Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 24, 1891, Image 2
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDW. IAVUARY 24. iHmi lr :.'- .. yr. . v ', Z' t-.i rn,.n r "- Mrs. Graham's CUCUMBER and ELDER Flower Cream. Is not it cosmetic Itut erniunonlly beuull fits. HereiHim 11 Mill. teltolv Hklti. mid hy dally mo urmltiMlly makes the complexion Novornl Mlimli'w llt-r. II Is i constant prn tooHnnfminthnclloelAtirsuti and tv ml anil imivniilN "mi Itiirn and freckles, mid bliiiiK limtdiiwlll iii'xcr come while. oii use It. II oicrtiiMllii'riiwfnrlMili'rlliniiHoiipiniilwiili.r So "sites mid build, up lie Uln iWh mm. llui" prevents the foriiiiillon of wrinkles. It ilvesthc freshness, cdonrnisNmi.l of shin Hint you had when a Utile itlr.. I.tery liiiy.yi'iMmoroi.liiimliiiiMiM,ii, I kIvcm n 1 1111 ro youthful appearance lit nuy liuly, and Hint permanently. It cuiwIhiw no utilil, pow der or 11IU11II. and I" ' harmless im dew mid as nourlshlnic in the skin 111 dew l l the VV V.f 1'rlrr IH.OO, at HrilKKlsIs nml ill MW..M. I Patterson's csl.itillshincnl, I HI South Hill Hi, Lincoln. Nidi., where "he treats Indices for mi blemishes In riicn or IlKure. Ladles at it ills Unco treated by letter Send stiiim. fur her Itllo book "Mow lobe lleitutlful." If you Deposit your Savings IN TIIK Lincoln avings Bank Safe Deposit Co. S. H.enr. Illliunill' HIh. THEY WILL EAHH IHTEREST FOR YOU At Ilm Hutu or 5-lJive per Ct. pur Ai.num-5 Have fa U) a week nnil It iuiioiiiiIm wllh Interest In live tours lo fl,ri.Oii. Hunk opens lit l i. lo :i:l P. ". and Hittnnliiy evenlUKs, '" s !' m' Safes to Rent in Burgtar and Fire Proof Vaults. CANDY FOR EVERYBODY Strictly Pure and the Largest and Finest Line In the City, at FOLSOM'S 1307 O STREET. HfWe make a ipeclatty of catering lec Cream uiul Fruit Iccb for Hall, Parties, Wcdtllnjjh, etc., and can crvc them In the brick or by the quart on short notice at reasonable prices. Fancy Cake of all kind made to older. Telephone order receive prompt attention. Call up 501. Dr. Alma J. Coe, Offloe, 1704 M 8trwt. LIN0OLN, NEB. ' Chronic unit itoutu itlnoitnon of women nml children. Will lie nl Opelts Hotel Wednes day ami Thursday of each week. Will treat difficult nml coinplleiitt'il eases hoii! to tlio city. JODice Hours: 8 to 1 3 a.m., 2 to 7 p. m. The Bond W.T.SAWYER, Prop. European or American Plan ! FiNKST Suites in the City TiiU beautiful new lioinc U now undo new management. All the latest conven iences, inch as hath rooms on every tloor, passuiij-cr elevator and superb service. Table Unsurpassed 1 Street Cart lo all Depots pass the door Cor. 12th and Q Sts, Till-: KIKST ADVMKTISKU. HC LIVED TWO HUNDHCO AND FIFTY YLAMS AGO AND LOST A HOUSE. Tln (Haul stildes Made III AdterlMug Muring llii' Ijuiirlcr Millennium. Quaint nml Amusing Notice Published tl) I'll' I'lipi'ts 'llii' Key ' "' When mi American ellleii wakes In Ilm morning he pulls fnun under Ids pillow 11 watch, on tin' cases nml wink of wlili'h ' kf 1 Hi: HANTlUIITt MAN. appear tin1 ailteitlsoini'ntsnf the milkers. Learning by the lliiii'pii'rn thiit It Is Id hour for rising, In throws hark Ihn hlnuk I'tHMlmnpi'il ullh Ihn Imprlul of thn tnuli iifnrturt'r, mid perronnt hU iihliillons by 11I1I of a rakn of xn.'ip lienrlliK Ihn ilcalnr'a liaiui'. Iln llii'li ilium llliih'rwrar, linen, Irouner'., ti'Mt, coat and hIioi" xliullarly lahi'h'il, and xlN down lo a lurakfiiNt M'rved on dNIii's nml entctiwltli entlery ih'coriili-d In llkn iimnner. After that Im 111I1N to IiIh attlrn lull, Klovns nml overcoat thai tell their iilluin liy menus of printed tiilm,nuil Kiict forth tohuxliifNi wil Id reined Innvery icipeel, and jot -a walking adver tlxcuit'lit. The eluMielle he Hinokes ni Im it riih'i ollh'i'wai d li adorned wll h t Im vend orV addri'11. and