but many of us doubtless condemned tho judgment of tho during sjieculniors who paid $1111,000 for ii bit of painted canvass not two feet square. It will bo soothing to our national piidoto knotv that tho enterprising Yankees lmvo made n handsome profit III selling tho paint ing back to tho French, so that mo aro not such big fools after all. Mny Johnny Crujieuti never repent of his bargain. Wo want that hundred thou-iiud and more to buy another curiosity and pro vide a now sensation. Now that wo have had n white elephant, a cach blow vase and tho highest pi Iced painting in tho woi Id, wo are reiuly tocoiitilbutooiirqtiurteistoencniir ago other enterprising gentlemen who will furnish something for m to talk about and our nowspnors to write about. If tho public will iermit a suggestion I would mention tho wild mail of Horueo, his wife, her child, its dog, tho dog's tail, the hair on tho tail and tho flea in tho hair. Several hundred thous and men, more or less one cannot Ihi exact in such matters have sung tho praises of tho untutored gentleman from tho antipodes and his very interesting family and all ltsde)eii deucles, and they have been so well adver tised that ii million persons or so would Ikj willing to pay a reasonable sum forthosu prcme human satisfaction of being able to oxcito tho envy of their neighbors. And tho (winter ? Millet joor dovil ! was allowed to have starvation as an Inti mate acquaintance for years. Ho got fSI for "Tho Augelus," and I have no doubt some people think that was too much. Ho can do the tiling over again in three or four dajs, and twenty dollars a day is pretty good pay. Of com so all that occurred years ago, but wo of today aro too discerning to let such u gen ius go undiscovered and unrewarded. Wo lire such smart people, we are, and lfwol should innku ii mistake well, mistakes will! hnpcii, you know, "Them demiied literary fellers" seem to stnnd in with l'resldont Harrison. Newspn-(K-r men and college professors aio getting soiiio of tho Juiciest plums from tho admln istiutiou tieo. l'rof. Warner of the Stuto University has just been appointed cuuuui-.-htonor of publlo charities for tliu District of Columbia, and the matter galas additional iuteiest from tho fact that (lov. Thayer wa slated by tho Nebraska delegation in congress for that buith. lieu Senator l'addock was out hero about two weeks ago liu nssiiKsl the friends of the ex-governor that tho delegation had a cinch on a :i(xx position for the old veteran. The senntoi is said to have had ill mind the fat job which lets Just been throtwi into tho lap of tho piofrssor, and that with out the solicitation or kiiou ledge ol oil repieseutatlies at Washington. Politics Is uncertain, to I si fiirc. Nebraska has n great nmny wheelmen, but her hykors seem lo Ims wilfully lacking In frateual spirit. It requires how inaliy t Only a hundred, Isn't It, l. A. W. mcmlicrs to lmvo a stite organisation and a consul and a recognized connection with tho great lias tlonal organlation, but there are noteiiotigh wheelmen in the statu with tho patriotism to contribute n little fee to tho 1-. A. W. Then, wo have contests between rival chilis ami statu championships in other Hues of ssrt but nothing of tho sort ill wheeling. Why is it i The Isiys ought to wake up. Hero ian chance for some enterprising bykers in Lin coln to make this tho center of cycling inter est for tho whole state. Contests between amateur athletes can be made of great beiiellt outside the ssrtlug element. Man Is a social animal, and one of tho most satisfactory things In life is tho knowing Interesting ieople. To a wheelman other wheelmen from other cities with other Ideas ought to bo interesting persons, and after two or three annual reunions what a host of good fellows one would come to know and with a friendly spirit you would never get from an ordinary acquaintance. Hoys, think of it. Iteildersof TllKCoiMIIKIl will recall Miss Klfzahcth Hlslnud. I feel sure of this, be cause, llrstly, Miss Illslanil attracted much notice by her attempt to lcnt Nelly lily's time going around the world, and, secondly, Im'CUIIsuTuk Coi'llIKU at tle time published a lino portrait of her that showed her to be a beautiful young woman. Tlwu, again, those who took advantage Inst year of our clubbing otfer with tho CosiuoKilltau must have en joyed her numerous nit Ides In that magazine, of which she was the editor. And then too, in an