Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 24, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Evening, Jan, 24, '1)1
Fur Beaver Hats
1', 1). Cornel nt Col to Close Oull
1148 0 St.-Optra Horn Corner.
Hie Couiukh will not I rwxmilli for
any deNn made by nny one In It" name, n-i-win
written onler accompanies tho mini',
A pulrnl sparkling c)rt
And lips so read mill rosj,
Aiiiiilitl whose pretty iniiutli
My Hindu long tonmy
Ami jit the ilnltily hands,
A nil fill an ml her lengthy,
Ami whisky sours Imtn Hindi,
If it hrrntli iiilli IoikI uiulntriiglhy
Ike Htonk
Corner I Oth and P Streets.
Dry Goods,
"The Courier" For Hate In Omaha.
Copies limy Im found lit Keith's newsstand,
910 South Fifteenth street, llnyil' iMrn Iiiiiim
Winter Clearing Sale!
For Pattern Hats,
Fine mul Medium Clans Milliner, nt
Half and Less than Half Price,
call at
Herpolsheimer & Co.'s.
The Courier Can lie Found At
Windsor Hotel News Htand.
Capital Hotel News Htand.
Kspoaltlon Dining Hall News Htand.
TbeOothnm News HUnd, 118 Houth llth HI.
Itort Kutnier. Ill North llth Htrcot.
Kd. Young, I0UO () Htreet.
Kletehsr A Co., 11 O Btrcet.
Little Sport Cigar Htoro, 113 North 12th Ht.
Wostornold's Barber Hhop, llurr UlocK.
MT-An oxtra supply of papers Is always loft
l the Oothatn, In cue other Newsdealer
supplies run short.
W. R. Dennis & Co ,
1137 O Street.
Laeal and Personal.
Whltebreaat Coal and Lime Company
Take Turkish at 101(1 O street
Brown1 (or oyster In all styles.
Call up the L. D. T. Co., Phone 100.
Face Blench nt Exposition building.
Ruth M. Wood, M. D., 1230 1 street.
Hair dressing at Exposition buildliiK.
Telephone at tho COURIKR office is 253,
O. II. Collin, Dentist, KW5 O street.
Lincoln lee Co., KMO O Bt. Telephone US.
Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O st.
Order Canon City Coal from Belts &
Iadiet0 Hnir Dressing at Miss Johustou'ii,
1110 O street.
Canon City Coul nt the AVhltebreast
'.'oaland Lime Co.
Improvedshower for TurkUh Itnths nt 1011
O street, basement Union block.
E. 11. Outhrle is headqusrter for line car
riages In all styles. Cull nt his repository,
1M0 O street.
Brown's new branch restaurant, 1418 O
Htreet, is dolus large business, and pot-sons
In the ?nt wtrt of the city aru to boeougi ulu
lated on having so nice nnd convenient n
place to dine nt.
E. R. Outhrle ha added n saddle manu
factory department to his carriage establish
ment nnd is now prepared eo supply any and
all kinds of harm or saddlery goods, Just an
you want it.on short notice mul on most rea
sonable terms. You know tho number, 1M0
O street,
Electric Light, White Wings and Minne
sota High Patent, three of the best brands of
our ever offered In Lincoln aronow sold ex.
duslvely nt Britten' new grocery, WO O
rtreet. Call nnd see some nnd get prices, or
telephone 780 for a trial sack. The "High
Patent" U the finest flour in the market nnd
a trial will so convince every lover of good
Thursday evening miiikid onnof (h,, great
est i'Ihk'Iis III Hie liistmy or llu I'lenwilll Hour
club since the consolidation of the older mid
younger elements, It In ii Hum nt which lilt'
( rgntilratlnu fur tint llrsl time has fouiul im
cuiniundaHoUs for Unsocial n-hhIdiis In keep
lug with the Hire mid elegiimi, of the pmUi-s.