Ihn crackers or bread he munches with hit tdieriynr colTen at IuiicIicoii Imiut the Inker h Irailciuark or niime, lie lenehes home at nlxht and Is welcomed by a miiiIIIiik and triumphant wife, who cxplnlns 1 hut hIiii bin Jmt ro turned from 11 latlifactory HhnppliiK expo dllloii, which hIiii was Induced to luaku by reaion of aunouneeinentM of "barKiiliii" at various Mores published In Ihn papers. Kuiplmtlcally this N an nun both of com pel It Ion and of advert Isltiu, and In Ihn for waul rush to Hiiecen only the idirewdcit and Im'sL can he counted on to win the Kivat pil.cs of commerce. The merchant must IniMi uooil K'mils, mid he mustn't liesllatii to let people know of them, A tlinummd avenues am open for thn exercise of I1I1 liiKcuully. He may ccntl out hand hills; he may hire "miiiiIw lib men" peo ple who pcrainhuhite Ihn ht reels, their lireaiti and back adorned with the phi cards of their employers; hn may decoiatu fences and walls with posters, Iiuiik sIkui Itihticet ears, or till the windows of his shop with lit tract Ivu displays, hut if he de sires to net "mind value'' for his money hu will place his larucst Investment in print ers' Ink. Wheni any other devlcu attracts ten, the Judiciously worded, neatly ar ranged newspaper advertisement will re ei'lvo the attention of u huuilred It is now 'SiO )ears since the llrst inlver tisciueiit was puhllsheil by an Knullsli jnuriial Tliu pioneer In makliiK known Ids want to the world hud lost it horse. Hu olVered 11 "uluiiej'' reward, and his steed wfis returned, Thereafter advc rtlsliiKKrew apace, unlit now It lias reached enormous proportions. Like, all other ureal, move incuts, many ludicrous and niimzliiK inci dents huvu ilnttisl Its progress to promi nence, and u Hun t'chl awaits the author who shall collect t lie novel aiiuouuceiueuts of the dally and .vcekly press during tliu Inst uvn mul a half centuries. Here are a few of tlieoddltlr., from time to time ul veil to the public, through thu medium of tliu types: A cunt ill lirenk tlieiloorsut hell Willi a KMpel Jlamiy. The Hipior 1 nlTerlH not luirtluiilurly kixmI, tint ns kim. im inii"t of (! lisky syld Inlliis nflnli li rln.'vl A l.l.l.icliVNS ulll tiiKn vf III Ii'wuiiim nil tilt) cultnra, l Ismnl mi unslilni; ihiys, KliouM serniw n'erlliy hrow ll.siliirl.eiiisl Blmilo.t Iti.'i; Uo liny 11 Imt nf Dim; You'll llml It Jiixt tlm thhiR, Not t'i pile up thn acony nf elixpienee, we stat till UH'iit tuiillileiice Hint IiiiIIih ntllnsl hi our new .tj les of prlni: uuil miniunr kiiIs will tliiil tl.ii elTiOtHiirejiiteiiittlnK tluit nil tlioviires Inch sr G00I3 u mis ii:r.rii.NT aiivi'.iiyipkd. iVnt to diHiiestlo life will I si as lilltlitwniiin its kiss ing Ihn duiv f mill the roses of Is-nuly Hint 'ilnoui In iM'ivnnlnl frnKnincu in Hid elysl.iu hVhU of icMutlo lote. Anctloinvrlngof tlm loudest kind. Interwoven with teutrikHuiisia. An editor winded who can please everybody; iiU.ui foreman tilio canto arraugn the Utus v uIImv ft cry man'n ml. to head tliu column. Under the big display advertisement of a .Ivnl mi economical merchant unco se i n red the piibllcatlnnof them words. "Me, too, James Jones," Tlm London Stand aid some time ago criticised a new poet strongly, sning, among other things, "And tills extraordinary production .ur. modestly conceives to lie equal to (inethe." The poet's publisher turned the lahles by Inserting among thu favorable comments on thu book printed in his news paper inlveitlsemeiit thu following: Extraordinary production upml to (loelhe.