autograph tetter written a few days after her return from tho circuit of thoglobe she complimented TlIK Coi'llIKU on having published iho best sketch of her that she had found among hundreds sent to her. CouillKli readeis doubtless will bo Intel ested In follow ing tho career of this talented young lady. On her famous tour she made some pleasant acquaintances in Iondon, and some months ago she ran over to make them a visit. It seems to lmvo been n case of mutual admira tion nt first sight. Miss Illslanil took a great fancy to England and tho people have reel rocatcd by taking this !oaiitlful young American into their hearts and homes. Miss Illslanil has taken lodgings In London and set up a little establishment of her own, under taking no end of social duties in addition to her lltoiary work. .She may remain abroad soino time, but Is writing a srlal story mid Is turning out shorter articles that no doubt will appear in tho Cosinoiolituu from time to time. Can women drive I It seems to mo that If I were a woman and had a team at my com mand I should want to learn to handle tho horses with the calm assurance that a man docs. I don't know but 1 would want to bo Just a bit reckless just dashing enough to give the onlooklug world to Understand that hero Is woniaii who "can drive," You liavuheaid of "artless artfulness," haven't you I Then why not "careful recklessness. " Thai's tho kind I mean. Now down in Cin cinnati twenty-llvo out of u total of thirty live persons Injured on tliu streets during tho month of December were run down by women while riding or driving. Nino to one it was the reckless carelessness of tho women tlmt did it in a great majority of tho cases. Tho electric street car continues to bo ii curiosity. If you don't believe it go down to the corner ot O and Thirteenth of a pleasant Sunday afternixm unit note tho crowds that make trips to North Lluco'n just for pleasure and tho novelty of the thing. It Is n four mliejtrip each way, mid carries ouo out upon the hills where ho may lmvo a fluo view of the country for.mllcsluall directions. To those who do not already know it it is quite a sur prise to observe that IjiicoIii Is located In n great basin with hills rising above the tup of tho Ilurr block on nil sides of her. And ho will wonder, too, how so iniiiiy people over came to build away out north there before the present era of rapid transit. And ho may lie mildly astonished at the number of nuw homes under way in that distant suburb. The foundation of the now Episcopal college is well under way, and as It occupies a rise that commands sweeping views in all direc tions quite a colony Is sure to grow up around it. Ayer's Cherry I'octoral cures colds and coughs; an uneqimlod anodyne expectorant. Tho contents of tho Magazine of American History for February cover a wide field of subjects. Tho handsome features of tho great geologist and geographer, Sir Roderick Impuy Murchlsoii, npcar In the frontispiece, accompanied by a sketch of his notable en leer. The able and scholarly contribution of Hon. .John Jay, I..L.D., entitled "Tho De mand fur Ivliicutlou in American History," occupies the lending place and Is tho longest and most Important article of the number. Tho third paper, by Hov. D. F. F. Knmsoii, presents a biiccieut account of the "Immigra tion fioiuNow England to New Kriiuswick iu ITiVI." Tho fourth uwr is it profusely illus trated and cleveily written account of the "Antiquity of t'ai rlnges," by Kmunuel Silen cer. The in tide h ch follows Is also illus trated as well as charmingly loadable, being tho story of Sir Walter Halclgh's settlements on ltoanoko Island, called by its learned author, Dr. Stephen 11. Weeks, "An Histori cal Survival." Published at 7 III Broadway, New York City. The Burlington will nilwiuco the price ol their iHipular phi) lug cauls to l.V (kt pack on and after February 1st. Those desiiing to lay in a stock at the old rate of lite, should secure them at Ziciuci'solllco at once. Wilson Bin i ett will soon produce a new play In Loudon, called "Fntlier Boiiiipmte," wiittcuhy Chillies Hudson, THE LADIES BUSY AS 0EE8 They l'rniiin In Do Their Slinrn of World's 1'itlr Work, Although little or no publicity Is IniImk given to the movements of the iiiciiiIhtm of tho board of lady managers, private re ports from various states are to the rlTect that the) are quietly doing jeouiau xerv lie, and that the results will bo