The nlTiilr was held nt Hie l.llienlii hotel, mul
ciiniM'liil wllli tho ihmlty bull In brilliancy
mul suipas-ed It In llHcxeluslvcneH. A luoio
Hplcndlti iiiliny of toilettes has seldom been
seen In tilt Mate mul this i-nupltsl with tin,
durrllhg Nplemlor of tint iliiuee hull iiiiiiIk (he
nct-sslou a nieiuoiiilile one, II it in, piobnlily
also the largest purty ever given by the club
The hostelry whem it wan held mis niliuli
ahly adapted for such eveutK, The fciituics
of the evening u en-dancing, with mi Inter
val lit II o'clock when iiii clt-galil hllieh was
spiond hi tlieoidluiiry to which nemly one
liuudiisl guests nut down, Hucli n inngullW
cent nggicgat Ion of N'liutlfiil mid lusty cos
tumes Is deserving not only of geneinl but
Individual mention, nnd nllst carefully pin
(until for ill tlitt bull room N nubmlttist lieu,
MUh llnlley, Hliell pink Henrietta deeollette
iHilut luce, pink ribbon trimmlngx, Mower
cornice to iniiteh, very becoming ciwtiuue.
Mm. W. .1. Mcllnuiilil, lilnck luce trimmed
in Jet, illiuuond orumuentH,
MUh KngllHh, very htrikiug mul becoming
peall gleeil continue, gilt cord, trlmiulugM,
deil.illete, beautiful pink iONebuiln
MIxNtleitle .iemer, black tllk ciHtiuni',
pink rllilioii utiinliii'iH, black liu-e, anil while
llower decorations a very pivtty nnd nN
tractive coxtuim'.
MIhh MmkIimII, plain silk pink l'rlueiv.H,wlth
feather frilling to niateli, a wlinple but very
pretty and becoming Milt netting the young
lady's clmiini olT to a great advantage.
MIhh Melntohh, ciunry colt. red silk Innxe,
with golden Ciiideiella h1Iihth, a falrylike
cott nine that wiih wonder fully Nvoiulng and
attiacteil luiieh attention.
Mis. M. K. WluM'ler,pri'tty pinny continue,
very elegant, tiiHty and becoming, tunpioUe
and iMamonil oinnmeiits.
MIhh Wnlsli, green tulle, white How cm,
diamond orii'imeiitH.
MIhh llarr, red Hllk and IIoimth.
Mm. Kelker, black Hiillii, wllvcr nHumcii
terle. Mm. (Irllllth, Khell colored Hllk, princcvt
style, elaUirately hand einbroldereil,llamonil
Mm. Maxwell, bluuHllk with black lace.
Mm. II. It. Nihxley, teira eottn fitk, lno
ended front, silver ixiKHiiinentrle.
Mrs. Itivson, black silk, with black lace
Mrs. Ewing, blue cashmere, white silk
Mm. II. P. Foster, retldlnh brown silk, tl!n
monils, Mlts Hill, white hllk, with Mowers to mutch,
deeollette, diamond ornaments.
Miss Maude Smith, croMii coloretl coHtume,
gold trlminlugH.
Mm. West, green cashmere, trimmed with
black velvet trlminlugH, diamonds.
Mm. Lipplncott, pink with black corsage,
very pretty.
Mm. lliickstnir, cream colored Imported
continue, embroidered with gold, very strik
ing, diamonds.
Mrs. Lieut. Townley,plnk China silk, deeol
lette. Mowers and diamond.
Mm. Frank Hheldou, gauze over white silk,
deeollette, diamonds.
MIhh Maliel Keinjier, very pretty pink cos
tume, with light blue trimmings, Mow em,
MIhh Maltha Fuuke, lavender heliotrope,
with white silk fiiuge,u very claboratu,hnnd
hoiuo and tnsty costumes, linmouds.
MIhh Maud Hammond, white lace tnrlton,
white rlblmu trimmings, gold ornaments.
Miss Nellie White, white Grecian costume,
very tiecomlng to her petite figure.
Miwi Mnmt Burr, old rose China silk, dia
Mis Halite Hooper, white silk with fancy
ribbon trimmings to match, deeollette, white
MUs Donnelly, white netting over white
silk, deeollette, flowers.
Miss May Burr, white and heliotrope, cos
tume, diamonds.
Miss Maud btobbs, pretty pink costume,
Miss Hnrdy, red crepe, with butterfly trim
Miss Abblo Covert, pink nlbatross, green
ribbon trimmings, feathers to niateli, gold
Miss Covert, pink crepe costume, very be
coming, deeollette.
Mrs. Towuley, pink silk with hrocnd"d
front, deeollette.
Miss Htoul. nluk costume, brocndetl trim
mings, deeollette.