- Uniiluii tltniidnrd. The edeuslvutulvertlser Is famous where thu philosopher, thu warrior, and the writ er are never heard of, His announcements DU thu columns of thu local press, ure dis played ou thu fences and barns along thu JF - M- HAHRAIN T KnTi DRY SAUR L-r" if dm ,v jsfgjw&'jm ' irrrUv4 country mads, meet the ejn of Ihn tourist to Lookout mountain, thu Mammoth cave, Yncnilli', Yellowstone park or the Pallmdes of the Hudson, and aru familiar to the humblest villager or the Inhabitant of the moil Isolated farmhouse. Indeed, there Is iniirn senm than poetry In the fol lowing1 verses, which Mrs! saw thn light half a century ago: riiil ce the tslllnr When he's pmvMcil for, Iln Inrth In haste With Mils nml uisie: Prnclilin tnnll eiviillon That men are ilsn Willi ililtelliso In this imr Keiii'mtlnii. The lengths to which palcnl meillclnr men go are pioverhlal, but II was demon si ruled recently that Ilm Kimlish plllmakcl lscilially versa'lle with his Yankee ilvul. Some limn ago a couiitr) I'ougicgaliou, poor mul In want of hymn hooks, applied for low rales Ion London linn. An uinwei was rccelt cil that I he books would be sent free provided no objection was Interposed lo their containing business not lees. Tin condition was accepted, and III due season a consignment of I he desired volumes ar rltcil. Thiiinlnlslcr Ihoughtlhal the pub Usher had been belter than his word, fot on exmn'liatloti Ihn volumes showed no trace of the ailvei Hut's art. They were used for the llrst Hum during Ilm holidays. The Christinas hunnuus given out and Jojously sung. When I hey hud lluMicd the ciiugiegatlo'i Ill's! noted Ihn awful fact thai the hut Mil's read as foll-iws: Hurl 'Ihn leruM aic'els slug, Niillli'iii's pills urn Jusi thn llilugi Pence nil eiilli nml iiifivy lullil; Tnn for in in mul line for child Much Ingenuity mul novelty are shown by the theatrical mannger of today. He i oue of the llrmest licllcvcrs In printers' In i alive, lie lit illcs advertisements, "puffs' and posters with a liberality only bounded by his cash or credit. Soinel lines he doiv things that arestartllugand notallogethei creditable, One advance agent, whom I know recently "billed" a southern town fur mi attraction called "', Xo, the Maglo Queen." Ills labors over, he drunk lire water and longed for inure work. So Ink lug a lot of (laming lithographs and a paste pot, he sought at night the monument to iead Con federal e veterans, which was the pride of the place, and plastered It with pictures of rosy cheek ed young women In tights. Soon after dawn a friend loused liluii ami by his advice t he agent lied. The Indignant citl.utu, unable lobrlugihu cul Zfw SSM; 'I-1 , 5?s "t4ry MlVlt fnrtr; tfSW TIIK NOX MiVKItrirtK.ll'H KATK. prlt to Justice, evened things ti) by refits Inglhe coinp.inv permission to exhibit on Its arrival On theopeulig night of anew play at Drury Lane t licit re, I,otulon, recently, tin proprietor adtertlsed for and secured twelve baldheaileil men lo sit in the third row of stalls. Each received his admission, a guinea and a dress suit. In return lit allowed a letter to be painted ou his bare pate, so that when all the weie lu line the delighted audience could spell thb managerial inseri Ion: ITS ,t HOOD SHOW A rival house olTset this by a nightly ills play of llreworks. Itoekets were sent up which threw out lu words of llanie the tltlt of the play and thu names of the leading actors. Thu above aru a few of thu novel and amusing fcaturvs developed by the Anglo. Saxon race lu 'XM years of advertising. The backbone and mainstay of thu practice l of course the newspaper. Often the mer his doors and hand his effects over to cred itors. Such an experience is a rarity fur the man who com hi tics the knowledge ol what to put lu stock with the knowledge of how to make peoplu awaru that hu lias fursalu Just thu things they want. Judi cious liberality Is thu best economy In trade, and honest wares, honestly adver tised and honestly sold, bring the dealer popular coniidence, llnanclal competence