more than apparent when the proper lime arrives, The volunteer auxiliary associations, too, nro entering into their various schemes with zeal and energy, For Instance, tlm Queen Isabella association (imposes to s, S t IIAItttlKT IIOMMKIt. hold n scries of World's Women's con resses between April and N'ovotnlier of '1KI, each congress to represent wonieu workers in all professions, and Invitations to that end aro being sent to women throughout the world who have been pub licly Identified with movements calculated to elevate and advance their sex. The appeal fo tho women artists of all nations, for Instance, mid tho signatures to which are headed by no less a celebrity than Harriet llosmer, urges that n con gress of tills particular profession will do much In the way of cultivating n fraternal spirit, and possibly bring about a solution of iiiutiy special dllllcultles that surround tho pursuit of art as n profession for wom en. Talking of the gentler sex, moreover, brings lo mind tliu fact that one of tho most prl.ed letters that Secretary I'luube Coiizins lias jet received bears tlm signa ture of Al. Tctano, the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from Japan to Washington. Like their nolghlorn of China, the people of Japan aro pronounced III their opposition lo women Interesting themselves In public affairs. Hut M. Tctano Is evidently imbued with American ideas of liberality ami progress. At any rale, he not only helps tliu Indy managers along with words of encourage ment, but says that he believes tliu women of his country could bu induced to make u special exhibit, and even submits tho names of tlireu Japanese ladies whoso co operation, in his judgment, could bo so cured. These are Countess Oyama, wlfo of the present minister of war, and .Mines. Kurkl and Miista, the two latter being ex ceedingly prominent and liilluentlul in Japanese society, and attached to tliu household of tliu empress. Communlcatl mis written in tho Japanese language, mid niched iu the most ap proved Japanese style, urn now on their journey to the ladles In question, and soon circulars will Ihi sent to every member of the diplomatic M'rvico Iu Washington, signed by Mrs. Potter I'alinerand her as sociates, asking the diplomats to use their lulliieiico toward tho organization of wom en's societies in their respective countries, to tliu end that an International display of women's work shall 1st assured. WILL WED AN INDIAN. KUIne (loiKlnte, tlm I'ncti'ns, to Mate with it Full III I Sioux. Kliiinu (iooiIiiIu'h strange, romantic, po etic career ends for thu present by her In duction into tliu Sioux. At 1(1 j ears old shu was a poetess, at l'J a fairly good (Jreek scholar, at 20 an enthu siast, philanthropist and all that; a little Inter she was a teacher among the Indians and an able advocate of their rights, and now she Is to in a r r y Taw a .MISS (iOOll.VI.K. Ka h ud iota, or "Many Light nings," a full blooded Sioux, but a well edu cated gentleman, and k n o w n a t in. KAsr.MAN. Dartmouth college as Dr. Charles A. East man. He is a graduate of that Institution and n doctor, and goes to practice his pro fession iu Dakota among his own people. Elaine (ioodale was born Oct. !', ISM, and her equally talented sister. Dora, three years Inter both ill the llerkshlie hills of Massachusetts, whore the) lived iu com plete seclusion till, at the ages of Vi and 15 Jeiirs respect iely, their llrst volume of verses uttiacted attention and drew them out into i ho world. Atlijcurs I'.lul'io wroto soino wry pretty childish verses, which wero published soon after A few jrnrs since sho went to Dakota ns a teacher for the. Sioux, mastered their lan guage and soon became a recognied au thority on Indians, Her recent letter from I'ine itidge agency a pathetic appeal for the Sioux -attracted much attention. Sho now taken a Sioux husband, ami proposes to deioto tho rest of her life to labor for this people. Thepictitiu of Miss (looilale heru given is from a photograph taken suveral years ago ifAir,Hi-vo rVlf "WOT I A ls'autlful picture of rural life embell ished In a graphic manner, with Incidents and scenes which are not at all uncommon Iu our rural disti lets today, Is "Tlm Canuck," brlelly summed up, which was given at Fuuke's opera house last .Monday and Tues day nights, by Mr. Melis Ituiikln and his excellent company. To elevate and euoble should be the aim of the ilinmallst, not