Miss Haunt, corn colored crepe ilechlno,
with riblwus nnd Mowem to mntch, diamond
Miss IiOttie Aiulrus, dark brown costume,
goltl ornaments.
Miss Hnchael Bnick, pretty pink costume,
deeollette, with Im France rosebuds, goltl
Miss Lllllbrldge, white costume, diamonds.
Miss MhIh'1 Keiuer, pink and pea green
costume, diamonds.
Miss Miller, white silk nnd lace.
Mlsst Hooper, white silk, Mowem.
Miss Anno Fuuke, lilac, silk with white
silk trimmings, diamonds, very genteel, en
hancing her charms, tlecollette.
Miss Mullen, very pretty steel colored cash
mere, with silk trimmings, floweis, deeol
lette. The following gentlemen were present:
Mestm. Frank Zetirung, John Dorgan, 11. 11.
Nissley, Lieut. Uiitlltli, Uliories luirr. riniiK
Burr, Fred Howe, (It-urge HteriisdorlT, E. O.
itrHiltnv. S. T. Bt. John, Thomphon, Lew
Mnrshnll, Fred Bmyser, Will Hammond.Will
Claik, J
i lim-l i-ujiijiibli' mcliil eveuttof the wiek was
I the ten put t given liy Mr unit .Mis. i,i
Hell at tin 1 1' cosy lioniii on Tilt-Mlay e cuing.
, I'lie p uty wan la-Id fiom II::HI to III p.m.
I The Hist object of luleiest of courso was the
, till M ' collation Hileiiil which testlllnl molt,
rl'iiiieut than words to tun elrecl tlml.Mis.
Hell wiih an exH-it in the culinary art, the
highest povslliln iici-oiiipliihmeul of t In,
lUei-UH who Mill) III our llOllieH, Muilu, gilllii-H
nnd Hpiii l'ii llllcil out tlin evetilugVaiuUHK
lileiil 'I'lie greatest feature, however, was
the conundrums. A iiiiiiiImt of ipu-stlotiH
and their answers weio illsttlliulcil among
thegileslH. Tin, h-ihoii holding the iiiestiou
pniHMiinlcd It, but the one having tin, ans
wer ictnliuil it until the gi!-stH i-tiiiusttl
their Ingenuity endeavoring to iiiitwcr it.
Oiinof tin, H,ses was;
"Why Is a kiss like a sermon r"
Mr, Lewis (licgoiy ciiiini to the iiwcuti af
ter coilMilclahlu thought and ileclnrcil I lint It
was because it 1 1 quired two heads mid mi ap
plication, Hi, was tlit-leilioii dcelal'cil the
wit of tho occasion, Hill tin, coiiundiuiu to
which none could given solution was the fol
"Why was tin, burning of Joan of Air pie
ferable to the N-licailing of Mary (Jiict-u of
After till had given II up the following
answer was announced:
"ll'Ciiuii a hot steak Is ii cft-i nbln to a
cold chop,"
The peals of laughter that followed did not
subside for fully live minutes.
Tim guests were; I lev, l.owlH(!iigory, Mrs,
II, N llucklugham, I'rof. ami Mm. (1 li.
Lane, Prof, mid Mm. Unwind Caldwell, Mr.
and Mm. K. T. Hartley, Mr. and Mm. M. II.
Cheney, Mr. and Mis. t (J. M irse, Mr. mid
Mm. John DiMilltHe, Mr. and Mm. I). I..
Ilnice, Mr. and Mm. W. C llawley, Mr. and
Mm, Henry .ehriiug, Mm. J. (), Cropeyaud
Mm. WllliutuHof Ch'-yentu, ami MIssMnilain
A very elijoyablii leuture of the evenings
enteitaiumeut wen, the Nuutlful musical
select I insiciiili'icil by Mrs, J. (I Cropey of
Cheyenne, mi accomplished vocalist.