and personal content, Fiikd C. Davtos. Hlie Oil') Her Life to Cold Witter. Cold .vier Is a remedy long favored by those bebevin lu the hydropathic treat ment of dlscus-j, but now It would seem that it Is also elllcaclous as a deterrent to suicide. Recently .Miss Jessie (illmore, u young lady of Augusta, Kan., having had a misunderstanding with her betrothed, wrote farewell letters ro all her friends In town and her lover lu ltiirtun, mulled them and started for Walnut river to put an end to her misery. Shu carefully prepared for thu fatal plunge, but llrst tested thu water, and lludiug It too cold her nervu failed, ami shu readjusted her attiru and returned home. Tho letters had been read during her absence and a search party orguubsed to recover thu body. Differences weie ad justed, and now lu place of a funeral theru will Imj a wedding. A I'lg wlHi t'orU !.:. The merciful man who Is nfcrclful to his Is-ust must be Dick Walker, of Jesiip, (in. A pig belonging to him had the misfortune to meet with an accident which caused thu loss of a leg. The, Illinium) and Ingenious i r w I -- . I I-8! MivnJ -'mb m&m io V "i Dick constructed a cork leg to take tho place of tliu missing member, and thu pig limps contentedly around ou it. loy of mi OrtoKeiiiirliin father. Adam OU'rhol.or Is an N) year-old resi dent of Wapakoueta, O, A year or so ago he Induced a young woman to marry lui'i by giving her a large oil farm and f.i,(00 cash, Thu other day shu presented him witli a sou an I heir, and Adam vented his Joy by golngnbont tlm streets singing at the top of his voice. Census llgures show that theru are forty organl.atluus of theosophists lu the vari ous stales of thu Uuldii, California leading with fourteen. All told, they nilinber lX. mt'inlier and own ffiM worth of property. Thu Schwenkfeldlans is onu of the smallest leligioiis communities In the United States. It exists in four counties of Pennsylvania and has a nemliorshlpol !k. Too Much iron. Doctor Did )oii get that mixture of wine and Iron Hint I ordered! Deacon Waters- Yes; It was llrst rale. Never enjoj ed n Iwtl hi of mi'ilh'luc better In my life. Drank it up without takiu' breath. Hut, doctor, there was too much iron In it Doctor Humph! So I should Imagine Deacon Waleis Yes, (he iron all went lo my feet and made 'em so lmn) I could hardly walk. -New York Weekly As Di'llenti'l) I'll! in 1'iisslllle llrlstow lie was at Funny thing about, t hut moose, least ii mile iiway when I plunked him, mid I hit him within an Inch nf the spot I aimed for. (iiirilun Was he standing or lying? llrlstow -Standing. (iorilon There's thn tremendous dilTer encn between joil and the moose, Charlie. -Life Cilst hike's Mnurl llnliy. " me tell joil the latest eutelhlng my baby said," eM'lalmeil Eastlake to Sllll dlg, usthey met on the street jesterday 'ifteriiuoii "Sorry," replied Siilllillg, who Is the father of slv children of assorted ages, "but the fact Is I've a train lo catch, and nil) a few minutes to catch It ill." "Oh, It won't take a minute," persisted Eastlake, "and It's really the best, thing die's ever got olT, and she's awfully smart, ,, font bah) only two and a half years )ld." "(in ahead, lheu,"sahl Sipilhllg, resign edly, as he looked at his watch. "it, happened it week or two ago. You ice, her uiainma left her Just a niiuutu to do some Utile thing, and when she cuino sack baby wasn't there. Mrs. Eastlaku timiiil her on the porch in her stocking Iceland fairly soaked, for It was raining I'ard. Her tuammit grabbed her up and alii very severely: "'Frances, If you had a little girl who went out lu tlie rain and got her stockings wringing wet, what would you do?' And what do you suppose the smart llltlu thing replied?" "Diinno. What?" asked Siiillilig, with little apparent