sim ply tonmusoaiid tickle the fumy of the pub ile When ho gives to the public a play which bus In Itself this Hiwer, aside fioui Its eutci tabling qualities, then his mission Is fullllleil. That Is what the authors of "The Canuck" have done. It is full of beautiful things, with touches of pathos anil comisly, m happily blended, that theauditorlscarrlisl back to the scenes of his childhood days, bringing to mind meuioriesalmost forgotten. Tho chin acteis mo not uncommon Iu real life. Mr. Itankiii as Jean llaptisfo Cadleiix, gave mi nilistle Impeisoiiiillou of tho old Canadian failure, who Is ouo of those big heiuted, atreclloiiiite fi Hows such as wo often Hud along tlu Canadian bonier. As a bit of diameter work it Is Indeed a innstci puce. Next to Mr. Hiiuklu Is Miss Mabel Belt, who assumes the role of Al change, his daughter. Miss Bert has a sweet and sj mpiithctic voice, nod in her song "Down on the old Faun," at the close of the third act, touched tho hearts of heraiiditois iu an elfectiio milliner, ('has. Cowlos as "Cyius Stcbblns,"au old Vermont larmer who was not so gieeil as ho lookisl gave a delightful pel forinani". Mrs. Fusl I Mower, who appealed as Cyius' wife, was l Without a doubt the best wo have over seen I In her Hue; Miss Loiena Alwood gave a very 1 fliilslnsl charncteri.itiou of "Hester Kwno, a , New York Adventui 1st." Her acting Is nnt I mill and shows careful study, ",eb llaw lty," an old I arm hand playsl by I 'red Mow I cr, was an excellent impel sount ion; Jim llo gan,a New York spoit, taken by Mr. Clnr- nco Aider, was a ivausiie piece oi acting. California seems to be rich ill young ladles gifted with iliuimaticiihility. Thlsispaiticti I'lily Instanced in the ensuof tho three charm lug Tlttell sisters, Charlotte, tho eldest, Is i inking a name for herself in Dnulcl I'roli nan's "Wie," company, Iu tho character 'Vhlch (Icorgin Cay van so successfully cru njcil, Klsie, tho second oil') bus Just frllrltl the gi cutest enthusiasm from the Seattle press for tho erformiincoof Hazel Kirke at Cordrny'sTheatro. They even go so far as lo pronounce her equal, if not siiHrior, t lie u-lglnal of the character, Kllle Kllslcr, , hlln tin-youngest of the family, Minnie, leaving hr sisters to lisik after the emotional roles, bis pluugisl into coined.), and by her recent success as Dolly Dutloii, proved that she is a desirable acquisition to the soubrette ranks, n line of business iu which she will find tier skill as u vocalist and diiuscuso a powerful adjunct. In "Shenandoah." which is holnir nritKiititiid fin' tho second time III this city at tho Fuuke. Mr. Brousou Howard, it is said, has contriv ed to drnumtlzo a story of tho war for tho Union without Introducing any incident that amight justly wound tho sensibilities of either Not tlieruer or Southerner. Thu narrative of iiuidents ami principal events related are of tho bnttle-lleld. Tho hero and heroine aro separated hy tho Hues of warfare, the heroine Isiiug a Southern girl who is in love with it Northern olllcer. Tho olllcer Is true to his dig, true to his lovo, and, of courso, nil ends happily. Hut boforo tho denouement the young olllcer Is under suspicion of having wronged tho pence of his commanding gen eral, as there Is a villain iu tho drama who throws doubt iih) ii woman's honor and stabs his enemies in the buck. But there also Is, to , a pathetic figure introduced iu tho movements ot a misguided young man, who wIk-s out tho stain of his youthful crime by a daring deed f jr Ills country, which costs him his life. Ho Is tho discarded sou of Oeu eral Haverhill, and tho father stands by thu grave, little thinking it is Ills own sou who lies upon tho bier upon which his tears are falling. Thure are details in ".Shenandoah" that ui o said to Is) most original In design and dramatic in expressed result. Mr. Howard's dialogue throughout is described as bright, forcible and telling, There aro numerous light comisly scenes furnishisl that are an agreeable relief to to the gloomy suggest Ioim of carnage and strife. Everything possihlo ha been donu to have tho production here as complete as any the play has yot received. There will bo u mutiueo tills afternoon and another appearaiicn this evening. OKI). II, All A. MS IN UK, SIIK, HIM, IIKIl (ieo. 11. Adams, the well known clown and piltltniiiliuist, will 1st seen ill his burlesque, "He, She, Him, Her," nt the Fuuke next Friday. Since his