On Monday evening Mm. .lames K. Iloyd,
Mm. K H. Illeriiower mid MIhh Margaret
Iloyd, the two latter tlailghtem of tliudov-t-t
nor, and James K. Iloyd, jr , tin-chief ex
ecutive's win mrivtsl in this city nnd took
rooms at tin- Lincoln. Many of the piomi
uent ,M-opln of thecltj culled to extend a cor.
dlnl welcome to tin, puitvmid later in tho
evening mi iiuprnini tu rteeptlou ns lied In
Hit! pnrlotH of the hi ilt iial hi hostelry. The j
laiues matiti many iricuus iiini wt-ie iiccoitiiit
a hearty welcome. It Ih to be regretted that
Mm. Iloyd and her son must leave for the
south soon for the beiiellt of the lad's health,
Mm. IlierlKiwer who recently returned from
Japan, will accompany them, Miss Iloyd
will lenuiiu In Lincoln during the winter mul
will tlo the houoiH us the (list lady of the
Htnte. Lincoln's best social elides warmly
welcome MIhh Iloyd,
One of the most enjoyable ui II vo parties
of the season was given by Miss I'aullnuOold
smith at her home ou Eighteenth sti eet Mon
day evening. The gentleman's prl.u, a silver
match case, was won by Mr. (loldberg, mul
MIhs Ouunlyon captured tint lady's prize
which was a silver toilet box. After the con
clusion of the game n dainty luncheon was
served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Goldsmith, Mm. M. Holm; Misses Gunnison,
Matilda Friend, Annie llarr, Bertha Kellgs
Holm, Aloua Frien I, Nettle Hnllsolm, Beik
son, Ma Haas of Ht. Joseph, Hosn Kohn;
Mi-Hst-H, Bol, JiM mid Jake Oppenheimer, Abo
rCseiisky, Chiis. Gunnison, Lou Ksensky,
Julius Wessel, I,uls Wessel, Alfrtsl lsem-r,
Hiiiu Hlt-h, Adler, Dave GolilNrg, Edgar
Wessel, It. Golilsmltli, Jake Oppenheimer,
(luggeiihetiner, Blmou Greeubnum.
On hist Friday evening MIm Etta Hoot
was pleasantly surprised by n number of
friends at her home, 417 South Eleventh
street. Miss Hoot was astonished when the
guy young be-legers fairly took the place by
storm shortly lieforw 11 o'clock. Mm. T. M.
Hoot, her mother, who had planned the sur
prise, was well prepartsl for the guests, how
ever, and Miss Hoot was saved all cmhurrns
meiit in that line. Enjoyment run high nutll
a late hour, the guests participating in dif
ferent gamer, listening to music nnd enjoy
ing flashes of wit and repiirtte. TIiom, pres
ent were: The MUscm Anna Ktanton, Blanche
Hoot, Julia Gray, Minnie Goodman, Bertha
Itaegiiu, Ella Wilson mid Messrs. Tom Herd
man, Dr. Shoemaker, J. 11. Plenum mid B. A.
George mid Mr. ami Mrs. C. Hoot.
On last Friday evening Miss Agues C.
Hew ell gave n most en Joy able six o'clock ten
party to a number of her friend". Miss
Bewell proved a clninnliig host est and accom
plished entertainer, and a most delightful
evening was passed, The following were the
guests: Tho Mlses llennle llawley, Kim
Hlcketts, Mautl Oakley, Ornco Oakley, IajIHo
Whetlon.lny Burr. Katie Crlley, Htella El
liott. Ollvo Graham, Verglo Pace, Margie
Wl.igers, Jennie Hell.Ona ImlinlT, Dora Hur
ley, Clara Fowler, Hattle Huffman, Ada
Urojig, Emily Weeks, Amy IjiscIi, Clara
BilchstalT, Helen Welch, Mattlo Jones, lllanch
OF .
Wool Underwear
AT 62 CTS.
Lot No. 2.
Finest Medicated Scarlet Vests worth $1.00 and $i,
Finest Natural Wool Ribhed Vests worth $1.00
Lot No. 3.
Finest Australian Wool Vests worth $1.25, $1.50, and $1.75, at 99c.
Lot No. 4.
All Wool Ribbed Hose, Fast Black,
made, worth 50c. at 25Ci
Whatever is left
other Cloaks 1-3
in Newmarkets will be sold
A few Ladies' Fur Sets left which will be closed out below cost.
1023 O Street
Between 10th and nth Streets.
An Unparalleled Offer!
A numlier of friends of Miss Mamie Dailey
met at her home, WO V street. Wednesday
evening and jtasstsl the evening pleasantly
with high live, music and refreshments.