Interest. "Slie said, 'Put dry tottunsou her, main ma. Wasn't that real cute?" "Yes," replied Siulhlig, with a sigh. And looking at his watch again hu started for the station on a trot. Pitts burg Chronicle Telegraph. One Way. "LetineolT at. Forty-llrst street, If yon please," she said to thu conductor. Then she caught hold of a strap and stood up In the crowded ear for the next two miles. At Fort let list reel u gentleman wlio had been deeply absoibcd in his news paper suddenly looked up, saw (he lady, mul exclaimed with much indignation: "Has nobody ollcred you a sent, madam? Ihupcjou have not been standing long. Tnku mine." "Thank you," she said, with a grateful smile. "It isn't necessary. I get olT at the next crossing." Then thu gentleman, with a glance of severe reproof around him, became ah sorls'd In his newspaper again, nml all the oilier men in the car felt perceptibly smaller. It Is easy to gain a reputation for politeness If you only know how. Chicago Trihtiuu. An livening nf Atony. Mr. Nlcefello-Ah. Mrs. Du Mellow, I am so glad to Dud you in, I have been un expectedly released from a projected busi ness trip, and as Wagner's greatest opera Is to 1hi presented this evening I wished to know if I might not have the honor of the company of yourself mid daughter at thu performance. Mrs. Du Mellow My daughter has a prior engagement, ouo of those old tiinu social entertainments recently revived, to bo given in a country house Virginia reel, forfeits, kissing games uiul soon, you know -but 1 will accompany you with pleasure -New York Weekly. An IiUiiisslliHlty. Wagley I understand you've been out west. Wooden Yes; went uverywheru, saw everything. Wagley Well, what Impressed you most? Wooden Well, I think I was most Im pressed hy their sunrises. Wagley Pardon me, that was impossi ble. Wouden-Why? Wagley IJeeauso thu sun doesn't rlsu In thu west. Hostou Courier. What It TaiiKht. Sunday School Teacher And when thu wicked children continued mocking thu gcutl prop.iet two she bears camu out of thu mountain and utu up over forty of thu wicked children. Now, boys, what lesson does this teach us Jltupsy Prlmrosu 1 know. Teacher Well, Jimpsr. Jimpsy Prnurosu It leaches us how many children a shu bear can hold. Ex change. A Series of Implosions. Mrs. Fat wood I cannot allow you to light thu lire with kerosene. Hiddy Sure, an' I alwaya r.ed It lu my last place. Mrs. Fat wood And did you never get blown up? Hiddy Yls, mum; most Ivury day by the missus, mum. Puck. Ills I. unliable Intention. Jaysinith Can you lend inu fcJO, Glan ders? Glanders No, I can't. You haven't re turned t lie $10 you borrowed last week. Jaysinith I know, Glanders. That Is what I wanted thu twenty for. I Intended to pay you back In your own colir. Nuw York Sun. A Pious I'miid. Chandler You aru wrong. I cuu't.thluk Harris (s a fraud, I liavu seen him weep when hu passetl a beggar. Fuller lluinphl That was to adulterate what milk of human kindness hu had in him. Dotrolt Freu Press. .Nothing Could tin Worse. First Tramp .Mill, let's get out of this country; it's dangerous. Second Trump Dogs? First '1 rump Woi'su'n that. Nearly ev ery man I meet offers inn tvorV. - Ex el ! 1 i IT WORKED. A rhi n Adopted hy n Mull Who Wanted In Hen Hie I'hl). Thu theatre wan crowded. Tim curtain had Just risen. Jewels Mushed. gay plumes on wondrous headdresses lluttetcil lu thu healed air, cosily faiui waved slow ly to mul fro, and the fashionable audience turned llsccs and opera glasses toward thestagu and settled into the hush of expectation that precedes the opening of the play w hen the experienced stage manager has waited considerately for all the late coiners to hu seated befoie the hell laps for the curtain to rise In a roiispietioits locution about halfway lietw cell the