last engagement here ho hns hud the piece re-written and is tiinuier than over. Of tho plot the Brooklyn Times, Ma"ch I, Ib'.K), snys: "The plot tolls tho story of a child doserttsl at u tender uo tiy her parents and who was giwn to tho care of a kind old fanner, who looks after her until the girl is acquainted with the fact that shu has fallen liuir to a foil line, l'liell naturally sho desires toie hew her good guardian of his burden mid goes to the city to reside, w hero she mid Toby (lleolgo II. Adams) Issjomo engaged. Theiu Is a villain iu the play, but ho is a very mild and not altogether detestable scoundrel. Little Toiiluu gives lilm admirable support as Tool sic Hi mult, a fortunate wife. It would Istilllllcillt to Hud ouo U'ttor able to iuip.'1'soiiato tlie role than Little Toiilua, She ii pietty. graceful, a tine singer, and withal, Miycapthntiug, Both Mr. Adams mi I To iilua received marked applause and they de si'ived It. .1 L. Ouihuelteuddfdlimch to the laughter hs Oito Scluuclt, and Andy Morris as "A Silent Mail," who wants a labbit btew, bllnkisl sinpilsitigly and sllirensl Iu silence ! while ho waited for his meal." TIICATIIIIIAI. TALK. An clfinl Is Is'lug mudo by bliickumllcislo Meery tho play of "llollly nnil his MM," now 1 being pluiisl InNowYoik City, but still It Is having a woudeirul run. The average Now Yorker has no use for Ward McAHUter nor Iho upstarts whom he toadies. This In the inalii reason that the piny is niis'llng with such condemnation and such patronage, It Isliue to life. The JdlVixon-Florence combination will slop at Sioux City, Des .Moines, HI. Joseph and n number of other country towns this season, but w III snub Lincoln, ouo of the Is-sl I heat lo going cities In Iho west. The success of "The Soudan" III llteiury Boston Ins not been so much an account of Intrinsic merit, but because of Judicious nd verllslug. Tho managers of the play mo fol lowing I lie example of Bin mini. Nat C. (loodwln letiirns to Now York next Monday night nt Iho BIou Theutio up pcarlng In launder Itlclmidsoii's now and successful comisly "The Nominee," which Is expected to Illlike a Mill. W. J. Scauhili is the big winning star this season . Ills business is phenomenal every where mid his prollls for (ho picsent lour will piohubly leach eighty thousand dob Inrs, a pretty huge llgure for these haul times. A well-known Southern ciltlc siijn, "Al Ih'iIii (lallallu Is a handsome young woman and her impersoi.atioii of Juliet shows her lo Ihi an artist or ability. She triumphed in Iho famous potion scene which she nctod Aith gleat Intensity." Iu Iho inllltaiy draiim "A Woman Hero," wiltleu oxpio'sly for ICiitn I'urssdl by Don ald Slueill, tills dashing ispiestrlaii actress will imsrsnnutn four distinct characters, ICate Marshall, Lieut. Valley, I'rlvate Jones and Ti upper Jack. "A Texas SbsT," Charles Hoyt's latest and best comisly Is In thoelevenlh and lliial week of its very successful run at tho Bijou Then tie, Now oik. wheic It could bo t'oiitliiuisl forn much longer term bad not a contract been signed eighteen mouths ago to take tho piece to tliu California Theatre In Han Fran risen. All Lincoln theatre goers admit tlmt Clara .Mm rls is unquestionably tho greatest emo tional act I ess sH'iikiug the English language today, mid her wonderful genius, It would be unjust to call it talent, shines forth with greater splendor than at any time In her past. To see Clara Morris is too feed with her, to laugh and bu gay when shu is gay, to weep with her when-l.weei "Ih"flteeM:MlO Ims evidently niiiilo thu greatest success of her life. Manager Augustus 1 'it on has engaged John II. Young ami Homer Eiiitueiis to paint the elaborate scenery for Ids new piny "Tho Pow er of tho I'ress," which lie pio luces at the Star Theutio Now York, on Match III. All of the local scones w ill bo painted from photo graphs uiaile li these urilsls ami me to Ihi of I the most realistic description. Tho query is "will tho company bring tho scenery west when it comes!" Tho prima doiiim Melba, who wi pi nimbly upH'iir iu Italian ()stii next season is from Austinlln, She has u (smci-fiil drn untie voice. Mr, Steele Miicknyo is in thu country, said to Ihi at work evolving u new play. Llbernti, tho favoritocoruetist Ims Ihsiii en gugisl at a largo salary for the Alliiimhnt 1'iilace, Ignition. Next Monday night at Miner's Theatioln New ink, N. J., Minnie I'lilmer iK-gins her starling