Those prtweut were tho He v. M. C. Wnlsh,
.Misses Snell, Holden. Snyder, Barton, Me
Kiino, Lynch and Messrs. Kaufman, Stone,
Iman, McLnughlln nnd Sullivan. Miss
Siiel! and Mr. Kaufman wero tho winners in
the progressive high live.
Mr. Frtsl. White g-ivo n i teg iwrty last
Hat ui day night. High llvo was the gunie un
til a lute hour when elaborate refreshment
were served. Mr.Tiieo. Westeriimn won tho
royal prli and Frank Cowtlery the booby.
Tho-e present were as follows: Mess-s. Frank
Kirkpalrtek, WlNonbinger, Bon Darby,
Then. Westernian, Frank Cowdery. Ottie
AbNitt and Murk Buford.
Miss Mary Miller of Chicago, who his I sen
the guest of MHs Anna Funko the past week
icturiiH to her home today.
Additional Society on 5th Pago
We have Completed Arrangements with the Publishers of
The Cosmopolitan Magazine,
whereby we are able to club that excellent Monthly with our paper, offering
, 11. Lemlst, Cooper, J. A. Buekstnir,
A. (1. Bewon, J w . Maxwell, J. if. ngm, ;
. ...!.,. n,,. f'.iv.irfr llll I
v, siorion oiiiun, i" ...v..,
Johnson. Harry Clarkson, Dr. lU-evt-s, Dr.
Siwrr, Harry Hall, Charley Hall, Charley
Mugoon, Dr. Iidd, W. J. McDonald, Bert
Wheeler, Myron Wheeler, K. K. Hayden,
John West, C. E. Vniulusen, M. I. Aitkin,
Robert Hichtcr.
Newsiier men make or unnnke reputa-
tious nnd yet dosplte this fnct they are as n
rule the most modest men In the world and
shrink from public notice through the piess,
their own instrument. Consequently you
hear but little of them socially. Still they
enter with a zest Into the plensurns of llfeund
this is probnbly the reason thnt one of the J
The Shah of Persia
Though aihiiuced In eurs, hair of linen
hue. dray hairs are stiletly piolnulteil m
his tlonilnlous, antl heme tho huge ship
meats to that couutiy of Ajci's Hair Vigor,
by the use of which thu Shah's subjects sao
not only their hulr hut their heads. Ajet's
Hulr Vigor icstoie-i the natural colore! tho
hair. It should he ou cvciy tullct-lable.
"Some time ago my hair began to fatle mul
to fall out so badly that 1 thought I should
be bald, lint the use of Acr's Hair Vigor
has restoieil thu orlgmul color ami niaileiny
hair strong, abundant, ami healthy. It does
not fall out any more." - Addle Hhalter.MO
Have St., Cliu'limatl, Ohio.
"My hair (which had partly turned giay)
was restored to its jouthful color and
lieanty by the me of a few bottles of Ajer's
Hair Vigor 1 shall continue to use It, as
then Is in) belter dressing for the hair."
(ialilo (inpp, (ieorgeatia, Ala.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
l'llltl'AIIKI) 11 V
DR. 3. 0. AYER & CO , Lowell, Mass.
gold by sll DruKtiltlt ami Perfumers.
The Cosmopolitan is sold for $2.40 per year, leaving the price paid for The Courier,
The Cosmopolitan Magazine is the si.e of Harpers, Beautifully Illustrated, and is one
of the most interesting and delightful of all the big Eastern magazines. In addition to its
varied features each number Contains a Complete Illustrated Novel. The Cosmopolitan luis
just been increased in size, so that the reader now gets in the year 1,536 pages, equal to five
volumes of 31 1 pages each, with over 1,500 illustrations by the cleverest artists. Five such
books would cost $7.50. But the 1,536 pages of the Cosmopolitan and 52 numbers of the
Courier will now be supplied for $3.00, payable in advance.
The Courier will be delivered by mail every Saturday and the Cosmopolitan will
reach subscribers shortly before the first of each month sent direct from New York. All
subscriptions in this combination are payable strictly in advance. Old subscribers to the
Courier can secure the Cosmopolitan by paying a year's subscription in advance.
Sample copies ot the Courier will ne sent upon application, bample copies of the
be seen at this ofiice. Address:
Magazine can
Telephone 253.