orchestra and the front seats of the panpiet circh were linen ladles who had come In unattended about llto mill utes befoie. They weie noticeable for thu wide, During, uinbrngeoiis hats they wore. Direct I) behind tliem sat a nervous look ing, despairing linn, who was making wild hut fruitless elforts to see the stage. The wlihi hats, with their wealth of trop ical bird foliage, hid eterything he wauled to sen from view, lu vain he wriggled and squirmed and craned his neck from side to side. Thu huts were too lurge, too close to gether mid too richly upholstered. Appai enl ly unconscious that, he was at tracting the attention of everybody in his neighborhood and bringing thu ladles in front of him Into unpleasant prominence, lie persevered till sounds of III suppressed laughter were heard ou all sides of him. Then he set tied himself back ill his chair with a world weary sigh, but thu next mo ment took advantage of it lull In tlm per formance ou the stage to lean forward and address one of the ladles thu onu who sat lu the middle. "Minium." he said, In u loud whisper, "I beg pardon, Imt it is utterly Impossible for me to see through jour lint, and the Iird made nie too small to see over it. If you will kindly remote it you will make a wretched man happy for a whole evening." The forty or llfty persons who were look tug ou saw the lady remove her hat at once, till n round and smilingly beg his pardon. They saw the other two ladies tnku oil' their hats also, and the example Ih'ciiiuc Instantly contagious. Ten or a doen other enormous hats came olT with in the next half minute, much to thu re lief of the siilTerers directly behind them. Then the star of tlm evening stepped on the stage, and the attention of the audi ence was attracted to thu performance again The details of tills pleasing little incident aru given in full for tlm purpose, of ex plaining to those wlio witnessed it that thu whole alTair was n put up Job. Thu lady whom that man addressed was Ids wife, and the other two weru his sis ters. Chicago Tribune. Couldn't it (Ml Without Mini. A policeman at the Polk street, station yesterday morning walked up to a young man whom he had observed hurrying to and fro In a feverish way for an hour or inure, mul said "My friend, what Is tin. trouble? Is theru anything I can do for you?" "Do forme? .le-ioos'lum! Not Not un less you can bring bacic that Hi'J.'i train. I'll beta thousand ilolhirs it left ahead of time." "Can't you go on another train?" "Certainly. Tlm's what I'm waiting for. Hut It doesn't leave till :I:.'h) this afternoon, and won't get to where I'm go ing till about midnight, mul that won't do at all." "If It's anything Important caii'fyou send a telegram?" "Send a telegram? Pvu sent half already Tlm fact U I'm ou my way to a wedding to take placu at 7 o'clock this evening I've got some presents for tho bride. Well," said the policeman, "thu casu Isn't so had You can deliver thu presents the next morning. Thu wedding will Im over, of course, but" "Wedding over? Jumpin' Jupiter! It won't lie overl That's tliu trouble." "Why not?" 'Hecause it can't coinn olT unless I'm on hand, I'vu got to bo there. I'm tliu man that's going to be married. Policeman, you mean well, but you can't pour any of thu oil of Joy Into this wounded bosom. I'll feel obliged if you'll go away some where and sit down." Chicago Tribune. Hu Hud nil Object. "Look here," said a Sixtli aveiiuu drug gist to a Isiy wlio had comu lu and gonu out of tho store mid left tho tloor open each time, half a thucn times in onu afternoon, "You must bo a very careless boy. I liavu bail to shut that door after you each lltuu you liavu gonu out." "1 know it," replied tho boy. "Then It wan tlono purposely on your part?" "Yes, sir. My brother lias patented a