tour under tho iiiiinugoiueiit of U.S. Taylor and Harry Williams appearing iu an iiiiKirlnnt ami costly production of a melo drama called "A Mile n Minute," iu which tills clever little actress will Imvu n chance to display her vcisatlllly to tliu very Is-st ad vantage. Ilni retl's "llniielou" Ims proved a failure. llwashoHsl that this elaborate work would inn 1 1 nin four lo six weeks; but its gloomy atmosphere, its lack of human intcroU, tho inferiority of Its feminine element, overbul niictsl its literary merit, and thu public did not respond to the exertions of tho actor manager. "Uaiieloii" has therefore Ihsjh withdrawn from the stage. Edith Murilla has lieou warmly commend ed by the Boston press for her excellent work iu "Ship Ahoy." Her dancing and singing are a feature ol the H'iforumuce. Charles Frohmati has gone to St, Augus tine, Florida, on a shoit visit to William (III lelte. Nellie Mcllonry'h "Chain Lightning" will strike Now York February I. Hose Iteaudet was married hist week to S. A. Edwurd, it very cluver oung artist, Amos I'holps Food's great military druimi, "Her Atonement," has again made a tolling success iu San Francisco. The piny lias Imvu inwritteuhy tho author, mid will picbnbly Ihi prislu''ed in Now York, It ranks among the most successful plajs written. Charles Hissl mid William Collier will star next season under the management of Matth ews and Sinythe, In a now luceM-omedy. en j titled"! Io,s and 1 loss." This will not inter- fere with "The Burglar," which has already , been Isxikisl for a third season, l Misljeskn will howa new pure next season toil tho subject of "Marie Antoinette." Dr. J. B. Hancock, of Diiltith, has wenth- ered ti'o llnancial-qiialls tlmt thieateiusl him ' Jlld has, after quite a struggle, got his I grip en the new Lyceum Theutio of tlmt I city. Emiuu Mnls'llo Baker is to Ih the new prima donna lu the rc-nrgiiuiod Emma Ah Isitt troiiH, which will open iu New York in a week or two Sal ah lleruhnidt will iciniiiliut Iho (iiildeu Theilie tor lour Weeks, holme Is'gihuiu,; her I torn . and tllll'IIU Hint time she will he seen , ill " La Toscn," ' Clcopntia," and "Joan of Aio." TIIKCIIAKMINH WIDOW. IHpeclnl Con ill kii Correspondence. 'The widow then doth try with nil her charms, To win tho wily doctor lo her arms. Then doth she brow Iho fragrant, rich bohee, And seek lo win him with a dish of tea.' From Itoushy's Life of Johnson, Nkw Yiiiik, Jan. SW, tWtlTCTf all tlm specimens of femininity which man encount ers lo his alternate delight and vexation, It Is universally uiliiiltlisithattlmyuuthfiil widow Is the most fascinating, attractive and Ihi witching, Talk of the bud who has Just niiiilo her debut into tho charmed world of society; of tho bello nnil beauty of several seasons whoso conquests aro counted by Ilia score, or of Iho chinning uiarrhsl woman who is equally irresistablo Iu thu hunting Held or on tho bull room Hour -why there's uoiioof Iheiu 'in It' at all with the young widow. iid If old Weller could have had a pre-vlslon of Iho fair widow as attired by Iteilferii, surety Snmivel would harerecelvisl a copper pluti'd Injunction against her wiles ami winning ways, If ynu don't Udlovo me, see this picture of one as she I ink s Iu the llrst ii tli ot the new year, when all I red in her latest Be Ifern costume for church, or lor her dally constitutional on the avenue. The material of her gown is tho llnest of cashmere, and is bordered with crape, and has ext I cinely large pockets of the same Ihv low thu him. Tho coat hits long tubs of tho hitmo mid double sleeves. Tho very sinnll bonnet Ims u loronct front ami the veil is worn s'iiiliint from the buck. This second costume is Itisiiern s alia of an iudiHir costume for a widow who has attained lo tho s'iiod of slight morning, Her gown I is of light weigut cloth, with Ihii der.vest mid ' hli4illJM ft nfillui 'I'lin liiiillii.i iu kliihtiual tit -s --- vt ii attir innn v (" niiinniii u show the vst which has no visiblo tnsteiiings. It Is proli.ibly of such iudiMiis of tht-st tlmt a clever woman w liter remarks 'they like Iwibies, cry a great ileal at first, then they Ih glu to take notice, and it's hard to bring them through tho second summer.' Catarrh III the head Is a constitutional Dl-eas.), and icquiics A constitutional reunsly Like llisi I'sSaisapm ilia, Wlileh pin dies tho blotsl. Makes the weak strong, ltestoies health, Tiy it now. 0 i w Jm