door spring, anil my object was to call at tention to it. Put you one 011 for a dollar which will shut that tloor a million times and nuver skip a cog." Now York Sun. I'.xptirli'iitbi Uncut. The Sunday school teacher had Just read thu story of thu bringing to lifuof thu sou of thu widow of Nalu, and then began to ask questions to seu if her scholars hail under stood what shu had read. "In thu llrst plaeu let inii see If any of you can tell 1110 what a widow is." Theru was a long silence. Finally a small boy spoke: "I know, 'cos my moth er's one. It's a lady what takes in wash ing." New York Evening Sun. All i:ise l'tiri;otteii. "Didn't ho ouco suy ho would never speak to you again?" "Yes; but he saw I had 11 cold, and hu couldn't icsist thu temptation to tell uiu of a sure cure." Puck. Couldn't Hide II. Mrs. Trumbull It's tts bail that your husband cut oil Ids (lowing beard. Mrs. Crlmple Ye.i, but hu had to do It. 1 gave lilm a diamond pin for Christmas. -Life. Annals of I he Past. 1r"ssr Johnnie Aru you Noah's wife. Miss OIiliui? Miss Oldun-Why, no child! What tlo you iii'iiu? Johnnie Why, pupa saitl you camu out of thu irk. Miuisey's Wooklv JHT'Ls''' 1 " he gltUtnttc For 89l will contain The House of Martha, Frank R. Stockton's Serial. Contributions from Dr. Holmes. Mr. Lowell, and Mr. Whittier. Some heretofore unpublished Letters by Charles and Mary Lamb. Mr. I'erclval I.owen will write it narrative, ol bis adventures under the tlllo of Noto an Unexplored Cor ner of Japan. The Capture of luWbourn will ho treated lu A Series of Papers by Francis Park man. Tlieio will also ho .Short Stories and Sketches iy Rudyard Kipling, Henry Jiiuies, Harah Orne .lewutt, Octuvu Tbiinel, uiul others. Uiiteclinlcul pa pers on Questions hi Modern Science will bo contributed by Professor Ostium, of l'rlncel mul others; topics In University, Secondary, mid Primary Education will ho a feature, Mr. Illohartl Wutson (Hitler, Dr. Parsons Mrs. Fields, (Iridium II. Toinsou, and others will ho mining tho contributors of Poetry. The Atlantic for 1891. TKHMS :-$!.( tl ttftir (n udruiire, IMiiie ftc: X cent a number. With ntw life-Kite jxiitnill of I smc It, unit alun Mirriiili 0 llmitlionie, Hmtmm, iMiwfellnw, llmant, Wlitttler, or Holme, $.' W.'cuci iM(foim! jKirlnilt tl.vo. The XnvemlieritMl December number tent free Utucw nilmeillier wlmte nubnerttilUm fur inat iiretecelvcil befmt December SiKh. Will iViiff mid Mimeu ittc tit the link of the udfr. ti ad theiefoie remittance hIwuUI be made. by vumeu-onler, ilrnft, or reiMerett letter, to Houghton, Milllin & Co. 4 1'itrkStiert Huston, Ji. -THE- Library of American Literature In Eleven Elegant, Largo Octavo Volume!, wllh over il.o.O panes, handsomely Illustrated with lt'iU full page portraits. The cream of ft)0,Oii) works copyrighted hy American wri ters. 1:07 nut hors limited. Over "JI71 selections entering every brunch of llterutiiiu from IUI7 to IS'.m. chronologically arranged. Compiled and edited by Kdiiliiud Cliiri'lieo Sti'dniun mul Kllen Muckity Hutchinson, und published hy ClIAH. I.. WKIIHTKll A CO., New York. I tlo not see bow nuy school lu America cull spare this work from lis referennellhrary for teachers und pupils. Dr. W. T. Harris. Cuffed State CommtMtnner of Hducatlun. Willi It on Hie shelf, one amy suy In unybody: "Niime your mood, mul I will sutlsly Its ap petite for oil." H. L. Clemens Marls Tirrifn ) The best aggregate expulsion of what Hie American mind has produced III the twoliun dredand elclity years of Its uctltity John Chirk llcdpiitli I have the set complete, mid there Is not money enough lu Nebraska to liny It of mo If I could nut net another set. mid I urn 11 poor man, ) II Merwlu, .Uimai;- inn cauor.imencan journal 0 t.aucaium, M. f.nul. I recommend It to tho peoplu or Ne braska us the most complete und valuable compendium of iiiitltuial llleraluiu Hint was ever published. No select library iseomplcto without It. 0. II. Gere, .Sldfc Jimnml, Lincoln, tieb. It Is thu bust and most complete liter ary compilation cvci Issued in this country. It Is very carefully edited and It Is compre hensive mul thorough. W. Morton Smith, C'tipKtil City Courier II Is not only Indlspon slhle to people or literary taste und ncipdre inent, but Itallortb an Invuliuible fuuilly lit erary resort, where tho children of thu coun try can grow Into tliu spirit and genius of our nullonid literature Albert Watklus, A'eb. State Democrat, Sold on the Installment plan. The entire set delivered on reclpt of llrst payment mid balance divided Into monthly payments. Kor a set of this great work, or lor it perma nent situation, write at ouco to X. K. l.KACII Ntnte Airent, itW.VItui St., Mneoln, Neb. Not lee In llefi'iidaiit. John Crcluhton Halllngcr will take notlco that on thutlrd day ofliecuiiilier, Imni, .hihn II. Cunningham and Chiis, A. Minimi, plulntlM's herein, tiled their petition lu the District Court of Lancaster county, Mute of Nebraska, iiguluslsuld defendant. The object nml prayer of which are lo forcloso it ceilalu inirtgiiL'u executed hy John .. Halllngcr nml Kiunui K. Ilalliuger to the plalullll' upon the following described premises, lo-u It ; Lot ll, lllock U, of Second Kasl purk Addition tothe City of Lin coln, Lancaster county, suite of Nebraska, to secure thu payment of n certain promissory note, dated thu lUlh day of March, iMHl, for the Hum oflMio, duo and payable lu monthly In Htullments iroiu the lot ti day ot May, IMHl,!!,'). payable euch month with Interest on Hie en tire amount remaining from time to time un paid at the rale 11IH per cent, pur annum, from the Kith clay ot March, I Kin, pn.s able monthly. Plainlllls pruy lor a decree that defendants he leiiulred to pay same or Hint Hie premises may host, Id tosutUly the muipiut found due. You ure rccpilivd to uuswer said petition ou or before Hie fall day of January, IWII Hilled December fl, IKS). J. No. II. CUNMNOII All. Ally, fur I'lulntlll'ri. Noll te I'n I it. 1 1 V III. NllTICl: I'llOIIATKOK WlM,, I Theodore S. Hunter, Deceased. III County Court. Lancaster county, Nen. 'I ho Mate of Nebraska to the heirs mul next 01 Kill ortliosulil Theodore S. Hunter, deceas ed: Tnku notice, -That up p tiling ufa writ ten Instruii cut purporting to bo Hie lust will mid testament ol Theodore S. (iuului for pro bate an I allouance, It Is ordered Hint said mailer beset fur hearing the '.tithilny of He fc oilier. A II. ISlHi, her ire said County Court, at the hum of'.' o'clock p, in., lit which tluiu any person Inteicsted may appear and eon tot the same; and notice of this pioceedlng Is ordered published three weeks successively In tliu'irAi, Cliv I'oiuiKU. a weekly newspaper, pulillslitil lu this -tale, lu tesllmiiuv wheiiol, 1 hate hoitiiinto sot my hand iind'tho seal of the t oiiniy I iiurl at Lincoln tills Hill day of December, A.D., IM). W. K. SrKWAUr, at-r.'-'.l). County .Indue. Legal Nollce, , Nollco is burehy given, Hint liy virtue or license to me grunted, hy Hie district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, I will soil lor cash, at public auction, at the oust front door ol the Court lu the City of Lincoln, on TucmIiiv, the '.Mill day of Jauuarv, 11)1, be twien thu hoursol'iiiie mul I no o'clock p 111. ot sutd day, Die lolloulng 1 cul property, of Ibe estate of .lo in Mu. Ulster, ilcci used, tat wit: l-ol II, of block 17 mid Ilm west l.oflot II. mul the east hall or lol lu, ol block ,'it, all In tho City of Lincoln, Nebraska, .InllN . IlltCtlllltV, Administrator, estate oMohu McAllister. II-1-UI. W-alMMltC2 LXU Ji ..- - " "-- f